78.2 Astm D 5731 - 16
78.2 Astm D 5731 - 16
78.2 Astm D 5731 - 16
D5731 − 16
3. Terminology (the irregular lump test) are tested by application of concen-
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of common technical terms trated load through a pair of truncated, conical platens. Little or
used in this standard refer to Terminology D653. no specimen preparation is needed and can therefore be tested
shortly after being obtained and any influence of moisture
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: condition on the test data minimized. However, the results can
3.2.1 diameter, n—D, for point load tests, the measured be highly influenced by how the specimen is treated from the
dimension of the specimen between the opposing conical test
time it is obtained until the time it is tested. Therefore, it may
platens when placed in the test machine
be necessary to handle specimens in accordance with Practice
3.2.2 point load strength anisotropy index, n—Ia(D), the D5079 and to document moisture conditions in some manner in
strength anisotropy index is defined as the ratio of mean Is(D) the data collection.
values measured perpendicular and parallel to planes of weak-
ness. That is, the ratio of greatest to least point load strength NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by this standard is
indices on different axes that result in the greatest and least dependent upon the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
ratio of point load strengths values.
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
3.2.3 size-corrected point load strength index, n—Is(D), the and objective testing and sampling. Users of this standard are cautioned
original point load strength index value multiplied by a factor that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure reliable
to normalize the value that would have been obtained with results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 provides
a means of evaluating some of those factors.
diametral test of diameter (D).
3.2.4 uncorrected point load strength index, n—(Is), an 6. Apparatus
indicator of strength (see 10.1) obtained by subjecting a rock
specimen to an increasingly concentrated point load, applied 6.1 General—A basic point load tester (see Fig. 1) consists
through a pair of truncated, conical platens, until failure of a loading system typically comprised of a loading frame,
occurs.3 platens, a measuring system for indicating load, P, (required to
break the specimen), and a means for measuring the distance,
4. Summary of Test Method D, between the two platen contact points at the start of testing
4.1 This index test is performed by subjecting a rock and after failure. The equipment shall be resistant to shock and
specimen to an increasingly concentrated load until failure vibration so that the accuracy of readings is not adversely
occurs by splitting the specimen. The concentrated load is affected by repeated testing. Any special operational, mainte-
applied through coaxial, truncated conical platens. The failure nance or calibrations instructions provided by the manufacturer
load is used to calculate the point load strength index. for the particular apparatus being used shall be followed.
4.2 The point load strength index can be used to classify the 6.2 Loading System:
rocks and provide a preliminary or reconnaissance-level evalu-
6.2.1 The loading system shall have a loading frame with a
ation of spatial variability in rock strength. A common method
platen-to-platen clearance that allows testing of rock specimens
used is by estimating the uniaxial compressive strength.
in the required size range. Typically, this range is between 30
5. Significance and Use to 100 mm, or the maximum opening size of the load frame, so
5.1 The uniaxial compression test (see Test Method D7012) that an adjustable distance is available to accommodate both
is used to determine compressive strength of rock specimens. small and large specimens.
However, it is a time-consuming and expensive test that 6.2.2 The loading capacity shall be sufficient to break the
requires significant specimen preparation and the results may largest and strongest specimens to be tested. Point load
not be available for a long time after the samples are collected. strength of rock is usually an order of magnitude lower than the
When extensive testing and/or timely information is needed for compressive strength of rock.
preliminary and reconnaissance information, alternative tests 6.2.3 The load frame shall be designed and constructed so
such as the point load test can be used to reduce the time and that it does not permanently distort during repeated applica-
cost of compressive strength tests, when used in the field. Such tions of the maximum test load, and so that the platens remain
data can be used to make timely and more informed decisions coaxial within 60.2 mm throughout testing. No spherical seat
during the exploration phases and more efficient and cost or other nonrigid component is permitted in the loading
effective selection of samples for more precise and expensive system. Loading system rigidity is advised to avoid slippage
laboratory tests. when specimens of irregular geometry are tested.
5.2 The point load strength test is used as an index test for 6.2.4 Truncated, conical platens, as shown on Fig. 2, are to
strength classification of rock materials. The test results should be used. The 60° cone and 5-mm radius spherical platen tip
not be used for design or analytical purposes. shall meet tangentially. The platens shall be of hard material
5.3 This test method is performed to determine the point (Rockwell 58 HRC, as explained in Test Method E18) such as
load strength index of rock specimens and, if required, the tungsten carbide or hardened steel so they remain undamaged
point load strength anisotropy index. during testing.
