M&S L1 - 2023

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Simulation & Modeling


Text Books

 Simulation: The Practice of Model Development and Use,

Stewart Robinson, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2004.
 Modeling and Simulation in the Systems Engineering Life
Cycle, Margaret L. Loper, Georgia Tech Research
Institute, Atlanta, USA, Springer, 2015.

 There are different points of views of teaching this course

(but each point of view concentrate on specific slice of
this discipline); for example:

1. Industrial and Systems Engineering teaches discrete

event simulation,

discrete-event simulation (DES) models the operation

of a system as a discrete sequence of events in time.
In contrasts with continuous simulation
Example: building discrete-event simulations to model
a queue, such as customers arriving at a bank to be
served by a teller.

(1) the system entities are:

i. Customer-queue′
ii. and Tellers
(2) The system events are:
i. Customer-Arrival
ii. and Customer-Departure.
iii. (The event of Teller-Begins-Service can be part of the
logic of the arrival and departure events.)
Components of discrete-event
(3) The system states, which are changed by these
events, are:
i. Number-of-Customers-in-the-Queue (an integer from 0 to n)
ii. and Teller-Status (busy or idle).
(3) The random variables that need to be characterized
to model this system:
i. Customer-Interarrival-Time
ii. and Teller-Service-Time
Different points of view

 College of Computing teaches parallel and distributed

 Mechanical Engineering teaches model based design,
 Electrical and Computer Engineering teaches continuous
 and Aerospace Engineering teaches surrogate (in exchange
for) modeling.
Remember: All of these methodologies are important to
understand, and each has a different purpose in
the systems engineering life cycle.

 In this course:
 put all this information in one place
 This course provides:
 an introduction to the fundamental concepts of M&S and systems
engineering, and how M&S is used in the systems engineering life
 The contents are grouped into five Parts that cover:
1. foundational elements and processes,
2. methods and methodologies,
3. experimentation and execution,
4. systems engineering fundamentals,
5. and M&S in systems engineering case studies.
Part I
Fundamentals of Modeling and Simulation

 Part 1 introduces:
 foundational elements and processes that serve as the
groundwork for understanding M&S.
 Chapter 1 provides:
 a brief introduction to M&S, and defines concepts such as
model, simulation, and abstraction.
 Following this is a discussion of the relationship between the real
world, the model and the simulation,
Contents of chapter 1

 You will be introduced to:

 the M&S pyramid, which is a construct for describing levels of
 as well as the term live, virtual, and constructive (LVC)
simulations, which is a way of describing how humans interact
with simulations.
Chapter 1
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
 Simulation is a multidisciplinary approach to solving
problems that includes:
 mathematics,
 engineering,
 physical science,
 social science,
 computing,
 medical research,
 business,
 economics,
 and so on.

 Simulation is not new; it dates back to the beginnings of

civilization where it was most commonly used in warfare.
 With the development of computers, simulation moved
from role-playing,
 where people represented the systems of interest, to computer-
based simulation,
 where software is developed to encode algorithms that
represent the systems of interest.
 While once referred to simply as simulation,
 today, the discipline is more often called modeling and
simulation (M&S or MODSIM),
 emphasizing the importance of first modeling the system of interest
before developing a computational representation.

 Today,
 M&S is considered a discipline of study and research on its own.

 There are a number of definitions of:

 models, simulations, and M&S.
 The definitions published by the US Department of
Defense (DoD) in their online glossary (MSCO 2011) are
as follows:

Model is a physical, mathematical, or

otherwise logical representation of a
system, entity, phenomenon, or process.
Simulation is a method for implementing a model over

M&S is the discipline that comprises the

development and/or use of models and

Although the terms “modeling” and “simulation” are often used

as synonyms, within the discipline of M&S both are treated as
individual and equally important concepts.
Simplification and Abstraction

 The real world is too complex to be fully understood by

 To overcome this real-world complexity,
 we select from the real world those elements that form a reasonable
or adequate approximation required for the purpose at hand.
 This is accomplished through the process of simplification and
 Simplification is an analytical technique in which
unimportant details are removed in an effort to
define simpler relationships.
 Abstraction is an analytical technique that
establishes the essential features of a real system
and represents them in a different form.
 The resultant model should demonstrate the
behaviors of a real-world system that impact the
questions that the modeler is trying to answer.
Model – Def. and Attributes

 Model is a physical, mathematical, or otherwise logical

representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, or
 A model is characterized by three essential attributes:
1) Reference,
A model has a referent, some real or imagined system.
2) Purpose,
A model should have purpose with respect to its referent;
- it is impossible to evaluate or use a model without understanding
its purpose.
3) Cost-Effectiveness.

