D5D Service Manual 2013

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Diesel engine


2013 year

Group Description Page


(173) Maintenance
Engine breather gauze, cleaning 1
(200) General, engine installation and its function
Engine, description 2
(210) General, common info about 211 - 218
Description, engine 3
Engine, mounting resp. removing from work stand 5
Engine, dismantling 7
Engine, assembling 19
Engine, mounting resp. removing from work stand 39
Compression test 42
(211) Cylinder head
Cylinder head, description 44
Cylinder head, reconditioning 45
(212) Cylinder block with crankcase ventilation
Cylinder block, checking and measuring wear 51
(213) Cylinder liner; piston
Piston with connecting rod, checking 52
(214) Valve mechanism
Valves, description 55
Valves, adjusting 56
Valves, adjusting 59
Valves, adjusting 63
(215) Engine transmission; camshaft
Engine timing gears, description 64
Camshaft, description 65
Camshaft, checking, changing 66
(216) Crank shaft; connecting rod; vibration damper; fly wheel
Crankshaft, description 68
Connecting rod, description 69
Crankshaft, checking 70
Starter ring gear, replacing 72
(220) General, common info about 221 - 224
Lubrication system, description 73
System pressure valve, changing 74
(221) Oil pump; line
Oil pump, description 76
Oil pump removed, reconditioning 77
(223) Oil cooler
Oil cooler element, checking 79
Oil cooler, changing 81
(230) General (common info about 233 - 238)
Fuel system, description 84
(233) Fuel pump; filter; strainer
Fuel feed pump, description 86
Fuel filters, replacing 87
Feed pump, replacing 88
(236) Injection pump; regulator; pump companion
Mechanical injection D5D, checking and adjusting 91
Control rod, measuring 112
Control rod 114
(237) Injector; delivery pipe
Injectors all, testing and adjusting incl removing and fitting 117
(255) Turbo charger
Turbocharger, description 122
(256) Air cleaner with connections; air pre-heater
Air cleaner, description 123
(260) General, common info about 261 - 269
Cooling system, description 124
(263) Fan; fan shroud; fan coupling
(262) Coolant pump; thermostat
Coolant pump, replacing 125
Thermostat, replacing 127
Maximum fan speed, checking 128
(030) General
VOLVO standard tightening torques 130
Engine, specification 131
Engine, capacity 132
Engine, tightening torque
Cylinder block, specifications 133
Camshaft, specifications 134
Crankshaft, specifications 135
Lubrication system, specifications 138
Fuel system, specification 139
Cooling system, specification 140
Valve system, specification 141
Inlet and exhaust systems 143
Cylinder block, tightening torques 144
Cylinder head, tightening torques 146
Flywheel, tightening torques 147
Lubrication and oil system, tightening torques 148
Fuel system, tightening torques 149
Inlet and exhaust system, tightening torques 150
Cooling system, tightening torques 151

Engine breather gauze, cleaning

The breather gauze is located inside the rocker cover as shown at A. It should be cleaned or changed at the recommended
interval. Refer to Service interval.

1. Park the machine safe in accordance with the machine handbook instructions.

2. Remove the rocker cover.

3. Loosen and remove the filter gauze cover retaining screws B.

Figure 1

4. Remove the filter gauze cover C and the filters D.

5. Using a suitable and safe cleaning solvent clean the filters (or fit new filters), make sure residual oil has been fully

6. Make sure the filters are fully dried before refitting.

7. Renew the injector seals E.

8. Fit the gauze filters. Apply a thread locking compound to screws B. Make sure that the tapped holes in the rocker
cover are clean and free from excessive oil. Torque tighten the screws B to 8-10 Nm (6-7 lbf ft).

This warning symbol means risk of fatalities or personal injury if the instructions are not followed.

Read through and follow “Safety and Environment”.

All lifting devices, e.g., straps, slings, ratchet blocks, etc., must meet governing national legislation for lifting devices. Volvo
will not accept any responsibility if lifting devices, tools, or work methods not described in this manual are used.
Volvo works with continuous improvement of the machine's environmental performance.
Perform service work with greatest possible care of the environment.
We reserve the right to modify specifications and equipment without prior notification.

Description, engine
Numbering of cylinders

Figure 1

The governor's settings may only be adjusted by trained personnel at a central overhaul workshop.

An incorrectly adjusted governor may cause the engine not to meat the applicable regulations for emissions and

There are two types of regulator (governor):

Engine speed regulator (governor) of centrifugal type (Heinzmann)
Engine type, serial number and max. engine speed (rpm) as well as the control rod's X-measurement shall always be stated
when ordering of governor as spare part. For measuring the control rod's X-measurement, see
Mechanical injection D5D, checking and adjusting.
Each governor is especially developed for an individual engine. This means that a governor cannot be moved to and used in
another engine.
Electronic engine speed regulator (governor)
An electronic regulator is not unique with a calibrated x-dimension. In order for the regulator to match the software in the E-
ECU, the engine's serial number must always be stated when ordering the regulator as spare part.
Steering system

Figure 2

1. Sensor, charge air pressure

2. Sensor, radiator temperature
3. Governor/Sensor, control rod position
4. Sensor, camshaft (only excavator version)
5. Sensor, flywheel (only excavator version)
6. Stop solenoid (only wheel loader version)
7. Sensor, oil pressure

Engine,, mounting resp

p. remov
ving from
m work stand
Op nbr 210

2 pcs. Lifting eyes M12

2 pcs. Lifting sling, 1 m
1. Rem move the V-b belts.
2. Rem move the cab bling to the alternator.
a Re
emove the allternator.
3. Rem move the cab ble to the sto
op solenoid, if installed.
4. Rem move the staarter motor.

Figure 1

5. Rem
move the cha
arge-air pipe
e, oil pressure
e pipe, and tthe oil return pipe.

Figure 2

1. Turboch harger
2. Charge air pipe
3. Oil presssure pipe
4. Oil return pipe
5. Attachin ng yoke
6. Remmove the turbocharger.
7. Insttall protectivve plugs on the turbo and
a connections in the engine blocck for the prressure and return
lubrrication oil pipes.

Figure 3

1. Protectiive plug

8. Remmove the cab bling to the starter

s motor.
9. Insttall 88800050
0 on the eng gine.
Tighhtening torqu
ue: see
Usee the supplied bolts.

Figure 4

1. 888000
2. 998648

Figurre 5

1. Lifting slin
2. Lifting eyye

ne in the work stand. Weiight engine:a

10. Insttall the engin approx. 455 kg (1003 lbs

Engine,, disman
Op nbr 210

E1714 (for glow

g plug)
2 pcs. Lifting eye M10
2 pcs. Lifting eye M12

Check that the

t engine iss drained of oil.
1. Rem
move the oil trap for the crankcase
c ve

Figure 1

2. Loo
osen the fuel hose from th he filter braccket.
move the fueel pump and the bracket.
osen the fuel hose from th
Loo he fuel channel in the engine block.
move the fueel filter with 9996671.

Figure 2

3. Remmove the exhhaust manifo old.

4. Remmove the theermostat hou using and the
e outlet pipe ffor coolant.
5. Remmove the cooolant pump.
Thee coolant pum
mp is available in two different versions. For the e lower, first remove the bearing braccket for
the intermediate
e belt pulley.

Figure 3
Coolant pu
ump, wheel loader version

Figure 4
Coolant pu
ump, excavaator version
6. Remmove the bre
eather pipe fo
or coolant an
nd the pipe to
o the boost pressure
p sen
nsor. Plug the
e holes.

Figure 5

7. Rem
move the eng
gine speed governor,
g com
mplete with cabling.

Figure 6

8. Rem
move the sen
nsors for the d the camshaft.
e flywheel and
9. Rem
move the ove
erflow valve.

Figure 7

10. Rem
move the oil filter and fue
el filter with 9999179.
9 osen the ele
Loo ectric connecction for the oil
o pressure sensor.
move the oil cooler housiing and its ga asket.

Figure 8

Cylinder head with va alve guide

11. Remmove the vallve cover.
Makke sure thatt any dirt between the inlet pipe and
a valve co
over does n
not get into the engine. Clean
thorroughly before the valve cover is rem
12. Rem
move the inle
et pipe.

Figure 9

13. Rem
move the dellivery (pressu ure) lines, co
omplete with rubber sealss.
e delivery (prressure) lines
s may not be e reused. Cover the injec
ctor's and the
e injection pu
ump's openin

Figure 10

14. If th
he engine is equipped
e witth glow plugs
s, remove the cables for these from the cable con
15. Disc nection from the stop sole
connect the electric conn enoid. Remoove the stop ssolenoid.
Be careful so thhat the contro
ol rod is not damaged.
Forr engine with electronic governor, rem
move the plug

Figure 11

16. Pus
sh the controol rod to the stop
s position (control rod's end in the block) and ssecure it with
h 9998682.
17. Rem
move the ele ectric cabling from the cyllinder block.
18. Rem
move the ho olders for th he injectors. Mark up anda remove the injectorss. Use 9996 6400 together with
98007 if an in
njector is stuc
ck in the cylinder head.
ke sure that the injector'ss copper was sher comes o out as well.

Figure 12

19. If th
he engine is equipped
e witth glow plugs
s, remove these with .
20. Marrk up the roccker arm bridges and remmove them toogether with the
t rocker arrms.

Figure 13

1. Rocker arm bridge

2. Rocker arm
21. Marrk up and rem
move the push rods.

Figure 14

22. Loo
osen the boltts for the cy
ylinder head.. Connect lift
fting slings to eyes and liftt away the cylinder
o the lifting e c
Weight cylinder head:appro ox. 80 kg (17
76 lbs)

Figure 15

Injection pumps
23. Thee injection pu
umps are sp pring-loaded. Turn the fly
ywheel until the
t injection pump's spriing for cylind
der 1 is
st loaded. Th
leas hen the injec e camshaft's basic circle.
ction pump sttands on the

move the injeection pump for cylinder 1.
Marrk up the pum
mp unit.
peat the proccedure for the other cylinders.

Figure 16

24. Rem
move the rolller tappets with
w 1166840
09 and mark them togethe
er with the sh
him and the injection pum

Figure 17

Oil sump/ooil suction pipe

25. Rem
move the oil dipstick.
move the oil sump (26 bo
26. Rem olts).
e a pry bar att the indicate
ed slots.

Figure 18

27. Rem
move the oil suction pipe

Figure 19

Vibration damper
d / fro
ont cranksh haft seal
28. Remmove the bellt pulley and the vibration
n damper.

Figure 20

move the oil pump, comp

29. Rem plete with the
e crankshaft sseal.

Figure 21

30. Remmove the covver plate on the flywheel housing's lo
ower edge.
31. Remmove the pla
astic plugs be
etween the bolts
b that lock
k the flywhee
el bolts. Rem
move the flyw
wheel. Use 99
as counterhold.
c Weight flywheel: approx x. 50 kg (1000 lbs)

Figure 22

3. Lifting eyes
e M12
32. Rem
move the flyw
wheel housin

Figure 23

33. Rem
move 999868 81.
34. Rem
move the tim
ming gear cas

Figure 24

35. Tap
p out the cran
nkshaft sealss on the timin
ng gear casin
ng and in the g with the oil pump.
e front casing
Pistons annd connectiing rod
36. Marrk the connecting rods' ca
aps. Remove e the caps with
w bearing halves.
h Retaiin the bearing halves.

Figure 25

37. Rem
move the pisstons, comple
ete with conn
necting rod.

Figure 26

38. Cra
ank the engin
ne so that the
e crankshaft ends up at tthe top. Chec
ck that the ca
amshaft's ge
ear and crank
ar are marked d.
eck that the main bearing
39. Che g caps are marked.
m Remmove the atta aching bolts and remove the caps an nd main
aring halves.

Figure 27

move the thrust washers at main bea

40. Rem aring numberr 2.

Figure 28

1. Thrust washers
41. Rem
move the cra
ankshaft. We
eight cranksh
haft: approx. 75 kg (165 lbs)

Figure 29

42. Rem
move all bea
aring shells and
a thrust washers
w at main bearing 2. Mark the washers if they are to be
b used

Figure 30

1. Bearing
g shell
2. Thrust washers

43. Carrefully press out the pisto

on cooling no

Figure 31

44. Che
eck the crank
kshaft accord
ding to .

45. Remmove the transfer gear fo
or the govern
nor. (Does no
ot apply to en
ngines with electronic
e governor).

Figure 32

46. Rem
move the cam mshaft together with the camshaft geear.
Work carefully sso that the ca
amshaft bearings are nott damaged.

Figure 33

47. Rem
move 999868 82.
48. Rem
move the locck bolt for the
e control rod.. Remove the
e control rod.

Figure 34

49. Rem
move the oil pipe betwee
en the power take-off (PT
TO) and the cylinder
c blockk.

Figure 35

50. Rem
move the powwer take-off (PTO).
Cylinder liner
move the cylinder liners. Use 999372
51. Rem 22 together w 5, 9993714 and 9993717.
with 9998675
NOTE! Mark upp the cylinderr liners if they
y are to be re

Figure 36

1. 999372 22
2. 9993714
3. 999867 75
4. 9993717
52. Che
eck-measuree the cylinderr liners accorrding to
53. Che
eck the camsshaft and cammshaft bearings accordin
ng to . If nee
eded, change
e bearings.

Engine, as
Op nbr
n 210-078

2 pccs. Lifting eyee M10

2 pccs. lifting eye M12
ng sling, 1 m
1171 13514 Silicon ne compound
1161 1053-2 Threa ad locking co
1161 1035 High te emperature p paste
1141 1699 Lubrica ant
Sliding calipers
Stee el ruler
1. Install th
he screw pluggs as shown. Tightening torque: see

Figure 1

Cyliinder liner
2 Make su
2. ure that the ccylinder liner's installation
n position and
d sealing surrfaces are co ompletely cle
3. Lubricatee the cylindeer liner with oil
o within the area marked d "X" in the fiigure. Install new O-rings

Figure 2

4. Install th
he cylinder lin
ner in the correct position
n in the engine block. Drrive it down as
a far as posssible. Comp
pare the
cylinder liners' height in relation to
t the engine e block, see .
Do not use
u sealing ccompound. The T cylinder liner shall be thoroughly cleaned.

5. Install th
he valve tapp

Figure 3

6. Insert the camshaft.

Install th
he camshaft carefully
c to avoid
a damaging the beariings.

Figure 4

7. Check th
hat the oil cchannels are not clogged d and that th
he nozzles are
a not dama aged. Installl the piston cooling
nozzles in the correc
ct position in the engine block.
b Press in the piston
n cooling nozzzles as far as
a possible.

Figure 5

8. Install th
he bearing sh
hells in the en
ngine block.

Figure 6

9. Mark the
e crankshaft at the gear (to
( facilitate installation).

Figure 7

10. Mark the

e camshaft and
a place it in
n correct pos

Figure 8

11. Install th
he crankshafft. The mark
ks must be in
n line. Use a ruler to ch
heck that the
e marks are in line throu
ugh the
middle ofo the crankshaft and cam

Figure 9

12. Insert the thrust bearring halves without

w pin.
The thruust washers' bearings mu ust face the crankshaft.

Figure 10

he half thrustt washers with pin on the

13. Attach th e thrust beariing caps (witth a little grea
ase on the pin).
ust washers' bearings mu
The thru ust face the crankshaft.

Figure 11

14. Install th
he bearing sh
hells in the be
earing caps, lubricate the a make sure that it is clean.
em with oil, and c
15. Lubricate bearing caps with oil and install them according to
e the main b o marking.
The main bearing ca aps are numb bered 1-5. Be
earing cap 1 closest to thhe flywheel e
Make su
ure that the th
hrust washerrs on the cap
p fit correctly against the washers in tthe block.

Figure 12
Figure 13

16. Tighten the main beaaring caps' bolts

b accordin
ng to .
The boltts may not be
e reused.
Electronic governor does
d not hav
ve a transfer gear.
vernor's transfer gear (mechanica al governorr)
17. Install th
he governorr's transfer gear,
g comple
ete with bea
aring pin. Use thread lo
ocking comp
pound for th
he bolt.
Tightening torque, seee

Figure 14

ntrol rod
18. Install th
he control rod
d, complete with
w guide sle

Figure 15

19. Apply thread locking compound (1161053-2)

( on the bolt. Tightening to
orque: .

