Day 2 Reviewer 2nd Quarter

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OralComm ● Purpose of communication-

it the speaker trying to

persuade or entertain?
Understanding Verbal
● Knowledge or experience-
the speaker or listener
may have limited
Verbal Communication
knowledge or experience
● It is a kind of
to form a basis for
communication that uses
tailoring, interpreting,
words or speech in
and responding to the
relaying information to
other people
We can overcome these barriers
Barriers to Verbal
1. Checking whether it is a
good time and place to
1. People
communicate with the

● Physical Affirmities such person
as poor hearing, bad 2. Being clear and using
● Personal


● Cultural mores (customs,

values, and behavior that
language that the person
3. Communicating one at a
4. Respecting a person’s
desire to not communicate
are accepted by a 5. Checking if the person
particular group) they has understood you
follow correctly
● Adherence to society's
attitudes toward gender Functions of Communication
and sexuality, business
practices, religious Regulation and control- used
beliefs, etc. to maintain control over other

2. Topic people’s attitudes and

● The topics may present behavior (e.g. Making an
possible barriers to announcement for the community
communication because of To start segregating their
its vagueness or garbage)
ambiguity, complexity, Social Interaction- the
emotional pull, and primary reason why people
hidden agenda. communicate (e.g. Welcoming
3. Communicative Situation new classmates or colleagues
● Noise- there is noise in by conversing with them or
the physical setting and smiling at them)
in the participants Motivation- when the speaker’s
themselves that make it purpose is to persuade another
difficult to understand person to change his/her
each other. opinion, attitude, or behavior
(e.g. Convincing your friends Dyadic Communication
to go to the mall after school ● Involves only two
to watch a movie) participants forming a
Information- used when we want dyad. The roles of the
to inform other people of what speaker and listener are
we know-facts, information, not fixed; they are
and knowledge (e.g. A weather interchangeable.
forecaster on TV tracks the Small Group
path of a low pressure area ● Refers to communication
(LPA) which might turn into a involving three ort more
typhoon) people engaging ina
Emotional expression- speaker face-to-face interaction.
appeals to the listener’s A. Study group- studies the
feelings and emotions to problem
encourage him/her to act in a B. Task-oriented group-
particular direction (e.g. The analyzes and solves the
audience being movies to tears problem

by a movie or a TV drama they Public Communication
are watching)
Types of Speech Context

Speech Context
● Is the environment
which the speech takes
● Requires you to deliver
or send the message in

of a group.
Onespeaker addresses many
known as the audience.
There is no interchanging
place. of the speaker and
listener roles.
Intrapersonal Communication- Mass Communication
it means communicating with ● Refers to communication
oneself. Intrapersonal that takes place through
communication centers in one television, radio,
person where the speaker acts newspaper, and other
as both the speaker and the types of mass media.

receiver of the message. Organizational Communication

● Refers to the interaction
E.g. of members along the
Repeating a song you heard links in a organizational
while looking in the mirror structure
Memorizing a dialogue out loud A. Formal- uses the proper
Interpersonal Communication- B. Informal- bypasses the
communication involves more links
than one person. This refers Intercultural Communication
to communication between and
● Exchange of concepts,
among people and established
traditions, values, and
personal relationships between
practices between and
and among them.
among people of different
expressions, gestures,
Principles of Speech Delivery and movement.
● Facial expression should
Articulation change with the context
● The articulation in of the speech.
pronouncing the words and ● Gestures should emphasize
speaking with clear only certain points.
diction that effectively ● Movement should allow the
transmits the message of speaker to carry the
the speaker. It is highly speech around, forward,
important to know the and to the audience.
correct wat of saying a Audience Rapport
word, whether they are ● Rapport means affinity,
familiar or unfamiliar. bond, empathy. A close or
● Proper breathing harmonious relationship.
techniques together with ● In public speaking, this
the correct molding of

relationship can be
sounds that make up words achieved when a common
contribute to efficient
● Is changing

Stage Presences
the tone,
pitch, and volume of your
understanding between the
speaker and the audience
is established.

