Geography Form 2 2020 Schemes of Work

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1 1 INTERNAL By the end of the lesson, Probing questions.

LAND-FORMING the leaner should be able Brief discussion on KLB
PROCESSES to: compression, tension, GEOGRAPH
Differentiate between upwarping, downwarping,
Earth internal and external land and shearing of crustal BOOK II.
movements. forming processes. rocks.
Differentiate between crustal Drawing illustrative PAGES
compressional and tensional diagrams. 1-2
Explain effects of horizontal
earth movements.

2 Causes of earth By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new

movements. leaner should be able to: concepts. PAGES
Describe causes of earth Discussion & drawing of 2-3
movements. illustrative diagrams.

3 Results of earth By the end of the lesson, the Discussion & drawing of
movements. leaner should be able to: illustrative diagrams. PAGES
Identify landforms resulting 2-3
from earth movements.
2 1 Theory of By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new Illustrative
Continental Drift. leaner should be able to: concepts; diagrams. PAGES
Explain the theory of Discussion of evidence to 3-4
Continental Drift. support the theory.

2 The Plates By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of the theory & Illustrative
Tectonic Theory. leaner should be able to: discussion on evidence of diagrams. PAGES
Explain the Plates Tectonic the theory. 5-6
Theory. Drawing diagrams showing
meeting of tectonic plates.

3 Folding. By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review vertical earth Illustrative
leaner should be able to: movements. diagrams. PAGES
Define folding. Discussion & drawing 7-8
Explain the causes of folding. illustrative diagrams.
Identify parts of a fold.
3 1,2 Types of folds. By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of types of folds Illustrative
leaner should be able to: and resulting landforms. diagrams. PAGES
Identify types of folds. 9-11
Describe various folding

3 Features resulting By the end of the lesson, the Discussion & drawing Illustrative
from folding. leaner should be able to: labelled diagrams of diagrams.
Describe landforms resulting landforms. Map: World
from folding. distribution of

4 1 Significance of By the end of the lesson, the Q/A & discussion on effects
folding. leaner should be able to: of folding. PAGES
Outline effects of folding. Assignment. 12-13

2 Faulting. By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review horizontal and
leaner should be able to: vertical earth movements. PAGES
Define faulting. Discussion on parts 13-14
Identify parts associated with associated with a fault.
a fault.
3 Types of faults. By the end of the lesson, the Probing questions and Illustrative
leaner should be able to: detailed discussion. diagrams. PAGES
Identify types of faults. 14-19

5 1 Features resulting By the end of the lesson, the Discussion & Illustrative
from faulting. leaner should be able to: Drawing illustrative diagrams. PAGES
Describe landforms resulting diagrams. 14-19
from faulting.

2,3 The Great Rift By the end of the lesson, the Case study. Map: The
Valley. leaner should be able to: The Afro-Arabian rift Afro-Arabian PAGE 21
Trace the Great Rift Valley on system. rift system.
a map.
Describe parts of the Great
Rift Valley.

6 1 The Gregory Rift By the end of the lesson, the Case study. Map / chart:
Valley. leaner should be able to: The Gregory rift system. Kenyan’s rift PAGES
Trace the Gregory Rift Valley system and 21-22
on a map. the associated
Describe the parts of the
Gregory Rift Valley.
2 Significance of By the end of the lesson, the Probing questions.
faulting. leaner should be able to: Detailed discussion. PAGES
Explain ways in which Assignment. 22-24
faulting is significant.
Explain effects of faulting on
the physical environment.

3 CAT.
7 1 Vulcanicity and By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new concepts
Earthquakes. leaner should be able to: & brief discussion. PAGES
Definitions Differentiate between 24-25
associated with vulcanicity and volcanicity.
vulcanicity and Differentiate between
volcanicity. intrusive and extrusive
2,3 Intrusive features. By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new Illustrative
, leaner should be able to: concepts. diagrams. PAGES
Identify various intrusive Probing questions. 32-34
features. Drawing illustrative
Explain formation of various
intrusive features.
Illustrate intrusive features with
labelled diagrams.

