Critical Effect of Rotor Vanes With Diff

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Bharat Raj Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.

2 (2), 2010, 118-123

Critical Effect of Rotor Vanes with Different

Injection Angles on Performance of a Vaned Type
Novel Air Turbine
Bharat Raj Singh1* and Onkar Singh2
Professor and Head of Department - Mechanical Engineering,
Associate Director, SMS Institute of Technology, Lucknow-227125, Uttar-Pradesh, India
Phone: +91-522-223-8116, +91-522-272-5825; Fax: +91-522-223-7273.

Professor and Head of Department - Mechanical Engineering,
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002, Uttar-Pradesh, India.

Abstract—Globally faster consumption of hydrocarbon fuel in compressed air requirement which needs some source of
the transport sector is posing threat to environmental and energy for running compressor and overall analysis shows
ecological imbalances and thereby depletion of hydro-carbon fuel that the compressed air system is quite comparable and
is causing another challenge to oil reserves. In view of these attractive option for light vehicle applications.
issues extensive researches are being carried out to explore the Worldwide researches are going on to make a sustainable
alternative energy source and or to find out appropriate energy
conversion system. The atmospheric air once compressed, it is
alternate for transport vehicles and other domestic utilities [8].
found as potential working fluid to produce shaft work for an air The energy conversion technology for compressed air is in
turbine and releases almost zero pollution in the environment. state of infancy. A French technologist Guy Negre [10] and an
This paper details the mathematical modeling of a small capacity inventor of quasi turbine called G. Saint Hilaire [11] have
compressed air driven novel multi-vanes type air turbine. Effect carried out the pioneering work in the area of compressed air
of expansion of high pressure air collected between two engine. The highly compressed air energy storage systems can
consecutive vanes at different vane angles and varying inlet be filled up to 20 bar pressure within 15–20 minutes, and
pressure have been analyzed here. The study shows that the total reused for running compressed air engines. In view of these
shaft power is found optimum at injection angle 60o when vane
attractive features, the compressed air engine technology is
angle θ=36o (10 vanes) and it reduces at injection angle 45o when
vane angle θ=51.4o (7 vanes) and further goes down at injection
found a cost effective alternative for vehicle markets rather
angle 30o when vane angle θ=60o-72o (6-5 vanes), for injection than the electric and hydrogen cell vehicle.
pressure 6 bar and speed of rotation 2500 rpm. This paper describes the study and analysis of a very small
capacity air turbine with vane type rotor has been carried out
Keywords—zero pollution, compressed air, air turbine, flow for studying the effect of vane angle and inlet air pressure
power, vane angle. variation on air turbine performance. Results obtained using
the mathematical modeling of proposed novel air turbine have
I. INTRODUCTION been presented graphically and analyzed.
The global fast consumption scenario of hydrocarbon fuel
[1, 2] in transport sector alone is contributing about 70% of II. SCOPE OF COMPRESSED AIR ENGINE
the total air pollution and its implications upon the The per capita income of a person in India, as a developing
environment and ecology are compelling factors to search for country, is very low to meet livelihood requirements. On the
an environment friendly alternative to oil [3-7]. The basis of the recent data 80% of the population of the country
important factor for such an alternative should have a zero still lives in rural and suburban areas where the means of
or near zero pollution level, low initial cost, low running transport is either bicycle or motorbike. The continuous hikes
expenses, high degree of reliability, convenience and of fossil fuel prices at the rate of around 20–30 per cent every
versatility of use. Use of compressed air for running year are making the situation miserable. Extrapolation shows
prime mover like air turbine offers a potential solution to that at this rate, by 2010-12, prices may be double as what
these issues, which does not involve combustion process they were in 2005, and by 2030–40, may touch Rs. 1000 per
for producing shaft work. Thus, the great advantages of litre. A time will come when the common person will not be
such air motors are ; free of cost availability of air as fuel able to purchase fuel to run motorcycles. This is not only due
and free from emissions such as carbon dioxide, carbon to the high demand for vehicles or its increasing numbers
monoxide and nitrous oxides. Compressed air driven prime worldwide, but also due to the cost of fossil fuel going high as
movers are also found to be cost effective compared to 80 per cent of the available fossil fuel is presently being
fossil fuel driven engines. It only has perennial consumed in transport. Thus, it is imperative to explore the

