STS 1 Midterm Exam

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Student Name (last, first): Date of Examination: Score:

Escoto, Justine October 20

Class Section: Professor:

3-A Dominic Rocel Corpus


A. STS Keywords

Define as many as you can the following STS keywords that you can find inside the box
based on what were discussed in class. Each correct definition is worth 2 points. There are
60 words inside the box, but you are only required to define 30 words. If you answer more
than 30, it will become your bonus points.

science urbanization TAPI

technology social mobilization NAST
society developed country NRCP
science and technology developing country national scientist
science, technology, and society DOST human being
paradigm shift PCIEERD person
Intellectual PCHRD human person
revolution PCAARRD techne
intellectual revolution ASTI Aristotelianism
Copernican revolution FNRI technological pessimism
Darwinian revolution FPRDI technological optimism
Freudian revolution ITDI existentialism
Information revolution MIRDC human flourishing
Meso-American revolution PNRI eudaimonia
Asian revolution PTRI good life
Middle East revolution PAGASA materialism
African revolution PHIVOLCS hedonism
nation PSHS System stoicism
nation-building SEI theism
industrialization STII humanism

1. Science- a study of the natural world based on facts discovered via experimentation and
2. Technology- the application of scientific knowledge to practical human life goals or to the
modification and manipulation of the human environment.
3. Science and technology- Science is the methodical study of the natural world using
scientific methods to collect data, while technology is the use of science to construct
gadgets that can solve problems and perform various activities.
4. Science, technology, and society-
5. Society- a big group of people that live together in an organized manner, making
decisions and sharing the work that needs to be done.
6. Intellectual- involves a person's ability to analyze and comprehend information and
7. Nation- a large body of people, associated with a particular territory that is sufficiently
conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own.
8. Nation-building- the process whereby a society of people with diverse origins, histories,
languages, cultures and religions come together within the boundaries of a sovereign
9. Industrialization- the process of change from a basic agrarian economy to an
industrialized one.
10. Urbanization- refers to the increasing number of people that live in urban areas.

11. Developed country- In comparison to other less industrialized nations, is a sovereign
state with a high quality of life, a strong economy, and modern technological
12. Developing country- A developing country, often known as an emerging market, has a
lower GDP than industrialized countries and a less mature and sophisticated economy.
13. Social mobilization-
14. DOST- Department of Science and Technology is the Philippine government's executive
department in charge of coordinating scientific and technology-related projects in the
country as well as formulating policies and projects in the disciplines of science and
technology to aid national development.
15. PAGASA- The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration,
Ensure the safety, well-being, and economic security of all people by providing protection
against natural calamities.
16. PHIVOLCS- Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, a Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) service institute tasked with mitigating disasters caused by volcanic
eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other related geotectonic phenomena.
17. FNRI- Food and Nutrition Research Institute, one of the Department of Science and
Technology's research and development institutes is the government's primary research arm in
the field of food and nutrition.
18. PNRI- Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, denotes the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute,
a government institution with legal jurisdiction to exercise regulatory control over radioactive
sources, including issuing authorizations and thereby managing radioactive source safety and
19. Human being- being a member of the Homo sapiens race
20. Human flourishing- positive emotions, psychological functioning, and social functioning are all
enhanced when people experience positive emotions.
21. Good life- provides a good life for everyone, while science is fueled by the pursuit of a
happy life.
22. Person- human being.
23. Materialism- a philosophical monism in which matter is regarded as nature's underlying
substance and all things, including mental states and consciousness, are the product of
material interactions.
24. Hedonism- is a term that refers to a group of beliefs that all contain pleasure as a major
25. Stoicism- a philosophy that aims to make us more resilient, happy, moral, and wise–and,
as a result, better individuals, parents, and professionals.
26. Theism- believe in a single God as the universe's creator and ruler, without rejecting
27. Humanism- the value of human dignity and values It suggests that people may solve
issues by applying science and logic.
28. Existentialism- we are all accountable for giving our life meaning and purpose, according
to this philosophical belief.
29. Revolution- alludes to the modern-day science's rebirth.
30. Information revolution- computer technology has radically altered how information is
stored and accessed.

B. Reflection

1. Construct, sketch, or illustrate using a diagram that shows how science, technology, and
society are interrelated. (5 pts)


Technology is the
DEMANDS use or application
MORE of scientific
knowledge for a MORE
specific goal or

2. What do the following data tell us about human person flourishing? Explain in the
perspective of science and technology (S&T). (10 pts)

Country Life Expectancy GDP per capita

Philippines 69 years old $ 10,094/annum 1.1 gha/person

United States of
79 years old $ 67,426/annum 8.2 gha/person
America (USA)

World 73 years old $ 18,381/annum 1.8 gha/person

-This data tells us that if your country is not that rich or developed, they will not achieve more just like
the technologies were using now. So, with this data shows about what will be the achievements you get
on that age because success in living makes people happy and this happiness tends to foster more

3. What are some of the dilemmas wherein technology and humanity cross? Give 2
examples and explain the dilemma. (5 pts)

-Pollutions coming from technologies that are use like factories, too much air pollution can cause
damage to our ozone layer, air pollution from vehicles that can affect humans.
-Disrupting ecology Clearing land where animals used to live to build factories and allowing pollution to
contaminate the food chain can greatly affect the environment's natural cycles.

4. Recently, the Philippine government (DENR and Manila LGUs) pushed for the dumping
of dolomite sand in Manila Bay as part of the so-called ‘beach nourishment” project in
order to rehabilitate the environmentally degrading Manila Bay. However, the move was
bashed by many of our Filipino scientists and ecology experts.

Question: How do the components of nation-building and the role of S&T apply in this
real-life situation? (10 pts)

-Applying the components of nation-building in this project makes them easy to do it but before
it to be success, they need to analyze what will be the process, what will be using, how much
budget will need for this. And also, with the help of S&T, they manage to do it easy and finish
but the main problem when they do it was some of Filipino’s say that they just waste money for
it because if a storm pass from it, this dolomite will vanish and that is the dilemma of this kind of

5. Do you think that the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 targets can still be
possibly reached by 2022 even if there was an unexpected pandemic this year 2020
which can still last until next year? What could be the role(s) of S&T so that those PDP
targets can still be possibly reached by 2022? (10 pts)
-For me it is possible to reach by 2022 if our government maintain it, by the end of the year,
members of the government will change because of the election 2022. Those who will be part of
the government next year, they need to be united because that is the key to make that thing to

be successful. And also, they need to invest for technologies because that is a big help to make
our country excel in terms of technology.

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