8 1-2 Extrusive By the end of the lesson, the Give examples of extrusive Pictures in
features. leaner should be able to: features in Africa. various PAGES
Identify various extrusive Discussion. textbooks. 25-27
volcanic features. Assignment.
Illustrate extrusive volcanic
features with labelled
3 Types of By the end of the lesson, the Q/A & discussion on types
volcanoes. leaner should be able to: of volcanoes. PAGES
State the three types of Assignment: table showing 25-30
volcanoes. types and examples of
volcanoes in the World.

9 1-2 Distribution of By the end of the lesson, the Drawing map of Kenya & Maps: Volcanic
regions in
volcanoes and leaner should be able to: Africa and showing the PAGES
Kenya, Africa
volcanic features. Identify volcanic regions in distribution of volcanoes and in the 30-35
Kenya and in Africa. and volcanic features. World.

3 Positive By the end of the lesson, the Q/A and detailed

influences of leaner should be able to: discussion. PAGES
vulcanicity. Explain ways in which 35-36
vulcanicity is beneficial to
10 1 Negative Highlight negative influences Q/A, detailed discussion
influences of of vulcanicity. and assignment. PAGE 36

2 Earthquakes. By the end of the lesson, the Q/A definition of Illustrative

leaner should be able to: earthquake, shockwaves. diagrams. PAGE 37
Definitions Exposition of new terms:
associated with Give definitions associated Seismology, epicentre,
earthquakes. with earthquakes. focus, tsunamis, tremors.
Drawing relevant diagrams.

3 Causes of By the end of the lesson, the Q/A to review tectonic

earthquakes. leaner should be able to: movements, vulcanicity. PAGES
Describe human and natural Probing questions leading 37-38
causes of earthquakes. to causes of earthquakes.
Q/A: human activities that
may cause tremors.

11 1, Types of By the end of the lesson, the Brief discussion: primary Newspaper
extracts on
earthquakes and leaner should be able to: and secondary waves. PAGES
intensity and
waves. Describe primary and Exposition of basic terms: magnitude of 38-39
2 Measurement of secondary seismic waves. Mercalli scale and Richter earthquakes.
earthquakes. Identify scales used to scale.
determine the intensity and Open discussion.
magnitude of an earthquake.

3 Effects of By the end of the lesson, the Q/A and brief discussion. Newspaper
earthquakes. leaner should be able to: PAGES
outlining effects
Outline effects of of earthquakes. 40-41
earthquakes & tremors.



1 MAP WORK By the end of the lesson, the

leaner should be able to:
1, Direction and
Bearing. Distinguish between direction Q/A and brief PAGES
and bearing. discussion. 42-43
2 Methods of
showing direction. Outline some traditional and
modern methods of showing
3 Compass Bearing. By the end of the lesson, the Diagram of 16 points of Pair of
leaner should be able to: the compass. compasses PAGES
Define bearing of a point. Oral exercise. & 43-44
Determine the compass protractors.
bearings of given points on a
2 1 True Bearing. By the end of the lesson, the Brain storming; Pair of
leaner should be able to: Class exercise. compasses PAGES
Find the true bearing of a protractors. 44-45
point from another point.
2 Calculation of grid By the end of the lesson, the Exposition. Pair of
bearing. leaner should be able to: Class exercise. compasses PAGES
Find the grid bearing of a point protractors. 44-45
from another point.
3 Determination of By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: conversion of
magnetic bearing. leaner should be able to: minutes and seconds to PAGES
Determine magnetic bearing degrees. 44-45
given the grid bearing. Exposition: calculating
magnetic variation.
Worked examples.