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Bharat Raj Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.2 (2), 2010, 118-123

possibility of alternatives to fossil fuel to make the [14-17], A detailed method of energy conversion processes,
environment free from emission for keeping the present and development concept of utilization of air turbine and
future generations healthy. optimization of its shaft work were made and presented in
During last two decades, major work has been done to tap various symposium, seminars and conferences of international
the air freely available in the atmosphere and to compress it levels [18-23].
for storage in cylinders for further use. Apart from other uses The objective of this study is to investigate the performance
of compressed air, this can also be used to run combustion of an air turbine by varying vane angles with a particular
engines with the mixture of gas and air getting fired after the injection angle, i.e. at which angle air should admit into the
compression stroke at top dead centre. The use of compressed turbine between first two consecutive vanes. The air turbine
air will eliminate the need of having a separate compression considered has capability to yield output of 4.0 to 5.5 kW at 4-
stroke. Compressed air helps in the attainment of the 6 bar air pressure and for speed of 2000–2500 rpm, which is
expansion stroke after ignition takes place. Thus, the suitable for a motorcycle.
efficiency of the internal combustion engine is improved, and
without running all four stroke cycles, it runs on two stroke IV. MATHEMATICAL MODELING
cycles. The air engines developed so far are basically running The high pressure jet of air at ambient temperature drives
on hybrid systems [10, 11] such as compressed air and gases, the rotor in novel air turbine due to both isobaric admission
and are not 100 per cent pollution free. and adiabatic expansion. Such high pressure air when enters
through the inlet passage, pushes the vane for producing
III. CONCEPT OF MULTI VANES AIR TURBINE MODEL rotational movement through this vane and thereafter air so
This study proposes a multi-vanes type air turbine as shown collected between two consecutive vanes of the rotor is
in Figs. 1a and 1b. Such air turbine is considered to work on gradually expanded up to exit passage. This isobaric
the reverse working principle of vane type compressor. In this admission and adiabatic expansion of high pressure air
arrangement total shaft work is cumulative effect of isobaric contribute in producing the shaft work from air turbine.
admission of compressed air jet on vanes and the adiabatic Compressed air leaving the air turbine after expansion is sent
expansion of high pressure air. out from the exit passage. It is assumed that the scavenging of
the rotor is perfect and the work involved in recompression of
the residual air is absent as seen from Figure 1b. Similar type
mathematical modeling is considered in earlier publications by
authors and it is being reproduced here for maintaining
continuity and benefits to the readers [24-32].
From Fig. 2, it is seen that work output is due to isobaric
admission from E to 1, and adiabatic expansion from 1 to 4
and reference points 2, 3 in the figure shows the intermediate
position of vanes. Thus, total work output due to
thermodynamic process may be written as:

[Area under (E145CE)] = [Area under (E1BOE) +Area under

Fig. 1a Air Turbine-Diagram Fig. 1b Air Turbine- Model (14AB1) – Area under (4AOD4) + Exit steady flow (45CD4)]

A prototype of air turbine was developed in an earlier study or

[12]. At initial stage a cylinder for minimum capacity of
storing compressed air for the requirement of 30 minutes Total work output = [Thermodynamic expansion work ( w1 )]
running and maximum pressure of 20 bar is used as a source
+ [Exit steady flow work ( w2 )]
of storage energy. The compressed air storage cylinder is
designed to produce constant pressure for the minimum
variation of torque at low volumes of compressed air and or w = [( w1 ) + ( w2 )] (1)
attached with filter, regulator and lubricator which regulate
and maintain the constant pressure. The clean air then admits The process of exit flow (4-5) takes place after the
into air turbine through inlet passage / nozzle. Vanes of novel expansion process (E- 4) as shown in Fig. 2 and air is released
air turbine are placed under spring loading to maintain their to the atmosphere. In this process; till no over expansion takes
regular contact with the casing wall to minimize leakage
which is proposed as improvement over the currently place pressure p4 can’t fall below atmospheric pressure p5 .
available vane turbine. A study on high efficiency energy Thus at constant volume when pressure p4 drops to exit
conversion system for liquid nitrogen [13], design and
verification of airfoil and its tests, influence of tip speed ratios pressure p5 , no physical work is seen. Since turbine is
for small wind turbine and parabolic heat transfer and functioning as positive displacement machine and hence
structural analysis were also carried out for conceptualizing under steady fluid flow at the exit of the turbine, the
the energy conversion system and design of the air turbine potential work is absorbed by the rotor.

