Types of Sentences Accdng To Function
Types of Sentences Accdng To Function
Types of Sentences Accdng To Function
There are five (5) types sentences based on structural classification. These are:
1. Declarative Sentence
2. Interrogative Sentence
3. Exclamatory Sentence
4. Imperative Sentence
5. Minor Sentence
Declarative Sentence
E. E. Cummings, a US Poet and Painter once said, “The only man woman or child who wrote
a simple declarative sentence with seven grammatical errors ‘is dead.'” He might be implying
the simplicity of the declarative sentence. As the name goes, a ‘declares’. In other words, it
is a sentence that makes a statement; it states. Sentences expressing hope or wish are
somehow declarative. We also use Declarative Sentences to express an idea or give
information. Some examples of the declarative sentence include:
Interrogative Sentence
An interrogative sentence is a sentence that seeks to elicit information. When you need to
ask a question, the interrogative sentence comes handy. Before we give examples of an
interrogative sentence, it is essential, at this point, to let you know that there are various
types of questions in English. We have the following questions which are all forms of
interrogation and, therefore, fall under the category of interrogative questions:
In the syntactic of the polar question, there is subject-operator inversion; that is, we inverse
the primary auxiliary such that it takes the place of the subject. We also call this ‘S-op’
inversion. For instance:
‘Those girls are reading their books.’ becomes ‘Are those girls reading their books?’
‘The programme is ending today.’ becomes ‘Is the programme ending today?’
‘She was protesting her arrest.’ becomes ‘Was she protesting her arrest?’
‘I am reading the second novel.’ becomes ‘Am I reading the second novel?’
The youth were demonstrating.’ Becomes ‘Were the youth demonstrating?’
Take note that at the end of the question, the voice pitch rises.
‘Wh’ Question
This type of question usually starts with the ‘wh’ element which we refer to as the ‘Q-
word’ that is, the ‘question word’. An answer to this type of question cannot be ‘yes’ or
‘no’ like the Polar Question. Examples include:
Unlike the polar question, which has the possibility of only two answers, that is ‘yes’ or
‘no’, ‘wh’–question permits broad or open-ended number of answers.
Note that the voice pitch drops at the end of the question. This distinguishes it from the
Polar Question among other things.
In forming this type of question, the Q-word (what) comes first, the operator (the auxiliary
verb) follows, the subject comes next, then the lexical verb and the adjunct.
Exclamatory Question
This type of question is one that shows emotional feelings – a kind of yes-no question with
the force of an exclamation. In other words, it is a question that exclaims! It is said in a
falling tune or intonation. Consider the following sentences:
Aren’t these ladies beautiful! (An expression of how beautiful the ladies are)
Isn’t this a wonderful event! (An exclamatory question under interrogative sentence)
Isn’t her dress gorgeous!
Wasn’t that a scintillating performance!
Aren’t they fortunate breed!
The syntactic formation is S-op inversion (subject-operator inversion) like the Polar Question.
Tag Questions
The question is formed from the statement using the subject and the operator; the
syntactic formation is a subject-operator (S-op) inversion.
In English, which has a broad range of tag questions, the choice of tag question depends on
the grammatical form of the statement.
Moreover, there are rules for forming the most common types of tag questions and they
1. Using the non-contracted form, copy the operator of the given statement, and
change it to negative if it is positive or to positive if it is negative. For example:
2. In the absence of an operator, we use the positive or negative form of the primary
auxiliary ‘do’. See the following examples:
3. If the subject of the statement is a personal pronoun, copy and place it after the
operator in the tag question. For instance:
Exclamatory Sentence
This type of sentence expresses an emotional feeling and it is usually ended with an
exclamatory mark. For example:
In the formation of this type of sentence, the EX-element, which brings out the
exclamation, always comes first; then a complement intensive usually follows and the subject
and predicator follow respectively. Each sentence formation depends on the structure of the
exclamatory sentence. Look at this example:
(the EX-element ‘how’, an adjunct, comes first, then comes the subject, predicator, the
complement intensive and the adjunct respectively.
Imperative Sentence
An imperative sentence is one that makes or expresses a command, gives an order or gives an
instruction. Depending on the tone of the voice, a command sentence can also be a request
sentence. Note that we use ‘may’ and ‘could’ to make polite requests in English. See Modal
Auxiliary Verbs. Examples of the interrogative sentence include:
Minor Sentence
Minor sentences which do not belong to any of the types of sentences we have discussed
earlier but which exist nonetheless in English. Generally, a minor sentence omits one of the
structural elements like the subject, predicator, or complement. Some simple sentences are
not usually represented fully in some contexts. In such contexts, the simple sentence may be
represented by any of the elements or a combination of the elements in the SPCA
framework. The process of ellipsis or deletion has been used. A minor sentence is similar in
nature to a verbless sentence. Let us see what a verbless sentence is…
Verbless Sentence
This is a unit of grammar that is independent; that is, it is not part of some other
grammatical units, and yet does not contain any verb. Although a verb is essential to a
sentence, a verbless sentence is very common in spoken language and are far from rare in
written texts. Examples are:
Happy birthday!
Good, God!
How cool!
No problem.
A thousand Naira, please.
More coffee?
Yes, Lord!
Broadly speaking, we can divide the minor sentence into two types. They include the
Newspaper Headlines
Non-productive minor sentences are those with fixed forms as we cannot model new ones
after them. We can find examples in greetings:
Primary interjections which have only one lexical element such as Hurray! Wow! Ah! Oh! Etc.
and Secondary interjections which have more than one element such as: Bless you! Thank God!
Thank goodness! Good heavens! Oh dear! Etc.
These are usually traditional expressions which we cannot add to. Often, they formed a closed
class. Examples include: