Chapter3 Presentation

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Input/Output Programming

Chapter 3: Section 3.1, 3.2

Input and output (I/O) programming

• Communicating with I/O devices
• Busy-wait I/O
• Interrupt-driven I/O
I/O devices
 “Devices” may include digital and non-digital components.
 Example CPU interface - UART device
• CPU to/from device via register read/write
• I/O “mechanism” effectively transparent to CPU

CPU-2-Device Device-2-”Mechanism”

register xmit/
CPU rcv
data port
register UART

control Baud
register Rate gen
Example: UART for serial communication
 Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) : provides serial
communication – one “character” at a time.
 UARTs are integrated into most microcontrollers
 Allows several communication parameters to be programmed.
 Bits/character, Parity even/odd/none, Baud rate, # Stop bits
 Example:

no optional
char n data bits parity bit

start bit 0 bit 1 ... bit n-1 P stop

UART Registers
 Data (read received data, write data to be transmitted)
 Control register(s) to set:
 Bits per character (5,6,7,8 bits).
 Enable/disable parity generation/checking.
 Type of parity bit: Even, Odd, Stuck-0, Stuck-1.
 Length of stop bit (1, 2 bits).
 Enable interrupt on received byte/end of transmitted byte
 Status register(s) to determine:
 Receiver Data Ready (Newly-received data in received buffer register)
 Transmitter Holding Empty (transmit holding register ready to accept new data)
 Transmitter Empty (All data has been transmitted
 FE, OE, PE – framing/overrun/parity error in received data
Programming I/O

 Two types of instructions can support I/O:

 special-purpose/isolated I/O instructions;
 memory-mapped load/store instructions.
 Intel x86 provides in, out instructions (“isolated I/O”).
 Most CPUs (including ARM) use memory-mapped I/O.
 Special I/O instructions do not preclude memory-mapped I/O.
Intel 8051 On-chip address spaces
(Harvard architecture)

 Program storage: 0000-0FFF

 Data address space:
 RAM: 00-7F
 low 32 bytes in 4 banks of 8 registers R0-R7
 Special function registers: 80-FF
 includes “I/O ports” P0-P3
 Special I/O instructions (IN/OUT) for ports P0-P3

0000 Data 00
Program 7F
Memory Special 80
0FFF Registers FF
ARM system memory map (Cortex-M)
Single address space shared by memory and I/O registers
 Memory-mapped I/O
 Program memory addresses On-chip 0x0….0
(ROM, Flash) ROM
On-chip 0x2….0
 Data memory addresses (RAM) RAM
 I/O register addresses On-chip 0x4....0
(manufacturer peripherals) Peripherals
 Off-chip (external) memory External
 Off-chip (external) memory
 Cortex-M peripheral reg’s External 0xA….0
(NVIC, SYSTICK, …) Devices
Cortex CPU 0xE.…0
ARM memory-mapped I/O
 Define location(address) for device:
DEV1 EQU 0x40010000
 Read/write assembly code:
LDR r1,=DEV1 ; set up device address
LDRB r0,[r1] ; read byte from DEV1
MOV r0,#8 ; set up value to write
STRB r0,[r1] ; write value to device

 Equivalent C code:
Var1 = DEV1; //read from DEV1 to variable
DEV1 = Var1; //write variable to DEV1
Addressing I/O device registers
Example: STM32Lxx general-purpose I/O port D
; GPIOD module address definitions
GPIOD EQU 0x48000C00 ; GPIOD base address
MODE EQU 0x00 ; MODE register offset
IDR EQU 0x10 ; Input data reg offset
ODR EQU 0x14 ; Output data reg offset