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  R  r   (3)
. sin1 
BG  Xat,variable' '  Rcos .sin   (R  r).cos  r
  R  
where 2R=D is diameter of casing and 2r=d is diameter of
rotor,  is angle  BOF,  is angle  BAF and  is
angle  HOB or  H’OF or  KOL, between two
consecutive vanes and  is angle  KOJ at which injection
pressure admits to the air turbine.
Variable volume of cuboids’ B-G-I-H-B can be written as:
  X  X 2i  2r  X 1i  
vcuboids  L.  1i  .sin  (4)
 4 
Fig. 2 Thermodynamic Processes (Isobaric, adiabatic
and Isochoric Expansion) where BG= X 1i and IH= X 2i variable length of vanes when
rotate into turbine as shown in Fig. 3. The lengths (IG, HB and
Thus, the total power output or work done per unit time LK, SM.), are considered linear whereas all are chords of
( Wtotal ), for speed of rotation N rpm, will be mentioned as [33]: circles. This approximation is done in mathematical model
which has least effect on the overall values.
  1
 The volume at inlet v1 or vmin will fall between
     p4   
Wtotal  n.(N / 60).  1 1
. p .v . 1     n.(N / 60). p4  p5  .v4 (2) angle  LOF= 1min  180      and
  1   1 
 
 1
angle  KOF=  2min  1min     180    as seen in
 
     p4   
Figure 3, when air is admits into turbine at angle  .
W exp  n .( N / 6 0 ).   . p 1 .v 1 .  1    
  1   p1  
  The Volume at exit v4 or vmax will fall between angle
and W flow  n.( N / 60).  p 4  p 5  v 4  BOF 1max    0 and angle  HOF
Figure 1a shows that if vanes are at angular spacing of θ  2max  1max     
degree, then total number of vanes will be n = (360/θ). The Applying values of v1 and v4 to equation (2), the total power
variation in volume during expansion from inlet to exit (i.e. v1
to v4) can be derived by the variable extended length of vane output available Wtotal can be written as:
as shown in Fig. 3 at every point of movement between two
consecutive vanes.
 1
 
     p4      X1min  X2min  . 2r  X1min   
Wtotal  n.(N /60). .1   p1.L. .sin (5)
  1   1    
p 4  
 
  X  X  . 2r  X1max   
n.(N /60). p4  p5  .L. 1max 2max .sin
  4  
 X  X 2 min  2 r  X 1min  
v1  v min  L.  1min  .sin  ,
 4 
 X  X 2 max  2 r  X 1max  
v4  vmax  L.  1max  .sin  ,
 4 
  R  r   ,
X1min  R.cos sin1  .sin 180      R  r  .cos 180     r 
  R  
  R  r   ,
X 2min  R.cos sin 1   .sin 180       R  r  .cos 180     r 
  R  
X 1max  ( D  d )  2  R  r  and
Fig. 3 Variable length BG and IH and injection angle ø

From Fig. 3, it is seen that when two consecutive vanes at   R  r  

OK and OL moves to position OH and OB, the extended vane . sin1 
X2max  Rcos .sin    R  r  .cos  r
  R  
lengths varies from SK to IH and LM to BG, thus the variable
length BG at variable  i is assumed as X at 'var iable ' can be
written from the geometry

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Bharat Raj Singh et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.2 (2), 2010, 118-123

