Sample Discussion Rubric
Sample Discussion Rubric
Sample Discussion Rubric
Knowledge Bring forth new or Present new or Know basic Displays only a Displays no
of the expanded ideas that expanded ideas and information but don’t minimal grasp of the understanding of
reflect high-level make a practical apply it to an concepts covered central concepts
Subject critical thinking on application expanded idea
Matter Does not expand
the topic and
upon the central
demonstrate practical
Evidence of Looked at other Doing the research Don’t properly use Don’t properly use Lack of appropriate
Research online resources by not necessarily the research in the research in research
making a clear support of their ideas support of their ideas
Quoted course No citations
connection between
content Citations contain Citations contain
the research and a
minor errors (i.e., errors (i.e., failure to
Properly cite from clear idea
failure to list author, list author, etc.) or
either primary or
Properly cite etc.) no citations at all
secondary text
Research used does
Apply a concept from
not support or
the research to an
contradicts argument
original idea
Grammar, Excellent sentence Good sentence Some structural, Numerous structural, Excessive number of
Punctuation, structure structure grammatical, or grammatical, or errors
spelling errors spelling errors
Spelling Varied prose Varied prose No understanding of
Limited scope of Little demonstration course vocabulary
Excellent choice of Good choice of
vocabulary used and of vocabulary of the
vocabulary vocabulary
variety of sentence subject matter
(appropriate for (appropriate for
subject matter) subject matter)
Few or no structural, Few structural,
grammatical, or grammatical, or
spelling errors spelling errors
NIU Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License
Addresses Directly answers the Directly answers the Indirectly answers Does not address the Does not address the
the Assigned question asked question asked the assigned assigned question assigned question
provides additional question
Topic insights
Meets all the Meets only minimal Does not meet any of
requirements of the Meets the majority of assignment criteria the assignment
Meets all the assignment the assignment criteria
assignment criteria criteria
Originality Evidence of original Evidence of original Allusion to an original Random original No evidence of
thought apparent thought apparent idea but with no clear thoughts; no original thought;
throughout the throughout the connection to the cohesion among “This person doesn’t
posting posting with a assigned topic or ideas presented have a clue!”
reference to the concept
Clear application of
assigned topic or
the course concept
being discussed
Timeliness Initial posting Initial posting Posts by the Postings, both initial Initial response and
completed on or completed on or deadline; Right on comments and comments is
before deadline, slightly before time responses, within 1 submitted more than
allowing for sufficient deadline day after the 1 day after the
time for peers to deadline deadline or not
Response postings
read, reflect, and submitted
completed on or
respond to it
before assigned Comments to peers
Response postings deadline are 2 or more days
completed on or late or not submitted
before assigned
Responses Support or refute the Support or refute the Supports or refutes Does not refer to the Does not address the
to Others original posting with original posting, the original posting posting directly or posting
additional evidence introducing a new simply agrees or
Respect the views of Does not respect the
topic or concept disagree without
Respect the views of peers by using views of peers by
peers by using Respect the views of academic and non- blatantly failing to
academic and non- peers by using threatening language Does not respect the use academic and
threatening language academic and non- views of peers by non-threatening
threatening language failing to use language
academic and non-
threatening language
NIU Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License