Figure 16

Timing gear caasing

2 Apply sillicone compo
20. ound 117135 514 accordinng to on the sealing surfface for the tiiming gear casing.
2 Install th
21. he timing gea hout tightening down the
ar casing with e bolts. Positiion the timingg gear casing in line with
h the oil
sump's sealing
s surfa

Figure 17

2 Tighten the bolts for the timing ge

22. ear casing according to
nkshaft sea
al, rear
2 Lightly oil
23. o the sealingg lip on the new
n seal and place it on 99996872 with
h the lip facin
ng the cranks
2 Use 999
24. 92000 and ca arefully tap in
n the seal to correct posittion.

Figure 18

1. 9992000
2. 9996872

nt casing with
w oil pummp
2 Lightly oil
25. o the oil pum
mp's rotor.
26. he gasket on the oil pump
2 Install th p/casing with
h some greasse.

2 Place the oil pump's rotor agains

27. st the cranksh
The roto
or only fits in one position

Figure 19

2 Install th
28. he oil pump/ccasing withou
ut tightening down the bo n the casing upward and place it in line with
olts. Position
the oil su
ump's sealing surface.

Figure 20

229. Tighten the oil pump p's/casing's bolts.

b Tighten
ning torque, ssee
30. Lightly ooil in the se
eal lip for the new crank kshaft seal and place itt on 999867 73. The seal lip shall fa
ace the
cranksha 2000 and carefully tap in the seal to correct
aft. Use 9992 c positiion.
If there is wear on th
he sealing surface, make sure that the e seal does not
n end up in
n the same position
p as the old.

Figure 21

Pisttons with co onnecting rrods

31. Install th
he bearing sh
hells in the co
onnecting rods and in the
e cap, and lu
ubricate them
m with oil.

Figure 22

32. Arrange the piston ring gaps with

h 120°displac

Figure 23

33. Use piston ring comp pressor 99988687 and pre ess in the pis
ston, complette with conne
ecting rod, in
n the engine block.
Be carefful. The oil scraper rings are brittle and can easily be damaged. The pisto on ring comp pressor mayy not be
opened after the pisston has bee en placed in the tool. The en the piston
n rings may be damaged d. Always pre
ess out
the pisto
on first before
e opening the
e tool.
The flyw
wheel symboll stamped in the piston to
op, and the g
guide pins on
n the connectting rod shall face the flyw

Figure 24

1. 9998687
34. Lightly oil
o the cranks
shaft pin. Preess the connnecting rod against the crrankshaft pin
n. Install the connecting rod
r cap
(according to markin
ng). Tighteninng torque, se
ee .
The big--end bearing bolts shall be
b replaced after
a each removal.

Figure 25

35. Check th hat bearings and pistons move smoothly by rotating the engin ne's cranksha
Oil suction
s pip pe/oil sump
he oil suction pipe with a new gasket. Tightening ttorque, see .
36. Install th

Figure 26

37. Cut off th

he protruding
g gasket.
Do not pull
p off protruuding, dried silicone.
s Fill the joints in the oil sump's
s sealing surrface with siliicone 11713514.

Figure 27

38. If a gaskket is used, place

p the neww gasket on the
t engine b
Fill up diimples, reces
sses, etc. in the gasket with
w silicone compound
c 11713514.
If the engine has no gasket, applly silicone coompound 117713514 on th
he cylinder block's sealing surface.

Figure 28

39. Install th
he oil sump. Tightening
T to
orque, see .

Figure 29

Control rod and inje

ection pump
440. Measure e the control rod accordin ng to .
4 Install th
41. he injection p
pumps accord ding to .
wheel, insta alling
4 Rotate th
42. he engine soo that the tim
ming gear face
es up.
Install th
he flywheel housing. Tigh htening torque, see .
Check th hat the guidee sleeves hav ve the correc
ct position.

Figure 30

4 Lift the flywheel into place and tig

43. ghten the bolts by hand.
Weight flywheel:
f 55 kg

Figure 31

444. Fit the co

over plate onn the flywheeel housing.
4 Hold the
45. e flywheel witth rotation tool 9998681. Tighten the bolts accord
ding to .
There arre different b
bolt lengths. The
T bolts ma ay not be reu
Install th
he plastic plugs that lock the
t flywheel bolts.
4 Install th
46. he belt pulleyy and vibratio
on damper. Tightening
T torque, see
The boltts may not be e reused.

Figure 32

Cyliinder head gasket

4 Determin
47. ne cylinder h
head gasket.. Place spac cer washers and measurring tool 9998
8678 on the sealing surfface on
the engine block, and
d set the dial indicator (2
2) to "0".

Figure 33

3. 9998678
4. dial indicatorr
5. spacer wash hers

4 Place the dial indicattor on the pis

48. ston at the measuring
m po
oints accordin
ng to the figu
ure. Read offf and note the
e value
on the dial indicator a
at the piston's highest po
oint, tdc.
All piston
ns shall be m
measured at TDC and in piston pin direction.

Figure 35
Figure 34

Measuriing points
4 Compare
49. e the highest noted value
e of the 8 me
easuring poin
nts with and
d determine ssuitable cylin
nder head ga

Figure 36

1. Marking for cylinder

c headd gasket
50. Place the cylinder he
ead gasket with
w the numb bers up and the marking holes toward
ds the flywheeel.
The sealing surfacess on the cylin
nder head an
nd engine blo ust be clean and free from oil. Pay atttention
ock plane mu
to the gu
uide sleeves.

Figure 37

1. Guide sleeve

Cyliinder head with valve g guide

51. Lift the cylinder
c head into place. Oil in the cylinder
c head's bolts with engine oil and let the oil run off. Tighten
them lighhtly.
52. Tighten the cylinder head bolts according
a to diagram.
d ghtening torque, see .
The cylinnder head's bolts may no
ot be reused..

Figure 383
Tightening diagram m for cylindeer head
53. Install th
he push rods according to g made when dismantling
o the marking g.

Figure 39

1. Push rods
54. Install th
he rocker armm bridges according to marking made when dis
smantling, an
nd align them
m in line witth push
rods and d valves. Tightening torqu
ue, see

Figure 40

55. Adjust th
he valve clea
arance, see
56. Remove e 9998681 an nd install the cover in the
e hole on the flywheel houusing.
57. Set the control
c rod in osition (inner position) witth 9998684 Installation tool. Install a new O-ring. Install
n its stop po
the stop solenoid. Tig
ghtening torqque:

For engiine with electtronic govern
nor, install th
he plug with a new O-ring
g. Lightly oil in the O-ring..

Figure 41

Inlett pipe.
58. Install th
he inlet pipe with
w new gas
skets. Tighte
ening torque, see .

Figure 42

haust manifold
59. Install th e for coolant with a new gasket
he outlet pipe g eal. Tightening torque, se
and se ee

Figure 43

60. Install th
he exhaust m
manifold. Tigh
htening torquue, see .
Injectors/delive ery (pressu
ure) lines, in
61. For engiines equippeed with glow plugs, installl them. Use tool
t .
Tightening torque: seee
62. Install a new copper gasket (1) over
o ctor (using a little high tem
the injec mperature pa
aste, 116103

Figure 44

1. Copper gaskket
63. Install th
he injectors.
Install th
he injector with the markin
ng (punch mark) facing th
he valve spriings.

Figure 45

1. Marking
64. Install th
he nozzle hollders in corre
ect position and
a tighten th
he bolts lighttly.

Figure 46

1. Retainer
2. Bolt, Torx E1 10
he gasket for the valve co
65. Install th over.
66. Install neew delivery ((pressure) lin
ne and rubbeer seal. Tightten the nuts by
b hand.
Delivery (pressure) lines may no ot be reused.. When instaalling delivery
y lines, the sealing fittings must fit ex
xactly in
pump an nd injector.
The delivery (pressu
ure) lines are
e deformed when
w tighten
ning and all delivery (pre
essure) lines
s must be tig
with the same torque
Reuse of
o delivery (prressure) lines may resultt in the engin
ne not running at full power.

67. NOT
The pressure lines may not be
e bent.
Tighten the bolts for the nozzle holders.
h Tightening torque
e, see
68. Tighten the delivery (pressure) lin
ne nuts. Tigh
htening torqu
ue: see .

Figure 47

69. Install th
he overflow vvalve with new
w copper ga
askets. Tighte
ening torque, see .

Figure 48

ve cover
70. Install th
he valve cove er. Tightening
g torque, see
e .
Make su ure that all ru
ubber gasketss end up corrrectly in the valve cover's
s groove.
bricating oil cooler
71. Install a new gasket. Install the lu
ubrication oil cooler. Tigh
htening torque, see .

Figure 49

72. Install th
he connection
n to the fuel line in the cy
ylinder block's trailing edg
ge. Tightenin
ng torque, se

Figure 50

olant pump
73. Install th
he O-rings on
n the interme
ediate pipe.
Apply so ome lubricant 1141699 on n the O-rings
s for easier in

Figure 51

diate pipe in the thermos

74. Press in the intermed stat housing and
a the coolant pump.

Figure 52

he O-ring in the thermosta

75. Install th at housing.
Apply so ome lubricant 1141699 on n the O-rings
s for easier in

Figure 53

76. Install th
he plug for th
he control rod
d. Apply seallant (1) and new
n O-rings (2) on the co
oolant housin
ng. (Only applies to
excavato or version).

Figure 54

1. Sealant
2. O-rings
77. Install th
he coolant pu
stat housing and
a use a ne
ew gasket.

Figure 55

78. Tighten the bolts alte

ernately. Tigh
htening torqu
ue, see

Fuel pump
79. Install th
he fuel pump.

Figure 56

he fuel lines. Tightening to

80. Install th orque, banjo o bolts, see .
81. Lightly ooil in the fuell filter's gask
ket. Tighten the fuel filterr by hand un
ntil it just tou
uches the co
ontact face. Tighten
another half turn.
82. Lightly oil
o in the oil filter's gaske et. Tighten the
t oil filter by hand unttil it just touches the co
ontact face. Tighten
another half turn.
Enggine revoluttion govern nor
83. Apply se ealant 11713 3514 in the grroove on the e casing.
The sealing surface must be free e from oil and
d grease.
84. Install th
he engine spe eed governo or. Tightening
g torque, see
IMPORT TANT!Each governor is especially developed for f an individ dual engine. This meanns that a goovernor
cannot beb moved to and used in another eng gine.
An incorrrectly adjustted governorr may cause the engine n not to meat the
t applicable regulations
s for emissio
ons and
performa ance.
Engine type,
t serial number
n and max. engine e speed (rpm
m) as well as the X-measurement sha all always be
e stated
when ord dering of govvernor as spare part.
For mea asuring the coontrol rod's X-measurem
X ment, see

Figure 57

85. Tighten the Torx screew accordingg to .

For elec
ctronic governnors, the x-m nt is included as a value in
measuremen i the contro
ol unit. An ele
ectronic gove
ernor is
not unique with a callibrated x-me
Differentt tightening to
orques depe
ending on governor type.

Figure 585
Tightening diagram m for govern nor
86. Install th
he sensors fo
or the flywheeel and camshaft (only appplies to exca
avator versio
87. Install th
he crankcasee ventilation. Tightening to
orque, see

Figure 59

88. Install th
he breather p
pipe for coola
ant and the pipe
p for the charge-air sen

Figure 60

89. Remove
e the engine ffrom the worrk stand acco
ording to .

Engine, mountin
ng resp.. removing from
m work stand
Op nbr 210-0
O 075
Lifting eyes M10
M and M12 2
Lifting sling
Socket Torx 12
Socket Torx 18
Socket Torx 20
1. Install the engine mounts. Tig ghtening torque, see
2. Conn nect lifting eyyes and sling.

Figurre 1

1. Lifting slin
2. Lifting eyye
way the engine from the work stand. Weight engiine: approx. 455 kg (100
3. Lift aw 03 lbs)
4. Remo ove the braccket for the work
w stand.

Figurre 2
1 - 88
5. Install the starter motor, if thiss was not don
ne together with
w the timin
ng gear casin
ng. Tightenin
ng torque, se
ee .

Figurre 3

6. Install the turboch

harger. Tighttening torque
e, see .
7. Install the pressure oil pipe with a new gasket. Install a new, lightly g on the return line.
y oiled O-ring
Install a new gas sket on the oil e. Install the line. Install the attaching yoke arou
o return line und the returrn line's
lowerr connection. Tightening torque, see

Figurre 4

1. Turbocha arger
2. Charge a
2 air pipe
3 Oil pressure pipe
4 Oil return
4. n pipe
5 Attaching
5. g yoke
8. Install the alterna
Install the V-belt.
Adjusst the alternator's positio
on by pressiing it in the arrow's dire
ection until the correct te
ension is ob
Tighttening torquee, see .
It sho
ould be possible to press down the beelts approx. 10
1 mm betwe een the belt pulleys.

Figurre 5

9. Install the V-belt for

f the coolant pump andd the fuel pum
ould be possible to press down the be
It sho elts approx. 10
1 mm betwe
een the belt pulleys.

Figurre 6

Compression test
Op nbr 210-002

9998694 Adapter
9988539 Pressure gauge
9998007 Adapter
Injection valves are removed and valve clearance checked.

Remove injection valves, see Injectors all, testing and adjusting incl removing and fitting


Figure 1

Insert adapter (9998694) in injection valve bore with new seal ring.


Figure 2

Place clamping claw on adapter. Tighten screw.

Figure 3

If necessary, screw on adapter 9998007 for the connector.


4. Connect compression tester 9988539. Crank engine with the starter.

5. Carry out compression test on each cylinder.

Compression: 3 +0.8 MPa (30 +8 bar) (435 +116 psi)
The compression measured depends on the starter rpm during the measurement and the engine's altitude.
Therefore, exact limit valuescannot be set. Compression measurement is recommended only for comparison of all
engine cylinders. If a deviation of more than 15% is found, the cylinder in question should be dismantled to
determine the cause.

6. Install compression tester and connector.

7. Install injection valves.


Cylinder head, description

The cylinder head is made of cast iron. The inlet air enters vertically (A) and the exhaust gases exit horizontally (B). Inlet and
exhaust are on the same side of the cylinder head.

Figure 1
Cylinder head

The cylinder head gasket is a multi-layer gasket with 1, 2 or 3 identification holes to indicate the three different thicknesses.
The choice of gasket thickness is determined by the piston protrusion over the cylinder head sealing surface. If new pistons
or a new cylinder block are fitted, the gasket thickness must be evaluated and changed if necessary.

Figure 2
Cylinder head gasket, marking

r head, rrecondittioning
Op nbr
Valve spring compressor
Tool for valve
e grinding
D test indiccator with ma
Dial agnetic base
D test indiccator with ang
Dial gled base
Depth gauge
Slide caliperss

1. Place
e the cylinder head in a vice.
Use backing
b on th
he vice's jaw
ws so that the
e cylinder hea
ad is not dam

Grea ure that the lock plate's seat is not damaged.

at spring forrce. Make su
2. ove collets, vvalve washer, valve sprin
Remo ng and valve with valve spring
s tool.

Figurre 1

3. Remo ove the valvee spindle's seal.

4. Cleann the cylinde
er head and check
c that it is not damag
5. Meassure the valvve spindle cle
earance in thhe valve guide.
wed run-out, see
e guides sho ould be replacced by an au uthorized Volvo workshop

Figurre 2

6. Take down the va alve so that it does not re

est against th
he seat.
7. Checck the valvess and measu ure them. Va alve spindle diameter, va
alve edge's thickness, va
alve plate dia
See .

Figurre 3

8. Chec
ck the valve sseat rings an s. Wear limit for valve seat width, see
nd wear limits e .

Figurre 4

9. Meas sure the disttance betwe

een the valve plate and the cylinder head's sea e. Valve's depth in
aling surface
der head, see .

Figurre 5

10. Meas
sure the leng
gth of the valv
ve spring, wiith unloaded spring. Use slide caliperrs. Length, se
ee .

Figurre 6

ect the valve seat's angle

11. Corre e with the inte
ended grinding tool to griind in valvess in the seat.
e seat angle,, width: see .

ck-measure tthe valve's de
epth in the cylinder head after grindin
ng the valve seats.
12. Install the valve sstem seal.

Figurre 7

13. Install valves, valvve springs and spring waashers.

Oil in
n the inlet va
alves' and ex xhaust valve ems. Carefullly press in the valves with
es' valve ste w a slight twisting
motioon. The O-rinng is very thin
n and is easiily damaged.