3 1 Locating places By the end of the lesson, the Exercise: locating Topographical
using latitudes leaner should be able to: position of places using PAGES
and longitudes. Locate position of places using latitude and longitudes. 46-47
latitude and longitudes.
2 Locating places By the end of the lesson, the Q/A identifying easting Chart: grid
using four- figure leaner should be able to: and nor things. reference PAGES
grid references. Give the four-figure grid Guided exercise system. 48-49
reference of points on map.
3 Locating places By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: identifying Chart: grid
using six-figure leaner should be able to: eastings and northings. reference P 49
grid references. Give the six-figure grid Guided exercise. system.
reference of points on map. Assignment.

4 1 Representing By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review six-figure Atlases or
relief using spot leaner should be able to: reference. topographi PAGES
heights and Define the term land relief. Definition of land relief. cal maps. 49-51
trigonometric Identify spot heights & Brief discussion.
stations. trigonometric stations on a
2 Contours and By the end of the lesson, the Exposition: new terms. Topographical
forms lines. leaner should be able to: Q/A: Contour interval, PAGES
Define contours and forms vertical height. 50-51
lines. Exercise: estimating
Identify Contours and forms height-using contours.
3, Methods of By the end of the lesson, the Exposition, Q/A and Textbooks
representing leaner should be able to: brief discussions. pictures. PAGES
relief. Explain use of pictorials, Assignment. 53
1 hachures, hill shading and
layer tinting to represent
State advantages and
disadvantages of each

5 2 PHOTOGRAPH By the end of the lesson, the
WORK. leaner should be able to:
Exposition of new
Ground Distinguish between ground concepts & brief Illustrative PAGES
photographs. close-ups and ground oblique discussion. diagrams. 55-57
Aerial Distinguish between general
photographs. oblique and vertical aerial

3 Parts of a By the end of the lesson, the Divide a photograph Photographs

photograph. leaner should be able to: into nine parts then . PAGES
Identify horizontal and vertical mark them accordingly. 57-58
divisions of a photograph. Q/A : Identifying
features in each

6 1 Uses of By the end of the lesson, the Q/A and discussion.

photographs leaner should be able to: PAGE 59
& State uses of photographs.
Limitations of Highlight limitations in the use
photographs. of photographs.
2 Interpretation of By the end of the lesson, the Class exercise: Photographs
photographs. leaner should be able to: estimating the time and . PAGE 59
Explain what interpretation of season when the
photographs entails. photograph was taken,
direction and sizes of
3, Studying physical By the end of the lesson, the Q/A and discussion: Photographs
features on leaner should be able to: relief, drainage, natural . PAGES
7 1 photographs. Describe physical features on vegetation, climate and 59-61
photographs. soils.
2 Human activities By the end of the lesson, the Oral questions on types
on photographs. leaner should be able to: of farming and PAGE 61
Identify various human supportive evidence.
activities on a photograph. Written exercise.
3 C.A.T.

8 1 Industrial By the end of the lesson, the Oral questions on Photographs
activities, mining leaner should be able to: presence of industrial . PAGE 61
activities & forms Identify industrial and mining and mining activities &
of transport. activities & forms of transport modes of transport and
in a photograph. communication.

2 Sketching By the end of the lesson, the Teacher highlights the Photographs
diagrams from leaner should be able to: steps to be followed. . PAGE 61
photographs. Sketch diagrams from parts of Supervised exercise &
photographs. written exercise.
3 STATISTICAL By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review methods of
METHODS. leaner should be able to: presenting statistical PAGES
Construct comparative line data. 64-65
Comparative line graphs. Activity: construct a
graphs. State advantages and comparative line graph.
disadvantages of comparative Assignment.
line graphs.
9 1 Comparative bar By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review methods of Chart –
graphs. leaner should be able to: presenting statistical Comparati PAGES
Construct comparative bar data. ve bar 65-67
graphs. Activity: construct a graphs.
State advantages and comparative bar graph.
disadvantages of comparative Assignment.
bar graphs.
2 Divided bars By the end of the lesson, the Exposition.
leaner should be able to: Supervised practice. PAGES
& Present statistical data using Oral questions. 67-69
divided bars and rectangles.
3 Divided State advantages and
rectangles. disadvantages of divided

