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United States Patent (19) (11) 4,055,247

Benedick et al. (45) Oct. 25, 1977

(54) EXPLOSON CONTAINMENT DEVICE Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Dean E. Carlson; Dudley W.
King; Robert W. Weig
(75) Inventors: William B. Benedick; Charles J. 57 ABSTRACT
Daniel, both of Albuquerque, N.
Mex. The disclosure relates to an explosives storage container
(73) Assignee: The United States of Americass for absorbing and containing the blast, fragments and
represented by the United States detonation products from a possible detonation of a
Energy Research and Development contained explosive. The container comprises a layer of
Administration, Washington, D.C. distended material having sufficient thickness to con
vert a portion of the kinetic energy of the explosion into
21 Appl. No.: 734,834 thermal energy therein. A continuous wall of steel suffi
22 Filed: Oct. 22, 1976 ciently thick to absorb most of the remaining kinetic
energy by stretching and expanding, thereby reducing
(51) Int. Cl’.............................................. F42B37/02 the momentum of detonation products and high veloc
52 U.S. Cl. ........................................ 206/3; 206/591; ity fragments, surrounds the layer of distended material.
220/288 A crushable layer surrounds the continuous steel wall
(58) Field of Search .................. 89/34; 206/3; 220/15, and accommodates the stretching and expanding
220/288 thereof, transmitting a moderate load to the outer enclo
56) References Cited sure. These layers reduce the forces of the explosion
and the momentum of the products thereof to zero. The
outer enclosure comprises a continuous pressure wall
3,072,022 1/1963 Wood et al. ............................. 206/3 enclosing all of the layers. In one embodiment, detona
3,160,061 12/1964 Moy ......................................... 206/3 tion of the contained explosive causes the outer enclo
3,60,062 12/1964 Moy et al. ................................ 206/3 sure to expand which indicates to a visual observer that
3,603,07 9/1971 Elliott et al. ........................... 220/15 a detonation has occurred.
3,757,933 9/1973 Banta ....................................... 206/3
Primary Examiner-Stephen C. Bentley 6 Clains, 3 Drawing Figures

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4,055,247 2
disposed from the continuous wall is a crushable layer
EXPLOSION CONTAINMENT DEVICE for transmitting forces and for accommodating the
stretching and expanding of the continuous wall. The
outer wall of the container comprises a continuous wall
The invention relates to explosion containment and 5 which in one embodiment expands to absorb the re
more particularly to a shipping and storage container maining kinetic energy and detonation product momen
for explosives capable of absorbing and containing the tum resulting from the explosion so that an explosion
blast, fragments, and detonation products from a possi caused expansion of the outer layer is optically visible to
ble detonation of an explosive contained therein. an observer. Alternatively, the outer layer or inner
O layers may be sufficiently strong that the outer continu
ous wall does not expand upon detonation of the en
Because of the increasing need for weapons systems cased explosive.
security and for safeguarding individual weapons sys One object of the present invention is to convert
tem components, such as artillery projectiles, high ex kinetic energy resulting from an explosion within a
plosive devices and nuclear warheads, there exists at 15 container into thermal energy enabling a reduction in
present a demand for shipping and storage containers the amount of structurally strong material needed to
for such devices. Such a container should be capable of successfully contain an explosion.
containing an explosion of a device held therein for the Another object of the present invention is to provide
safety of personnel and property in the surrounding a visible indication when a container encased explosive
vicinity. Moreover, a container which holds a deto 20 is detonated.
nated device may be altered thereby so that visual moni Still another object of the present invention is to pro
toring, even at a distance, will uncover a container or vide reasonably economical and compact storage for
containers holding detonated devices. explosive devices.