V. INPUT PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS Fig. 4 shows the variation of total power output of the air
Detailed analysis to derive relation between injection angle turbine at injection angle (Ø) = 30o, is seen to increase with
to vane angle for optimizing power output has been carried increasing vane angles from 36o to 60o or with the decrease in
out in earlier studies by authors in respect to variation in number of rotor vanes from 12 to 6 and thereafter it declines
expansion and flow work, percentage contribution of from vane angles (θ) = 72o to 120o. With increase in injection
expansion and flow work, and total work output at admission pressure the work output increases gradually as shown in
pressure of 2- 6 bar and speed of rotation of 2500 rpm [24- graphical patterns. Thus the optimal total shaft output is found
28]. at vane angle (θ) = 60o (i.e. 6- vanes).
Fig. 5 shows the variation of total power output of the air
In this study the vane angle (  ) of air turbine is considered
turbine at injection angle (Ø) = 45o, is seen to increase with
30o, 45o, 51.4o, 60o, 72o, 90o and 120o (i.e. 12, 8, 7, 6, 5,4 and increasing vane angle up to 36o to 51.4 o or with the decrease
3 vanes respectively) and injection angle (  ) is kept 30o, 45o in number of rotor vanes from 12 to 7 and thereafter it
and 60o. Other various input parameters are listed in Table 1 declines from vane angles (θ) = 60o to 120o. With increase in
for investigation of optimum shaft power output at different injection pressure the work output increases gradually as
vane angle. shown in graphical patterns. Thus the optimal total shaft
output is found at vane angle (θ) = 45o and 51.4o (i.e. approx.
TABLE I 8-7 vanes).
Input Parameters
Symbols Parameters
D=2R 150mm (outer)
d =2r 100mm (inner) corresponding
2bar (=30psi), 3bar (=45 psi), 4bar (=60 psi), 5bar (=75 psi),
p1 6bar (=90 psi)
  v1 / v 4  . p 1

p4 assuming adiabatic expansion
1 atm = 1.0132 bar
θ 30 o, 36 o, 45o, 51.4o, 60 o, 72 o, 90 o and 120 o angles between
2- consecutive vanes (i.e. rotor contains correspondingly 12,
10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 vanes)
N 2500 rpm
L 35mm length of rotor
γ 1.4 for air
N (360 / θ) Number of vanes
Ø 30 o, 45 o and 60 o Injection angles at which compressed air Fig. 5: Total turbine Power output vs Vane angles at injection angle
enters through nozzle into rotor (Ø) =45o and speed of rotation 2500 rpm

VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 6 shows the variation of total power output of the air
Various input parameters considered for study are listed in turbine at injection angle (Ø) = 60o, is seen to increase with
Table-1. Using the mathematical model and input parameters increasing vane angle up to 36o or with the decrease in
in Table-1 the effect of vane angles on the expansion work, number of rotor vanes from 12 to 10 and thereafter it declines
flow work and total work output from air turbine is studied from vane angles (θ) = 45o to 120o. With increase in injection
with speed of rotation 2500 rpm and different injection pressure the work output increases gradually as shown in
pressures of 2 bar, 3 bar, 4 bar, 5 bar, and 6 bar at fixed graphical patterns. Thus the optimal total shaft output is found
injection angles Ø = 30o, 45o and 60o. at vane angle (θ) = 36o (i.e. 10 vanes).

Fig. 4: Total turbine Power output vs Vane angles at injection angle Fig. 6: Total turbine Power output vs Vane angles at injection angle
(Ø) =30o and speed of rotation 2500 rpm (Ø) =60o and speed of rotation 2500 rpm

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From Figs.4, 5 and 6, it is critically observed that at 6 bar Greek symbols

