United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,209,912 B2

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,209,912 B2

Hargreaves et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 3, 2012
(54) HORTICULTURELIGHT FIXTURE WITH 4,713,916 A * 12/1987 Brooks, Jr. ........................ 52.28
GLASS RETENTION RAILS 6,247,830 B1 6/2001 Winnett
6,267,483 B1 ck 7/2001 Hembry
(75) Inventors: Craig Hargreaves, Vancouver, WA 6,595,662 B2 7/2003 Wardenburg ................. 362,362
(US); Darrin McDonald, Vancouver, OTHER PUBLICATIONS
WA (US) U.S. Appl. No. 1 1/679,140, filed Mar. 2009, Hargreaves.
(73) Assignee: IP Holdings, LLC, Vancouver, WA (US) * cited by examiner
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner — Basil Katcheves
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 730 days Assistant Examiner — Matthew J Smith
M YW- y yS. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Robert J. Ireland
21) Appl.
(21) Appl. No
No.: 12/387.432
(22) Filed: May 4, 2009 Ahorticulture light system comprising a housing, glass reten
O O tion rails, gasket, glass sheet, and threaded fasteners. The
(65) Prior Publication Data housing constructed of no more than three portions of sheet
US 2010/0277929 A1 Nov. 4, 2010 metal, defining an interior space therein and having an open
s end towards the plants, the housing interior space constructed
(51) Int. Cl. d arranged
and ged fOr COnta1n1ng
ining aa grow
grOW lamp and refl
lamp and reflectOr to
F2IV 29/00 (2006.01) project a pattern of light out the open end of the housing at the
(52) U.S. Cl. .............. 52/28: 52/200: 52,656.6 362/.362 plants, the open end including a rectangular sealing face for
(58) Field of Classification Se arch s 52f28, 200 mating with the gasket, the gasket sealing the glass Surface to
52,6565,656.6:362,362.374.375 the rectangular sealing face when compressed by the glass
See application file for complete search history s retention rails. The glass retention rails also constructed from
sheet metal, easily formed into a L shape, attached by com
(56) References Cited mon threaded screws, and as tightened, compressively secure
the glass to the gasket and housing. Loosening the threaded
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS screws removes the compressive force, unsealing the glass
2,701,840 A * 2, 1955 Carlson 362/.375 from the housing, making for easy glass removal, facilitating
2,791681. A * 5/1957 Evanset al... 36/37.4 maintenance and cleaning.
3,019,333 A * 1/1962 Pascucci ...... 362,374
4,504.888 A * 3/1985 Rosenthal ..................... 362/.375 6 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets

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US 8,209,912 B2
1. 2
HORTICULTURELIGHT FIXTURE WITH end of the fixture and free flows out the other side. The
GLASS RETENTION RAILS Hembery device absolutely depends on a transparent tube,
and the transparent material of choice is borosilicate glass
CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED that is heavy and expensive. Hembery fails to teach construc
APPLICATIONS tion from low cost material or manufacturing method such as
sheet metal and the efficient process of forming and shaping
NONE sheet metal.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,247,830 issued in June 2001 to Winnett et
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY al. discloses a forced air transparent tube fixture that senses
the temperature of the fixture and shuts the grow lamp down
if the temperature exceeds a predetermined maximum safe
This invention is not the product of any Federally Spon operating level. The Winnett device also relies on a transpar
sored Research or Development. ent tube that must withstand high temperatures which is
REFERENCE TO MICROFICHEAPPENDIX 15 expensive and fails to teach the use of inexpensive sheet metal
and sheet metal processes.
