A Versatile System For PD Diagnostics: L. V. Badicu, W. Koltunowicz, O. Krause
A Versatile System For PD Diagnostics: L. V. Badicu, W. Koltunowicz, O. Krause
A Versatile System For PD Diagnostics: L. V. Badicu, W. Koltunowicz, O. Krause
Partial Discharge (PD) testing and monitoring is nowadays a
recognized technique for the condition based assessment of the
medium (MV) and high voltage (HV) apparatus [1-3]. Since its Figure 1. Frequency range of PD measurements for
massive introduction in the late eighties, several solutions for electrical and acoustic methods
sensors and acquisition techniques have been proposed, applied The best solution is the combination of different methods, as
and lately acknowledged by international standards. It happens recorded phase resolved PD patterns (PRPDs) are very similar
frequently that different electrical assets of one utility are in all type of the measurements and more accurate evaluation
equipped with different sensors and measuring systems of of the results can be drawn.
different technology, purchased from different vendors at An example of the measurements with different techniques
different time. There is a strong need of versatile PD system, and different PD sensors but with the same acquisition unit is
applicable to a vast range of equipment and existing sensors. shown in Fig. 2. The measurements were performed at the MV
This paper describes the best practice for performing PD switchgear and PD signals were acquired with HF current
measurements in service with such a versatile system to assess transformers (HFCT) mounted around the cable shield, with
the condition of different types of insulation. Transient Earth Voltage sensors (TEV1 and TEV2) and with
II. CONVENTIONAL AND UNCONVENTIONAL PD Voltage Detection Sensor (VDS) built in the MV switchgear.
MEASUREMENTS TECHNIQUES The similar PRPD patterns acquired with HFCT, TEV1 TEV2,
and with VDS are presented in Fig. 2.
In CIGRE Study Committee D1 “Materials and Emerging
Test Techniques” many technical brochures (TBs) were
recently published with the recommendations of PD test
procedures to be applied on different HV equipment like cables
(TB 662), power transformers (TB 662 and 676) and GIS (TB
654 and 525). Since conventional PD measuring systems used
in the controlled factory environment are not usually suitable
for on-site application, unconventional PD detection and
measurement methods have been introduced. PD signals can be
detected by methods and systems which utilize different
Figure 2. PRPD patterns measured with HFCT, VDS and TEV
physical characteristics and properties of the PD phenomena, sensors for the same PD defect
so different types of sensors can be used [4, 5].
In general, electrical methods are based on the measurement III. REQUIREMENTS FOR MODERN PD MEASURING SYSTEM
of electrical signals in the radio frequency (RF), high
frequency (HF), very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high A modern, versatile PD measuring system should fulfil
frequency (UHF) ranges (Fig. 1). Acoustic methods are also different hardware and software requirements. A four-channel
commonly applied for defect´s recognition and localization. data acquisition unit and pre-processing unit, which is based on
It must be emphasized that there is no correlation between FPGA technology are preferable. A minimum 30 MHz high-
the apparent charge in pC values recorded from standardized sensitivity analogue-to-digital stage at each channel guarantee
conventional measurements and the values recorded by acquisition of the signals from most of the coupling capacitors
unconventional measurements [4]. and inductive sensors available in the market. Frequency
[1] G. Stone, “Partial discharge diagnostics and electrical equipment
insulation condition assessment”, IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and
Electrical Insulation, Vol. 12, No.5, October 2005.
[2] W. Koltunowicz, L.V. Badicu, U. Broniecki, A. Belkov, “Increased
Operation Reliability of HV Apparatus through PD Monitoring”, IEEE
Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, No. 3; June 2016.
[3] L. Testa, A. Cavallini, G.C. Montanari, A. Makovoz, “On-line partial
discharges monitoring of high voltage XLPE / fluid-filled transition
joints”, in proceedings of Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), pp. 354
– 358, Annapolis, MD, 2011.
Figure 9. Six-channel synchronous PRPD patters acquired [4] CIGRE Technical Brochure 662 “Guidelines for Partial Discharge
with HFCT and UHF sensors Detection Using Conventional (IEC 60270) and Unconventional
Methods”, CIGRE Working Group D1.37, August 2016. 2
It can be observed that the pulses generated by the simulated [5] CIGRE Technical Brochure 654 “UHF Partial Discharge Detection
corona discharge were only detected by the HFCT sensors. System for GIS: Application Guide for Sensitivity Verification”, CIGRE
Working Group D1.25, April 2016.
They are not observed in the UHF frequency range, as the [6] W. Koltunowicz, R. Plath, “Synchronous multi-channel PD
frequency spectrum of the corona discharges does not overlap measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical
that of the UHF sensor. Insulation Vol. 15, No. 6, December 2008.
[7] IEC 60270 High-voltage test techniques - Partial discharge
Signals from radar or mobile telephones in the frequency measurements, 2015.
range between 300 MHz and 2 GHz are the main interference [8] IEEEC57.113-2010, IEE Recommended Practice for Partial Discharge
for the UHF measurements. These noise signals are present at Measurements in Liquid-Filled Power Transformers and Shunt
discrete frequencies in the frequency domain and can be easily Reactors”.
[9] W. Koltunowicz, L.V. Badicu, R. Humel, U. Broniecki, D. Gebhardt,
distinguished from PD signals. PD single resonance “PD Testing and Monitoring of HV Cable Systems”, in proceedings of
frequencies in the spectra are used for narrow-band UHF 9th Jicable International Conference on Insulated Power Cables,
detection. In case of broad-band measurements, the noise Versailles 2015.