injection pressure, 2500 rpm speed of rotation and at different
injection angles; (Ø) =30o, 45o and 60o, the optimum total power
 : angle BOF (see Fig.3)
output are obtained as: 1 : angle LOF (=180-  )(see Fig.3)
 5.00 kW when vane numbers are. 6-5 and injection 2 : angle KOF (=180-  -  )(see Fig.3)
angle (Ø) = 30o,
 6.10 kW when vane number are 7 and injection  : angle BAF (see Fig.3)
angle (Ø) = 45 o and  : 1.4 for air
 7.31 kW when vane numbers are 10 and injection  : angle between 2-vanes (BOH) (see Fig.3)
angle (Ø) = 60o.
 : angle at which compressed air enters into rotor
VII. CONCLUSIONS through nozzle
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Angle on performance of Novel Air Turbine, Journal of Science, Manufacturing Processes, Industrial Engineering and Automobiles. His
Engineering and Management, SITM , December, 2008,Vol. 2, pp 7-18. research field is in Sustainable Energy Resources, Environment and
[22] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2009, Analytical Study on a Vaned Type Development of zero pollution air engines. This author became a Member (M)
Novel Air Turbine for Different Conditions of Casing and Rotor of The Institution of Engineers (India) in 1978, CE (I) in 1985 and a Fellow
Diameters, 2009 ASME International Conference on Energy (F) in 1985.
Sustainability - held on July 17-23, 2009, at San Francisco, California,
USA, Paper No. ES -2009 -90207. Prof. (Dr.) Onkar Singh- was born in Unnao Distt. ,
[23] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2009, Applications of Compressed Air as Uttar-Pradesh, India on 8th Oct.’1968. He received B.Tech.
an Alternative Energy to Meet Challenges of 21st Century- Global (Mechanical) degree from HBTI, Kanpur in 1989, M.Tech
Warming, International Conference on Engineering Congress on and Ph. D. from MNNIT, Mechanical Engineering
Alternatives Energy Applications: Option or Necessity?, held on 3-5 Department, Allahabad University in 1991 and 1999-2000
November, 2009 at State of Kuwait, Kuwait- Paper No. EC2009 Kuwait- respectively. Currently he is serving as Professor, Head of
1082. Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is recipient of
[24] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2009, Numerical Analysis of Pressure AICTE Young Teacher Career Award in year 2000. He has at his credit
Admission Angle to Vane Angle Ratios on Performance of a Vaned approximately 100 numbers of papers published in International and National
Type Novel Air Turbine, International Journal of Natural Science and Journals and authored 5- books on Engineering Thermodynamics, Applied
Engineering, Turkey, IJNSE, ISSN: 2073-0578, Vol. 1-1-4, pp 20-27. Thermodynamics, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Challenges and
[25] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2009, Theoretical Investigations on Strategies of Sustainable Energy. His specialization area is Thermodynamics,
Different Casing and Rotor Diameters Ratio to Optimize Shaft Output Mechanical Process Machines, Industrial Engineering and Automobiles. His
of a Vaned Type Air Turbine , International Journal of Natural Science research field is in cooling devices for Turbine vanes, Biodiesels, Hybrid
and Engineering, Turkey, IJNSE, ISSN: 2073-0578, Vol. 1-1-5, pp 28- Engines, Sustainable energy resource, and Development of zero pollution air
35. engines. He has guided 6-Ph.D. students and 6--M.Tech. and 11-B.Tech
[26] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2009, Effect of Rotor to Casing Ratios dissertations. This author became a Member (M) of The Institution of
with Different Rotor Vanes on Performance of Shaft Output of a Vane Engineers (India) in 1999, Life Member, Indian Society for Technical
Type Novel Air Turbine , International Journal of Natural Science and Education and Life Member, Oil Technologists Association of India
Engineering, Turkey, IJNSE, ISSN: 2073-0578, Vol. 1-3-21, pp 133-
[27] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2009, Parametric Evaluations of Injection
Angles and Vane Angles on Performance of a Vaned Type Novel Air
Turbine, International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and
Engineering Science, IJMPES, France, Vol. 3-4-38, pp 226-233.
[28] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2010, Analytical Investigations on
Different Air Injection Angles to Optimize Power Output of a Vaned
Type Air Turbine, International Journal of Power and Energy (The
manuscript was received on 11th June’ 2009 and was accepted after
revision for publication on 07th October’ 2009), Proceedings of IMechE
Vol.224 Part A, (In Press).
[29] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2009, Optimization of Power Output of a
Vaned Type Novel Air Turbine With Respect to Different Injection
Angles-Under Ideal Adiabatic Expansion, International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering, Serials Publications, New Delhi, India, Vol. 2
Number 2, July-December’2009, pp 205-211.
[30] Singh B.R. and Singh Onkar, 2010, Effect of Different Vane Angles on
Rotor- Casing Diameter Ratios to Optimize the Shaft Output of a Vaned
Type Novel Air Turbine, International Journal of Engineering Science
and Technology, Chennai, India, Vol. 2 Number 3, March’2010, pp

ISSN : 0975-4024 123

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