Types of Speech Style

Speech Style- refers primarily
to the manner one communicate
● The ability to own the than the meaning of
stage or the way the communication
speaker can fill the Intimate
space and project his/her ● This style is private,
personality to the which occurs between
audience. close family members or
● The audience can assess intimate individuals. The
your confidence and language used in this

authority through your styl;es may not be shared

poise and posture. in public.
● The opposite of stage ● E.g. Terms of endearment
presence is stage fright, such as love, hon, dear,
which is considered as etc.
the topmost fear in the Casual
world of speaking. ● This style is used among
Facial expressions, friends and acquaintances
gestures,and movement . The use of slangs is
● The message of any speech common and interruptions
is reinforced, clarified, often occur.
and complemented by ● E.g. Simple greetings
nonverbal communication (“Hey, dude!”, “What’s
such as facial
up?”), Slangs (“Come on, 3. Making a prediction,
spill the tea!” a promise, a request
Consultative 4. Issuing an order or
● This style is used decision
primarily among people 5. Giving advice or
who do not share common permission
experiences or meaning ● E.g. Saying it is your
● Professional or mutually birthing with the
accepted language is a intention of informing
must in this style and inviting other people
● E.g. Communication to your birthday
between teachers and
students Perlocutionary Act
Formal ● When a particular effect
● Used for imparting sought from either the
information. The speech speaker, the listener, or

is well-organized and
correct in grammar and ● E.g. Upon stating the it

● E.g. Sermons by priests
and ministers
● It is a formal style
whose quality is
is your birthday, other
people will attend your

Types of Speech According

Purpose and Delivery

ritualistic, and may even

be archaic. According to Purpose
● This style uses language Informative
that is frozen in time ● A speech of this nature
and remains unchanged. is meant to have the
● E.g. Preamble listeners understand a
topic in a more in-depth
Types of Speech Act manner

Locutionary Act ● Teaches you to do or

● This act happens with the perform something
utterance of a sound, a ● Speakers or demonstrators
word, or even a phrase deliver their respective
● E.g. “It’s my birthday speeches while
this weekend” demonstrating or
Illocutionary Act Persuasive
● The act of saying ● Aims to persuade or
something with the convince people to change
intention of: the way they think or do
1. Stating an opinion something
2. Confirming, or Entertainment
denying something ● Intends to entertain or
amuse the audience
● It is anything of mineral, and solid
interest suitable to the without chemical change
context of the situation Frost weathering- occurs in
that will make the regions where temperature
audience smile or feel fluctuates above and below the
lighthearted freezing point, resulting in a
free-thaw cycle
According to Delivery Insolation weathering- results
Reading from a Manuscript from the expansion and
● When a speaker gives a contraction of rocks caused by
speech before an audience temperature change
by reading a fully Unloading or pressure release-
written out speech occurs when the overlying
Memorized Speech rocks is eroded away, causing
● Where the speech is fully the outer rock to expand more
memorized- every word, than the rock below it
Biological mechanical

every phrase, every
comma, every period activities- plant root grows
into cracks in a rack, also
Impromptu Speech
● Delivered on a short
notice with little or no
Extemporaneous Speech
● Allows the speaker to
into soil
burrow, it creates holes or
spaces where water can seep

prepare his/here thoughts

Chemical Weathering
and mode of delivery
● Involves the interaction
● The speaker may be guided
of rock with mineral
by note cards or short
solutions to change the
composition of rocks
● In this process, water
EarthSci interacts with minerals
Exogenic Process to create various

● Includes geological chemical reactions and

phenomena and processes transform the rocks
that originate externally Oxidation- reaction of rock
to the Earth’s surface minerals with oxygen, thus
changing the chemical
Weathering- describes the composition of the rock
breaking down or dissolving of Hydrolysis- takes place when
rocks and minerals on the acid rain reacts with rock-
surface of the Earth forming minerals such as felts
par to produce clay and salts
2 types of Weathering that are removed in solution
Mechanical Weathering Solution- removal of rock in
● Physical weathering solution by acidic rainwater.
● Process that causes the In particular, limestone is
disintegration of rocks, made by rain water containing
CO2. This process is sometimes terraces and loves of
called carbonation debris and boulders
Weathering Carbonation- occurs ➔ Debris flow- moving mass
when Co2 from the atmosphere of loose mud, sand, soil,
slowly enters concrete over rock, water and air that
time, reacting with some of travels down a slope
the reaction products of under the influence of
cement hydration and water in gravity
the pores ➔ Mudflow- a form of mass
Biological chemical wasting involving
activities- when plant fast-moving flow of
releases chemicals that break debris that has become
down rocks liquified by the addition
of water
Rates of weathering- the speed ➔ Granular flows- contain
at which rocks are broken down only 0 to 20% moisture.
Factors: They are not considered

Climate as water-saturated flows
➔ Earthflow- is a downslope
Rock characteristics

