Rubric For Blogs

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Communication and Media in the ASEAN Context

Indicative Rubric for Blogs

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score

1 2 3 4
Title Does not reflect Reflects Reflects Reflects
variables/concepts of variables/concept of the variables/concepts variables/concepts of
the readings and does study but overused interesting and new the readings, catchy,
not catch attention interesting, and new
Lead Does not introduce the Introduction is not clear Introduction presents Introduction presents
topic and does not link to the stand, cites references to stand, cites references to
topic support claims to the support claims to the
topic topic, draw insights
from has been read
Content Premises were not Some premises were Premises drawn were Premises drawn were
drawn from the readings drawn from readings but appropriate and appropriate, discussed
not reacted on discussed with some in full, and directly
details addresses stand
Closure Presents an illogical Presents an illogical Presents a logical Presents a logical
explanation of findings explanation for findings explanation for findings explanation for findings
and does not address and addresses a few and most of the and addresses all or
contents from the concepts from the premises were most of the premises in
readings readings addressed the readings and offered
new dimensions.
Application Not based on readings Based on readings but Based on readings but Based on readings and
somewhat irrelevant incomplete complete
Grammar and spelling Very frequent grammar More than 10 errors Only five or less errors All grammar and
and spelling or both spelling are correct
Total number and Less than 200 words Less than 200 words More than 500 words, 200-500 words,
composition of words and poorly written with some complete and well- complete and well-
inconsistencies written written

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