Unit of Work Sample
Unit of Work Sample
Unit of Work Sample
FINAL TASK: At the end of the unit students will work in groups to create a power point
presentation about a traditional festival celebrated in Argentina and will present it to the class.
During the unit students will develop ability and knowledge to:
- Read and understand texts that provide information about traditional festival celebrated
in Argentina.
- Organize and select relevant data to describe a traditional festival celebrated in Argentina.
- Apply linguistic contents necessary to fulfil the enabling and communication tasks
proposed as well as the final task.
- Give an oral presentation with the help of a visual support (Power Point)
-Thematic aspects
(N) Words and phrases related to festivals and customs (e. g bonfire; fireworks; disguise; )
(R) Adjectives to describe people and place (e. g crowded; cheerful; traditional)
Linguistic Contents
- Grammar: (R) Verb tenses (Present Simple, past simple and present perfect); discourse
markers and linkers.
- Vocabulary: (R) Useful expressions to give an oral presentation (To start this
presentation/ our presentation will be divided in... /Let’s move to the next slide / As I said
before. / To conclude our presentation/ etc)
- Language functions: exchanging information; identifying and stating differences between
written and spoken discourse; describing people and places.
- Language Skills: the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) will be worked
and developed in and integrated way.
Other Contents:
- Language –culture connections
- Technological knowledge acquired in other subjects of the curriculum ( Word processor/
PP format)
During the task cycle students will carry out a variety of tasks that will be “goal oriented”.
Language will be the vehicle to achieve task goals but the emphasis is on meaning and
communication. Students will also be given an opportunity to use the language purposefully to
collaborate and to be actively involved in the learning process as well as being able to take
language risks.
It is also very important to highlight that this way of organizing language learning activity take
into consideration both formal knowledge (functional, grammatical and lexical context) and the
instrumental knowledge( built up through the unit as the result of students’ participation in the
series of communication tasks proposed).
when and where it is celebrated, what activities are carried out during the celebration, what is the
story behind it, how long the festival lasts)
- At this stage, each group is assigned a festival to start working on their final task (delivering an
oral presentation with a visual support)
- Students start organizing the information selected and summarized in a word file; they discuss
the best way of assembling the information and start surfing the net to find appropriate images to
accompany/illustrate the selected extracts.
- During this lesson, the teacher goes around the class monitoring student’s work and tutoring
them so as everybody has the chance to be supported and helped during the completion of the
final task.
-Douglas Brown, H. (2001). Teaching by Principles. Chapter 3. The present: An Informed
“Approach”. Table 2.1. Approaches and Methods Chapter 4. Chapter 15. Integrating the Four
Skills Teaching by Principles. Longman.
-Douglas Brown, H. (2004). Language Assessment. Chapter 1. Testing, Assessing and Teaching
and Chapter 2. Principles of Language Assessment. Longman.
-Estaire, S. and Zanon, J. (1994). Planning Classwork. A task-based Approach Chapter 2.The
framework for planning units of work stage by stage. 2.1. Stage 1: Determining the theme.
-Williams, M. and Burden, R. (1997) Psychology for Language Teachers. Chapter 3. What do
teachers bring to the teaching-learning process? Chapter 4. What can teachers do to promote
learning? Chapter 9. The learning context Cambridge University Press
-Willis, J. (1996) A Framework for Task-based Learning. Chapter 1: Language learning: creating
the best environment. Longman
-Foley, Mark (1998); Fountain 3 (Workbook ) ; Longman
Web pages