5.4 Rock specimens in the form of either core (the diametral NOTE 2—It is generally accepted that specimens smaller than 42 mm
and axial tests), cut blocks (the block test), or irregular lumps (BX cores) are not recommended because for smaller diameters the
D5731 − 16
loading points cannot be considered as theoretical “points” in relation to 6.4.1 The distance measuring system, an electronic or ver-
specimen size.4 nier direct reading scale, should connect to the loading frame
6.3 Load Measuring System: for measuring the distance, D, between specimen-platen con-
6.3.1 A load measuring system, for example a load cell or a tact points at the start of testing and just prior to failure.
hydraulic pressure gage, that will indicate failure load, P, 6.4.2 Measurements of D shall be to an accuracy of 62 %
required to break specimen. or better of distance between contact points, irrespective of the
6.3.2 Measurements of failure load, P, shall be to a preci- size and strength of specimen that is tested.
sion of 65 % or better of full-scale load-measuring system, 6.4.3 The measuring system shall allow a check of the “zero
irrespective of the size and strength of specimen that is tested. displacement” value when the two platens are in contact and
6.3.3 Failure is often sudden, therefore, and a peak load should include a zero adjustment and a means to record or
indicator is needed so the failure load can be recorded after measure any penetration of the specimen by the point load
each test. platens during testing.
6.3.4 If required, the system should be capable of using 6.4.4 An instrument such as a caliper or a steel rule is
interchangeable, mechanical or electronic gauge, load measur- needed to measure the width, W, (with an accuracy of 65 %)
ing devices in order to be consistent with the estimated strength of specimens for all but the diametral test.
of rock and have the desired reading accuracy.
6.5 Miscellaneous Items—Depending on the type of
6.4 Distance Measuring System:
samples (core or non-core) and the type of specimens to be
tested (diametral, Block, Axial, and alike), the following items
Bieniawski, Z.T., The Point Load Test in Geotechnical Practice, Engineering may be needed: diamond saw, chisels, towels, marking pens,
Geology (9), pages 1-11, 1975. and plotting paper.
D5731 − 16
specimens shall be free from abrupt irregularities that can
generate stress concentrations. No specimen preparation is
needed, however a rock saw or chisels may be advised for
block or irregular specimens. Proper planning of diametral
tests on rock cores can produce suitable lengths of core for
subsequent axial testing provided they are not weakened by the
diametral test. Otherwise, suitable specimens can be obtained
from the cores by saw-cutting, or core splitting.
NOTE 3—While there are no established specimen guidelines for grain
size versus specimen size this subject is still important and should be
included in the testing and use of the data. Concrete testing using a point
load tester recommends that a minimum ratio of core diameter to
maximum aggregate size of 4 be used.5 This ratio may be used until
guidelines are developed for rock.
8.3 Water Content—Water content of the specimen can
affect the value of the point load strength. Therefore, the testing
plan shall include how water content will be included in the
point load testing program. This may include the recording,
controlling, and measurement of water content.
8.4 Marking and Measuring Specimens—The specimens
should be properly marked and measured as shown in Fig. 4.
8.4.1 Marking—The desired test orientation of the specimen
shall be indicated by marking lines on the specimen. These
lines are used for centering the specimen in the testing machine
and to make sure of proper orientation during testing, including
FIG. 2 Truncated, Conical Platen Dimensions for Point Load Ap- any issues involving anisotrophic rocks (see Fig. 3). These
paratus lines may also be used as reference lines for measuring width,
length, and diameter.
8.4.2 Measuring—Measure each dimension of a specimen
7. Samples at three different places, and calculate the averages.
7.1 Rock samples are grouped on the basis of rock type, test
9. Procedure
direction if rock is anisotropic, and estimated strength. Speci-
mens are selected from each rock sample for testing. Given the 9.1 Develop a testing plan and, if needed, sampling plan to
inherent variability in test results, the quantity of specimens provide specimens for point load testing according to the
tested per sample should follow the guidance provided in 7.2. following procedures for the specific specimen shape
(diametral, axial, block or irregular).
7.2 Sample Size:
7.2.1 When testing core or block samples at least ten 9.2 Diametral Test
specimens are selected for each sample. 9.2.1 Core specimens with length/diameter ratio greater
7.2.2 When testing irregular-shaped specimens obtained by than one are suitable for diametral testing.
other means at least 20 specimens are selected for each sample. 9.2.2 Insert a specimen in the test device and close the
7.2.3 Sample sizes (number of specimens per sample) may platens to make contact along a core diameter. Make sure that
need to be larger if the rock is anisotropic or heterogeneous. the distance, L, between the contact points and the nearest free
7.2.4 If needed, Practice E122 can be used to more precisely end is at least 0.5 times the core diameter (see Fig. 3(a) and
determine the sample size. Fig. 4).
