March 23, 2015
Attendees: Eric Jaworski, Lynn Steinberg, Tina Treptor, Gloria Rosado, Samuel
Caraballo, Patrick Rostock, Shirley Hall, Mayumi Hino, Heather Sipe
How and when does listening, speaking, reading and writing support
our plan for teaching and learning? Where are we in the continuum of
literacy and proficiency?
Some members shared that they do not have Hispanic students; however,
they have found that giving extended time on assessments in addition to
following accommodations has been beneficial to students
Group reflection
-Members received a copy of an article on what literacy looks like in
various content areas.
-Members shared how literacy looks at different levels in a World
Languages classroom. For example, defending an opinion in a level
one language class would look different than an AP class or other
content area. (e.g. Level 1 class: I am athletic because I like to play
soccer every day. I also like to play basketball, beisball and tennis in
the spring when its warm.) The consensus in the PLC is that literacy
expectations should be level- and content- appropriate.
Anectdotes share
- Eric shared musical chairs writing activity students write
according to prompt until music begins, students circulate
throughout the room, but sit at a new desk when the music
stops and begin to write where the previous person left off until
the music starts again. Heads up, maze in Spanish on floor (or
through school) one team of students give directions to one
blindfolded student in the target language, if the students steps
outside the tape/maze, he/she has to go back to the beginning.
- Lynn-pass sentence along and each student adds to the
sentence 5ws & an H in small groups as well(signing),
- Tina shared white board with prompt/group writing and group
edit activity, directions through school activity.
- Heather Linguagfolio summer pdp sessions, novice-mid to
novice-highadd connectors (i.e. then.but.add connectors)
- Sam: listen/write/dissect/classify elements of conversation (i.e.
parts of speech/tense)write what they hear.
- Shirley-Train wreck to form sentences.fold paper into 4
(subject/direct object/adjectives/verbs) brainstorm all possible
Next Meeting:
-Reflection: How are we collecting information/data? How does this
information change what we do?
-WL Literacy PLC members are asked to bring a formative assessment
with student(s) sample(s) that supports literacy (listening, speaking,
reading or writing) in the target language.
Reflect: What did I do/will I do after collecting this
students/performance data/info?
-Kaplans Depth and Complexity Eric will check with Ms. Harrell to see
if she is available to share her experience with this.
-Continue to reflect on what we must do to accomplish our departmental/school and
district literacy goals?
-Continue to invite colleagues to see noteworthy literacy-rich activities that you are doing
in your classes.
-Bring sample(s) of student work of your choosing to share at our next PLC.
On-going Reflection:
Using Reading Selections to Engage in Learning
How and when does reading support our plan for teaching and learning?
Selecting Appropriate Text
Which text selections engage students in acquiring content knowledge?
Which text selections engage students in making meaning about content?
Determining the Best Strategies Aligned to Purpose
Which strategies support reading to learn in our classrooms?
How will they support those who are learning to read?
How admin can support:
For one day in May, some level 1 & 2 PLC members have asked if there are professional
leave day(s) available for a day to calibrate/share grading on the Speaking & Writing
sections of the AFLAP according to the VBCPS rubric to provide information for future
collaborative activities (i.e. common assessment development and result-sharing).