Problem-Solution Essay Rubric
Problem-Solution Essay Rubric
Problem-Solution Essay Rubric
Content Fulfils all task requirements Fulfils task requirements. Fulfils task requirements, Fulfils some, but not all task Does not fulfil task
convincingly. though some only partly. requirements. requirements.
- meets
regarding the
requirements of the Develops strong problem Develops problem and Develops problem and Presents some arguments, Does not present any
task and solution arguments that solution arguments that are solution arguments, but but they are not always convincing arguments. Only
are very well supported and relevant and well supported. support may be weak and/or relevant or supported. summarises the given
- presents highly relevant and critical. Arguments are drawn mainly illogical in some places. Mostly summarises the sources.
arguments with Arguments are drawn from from the given sources but Arguments are drawn only arguments from the given
relevant, detailed the given sources and own with some from own from the given sources. sources.
support from given interpretation of the topic. interpretation of the topic.
sources with own Shows originality.
interpretation of the
Organisation Presents ideas logically in Presents ideas mostly Presents ideas generally Presents ideas in relation to Presents ideas in relation to
relation to one another logically in relation to one logically in relation to one one another illogically at one another frequently
- makes clear and within and between another within and between another within and between times, making it difficult for illogically, making it very
logical connections paragraphs making it very paragraphs making it easy paragraphs, but some errors the reader to follow. difficult for the reader to
between ideas easy for the reader to follow. for the reader to follow. in this make it a little difficult follow.
throughout the for the reader to follow at
writing times.
- uses different
methods to connect Uses a wide range of Uses a range of methods to Uses a narrow range of Uses basic linking words to Uses basic linking words to
ideas, such as methods to connect ideas connect ideas, mostly methods to connect ideas, connect ideas, sometimes connect ideas, often
transition words successfully. successfully. mostly successfully. unsuccessfully. unsuccessfully.
and phrases
ELC1012 and 1013 Problem-Solution Essay Rubric
Language Uses a wide range of Uses a range of language Uses a limited range of Uses a very limited range of Does not use language
language structures structures to communicate language structures to language structures to structures successfully and
- communicates accurately to communicate meaning clearly, with communicate meaning, with communicate meaning, with fails to communicate
meaning clearly meaning clearly. occasional mistakes. a number of mistakes that many mistakes that meaning, causing readers
with accurate occasionally cause readers frequently cause readers extreme difficulty.
grammar and difficulty. difficulty.
appropriate to
academic style Writes in academic style Writes mostly in academic Writes generally in academic Attempts to write in Does not write in academic
throughout, with appropriate style, with mostly appropriate style, but with some academic style, but with style, or use appropriate
use of vocabulary to convey use of vocabulary. inappropriate use of frequent inappropriate use of vocabulary.
precise meaning. vocabulary. vocabulary.
Referencing Writes in-text citations Writes in-text citations mostly Writes in-text citations Attempts to write in-text Does not write in-text
correctly throughout. correctly, with the occasional generally correctly, but with citations, but with frequent citations correctly or they are
- writes in-text minor error. some basic errors. errors. missing.
citations correctly
according to the
chosen Uses a range of appropriate Uses appropriate reporting Uses a limited range of Generally uses only one type Does not use appropriate
referencing reporting structures and structures. Displays sufficient reporting structures. Displays of reporting structure, with reporting structures or
convention displays sophisticated paraphrasing skills, with some paraphrasing skills, mostly weak integration of integrate citations into the
paraphrasing skills, with generally effective with a few examples of source information. May essay. May contain major
- uses excellent integration of integration of source effective integration of contain significant paraphrasing issues that
appropriate source information. information to credit sources source information. May paraphrasing issues that result in no credit of sources
reporting used. contain minor paraphrasing result in lack of credit of used.
structures and issues that result in lack of sources used.
integrates them credit of some sources used.
effectively into
the text to credit
sources used