14. NO
at spring forrce. Make su
ure that the lock plate's seat is not damaged.
Use a valve sprin
ng tool for valve spring, in
nstall the collets.
Valve seat, changing
V c
15. The valve
v seats sshall be channged when th he measurem ment betweeen valve plate and the cyylinder head's
s plane
exceeeds the valuee given in the ons or when satisfactory sealing is no
e specificatio ot obtained. See
S .

Figurre 8

16. Grind
d down two edges
e on the
e head of a discarded valv

Figurre 9

17. Weld
d the valve in the valve se
Work o that the cylinder head is
k carefully so s not damage

Figurre 10

e a suitable sleeve as protection ove

18. Place er the valve//valve guide
e. Carefully ta
ap out the valve
v and the
e valve
seat with
w a hamm mer.
Workk carefully so
o that the cylinder head is
s not damage ed.

Figurre 11

19. Thorooughly cleann the seat's position

p and check the cyylinder headd for scratchees. Scratchees are not pe
on the cylinder heead.
20. Meas sure the diaameter of the e valve sea at's position. Check if se eat of standdard dimens sion shall be
e used.
Perfoorm any requuired reworking of the valve seat's pos sition.
21. Cool the seat in dry ice to a temperature e between -60°C (-76°F F) and -70°C C (-94°F) . If needed, waarm the
der head withh a hot-air gu
un or similar. Press in the
e valve seat with a suitab
ble drift.
Use protective
p glo
22. Rewoork the seat to
t correct an
ngle and widtth according to .
As sp
pare parts the valve seats
s are pre-finiished and sh
hall not need any addition
nal grinding.

Valve seat, grinding

V g
23. Beforre grinding thhe valve seaats, check the
e valve seats
s, valve guid
des and replaace them if wear
w toleranc
ces are
excee eded.
24. When n grinding va alve seats, do
d not remov ve too much h material, only enough so that the valve
v seat gets
g the
right shape and th he valve disc
c good contaact surface.
25. The valve
v seat iss ground dow wn so that the measurement betwee en the cylind
der head's plane
p and the
e valve
plate's head is ac
ccording to .

Figure 12
F Figure 13
nlet valve Exhhaust valve
1. Valve ness of edge (A)
e disc, thickn 1. Valve's edge thickne ess (A)
2. Valvee's seat angle (B) 2. Valve's seat angle (B)
3. Valvee seat's angle (C) 3. Valve seeat's angle (C)

26. The valve

v seat's angle is checked with a valve seat gauge after th
he seat's conntact face ha
as been coated with
a thin
n layer of ma
arking paint.
As sppare parts the valves are pre-finished
d and shall no
ot need any additional grrinding.
Valves, grin
V nding
27. The sealing
s surfa
ace shall be ground
g d enough to remove all damage.
as litttle as possible, only grind
28. Checck the measu urement (A) on the valve e plate's edgge. If the meeasurement is less than the wear tollerance
accorrding to thee valve shall be changed..
Alwayys change a valve with crooked
c valvee spindle.
29. Checck the seal off the valves using
u markinng paint.
In case they do not seal tight, repeat grindding of the va ut not on the valve. Check
alve seat, bu k once againn.
When n the grindin
ng result is acceptable,
a th
hen the valve and seat can
c be lappe ed together using
u a fine lapping
Rocker arm bridge
30. Dismmantle rocker arm and roc cker arm briddge.

Figurre 14

ker arm brid
31. Chec
ck wear. Rep
place in case of abnormal wear.

Figurre 15

1. Pivot pins s
2. Adjusting
2 g screw
3 Rocker arm's contactt surface
4 Diameterr
ck that the oil ducts are open.
32. Chec
33. Assemble rocker arm and roc cker arm brid
dge. Install th
he lock rings.

Cylinder, cylinder heads removed, measuring wear in all cylinders

Op nbr 212-011

Dial indicator for inside measurements

Depth gauge

Slide calipers

Checking cylinder liner

1. Set the dial indicator to 108 mm (4.252 in)

2. Check that the liner is free from cracks or other damage.

Measure the cylinder liner's inside diameter. Measure at three different depths according to figure. Inside diameter
cylinder liner, see Cylinder block, specifications

Figure 1

3. Measure the cylinder liner collar at several places with a micrometer. Sealing surface for liner height, see
Cylinder block, specifications

Figure 2

4. Check the cylinder liner seat's depth at several places with a micrometer, see Cylinder block, specifications

Figure 3

1. Depth gauge

Piston with connecting rod, checking

Op nbr
Piston ring pliers
Feeler gauge
Screw micrometer

Dismantling connecting rod and piston

1. Remove the lock ring. Press out the piston pin. Remove the connecting rod.

2. Remove the piston rings using a pair of piston ring pliers.

Figure 1

1. Piston ring pliers

3. Clean and check the piston and piston ring grooves.

4. Check the piston ring space, see fig. When measuring, the ring is pushed down below the lower turn-around point
(bdc) using a piston. Measure the ring clearance with a feeler gauge, see Crankshaft, specifications.

Figure 2

1. Feeler gauge
5. Install the oil scraper ring (3).
Install the tapered compression ring (2) with the text "top" facing the combustion chamber.
Install the tapered compression ring (1) with the text "top" facing up.
Displace the piston rings' gap 120° in relation to each other.
The gap of oil scraper ring's inside spring shall be displaced 180° in relation to the ring gap.

Figure 3
1. Compression ring
2. Compression ring
3. Oil scraper ring

6. Measure the piston ring clearance axially with a feeler gauge.

Wear limits, see Crankshaft, specifications.

Figure 4

7. Check if the piston pin is worn. Piston pin diameter, see Crankshaft, specifications.

Figure 5

Assembling connecting rod and piston

8. NOTE!
The ring gaps for the circlips must face the piston crown.

Place a circlip in correct position and install it.


Figure 6

9. Install the piston together with the connecting rod. The flywheel symbol on the piston and the guide pins on the
connecting rod must be located on the same side.

Figure 7

1. Guide pin

10. Install the other circlip.


Valves, description
The engines are equipped with one inlet and one exhaust valve per cylinder.
The upper area of the valve guide (on the valve stem) houses an O-ring (A). This O-ring seal should prevent a large level of
oil consumption and reduce the amount of hydrocarbons in the exhaust.
Valve rotation is achieved through the eccentric position of the rocker arm.
The valve springs have a prescribed direction of installation. The closely wound end of the valve spring must point toward
the cylinder head.
Rocker arm lubrication is a component of the centralized lubricating system. The oil is supplied via the tappets and push

Figure 1

Due to a new valve spring guide design, it is no longer possible to use a feeler gauge to adjust the valves of L40B machines
from SN 1913001 – / 1923001 – and L45B machines from SN 1943001 – / 1953001 –. For this reason, valve clearance
must be adjusted using the rotation angle disc.

Figure 2
Valve system

1. Jam nut
2. Adjustment screw
3. Rocker arm
4. Washer
5. Snap ring
6. Spring disc
7. Valve
8. Push rod

Valves, adjusting
Op nbr 214-012

885530 Rotation tool

Only adjust the valve clearance with cold engine.

1. Place the machine in service position.

2. Remove pressure control valve and valve cover.

Figure 1
Valve cover with pressure control valve

3. Remove retainer plate with cabling.

Valve adjustment with the engine running is not allowed since the valves may strike the piston, causing
severe damage.

Figure 2
1. Exhaust valves: 1, 3, 5, 7
2. Inlet valves: 2, 4, 6, 8

4. Rotate the engine until the valves on cylinder no. 1 stand at "valve overlap".
Valve overlap means: exhaust valve not yet closed, inlet valve begins to open.

Figure 3

5. Adjust the valves marked black in illustration.

Inlet valve: 0.3 mm (0.0118 in)
Exhaust valve: 0.5 mm (0.0197 in)
In case the cylinder head gasket has been replaced, increase valve clearance by 0.1 mm (0.0040 in) !

Figure 4

6. Tighten the lock nut to 20 ±2Nm (15 ±1.5 lbf ft). Check the valve clearance again with the feeler gauge.

Figure 5

7. Rotate the engine again, one full turn until the valves on cylinder 4 are at "valve overlap". Adjust the valve clearance
on valves marked black in the illustration.

Figure 6

8. Install the gasket, replace if necessary.

9. Attach the valve cover and retainer plate. Tightening torque 11 Nm (8.1 lb ft)
Ensure that the rubber seals for the fuel lines are fitted in the correct position during assembly.

Figure 7

1. Valve cover gasket

2. Rubber seal

10. Attach pressure control valve to valve cover. Tightening torque 8.5Nm (6.3 lb ft)

Figure 8
Valve cover with pressure control valve

Valves, adjusting
Op nbr 214-012

885530 Rotation tool

885812 Timing tool

Only adjust the valve clearance with cold engine.

1. Place the machine in service position.

2. Unscrew the bolts (1) and remove crankcase ventilation (2).

Figure 1
Crankcase ventilation channel

3. Remove the cover plate (1) with wiring.

Figure 2

4. Unscrew the cylinder head cover bolts and remove with gasket.

Valve adjustment with the engine running is not allowed since the valves may strike the piston, causing
severe damage.

Figure 3
1. Exhaust valves: (EX) 1, 3, 5, 7
2. Inlet valves: (IN) 2, 4, 6, 8

5. Rotate the engine until the valves on cylinder no. 1 stand at "valve overlap".
Valve overlap means: exhaust valve not yet closed, inlet valve begins to open.

Figure 4

IN = inlet vavle
EX = outlet valve
Adjust valve clearance in accordance with the black mark on the adjustment chart for each cylinder.
Inlet valve: (IN) 90°

Figure 5

Adjust inlet valve clearance

6. Undo the lock nut (1) and screw in the adjustment screw (2) until it makes contact.

Figure 6

The rocker arm must make contact (no gap) with the thrust washer (arrow) of the spring disc.

7. Position the rotation angle disc on the adjuster screw. Secure the magnet of the rotation angle disc to the cylinder
head. Set the rotation angle disc to "Null" in the direction of the arrow.

Figure 7

Take care not to turn the adjustment screw.

8. Turn the adjustment screw anticlockwise 90°.

Figure 8

9. Counterhold the adjustment screw and tighten the lock nut to 20 ± 2 Nm (14.8 ± 1.5 lbf ft). Remove the rotation
angle disc.

Figure 9

Adjust exhaust valve clearance

10. Rotate the engine one revolution again until the valves of cylinder no. 4 are at "valve overlap". Adjust valve
clearance in accordance with the black mark on the adjustment chart for each cylinder.
Exhaust valve: (EX)150°
Follow steps 6 to 9 for adjusting exhaust valve clearance.

Figure 10

11. Clean the sealing surfaces of the cylinder head.

12. Fit a new gasket to the cylinder head cover.

13. Fit the cylinder head cover and tighten the bolts alternately to 13 Nm (9.6 lbf ft).

14. Fit the cover plate (1) with wiring.

15. Fit the crankcase ventilation. Tighten the bolts to 20 ± 2 Nm (14.8 ± 1.5 lbf ft.

16. Start the engine and check for leaks and proper operation.

Valves, adjusting
Op nbr 214-012

Feeler gauge

1. Rotate the engine's crankshaft until the valves overlap on cylinder no. 1. Overlapping of the vales means that the
exhaust valve is about to close. The inlet valve is about to open. No push rods can be rotated in this position.
(Cylinder 1 is located closest to the flywheel)

Figure 1

2. Adjust the valve clearance for each cylinder with feeler gauge according to the black markings in the figure. Valve
clearance, see Valve system, specification.

Figure 2

3. Tighten the lock nut. Tightening torque: Cylinder head, tightening torques.
Check the adjustment again with feeler gauge.

Figure 3
4. Rotate the crankshaft another revolution until the valves for cylinder 4 overlap. Adjust the valve clearance for each
cylinder with feeler gauge according to theblack markings in the figure. Mark the rocker arms of each adjusted
valve with chalk.

Figure 4
5. Tighten the lock nut according to Cylinder head, tightening torques.
6. Install a new valve cover gasket.

Engine timing gear, description

On the engines, the timing gears are located at the flywheel end for the camshaft and power take-off.
Stamped markings on the crankshaft and camshaft gears are used to facilitate correct setting.

Figure 1

Camshaft, description
The camshaft is supported by 5 bearings. The sliding surfaces of the bearings and cams are inductively hardened.
Each bearing runs in a bearing bush that is pressed into the crankcase. There is one inlet, exhaust and injection pump cam
per cylinder. The axial stop for the camshaft is located in the timing case cover.
L40B machines from SN 1913001- / 1923001- and L45B machines from SN 1943001- / 1953001- are equipped with
unregulated internal exhaust gas recirculation (IEGR).
The camshaft has an addition cam - the caster cam. This ensures that the inlet valve briefly opens during the exhaust stroke
so that the exhaust also works in the engine intake system.

Camshaft, checking, changing

Op nbr

9998695 Installation tool

Steel ruler

Dial test indicator for inside measurements

Camshaft and valve tappets, checking

Figure 1
Steel ruler

Check with a steel ruler that the valve tappets' contact face against the camshaft is convex or plane. If the contact face is
concave, change valve tappets.
If the valve tappet is worn across the lifting surface, the tappet shall be scrapped, the "ditch" shows that the tappet has not
A dark stripe on the outer edge of the lifting surface does not indicate that the surface is worn. It is the valve tappets'
condition that determines if a check of camshaft wear is necessary.
Check that the contact surfaces on the camshaft and the valve tappets do not have severe pitting damage. Pitting damage
may arise for varying reasons. The damage is caused by small bits of metal loosening from the hardened surface. Tappets
and camshaft with minor pitting damage may be used. Damage such as pitting usually does not get any worse.
Check that the camshaft bearing races and cam profiles are not abnormally worn. The cams may, for example, be worn
obliquely in an axial direction. This can, if the damage is light, be adjusted by honing.
Replace the camshaft if there is major damage and wear.
All valve tappets should also be replaced when replacing the camshaft.

Guidelines for changing

Under normal conditions there may be roughness on the surface of the engine's camshaft cams. This does not mean that the
camshaft has to be replaced. These marks have no negative impact, neither on engine performance nor on the durability of
the engine or its components.
The following shows examples of acceptable wear and unacceptable wear, respectively.

Acceptable wear Unacceptable wear

The camshaft does not have to be changed. The camshaft with associated rocker arms must be changed.

Figure 2 Figure 4

Figure 3 Figure 5

Checking camshaft bearings

Set the dial indicator to 65 mm (2.56 in). Measure the bearing bushings' inside diameters in at least four places acc. to fig.
Inside diameter, see Camshaft, specifications
Inner wear limit, see Camshaft, specifications

Figure 6
Measuring points camshaft bearings

Camshaft bearings, changing

Op nbr

1. Remove the bearings with 9998695.

Figure 7
1. 9998695

2. Install new bearings with 9998695.

The widest bearing (27 mm)(1.063 in) shall be installed at the flywheel end. Check that the lubrication oil holes in
the bearings fit against the oil channels in the bearings positions.

Crankshaft, description
The forged crankshaft is provided with integrated balancing weights. The gear that drives the engine's timing gear and the
flange for the flywheel are shrink-mounted on the crankshaft.

Figure 1

Connecting rod, description

The connecting rod, made of forged steel, is provided with a balancing weight (A) at the crankshaft bearing (big-end) to
compensate for manufacturing tolerances with regards to weight and the position of the centre of gravity.
The number markings at the crankshaft (big-end) bearing end and on the crankshaft bearing cap must face in the same
direction and must have the same number.
Guide lugs in the upper and lower bearing shells prevent rotation in the bearing position.
The piston must be fitted so that the flywheel symbol on the piston top faces the flywheel.

Figure 1

Crankshaft, checking
Op nbr

Slide calipers

Dial test indicator with magnetic base

Dial test indicator for inside measurements

Screw micrometer

Main bearings

1. Place the crankshaft in v-block or similar.

Figure 1

2. Diagram for measuring main bearing pins at points 1 and 2 in the planes a and b.
Bearing pin diameter, undersizes and wear limit, see Crankshaft, specifications.

Figure 2

Main bearing cups

3. Install the bearing shells in the main bearing caps, and install the main bearing caps in the engine block.

4. Measure the main bearing diameter at points 1 and 2 in the planes a and b.
Inside diameter and oversizes, see Crankshaft, specifications.

Figure 3

Thrust bearing

5. Set the dial indicator to 38 mm.

6. NOTE!
Before reworking the crankshaft, measure the width of the new thrust bearings. Measure the thrust bearing pin's
width. Use dial indicator for inside measurement. Measure the width of the crankshaft's thrust bearing pins.

