Lesson Plan

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Group number: 9
 La Gia Bảo – 2257010019
UNIT 3: Music Listening  Bùi Thạch Minh Thư – 2257010201
 Trần Bình Minh-2257010105
 Dương Thị Diễm Hằng - 2257010052

1. Students and Setting

 Students’ age level: 15-16
 Proficiency level: A2-B1
 Previous experience: N/A
 Type of institution: Public high shcool
 The class size (number of students): 12
 State how often the class meets and for how long: 2D/1W, each lesson will last 60 minutes
2. Lesson background
 Previous lesson: Unit 3 Music- reading
 Extended practice: Making a conversation based on details
 Next lesson: Unit 3 Music- writting
 Focus on language skill: Listening integrated with Reading and Speaking skills
3. Aims and Objectives
 Aims:
 To improve students' listening comprehension abilities in the context of music festivals
 To expand students' vocabulary related to music festivals
 To provide practice in listening strategies such as prediction, inference, and highlighting key
 Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to:

 Knowledge:
o Memorize vocabulary and phrases related to music festivals : “organizer”, “set up”, “free
of charge” and “in advance”
o List out the word family and synonym of the vocabulary
o Classify the word type of the vocabulary

 Skills: can listen to details more profesionally

o Identify vocabulary and key information from the audio about music festival
o Implement listening skills such as prediction, inference, and highlighting key words to
comprehend the audio about music festival

 Behaviors: don’t scare/worry about listening task

o Actively engage in listening activities related to music festivals
o Collaborate effectively with peers during group discussions and pair work activities
4. Materials
 Textbook: English 10-Global success

Title of the textbook (pp. 55 )

Link pdf: https://thptnangkhieutdttbinhchanh.hcm.edu.vn/tai-nguyen/sach-giao-khoa-tieng-anh-10-

 Teacher’s book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11g6-7BAhtSJWlTWnC8w6M81ILUiv49IC/


5. Methodology
 Main methods:
+ Direct method
+ Communicative language teaching
 Supporting methods: Task-based language teaching
6. Procedures

Stages & Anticipated problems &

Stage aim(s) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Timing Solutions
 Let students play a
game to review
vocabulary about
instruments by
showing them a
picture and let them
guess the word.
reviewing  After playing the
students will play the
vocabulary game, the teacher if students are not actively
game following the
Warm-up from previous will ask some participating in the game,
teacher’s instructions
(Minh Thư) lessons and questions to further the teacher will give bonus
and then answer
(9 minutes) prompting on explore students’ and gifts to the students
questions related to
the topic understanding of who engage in the game
the learning topic
being taught the topic (Do you
know how to play
any musical
instruments? Do
you want to try
playing any musical
instruments in the

Pre-listening To introduce  Show a picture  Look at the  Problem: students

(Diễm Hằng) the topic of about music festival picture, sitting in the back
(12 minutes) the lesson and and ask students discuss and might not be
get students some questions answer actively engaged in
involved in  What kind of event questions pre-listening
the lesson is it?  Analyze activities
 Have you ever been examples and  Solutions: writing
to a music concert? guess the and highlighting
 What do you know meaning of keywords on the
about this type of new words board to grab
event?  Repeat after students’ attention,
 Teach new the teacher encouraging pairs
vocabulary: show  Work in pairs work
examples first and or individually
ask students to to come up
analyze and guess with the word
the meaning of the family and
words synonym
 Show new words on
the slides and
provide students
with word types,
stress, phonemic
symbols, examples,
and different ways
to write in US and
UK style
 Pronounce each
word from slow to
fast and coordinate
using hand gestures
to illustrate
 Ask students to
guess the word
family and the
synonym of some
new words
 Write the word
family and
synonyms on the

 To play the
recording for the
first time, without
asking students to
do any tasks, so
they can be
familiarized with
 Comfortably
the content of
listen to the
recording and feel
 Listen for  Problem: Students
 After that, teacher
general ideas may have trouble
will play the
presented in understanding all
While To develop recording for the
the recordings the questions in
listening students’ second time, and
 Analyze the True/False section
(Bình Minh) abilities in ask the students to
conversation  Solution: Explain
(10-15 listening for place the details in
and the definitions of
minutes) gist and detail the recordings in
differentiate the new words
between beforehand.
correct and
 The third activity
involves the teacher
giving a quiz in
True or False
format so that they
can recheck the
understanding of
 Listen to the
guidance of
 Problem: Students
 Give students an teacher
may not understand
example of  Use
instructions or pay
let/give a conversation, after vocabularies
attention to the
chance to that all students will which were
students to work in pair and given to finish
Post listening  Solution: Explain
help them they have 5-7 the
(Gia Bảo) again and use
personalize minutes to finish conversation
(10-15 easier-to-understand
their ideas in their conservation activity
minutes) words. If students
both listening  After that, teacher  The rest of
do not pay
and speaking will ask randomly students will
attention, reminders
skills one student about have to listen
will be used, which
information of the carefully to
will then be more
conversation answer the
question from

 First, the teacher

will hand out a
 Write down
piece of paper to the
the knowledge
students and ask
they have
them to write down
absorbed in
what they have
that lesson on
learned. Then the
a piece of
teacher will review
paper, crumple
the knowledge from If a teacher sees students
Add some it up, and
the lesson that has not knowing what to write
activities to throw it into
been learned. on the knowledge
check their the air.
 Before ending the assessment paper, the
understanding  Each student
class, the teacher teacher will come and ask
Wrap-up about lesson will pick up a
will give each or give a hint about the
(Minh Thư) today then piece of paper
student an exit knowledge section to see if
(7 minutes) review the ticket and ask them
from other
the students can answer. If
structures and students and
to write down any not, the teacher will have to
lessons that read and 3
questions or re-teach and provide
students have students will
concerns they have specific examples to
learned today be invited to
about the lesson. If illustrate further.
read it out
there is still time,
the teacher will
 Then pay
address them
attention to the
otherwise, the
reviewing the
teacher will answer
them in the next

7. Extra activities: Play games, guess the instruments, make conversation

8. Homework/ Assignments: N/A
9. Assessment: make conversation
10. Appendices:
 Handouts
 Slides

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