Tanformer Technical Paper

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Technical Paper

Measurement, localization and monitoring of

partial discharges on a power transformer

Power transformers, a key element of the electrical grid, Fig. 1 shows the 300 MVA transformer with the horizontal
are subjected to different levels of electrical, thermal, 220 kV and 110 kV bushings and a small step-up
mechanical, and chemical stress during service. To transformer with 24/0.4 kV for exciting the 300 MVA
ensure reliable and safe operation, it is key to assess transformer with a diesel-powered generator.
the continuously aging insulation of the system
during a transformer’s life cycle. Partial discharge (PD)
measurements are a non-destructive tool which allows
for measurement, assessment, and localization of weak
spots in complex insulation systems. PD measurements
on power transformers are typically carried out during
the manufacturing process as part of quality assurance,
after onsite installation, and are used as a tool for
condition-based maintenance for matured assets.

PD is a local electrical breakdown of a weak region

within the electrical insulation system, resulting in
Figure 1
fast current impulses. These electrical signals are View of the 300 MVA Transformer
often accompanied by other physical effects, such as
pressure waves, electromagnetic signals, chemical
effects or optical effects. [1] PD measurements of the
different effects using conventional and unconventional
tools and combining the findings will lead to a more
meaningful assessment.

Case study – PD measurement on a 300 MVA oil-filled


The high-voltage (HV) bushings of the 220 kV and the 110

kV windings had to be disassembled for the transportation
of a 300 MVA transformer. After mounting the bushings at
the new substation, the bushing domes had to be refilled
with oil. Due to the horizontal-oriented bushings this had
to be done very carefully to avoid gas bubbles. To ensure
Figure 2
a proper filling, partial discharge (PD) measurements have Setup for PD measurements on phases 1U and 1V
been performed.

This article was first published in the January 2021 issue of Transformers Magazine.

© OMICRON electronics GmbH

Electrical PD measurement

The test setup was performed in accordance with IEC 60270

[2], simultaneously decoupling the PD and AC signals at the
measuring taps of all 220 kV and 110 kV bushings. Fig. 2
shows the setup of the MPD 800 PD detection instrument at
the 220 kV bushings 1U and 1V. The signals of both bushing
taps can be directly connected to one MPD 800 detector
without using an additional coupling device. Fig. 3 shows
the overall PD test setup.

1W 220 kV Transformer

3U 3V 3W
Piezo-Sensors MPD 800

MPD 800

2W 2V 2U 2N

MPD 800 MPD 800

Step-up Transformer
0.4 / 24 kV

MPD Suite Software Figure 5

400 V / 1155 A
PDL 650 Software Phase Resolved PD (PRPD) pattern obtained at all measuring points at
Diesel-operated Generator
0.8 x Un, linear view
Figure 3
Setup for the PD measurements
Comparing the charge values of the calibration cross
coupling matrix with the cross coupling of the real PD
activity indicated that the origin of the PD event is physically
close to the measuring point 1U.

The MPD Suite software allowed the test engineers to draw

a trigger window in the PRPD pattern. Only PD impulses
occurring in the selected phase and amplitude area will
trigger the scope and FFT view. This tool allows an easy
comparison of the unfiltered high-frequency signals.
Comparing the time signal and frequency spectrum of the
signal directly injected at the bushing tap with the actual
PD signal showed high similarities of their rise time and
oscillation as well as resonances in the frequency spectrum.
The frequency spectrum of the conventional calibration,
where long cables had to be used, did not match.

Figure 4
Artificial impulse injected directly at the bushing tap

A calibration signal was injected into all bushings, enabling

the determination of a cross coupling matrix. In addition
to the conventional PD calibration from HV to ground, a
recording was also performed while injecting the calibrating
signal into the measuring tap of the bushing to simulate a
fault directly at the bushing tap. [1].

The ambient noise level was less than 10 pC at 0.5xUn using Figure 6
MPD Suite software; logarithmic-bipolar view of the PRPD pattern at
a center frequency of 400 kHz and measuring bandwidth of
1U, the trigger window and corresponding time and frequency signal
600 kHz. Even below the nominal voltage, partial discharges
up to 2 nC could be detected at the measuring point 1U.

© OMICRON electronics GmbH

Acoustic PD measurement and localization The triangulated fault position as well as the acoustic signal
of the internal partial discharges is shown in Fig. 9 and Fig.
The localization of PD sources is performed by means of 10. The location is close to the high-voltage exit lead of the
differences in the runtime of the acoustic signal between 220 kV winding of phase 1U.
the fault location and multiple acoustic emission (AE)
sensors. Possible fault locations are calculated from the
signal runtimes, using the speed of sound and the known
geometrical positions of the sensors on the tank wall.

The MPD 800 PRPD window trigger also provides an

electrical or optical output signal which can trigger an
acoustical localization system. With this method the
delay time to the different Piezo sensors can be measured
absolutely referred to the electrical triggered PD impulse.
This enables the use of averaging functions, which can
result in a significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio. Fig.
7 shows the measured acoustic signals of the piezo sensors
and the impact of averaging. The acoustic localization Figure 9
was performed with 8 piezo sensors installed in the area of Acoustic signals of piezo sensors
phase 1U.