Not Applicable Not one of the above discussed inventions, taken either
singularly or in combination, teach the instant invention as
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION claimed. What is desired is a horticulture light fixture prima
rily constructed from inexpensive sheet metal formed by effi
1. Technical Field cient sheet metal processes, having a glass retention structure
The present device relates generally to horticultural light that provides easy glass removal for cleaning and fixture
ing fixture used for growing plants in controlled environ maintenance, while said glass retention structure provides
mentS. positive compressive force sealing the glass to the fixture via
2. Discussion of Related Art 25 gasket, thus isolating the growing plants from the generation
Indoor gardens, green houses, hydroponics systems, and of grow lamp heat.
isolated carbon dioxide growing chambers demand careful
regulation of temperature, light, hydration, nutrients, and PRIOR ART
humidity. In these controlled environments, one of the major
challenges is providing adequate light intensity, while effi 30
ciently and effectively removing the heat generated by the
light source. A second major challenge relates to the manu
facturing of the horticulture fixture in an economical way, U.S. Patent Reference Documents:
utilizing inexpensive materials and manufacturing processes. Application 11,679,140 March 2009 Hargreaves
Horticulture lighting systems depend on grow lamps as a 35 6,595,662 July 2003 Wardenburg
primary light source. Commonly used grow lamps are high 6,267.483 July 2001 Hembry
pressure sodium and metal halide. These grow lamps get 6,247,830 June 2001 Winnett et al.
D400,289 October 1998 Wardenburg et al.
exceptionally hot when confined in a horticulture lighting 5,702,179 December 1997 Sidwell
fixture. The heat generated may curl new growth on plants, 5,621,267 April 1997 Shaffner et al.
dry out the Soil or planting medium, and if the heat is not 40 4,078,169 March 1978 Armstrong
dissipated, the grow lamp will have a reduced life span. These 4,037,096 July 1977 Brendgord et al.
3,825,741 July 1974 Morton et al.
undesirable effects reduce yields and increase operational
Several air cooled horticulture light fixture designs incor
porate sheet metal enclosures in combination with a transpar 45 OBJECTS AND ADVANTAGES
ent shield or glass between the grow lamp and the developing
plants, sealing the heat generated from the lamp while allow There are several objects and advantages of the present
ing the desired light to pass. Some fixtures even benefit from device:
forced air cooling wherein a fan blows cooling atmosphere a) to provide a horticulture light fixture able to sealingly
through the fixture exhausting the heated air out of the grow 50 isolate the grow lamp heat away from plants, con
ing environment, and away from plants. structed out of inexpensive sheet metal, utilizing an
This problem of energy being absorbed and then radiated inexpensive flat glass sheet, Secured via sheet metal
was addressed by U.S. Pat. No. 6,595,662 issued in July 2003 retention structure;
to Wardenburg disclosing an air cooled double walled fixture b) a simple and elegant horticulture housing constructed
wherein cooling air was introduced via conduit on one end 55 from no more than three sheet metal portions;
and exhausted out the other side, and a transparent portion c) a sturdy rail structure constructed from efficient punch
was located between the grow lamp and the plants allowing ing and forming of sheet metal that when attached to the
for light to pass while isolating the lamp and its heat from the housing, provides adequate compressive force, seal
growing environment. Wardenburg did not disclose or teach ingly securing the glass;
the fixture having glass retention rails for removably engag 60 d) to provide a glass retention structure able to sealingly
ing and sealing glass to the bottom of the fixture allowing for secure the glass, while facilitating simple and easy
easy cleaning and maintenance. cleaning and maintenance.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,267,483 issued in July 2001 to Hembery e) to provide a sheet metal alternative to using more expen
discloses a straight and continuous channel of air flow sive materials and parts Such as borosilicate glass trans
through a transparent tube. The Hembery device isolates the 65 parent tubes, hinges and other component parts.
grow lamp from the growing plants by centering the grow Still further objects and advantages will become apparent
lamp within the transparent tube. Free flowing air enters one from considerations of the ensuing description and drawings.
