Notice of Fraud and Intent To Litigate

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This is my Constructive Notice to you that I have discovered

extensive fraud in regard to the mortgage and transactions associated
with it on certain real property as noted below. It has come to my
attention that you are involved in the attempted foreclosure on my
property at 123 Main Street, AnyCity, State, where documented fraud
has occurred. This is your Constructive Notice that evidence in this
matter has been personally delivered to the FBI and SECRET
SERVICE, for investigation and prosecution, resulting from violations
of Federal Law including, but not limited to, COUNTERFEITING and
CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD as outlined in the attached documents.
Information, including your identity, and what appears to be your
participation in these violations of Federal Law, has been provided to
the above named Federal Agencies, and local authorities, for
investigation and prosecution.

If you were not previously aware of the above mentioned fraudulent

and criminal activity, and may be an innocent party in this matter, I
would urge your utmost cooperation with the authorities investigating
this matter as well as ceasing all of your activities relating to the
ongoing foreclosure action. If, however, you would choose to move
forward in ANY manner and participate in ANY way in the attempted
foreclosure action referenced above, you will demonstrate your
complicity and willingness to be a party to the COUNTERFEITING
and CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD now that you have been noticed
and will become subject to potential criminal prosecution and civil
litigation for damages.

You have hereby been legally noticed of this fraud and your
involvement, whether knowingly or unknowingly, and you therefore
may make no future claim of a lack of knowledge of these criminal
activities, and your participation therein, which could absolve you of
liability or culpability. It is my intent to pursue any and all legal
remedies against any and all participants regarding these fraudulent
acts. The bonding companies of those involved will be notified of claims
regarding the civil matters. Conduct yourself accordingly.


This is but one part of a substantial nationwide investigation, by law

enforcement, of the mortgage industry and the complicit fraud therein,
and is not some “internet document” that was found and printed out
and sent to you as some kind of scare tactic. This is a very real and
serious matter that IS being, and WILL be, pursued with all those who
are identified as being complicit in any fraud being prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law and civil action taken to recover damages.

Your Name Here

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