Figure 10
Figure 7 Location of PD at the high-voltage exit of phase 1U
Acoustic signals without averaging (left) and the averaging of 100
events (right) using the electrical signal as trigger
Electrical PD Trending and Monitoring

Findings of the off-line PD measurement and localization

were discussed with the transformer manufacturer. The
fault location, PD behavior and the fact that it cannot be
repaired on site led to the decision that the unit could be
reenergized while carefully trending the PD activity as well
as monitoring the gases dissolved in the insulation oil of the

The transformer was then therefore equipped with bushing

adapters at the bushing taps of all 220 kV bushings. The
MONTESTO 200 PD monitoring and trending device used
can be remotely controlled and communicates with the
control center in case PD warning levels are exceeded.

Figure 8
Installation of piezo sensors

© OMICRON electronics GmbH

PD alert Control center

BTA + CPL 844
3U 3V 3W V1

220 kV Transformer
1N 1U
2V 2U 2N

Figure 11
Complete setup of the PD monitoring and trending system

Audible corona discharge was active in the substation

thus the measuring frequency was tuned to 2.2 MHz – a
frequency range where the internal discharges dominated Figure 14
and external disturbances were minimized. The discharge 3PARD filtered PRPD pattern and development of the pattern obtained
level of the internal PD activity at Phase 1U was stable a Phase 1V
for the first weeks of operation, but then started to
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA)
continuously increase over a period of one month. Fig.
12 shows the increasing trend of the apparent charge
The DGA results before and after transportation did not
measured on Phase 1U.
indicate any failure nor PD activity. Hydrogen slightly
increased during operation, but the overall amount of
dissolved gases are below typical values, thus no reliable
assessment can be performed [4]. A local defect inside a
solid insulation part does not necessarily lead to an increase
of dissolved gases.

Figure 12
Increasing PD trend on Phase 1U

In addition to the known PD activity at Phase 1U a

second pattern developed over 3 months, which started
with approximately 100 pC and stabilized at 2 nC. The
discharge pattern can be assigned to Phase 1V and shows
high similarities to the phenomena obtained at 1U. The
development of the PRPD pattern as well as the 3PARD
diagram is shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 14 shows the development Figure 15
of the 3PARD filtered PRPD pattern obtained at Phase 1V. DGA trend over 3 months


In this article, the importance of electrical PD measurement,

localization, monitoring and trending is discussed. On-
site PD measurements on liquid-filled transformers are
often only triggered by DGA results. The case study on
the 300 MVA transformer highlights that an electrical PD
measurement and trending can be more sensitive and
instantaneous compared to the analysis of dissolved gases
in oil. Analyzing the unfiltered signals in time and frequency
Figure 13
Development of PD activity over a period of 5 months, logarithmic domain as well as performing acoustical PD localization
view with three or more piezo sensors can provide valuable
information when it comes to localization, interpretation
and risk assessment. The transformer, with active but stable
discharges in two phases remains online and will be further

© OMICRON electronics GmbH

1. CIGRÉ WG D1.29, Technical Brochure 676: Partial 3. C57.127 (2007), IEEE Guide for the Detection and
Discharges in Transformers Location of Acoustic Emissions from Partial Discharges
in Oil-Immersed Power Transformers and Reactors, The
2. IEC 60270: Edition 3.1, 2015, High-voltage test Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
techniques - Partial discharge measurements, New York, USA, 2007
International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva,
Switzerland 4. IEC 60599: Edition 3.0, 2015, Mineral oil-filled electrical
equipment in service – Guidance on the interpretation
of dissolved and free gases analysis

The authors
Udo Ranninger started working for OMICRON electronics
in 2007. He is currently working as an application engineer
focusing on partial discharge measurements after having
had several different positions in the company. He
graduated from the Institute of Higher Technical Education
in Rankweil (Austria) in 2006, where he specialized in
telecommunications and high-frequency technology.

[email protected]

Michael Krüger works with OMICRON Energy in Klaus,

Austria since 1999. After working as product manager and
head of engineering services, he is now consulting engineer
for “Testing and Diagnosis of Electric Power Equipment”.
He studied electrical engineering at the Technical University
of Aachen (RWTH), the Technical University of Kaiserslautern
(Germany) and graduated in 1976 (Dipl.-Ing.). In 1990 he
received his PhD in electrical engineering from the Technical
University of Vienna.

Michael Krüger has more than 40 years of experience in

high-voltage engineering and testing and diagnosis on
power and instrument transformers, rotating electrical
machines, Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and power cables.

He has published more than 50 technical papers about

electrical measurement on power and instrument
transformers, rotating electrical machines, GIS and cables,
and holds 15 patents. He is member of VDE for 40 years,
Cigre and is a Senior Member of IEEE. He also works in
several working groups of OEVE, IEC and Cigre.

[email protected]

© OMICRON electronics GmbH

OMICRON is an international company serving the electrical power industry with
innovative testing and diagnostic solutions. The application of OMICRON products
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strong network of sales partners is what has made our company a market leader in the
electrical power industry.

For more information, additional literature,

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Published in April 2021

www.omicronenergy.com Subject to change without notice.

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