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120K Motor Grader JAP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C7 Engine(SEBP4989 ...

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Configuration: 120K Motor Grader JAP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C7 Engine

Disassembly and Assembly

120K and 120K Series 2 Motor Graders Power Train
Media Number -KENR8438-03 Publication Date -01/03/2017 Date Updated -28/03/2017


Transmission Control Valve - Disassemble

SMCS - 3073-015

Disassembly Procedure
Table 1
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 1P-1853 Retaining Ring Pliers 1

Start By:

a. Remove the transmission control valve. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Transmission
Control Valve - Remove" for the correct procedure.

Note: Install the caps and the plugs on all openings in order to prevent dirt or debris from
entering the system. Cleanliness is an important factor. Before the removal procedure, the
exterior of the component should be thoroughly cleaned. This will help to prevent dirt from
entering the internal component. 6/28/2019
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Illustration 1 g00837826

Note: There are two selector and pressure control valves (4) and (30) within the transmission
control valve.

Illustration 2 g00622554

1. Remove hex head bolts (1) from the transmission control valve (3).

2. Remove cover (2) from the transmission control valve (3).

3. Remove selector and pressure control valve (4) from the main transmission control valve body
(3). 6/28/2019
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Illustration 3 g00622556

4. Remove dowels (5) from selector and pressure control valve (4).

5. Remove O-ring seal (6) from selector and pressure control valve (4).

6. Remove O-ring seal (7) (not shown) from selector and pressure control valve (4).

Note: Mark the location of the O-ring seals for assembly purposes.

Illustration 4 g00622557

7. Remove plug (8) from selector and pressure control valve (4). 6/28/2019
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Illustration 5 g00837429

8. Remove spool (9) from selector and pressure control valve (4).

Illustration 6 g00837431

9. Remove plug (10) from selector and pressure control valve (4).

Illustration 7 g00837432

10. Remove locknuts (12) and coil assemblies (11) from selector and pressure control valve (4). 6/28/2019
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Illustration 8 g00837433

11. Remove cartridge assemblies (13).

Illustration 9 g00837434

12. Remove plate (14) and manifold (15) from selector and pressure control valve (4).

Illustration 10 g00837435 6/28/2019
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13. Remove O-rings (16) from manifold (15).

Illustration 11 g00837436

14. Remove spacers (17).

Illustration 12 g00837437

Personal injury can result from being struck by parts propelled by a

released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equipment.

Follow the recommended procedure and use all recommended tooling to

release the spring force.

15. Remove plugs (18). 6/28/2019
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Illustration 13 g00837438

16. Remove three spool assemblies (19), three inner springs (20), three slugs (21), and three outer
springs (22).

Illustration 14 g00837439

17. Remove plug (24).

Illustration 15 g00837440 6/28/2019
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Personal injury can result from being struck by parts propelled by a

released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equipment.

Follow the recommended procedure and use all recommended tooling to

release the spring force.

18. Remove spool (25), inner spring (26), slug (27), and outer spring (28).

Illustration 16 g00837666

19. Remove plate (29) and selector and pressure control valve (30) from the manifold (31).

Illustration 17 g00837668

20. Remove dowels (32), O-ring seal (33) and O-ring seal (34) from selector and pressure control
valve (30). 6/28/2019
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Note: Mark the location of the O-ring seals for installation purposes.

Illustration 18 g00837669

21. Remove four locknuts (36) and four coil assemblies (37) from manifold (35).

Illustration 19 g00837670

22. Remove four cartridge assemblies (39) and the O-ring seals from manifold (35). Remove the O-
ring seals from cartridge assemblies (39).

