FoS Workshop
FoS Workshop
FoS Workshop
Study: Week 4,
Workshop Part 1
4 It is not possible to Fails to present an Presents an argument Attempts a structured Presents a lucid and well- Presents a systematic argument Presents an elegantly
follow any part of the argument or presents one that is largely or often argument, but may be prone structured argument that that displays sustained critical structured argument that
answer, argument or that is incoherent, incoherent, incomplete to the general, the arbitrary, displays effective analysis. Prose excellently incorporates a careful
discussion presented. incomplete and/or and/or flawed. the derivative, the incomplete analysis. expressed and succinct, with no synthesis of multiple
Structure of answer,
flawed. and/or the descriptive. wasted words and/or lack of appropriate perspectives.
argument or
Clarity of expression Fails to communicate Demonstrates a poor Displays a weak, prose Displays a broad mastery of Demonstrates an Deploys a lively and sophisticated Writing is immaculate.
and communicative ideas and displays little command of critical style that is sometimes spelling, punctuation and accurate command of prose style with precision. Discussions are polished and
ability ability with spelling, vocabulary and the rules incoherent. Numerous grammar but lacks the critical vocabulary and Demonstrates an advanced presented fluidly. No errors
punctuation, grammar, of grammar, syntax, issues with grammar, appropriate tone for academicthe rules of grammar, command of critical vocabulary are present in relation to
and syntax. spelling and syntax, spelling and work and makes use of syntax, spelling and and the rules of grammar, syntax, grammar, syntax, spelling and
punctuation. punctuation are present colloquial or informal punctuation. A formal spelling and punctuation. punctuation.
in the work. language. tone is adopted in the
Videos in Assessment Tile
Video 4: similarity
Video 3: Uploading work
reports, plagiarism and
to Turnitin
generative Ai
Now upload your practice answers
1 2 3
Watch Video 4: similarity reports, Now look at the originality score and
plagiarism and generative Ai report for your practice questions
Foundations of
Study: Week 4,
Workshop Part 2