; Set up External Memory Controller

LDR R0, =GPIOD ;Point to GPIOD regs
LDRH R1, [R0, #IDR] ;Read PD15-PD0 pins
ORR R1, #1 ;Set bit 0
STRH R1, [R0, #ODR] ;Write to PD15-PD0
Addressing I/O registers in C
(from stm32l476xx.h header file)
#define PERIPH_BASE ((uint32_t)0x40000000) /* Peripheral base address in the alias region */
#define AHB2PERIPH_BASE (PERIPH_BASE + 0x08000000) /* AHB1 bus peripherals */
#define GPIOD_BASE (AHB2PERIPH_BASE + 0x0C00) /* GPIO Port D base address */
#define GPIOD ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOD_BASE) /* GPIO Port D pointer */
/ * General Purpose I/O */
typedef struct /* Treat GPIO register set as a “record” data structure */
__IO uint32_t MODER; /* GPIO port mode register, Address offset: 0x00 */
__IO uint32_t OTYPER; /* GPIO port output type register, Address offset: 0x04 */
__IO uint32_t OSPEEDR; /* GPIO port output speed register, Address offset: 0x08 */
__IO uint32_t PUPDR; /* GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register, Address offset: 0x0C */
__IO uint32_t IDR; /* GPIO port input data register, Address offset: 0x10 */
__IO uint32_t ODR; /* GPIO port output data register, Address offset: 0x14 */
__IO uint32_t BSRR; /* GPIO port bit set/reset register, Address offset: 0x18 */
__IO uint32_t LCKR; /* GPIO port configuration lock register, Address offset: 0x1C */
__IO uint32_t AFR[2]; /* GPIO alternate function registers, Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
} GPIO_TypeDef;

GPIOD->ODR = value; /* write data to ODR of GPIOD */

Finding information…
 Microcontroller header file defines addresses, record structures,
interrupt numbers, symbolic labels for use in programs.
 stm32l476xx.h
 Microcontroller reference manual describes manufacturer-designed
modules in the microcontroller (memory, clock, power, peripheral
functions and registers, etc.)
 Entire “family” of microcontrollers assembled with the same modules
 STM32L4x5 and STM32L4x6 Reference Manual
 Microcontroller data sheet lists details of modules, pins, voltages, etc.
for a specific microcontroller in the family
 STM32L476xx Data Sheet
 Cortex-M4 Generic User Guide describes ARM-designed functions
 Independent of any particular uC manufacturer
 CPU, Instruction Set, SysTick Timer, NVIC - Nested Vectored Interrupt
Controller, fault detection mechanisms, etc.
Busy-wait I/O (“program-controlled”)

Check status Access data


Check status

No (wait)
(data ready) Busy?

Access data
(device ready)
Busy/wait output example
 Simplest way to program device.
 Instructions test device ready status.
 OUT_CHAR and OUT_STATUS are device addresses
 Normally defined in a “header file” for the microcontroller

/* send a character string */

current_char = mystring; //char string ptr
while (*current_char != ‘\0’) {
OUT_CHAR = *current_char; //write a character
while (OUT_STATUS != 0); //wait while busy
Busy/wait output (ARM assy.lang.)
;output character provided in r0
#define OUT_STATUS 0x40000100
#define OUT_CHAR 0x40000104

ldr r1,=OUT_STATUS ;point to status

w ldrb r2,[r1] ;read status reg
tst r2,#1 ;check ready bit
beq w ;repeat until 1
ldr r3,=OUT_CHAR ;point to char
strb r0,[r3] ;send char to reg
Simultaneous busy/wait input and output
while (TRUE) {
/* read */
while (IN_STATUS == 0); //wait until ready
achar = IN_DATA; //read data
/* write */
OUT_DATA = achar; //write data
while (OUT_STATUS != 0); //wait until ready

Above assumes all 8 bits of IN_STATUS are 0 when ready

Normally we need to test a single bit:
while ((IN_STATUS & 0x01) == 0)
Interrupt I/O
 Busy/wait is very inefficient.
 CPU can’t do other work while testing device.
 Hard to do simultaneous I/O.
 Interrupts allow device to change the flow of control in
the CPU.
 Causes subroutine call to handle device.
Interrupt interface
intr request

intr ack reg

data/address data

 CPU and device connected by CPU bus.