Bearing pin width and oversize, see Crankshaft, specifications.

Figure 4

7. Wipe clean the bearing cap, the thrust bearing and thrust washers. Install the thrust washers and measure the width
of the cap.

Figure 5

8. Determine the axial clearance. The big-end bearing pin's width, minus the measured width of the bearing cap and
thrust washers gives the current clearance. Permitted axial clearance, see Crankshaft, specifications.

Big-end bearing

9. Measure the big-end bearing pins. Big-end bearing diameter, undersize and wear limit, see
Crankshaft, specifications.

Figure 6 Figure 7

10. Check straightness of the crankshaft. Use dial indicator. Max. out-of-round on the middle bearing, see
Crankshaft, specifications.

Starter ring gear, replacing

Op nbr

1. Heat the new starter ring gear to +210 °C (+410 °F). If an oven is to be used, begin the work by heating the ring
gear. If a welding torch is to be used, heat the ring gear just before it is to be installed.

2. Drill a 10 mm (0.39 in) hole between two gear teeth on the old ring gear. Drill down 9 mm (0.35 in).

Do not drill in the flywheel. Risk of imbalance.

Figure 1

3. Secure the flywheel in a vice with soft jaws. Crack the starter ring gear by the drilled hole using a cold chisel.

Figure 2

4. Install the starter ring gear. Make sure that it bottoms against the flywheel flange. If necessary use a drift.

Figure 3

5. Allow the starter ring gear to cool.


Lubrication system, description

Lubrication system

Figure 1

1. Oil pressure switch

2. Oil cooler
3. Oil pump
4. Safety valve, oil cooler pressure-control valve)
5. System pressure valve
6. Oil filter, full-flow filter
7. Oil suction pipe
8. Oil pan
9. Big-end bearings
10. Main bearing, crankshaft
11. Return flow to oil pan
12. Turbocharger
13. Oil line to turbocharger
14. Tappet with pulse lubrication
15. Push rod,oil duct for lubrication of rocker mechanism
16. Rocker arm
17. Return oil duct to oil pan
18. Spray noozle for cooling

System pressure valve, changing

Op nbr

9996400 Impact puller

9998674 Adapter

Thread tap M8

Brass drift 20 mm

Lock fluid

1. Drill a 6.7 mm hole in the system pressure valve. Thread the hole with an M8 thread tap or bolt.

Figure 1

2. Pull loose the system pressure valve with 9996400 together with 9998674 and remove it.

Figure 2

3. Apply locking fluid on the new system pressure valve.

Figure 3

4. Drive in the system pressure valve, use brass drift 20 mm (0.787 in).

Figure 4

Oil pump, description

The lubrication oil pump is designed as a rotor pump and is mounted in the front cover. The inner rotor (1) is located on the
crankshaft (4), by which it is driven.
Its flange profile has an irregular shape, that is, it can only be fitted on the crankshaft in a certain position.

Figure 1

1. Rotor
2. Pressure chamber
3. Suction chamber
4. Crankshaft

Oil pump removed, reconditioning

Op nbr 463-020

1. Drive out the crankshaft seal using a drift.

Figure 1

2. Clean the front cover.

3. Press down the compression spring and remove the stop washer. Remove the spring and valve peg for checking.
Also check the valve seat in the cover.
Be careful, use protective glasses. The valve's spring force is powerful. A high-quality spring compressor is required.

Figure 2
4. Remove the gear set and check that there is no abnormal wear. Replace the oil pump if needed.

Figure 3
5. Install the gear set.
The outer gear ring shall be turned with the beveled edge facing down.

6. Install the cover for the gear set. Tightening torque, see Lubrication and oil system, tightening torques.

7. Install the valve peg and compression spring.

Use safety glasses.

Press down the compression spring and install the spring's stop washer.
Make sure that the spring's stop washer is adequately secured. Apply a thin layer of oil before installing.

Wait with installation of the crankshaft seal until the cover is located on the cylinder block.

Oil cooler (removed), reconditioning

Op nbr 421-013

Plug M26x1.5 Part no. 942352

Spacer 30 mm (e.g., socket 10 mm)
1. Remove the Allen head plugs (17 mm).

Figure 1

2. Remove the two hollow flange bolts (17 mm) that hold the oil cooler.

Figure 2

3. Check all parts. If you suspect a crack, pressure

test the cooler according to the following
fo and replace, if
4. Place the oil cooler core in the oil cooler housing.

Figure 3

5. Install a new aluminum washer on the hollow flange bolts. Use thread locking compound on the threads.

Figure 4

6. Tighten the flange bolts according to

7. Install new O-rings
rings on the Allen head plugs and oil them lightly. Tighten the Allen head plug according to
8. Secure the oil cooler with a new gasket.
When checking, the oil cooler core shall be as dry as possible on the inside, since any remaining water may
have a sealing effect on possible cracks. As well, water may not leak into the cooler core during the check.
During the test, avoid starting or stop
ping fan systems or letting air in or out of the room, since this may
cause the air pressure in the room to change and this may be misinterpreted as a leak.
During the test, the oil cooler core must be at the same temperature as the surroundings. The oil ccooler
core may not be repaired.
Leakage check
9. Install 9996685 on the oil cooler core according to fig. Make sure that it seals tight.

Figure 5

1. Plug
2. 9996685
3. Spacer
Figure 6
1. 9996685

10. Install 942352 on the other connection.

11. Connect the pressure-test
test equipment.

12. Immerse the oil cooler core in a bowl of water.

13. Set the air pressure to 100 kPa (14.5 PSI)
PSI).. Check if air bubbles escape from the core.
14. Increase the pressure to 500 kPa (72.5 PSI)
Leave the pressure on for 1 minute.
The pressure may not drop.
There is a leak if the pressure drops when checking. If so, replace the oil cooler core.

Oil cooler, replacing

Op nbr 223-006

1. Place the machine in service position.

Figure 1

2. Switch off the battery connection switch.

3. Drain coolant; see Coolant, changing

Always handle oils and other environmentally hazardous fluids in an environmentally safe manner.

4. Remove the cable tie and unscrew the cab heat feed pipe (1) from the oil cooler housing.

5. Unplug the electric pin plug connections (2) and connectors (3) from the oil pressure switch.

6. Detach fuel lines (4) and (5).

7. Loosen and unscrew engine oil filter (6) and fuel filter (7).

8. Unscrew the bolts (1) and remove the fastening clamps. Unscrew the remaining bolts and remove the oil cooler
housing (2) with gasket.

Figure 2

9. Remove the oil cooler from its housing. Unscrew the plug (1).

Figure 3

10. Unscrew the collar bolts (oil cooler attachment) and remove the oil cooler.

Figure 4
11. Clean the oil cooler housing and all sealing surfaces.
12. Fit a new oil cooler in the oil cooler housing.

Figure 5

13. Put a new gasket (1) on the collar bolt and coat with assembly paste. Insert a new seal ring (2) in the groove and
apply a thin coating of oil.

Figure 6

14. Screw on and tighten the flange nuts. Tightening torque: pretension 80 Nm (59 lbf ft), re-tension 160 Nm (118
lbf ft).

15. Screw in the plug (1) and tighten to 80 Nm (59 lbf ft).
Coat new seal rings with assembly paste.

Figure 7

16. Fit the oil cooler housing with new gasket on the crankcase. Fit the retainer bolts and tighten alternately. Tightening
torque: pretension 3 Nm (2.2 lbf ft); re-tension 30 Nm (22 lbf ft).

17. Attach the cab heat feed pipe (1) to the oil cooler housing.

Figure 8

18. Plug in the electric pin plug connections (2) and connectors (3) to the oil pressure switch. Fit cable tie.

19. Attach fuel lines (4) and (5).

20. Screw on the engine oil filter (6) and fuel filter (7).

21. Top up coolant; see Coolant, changing

22. Start the engine and allow it to warm up so that the cooling system is completely filled and bled. Check for leaks.
Allow the engine to cool and then check level. Top up as necessary.

Fuel system, description

The fuel flows from the tank via the primary filter to the fuel feed pump and then travel through the secondary filter to the
inlet duct of the injection pump. From the injection pump, the fuel travels via the delivery pipes to the injectors.
The fuel feed pump has a high displacement. The surplus fuel serves to cool the injection pump.
A pressure control valve is located at the end of the inlet duct. The valve maintains a constant pressure of 5 bar (72 psi) for
the injection pump.
The surplus fuel is led back to the tank via the return line.

Figure 1
Fuel system diagram

1. Fuel tank
2. Primary filter (fuel pre-filter/water separator)
3. Fuel pump
4. Secondary filter (fuel filter)
5. Fuel line from secondary filter to the injection pump.
6. Injection pump
7. Line to injector
8. Injector
9. Pressure retention valve
10. Fuel return pipe

Fuel feed pump, description

The fuel feed pump is a rotor pump operated via a V-belt.
The fuel feed pump has a dual valve. The pressure relief valve (1) is a piston valve that opens at 6 ± 0.5 bar (87 ± 7 psi). At
the same time, the valve limits system pressure to 9.5 ± 0.5 bar (13.8 ± 7 psi) in order to protect the fuel lines and filters.
The bypass valve (2) is a ball valve. The valve prevents the fuel from returning to the tank. This facilitates a restart of the
If the fuel lines are run dry, the fuel system must be refilled and bled using the hand pump located on the primary filter.
The bypass valve (2) opens and allows the fuel to circulate in the entire system. This supplies the injection pumps with fuel
and prevents an excessively long engine starting process (starter protection).

Figure 1
Fuel pump

1. Overload relief valves

2. By-pass valve

Fuel filtters, rep

Op nbr 2333-014
ower can be caused by a clogged fuel filter. If the
A reduction in engine po e filter becom
mes clogged
d quickly, che
eck fuel
for contamin
nation and clean fuel tank if necessarry.
1. Loo
osen the fuel filter with a filter
f wrench, and unscre

Figure 1

1. Fuel filte er
2. Clean the sealin ng surface off filter holderr.
3. Lighhtly oil the ru
ubber seal off the new filte
er, or moisten
n with diesel.
4. Scrrew on the filtter by hand until
u the seall makes conttact, then tigh
hten anotherr half turn.

Fuel pre-filter / water separator

5. Loo osen filter inssert with a filtter wrench, and
a unscrew.

Figure 2
Fueel pre-filter
A. Filter element
B. Sight gllass
6. Clean the sealin ng surface off filter holderr.
7. Unsscrew sight glass
g from the filter insertt and clean.
8. Che eck seals forr damage and d replace if necessary.
9. Scrrew sight glasss on the new filter insertt.
10. Scrrew on the filtter by hand until
u the seall makes conttact, then tigh
hten anotherr half turn.
Air bleeding of tthe fuel systeem is not neccessary.

Feed pump, replacing

Op nbr 233-002

2902691 V-belt tension gauge

1. Place the machine in service position.

Figure 1

2. Switch off the battery connection switch.

3. Unscrew the bolts (1) and remove the V-belt cover.

4. Detach fuel lines (1) and (2) from the fuel feed pump.

Always handle oils and other environmentally hazardous fluids in an environmentally safe manner.

Figure 2

5. Slacken the bolts (1), move the fuel feed pump in the direction of the arrow and remove the V-belt (2).

Figure 3

6. Unscrew the bolts (1) and remove the fuel feed pump.

Figure 4

7. Unscrew the bolts (1), remove the fuel feed pump (2) and fasten the clamping strap (3) to the new fuel feed pump.
Tightening torque 20 ± 2 Nm (15 ± 1.5 lbf ft).
Note the installation position of the clamping strap.

Figure 5

8. Fit the clamping strap with fuel feed pump. Screw on the bolts (1) and position the V-belt (2).

Figure 6

9. Use a suitable tool to press the clamping strap in the direction of the arrow and tighten the bolts (1) to 30 Nm (22
lbf ft).

10. Check V-belt tension with the V-belt tension gauge. Press the button (1) against the V-belt until there is an audible
click. Read the measurement value at the intersection of the indicator arm and the scale (arrow).

Figure 7

Note the different units on the scale.

V-belt tension
Pretension after first installation 650 N
Run for 15 minutes under load and re-tension. 400 ± 50 N

If the set value is not achieved, the tensioning procedure must be repeated.

Mechanical injection D5D, checking and adjusting

Determining injection angle and thickness of shim
Before determining injection angle, thickness of shim and installing the unit pumps, measure the control rod, see .
Injection angle (timing) and type of camshaft are indicated on the ID
To reduce white smoke at cold start, the later versions of D
5D are equipped with hydraulic roller tappets. These
engines are characterized by the EP-codes
codes on the engine ID
plate having a value between 700
Since the hydraulic roller tappets' height differs from the earlier, the unit pumps have different install
measurements. Thus different special tools are used for measuring the distance between roller tappet and the
engine block.

Figure 1

1. Shim
2. Hydraulic roller tappet for reduction of white smoke

Op nbr

Magnetic base
9998685 Setting tool is used for engines with conventional roller tappets. 11668408 Setting tool is used for engines
with hydraulic roller tappets to reduce white smoke
The following methods only need to be performed after replacing engine block, camshaft or a roller tappet.
When only replacing a unit pump, see the section "Replacing unit pump".
Determining top dead centre
1. Install timing tool (protractor) 9998679 on tthe flywheel flange on the crank shaft.

Tighten the bolts thoroughly so that there is no clearance.

Figure 2

2. Secure the indicator. Use a magnetic base.

Figure 3

3. Position measuring rod 9998678 together with spacer washers above the piston relevant to the unit injector
for which the injection angle is to be determined.
Turn the crankshaft in the direction of rotation of the engine until the pointer has reached its turning point.
Set the graduated ring on the dial test indicator to zero.

Figure 4
To reduce the risk of obtaining
g the wrong measurement when determining top dead centre, the
following method must be performed:
4. Turn the crankshaft in the direction of rotation of the engine approx. 350° until there is 8 mm (0.315 in) left
to the top dead centre (the turning point of the test dial indicator).
Set the timing tool (protractor) 9998679 to zero.

Figure 5

5. Turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction until there is 8 mm (0.315 in) left to the top dead centre (the
turning point of the test dial indicator).
Read off the timing tool (protractor) .

Example: 50°.

Figure 6

6. Turn the crankshaft a distance equal to half of the obtained reading.

Example: (0º + 50º) / 2 = 25º = Actual value. This corresponds to the top dead centre and should agree with
the turning point on the dial indicator.

Figure 7

7. Set the timing tool (protractor) 9998679 to zero.

Leave the timing tool (protractor) in position in preparation for the next stage in determining the injection

Figure 8

Measuring tolerance deviation, engine block (engine without hydraulic roller tappets for reduction
of white smoke)
We suggest copying the Value tables 1, 2 and 3
8. Install the dial indicator on measuring tool 9998685, with a preload of 5 mm (0.20 in) o
on the millimetre

The hollow cylinder's measurement, Le, is calibrated to 150 mm (5.905 in).. Reset the scale ring to zero
against the gauge pointer.

Figure 9

1. 9998685
2. Dial test indicator
3. Pointer
4. Millimetre graduation
5. Graduated ring
9. Place the roller tappet without shim for the unit pump for which the timing is to be adjusted, on the base
circle of the camshaft.
Carefully insert 9998685 in the unit pump's hole.

Figure 10

Make sure that the guide on the roller tappet engages the groove in the location.
10. Turn the crankshaft until it is certain that the roller tappet is on the camshaft's base circle.

Figure 11

11. Measure "L" (Le - dial indicator X mm) and enter this in ""Calculation table 2.2".
Measuring tool: Le = 150 mm (5.905 in)
Dial indicator (X mm) = 2.18 mm (0.086 in)

The dial indicator shows 7.18 mm (0.283 in) when it is placed in the unit pump's hole.
The preload was 5 mm.
7.18 mm (0.283 in) - 5 mm (0.197 in) = 2.18 mm (0.086 in)

L= 150 mm (5.905 in) + 2.18 mm (0.086 in) = 152.18 mm (5.991 in)

Figure 12

Measuring tolerance deviation, roller tappets and camshaft (engine without hydraulic roller tappets
for reduction of white smoke)
12. Read off the injection angle, Fbnom on the engine type plate.
Read off the lift of the camshaft,, Vhnom i Value table 1.
Enter both values in "Calculation
Calculation table 2.1

Fbnom = injection angle = 6.0
Camshaft type = A
Vhnom = The value obtained on the timing tool (protractor) when the crankshaft has been turned so far that
the camshaft has affected the tappet 6.11 mm (0.241 in).

Turn the crankshaft in the engine's rotational direction until the dial indicator shows - (minus) Vhnom's value
of 6.11 mm (0.241 in), which is the camshaft lift.

7 mm (0.2756 in) - 6.11 mm (0.241 in) = 0.89 mm (0.035 in).
The dial indicator was reset to 5 mm (0.1968 in) preload on the gauge, and when it shows 0.89 mm (0.035
in), then Vhnom has been obtained.

Figure 13

13. The value shown on the timing tool (protractor) is the number of degrees at which the injection begins (e.g.

Example: 360° - 354.4° = 5.5°

Enter this value in the Calculation tables 2.1 and 3.1

Figure 14

14. Read off the measurement "A" on the unit pump and enter this in the table Calculation table2.1.

Example: A / 100 = 0.63 mm (0.025 in).

Figure 15

15. Remove the measuring tool and the dial indicator. Conclude the calculations to determine the shim
thickness in Calculation table 2.2

Do not forget to change the EP-code
code on the engine's ID

Figure 16

16. Allow the shim to slide into position along, for example, a screwdriver and down into the roller tappet.

NOTE! Repeat the measuring procedures described in points 12

16 for each unit injector.

Figure 17

Measuring tolerance deviation, engine block (engine with hydraulic tappets for reduction of white
We suggest copying the Value tables 1, 2 and 3
17. Install the dial indicator on 11668408, with a prel
oad of 5 mm (0.20 in) on the millimetre scale.
The hollow cylinder's measurement, Le, is calibrated to 149.25 mm (5.876 in).. Reset the scale ring to zero
against the gauge pointer.

Figure 18

1. 11668408
2. Dial test indicator
3. Pointer
4. Millimetre graduation
5. Graduated ring

18. Place the roller tappet without shim for the unit pump for which the timing is to be adjusted, on the base
circle of the camshaft.
Carefully insert 11668408 in the unit pump's hole.

Figure 19

Make sure that the guide on the roller tappet engages the groove in the location.
19. Turn the crankshaft until it is certain that the roller tappet is on the camshaft's base circle.

Figure 20

20. Measure "L" (Le + Roller tappet's piston lift 1 mm - dial indicator X mm) and enter it in "Calculation
" table

Measuring tool: Le = 149.25 mm (5.876 in)

The dial indicator shows 5,94 mm when it is positioned in the unit pump's hole. The preload was 5 mm. 5.94
- 5 mm = 0.94 mm

L= 149.25 mm (5.876 in) + 1 mm (0.039 in) - (+0.94 mm) (0.037 in) = 149.31 mm (5.878 in)

Figure 21

21. Read off the measurement "A" on the unit pump and enter this in the table Calculation table2.1.

Example: A / 100 = 0.86 mm (0.034 in).

Figure 22

22. Remove the measuring tool and the dial indicator. Conclude the calculations to determine the shim
thickness in Calculation table 2.2
Do not forget to alter the EP code on the engine type plate.

Figure 23

23. Allow the shim to slide into position along, for example, a screwdriver and down into the roller tappet.

Repeat the measuring procedures
es described in points 17
17-25 for each unit injector.

Figure 24

Measuring control rod stroke for adjusting engine revolution governor

Op nbr
1. Measure the control rod's X-measurement
measurement from the face of the timing gear casing to the stop position.

Example of the X measurement: 1.1 mm (0.0433 in).

The measured value must be stated for when running in a test bench after completed repairs, alte
alteration or
modification of the governor with regard to the operating speed.

Figure 25

Determining the shim's thickness when changing unit pump

This may be done if no other machining has been carried out.

Mathematical formula for new shim thickness: Ts = Ek - (L0 + A / 100)

True thickness of shim, Ss, is obtained from Value table 2.
This formula only applies to replacement of unit pump.

Calculation table 1 Factor Ex D5D

Cylinder number Cyl. 1 Cyl. 2 Cyl. 3 Cyl. 4
Unit pump serial number[ 1]
EP code (see Value table 3) EP 751
Corrected installation Ek 143.275
measurement (se Value table
Basic measurements of unit L0 - 136.8
pump (see Value table 1)
Manufacturing tolerance (se A/100 - 0,86
marking on unit pump)
Theoretical thickness of shim Ts = 5.62
True thickness of shim (see Ss ≈ 5,60
Calculation table 2.2)

Example: Change of unit pump for cylinder 3 on a D5D with hydraulic roller tappets
Op nbr
1. Read off the EP-code
code for cylinder 3 from the engine type plate in the column "EP", e.g. 751.
Order of readings in the "EP" column on the engine type plate: line 1 = cylinder No. 1, line 2 = cylinder No.
2 and so on.

Figure 26
Engine type plate
2. Using the EP-code,
code, read off the corrected installation measurem
measurement, Ekfor the unit pump from Value table

Example: EP-code = 751 gives Ek = 143.275 mm (5.641 in).

3. Read off the manufacturing tolerance for the unit pump's length A,, from the new unit pump.

Example: Tolerance value A / 100 gives 86 / 100 = 0.86 mm (0.0339 in).

Figure 27
Manufacturing tolerance

If the value is not legible, remove any dirt, but not by scraping.

4. Read off the standard measurement for the unit pump, L0, from Calculation table 1.

Example: 136.8 mm (5.3858 in)


5. Determine the theoretical shim thickness, Ts, according to the formula: Ts = Ek-(L
(L0 + A / 100)(also see
example in table Calculation table 1

Example: Ts=143.275 mm - (136.8 mm + 0.86 mm) = 5.62 mm (0.2213 in)

6. Select thickness of shim, Ss, according to Value table 2.

Example: Ts= 5.62 mm (0.2213 in) gives Ss = 5.6 mm (0.2205 in).

Unit pump, installing
Op nbr

2. Position the roller tappets together with associated shims.

Figure 28

1. Control arm

Turn the unit pump's link arm to the middle position.

2. Check that the cam on the unit pump is placed against the base circle for the relevant cylinder. Crank the
engine with the aid of tool 9998681 or timing tool (protractor) 9998679.

The control rod must be locked in stop position with tool 9998684.
3. Coat the O-rings
rings on the unit pump with oil. Carefully enter the unit pump into its location.

Figure 29

1. Control rod
2. Shims for pump element
3. Roller tappet for pump element

Check that the unit pump's link arm is in the control rod's groove before it is pressed down.
4. Position the flange with the chamfer directed toward the body of the unit pump.
Coat the bolts with oil and tighten them evenly.
Tightening torque, see step 1 and 2,

Figure 30

5. Carefully turn the unit pump counter-clockwise.

counter clockwise. Use a torque wrench with gauge and socket 11668403.
Make a note of the reading on the gauge on the torque wrench required to turn the unit pump, e.g. 3.5 Nm
(2.6 lbf ft).
Stop turning the torque wrench when the unit pump has reached its stop position and the torque has
increased by1 Nm (0.74 lbf ft).

Example: 3.5 + 1 = 4.5 Nm (2.58 + 0.74 = 3.32 lbf ft)

Figure 31

6. ghten the bolts alternately according to .


Check that the control rod moves easily after installing each unit pump
7. Repeat points 1-6
6 for the other cylinders.

Check that the control rod moves easily after installing each unit pump
9. Loosen the bolt on measuring tool 9998684 and turn it away from the control rod, and tighten the measuring
tool's bolt on the measuring position.

Figure 32

1. 9998684
9. Measure from the tool to the control rod stop position.

Example: 30.5 mm (1.20 in)

Figure 33

10. Measure from the measuring tool to the starting position for the control rod.

Example: 13.6 mm (0.535 in) The difference between the start and stop positions is the control rod stroke.
Control rod's smallest stroke =16. 8 mm (0.661 in).

Example: Stop position = 30.5 mm (1.20 in)

Starting position = 13.6 mm (0.535 in)

Control rod's stroke: 30.5 - 13.6 = 16.9 mm (1.20 - 0.535 = 0.665 in).
Determining thickness of shim when injector is to open

Determining the thickness of shim shall be done when changing engine block, camshaft or roller tappet.

Use Calculation table 2.1 and Calculation table 2.2below for calculating the shim's thickness.

Mathematical formula for determining new thickness of shim:

Ts = L - ((Fbakt - Fbnom) x Vhkorr + Vhnom + L0 + A / 100)
The true shim thickness can be found in Calculation table 2.2.Ts ⇒ Ss

After the shim thickness has been determined, a new EP-code must alwaysbe retrieved from Value table 3 in
order to allow a correct, future replacement of the pump.

Calculation table 2.1 Factor Ex. Engine D5D

Cylinder number 3 Cyl. 1 Cyl. 2 Cyl. 3 Cyl. 4
Unit pump serial number[ 2]
Injection angle, measured on Fbakt 5,5
timing tool (protractor)
Injection angle (see engine Fbnom - 6.0
type polate)
Sum 1, (S1 = Fbakt - Fbnom) S1 = —0,5
Presetting, correction factor Vhkorr x 0,14
(see Value table 1)
Sum 2 (S2 = S1 x Vhkorr) S2 = 0,07
Camshaft lift (see Value table Vhnom + 6,11
Basic measurement on unit L0 + 143
pump (see Value table 1)
Manufacturing tolerance (see A/100 + 0,63
Unit pump)
Sum 3 (S3 = S2 + Vhnom + L0 S3 = 149,67
+ A / 100)

Calculation table 2.2 Code Ex. Cyl. 1 Cyl. 2 Cyl. 3 Cyl. 4

Length between cylinder block L 151,43
and roller tappet
Sum 3 (S3 = S2 + Vhnom + L0 + S3 - 149,67
A / 100)
Theoretical thickness of shim Ts = 1,76
True thickness of shim (see Ss ≈ 1.8
Value table 2)
Determining corrected installation measurement, Ek, and EP code for unit pump
When replacing cylinder block, camshaft or roller tappet, the corrected installation measurement, Ek, must be
determined again and the EP code and the engine type plate must be altered.

Mathematical formula for the corrected installation measurement, Ek

The following applies to engine without hydraulic roller tappets for reduction of white smoke:
Ek = L - ((Fbakt - Fbnom) x Vhkorr + Vhnom)
The following applies to engine with hydraulic roller tappets for reduction of white smoke:
Ek = L - Vhnom
New EP-code can be calculated in Calculation table 3.2 where the Ek - value gives a new EP-code in Value table
Calculation table 3.1 Code Ex. Engine D5D
Cylinder number - - - Cyl. 1 Cyl. 2 Cyl. 3 Cyl. 4
Unit pump serial number[ 3] - -
Injection angle, measured on Fbakt 5,5
timing tool (protractor)
Injection angle (see engine Fbnom - 6.0
type polate)
Sum 1, (S1 = Fbakt - Fbnom) S1 = –0,5
Correction factor (see Value Vhkorr x 0,14
Sum 2, (S2 = S1 x Vhkorr) S2 = –0,07
Camshaft lift (see Value table Vhnom + 6.11
Sum 3, (S3 = S2 + Vhnom) S3 = 6.04

Calculation table 3.2 Code Ex. Engine D5D


Cylinder number: - Cyl. 1 Cyl. 2 Cyl. 3 Cyl. 4

Length between cylinder block L - 151.43
and roller tappet
Sum 3, (S3 = S2 + Vhnom) S3 - 6.04
Ek (Ek = L - S3) Ek = 145.39
Ek, rounded to the nearest value Ek ≈ 145,40
in Value table 3
EP code (Ek results in EP code EP = 337
in Value table 3)
Unit explanations
Unit explanations
Code Factor Explanation
Fbakt °FÖD (°BTDC) Injection angle, measured on timing tool (protractor) according to method
Fbnom °FÖD (°BTDC) Injection angle, can be found on engine type plate
Vhkorr mm/°FÖD Pre-tension, correction factor can be found in Value table 1
Vhnom mm Camshaft lift, nominal. Can be found in Value table 1
L mm Measured between cylinder block and roller tappet according to method
L0 mm Basic measurement on unit pump
Lfb mm The exact point at which the unit pump begins to supply fuel
A/100 mm Manufacturing tolerance, written on the unit pump
Ts mm Theoretical thickness of shim
Ss mm True thickness of shim
S1, S2 and S3 - Total (sum) of calculations
EP - Code value that can be found in Value table 3 or on engine type plate
Ek mm The total of one calculation. Only applies when calculating EP code.

Value table 1, information about camshafts

Value table 1, information about camshafts
Injection Camshaft type camshaft lift, Vhnommm Preload, Unit pump's length,
angle, Fbnom (in) correction basic measurement,
°FÖD (°BTDC) factor, L0mm (in)
5.0 A 6.32 mm (0.2488 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
6.0 A 6.11 mm (0.2406 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
7.0 A 5.90 mm (0.2323 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
8.0 A 5.70 mm (0.2244 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
9.0 A 5.50 mm (0.2165 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
4.0 A 5.31 mm (0.2091 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
4.5 B 5.70 mm (0.2244 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
5.0 B 5.60 mm (0.2205 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
5,5 B 5.50 mm (0.2165 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
6.0 B 5.31 mm (0.2091 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
7.0 B 5.10 mm (0.2008 in) 0.14 143 mm (5.630 in)
2.0 M 6.06 mm (0.2386 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
2.5 M 5.97 mm (0.2350 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
3.0 M 5.88 mm (0.2315 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
3.5 M 5.79 mm (0.2280 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
4.0 M 5.70 mm (0.2244 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
4.5 M 5.61 mm (0.2209 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
5.0 M 5.52 mm (0.2173 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
5,5 M 5.43 mm (0.2138 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
6.0 M 5.35 mm (0.2106 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
6,5 M 5.26 mm (0.2079 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)

7.0 M 5.17 mm (0.2035 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)

7.5 M 5.08 mm (0.2000 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
8.0 M 4.99 mm (0.1965 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
2.0 S 6.198 mm (0.2440 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
2.5 S 6.110 mm (0.2406 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
3.0 S 6.020 mm (0.2370 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
3.5 S 5.930 mm (0.2335 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
4.0 S 5.842 mm (0.2300 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
4.5 S 5.75 mm (0.2264 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
5.0 S 5.66 mm (0.2228 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
5,5 S 5.58 mm (0.2197 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
6.0 S 5.49 mm (0.2161 in) - 143 mm (5.630 in)
Value table 1, information about camshafts (engines with hydraulic roller tappets for reduction of white

Value table 1, information about camshafts

Injection Camshaft type camshaft lift, Preload, Unit pump's length,
angle, Fbnom Vhnommm (in) correction basic measurement,
°FÖD (°BTDC) factor, L0mm (in)
2.0 S 6.198 mm (0.2440 in) - 136.8 mm (5.386 in)
2.5 S 6.110 mm (0.2406 in) - 136.8 mm (5.386 in)
3.0 S 6.020 mm (0.2370 in) - 136.8 mm (5.386 in)
3.5 S 5.930 mm (0.2335 in) - 136.8 mm (5.386 in)
4.0 S 5.842 mm (0.2300 in) - 136.8 mm (5.386 in)

Value table 2, information about shim thicknesses, L0=143 mm

Value table 2, information about shim thicknesses
Theoretical Thickness of Theoretical thickness, Thickness of shim, Ss
thickness, Ts shim, Ss Ts
0,95 - 1,049 mm 1,0 mm 3,05 - 3,149 mm 3,1 mm
(0.03740 - 0.0430 in) (0.039 in) (0.1201 - 0.12398 in) (0.122 in)
1,05 - 1,149 mm 1,1 mm 3,15 - 3,249 mm 3,2 mm
(0.0413 - 0.04524 in) (0.043 in) (0.1240 - 0.12791 in) (0.126 in)
1,15 - 1,249 mm 1,2 mm 3,25 - 3,349 mm 3,3 mm
(0.0453 - 0.04917 in) (0.047 in) (0.1280 - 0.13185 in) (0.130 in)
1,25 - 1,349 mm 1,3 mm 3,35 - 3,449 mm 3,4 mm
(0.0492 - 0.05311 in) (0.051 in) (0.1319 - 0.13579 in) (0.134 in)
1,35 - 1,449 mm 1,4 mm 3,45 - 3,549 mm 3,5 mm
(0.0531 - 0.05705 in) (0.055 in) (0.136 - 0.13972 in) (0.138 in)
1,45 - 1,549 mm 1,5 mm 3,55 - 3,649 mm 3,6 mm
(0.057 - 0,06098 in) (0.059 in) (0.1398 - 0.14366 in) (0.142 in)
1,55 - 1,649 mm 1,6 mm 3,65 - 3,749 mm 3,7 mm
(0.0610 - 0.06492 in) (0.063 in) (0.1437 - 0.14760 in) (0.146 in)
1,65 - 1,749 mm 1,7 mm 3,75 - 3,850 mm 3,8 mm
(0.0650 - 0.06886 in) (0.067 in) (0.1476 - 0.15157 in) (0.150 in)
1,75 - 1,849 mm 1,8 mm 3,85 - 3,949 mm 3,9 mm
(0.0689 - 0.07280 in) (0.071 in) (0.1515 - 0.15547 in) (0.154 in)
1,85 - 1,949 mm 1.9 mm 3,95 - 4,049 mm 4,0 mm
(0.0730 - 0.07673 in) (0.075 in) (0.1555 - 0.15941 in) (0.158 in)
1,95 - 2,049 mm 2.0 mm 4,05 - 4,149 mm 4,1 mm
(0.0768 - 0.08067 in) (0.079 in) (0.1594 - 0.16335 in) (161 in)
2,05 - 2,149 mm 2,1 mm 4,15 - 4,249 mm 4,2 mm
(0.0807 - 0.0846 in) (0.083 in) (0.1634 - 0.16728 in) (165 in)
2,15 - 2,249 mm 2.2 mm 4,25 - 4,349 mm 4,3 mm
(0.0846 - 0.08854 in) (0.087 in) (0.1673 - 0.17122 in) (0.169 in)