10 1 Analysis of By the end of the lesson, the Table analysis.

statistical tables. leaner should be able to: Assignment. PAGES
Analyse data in statistical 67-69

10 2 KENYA’S By the end of the lesson, the
CLIMATIC leaner should be able to:
Diagrams and PAGE 70
Definition of Define climate. Brain storming. maps.
weather, climate Define weather. Q/A & brief discussion. temperature
and elements of Identify elements of weather. rainfall
weather. diagrams.

3 Factors By the end of the lesson, the Brain storming. PAGES

influencing leaner should be able to: Exposition, Q/A & 70-73
climate. Explain the influence of discussion.
- latitude, latitude, altitude and
altitude and continentality on the climate
continentality. of an area.

11 1,2 Factors By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new

influencing leaner should be able to: aspects & brief PAGES
climate. Explain the influence of aspect discussion. 70-73
- aspect and and ocean currents on the
ocean currents. climate of an area.

3 Factors By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new

influencing leaner should be able to: concepts, oral questions PAGES
climate. Explain the influence of wind & discussion. 73-74
-wind and air and air masses &
masses & configuration of the coastline
configuration of on the climate of an area.
the coastline.



1 1,2 KENYA’S By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new

CLIMATIC leaner should be able to: concepts.
REGIONS (contd) Define the term ITCZ. Explanations.
Explain the effect of shifting of
ITCZ the ITCZ on the climate of a
3 Forests & By the end of the lesson, the Q/A & discussion. Map of Africa:
the ITCZ and
microclimate. leaner should be able to: PAGES
Define the term microclimate. winds. 75-76
Explain the effects of forests
on climate of area.
2 1 Description of By the end of the lesson, the Tables: general terms
climate. leaner should be able to: and the corresponding
Describe climate using statistical data.
aPagesropriate terminology. Exercise: rainfall –
temperature graphs.
2 Climate regions of By the end of the lesson, the Detailed discussion. Map of Kenya:
Kenya. leaner should be able to: PAGES
Modified Identify regions that rainfall- 77-78
equatorial experience Modified equatorial temperature
climate. climate. graphs.
Describe Modified equatorial
3 Tropical climate & By the end of the lesson, the Detailed discussion Map of Kenya:
tropical Northern leaner should be able to: PAGE 78
climate. Describe the modified tropical rainfall-
climate. temperature
Identify regions that graphs.
experience modified tropical

3 1 Desert climate. By the end of the lesson, the Detailed discussion & Map of
leaner should be able to: assignment. Kenya: P 79
Describe the modified tropical climatic
climate. regions
Identify regions that temperature
experience Modified tropical graphs.

2 CLIMATE (2) By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new Maps: world
WORLD leaner should be able to: concepts, explanations climatic PAGES
CLIMATIC State characteristics of and Q/A. regions. 79-80
REGIONS. equatorial climate. Assignment: rainfall-
Equatorial temperature graphs.

3 Equatorial By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new

monsoon. leaner should be able to: concepts, explanations PAGES
State characteristics of and Q/A. 79-80
equatorial monsoon. Assignment: rainfall-
temperature graphs
4 1 Tropical By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new
monsoon. leaner should be able to: concepts, explanations PAGES
State characteristics of tropical and Q/A. 80-81
monsoon. Assignment: rainfall-
temperature graphs.
2 Tropical marine & By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new
Tropical leaner should be able to: concepts, explanations PAGES
continental. State characteristics of tropical and Q/A. 81-83
marine & tropical continental. Assignment: rainfall-
temperature graphs.
3 Tropical Desert By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new
climate. leaner should be able to: concepts, explanations PAGE 83
State characteristics of tropical and Q/A.
desert climate. Assignment: rainfall-
temperature graphs.
5 1 Warm climates. By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new
leaner should be able to: concepts, explanations PAGES
Identify types of warm and Q/A. 84-85
climates. Assignment: rainfall-
temperature graphs
State characteristics of warm