 CPU and device “handshake”:
 device asserts interrupt request;
 CPU asserts interrupt acknowledge when it can handle the
Interrupt behavior
 Based on subroutine call mechanism.
 Interrupt forces next instruction to be a “subroutine call”
to a predetermined location.
 Return address is saved to resume executing
foreground program.
 “Context” switched to interrupt service routine
Example: interrupt-driven main program

Global variables
main() {
while (TRUE) {
if (gotchar) { // set by intr routine
OUT_DATA = achar; //write char
OUT_STATUS = 1; //set status
gotchar = FALSE; //reset flag
other processing….

Don’t stop to wait for a character!

Example: character I/O handlers
#define IN_DATA (*((volatile unsigned byte *) 0xE0028018))
#define IN_STATUS (*((volatile unsigned byte *) 0xE002801C))

void input_handler() {
achar = IN_DATA; //global variable
gotchar = TRUE; //signal main prog
IN_STATUS = 0; //reset status

void output_handler() {
} //interrupt signals char done
Example: interrupt I/O with buffers
 Queue for characters:

head tail tail Class

leave one empty slot Array[]

to allow full buffer to Head
be detected Tail

Buffer-based input handler
void input_handler() {
char achar;
if (full_buffer()) error = 1;
else {
achar = IN_DATA; //read char
add_char(achar); //add to queue
IN_STATUS = 0; //reset status
if (nchars >= 1) { //buffer empty?
OUT_DATA = remove_char();
} //above needed to initiate output
Interrupts vs. Subroutines
 CPU checks interrupt signals between instructions
 Interrupt handler starting address:
 fixed in some microcontrollers
 usually provided as a pointer (“vector”)
 CPU saves its “state”, to be restored by the interrupt handler
when it is finished
 Push items on a stack
 and/or: Save items in special registers
 Handler should preserve any other registers that it may use
Prioritized interrupts

device 1 device 2 device n

interrupt interrupt
acknowledge requests

D1 D2 .. Dn controller
CPU  Priorities determine what interrupt
gets CPU first.
 Vectors determine what code is called
for each type of interrupt.
 Mechanisms are orthogonal: most
CPUs provide both.
Interrupt prioritization
 Masking: interrupt with priority lower than current priority
is not recognized until pending interrupt is complete.
 Non-maskable interrupt (NMI): highest-priority, never
 Often used for power-down.
 Handler may choose to “enable” other interrupts (allows
handler to be preempted)

 CPU may also have bit(s) in its status register to enable or

mask interrupt requests.
I/O sequence diagram
:foreground :input :output :queue

receive a empty
send a
receive b

receive c bc
send b
Example: Prioritized I/O
high priority low priority

:interrupts :foreground :A :B :C

Interrupt vectors
 Allow different devices to be handled by different code.
 Interrupt vector table:
 Directly supported by CPU architecture and/or
 Supported by a separate interrupt-support device/function

Interrupt handler 0
Vector Table
handler 1
handler 2
handler 3
Interrupt vector acquisition
:CPU :device

vector Synchronous msg

Asynchronous msg
Generic interrupt mechanism
Assume priority selection is
continue intr? handled before this point.
execution Y CPU detects interrupt request
N intr priority >
ignore current
CPU acknowledges
Y the request
Device sends vector
bus error timeout? vector?
CPU calls handler &
call table[vector]
Software processes the request
Sources of interrupt overhead
 Handler execution time.
 Interrupt mechanism overhead.
 Register save/restore.
 Pipeline-related penalties.
 Cache-related penalties.
 Interrupt “latency” = time from activation of interrupt signal
until event serviced.
 ARM worst-case latency to respond to interrupt is 27 cycles:
 2 cycles to synchronize external request.
 Up to 20 cycles to complete current instruction.
 3 cycles for data abort.
 2 cycles to enter interrupt handling state.
 Exception: internally detected error.
Example: divide by 0
ARM: undefined opcode, data abort, memory error
 Exceptions are synchronous with instructions but unpredictable.
 Build exception mechanism on top of interrupt mechanism.
 Exceptions are usually prioritized and vectorized.
Trap/Software Interrupt
 Trap (software interrupt): an exception generated by an
 Ex: Enter supervisor mode.
 Often used to enter operating system (RTOS)

 ARM: SWI instruction for traps.

 Cortex: SVC instruction (supervisor call)

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