Mass wasting- the movement of

rock and soil down slope under
the influence of gravity



water and
of the
that have been saturated
under the pull of gravity
Grain flow- composed
mainly of dry materials
Types of Mass Wasting
like sand dunes
Rockfalls and debris falls-
➔ Debris avalanche- formed
when a large mass of rock
when an unstable slope
fails and resultant fall
collapses and debris is
spreads out into a debris fan,
transported away from the
it is referred to as a
rockslide or even a debris
➔ Creep- is the slowest

kind of landslide
Landslides- a sudden fast
movement of a cohesive mass of
Erosion- is the geological
soil, rock, or regolith
process in which earthen
Flows- are landslides that
materials are worn away and
involve the movement of
transported by natural forces
material down a slope in the
such as wind or water
form of a fluid
➔ Slurry flows- consists of
Agents of Erosion
a mixture of stocks and
Water- running water is the
or regolith containing
primary agent of erosion on
20% to 40% water
➔ Solifluction- a mixture
➔ Splash erosion- raindrops
of creep and flow, which
that cause tiny particles
forms distinctive sheets,
of soil to be detached Erodibility of the
and moved out surface beneath the ice
➔ Sheet erosion- raindrops Wind- a natural process that
break apart the soils moves solid from one location
structure and move to another by wind power
downslope as water flows
over land as sheet Transportation- the movement of
➔ Gully erosion- after materials across the Earth’s
heavy rain, water flows surface by water, wind, ice or
in narrow channels, gravity
eroding gullies into
great depth 4 Types of Transportation
➔ Valley erosion- the Solution- materials are
continuous flow of water dissolved in water and carried
alongside land and along by water
downward movement deeps a Suspension- the suspended
valley particle are carried by a

➔ Bank erosion- the medium
continuous flow of water
wear our stones along the
of streams

➔ Coastline erosion- waves

from the ocean and seas
crash onto shorelines and
Traction- particles move by
rolling, sliding, and
shuffling long eroded surface
Saltation- particles move from
the surface to the medium in
quick, repeated cycles

break down rocks into Deposition- the aggradation or

pebbles and reduce the accumulation of weathered
pebbles into sand sediments to created different
➔ Seaside cliff erosion- landforms
ocean waves battering
seaside cliffs bore holes Water and landforms
that may become caves Delta- formed when a river
Glacier- os a large , moving loses energy as it flows in to

mass of ice an area of slow moving water,

➔ Plucking- the process such as lake or sea
wherein fractured Alluvial fan- formed when a
bedrocks are incorporated stream reaches a flat area
into the ice (called piedmont) or gently
➔ Abrasion- happens when sloping plain
the ice and its load of Flood plain- a flat, wide
rock fragments slide over expanse of alluvium that
a bedrock covers flat areas which are
Factors prone to flooding
Rate of movement Levees- are formed by
Thickness of the ice successive flood over several
Shape and hardness of
fragments contained in
Glacier and landforms
the ice
Esker- winding ridge of sand Heat energy- plays a vital role
and gravel deposited under a in our planet. It is one of
glacier by water melting the extreme factors in what
Drumlins- elongated features molecules make the world
composed primarily of glacial livable
till Radioactive decay- involves the
Kames- conical hills that are disintegration of natural
formed when a stream deposits radioactive elements, such as
sediments in a depression on a uranium, thorium, and
glaciers surface potassium inside Earth
Tectonics- the study of the
Wind and landforms presses that deform Earth’s
Loess- blanket os silt carried crust. It is based on the
by wind in suspension and Greek word tekton which means
deposited over broad areas builder
Sand dunes- mound of sand
formed by the wind, usually Continental Drift and Plate

along the beach or in a desert Tectonic theory
Abraham Ortelius
Different landforms found on
1. Structural

landforms created by the
of large
quantities of magma or by
● A Brabantian cartographer
and geographer
● Was the first to
underline the geometrical
coast iof
rock movements caused by Europe-Africa and to
plate tectonics propose continental drift
2. Weathering landforms- as an expansion
landforms created by the
physical, chemical, or Alfred Lotahr Wegener
biological decomposition ● German polar researcher,
of rocks geophysicist and
3. Erosional landforms- meteorologist

landforms created by the ● Originator of the

removal of the weathered continental drift theory
eroded surfaces caused by by hypothesizing in 1912
erosion agents that the continents are
4. Depositional landforms- slowly drifting around
landforms created from the Earth and is once a
the deposition of large landmass called
weathered and eroded Pangaea, a Greek word
surface materials which means all Earth