2 Cool & cold By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new
climates. leaner should be able to: concepts, explanations PAGES
Identify types of cool climates. and Q/A. 84-86
State characteristics of cool Assignment: rainfall-
temperature graphs.
3, Mountain By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new
climates. leaner should be able to: concepts, explanations PAGE 91
State characteristics of and Q/A.
mountain climates. Assignment: rainfall-
6 temperature graphs.

2 Microclimates. By the end of the lesson, the

leaner should be able to: Brief discussion.
Identify human activities Assignment.
largely responsible for
development of local climates.
3 VEGETATION 1 By the end of the lesson, the
VEGETATION leaner should be able to: PAGES
ZONES. Exposition and Q/A. Photographs 99-100
Categories of Define the term vegetation. of various
types of
vegetation. Identify the three categories of forests.

7 1 Influence of By the end of the lesson, the Discussion & Q/A.

topographical leaner should be able to: PAGES
factors on Explain the Influence of 100-101
vegetation. topographical factors on
2 Influence of By the end of the lesson, the Probing questions &
climatic factors leaner should be able to: Discussion. PAGES
on vegetation. Explain the Influence of 101-102
climatic factors on vegetation.
3 Influence of By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new
edaphic factors leaner should be able to: concepts. PAGES
on vegetation. Define the term edaphic. Q/A on physical and 102-103
properties of soil.
Brief discussion.

8 1
2 Biotic factors. By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review
leaner should be able to: microclimate. PAGES
Explain the influence of biotic Brief discussion. 103-104
factors on vegetation
modification and /or
3 Vegetation in By the end of the lesson, the Q/A and discussion.
Kenya. leaner should be able to: PAGES
Describe forest, vegetation & 104-105
savanna vegetation in Kenya.
9 1 Mountain By the end of the lesson, the Q/A & elaborate
vegetation. leaner should be able to: discussion. PAGES
Outline types of mountain 105-122
State characteristics of various
types of mountain vegetation.
Identify locations of mountain
State uses of mountain

2 Field work on By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review the
vegetation. leaner should be able to: procedures followed in PAGES
Carry out a fieldwork on carrying out a field 123-124
vegetation. study.
Carry out the field study
on vegetation.

3 FORESTRY By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: definition of a Photographs

leaner should be able to: forest. : natural PAGE
Natural and Differentiate between natural Discussion: natural and and derived 126
planted forests. and planted forests. planted forests; forests.
indigenous and exotic

10 1 Types of natural By the end of the lesson, the Q/A & descriptive Photographs
forests. leaner should be able to: aPagesroach. : vegetation PAGES
Describe types of natural in various 127-128
forests. types of
State characteristics of trees in
particular types of forests.
2 Importance of By the end of the lesson, the Q/A & discussion:
forests and leaner should be able to: economic, PAGE
forests’ products. Identify importance of forests environmental, cultural 129
and forests’ products. values of forests.

3 Problems facing By the end of the lesson, the Q/A & detailed Newspaper
cuttings &
forestry in Kenya. leaner should be able to: discussion. PAGE
Identify the problems facing illustrating 130
forestry in Kenya. some
forestry in

11 1-2 Management and By the end of the lesson, the Discussion: measures
conservation of leaner should be able to: taken to manage and PAGES
forests. Describe management and conserve forests and 130-131
conservation practices carried their importance.
out in Kenya.
State the importance of
management and conservation
of forests.

3 Softwood forests By the end of the lesson, the Map –

in Kenya and leaner should be able to: location of PAGES
Canada. Compare and contrast Canada. 132-135
development of softwood
forests in Kenya and in
Identify factors favouring /
militating against exploitation
of softwoods in both countries.
Identify benefits of softwoods.



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