 The execution of a model over time is understood as the

 Simulation can be defined as an attempt to model a real-
life on a computer.
Why Simulations?

 Simulations are applicable in the following situations:

 When operating conditions change e.g. temperature., pressure,
 When non-controllable factors change e.g. weather,
 Other benefits: Useful in design, Increase understanding, saves
manpower and material, and new results not available before.
Simulation Types

 There are many different types of computer-based

simulations. Some of the most common approaches
(1) discrete event,
(2) continuous system,
(3) agent-based,
(4) and system dynamics
(these will be described in later chapters)

 A common feature they share is:

 Generating or Predicting an artificial time history of the system
Simulation Components

 A simulation is the imitation of a process or system as it

evolves (develop/behave) over time.
 In simulation we typically focus on: objects, behavior,
interactions, environment, and time.
Simulation Components

 Objects refer to the individual components of the system

or process of interest.
 Quite often, nouns in the problem description represent
the objects in the system.
 The number of objects can vary from one to thousands,
depending on the system or process we are interested in
Simulation Components

 Objects can represent anything in the systems,

 e.g., people, vehicles, sensors, computers, and so on.

 Objects have behavior, which define their actions and

activities over time.
 the verbs represent behavior.

 Objects need to interact with each other

 An interaction is any action taken by an object.
Simulation Components

 In some types of simulations, objects need a notion of

place—where the objects are located.
 We often refer to this place as the environment
(discussed in Chap. 7)
Simulation Components

 A clock is a construct that maintains and coordinates

 A clock has two functions:
 it maintains a local notion of time
 and it is used to assign a time stamp to an event.
 Each simulation defines the type of clock used and
specifies how time advances in the simulation.
 Modeling time is discussed in Chap. 9.
Relationship of System, Model, and
 A modeling process abstraction
Relationship of System, Model, and
 The first item to tackle is the relationship between system
and model.
 In many situations, various models in the form of
differential equations already exist.
 Having a model is a necessary condition for a simulation
but other elements play a significant role.
 For example,
 most simulations need data to stimulate model inputs.
 computer architecture
Relationship of System, Model, and
 There are other elements must be considered in the
definition of a simulation.
 These elements directly affect performance and accuracy.

 Simulation Conceptual Definition:

Simulation = Model + Data + Method + Implementation + Realization
Simulation Conceptual Definition

 A model is a mathematical relationship that has well-

defined properties related to existence, uniqueness,
causality, etc.
 Data represent model inputs and are constrained so that
the combination of model plus data results in a unique
solution independent of method, implementation, and
realization. (Read more about data section in the text book)
Simulation Conceptual Definition

 Method—In general, there are different numerical methods

that may be used to solve the model’s equations.
 For Ex., suppose the simulation needs to estimate the area
under a curve. Mathematically, the operation is called
 There are a variety of estimation methods for this problem.
Simulation Conceptual Definition

 A simple, fast, but inaccurate method uses a series of

rectangles to sum up the area.
Simulation Conceptual Definition

 Other examples used to solve model equations include:

1. interpolation,
2. extrapolation,
3. root finding,
4. eigenvalue decomposition,
5. and matrix inversion among others.

 Many of these techniques are included in libraries.

(Task: Search at Home)
Simulation Conceptual Definition

 Realization—Model realization is the final act in the

modeling process.
 Realization includes:
1. Computing hardware,
2. Variable size (e.g., integer vs. float vs. double),
3. Coding language,
4. Operating system,
5. Run-time infrastructure,
6. and the other details involved in creating the code that realizes the
software model.

 Finally, we define a simulation run as an experiment or trial

To Be Continue,,,

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