9.2.3 Determine and record the distances D and L (see Fig.
7.3 Samples in the form of core are preferred for a more
precise classification.
9.2.4 Steadily increase the load such that failure occurs
7.4 For anisotropic rocks, better results are obtained for core within 10 to 60 s, and record failure load, P. The test should be
samples when the core axis is perpendicular to the plane of rejected if the fracture surface passes through only one platen
weakness. loading point (see Fig. 5(d)).
9.2.5 The procedures in 9.2.2 – 9.2.4 are repeated for each
8. Test Specimens specimen of the sample.
8.1 Test Diameter—The specimen’s external test diameter 9.3 Axial Test:
shall not be less than 30 mm and not more than 85 mm with the 9.3.1 Core specimens with length/diameter ratio of 1⁄3 to 1
preferred test diameter of about 50 mm. are suitable for axial testing (see Fig. 3(b)). Suitable specimens
8.2 Size and Shape—The size and shape requirements for
diametral, axial, block, or irregular lump testing shall conform 5
Robins, P.J., The Point Load Strength Test for Concrete Cores, Magazine of
with the recommendations shown on Fig. 3. The sides of the Concrete Research, Vol. 32, No. 111, June 1980.
D5731 − 16
NOTE 1—Legend: L = distance between contact points and nearest free face, and De = equivalent core diameter (see 10.1).
FIG. 3 Load Configurations and Specimen Shape Requirement for (a) the Diametral Test, (b) the Axial Test, (c) the Block Test, and (d)
the Irregular Lump Test3
FIG. 4 Anisotropy measurements and testing for maximum and minimum indices
can be obtained by saw-cutting or chisel-splitting the core 9.3.5 Procedures 9.3.2 – 9.3.4 are repeated for each test
sample, or by using suitable pieces produced by carefully specimen of the sample.
planned diametral tests (see 9.2).
9.4 Block and Irregular Lump Tests:
9.3.2 Insert a specimen in the test machine and close the
platens to make contact along a line perpendicular to the core 9.4.1 Rock blocks or lumps, 30 to 85 mm, and of the shape
end faces (in the case of isotropic rock, the core axis, but see shown in Fig. 3(c) and (d) are suitable for the block and the
Fig. 4 and 9.5 for anisotropic rock). irregular lump tests. The ratio, D/W, should be between 1⁄3 and
9.3.3 Record the distance, D, between platen contact points 1, preferably close to 1. The distance Lshould be at least 0.5 W.
(see Fig. 3). Record the specimen width, W, perpendicular to Suitable specimens can be obtained by saw-cutting or chisel-
the loading direction, with an accuracy of 65 %. splitting larger samples or specimens if needed.
9.3.4 Steadily increase the load such that failure occurs 9.4.2 Insert a specimen in the testing machine and close the
within 10 to 60 s, and record the failure load, P. The test should platens to make contact with the smallest dimension of the
be rejected if the fracture surface passes through only one lump or block, away from edges and corners (see Fig. 3(c) and
loading point (see Fig. 5(e)). (d).
D5731 − 16
FIG. 5 Typical Modes of Failure for Valid and Invalid Tests—(a) Valid diametral tests; (b) valid axial tests; (c) valid block tests; (d) in-
valid core test; and (e) invalid axial test (point load strength index test).3
9.4.3 Record the distance D between platen contact points. 9.5.5 If the sample consists of blocks or irregular lumps, it
Record the smallest specimen width, W, perpendicular to the should be tested as two subsamples, with load first applied
loading direction. If the sides are not parallel, then calculate W perpendicular to, then along the observable planes of weak-
as (W1 + W2)/2 as shown on Fig. 3. This width, W, is used in ness. Again, the required minimum strength value is obtained
calculating point load strength index irrespective of the actual when the platens make contact and are loaded to failure along
mode of failure (see Fig. 5(c). a single plane of weakness.
