Recount Lesson Plan

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Lesson number

Duration of Lesson

Class Size


1 intro/planning & 1

60 minutes lesson 1 (comprising of





60 minutes writing (good copy)

Topic: Recount on House Swimming Carnival

Past tense verbs and past tense language e.g. yesterday, saw, went,

Emotive and expressive language

Providing appropriate information in correct order

Learning Objective/s:
To provide information in chronological order about the events that occurred at the swimming
carnival on the previous day. Students will be encouraged to use descriptive language, include as
much information as possible and to ensure that the events are structured in chronological order.

Curriculum links

Level: 3 English

create texts that take account of the needs and interests of familiar and some
unfamiliar audiences (ACELY1694 Creating texts)

create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts for a widening range of

audiences demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language
features (ACELY1694 Creating texts)

- Recount resources( 2 X planners,
Recount Powerpoint and 2X example
recount texts)

Student equipment, books, pencils etc.

Stage 1

Students were introduced to the key concepts of


the recount as a whole group discussion.

group discussion highlighting

(lesson 1)

(2 classes, 67 students)

key features

Stage 2

Students to read 2 example texts as provided and


aim to highlight key points of language for

(lesson 1)

example past tense or expressive language

Teacher Action
Using the powerpoint hold a

Give out sample texts with

instruction to highlight

Assist students in
highlighting key features at

(lesson 1)

Return to group discussion, provide examples of

their tables
Discuss features/language

language in the texts and discuss. Discuss the

Provide planners

key features again and provide students with

Instruct students to maximize

structure for recount (outlined in other


Students to return to their table and begin
(lesson 2)

putting information into the planners.

In the second lesson the students will take their
planners (or complete them) and put them into a

Stage 3

proper recount format.

Bring students together to share some of their


recounts and some of the descriptive words and

Help students to form recount


techniques they used.

This lesson went reasonably well. The amount of time spent on the classroom floor raised the question
of ensuring engagement in students and could be a potential change for the next lesson. I will explore
some other teaching strategies to make sure that students can receive instruction and information in an
engaging manner.

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