2,25 - 2,349 mm 2.3 mm 4,35 - 4,449 mm 4,4 mm

(0.0886 - 0.9248 in) (0.091 in) (0.1713 - 0.17516 in) (0.173 in)
2,35 - 2,449 mm 2,4 mm 4,45 - 4,549 mm 4,5 mm
(0.0925 - 0.09642 in) (0.095 in) (0.1752 - 0.17909 in) (0.177 in)
2,45 - 2,549 mm 2,5 mm 4,55 - 4,649 mm 4,6 mm
(0.0965 - 0.1004 in) (0.098 in) (0.1791 - 0.18303 in) (0.181 in)
2,55 - 2,649 mm 2,6 mm 4,65 - 4,749 mm 4,7 mm
(0.1004 - 0.10429 in) (0.102 in) (0.1831 - 0.18697 in) (0.185 in)
2,65 - 2,749 mm 2,7 mm 4,75 - 4,849 mm 4,8 mm
(0.1043 - 0.10823 in) (0.106 in) (0.1870 - 0.19091 in) (0.189 in)
2,75 - 2,849 mm 2,8 mm 4,85 - 4,949 mm 4,9 mm
(0.1083 - 0.11217 in) (0.110 in) (0.1910 - 0.19484 in) (0.193 in)
2,84 - 2,949 mm 2,9 mm 4,95 - 5,049 mm 5,0 mm
(0.1118 - 0.11610 in) (0.115 in) (0.1949 - 0.19878 in) (0.197 in)
2,95 - 3,049 mm 3,0 mm
(0.1161 - 0.12004 in) (0.118 in)

Value table 2, information about shim thicknesses (engines with hydraulic roller tappets for reduction of
white smoke), L0=136.8 mm
Value table 2, information about shim thicknesses
Theoretical thickness, Ts Shim thickness, Ss Theoretical thickness, Ts Shim thickness, Ss
4.625 - 4.6749 mm 4.65 mm 5.575 - 5.6249 mm 5.60 mm
(0.1831 - 0.18697 in) (0.1831 in) (0.2195 - 0.22145 in) (0.220 in)
4.675 - 4.7249 mm 4.70 mm 5.625 - 5.6749 mm 5.65 mm
(0.18406 - 0.18602 in) (0.1850 in) (0.2215 - 0.22342 in) (0.222 in)
4.725-4.7749 mm 4.75 mm 5.675 - 5.7249 mm 5.70 mm
(0.18602 - 0.18800 in) (0.1870 in) (0.22342 - 0.22539 in) (0.224 in)
4.775 - 4.8249 mm 4.80 mm 5.725 - 5.7749 mm 5.75 mm
(0.18800 - 0.19000 in) (0.1900 in) (0.2254 - 0.22736 in) (0.226 in)
4.825 - 4.8749 mm 4.85 mm 5.775 - 5.8249 mm 5.80 mm
(0.19000 - 0.19192 in) (0.1909 in) (0.2274 - 0.22933 in) (0.228 in)
4.875 - 4.9249 mm 4.90 mm 5.825 - 5.8749 mm 5.85 mm
(0.19192 - 0.19389 in) (0.1929 in) (0.2293 - 0.23129 in) (0.230 in)
4.925 - 4.9749 mm 4.95 mm 5.875 - 5.9249 mm 5.90 mm
(0.19192 - 0.19586 in) (0.1949 in) (0.2313 - 0.23326 in) (0.232 in)
4.975 - 5.0249mm 5.00 mm 5.925 - 5.9749 mm 5.95 mm
(0.19586 - 0.19783 in) (0.1968 in) (0.2333 - 0.23523 in) (0.234 in)
5.025 - 5.0749 mm 5.05 mm 5.975 - 6.0249 mm 6.00 mm
(0.19783 - 0.19980 in) (0.1988 in) (0.2352 - 0.23720 in) (0.236 in)
5.075 - 5.1249 mm 5.10 mm 6.025 - 6.0749 mm 6.05 mm
(0.19980 - 0.20177 in) (0.2008 in) (0.2372 - 0.23917 in) (0.238 in)
5.125 - 5.1749 mm 5.15 mm 6.075 - 6.1249 mm 6.10 mm
(0.20177 - 0.20374 in) (0.2027 in) (0.2392 - 0.24114 in) (0.240 in)
5.175 - 5.2249 mm 5.20 mm 6.125 - 6.1749 mm 6.15 mm
(0.20374 - 0.20570 in) (0.2047 in) (0.2411 - 0.24311 in) (0.242 in)
5.225 - 5.2749 mm 5.25 mm (0.207 in) 6.175 - 6.2249 mm 6.20 mm
(0.20570 - 0.20767 in) (0.2067 in) (0.2431 - 0.24507 in) (0.244 in)
5.275 - 5.3249 mm 5.30 mm 6.225 - 6.2749 mm 6.25 mm
(0.20768 - 0.20964 in) (0.2087 in) (0.2451 - 0.24704 in) (0.246 in)
5.325 - 5.3749 mm 5.35 mm 6.275 - 6.3249 mm 6.30 mm
(0.20965 - 0.21161 in) (0.2106 in) (0.2470 - 0.24901 in) (0.248 in)
5.375 - 5.4249 mm 5.40 mm 6.325 - 6.3749 mm 6.35 mm
(0.21161 - 0.21358 in) (0.2156 in) (0.2490 - 0.25098 in) (0.250 in)
5.425 - 5.4749 mm 5.45 mm 6.375 - 6.4249 mm 6.40 mm
(0.21161 - 0.21555 in) (0.2146 in) (0.2510 - 0.25295 in) (0.252 in)
5.475 - 5.5249 mm 5.50 mm
(0.21555 - 0.21752 in) (0.2165 in)
5.525 - 5.5749 mm 5.55 mm
(0.21752 - 0.21948 in) (0.2185 in)

Value table 3, information about EP-codes, L0=143 mm

Value table 3, information about EP codes
Ek EP code Ek EP code Ek EP code Ek EP code
145.35 mm 335
(5.7224 in)
145.375 mm 336
(5.7234 in)
145.4 mm 337 146.0 mm 361 146.6 mm 385 147.2 mm 409
(5.7244 in) (5.7480 in) (5.7716 in) (5.7953 in)
145.425 mm 338 146.025 mm 362 146.625 mm 386 147.225 mm 410
(5.7254 in) (5.7490 in) (5.7726 in) (5.7962 in)
145.45 mm 339 146.05 mm 363 146.65 mm 387 147.25 mm 411
(5.7264 in) (5.7500 in) (5.7736 in) (5.7972 in)
145.475 mm 340 146.075 mm 364 146.675 mm 388 147.275 mm 412
(5.7273 in) (5.7510 in) (5.7746 in) (5.7982 in)
145.5 mm 341 146.1 mm 365 146.7 mm 389 147.3 mm 413
(5.7283 in) (5.7520 in) (5.7756 in) (5.7992 in)
145.525 mm 342 146.125 mm 366 146.725 mm 390 147.325 mm 414
(5.7293 in) (5.7529 in) (5.7766 in) (5.8002 in)
145.55 mm 343 146.15 mm 367 146.75 mm 391 147.35 mm 415
(5.7303 in) (5.7539 in) (5.7775 in) (5.8012 in)
145.75 mm 344 146.175 mm 368 146.775 mm 392 147.375 mm 416
(5.7382 in) (5.7549 in) (5.7785 in) (5.8021 in)
145.6 mm 345 146.2 mm 369 146.8 mm 393 147.4 mm 417
(5.7323 in) (5.7559 in) (5.7800 in) (5.8031 in)
145.625 mm 346 146.225 mm 370 146.825 mm 394 147.425 mm 418
(5.7333 in) (5.7568 in) (5.7805 in) (5.8041 in)
145.65 mm 347 146.25 mm 371 146.85 mm 395 147.45 mm 419
(5.7342 in) (5.7579 in) (5.7815 in) (5.8051 in)
145.675 mm 348 146.275 mm 372 146.875 mm 396
(5.7352 in) (5.7588 in) (5.7825 in)
145.7 mm 349 146.3 mm 373 146.9 mm 397
(5.7362 in) (5.7600 in) (5.7834 in)
145.725 mm 350 146.325 mm 374 146.925 mm 398
(5.7372 in) (5.7608 in) (5.7844 in)
145.75 mm 351 146.35 mm 375 146.95 mm 399
(5.7382 in) (5.7618 in) (5.7854 in)
145.775 mm 352 146.375 mm 376 146.975 mm 400
(5.7392 in) (5.7628 in) (5.7864 in)
145.8 mm 353 146.4 mm 377 147.0 mm 401
(5.7401 in) (5.7638 in) (5.7874 in)
145.825 mm 354 146.425 mm 378 147.025 mm 402
(5.7411 in) (5.7647 in) (5.7884 in)
145.85 mm 355 146.45 mm 379 147.05 mm 403
(5.7421 in) (5.7657 in) (5.7894 in)
145.875 mm 356 146.475 mm 380 147.075 mm 404
(5.7431 in) (5.7667 in) (5.7903 in)
145.9 mm 357 146.5 mm 381 147.1 mm 405
(5.7441 in) (5.7677 in) (5.7913 in)
145.925 mm 358 146.525 mm 382 147.125 mm 406
(5.7451 in) (5.7687 in) (5.7923 in)
145.95 mm 359 146.55 mm 383 147.15 mm 407
(5.7460 in) (5.7697 in) (5.7933 in)
145.975 mm 360 146.575 mm 384 147.175 mm 408
(5.7470 in) (5.7707 in) (5.7943 in)

Value table 3, information about EP-codes (engines with hydraulic roller tappets for reduction of white
smoke), L0= 136.8 mm
Value table 3, information about EP codes
Ek EP code Ek EP code Ek EP code Ek EP code
142.0 mm 700 142.7 mm 728 143.4 mm 756 144.1 mm 784
(5.5905 in) (5.6181 in) (5.6457 in) (5.6732 in)
142.025 mm 701 142.725 mm 729 143.425 mm 757 144.125 mm 785
(5.5915 in) (5.6191 in) (5.6466 in) (5.6742 in)
142.05 mm 702 142.75 mm 730 143.45 mm 758 144.15 mm 786
(5.5925 in) (5.6201 in) (5.6476 in) (5.6752 in)
142.075 mm 703 142.775 mm 731 143.475 mm 759 144.175 mm 787
(5.5935 in) (5.6210 in) (5.6486 in) (5.6762 in)
142.1 mm 704 142.8 mm 732 143.5 mm 760 144.2 mm 788
(5.5945 in) (5.6220 in) (5.6496 in) (5.6771 in)
142.125 mm 705 142.825 mm 733 143.525 mm 761 144.225 mm 789
(5.5955 in) (5.6230 in) (5.6506 in) (5.6781 in)
142.15 mm 706 142.85 mm 734 143.55 mm 762 144.25 mm 790
(5.5964 in) (5.6240 in) (5.6516 in) (5.6791 in)
142.175 mm 707 142.875 mm 735 143.575 mm 763 144.275 mm 791
(5.5974 in) (5.6250 in) (5.6525 in) (5.6801 in)
142.2 mm 708 142.9 mm 736 143.6 mm 764 144.3 mm 792
(5.5984 in) (5.6260 in) (5.6535 in) (5.6811 in)
142.225 mm 709 142.925 mm 737 143.625 mm 765 144.325 mm 793
(5.5994 in) (5.6270 in) (5.6545 in) (5.6821 in)
142.25 mm 710 142.95 mm 738 143.65 mm 766 144.35 mm 794
(5.6004 in) (5.6280 in) (5.6555 in) (5.6831 in)
142.275 mm 711 142.975 mm 739 143.675 mm 767 144.375 mm 795
(5.6014 in) (5.6289 in) (5.6565 in) (5.6840 in)
142.3 mm 712 143.0 mm 740 143.7 mm 768
(5.6023 in) (5.6299 in) (5.6575 in)
142.325 mm 713 143.025 mm 741 143.725 mm 769
(5.6033 in) (5.6309 in) (5.6584 in)
142.35 mm 714 143.05 mm 742 143.75 mm 770
(5.6043 in) (5.6319 in) (5.6594 in)
142.375 mm 715 143.075 mm 743 143.775 mm 771
(5.6053 in) (5.6329 in) (5.6604 in)
142.4 mm 716 143.1 mm 744 143.8 mm 772
(5.6063 in) (5.6338 in) (5.6614 in)
142.425 mm 717 143.125 mm 745 143.825 mm 773
(5.6073 in) (5.6348 in) (5.6624 in)
142.45 mm 718 143.15 mm 746 143.85 mm 774
(5.6083 in) (5.6358 in) (5.6634 in)
142.475 mm 719 143.175 mm 747 143.875 mm 775
(5.6092 in) (5.6368 in) (5.6644 in)
142.5 mm 720 143.2 mm 748 143.9 mm 776
(5.6102 in) (5.6378 in) (5.6653 in)
142.525 mm 721 143.225 mm 749 143.925 mm 777
(5.6112 in) (5.6388 in) (5.6663 in)
142.55 mm 722 143.25 mm 750 143.95 mm 778
(5.6122 in) (5.6397 in) (5.6673 in)
142.575 mm 723 143.275 mm 751 143.975 mm 779
(5.6132 in) (5.6407 in) (5.6683 in)
142.6 mm 724 143.3 mm 752 144,0 mm (5.67 in) 780
(5.6142 in) (5.6417 in) (5.669 in)
142.625 mm 725 143.325 mm 753 144.025 mm 781
(5.6151 in) (5.6427 in) (5.6703 in)
142.65 mm 726 143.35 mm 754 144.05 mm 782
(5.6161 in) (5.6437 in) (5.6712 in)
142.675 mm 727 143.375 mm 755 144.075 mm 783
(5.6171 in) (5.6447 in) (5.6722 in)

[ 1]The unit pump serial number may be used to make it easier to keep the parts together.
[ 2]The unit pump serial number may be used to make it easier to keep the parts together.
[ 3]The unit pump serial number may be used to make it easier to keep the parts together.

Control rod, measuring

Op nbr

9998684 Installation tool

The injection pumps shall not be installed during this operation.

1. Install 9998684 on the engine's leading edge.

Figure 1
1. 9998684
2. Measure from the measuring tool to the control rod's stop position.

Figure 2

3. Measure from the measuring tool to the control rod's starting position. Use slide caliper.
The difference between the start and stop positions is the stroke of the control rod.

Stop position = 30.7 (1.209 in)
Starting position = 13.4 mm (0.528 in)
Control rod's stroke = 17.3 mm (0.681 in)
Stated measurement = 17.0 mm - 17.5 mm (0.669 - 0.689 in)

Figure 3

4. Turn the measuring tool according to fig. Press the control rod to the stop position by hand with the stop bolt.
The stop bolt should only be tightened by hand.

Figure 4

Control rod
Op nbr

9992000 Handle
9998696 Installation tool

Checking control rod

1. Check the control rod and replace any damaged parts.

When replacing the control rod, the governor must always be adjusted. Adjustment may only be performed by
trained specialists, in a test bench for governors.

With electronic governor, the new x-measurement must be added to the control unit.

