Index Number (1) B SC III 16-4
Index Number (1) B SC III 16-4
Index Number (1) B SC III 16-4
• Quantity Index
• Value Index
• Special Purpose Index Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Price Index
Price Relative :- The price relative of an item is defined
as: pt
Price Relative
pt = price in current period
po = price in base period
• The simple price index finds the percentage change in the price
of an item from one period to another.
Year Price
1 2.00
2 2.20
3 2.40
4 2.90
Year Price Calculation Index
1. Add up column of prices Item Price Yr0 Price Yr1 Price Yr2
2. Use
P t
P o C 5.00 5.60 5.70
8.00 9.00 9.20
100 112.5 115
If prices are quoted for different quantities, the simple aggregate index
will yield a different answer. This makes it possible to manipulate the
value of the index.
Does not take into account the quantity of each item sold.
Unweighted Indices (Average of Relative Prices)
It does not take into account the quantity of each item sold.
k = number of items
pt = price in current period
po = price in base period
Item Price Yr0 Price Yr1 Price Yr2 PR Yr0 PR Yr1 PR Yr2
A 1.00 1.10 1.15 100 110 115
B 2.00 2.30 2.35 100 115 117.5
C 5.00 5.60 5.70 100 112 114
300 337 346.5
100 112.33 115.5
qo = quantity bought in base period
pt = price in current period
po = price in base period
Laspeyres’s Index
Item Quant Yr0 Price Yr0 Price Yr1 Price Yr2 PoQo P1Qo P2Qo
A 50 1.00 1.10 1.15 50 55 57.5
B 20 2.00 2.30 2.35 40 46 47
C 5 5.00 5.60 5.70 25 28 28.5
115 129 133
1. Multiply each price by the 100 112.2 115.7
quantity in Year 0.
2. Add up each column.
3. Use the given formula P Q 100
t 0
P Q 0 0
Disadvantage with Laspeyres
qt = quantity bought in current period
pt = price in current period
po = price in base period
Paasche’s Index
Item Quant Yr0 Quant Yr1 Quant Yr2 Price Yr0 Price Yr1 Price Yr2
A 50 55 60 1.00 1.10 1.15
B 20 21 23 2.00 2.30 2.35
C 5 5 4 5.00 5.60 5.70
P1Q1 PoQ1 P2Q2 PoQ2
60.5 55 69 60
48.3 42 54.05 46
• Use Formula Pt Q t 100 28 25 22.8 20
P0 Q t 136.8 122 145.85 126
• Note the structure of this. 136.8 145.85
100 100
• We need to find Sum of 122 126
P1Q1 and Sum of P0Q1 112.1311 115.754
Laspeyres versus Paasche Index
The Laspeyres Index measures the The Paasche index measures the ratio
ratio of expenditures on base year of expenditures on current year
quantities in the current year to quantities in the current year to
expenditures on those quantities in expenditures on those quantities in
the base year. the base year.
Since the Laspeyres index uses base Since the Paasche index uses current
period weights, it may overestimate period weights, it may underestimate
the rise in the cost of living, the rise in the cost of living, because
because people may have reduced people may have increased their
their consumption of items that consumption of items.
have become costly. Paasche’s Index, on the other hand,
Laspeyres’s Index tends to tends to overweight goods whose
overweight goods whose prices prices have gone down.
have increased.
Fisher’s Ideal Index
• Fisher’s Ideal Index was developed in an attempt to
offset these shortcomings.
• It is given below:
qt = quantity bought in current period
qo = quantity bought in base period
pt = price in current period
po = price in base period
Quantity indices
• An index that measures changes in quantity levels over
time is called a quantity index.
• Probably the best known quantity index is the Index of
Industrial Production.
• A weighted aggregate quantity index is computed in much
the same way as a weighted aggregate price index.
• A weighted aggregate quantity index for period t is given by
Quantity _ Index
Qw t t
Q w 0 t
Value Index
• A value index measures changes in both the price and
quantities involved.
• A value index, such as the index of department store
sales, needs the original base-year prices, the original
base-year quantities, the present-year prices, and the
present year quantities for its construction.
• Its formula is given as:
qt = quantity bought in current period
qo = quantity bought in base period
pt = price in current period
po = price in base period
Special Purpose Index:- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
• The CPI measures price change over time and does not
provide comparisons between relative price levels at a
particular date.
Special Purpose Index:- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
pt w
CPI 100
p0 w
CPI Uses - Formulas
Money Income
Real Income 100
Purchasing PowerOf Money 100
Price indices: Other Considerations
• Selection of Items
When the class of items is very large, a representative
group (usually not a random sample) must be used.
The group of items in the aggregate index must be
periodically reviewed and revised if it is not
representative of the class of items in mind.
• Selection of a Base Period
As a rule, the base period should not be too far from
the current period.
The base period for most indices is adjusted
periodically to a more recent period of time.
Price indices: Other Considerations
• Quality Changes
A basic assumption of price indices is that the prices
are identified for the same items each period.
Is a product that has undergone a major quality
change the same product it was?
A substantial quality improvement also may cause an
increase in the price of a product.
THank you