Shipping and storage containers contemplated for Yet another object of the present invention is to pro
weapons components must be capable of being handled 25 vide a container sufficiently heavy and bulky that it
by military or other authorized personnel without ex cannot be easily carried off by unauthorized persons
treme difficulty, and should also be capable of being lacking special handling equipment.
shipped by rail, truck, plane, ship or the like with rea One advantage of the present invention is that in
sonable dispatch. At the same time, it may be desirable accordance therewith, explosive devices can be safely
for the containers to be sufficiently bulky and heavy 30 stored and shipped at reasonable cost.
that their theft cannot be easily carried out. For exam Another advantage of the present invention is that
ple, the containers could be sufficiently light to be han explosives stored in containers in accordance therewith
dled by military personnel having the proper equipment can be safely handled to such an extent that if the con
and carried by, for example, two and a halfton military tainer is inadvertently dropped from a substantial height
trucks, cargo planes, ships and railroad cars. The con 35 or is struck by a sizable weight with sufficient force, it
tainers, however, could be sufficiently difficult to han and the device contained therein will sustain insufficient
dle that they could not be manually lifted by two or damage to render them usable.
three men and loaded into a half or three-quarter ton Still another advantage of a container in accordance
pickup truck. with the instant invention is that such a container is
Explosives containers should be sufficiently sturdy reasonably easy to handle using authorized personnel
that they will, as well as contain an explosion of the having the proper equipment, but it is extremely diffi
device therein, withstand ground fire from, for exam cult for unauthorized persons lacking such equipment to
ple, thirty caliber military weapons, the pounding of carry it off.
sledge hammers and inadvertant dropping from heights Yet another advantage of the instant invention is that
up to ten feet, without sustaining sufficient damage to 45 a container in accordance therewith containing a deto
detonate the device therein or reducing the explosion nated explosive may be visually discernible from those
containing capability of the container or damaging the containing undetonated explosives.
contained device. Containers must also be capable of Yet still another advantage of the instant invention is
protecting the devices contained within from injury that a container in accordance therewith may have a
such as might be encountered during routine handling 50 self-sealing lid to better contain an explosion.
by authorized personnel. Both the contained explosive BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
device and the safeguarding electronics within the con
tainer must be protected. Other objects and advantages of the present invention
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION will be apparent to those skilled in the art from the
55 following disclosure with reference to the appended
In accordance with the present invention there is drawings wherein like numbers denote like parts and
provided a shipping and storage container for contain wherein
ing the possible detonation of an explosive device stored FIG. 1 is a cutaway view of a container in accordance
therein. The container comprises an inner layer of dis with the present invention; and
tended material enclosing the explosive; this layer has 60 FIGS. 2 and 3 are expanded views of portions of the
sufficient thickness to convert a portion of the kinetic FIG. 1 container.
energy of an explosion into thermal energy within the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED
distended material as the material shock compresses. A EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION
continuous wall of steel encloses the distended material
layer. This continuous steel wall is sufficiently thick to 65 The Figure illustrates a preferred embodiment of the
absorb by stretching and expanding a portion of the invention 10 containing an explosive device such as a
kinetic energy and detonation product momentum pro weapon projectile 12 secured within a first steel layer 14
duced by the detonation of the explosive. Outwardly by blocks 16, 18 and 21. It will be appreciated that the
4,055.247 4.
weapon or other device 12 contains an explosive to be order to contain such materials where desired, a baffle
contained by container 10 and that device 12 is itself no 62 may be provided.
part of the instant invention. The blocks 16 and 18 may A lid 64 having convex steel portions 68 and 70
be circumferential so that they run 360 around projec threads into neck portion 66. Crushable filler 72 is dis
tile 12. Alternatively, they may be segmented into arc 5 posed between steel portions 74,70, 7668 and 78. Vents
forming blocks that are spaced about the projectile 12. 80 may be provided for post detonation bleeding. Lid 64
At base end 22 of container 10, base plate 24, affixed to is self-sealing in that in the event of a detonation, the
layer 14 by, for example, welds, supports blocks 18 and shock waves' action on the convex portions 68 and 70
thereby projectile 12. Between layer 14 and a second acts to force the threaded periphery of lid 64 into the
steel layer 30 is disposed a fill 34 distended material. 10 corresponding threads on neck 66.