Figure 1

Control rod, dismantling

2. Drill out the spring pin on the guide sleeve and remove it.
Always replace guide sleeve when dismantling the control rod.

Control rod, assembling

3. Assembly order:

1. Control rod
2. Compression spring
3. Washer
4. Guide sleeve
5. Spring pin

4. Pay attention to in which direction the control rod is installed compared to the guide sleeve.

Figure 2
5. Install the spring pin according to the figure.

Figure 3

6. Press in the spring pin as far as possible.

Guide sleeves for control rod

7. Remove the plug and then drive out the guide sleeve at the front end.

Figure 4

1. 9992000

8. Place the guide sleeve on the installation drifts with the bevel facing the crankcase.

Figure 5

1. 9998696

9. Place installation tool 11668404 together with installation drifts against the engine block and secure it with a bolt.

Figure 6

1. 9998696

10. Drive in the guide sleeve until the short installation drift 9998696 bottoms out against the holder.

Figure 7

1. 9998696

s all, tes
sting and
d adjustting incl removing and ffitting
O nbr 237-0
Op 074

njection valve, removiing
1. Remo ove pressurre control valve
v and valve cover. Unplug cab
ble plug fro
om stop sollenoid, gove
ernor and
temperature senssor. Turn reta
aining plate to
t one side.
2. Remo ove injector lines.

Figurre 1

1. Injector lines
d delivery pip
pes must not be re-installed.
3. Remo
ove clamping
g claw.

Figurre 2

4. Remo
ove injection
n valves.

Figurre 3

1. 9996400
2. 9998007

If seiz
zed, use puller 9996400 with adapterr 9998007.
Optimal cleanliiness must be observe ed when tessting injectoors. Only usse clean tessting oil ac
cc. to ISO
4113 or clean dieesel oil.
The injection
i valv
ves are leak
k-proof. The incoming fue
el cannot flo
ow away and d collects ab
bove the neeedle in the
spring chamber o of the nozzle
e holder. The
en the hand lever of the
e nozzle teste
er can no lo
onger be actiivated. To
release the presssure in the spring chammber before each test, the
t clamping
g nut must beb released and then
htened as sp
Check injec
C ction valve.
5. Loosen clamping nut approx. 180° and tig
ghten again. Tightening torque 30 +10 Nm (22 +7.4
+ lbf ft)

Figurre 4

6. ch injection valve to nozzle tester.


Figurre 5

Fuel jets out fro

om the injec
ctor at very high press
sure. If the jet hits body el may penetrate and
y parts, fue
se blood poisoning.
7. Slowly press the nozzle teste
er's lever dowwn and read the pressure he pressure gauge indicator stays
e gauge. If th
still or
o suddenly d
drops, openin
ng pressure is
i reached.
Open ning pressure: 22 MPa (220
( bar) (31
190 psi).
After 3 - 4 stroke
es, the pressure in the sp he clamping nut must be
pring chamber has built up again. Th e released
n and retighteened as speccified, and th
he test repea
8. If the measureme
ents from 3 te
ests are the same,
s they ccan be considered valid.

Adjust injec
A ction valve.
9. If the
e opening pre essure has to
t be correctted: remove injection vallve from nozzzle tester. Unscrew
U clam
mping nut,
remoove all parts.

Figurre 6

10. Set the

t opening pressure by y selecting thhe necessarry adjustmen nt shim. Thiccker shims give
g a highe
er opening
sure. Assemble the injecttion valve. Tiighten clamp
ping nut. Tigh
htening torq N (22 +7.4 lbf ft)
que 30 +10 Nm

Figurre 7
Components, injjection valv ve
1. Clamping g nut
2 Nozzle
3 Spacer
4 Thrust pin
4. n
5 Thrust sp
5. pring
6 Adjusting
6. g washers
11. Retes
st injection vvalve on nozz
zle tester.

Check injec
C ction valve ffor leaks
12. Dry nozzle
n and noozzle holder, blow dry wiith compress sed air.
13. Slowly press the tester lever down
d until appprox. 2 MPaa (20 bar) (29
90 psi) below
w the previou
us opening pressure.
14. The nozzle
n seals tight if no drrops fall withiin 10 second

Figurre 8

Dropp test
15. If a drop falls, the
t injection valve mustt be disman
ntled and the leak elimiinated by clleaning. If th
his is not
succeessful, the noozzle must be
b replaced.

Figurre 9

Dropp falls
Vibration annd jet test
16. Disco onnect testerr pressure ga auge
The vibration
v tesst allows an audible test of ease of movement of o the nozzle e needle in the
t nozzle body.
b New
injecttion valves have differentt vibration beehaviour fromm used ones.
Wearr in the need dle area caus
ses deteriora ation. If a noz
zzle does no ot vibrate desspite cleaning, it must be
e replaced
with a new one.
A useed injection valve
v must rattle
r audiblyy at fast leverr action so itt injects with good atomis
sation. The jet
j pattern
may differ considerably from thatt of a neww injection va
nstall injecttion valve
17. Using g a little greaase, push a new
n seal ring
g on the injecction nozzle.

Figurre 10

1. Sealing ring
18. Inserrt the injection valves with
h the recess against the valve
v spring..

Figurre 11

1. Recess
19. Fit cla
amping claw
w and looselyy install screw
20. Attacch new injection pipes witth rubber sea
als. Tighten lock
l nuts fing

When n fitting injec
ction pipes, th
he seals must be precise
ely positioned to each other. Bending
g the injectio
on pipes is
not permitted.
d delivery pip
pes must not be re-installed.
21. Tightten screws on clamping claw.
c Tighten
ning torque: 16 +5 Nm (11.8 +3.7 lb
bf ft)

Figurre 12

22. Tightten lock nuts on injection pipes at the

e injection pu
umps and valves to a torrque of apprrox. 5 Nm (3
3.7 lbf ft)..
Thenn tighten again. Tightenin ng torque: 25
2 +3.5 Nm ((18.4 +2.6 lb
bf ft)

Figurre 13

23. Attac
ch valve cove

Turbocharger, description
The turbocharger is driven by the exhaust gasses as they pass through the turbine housing.
The exhaust gas flow causes the turbine rotor in the turbine housing to rotate. The compressor rotor is positioned on the
same shaft as the turbine rotor. The compressor rotor is positioned in a housing which is connected between the air cleaner
and the engine induction manifold.
When the compressor rotor rotates, air is drawn from the air cleaner. The air is compressed and forced into the engine
cylinders, after it first has been cooled down while passing through the intercooler.

Figure 1
Turbocharger, principle diagram

A. Supply of lubricating oil

B. Exhaust gases from engine into turbocharger
C. Exhaust gases out from turbocharger
D. Air via air filter
E. Air to inlet manifold

Air cleaner, description

Triple-stage intake air cleaning

1. Ejector - pre-cleaner
2. Main filter with control light in instrument panel
3. Secondary filter

Air filter (optional)

Oil-bath air cleaner
Prefilter Turbo 2
Soot particle filter
Sieve cover for cold air intake

Cooling system, description

The cooling system has a closed cooling circuit, with externally operated fans. The coolant pump (1) is operated via the V-
belt, delivering coolant to the cylinder block via the oil cooler (2). In the cylinder block, the coolant flows around the cylinder
liner (3) and up to the cylinder head grooving (4).
The thermostat (5) starts to open at 86°C (187°F) and is completely open at 102°C (216°F). If the temperature is higher than
86°C (187°F), the coolant flows to the heat exchanger (7) via the feed line (6) and then through the thermostat housing to
the engine via the return line (8).
The expansion tank (9) has an expansion line (10) to the thermostat housing and a bleed line (11) for the cylinder head.
The cab heating feed line (12) is connected to the oil cooler (2). The return line connection is on the thermostat housing.

Figure 1
Cooling system

Coolant pump, replacing

Op nbr 262-002

1. Place the machine in service position.

2. Switch off the battery connection switch.

3. Drain coolant; see Coolant, changing

4. Remove fuel feed pump; see Feed pump, replacing

5. Unscrew the bolts and remove the coolant pump.

Figure 1

6. Clean the sealing surfaces.

7. Remove the insert from the coolant pump. Fit new seal rings (arrows) and coat with assembly paste.

Figure 2
Insert, coolant pump and thermostat housing

8. Fit the insert in the new coolant pump.

9. Fit the coolant pump with new gasket (1) to the crankcase. Apply sealant to the retainer bolts and tighten.

Figure 3

10. Tighten the bolts alternately to 30 Nm (22 lbf ft).

Figure 4

11. Remove the fuel feed pump and tension the V-belt; see Feed pump, replacing

12. Top up coolant; see Coolant, changing

13. Start the engine and allow it to warm up so that the cooling system is completely filled and bled. Check for leaks.
Allow the engine to cool and then check level. Top up as necessary.

Thermostat, replacing
Op nbr 262-098

1. Place the machine in service position.

2. Switch off the battery connection switch.

3. Drain coolant; see Coolant, changing

Always handle oils and other environmentally hazardous fluids in an environmentally safe manner.

4. Unscrew the retainer bolts (1) from the thermostat housing hose studs (2).

Figure 1

5. Remove the thermostat from the housing.

Figure 2

6. Clean the sealing surfaces.

7. Coat the seal ring of the new thermostat with assembly paste.

8. Fit the thermostat in the housing.

The arrow on the thermostat should point upwards.

9. Fasten the hose studs to the thermostat housing. Tightening torque 30 Nm (22 lbf ft).

10. Top up coolant; see Coolant, changing

11. Start the engine and allow it to warm up so that the cooling system is completely filled and bled. Check for leaks.
Allow the engine to cool and then check level. Top up as necessary.

Информация об обслуживании

Заголовок документа: Функциональная группа: Тип информации: Дата:

Maximum fan speed, 263 Информация об 29.11.2021
checking обслуживании
CWL, L40B [GB]

Maximum fan speed, checking

Op nbr 263-016

Figure 1

Check the fan motor speed

1. Run machine until warm, oil temperature approx. 50-60° C (122-140° F)

2. Increase engine speed to high idle (full throttle).

3. Check fan speed with tachometer.

Fan speed standard: 2600 ±50 rpm (43.3 ±0.83 rps)
Fan speed in tropics version: 3000 ±50 rpm (50 ±0.83 rps)
If the fan speed standard is more than 2600 ±50 rpm (43.3 ±0.83 rps), the relief valve on the fan motor must be
set to max. 10.7 MPa (107 bar) (1552 psi).

If the fan speed in the tropics version is more than 3000 ±50 rpm (50 ±0.83 rps), the relief valve on the fan motor
must be set to max. 17 MPa (170 bar) (2466 psi).

4. Turn off engine.



Figure 2
Checking point

1. Hose
2. L-connector
3. Measurement connection

Unscrew the hose from fan motor and install checking point.

6. Fasten hose to L-connector and connect pressure gauge (bis max. 250 bar, 3626 psi).

7. Start engine and increase speed to high idle (full throttle).

8. Read display on pressure gauge, max. 10.7 MPa (107 bar) (1552 psi)for standard or max. 17 MPa (170 bar)
(2466 psi) in tropics version.

9. Set fan speed

Release lock nut (arrow) on fan motor.

Figure 3

10. Turn adjustment screw on relief valve clockwise "Pressure rise" or counter-clockwise "Pressure drop" until the
pressure gauge shows a pressure of max. 10.7 MPa (107 bar) (1552 psi) as standard or max. 17 MPa (170 bar)
(2466 psi) in tropics version.

11. Retighten lock nut.

12. Check fan speed again.


VOLVO standard tightening torques

The tightening torques in the following tables apply to bolts with a tensile strength as shown below. The tables are to be
considered as a general instruction for the tightening torque of nuts and bolts when no other torque is stated.
For flanged bolts type U6FS the values should be increased by 10 %.

Nuts and bolts should be cleaned and lubricated with oil.

Only torque-tightened bolts can be reused.

Torqued and angle-tightened bolts/bolts tightened to tensile strength limit

8.8 should not be reused
10.9 can be reinstalled
12.9 can be reinstalled
NOTE! Check bolts to be reinstalled. Bolts with damage, e.g., cutting damage on the underside, shall be discarded.

Metric coarse and fine threads tensile strength 8.8 Nm kgf m lbf ft
M6 10 ±2 1.0 ±0.2 7.4 ±1.5
M8 24 ±5 2.4 ±0.5 18 ±3.5
M10 48 ±10 4.8 ±1.0 35 ±7.4
M12 85 ±18 8.5 ±1.8 63 ±13.0
M14 140 ±25 14.0 ±2.5 103 ±18.0
M16 220 ±45 22.0 ±4.5 160 ±33.0
M20 430 ±85 43.0 ±8.5 320 ±63.0
M24 740 ±150 74.0 ±15.0 550 ±110.0

Metric coarse and fine threads, tensile strength 10.9 Nm kgf m lbf ft
M6 12 ±2 1.2 ±0.2 9 ±1.5
M8 30 ±5 3.0 ±0.5 22 ±3.5
M10 60 ±10 6.0 ±1.0 44 ±7.5
M12 105 ±20 10.5 ±2.0 78 ±14.5
M14 175 ±30 17.5 ±3.0 130 ±22
M16 275 ±45 27.5 ±4.5 204 ±33
M20 540 ±90 54.0 ±9.0 400 ±66
M24 805 ±160 80.5 ±16.0 594 ±118

UNC threads, coarse pitch Nm kgf m lbf ft

1/4" 9 ±2 0,.9 ±0.2 6.6 ±1.5
5/16" 18 ±4 1.8 ±0.4 13 ±3.0
3/8" 33 ±8 3.3 ±0.8 24 ±5.9
7/16" 54 ±14 5.4 ±1.4 40 ±10
1/2" 80 ±20 8.0 ±2.0 59 ±15
9/16" 120 ±30 12.0 ±3.0 89 ±22
5/8" 170 ±40 17.0 ±4.0 130 ±30
3/4" 300 ±70 30.0 ±7.0 220 ±52
7/8" 485 ±115 48.5 ±11.5 360 ±85
1" 725 ±175 72.5 ±17.5 530 ±130

Engine, specification
General D5D

Model Used in Output Speed

D5D EBE2 Excavator EW140B 88 kW (118 hp) 1900 rpm
D5D CAE2 Compact wheel loader L40B 71 kW (91 hp) 2100 rpm
D5D CBE2 Compact wheel loader L45B 75 kW (102 hp) 2100 rpm

Type Four-stroke diesel

Combustion system Direct injection
Number of cylinders 4
Number of valves 8
Displacement 4.76 dm³ (290.5 in³)
Direction of rotation As seen from the flywheel, counter-clockwise
Compression ratio 17.6:1
Injection sequence 1-3-4-2
Weight, dry, approx. 455 kg (1003 lbs)

Engine, capacity
Engine oil, including filter 14 litres (3.6 US gal)

Engine, tightening torque

For bolted joints not shown here, the Volvo standard tightening torques apply.