9.4.4 Steadily increase the load such that failure occurs 9.6 If significant platen penetration occurs, the dimension D
within 10 to 60 s, and record the failure load, P. The test should to be used in calculating point load strength should be the value
be rejected if the fracture surface passes through only one D' measured at the instant of failure, that will be smaller than
loading point (see examples for other shapes in Fig. 5(d) or (e). the initial value suggested in 9.2.3, 9.3.3, and 9.4.3. The error
9.4.5 Procedures 9.4.2 – 9.4.4 are repeated for each test in assuming D to be its initial value is negligible when the
specimen in the sample. specimen is large or strong. The dimension at failure may
9.5 Anisotropic Rock: always be used as an alternative to the initial value and is
9.5.1 When a rock sample is shaly, bedded, schistose, or preferred.
otherwise observably anisotropic, it should be tested in direc- 9.7 Water Content:
tions that will give the greatest and least strength values, in 9.7.1 For precise measurements, follow Test Method D2216
general, parallel and normal to the planes of anisotropy. to determine the water content of each rock specimen and
9.5.2 If the sample consists of core drilled through weakness report the moisture condition (see Section 11).
planes, a set of diametral tests may be completed first, spaced 9.7.2 At the minimum, water content shall be recorded as
at intervals that will yield pieces that can then be tested axially. air-dried, saturated, as-received, and alike.
9.5.3 Strongest test results are obtained when the core axis
is perpendicular to the planes of weakness; therefore, when 10. Calculation
practicable, the core should be drilled in this direction. The
angle between the core axis and the normal to the direction of 10.1 Uncorrected Point Load Strength Index—The uncor-
least strength should preferably not exceed 30°. rected point load strength, Is, is calculated as:
9.5.4 For measurement of the point load strength index (Is) I s 5 P/D e 2 , MPa (1)
value in the direction of least strength, make sure that load is
applied along a single weakness plane. Similarly, when testing
for the Is value in the direction of greatest strength, make sure P = failure load, N,
that the load is applied perpendicular to the direction of least De = equivalent core diameter (see Fig. 3), mm, and is
strength (see Fig. 4). given by:
D5731 − 16
De2 = D2 for diametral core tests without penetration, mm2, been the preferred diameter since that diameter is associated
or with rock quality designations (RQD) and predominance of
De2 = 4A/π for axial, block, and lump tests, mm2; NX core samples.
where: 10.2.3 When a precise rock classification is advised, the
most reliable method of obtaining Is(50) is to conduct diametral
A = WD = minimum cross-sectional area of a plane through tests at or close to D = 50 mm. Size correction is then
the platen contact points (see Fig. 3).
unnecessary. For example, in case of diametral tests on NX,
NOTE 4—If significant platen penetration occurs in the test, such as
when testing weak sandstones, the value of D should be the end value of core diameter = 54 mm and size correction to D = 50 mm is not
the separation of the loading points, D'. Measurements of core diameter, necessary. Most point load strength tests are in fact performed
D, or specimen width, W, made perpendicular to the line joining the using other specimen sizes or shapes. In such cases, the size
loading points are not affected by this platen penetration and should be correction described in 10.2.4 or 10.2.5 should be applied.
retained at the original values. The modified values of De can be calculated
from: 10.2.4 The most reliable method of size correction is to test
the specimen over a range of D or De values and to plot
D 2e 5 D 3 D' for cores 5 4/π W 3 D' for other shapes (2)
graphically the relation between P and De. If a log-log plot is
10.2 Size Corrected Point Load Index: used, the relation is a straight line (see Fig. 7). Points that
10.2.1 The point load index, Is, varies as a function of D in deviate substantially from the straight line may be disregarded
the diametral test, and as a function of De in axial, block, and (although they should not be deleted). The value of Is(50)
irregular lump tests, so that a size correction should be applied, corresponding to De2 = 2500 mm2 (De = 50 mm) can be
if the D values for all the specimens are not the same, to obtain obtained by interpolation and use of the size-corrected point
an unique point load strength value for the rock specimen and load strength index calculated as shown in 10.2.5.
one that can be used for purposes of rock strength classifica- 10.2.5 When neither 10.2.3 nor 10.2.4 is practical (for
tion. See Fig. 6.
example when testing single-sized core at a diameter other than
10.2.2 The size corrected point load strength index, Is(D), of
50 mm or if only a few small pieces are available), size
a rock specimen is defined in this procedure as the value of Is
correction may be accomplished using the formula:
that would have been measured by a diametral test with D = 50
mm and given the symbol Is(50). The diameter of 50 mm has I s ~ 50! 5 F 3 I s (3)
FIG. 6 Example of Descriptive Strength Classification and Using a Nomograph to Compute the Point Load Index. Other Strength Clas-
sifications May be Used.
D5731 − 16
instead of using the procedure outlined in 10.2.4 and
illustrated on Fig. 7.
10.3 Mean Value Calculation:
10.3.1 Mean values of Is(50), as defined in 10.3.2, are to be
used when classifying samples with regard to their point load
strength and point load strength anisotropy indices.
10.3.2 The mean value of Is(50) is to be calculated by
deleting the two highest and two lowest values from the ten, or
more, valid tests, and calculating the mean of the remaining
values. If significantly fewer specimens are tested, only the
highest and lowest values are to be deleted and the mean
calculated from those remaining.