Distended material may be defined as anything having The various features and advantages of the invention
less than solid density for that material. A base plate 42 are thought to be clear from the foregoing description.
is affixed to steel layer 30. However, various other features and advantages not
The preferred distended materials which may be uti specifically enumerated will undoubtedly occur to
lized as filler 34 in accordance with the present inven 15 those versed in the art, as likewise will many variations
tion are Feltmetal, a trademark of the Brunswick Corp., and modifications of the embodiments illustrated
sintered iron, microballoon filled epoxy, titanium and herein, all of which may be achieved without departing
nickel powders, small diameter thin walled tubing, wire from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by
rope, wound wire, iron powders, steel cables, syntactic the appended claims.
foams, ceramic and glass fibers, metal fibers such as 20 We claim:
steel wool, and organic fibers such as carbon filaments 1. An explosive shipping container for absorbing the
and Kevlar, a trademark of the DuPont Company. In explosion energy and containing the products of an
order to save weight, microballoon filled epoxy 36 is explosive disposed therein, said container comprising:
disposed in the base region between steel layers 14 and an inner layer of steel forming a cylindrical essentially
30 because shrapnel, in the event of an explosion of 25 gas-tight innermost chamber;
projectile 12, in this region of the container would be means for supporting said explosive within said cham
minor. At base portions 40 and 38 between elements 22 ber; intermediate and outer layers of steel spaced
and 42, and 42 and 24 respectively, honeycombed mate
rial or crushable distended material such as microbal from said inner layer and from each other substan
loon filled epoxy may be used. Once again this material 30 tially enclosing said innermost chamber;
will save weight and can be utilized in a region of the filler comprising distended and crushable material
container not expected to suffer large amounts of shrap disposed about said chamber between said inner and
nel in the event of an explosion or detonation of the intermediate steel layers; and
explosive contained in projectile 12. An outer layer of a plurality of cold rolled stainless steel strips spaced
steel 50 which comprises base 22 and extends about the from and encircling said explosive to enclose the
aforementioned layers 14 and 30 is welded together at 35 area of maximum expected shrapnel density,
welds 51. wherein at least one of said steel strips is disposed
As seen in FIGS. 2 and 3 a plurality of cold rolled between said inner and intermediate steel layers
stainless steel strips 52, 54 and 56 are wrapped around adjacent to said intermediate steel layer, said con
layers 30 and about the inner side of outer layer 50 to tainer being sufficiently strong to fully contain the
provide maximum deformation resistance for the region explosion effects of an explosive disposed in said
of the container which would receive the greatest innermost chamber.
amount of detonation product momentum and kinetic 2. The invention of claim wherein at least one of
energy in the event of a detonation. said steel strips is disposed between said intermediate
If the outer enclosure 50 is not to be deformed in the and outer steel layers adjacent to said intermediate
event of an explosion, a very high strength cold rolled 45 layer.
stainless steel strip i.e. greater than 200,000 psi yield and 3. The invention of claim 2 wherein at least one of
1 to 3% maximum elongation is utilized in strips 56. said steel strips is disposed between said intermediate
Feltmetal 58 serves to physically separate strips 56 from and outer steel layers, said strips being closer to said
outer enclosure 50 and allows the strips 56 to elongate a SO outer layer than to said intermediate layer.
Small amount by crushing without over stressing outer 4. The invention of claim 3 further comprising a belt
enclosure 50. m of distended material encircling between said last men
Thus, strips 52, 54, and 56 control the amount of tioned steel strips and said outer steel layer providing a
radial expansion of layers 30 and 50 and, also minimize cushioning effect between said strips and said outer
the weight and amount of materials to build the con layer upon an explosion of an explosive within said
tainer. These layers act as a reinforcement zone where 55 container.
expected detonation, kinetic energy and momentum is 5. The invention of claim 4 wherein said last men
the greatest. Cold rolled stainless steel strips are advan tioned steel strips and said outer steel layer are suffi
tageous in that they display greater strength and less ciently strong to retain the explosion energy and explo
elongation than annealed material. The container can be sion products with up to 10% expansion thereof,
set up to contain devices of various yields so that it will 60 6. The invention of claim 1 wherein said steel outer
either contain the explosion without a plastic deforma layer comprises a threaded neck and a threaded lid is
tion of the outer wall 50 or with such a deformation at threadable into said neck, said lid having at least one
the users option. steel element with a convex surface facing toward an
Between layers 14 and 30 in the region shown as 60 a explosive disposed within said container, such that the
distended material is utilized to fill the portion adjacent 65 explosion of said explosive causes said element having
strip 52. Once again, the material may comprise Felt said convex surface to force the threads of said lid into
metal, sintered iron powder, wire rope, microballoon the threads of said neck to securely lock said lid therein.
filled epoxy and the other above noted materials. In k se

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