Ben Cassen and The Development of The Rectilinear Scanner
Ben Cassen and The Development of The Rectilinear Scanner
Ben Cassen and The Development of The Rectilinear Scanner
William H. Blahd
The development of the rectilinear scanner by Bone- defining event in the evolution of clinical nuclear
dict Cassen was preceded by his successful fabrication medicine. In 1956, Kuhi and his colleagues developed a
of a directional scintillation detector probe. In 1950, photographic attachment for the Cassen scanner that
Cassen assembled the first automated scanning sys- improved its sensitivity and resolution. With the devel-
tern that was comprised of a motor driven scintillation opment of organ-specific radiopharmaceuticals, a com-
detector coupled t o a relay printer. The scanner was mercial model of this system was widely used during
used to image thyroid glands after the administration the late 1950s until the early 1970s to scan the major
of radioiodine. Initial studies that were performed at body organs. The decline of the rectilinear photoscan-
the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Medi- ner began in 1973 with the advent of computed axial
cal Center led to the extensive use of the scanning tomography.
system for thyroid imaging during the early 1950s. Copyright 9 1996 by W.B. Saunders Company
Cassen's development of the rectilinear scanner was s
T HEdevelopment
SEMINAL EVENT leading to the vised a wide-angle scintillation detector also by
of the rectilinear scanner cementing calcium tungstate crystals on the
was the discovery in the early part of this tube-end window (Fig 2). The sensitivity was so
century by Rutherford and others that crystals high that 24-hour thyroid uptakes could be
of high density and transparency would absorb obtained with administered doses as low as 1
~/photons, producing light flashes called scintil- p.Ci (37 kBq). G-M systems required doses of
lations. In 1947, Kallmann 1 devised a scintilla- 100 to 200 p~Ci (3.7 to 7.4 MBq).
tion detector by attaching organic crystals of Because the UCLA Hospital and Medical
naphthalene to the face of a photomultiplier School were not in operation at the time of
tube that was able to amplify and transform these developments, a collaboration was devel-
crystal scintillations into electrical pulses. This oped with the Radioisotope Service at the West
detector proved to be much more efficient in the Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital.
detection of ~/ rays than the Geiger-Mueller The opportunity to explore the use of the
(G-M) counter, the only existing device at that scintillation detector was seized upon by Dr
time capable of detecting radioactivity. Herbert Allen, Jr, the first Chief of the Radioiso-
The first scintillation detector especially de- tope Service, who helped to initiate the coopera-
signed for the detection and localization of tive program. One of the first applications of the
radioactivity in biological systems was con- detector was an attempt by manual scanning to
structed by Cassen et al 2'3 in 1949 at the Atomic delineate the morphology of the thyroid gland.
Energy Commission's University of California The detector was attached to a stand projecting
at Los Angeles Atomic Energy Project. It was a over the thyroid gland. After the administration
directional scintillation probe consisting of cal- of 100 to 200 IxCi of 131I (3.7 to 7.4 MBq),
cium tungstate crystals optically coupled to a point-by-point counts were taken over a lucite
side-window RCA photomultiplier tube. An grid defining 400 counting positions that was
efficiency of 25.8% detection of iodine-131 ~/ placed over the patient's thyroid gland (Figs 3
rays was obtained in the first trials. With a and 4). 4 It took 1 to 2 hours to make a complete
single-channel lead collimator, tests showed mapping of the thyroid gland. This procedure
that a resolution of approximately 0.25 in. could
be obtained (Fig 1). The excellent performance
From the Nuclear Medicine Service, West Los Angeles
of the detector arrangement suggested its poten- Veterans Administration Medical Center, and the University of
tial for biological and medical applications. California at Los Angeles School of Medicine, Los Angeles,
Early tests showed that rabbit thyroid glands CA.
could be located easily and rapidly after the Address reprint requests to William H. Blahd, MD, Chief,
Nuclear Medicine Service (115), West Los Angeles VA Medical
administration of a 10-1xCi (370-kBq) tracer Center, 11301 Wilshire BIvd, Los Angeles, CA 90073.
dose of 131I. Later, with the advent of the Copyright 9 1996 by W.B. Saunders Company
end-window photomultiplier tube, Cassen de- 0001-2998/96/2603-000455.00/0
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le~d pl~g Golclum tung~o~ tuae
Fig 2. Wide-angle scintillation detector. Calcium tungstate Fig 4. Grid pattern of a nontoxic hyperplastic thyroid
crystals are cemented to the end-window photomultiplier adenoma (note increased counts at left lower pole). (Repro-
tube. (Reprinted with permission, e) duced by permission of the copyright holder. TM)
A major turning point in rectilinear scanning
took place in 1956 when David Kuhl, then a
resident in Radiology at the University of Penn-
sylvania, and his colleagues developed a modifi-
cation of the Cassen scanner that substantially
improved its sensitivity and resolution (Fig 11). 11
It used a glow lamp as a variable light source
that was focused on an x-ray film in a light-proof
box. The glow lamp was actuated by the scintil-
lation detector output and moved in register
with it. The advantage of this system was its
capability of producing multiple shades of gray
on x-ray film because of the varying intensity of
the light from the glow lamp. This development
subsequently led to a vastly expanded role for
Fig 8. The first commercial automated rectilinear scanner the rectilinear scanner in body-organ imaging.
manufactured by the RC Scientific Instrument Company. With the subsequent development in 1952 of
Fig 11. Kuht's homemade photo recorder circa 1954. (Cour- Fig 13. Photoscan of the brain in a patient with a grade III
tesy of David E. Kuhl, MD) astrocytoma, Note "doughnut sign."
1. Kallmann H: Natur and Technik. July, 1947 with individually calculated doses of 1-131. Arch Intern Med
2. Cassen B, Curtis L, Reed C: A sensitive directional 99:194-201, 1957
gamma ray detector. UCLA Report 49, 1949 10. Stirrett LA, Yuhl ET, Cassen B: Clinical applications
3. Cassen B, Curtis L, Reed CW: A sensitive directional Of hepatic radioactivity surveys. Am J Gastroentero121:310-
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4. Allen H, Libby R, Cassen B: The scintillation counter 11. Kuhl DE, Chamberlain RH, Hale J, et al: A high-
in clinical studies of human thyroid physiology using 1-131. J contrast photographic recorder for scintillation counter
Clin Endocrinol 11:492-511, 1951 scanning. Radiology 66:730-739, 1956
5. Cassen B, Curtis L: The in Vivodelineation of thyroid 12. Newell R, Saunders W, Miller E: Multichannei colli-
glands with an automatically scanning recorder. UCLA mators for gamma scanning with scintillation counters.
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using 1-131 for the determination of abnormal thyroid 14. Allen HC, Goodwin WE: The scintillation counter as
morphology. Am J Roentgeno168:963-970, 1952 an instrument for in vivo determination of thyroid weight.
8. Goodwin WE, Cassen B, Bauer FK: Thyroid gland Radiology 58:68-79, 1952
weight determination from thyroid scintigrams with postmor- 15. Bauer FK, Goodwin WE, Libby R, et al: Visual
tem verification. Radiology 61:88-92, 1953 delineation of thyroid glands in vivo. J Lab Clin Med
9. Bauer FK, Blahd WH: Treatment of hyperthyroidism 39:153-158, 1952