Engine mounting; torque values MA (Nm) MA (lbf ft)

Engine mount, frame - rubber pads 215 158
Feet/engine bearings to crankcase and gearbox 95 ± 10 70 ± 7.4

Engine, tightening torques MA (Nm) MA (lbf ft)

Cylinder head cover on cylinder head 13 9.6
Lock nut - valve clearance adjusting screw 20 ± 2 15 ± 1.5
Rocker arm bracket to cylinder head 30 22.2
Cylinder head to crankcase, step 1: pretension 50 37
Step 2: re-tension 130 95
Step 3: + 90°
Crankcase ventilation on cylinder head cover 20 ± 2 15 ± 1.5
Exhaust manifold to cylinder head 25 ± 2 18.4 ± 1.5
Exhaust turbocharger to exhaust line, nut 10 ± 1 7.4 ± 0.7
Stud bolt 40 ± 4 29.5 ± 3
Charge air line on cylinder head 11 8.1
Charge air manifold to charge air line 30 22.2
Injector clamping jaw to cylinder head 16 + 5 11.8 + 3.7
Injection pipe, union nut 25 18.4
Fuel supply pump on holder 20 ± 2 15 ± 1.5
High-pressure pump to crankcase, step 1: pretension 10 7.4
Step 2: re-tension 50 37
Oil pressure switch on oil cooler housing 30 ± 5 22.2 ± 3.7
Coolant thermostat housing to cylinder head 30 22.2
Coolant thermostat sensor to cylinder head 22 ± 2 16.2 ± 1.5
Alternator to bracket 30 22.2
Alternator to clamping strap 30 22.2
V-belt clamping strap 30 22.2
Coolant temperature sensor 18 ±2 13 ±1.5

Cylinder block, specifications

Cylinder head
Type 4-cyl.
Height 90 mm ( in)

Cylinder head bolts

Quantity/cylinder head 18
Thread dimension M14
Length 141 mm (5.55 in)

Cylinder head gasket

Marking Intended for piston height

1 hole 0.28–0.54 mm (0.0110-0.0213 in)
2 holes 0.54–0.64 mm (0.0213-0.0252 in)
3 holes 0.64–0.75 mm (0.0252-0.0295 in)

Cylinder liner
Type Wet, replaceable
Inside diameter 108 +0.02 mm (4.252 +0.001 in)
Liners' height in relation to cylinder block 0.03-0.08 mm (0.0012-0.0031 in)
Cylinder liner's sealing surface against cylinder block (liner 9.0 -0.02 mm (0.354 -0.001 in)
Distance liner collar's seat (Distance to block face)
8.935 ±0.015 mm (0.3518 ±0.0006 in)
Number of seal rings per cylinder liner
Max. permitted wear (wear limit) 108.1 mm (4.2559 in)


Drive Gear
Radial clearance 0.050–0.124 mm (0.0020–0.00490 in)
End float 0.1–0.5 mm (0.0040–0.020 in)

Bearing bushings

Quantity 7
Bearing bushings, inside diameter 65.0 +0.054 mm (2.559 +0.00213 in)
Wear limit 65.08 mm (2.562 in)
Thickness 1.988 +0.012 mm (0.0783 +0.00047 in)
Position of the bearing bushing 2 +0.2 mm (0.08 +0.008 in)
nearest to the flywheel from the engine block's outer edge

Crank mechanism

End float 0.10–0.30 mm (0.0040–0.0120 in)

Radial clearance 0.03-0.092 mm (0.0012-0.0036in)
Max. "throw" 0.07 mm (0.0028 in)

Main bearing journals

Diameter, standard 85.00 -0.02 mm (3.3464 -0.0008 in)

Undersize 0.25 mm (0.0098 in) 84.74 ±0.01 mm (3.3362 ±0.0004 in)
0.50 mm (0.0196 in) 84.49 ±0.01 mm (3.3264 ±0.0004 in)
Max. out-of-round 0.01 mm (0.0004 in)
Max. taper 0.01 mm (0.0004 in)
Width, standard 38.03 ±0.03 mm (1.4972 ±0.0012 in)
Oversize 0.40 mm 38.43 ±0.03 mm (1.5130 ±0.0012 in)
(0.0157 in)

Main bearings

Type Replaceable
Inside diameter 85.030–85.066 mm
(3.3476-3.3490 in)
Thickness, standard 2.727-2.735 mm (0.107362-0.107677 in)
Oversize 0.25 mm 2.852-2.860 mm (0.112283-0.112598 in)
(0.0098 in)

Thrust washer (thrust bearing)

Thickness, standard 2.9 +0.05 mm (0.114 +0.0020 in)

Oversize 0.2 mm (0.008 in)

Big-end bearing journals

Diameter, standard 68.00 mm

(2.6772 in)
Undersize 67.74 ±0.01 mm (2.6669 ±0.0004 in)
0.25 mm (0.0098 in) 0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 67.49 ±0.01 mm (2.6571 ±0.0004 in)
Max. out-of-round 0.01 mm (0.0004 in)
Max. taper 0.01 mm (0.0004 in)


Max. height over cylinder block face 0.28–0.75 mm (0.0110-0.0295 in)

Depth, piston ball 16.66 ±0.1 mm (0.66 ±0.004 in)
Number of ring grooves 3
Marking (direction) Flywheel symbol
Stroke 130 mm (5.1181 in)
Piston pin, diameter 42 -0.006 mm (1.6535 -0.0002 in)
Sealing surface for liner, height 9 +0.02 mm
(0.3543 +0.0008 in)
Oil cooling nozzle 2-hole

Piston rings

Compression rings
Quantity 2
Piston ring clearance in grooves:
upper compression ring tapered
lower compression ring 0.17 mm (0.0067 in)
Piston ring gap:
upper compression ring 0.8 mm (0.032 in)
lower compression ring 2.5 mm (0.098 in)
Oil scraper ring
Quantity 1
Width, including spring 3 mm (0.118 in)
Piston ring clearance in grooves 0.10 mm (0.004 in)
Piston ring gap 1.15 mm (0.0453 in)

Connecting rods

Marking of connecting rod and bearing cap respectively Digit code

Length C - C 210 ±0.06 mm (8.27 ±0.0024 in)
Small-end bushing, inside diameter 42.04 - 42.05 mm
Wear limit (1.6551-1.6555 in)
0.08 mm (0.0032 in)
Small-end bushing, outside diameter 45.58–45.62 mm
(1.7945–1.7961 in)
Hole in connecting rod for small-end bushing 45.5 mm +0.02 (1.79 +0.0008 in)
Big-end bearing in rod, inside diameter with installed bearing 72.5 +0.02 mm
shells (2.854 +0.0008 in)
Max. clearance crankshaft – connecting rod 0.3–0.4 mm (0.012–0.016 in)

Parallelism (twist)
Measurement "a" max. 0.05 mm (0.0020 in) over a distance of x = 100 mm (3.94 in)

Figure 1 Figure 2
Permissible tolerance "A" to "B": 0.05 mm (0.0020 in) over a distance of x = 100 mm (3.94 in)

Big-end bearing shells

Inside diameter 68.03–68.07 mm

(2.6783–2.6799 in)
Oversize 0.25 mm 67.78–67.82 mm
(0.0098 in) (2.6685-2.6701 in)
Thickness, standard 2.222–2.232 mm (0.0875–0.0879 in)
Radial clearance 0.036–0.096 mm (0.0014–0.0038 in)


Number of gear teeth 129

Max. axial run-out measured 150 mm (5.91 in) from centre 0.1 mm (0.004 in)
Weight approx. 55 kg (112 lbs)

Lubrication system, specifications

Pressure control valve, opening pressure 400 ±40 kPa (4 ±0.4 bar) (58 ±5.8 psi)
Overflow valve, opening pressure 250 ±50 kPa (2.5 ±0.5 bar) (36.2 ±7.3 psi)
Oil filters, number of 1
Full-flow filter 1
Filtration 0.012 mm (0.00047 in)

Lubrication oil pump

Type Rotor pump

Width, rotor 14.5 mm (0.57 in)

Fuel system, specification

Fuel feed pump

Feed pump excess pressure valve, opening pressure 600 ±50 kPa (6 ±0.5 bar) (87 ±7.3 psi)
Overflow valve, opening pressure 50 ±5 kPa (0.5 ±0.05 bar) (7.3 ±0.7 psi)

Fuel filter

Filtration 0.005 mm (0.00020 in)

Primary filter, water trap, filtration 0.006 mm (0.00024 in)

Cooling system
Type Pressurised closed system
Pressure valve opens at 90 kPa (0.9 bar) (13 psi)
Coolant, volume approx. 6 litres (1.6 US gal)

Coolant pump

Coolant pump, type Belt-driven centrifugal pump

Thermostat, type Piston-type thermostat
Quantity 1
Begins to open at 83 °C (181 °F)
Fully open at 95 °C (203 °F)

Valve mechanism
Valve head diameter: .
inlet 48.0 ±0.1 mm (1.8898 ±0.0039 in)
42.0 ±0.1 mm (1.6535 ±0.0039 in)
Stem diameter: .
inlet 8.965–8.980 mm (0.3530-0.3535 in)
. 8.945–8.960 mm (0.3522-0.3528 in)
Valve's seat angle: .
inlet 29.5°
exhaust 44.5°
Valve disc's edge (wear tolerance): .
inlet .
exhaust min. 2.1 mm (0.0827 in)
min. 1.8 mm (0.0709 in)
Seat's angle in cylinder head: .
inlet 30°
exhaust 45°
The valve seat shall be ground down until the distance from
the valve disc (new valve) to the cylinder head's face is:

0.9–1.4 mm max. 1.5 mm (0.035-0.055 in max. 0.059 in)

Valve clearance, cold engine: .
inlet 0.35 ±0.05 mm (0.0138 ±0.0020 in)
. 0.55 ±0.05 mm (0.0217 ±0.0020 in)

Figure 1

1. Valve disc, thickness of edge (A)

2. Valve's seat angle (B)
3. Valve seat's angle (C)

As spare parts the valve seats are pre-finished and shall not need any further grinding.

Valve guides
Inside diameter: .
inlet 9.025 +0.025 mm (0.3553 +0.00098 in)
Clearance, valve stem - guide .
inlet 0.10 mm (0.0039 in)
exhaust 0.13 mm (0.0051 in)

Valve seat inserts

Outside diameter standard: .
inlet 49.090 ±0.002 mm (1.933 ±0.0008 in)
. 43.600 ±0.02 mm (1.695 ±0.0008 in)
Valve seat width (wear limit) .
Inlet 2.8 mm (0.1102 in)
Exhaust 2.2 mm (0.0866 in)
Height .
inlet 7.5 ±0.1 mm (0.295 ±0.004 in)
exhaust 7.9 ±0.1 mm (0.311 ±0.004 in)

Valve seat insert recess

Diameter, standard: .
inlet 49.0 +0.025 mm (1.93 +0.00098 in)
43.5 +0.0025 mm (1.79 +0.00098 in)
Depth: .
inlet 11 +1 mm (0.43 +0.00098 in)
exhaust 11 +1 mm (0.43 +0.00098 in)
Measurement between valve disc and cylinder head's face: .
inlet 1.5 mm (0.0591 in)

Valve springs
64.70 ±1.3 mm (2.547 ±0.0512 in)
Length, unloaded
Diameter, 4.5 mm (0.177 in)

Inlet and exhaust systems


Make Schwitzer
Lubrication system Force-feed lubrication
Max. radial clearance, compressor side 0.88 mm (0.0350 in)
Max. end float 0.10 mm (0.0039 in)
Max. permissible back pressure in exhaust line 7.5 kPa (0.075 bar) (1.09 psi)

Cylinder block, tightening torques

Engine mount 260 Nm (192 lbf ft)
Starter motor 70 Nm (52 lbf ft)
Alternator 30 Nm (22 lbf ft)
Bracket for work stand 25 Nm (18.4 lbf ft)

The bolts may not be reused.

Main bearing caps .

Step 1 50 Nm (36.9 lbf ft)
Step 2: Angular tightening 60°
Step 3: Angular tightening 60°
Big-end bearing cap .
Step 1 30 Nm (22.1 lbf ft)
Step 2: Angular tightening 60°
Step 3: Angular tightening 60°

Timing gear casing

Attaching bolts 21 ±2 Nm (15.49 ±1.48 lbf ft)

Figure 1
Applying sealant to timing gear casing

Belt pulley (with vibration damper)

The bolts (4 pcs.) may not be reused.

45 ±5 Nm (33.2 ±3.7 lbf ft)

Step 1
Step 2: Angular tightening 60°
Step 3: Angular tightening .
Bolt length 60 mm 30°
Bolt length 80 mm 60°

Vibration damper

Attaching bolts (9 pcs.) 70 Nm (52 lbf ft)

Screw plugs

Figure 2

Part 4 35 ±3,5 Nm (25.8 ±2.6 lbf ft)

Part 6 95 ±9,5 Nm (70.0 ±7.0 lbf ft)
Part 7 65 ±6,5 Nm (47.9 ±4.8 lbf ft)
Part 8 35 ±3,5 Nm (25.8 ±2.6 lbf ft)
Part 13 35 ±3,5 Nm (25.8 ±2.6 lbf ft)
Part 24 10 ±2,0 Nm (7.4 ±1.5 lbf ft)

Cylinder head, tightening torques

The cylinder head's bolts may not be reused.

Attaching bolts .
Step 1 50 Nm (39 lbf ft)
Step 2 130 Nm (96 lbf ft)
Step 3: Angular tightening 90°

Figure 1
Tightening diagram, cylinder head

Valve mechanism

Valve adjustment, lock nut 20 ±2 Nm (14.8 ±1.5 lbf ft)

Rocker arm holder, M10 21 Nm (15.5 lbf ft)

Valve cover

Stud bolts 11 ±1 Nm (8.11 ±0.74 lbf ft)

Crankcase ventilation

Attaching bolts 9 ±1 Nm (6.6 ±0.7 lbf ft)


Flywheel, tightening torques

The bolts may not be reused.

Flywheel with 30 mm (1.18 in) bolt length

Step 1: 20–30 Nm
(14.75–22.13 lbf ft)
Step 2: 60°
Angular tightening
Step 3: 30°

Flywheel with 35-45 mm (1.38-1.77 in) bolt length

Step 1: 20–30 Nm
(14.75–22.13 lbf ft)
Step 2: 60°
Angular tightening
Step 3: 60°

Flywheel with 50-85 mm (1.97-3.35 in) bolt length

Step 1: 30–40 Nm
(14.75–22.13 lbf ft)
Step 2: 60°
Angular tightening
Step 3: 60°

Flywheel housing

Flywheel housing, M12 bolts 99 ±10 Nm (73 ±7 lbf ft)

Flywheel housing, M16 bolts 243 ±25 Nm (179 ±18 lbf ft)

Lubrication and oil system, tightening torques

Pressure pipe, turbo 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ± 1.5 lbf ft)
Return pipe, turbo 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ± 1.5 lbf ft)
System pressure valve 9 Nm (6.64 lbf ft)
Oil pressure monitor 18 Nm (13 lbf ft)

Oil sump

Attaching bolts 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ±1 lbf ft)

Attaching bolts, oil suction pipe 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ±1 lbf ft)

Oil cooler

Attaching bolts 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ±1 lbf ft)

Flange bolts (that hold the oil cooler) .
Step 1 .
Step 2 80 Nm (59.0 lbf ft)
160 Nm (118 lbf ft)
Allen head plug 80 Nm (59.0 lbf ft)

Oil trap

Attaching bolts 9 Nm (6.64 lbf ft)

Oil pump/casing

Attaching bolts 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ± 1.5 lbf ft)

Cover for pinion kit 9 Nm (6.64 lbf ft)

Fuel system, tightening torques


Bolt injector retainer 19 ±2 Nm (14 ±1.5 lbf ft)

Nuts for delivery pipes .
Step 1 5 Nm (3.7 lbf ft)
Step 2 25 Nm (18.5 lbf ft)
Glow plug 20 Nm (15 lbf ft)
Overflow valve 30 Nm (22 lbf ft)

Fuel lines

Banjo bolts 34 Nm (25 lbf ft)

Injection pumps

Flange screws .
Step 1: Tightening 5 Nm (4 lbf ft)
Step 2: Loosen the bolts 60° (counter-clockwise)
Step 3: Turn the injection pump to stop +1 Nm (0.7 lbf ft)
Sep 4 counter-clockwise
Step 5 60°
Step 6 7 Nm (5.2 lbf ft)
Step 7 10 Nm (7.4 lbf ft)
30 Nm (22.1 lbf ft)

Control rod

Step 1 Apply thread locking compound

. 11 ±1 Nm (0.4331 ±0.0394 lbf ft)
Step 2

Stop solenoid

Attaching bolts 21 Nm (15.5 lbf ft)

Engine revolution governor

Attaching bolts, Torx E 10 17 ±1,5 Nm (13 ± 1.1 lbf ft)

Attaching bolts, electronic governor .
1-2 = 70 mm .
3-5 = 55 mm 24 Nm (18 lbf ft)
Governor's transfer gear 21 Nm (15.5 lbf ft)

For electronic governors, the x-measurement is introduced as a value in the control unit. An electronic governor is not
unique with a calibrated x-measurement.

Figure 1

Inlet and exhaust system, tightening torques


Attaching bolts for manifold, M8 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ±1 lbf ft)

Attaching bolts for manifold, M10 40 ±4 Nm (30 ±3 lbf ft)
Oil pressure pipe, attaching bolts 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ±1 lbf ft)
Return pipe, attaching bolts 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ±1 lbf ft)

Inlet pipe

Attaching nuts 11 ±1 Nm (8 ±1 lbf ft)

Exhaust manifold

Attaching nuts 25 ±2.5 Nm (18.4 ±1.8 lbf ft)


Cooling system, tightening torques

Thermostat casing 30 Nm (22 lbf ft)
Coolant pump and thermostat housing 21 ±2 Nm (15.5 ±1 lbf ft)
Outlet pipe 21 ±2 Nm (15 ±1.5 lbf ft)

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