DLL Part 1 1ST QRTR G9 Respiratory
DLL Part 1 1ST QRTR G9 Respiratory
DLL Part 1 1ST QRTR G9 Respiratory
Prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases affecting the respiratory and circulatory systems
B. Performance Standard
The learners should be able to conduct an information dissemination activity on effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory
systems based on the data gathered from the school or local health workers
Parts and functions of the Heart rate Respiratory and Making Respiratory and Making Respiratory and
heart Circulatory disorders Circulatory system healthy Circulatory system healthy
A. References
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
5. (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=zrFQteTyTPc /watch?v=r-m27szUFjO watch?v=fF7SNcw7kyQ watch?v=0aNNYEUARAk
A. Reviewing previous Recall the organs of Let the students recall the Recall blood circulation Review the common Ask the students to give what
lesson or presenting circulatory system parts of Human Heart Respiratory and circulatory are the different ways on how
the new lesson ailments to make respiratory and
circulatory system healthy
B. Establishing a purpose for Do you know how big your Discuss Heartbeat and Ask the students to explain Discuss way of detecting Discuss the importance of
the lesson heart is? Its just big as your demonstrate how to this quotation “Smokers and preventing diseases. and healthy lifestyle
fist measure pulse beat. never grow old but they the healthy habits to keep
just die young “ the respiratory and
circulatory system healthy
C. Presenting Bring out your books and the students to tell where Show the picture of Cite some government show pictures of different
examples/Instances of identify the detailed parts of the sound of their heart is smokers body and call agencies that can help and lifestyle and ask the students
the new lesson the human heart coming from. students to describe give information in to give the positive
preventing diseases and negative effect to one’s
In doing the activity, Do Activity 7 Cigarette The students will cut out
D. Discussing new Let the students dissect the remind the students to Smoking Is Dangerous to Watch the video Harmful different examples of
concepts and practicing chicken heart and identify the choose only the physical your Health effects of tobacco on the unhealthy lifestyles from old
new skills # parts of the heart activities that they can human heart magazines or news papers and
tolerate so as to avoid Watch video on effect of create a collage in your
injury or strain. smoking on the human notebook.
respiratory and
circulatory system
E. Discussing new The Students will do go out Ask the students to write Perform the activity 8
concepts Do Activity 5 from the classroom to some of the common Prevention is Better that
practicing new skill Pump it perform the Activity 6 The ailments of Respiratory cure
#2 Rhythm of My Heart and circulatory system
.page 11
After discussing the ideas Let the students relate their Discuss the answers of
F. Developing mastery Discuss how the blood Discuss the answers from within the group, stick and personal experiences to the questions given on page 23
pump by the heart the given questions of organize all the responses topic to have more meaningful Learners module
Activity 6 page 12 which falls discussion on prevention
under the respiratory and
circulatory system
G. Finding practical We believe that heart is the Let the students explain Let the students suggest Appreciate the importance of Negative lifestyle weakens
application of concepts center of emotions. How can how nicotine in cigarette the different ways how to healthy lifestyle avoiding your system while healthy
and skills in daily you control your emotions ? tobacco affects breathing take care of the circulatory such diseases. lifestyle leads to complete
living so that you will rate when it enters the system wellness.
influence others in positive bloodstream.
H. Making Label the parts of the heart After exercise, the heart The students will Discuss the best way to Vices, stressful environment,
generalizations and rate increases and describe and give the prevent diseases in the and unhealthy
abstractions about eventually returns to resting symptoms of the common respiratory and circulatory eating habits can cause
the lesson pulse. Therefore shorter ailments of the circulatory systems to have healthy various diseases specifically
interval is needed. system lifestyle, like balance diet, of the respiratory and
regular exercise avoid circulatory systems.
cigarette smoking.
I. Evaluating learning Short quiz ( formative test) Compare the students Give 5 item multiple Answer the missing word on Summative Assessment 10
resting pulse with their choice test page 22 of learner’s module. items multiple choice test
pulse after the given
Visit other school clinic or
J. Additional activities your family doctor and
for application or interview them about the
remediation common ailments that
affect the respiratory and
circulatory system
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?