10.4 Point Load Strength Anisotropy Index—The strength
anisotropy index Ia(50) is defined as the ratio of mean Is(50)
values measured perpendicular and parallel to planes of
weakness, that is, the ratio of greatest to least point load
strength indices. See Fig. 96.
10.5 Estimation of Uniaxial Compressive Strength—The
estimated uniaxial compressive strength can be obtained by
using Fig. 9, for NX core, or using the following formula:
FIG. 7 Procedure for Graphical Determination of Is(50) from a Set
of Results at De Values Other Than 50 mm 3 s c 5 K*I s (6)
sc = uniaxial compressive strength, MPa
The “Size Correction Factor F” can be obtained from the K = index to strength conversion factor that depends on
chart in Fig. 8, or from the expression: site-specific correlation between sc and Is for a specific
F 5 ~ D e /50! 0.45 (4) specimen with a test diameter (D), MPa and
Is = uncorrected point load strength index from a specimen
where: with a specific test diameter (D).
F 5 size correction factor
10.5.1 If site-specific correlation factor “K” is not available,
For tests near the standard 50-mm size, only slight error is the generalized values may be used in Table 1.
introduced by using the approximate expression: 10.5.2 If any specimen in a rock type gives a value 20 %
under the average, it should be examined for defects and a
F 5 =~ D e /50! (5)
decision made on the validity of the results.
D’Andrea, D.V., Fisher, R.L., and Fogelson, D.E., Prediction of Compressive
Strength of Rock from Other Rock Properties, U.S. Bureau of Mines Rep. Invest.,,
FIG. 8 Size Correction Factor Chart 6702, 1965.
D5731 − 16
FIG. 9 Relationship Between Point Load Strength Index and Uniaxial Compressive Strength from 125 Tests On Sandstone, Quartzite,
Marikana Norite, and Belfast Norite6
TABLE 1 Generalized Index to Strength Conversion Factor (K) 11.3.10 The number of specimens tested and how prepared,
forA 11.3.11 The calculated uncorrected (Is) and corrected (D=50
Core Size, mm Value of “K” (Generalized) mm), Is(50) point load strength index values, to three significant
21.5 (EX Core) 18 digits,
30 19
42 (BX Core) 21 11.3.12 The estimated value of uniaxial compressive
50 23 strength (σc) and the strength classification, to three significant
54 (NX Core) 24
60 24.5
11.3.13 The calculated value of strength anisotropy index
Bieniawski, Z.T. The Point-Load Test in Geotechnical Practice, Engineering
Geology (9) 1-11. (Ia(50)) to three significant digits, and
11.3.14 Type and location of failure, including any photo-
graphs of the tested specimens before and after the test.
11.3 Record as a minimum, the following test data: NOTE 5—Water content determinations conducted in accordance with
11.3.1 A qualitative indication of the moisture condition of Test Methods D2216 or other methods may be recorded on the same
test specimens at the time of testing, such as, saturated, as record/data sheet. This is not a mandatory requirement.
received, laboratory air dry, or oven dry. In some cases, 12. Precision and Bias
especially where the results are sensitive to water content, it
may be necessary to report the quantitative water content, 12.1 Precision—nTest data on precision is not presented due
11.3.2 Average thickness and average diameter of the test to the nature of the rock materials tested by this test method. It
specimen to three significant digits, is either not feasible or too costly at this time to have ten or
11.3.3 The maximum applied load “P” to three significant more laboratories participate in a round-robin testing program.
digits, Also, it is either not feasible or too costly to produce multiple
11.3.4 The distance “D” or D', or both, if required, to three specimens that have uniform physical properties. Any variation
significant digits, in the data is just as likely due to specimen variation as to
11.3.5 The minimum cross-sectional area of a plane be- operator or laboratory testing variation.
tween the two platen contact points, A, to three significant 12.1.1 The Subcommittee D18.12 is seeking any data from
digits, the users of this test method that might be used to make a
11.3.6 Equivalent core diameter, De, to three significant limited statement on precision.
digits, 12.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test
11.3.7 Size correction factor, F, to three significant digits, method; therefore, bias cannot be determined.
11.3.8 Index to strength conversion factor, K, to two or three
significant digits, 13. Keywords
11.3.9 Direction of loading (parallel to or normal to plane of 13.1 compressive strength; index test; point load; rock; rock
weakness or anisotrophy directions), classification
D5731 − 16
(Nonmandatory Information)
D5731 − 16
In accordance with Committee D18 policy, this section identifies the location of changes to this standard since
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