23. Remove socket head bolts (38) from manifold (35).

24. Remove manifold (35) from selector and pressure control valve (30). 6/28/2019
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Illustration 20 g00837671

25. Remove O-ring seals (40) from manifold (35).

Illustration 21 g00837672

26. Remove adjuster assembly (41) from selector and pressure control valve (30).

Illustration 22 g00837673 6/28/2019
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27. Remove nut (44), hard washer (43), the plug, and adjustment screw (42) from adjuster assembly

28. Remove the O-ring seals from adjuster assembly (64) and adjustment screw (65).

Illustration 23 g00837675

Personal injury can result from being struck by parts propelled by a

released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equipment.

Follow the recommended procedure and use all recommended tooling to

release the spring force.

29. Remove stop (46), spring (48), spool assembly (45), and slug (47) from selector and pressure
control valve (30). 6/28/2019
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Illustration 24 g00837676

Personal injury can result from being struck by parts propelled by a

released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equipment.

Follow the recommended procedure and use all recommended tooling to

release the spring force.

30. Use Tooling (A) in order to remove retaining ring (52) from spool assembly (45).

31. Remove retainer (50), spring (51) and ball (49) from spool assembly (45).

Illustration 25 g00837677

Illustration 26 g00997007 6/28/2019
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Personal injury can result from being struck by parts propelled by a

released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equipment.

Follow the recommended procedure and use all recommended tooling to

release the spring force.

32. Rotate the valve assembly by 180 degrees. Remove four piston selectors (53), 14 shims (56),
the three spacers, four outer springs (54), and three inner springs (55) from selector and
pressure control valve (30). There is only one spring under piston selector (53) on the far right
of the valve assembly.

Note: Mark the location of the valves, the shims, and the springs for assembly purposes.

Illustration 27 g00837680

33. Remove hex socket plug 57 with the O-ring seal from the selector and pressure control valve. 6/28/2019
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Illustration 28 g00837681

Personal injury can result from being struck by parts propelled by a

released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equipment.

Follow the recommended procedure and use all recommended tooling to

release the spring force.

34. Remove inner spring (58), outer spring (61), spool (59) and slug (60) from selector and pressure
control valve (30).

35. Remove the O-ring seal from hex socket plug (57).

Illustration 29 g00837683

36. Remove three plugs (62) and plug (63) from selector and pressure control valve (30). 6/28/2019
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Illustration 30 g00837684

37. Remove the O-ring seals from plugs (62) and plug (63).

Illustration 31 g00837685

38. Rotate the adjuster assemblies by 180 degrees. Remove four adjuster assemblies (64) with the
O-ring seals from selector and pressure control valve (30).

Illustration 32 g00837687 6/28/2019
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39. Remove nut (67), hard washer (66), the plug, and adjustment screw (65) from adjuster
assemblies (64).

40. Remove the O-ring seals from adjuster assemblies (64) and adjustment screw (65).

Illustration 33 g00837688

Personal injury can result from being struck by parts propelled by a

released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equipment.

Follow the recommended procedure and use all recommended tooling to

release the spring force.

41. Remove four load pistons (72), four spools (68), four orifices with O-ring seals (73), four
orifices (69), four inner springs (74), four slugs (70), four retainers, and four outer springs (71)
from selector and pressure control valve (30).

42. Remove the O-ring seals from four orifices (73). 6/28/2019
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Illustration 34 g00837690

43. Remove plate (75) from manifold (31).

Illustration 35 g00837691

44. Remove O-ring seal (76) and O-ring seal (78) from manifold (31).

45. Remove screen (79) and dowels (77) from manifold (31).

Illustration 36 g00837692 6/28/2019
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Personal injury can result from being struck by parts propelled by a

released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equipment.

Follow the recommended procedure and use all recommended tooling to

release the spring force.

46. Use Tooling (A) in order to remove retaining ring (80) from manifold (31).

Illustration 37 g00837693

47. Remove retainer (82), spring (81) and poppet (83) from manifold (31).

Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc. Fri Jun 28 17:55:11 UTC+0700 2019
All Rights Reserved.
Private Network For SIS Licensees. 6/28/2019

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