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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus

Bayambang, Pangasinan


A.Y. 2022- 2023

A Semi – Detailed Lesson

Plan In
BPED 124: Arts in the K-12 Curriculum

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Date of Teaching:
A Semi- Detailed Lesson
Plan in Arts Grade 9 – 3rd

I. Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
a. analyses art elements and principles in the production of work
following a specific art style from the Neoclassic and Romantic Periods;
b. identies distinct characteristics of arts during the Neoclassic and Romantic periods and;
c. uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of the Neoclassic and Romantic periods.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic Unit 3: Arts of the Neoclassic and Romantic Periods

B. References
Music & Arts 9 pp 224-232
C. Instructional Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Television, Instructional Materials
D. Values Integration
Diligence, Cooperation, and Rationality
III. Procedure

A. Preliminaries

1. Prayer

2. Checking of Attendance

3. Announcements

B. Spring Board/ Motivation

Beybi, you are the Missing Piece: The objective of the game is to reassemble the
scrambled image tiles to recreate the original picture.
C. Lesson Proper

Unit 3: Arts of the Neoclassic and Romantic Periods

Neoclassicism and Romanticism were the movements after Rococo movement that flourished across
Western Europe and United States which spanned approximately at the late eighteenth and nineteenth
The word” neoclassic” comes from the Greek word “neos” meaning “new” and the Latin word
“classicus” which is similar in meaning to the English phrase “first class.” Neoclassicism is the name
given to the Western movements in the decorative and visual arts. Also, it applies to literature, theater,
music, and architecture that draws inspiration from the classical art and culture of Ancient Greece and
Ancient Rome.
The Neoclassical movement coincided with the 18th century Age of Reason also known as Age of
Enlightenment. The art style was brought about by the renewed interest for Greek and Roman classics.
Neoclassical art pieces such as paintings, sculpture and architecture generally portrayed Roman history
which elevated the Roman heroes.

• rebirth of Roman history

• formal composition
• the use of diagonals shows the apex of emotion/moment (versus a regular moment)
• local color
• overall lighting
• classic geo-structure
Be careful in interchanging the two terms. Classicism refers to the art with produced in antiquity or
inspired by it afterward, while Neoclassicism always refers to the art inspired by ancient times, but
created later.
Neoclassical artists embraced the ideals of order and moderation in which artistic interpretations of
classic Greek and Roman history were restored to realistic portrayals. Neoclassical painters give great
importance about the costumes, settings and details of classical subject-matter without adding
distracting details but with as much historical accuracy as possible.
Neo-classical artists
There are number of neo-classical artists from Europe and United States. Below are the some of them.
JACQUES-LOUIS DAVID (1748-1825) France
Jacques-Louis David is an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style, and considered to be the
pre-eminent painter of the era. His subjects of paintings are more on history.
The Death of Marat Napoleon Crossing the Alps Oath of the Horatii
France Ingres is a pupil of Jacques Louis David and is influenced by Italian Renaissance painters like
Raphael. His paintings are usually nudes, portraits and mythological works. He is regarded as one of
the great exemplars of "academic art" and one of the finest “Old Masters” of his era.
Famous Artworks.

Portrait of Napoleon on the Imperial Throne The Apotheosis of Homer

The Neoclassical period was one of the great ages of public sculpture. Artists looked to Roman styles
during the time of Alexander the Great for inspiration as well as to mimic their style.
Neo-classical Sculptures
ANTONIO CANOVA (1757-1822)
Italy Canova was a prolific Italian sculptor who became famous for his marble sculptures that
delicately rendered nude flesh. He opened the idea for portraying discrete sexual pleasures by using
pure contours with his mythological compositions.
Famous artworks:

Psyche Awakened by Cupid’s Kiss Washington

Denmark Thorvaldsen was the first internationally acclaimed Danish artist. He executed sculptures of
mythological characters.
Famous artwork:

Christ Lion of Lucerne

Neoclassical architecture is a style that started in the mid-18th century. It turns away from the
grandeur of Rococo style and the Late Baroque. In its purest form, Neoclassical architecture is a style
principally derived from the architecture of Classical Greece and Rome and the architecture of the
Italian architect Andrea Palladio.
Types of Neoclassical Architecture:
Temple style building features a design based on an ancient temple. These buildings were uncommon
during the Renaissance; architects of that period focused mainly on applying classical elements to
churches and modern buildings like palazzos and villas.
Many temple style buildings feature a peristyle (a continuous line of columns around a building), a
rare feature of Renaissance architecture.
Most famous Temple Style buildings of the Neoclassical age:
Palladian building is based on Andrea Palladio’s style of villa construction. Some of the buildings
feature a balustrade which is a railing with vertical supports along the edge of the roof. There are
vertical supports within a balustrade known as “balusters” or spindles”. It is also a classical method of
crowning a building that has a flat or low-lying roof. One of the famous architects in the era was:
ROBERT ADAM (1728-1792) Britain
He is the most famous Palladian architect of the Neoclassical who designed many fine country
houses. The most famous of all Palladian buildings are two American civic buildings designed by
Robert Adam:


The building features a rectangular or square plan, with a flat (or roof and exterior rich in classical
detail. The exterior features a repeated classical pattern or series of arches and/or columns. The
overall impression of such a building is a huge, classically-decorated rectangular block.
Classical block aesthetic is also known as “Beaux-Arts style”, since it was developed principally by
the French École des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts).
Classical block architecture also flourished in the United States, particularly in New York.
Famous Architects of this architectural style was:
1. HENRI LABROUSTE - his masterpiece is the Library of Sainte-Geneviève.
2. CHARLES GARNIER - designed the most famous classical block of all which is the Palais Garnier,
a Neo baroque opera house.

D. Enrichment Activities/ Formative Assessment/ Collaborative Activities

Directions: Identify whose artwork was shown in the following pictures below. Here are the choices:
E. Generalization

Let’s have some review, if you understand our lesson for today.

• What are the Greek and Latin words and their meanings of the word neoclassic?
• The Western movement in decorative and visual arts was called Neoclassicism.
• The Neoclassical movement coincided with the 18th Age of Reason, also known as the Age of
• Give at least one characteristic of Neoclassicism.
• In Neo-Classical painting, we have two artists, and they are Jacques-Louis David and Jean-
Augustine-Dominique Ingres.
• Give me at least one of their artworks?
• In Neoclassical Sculptures, there are two Neo-classical sculptors, and those are Antonio
Canova and Bertel Thorvaldsen.
• Can you enumerate their artworks?
• We have three types of Neoclassical architecture: Temple Style, Palladian Style, and Classic
Block Style.
• In Palladian style, we have Robert Adam, who designed well known American civic buildings –
the White House and the United States Capitol.

IV. Assessment/ Evaluation:

Fill in the blanks. Choose the correct answer from the multiple-choice
options provided.
1. The word” neoclassic” comes from the Greek word meaning “new” and the Latin word
which is similar in meaning to the English phrase “first class”.
a. classicus, neos b. neos, classicus
2. is the name given to the Western movements in the decorative and visual arts.
a. Romanticism b. Neoclassicism
3. give great importance about the costumes, settings and details of
classical subject- matter without adding distracting details but with as much historical
accuracy as possible.

a. Neoclassical painters b. Neoclassical sculptors

4. The Neoclassical period was one of the great ages of public .

a. sculpture b. architecture

5. In its purest form, is a style principally derived from the architecture

of Classical Greece and Rome and the architecture of the Italian architect Andrea Palladio.

a. Romantic Architecture b. Neoclassical Architecture

6. Classical block aesthetic is also known as , since it was developed

principally by the French École des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts).

a. Beaux-Arts Style b. Baex-Arts

7. is also a classical method of crowning a building that has a flat or low-lying


a. Temple Style b. Palladian Style

8. buildings were uncommon during the Renaissance; architects of that

period focused mainly on applying classical elements to churches and modern buildings like
palazzos and villas.

a. Classical Bloc Style b. Temple Style

9. is an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style, and

considered to be the pre-eminent painter of the era. His subjects of paintings are more on

a. Jacques-Louis David b. Antonio Canova

10. is the most famous Palladian architect of the Neoclassical who

designed many fine country houses.

a. Henri Labrouste b. Robert Adam

V. Assignment/ Agreement
Please make some advance reading for our next discussions. Read the
lesson about Romanticism on pages 234–246.

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