Applied Physiology
Applied Physiology
Applied Physiology
THEORY: 3 Credits (60 hours)
DESCRIPTION: The course is designed to assists student to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the
normal functions of the organ systems of the human body to facilitate understanding of physiological basis
of health, identify alteration in functions and provide the student with the necessary physiological
knowledge to practice nursing.
COMPETENCIES: On completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Develop understanding of the normal functioning of various organ systems of the body.
2. Identify the relative contribution of each organ system towards maintenance of homeostasis.
3. Describe the effect of alterations in functions.
4. Apply knowledge of physiological basis to analyze clinical situations and therapeutic applications.
T – Theory
IV 6 (T) Explain the Circulatory and Lymphatic system Lecture Short answer
functions of the
Functions of heart, conduction system,
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching/ Learning Assessment
(Hrs) Outcomes Activities Methods
heart, and cardiac cycle, Stroke volume and cardiac Discussion MCQ
physiology of output
circulation Video/Slides
Blood pressure and Pulse
Circulation – principles, factors
influencing blood pressure, pulse
Coronary circulation, Pulmonary
and systemic circulation
Heart rate – regulation of heart rate
Normal value and variations
Cardiovascular homeostasis in exercise
and posture
Application and implication in nursing
VI 5 (T) Identify the major The Endocrine system Lecture Short answer
endocrine glands
and describe their Functions and hormones of Pineal Gland, Explain using MCQ
functions Pituitary gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid, charts
Thymus, Pancreas and Adrenal glands.
Other hormones
Alterations in disease
Application and implication in nursing
VII 4 (T) Describe the The Sensory Organs Lecture Short answer
structure of
various sensory Functions of skin Video MCQ
organs Vision, hearing, taste and smell
Errors of refraction, aging changes
Application and implications in nursing
CSF formation, composition, circulation of
CSF, blood brain barrier and blood CSF
Application and implication in nursing
Note: Few lab hours can be planned for visits, observation and handling (less than 1 credit lab
hours are not specified separately)
1. Waugh, Anne (2003), “ Ross & Wilson’s Anatomy & Physiology in health & illness’’ 10th
ed., Churchill Livingstone.
2. Anthony & Thibodcon (2000), “Anatomy & Physiology for nurses’’ 11th ed., C.V. Mosby
Co., London.
3. Greig, Rhind, “ Riddle’s Anatomy & Physiology’’, 7th ed., Churchill Livingstone.
4. Singh, I. B. (2005), “Anatomy & Physiology for nurses”, 1st ed., Jaypee.
5. Tortora, (2003), “Principles of Anatomy & Physiology,” 10th ed., Wiley inter.
6. Chaurasia, B.D. (2004), “Human Anatomy”, 4th ed., CBS publishers.
7. Sembulingam, “Essentials of Medical Physiology,” 3rd Edition 2004 J.P. Publications.
8. Ganong. F. William, “Review of Medical Physiology”, 15th Edition, Prentice Hall
International Inc., Appleton and Lange.
9. Guyton and Hall, “Textbook of Medical Physiology,” 9 th Edition, A Prism2. Indian Edn. Pvt.
10.T Clenister and Jean Rosy (1974). “Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses” 2 nd Edition,
William Hernmarni Medical BK. Ltd.