Endogenic Process Wegener’s Evidence

● Internal processes that
occur within Earth 1. Topographic Evidence
Geological fit evidence is the
matching of large-scale
geological features on widely accepted in the
different continents Science community

2. Fossil Correlation Harold Jeffreys

The distribution of the four ● Argued that it is
Permian and Triassic fossil physically impossible for
groups and used itr as a a large mass of solid
biogeographic evidence for rock to plow or drift
continental drift and land through the ocean floor
bridging without breaking up
★ Mesosaurus- known to have
been a type of reptile, Plates- the Earth’s rigid
similar to the modern outer surface or lithosphere
crocodile consists of seven large and
★ Cynogathus- was a numerous smaller segments
mammal-like reptile called plates
★ Lystrosaurus- translates Plate Tectonic Theory

to shovel reptile, is ● Explains the mechanism of
thought to have been a movement of tectonic
ceherbivore with a stout
built like a pig
★ Glossopteris-
India, South Africa, and
South America
in Plate

a fracture
plate from
3. Rock Formation
Rocks and fossils in the
continents located in the
Southern hemisphere exhibit
identical pattern known as
Gondwana Sequence

4. Paleoclimate Evidence
Wegener considered as evidence
the glacial till deposits in
the northern and southern
Convergent Plate Boundaries
Wegener’s Theory is rejected by
some because… Ocenic-continental convergence
● Wegener’s theory of Form s trenches, destructive
continental drift was earthquakes, and raid uplift
just too weak for most of mountain ranges, as well as
geologist to accept the building of volcanic arcs,
such as the Cascades of the
● Some Wegener’s
United States and Andes
explanation clashed with
Mountains of South America
the ideas that were
Oceanic-oceanic convergence Philippine Mobile Belt- zone of
Forms trenches, such as the the intense deformation and
Mariana Islands between the active seismicity between
Philippine Sea Plate and convergent zones bounding the
Mariana Plate, Aleutian Philippine archipelago
Islands between the Pacific
Plate and North American Major Faults in the Philippines
Plate, and the islands of 1. Marikina Valley Fault
Japan 2. Western Philippine Fault
3. Eastern Philippine Fault
Contienntal-continental 4. Southern Mindanao Fault
convergence 5. Central Philippine Fault
Forms mounts ranges, such as
the Himalayan Range and the Ocean Basin- anywhere on earth
european Alps that is covered by seawater

Divergent Plate Boundary
● Constructive margin
● At the divergent boundary
also known as the
spreading center or rift
two plates move

The mechanism of creating new

seafloor along the oceanic
ridge system is called
seafloor spreading Continental shelf- relatively
shallow, gentle sloping part
Convergent plat boundary can of continental crust that
also split apart continental border the continent
crusts. This process is called Continental slope- region of

continental rifting the ocean that leads to deep

Transform Plate Boundary Continental rise- links the
● Conservative margin deep ocean basin floor to the
● A transform plate continental slope
boundary forms when
plates slide horizontally Topographic Features of the
past one another Oceanic Basins
Ocean ridges or mid ocean
Philippine Archipelago- formed ridges- underwater mountain
through the convergence of the ranges that consists of
Philippine Sea Plate, the newly-formed basaltic rocks
European Plate, and the Trenches- long, narrow creases
Indo-Australian Plate in the seafloor that form the
deepest part of the ocean
Abyssal plains- relatively ➢ Dip-slip Faulting- occurs
flat, underwater plain covered when the movement of the
by sediments, lying between two blocks is vertical
the foot of the continental ➢ Strike-slip Faulting-
ride and the mid-ocean ridge occurs when the dominant
Guyots- flat-topped seamounts displacement is
that are subsided below sea horizontal and parallel
level through the million of
years of weathering, mass Volcanism- phenomena in which
wasting, and wave action molten rocks (magma) are
erupted from the Earth;s
Tectonic Force, Volcanism, and interior onto the surface
Earthquakes Volcano- vent or a series of
vents on the Earth’s crust
Deformation- refers to the
change in the original shape 3 Classic Types of Volcano
and size of a rock 1. Composite Volcano

