Applied Physiology

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THEORY: 3 Credits (60 hours)
DESCRIPTION: The course is designed to assists student to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the
normal functions of the organ systems of the human body to facilitate understanding of physiological basis
of health, identify alteration in functions and provide the student with the necessary physiological
knowledge to practice nursing.
COMPETENCIES: On completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Develop understanding of the normal functioning of various organ systems of the body.
2. Identify the relative contribution of each organ system towards maintenance of homeostasis.
3. Describe the effect of alterations in functions.
4. Apply knowledge of physiological basis to analyze clinical situations and therapeutic applications.

T – Theory

Time Learning Teaching/ Learning Assessment

Unit Content
(Hrs) Outcomes Activities Methods

I 4 (T) Describe the General Physiology – Basic concepts  Review –  Quiz

physiology of cell, discussion
tissues,  Cell physiology including transportation  MCQ
across cell membrane  Lecture cum
membranes and
Discussion  Short answer
glands  Body fluid compartments, Distribution of
total body fluid, intracellular and extracellular  Video
compartments, major electrolytes and demonstrations
maintenance of homeostasis
 Cell cycle
 Tissue – formation, repair
 Membranes and glands – functions
 Application and implication in nursing

II 6 (T) Describe the Respiratory system  Lecture  Essay

physiology and
mechanism of  Functions of respiratory organs  Video slides  Short answer
respiration  Physiology of respiration  MCQ
Identify the  Pulmonary circulation – functional features
muscles of  Pulmonary ventilation, exchange of gases
respiration and
examine their  Carriage of oxygen and carbon-dioxide,
contribution to the Exchange of gases in tissue
mechanism of
breathing  Regulation of respiration
 Hypoxia, cyanosis, dyspnea, periodic
 Respiratory changes during exercise
 Application and implication in nursing
III 8 (T) Describe the Digestive system  Lecture cum  Essay
functions of Discussion
digestive system  Functions of the organs of digestive tract  Short answer
 Video slides
 Saliva – composition, regulation of secretion  MCQ
and functions of saliva
 Composition and function of gastric juice,
mechanism and regulation of gastric secretion
 Composition of pancreatic juice, function,
regulation of pancreatic secretion
 Functions of liver, gall bladder and pancreas
 Composition of bile and function
 Secretion and function of small and large
 Movements of alimentary tract
 Digestion in mouth, stomach, small intestine,
large intestine, absorption of food
 Application and implications in nursing

IV 6 (T) Explain the Circulatory and Lymphatic system  Lecture  Short answer
functions of the
 Functions of heart, conduction system,
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching/ Learning Assessment
(Hrs) Outcomes Activities Methods

heart, and cardiac cycle, Stroke volume and cardiac  Discussion  MCQ
physiology of output
circulation  Video/Slides
 Blood pressure and Pulse
 Circulation – principles, factors
influencing blood pressure, pulse
 Coronary circulation, Pulmonary
and systemic circulation
 Heart rate – regulation of heart rate
 Normal value and variations
 Cardiovascular homeostasis in exercise
and posture
 Application and implication in nursing

V 5 (T) Describe the Blood  Lecture  Essay

composition and
functions of blood  Blood – Functions, Physical characteristics  Discussion  Short answer
 Formation of blood cells  Videos  MCQ
 Erythropoiesis – Functions of RBC, RBC life
 WBC – types, functions
 Platelets – Function and production of
 Clotting mechanism of blood, clotting time,
bleeding time, PTT
 Hemostasis – role of vasoconstriction, platelet
plug formation in hemostasis, coagulation
factors, intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of
 Blood groups and types
 Functions of reticuloendothelial system,
 Application in nursing

VI 5 (T) Identify the major The Endocrine system  Lecture  Short answer
endocrine glands
and describe their  Functions and hormones of Pineal Gland,  Explain using  MCQ
functions Pituitary gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid, charts
Thymus, Pancreas and Adrenal glands.
 Other hormones
 Alterations in disease
 Application and implication in nursing

VII 4 (T) Describe the The Sensory Organs  Lecture  Short answer
structure of
various sensory  Functions of skin  Video  MCQ
organs  Vision, hearing, taste and smell
 Errors of refraction, aging changes
 Application and implications in nursing

