2024 Geography Form 2 Schemes of Work

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1 MAP WORK By the end of the lesson, the

leaner should be able to:
1, Direction and
Bearing. Distinguish between direction and Q/A and brief discussion. PAGES
bearing. 42-43
2 Methods of showing
direction. Outline some traditional and
modern methods of showing
3 Compass Bearing. By the end of the lesson, the Diagram of 16 points of Pair of
leaner should be able to: the compass. compasses & PAGES
Define bearing of a point. Oral exercise. protractors. 43-44
Determine the compass bearings
of given points on a map.
2 1 True Bearing. By the end of the lesson, the Brain storming; Pair of
leaner should be able to: Class exercise. compasses PAGES
Find the true bearing of a point protractors. 44-45
from another point.
2 Calculation of grid By the end of the lesson, the Exposition. Pair of
bearing. leaner should be able to: Class exercise. compasses PAGES
Find the grid bearing of a point protractors. 44-45
from another point.
3 Determination of By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: conversion of
magnetic bearing. leaner should be able to: minutes and seconds to PAGES
Determine magnetic bearing given degrees. 44-45
the grid bearing. Exposition: calculating
magnetic variation.
Worked examples.

3 1 Locating places By the end of the lesson, the Exercise: locating position Topographical
using latitudes and leaner should be able to: of places using latitude PAGES
longitudes. Locate position of places using and longitudes. 46-47
latitude and longitudes.

2 Locating places By the end of the lesson, the Q/A identifying easting Chart: grid
using four- figure leaner should be able to: and nor things. reference PAGES
grid references. Give the four-figure grid reference Guided exercise system. 48-49
of points on map.
3 Locating places By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: identifying eastings Chart: grid
using six-figure grid leaner should be able to: and northings. reference P 49
references. Give the six-figure grid reference Guided exercise. system.
of points on map. Assignment.

4 1 Representing relief By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review six-figure Atlases or
using spot heights leaner should be able to: reference. topographical PAGES
and trigonometric Define the term land relief. Definition of land relief. maps. 49-51
stations. Identify spot heights & Brief discussion.
trigonometric stations on a map.

2 Contours and forms By the end of the lesson, the Exposition: new terms. Topographical
lines. leaner should be able to: Q/A: Contour interval, PAGES
Define contours and forms lines. vertical height. 50-51
Identify Contours and forms lines Exercise: estimating
height-using contours.

3, Methods of By the end of the lesson, the Exposition, Q/A and brief Textbooks
representing relief. leaner should be able to: discussions. pictures. PAGES
Explain use of pictorials, Assignment. 53
1 hachures, hill shading and layer
tinting to represent relief.
State advantages and
disadvantages of each method.

5 2 PHOTOGRAPH By the end of the lesson, the

WORK. leaner should be able to:
Exposition of new
Ground Distinguish between ground close- concepts & brief Illustrative PAGES
photographs. ups and ground oblique discussion. diagrams. 55-57
Aerial photographs. Distinguish between general
oblique and vertical aerial

3 Parts of a By the end of the lesson, the Divide a photograph into Photographs.
photograph. leaner should be able to: nine parts then mark them PAGES
Identify horizontal and vertical accordingly. 57-58
divisions of a photograph. Q/A : Identifying features
in each division.

6 1 Uses of photographs By the end of the lesson, the Q/A and discussion.
& leaner should be able to: PAGE 59
Limitations of State uses of photographs.
photographs. Highlight limitations in the use of
2 Interpretation of By the end of the lesson, the Class exercise: estimating Photographs.
photographs. leaner should be able to: the time and season when PAGE 59
Explain what interpretation of the photograph was taken,
photographs entails. direction and sizes of
3, Studying physical By the end of the lesson, the Q/A and discussion: Photographs.
features on leaner should be able to: relief, drainage, natural PAGES
7 1 photographs. Describe physical features on vegetation, climate and 59-61
photographs. soils.
2 Human activities on By the end of the lesson, the Oral questions on types of
photographs. leaner should be able to: farming and supportive PAGE 61
Identify various human activities evidence.
on a photograph. Written exercise.
3 C.A.T.

8 1 Industrial activities, By the end of the lesson, the Oral questions on presence Photographs.
mining activities & leaner should be able to: of industrial and mining PAGE 61
forms of transport. Identify industrial and mining activities & modes of
activities & forms of transport in a transport and
photograph. communication.

2 Sketching diagrams By the end of the lesson, the Teacher highlights the Photographs.
from photographs. leaner should be able to: steps to be followed. PAGE 61
Sketch diagrams from parts of Supervised exercise &
photographs. written exercise.

3 STATISTICAL By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review methods of
METHODS. leaner should be able to: presenting statistical data. PAGES
Construct comparative line graphs. Activity: construct a 64-65
Comparative line State advantages and comparative line graph.
graphs. disadvantages of comparative line Assignment.
9 1 Comparative bar By the end of the lesson, the Q/A: review methods of Chart –
graphs. leaner should be able to: presenting statistical data. Comparative PAGES
Construct comparative bar graphs. Activity: construct a bar graphs. 65-67
State advantages and comparative bar graph.
disadvantages of comparative bar Assignment.
2 Divided bars By the end of the lesson, the Exposition.
leaner should be able to: Supervised practice. PAGES
& Present statistical data using Oral questions. 67-69
divided bars and rectangles.
3 Divided rectangles. State advantages and
disadvantages of divided

10 1 Analysis of By the end of the lesson, the Table analysis.

statistical tables. leaner should be able to: Assignment. PAGES
Analyse data in statistical tables. 67-69
10 2 KENYA’S By the end of the lesson, the
CLIMATIC leaner should be able to:
Diagrams and PAGE 70
Definition of Define climate. Brain storming. maps.
weather, climate and Define weather. Q/A & brief discussion. temperature
elements of weather. Identify elements of weather. rainfall diagrams.

3 Factors influencing By the end of the lesson, the Brain storming. PAGES
climate. leaner should be able to: Exposition, Q/A & 70-73
- latitude, altitude Explain the influence of latitude, discussion.
and continentality. altitude and continentality on the
climate of an area.

11 1,2 Factors influencing By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new aspects
climate. leaner should be able to: & brief discussion. PAGES
- aspect and ocean Explain the influence of aspect 70-73
currents. and ocean currents on the climate
of an area.

3 Factors influencing By the end of the lesson, the Exposition of new

climate. leaner should be able to: concepts, oral questions & PAGES
-wind and air Explain the influence of wind and discussion. 73-74
masses & air masses & configuration of the
configuration of the coastline on the climate of an area.


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