3 Types of Tectonic Force 2. Cinder Cone Volcano
Compressional Forces- general 3. Shield Volcano

as a
plate boundaries resulting in
mountain ranges
Tensional Forces- causes
Classification of Volcanoes
have erupted

historical time in the last

600 years or having erupted

stretching and tearing of within the last 10000 years

rocks resulting in faulting (e.g. Mayon, Taal)
Shearing Forces- causes rock to Dormant Volcanoes- volcanoes
slide horizontally past one have not erupted for more than
another 1000 years but have potential
to be active again (e.g.
Tectonic Processes Arayat, Apo)
Folding- occurs when rocks are Extinct Volcanoes- volcanoes

pushed toward each other from have not erupted within the
the opposite side. The rock last 10000 years, and are
layers bend into folds unlikely to erupt again (e.g.
➢ Syncline- downward Batulao, Cuyapo)
arching fold with younger
layers closer to the Convergent Volcanism-
center of the structure volcanoes form here in two
➢ Anticline- upward arching setting where either oceanic
fold also an arch-like plate descends below another
shape and has its oldest oceanic plate or an oceanic
beds at its core plate below a continental
Faulting- fracturing and plate
displacement of brittle rock Divergent Volcanism-
strata along the fault plain associated with spreading
which occurs when the hot
asthenosphere oozes up to fill is less than 0.25mm in
the gap diameter
Hot Spots- these are column of
rising mantle materials that
begin to melt as they arise to
lower pressure and shallower
depths Value of Man

Volcanic Materials 1. Man has a physical

Gases- in addition to water structure similar to
vapor and carbon dioxide, other living creatures on
toxic gases such as carbon Earth such as plants and
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, animals. Man is subject
hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric to enjoy life, pain, and
acid, and hydrofluoric acid sickness
are emitted a. Man is capable of
Lava- magma that flows out to conceptual thought,

the Earth’s surface. It’s which
temperature may be from 500C distyinguyishes him

to 1400C
1. Felsic

2. Intermediate
greater than 66%

from other creatures
on Earth
b. A person
and approach life as
dioxide is between 56% to an intellectual
60% matter that provides
3. Basaltic or mafic- reason for
silicon dioxide is less everything
than 52% c. Man likewise
Pyroclastic- solid particles experiences the
thrown out in volcanic presence of a spirit
eruption are known as in him

pyroclastic or tephra
1. Volcanic Block- large 2. We see persons differing
angular volcanic rocks from one another though
similar to pumice that possessing certain common
have sized greater than traits. A person is a being
64mm in diameter existing in relationship with
2. Lapili- medium sized other beings
particles between 2mm and
64mm in size 3. Every created thing has a
3. Volcanic Ash- consist of purpose for being. Man
small particles less than acquires a purpose for his
2mm in diameter environment by continuously
4. Volcanic Dust- consist of creating, linbeating, and
very small particles that realizing himself and his
4. Man like to think as being ● Envy- sorry over
born free. Freedom to be or another’s good fortune
not be is one of our basic ● Sloth- laxity in keeping
human rights the faith and practice of
4 Aspect of Man
● Man has mind, body, and My Family: The Beginning of My
spirit Personhood
● Man is unique
● Man having purposes and a Benjamin Franklin
mission ❖ The doorstep to the
● Man being born free temple of knowledge is
our own ignorance
Sigmund Freud
3 Parts of the Self ❖ Tells of the significant
contribution of early

● Self-knowledge
(self-concept) years in the development
of a person
● Interpersonal
(public self)
● Agent

❖ Believed that the
childhood experiences of
a man bear a significant
impact and influence on
his adult life
❖ It is in our early
Giftedness- speaks to us of
experiences that we
God’s goodness, because in our
establish the foundation
giftedness, we come to know we
our our being a person
have nothing, which we have
not received
Steps in Healing these
Brokenness- awareness of our
Unsolved Memories
sinfulness or brokenness also
1. Acknowledge these
speaks to us of God for
feelings and memories
paradoxically our sinfulness

2. Try our best to

is a gift.
understand them
3. Accept them
7 Capital Sins
4. Forgive them
● Pride- unrestrained
appreciation of our own
Inner Peace of Man
● Anger- inordinate desire
● Peace must begin with
for revenge
each one of us
● Lust- hankering for
● It is true that one
impure pleasures
cannot give what he/she
● Avarice- immoderate does not have
desire for earthly goods
● Gluttony- unrestrained Peace- a rare item in today’s
use of food and drink world
Culture of peace- necessary
for a meaningful life for all
Process of peace building-
starts from within the heart
of each individual
Tolerance- act or practice of
sympathy or indulgence for
beliefs or practice differing
from one’s own
Personal realm- peace accepts
who and what he or she is
living in a culture of peace
intrinsically edifying

❖ God is the source of our

inner strength

❖ Peace is a gift from God,
the root meaning came
fromHebrew “shalom” means
❖ Peacemaking is the work
of nonviolence
❖ We make peace, but peace
starts in the heart of
every human being

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