Cell Biology FINALS
Cell Biology FINALS
Cell Biology FINALS
11. Năng lượng được dự trữ ở energy carriers ở đâu (which part of the cell)?
Glycolytic enzymes couple oxidation to energy storage in activated carriers:
Part of the energy released by oxidation of aldehyde is stored in NADH, and is
stored in high-energy thioester bond that links glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to
the enzyme.
Oxidation of an aldehyde to a carboxylic acid releases energy, much of which is
captured in ATP and NADH.
14. Các dạng dự trữ energy và sự chuyển hóa of matter (e.g glucose
In animal cells: glucose glycogen/fat
Any excess glucose is used to make glycogen or fat.
Glucose is stored in the form of glycogen, this large polysaccharide is stored as
small granules in the cytoplasm, mainly in liver and muscle cells.
When more ATP is needed, glycogen is broken down by enzyme “glycogen
Glycogen synthetic and degradative pathways are in opposite directions.
Glycogen synthetase is activated by glucose 6-phosphate, while glycogen
phosphorylase is inhibited by it.
The pathways are controlled by hormones: insulin, adrenaline, glucagon.
Fat is considered the more important storage material, because oxidation of a
gram of fat releases about twice as much energy as oxidation of a gram of
Fat is stored as droplets of water-insoluble triacylglycerols in specialized fat
cells call “adipocytes.”
In response to hormonal signals, fatty acids can be released into the
In plant cells: glucose starch/triacylglycerols
Although animal cells cannot convert fatty acids to sugars, they can convert sugars
to fats.
Plants convert sugars (made through photosynthesis) into starch, similar to
animal glycogen.
The fat in plants are triacylglycerols, they differ in the types of fatty acids that
The embryo uses these food stores as sources of energy, and to build cell walls
and to synthesize other biological molecules.
Plant seeds often contain large amounts of fats and starch. Germinating seeds
convert the stored fat and starch into glucose.
In plant cells, fats and starch are both stored in chloroplasts, they serve as food
reservoirs to produce ATP in mitochondria during periods of darkness.
16. Cơ chế năng lượng của ATP synthase (chuyển hóa năng lượng của ATP
ATP synthase uses the energy stored in the electrochemical proton gradient to
produce ATP:
ATP synthase – a multi-subunit protein in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
ATP synthase can operate in reverse – use energy of ATP hydrolysis to pump
protons “uphill”, they function like H+ pumps in this mode.
Depending on the magnitude of electrochemical proton gradient across the
membrane, ATP synthase can either make ATP or consume ATP.
In bacteria, ATP synthase is reversed when bacterium runs out of oxygen. ATP
synthase may use ATP generated in the cell by glycolysis to pump protons out
of the cell.
25. Các loại cell surface receptor (loại nào ít? Nhiều?)
All cell-surface reception proteins bind to an extracellular signal molecule and
transduce its message into one or more intracellular signaling molecules that alter
the cell’s behavior. Most of these receptors belong to one of the 3 large classes:
i. Ion channel-couple receptors: function in the simplest and most direct
way, are important in nerve cells and electrically excitable cells (e.g.
muscle cells)
Change the permeability of the plasma membrane to selected ions altering the
membrane potential produce an electrical current (if conditions are right)
ii. G-protein-coupled receptors: form the largest family of cell-surface
receptors, >700 GPCRs in humans, important for every cell type
Activate membrane-bound, trimeric GTP-binding proteins (G proteins)
activate/inhibit an enzyme or ion channel initiate intracellular signaling cascade
iii. Enzyme-coupled receptors: are important for every cell type,
Act as enzymes or associate with enzymes inside the cell, when stimulated the
enzymes can activate a wide variety of intracellular signaling pathways.
Largest class of enzyme-coupled receptors – receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs).
27. Phân tử kết nối cell và cell, cell và skeleton (how they move?)
The cytoskeleton is responsible for large-scale movements, including the crawling
of cells along a surface, contraction of muscle cells, changes in cell shape, etc.
The cytoskeleton is built on a framework of 3 types of protein:
i. Intermediate filaments:
They are anchored to the plasma membrane at the cell-cell junctions called
“desmosomes,” where the plasma membrane is connected to that of another cell.
The intermediate filaments are stabilized and reinforced by accessory proteins
such as “plectin” – cross-link the filaments into bundles and link them to
microtubules, to actin filaments, and to adhesive structures in the
The disassembly and reassembly of the nuclear lamina are controlled by the
phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the lamins.
ii. Microtubules
They are mainly responsible for transporting and positioning membrane-
enclosed organelles within the cell and for guiding the intracellular transport of
various cytosolic macromolecules.
The microtubules disassemble and reassemble into a structure called mitotic
They can also form stable hairlike structures that extend from the surface of
many eukaryotic cells to swim.
Microtubules can be modified by drugs, they also organize the cell interior.
Microtubules and motor proteins position organelles in the cytoplasm.
Motor proteins drive intracellular transport, different motor proteins transport
different types of cargo along microtubules.
Motor proteins transportation:
Dyneins: (-) end
Kinesins: (+) end
iii. Actin filaments
They are responsible for many of the cell’s movements, especially involved in
cell surface.
Actin-dependent movements usually require actin’s association with a motor
protein called “myosin.”
A naked actin filament can disassemble from both ends.
Actin monomers add to (+) end at a rate faster than the bound ATP can be
At (-) end, ATP is hydrolyzed faster than new monomers can be added.
Myosin binds to and hydrolyze ATP, which provides the energy for their
movement along actin filaments towards the plus end.
Muscle contraction depends on interacting filaments of actin and myosin.