VIII 6 (T) Describe the Musculoskeletal system  Lecture  Structured essay

functions of

Time Learning Teaching/ Learning Assessment

Unit Content
(Hrs) Outcomes Activities Methods
bones, joints,  Bones – Functions, movements of bones of  Discussion  Short answer
various types of axial and appendicular skeleton, Bone healing
muscles, its  Video presentation  MCQ
special properties  Joints and joint movements
and nerves  Alteration of joint disease
supplying them
 Properties and Functions of skeletal muscles –
mechanism of muscle contraction
 Structure and properties of cardiac muscles
and smooth muscles
 Application and implication in nursing

IX 4 (T) Describe the Renal system  Lecture  Short answer

physiology of
renal system  Functions of kidney in maintaining  Charts and models  MCQ
 Functions of ureters, bladder and urethra
 Micturition
 Regulation of renal function
 Application and implication in nursing

X 4 (T) Describe the The Reproductive system  Lecture  Short answer

structure of
reproductive  Female reproductive system – Menstrual  Explain using  MCQ
system cycle, function and hormones of ovary, charts, models,
oogenesis, fertilization, implantation, specimens
Functions of breast
 Male reproductive system – Spermatogenesis,
hormones and its functions, semen
 Application and implication in providing
nursing care
XI 8 (T) Describe the  Nervous system  Lecture cum  Brief structured
functions of Discussion essays
brain, physiology  Overview of nervous system
of nerve stimulus,  Review of types, structure and functions of  Video slides  Short answer
reflexes, cranial neurons  MCQ
and spinal nerves
 Nerve impulse  Critical
 Review functions of Brain-Medulla, Pons,
Cerebrum, Cerebellum
 Sensory and Motor Nervous system
 Peripheral Nervous system
 Autonomic Nervous system
 Limbic system and higher mental Functions-
Hippocampus, Thalamus, Hypothalamus
 Vestibular apparatus
 Functions of cranial nerves
 Autonomic functions
 Physiology of Pain-somatic, visceral and

Time Learning Teaching/ Learning Assessment

Unit Content
(Hrs) Outcomes Activities Methods

 Reflexes
 CSF formation, composition, circulation of
CSF, blood brain barrier and blood CSF
 Application and implication in nursing

Note: Few lab hours can be planned for visits, observation and handling (less than 1 credit lab
hours are not specified separately)

1. Waugh, Anne (2003), “ Ross & Wilson’s Anatomy & Physiology in health & illness’’ 10th
ed., Churchill Livingstone.
2. Anthony & Thibodcon (2000), “Anatomy & Physiology for nurses’’ 11th ed., C.V. Mosby
Co., London.
3. Greig, Rhind, “ Riddle’s Anatomy & Physiology’’, 7th ed., Churchill Livingstone.
4. Singh, I. B. (2005), “Anatomy & Physiology for nurses”, 1st ed., Jaypee.
5. Tortora, (2003), “Principles of Anatomy & Physiology,” 10th ed., Wiley inter.
6. Chaurasia, B.D. (2004), “Human Anatomy”, 4th ed., CBS publishers.
7. Sembulingam, “Essentials of Medical Physiology,” 3rd Edition 2004 J.P. Publications.
8. Ganong. F. William, “Review of Medical Physiology”, 15th Edition, Prentice Hall
International Inc., Appleton and Lange.
9. Guyton and Hall, “Textbook of Medical Physiology,” 9 th Edition, A Prism2. Indian Edn. Pvt.
10.T Clenister and Jean Rosy (1974). “Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses” 2 nd Edition,
William Hernmarni Medical BK. Ltd.

Suggested Assessment/ Evaluation Methods

Scheme of Internal Assessment of theory out of 25 marks

Sr. Theory Quantity Marks Round Final
No off Round off
1. Class Test I 50 marks 30 Out of 15
2. Class Test II 75 30
3. Written Assignment 2 50 10
4. Seminar/Microteaching/individual 2 50 12 Out of 10
5. Group project/Work/Report 1 50 6
6. Attendance (95-100%: 2 marks, 90-94: 2
1.5 marks, 85-89: 1 mark,
80-84: 0.5 mark, <80: 0)
(Marks of each component to be rounded of the respective
columns marks and the final IA need to be calculated out of 25

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