US 8,209,912 B2
3 4
SUMMARY -continued
In accordance with the present device, a horticulture light
system comprising a housing, glass retention rails, gasket, flat Numeric Element
glass sheet, and fasteners. The housing defining an interior 5
700 Sheet of Glass
space therein and having an open end towards the plants, the 700 Sheet of Glass
housing interior space constructed and arranged for contain
ing a grow lamp and reflector to project a pattern of light out
the open end of the housing at the plants, the open end includ 10 DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
ing a rectangular sealing face formating with the gasket, the
gasket sealing the glass Surface to the rectangular sealing face
when compressed by the glass retention rails. The glass reten FIG. 1 is a perspective exploded front view of one embodi
tion rails also constructed from sheet metal, easily formed ment of the Horticulture Light Fixture with Glass Retention
into a L shape, attached by common threaded screws, and as Rails;
tightened, compressively secure the glass to the gasket and 15 FIG. 2 is a top side exploded view of the embodiment as
housing. Loosening the threaded screws removes the com shown in FIG. 1;
pressive force, unsealing the glass from the housing, making FIG. 3 is a left side close up view of the embodiment
for easy glass removal, facilitating maintenance and cleaning. housing, as shown in FIG. 1;
FIG. 4 is a back side view of the embodiment housing as
shown in FIG. 1;
FIG. 5 is a bottom side view of the embodiment of the
TABLE OF NUMERICIDENTIFIERS embodiment housing as shown in FIG. 1;
Numeric Element
FIG. 6 is a component exploded view of the housing, glass
retention rails, threaded fasteners and the flat sheet of glass of
1OO Housing 25 the embodiment as shown in FIG. 1;
interior Space
Open Side
FIG. 7 is a close upperspective view of the left front corner
120 Center Portion of the housing with the glass retention rails attached by
130 First Portion threaded fasteners of the embodiment shown in FIG. 1;
140 Second Portion FIG. 8 is an assembled perspective bottom view of the
Left Lip Bend
Right Lip Bend
30 housing, glass retention rails, and sheet of glass secured by
170 Possible Air Duct threaded fastener, of the embodiment shown in FIG. 1.
190 Right Side EMBODIMENT
2OO Top Side 35
210 interior space
230 Sealing Face Referring now to the drawings, and particularly to FIGS.
240 Sheet of Glass 1-8, a preferred embodiment of the present device is shown,
250 nward Glass Surface illustrating the Horticulture Light Fixture with Glass Reten
260 Outward Glass tion Rails. The exemplary embodiments according to the
270 Threaded Hole
40 present device are illustrated with those components neces
275 Through Hole sary to demonstrate the inventive design, enable comprehen
28O First Tab Sion, and facilitate understanding. The embodiment shown,
Second Tab
Third Tab
sealingly secures the glass sheet while allowing for easy
310 Fourth Tab removal for cleaning and maintenance. Many of the non
32O First End 45 novel, but necessary for operation elements like the electrical
330 Second End and mechanical aspects for attaching, powering, and imple
340 Bottom Edge menting are not present as they are commonly used and
350 Exposed Edges
360 Gasket known in the art. For example, a similar Horticulture Light
370 Top Gasket Fixture described in application Ser. No. 1 1/679,140 of Har
Surface 50 greaves is of the same functional characteristics as the present
380 Bottom Gasket
invention, but without the glass retention feature. The elec
390 Sealing Mates trical service connection of 110 volts and 220 volts, socket
400 First Glass configuration, and reflective insert is known by one of normal
Retention Rail skill in the art, but not specifically mentioned in this applica
410 Second Glass
Retention Rail
55 tion. Another application of the herein described feature of
420 Third Glass glass retention would be the double-walled fixture described
Retention Rail in U.S. Pat. No. 6,595,662 Wardenburg for example. The
430 Fourth Glass current invention is applicable to all horticulture light fixtures
Retention Rail
440 L-Shape that could benefit from a glass retention feature herein
460 Angle 60 described.
470 Threaded Fastener Description FIG. 1:
475 Threaded Thumb FIG. 1 is a perspective exploded front view of one embodi
480 Adhesive
ment of the Horticulture Light Fixture with Glass Retention
500 Style Line Rails. The housing 100 is constructed from three portions,
510 Lip 65 two of which are shown in FIG. 1, the center portion 120 and
600 internal Fold Seams the first portion 130 with the second portion 140 not shown in
FIG. 1, but shown in subsequent FIGs. The housing 100
US 8,209,912 B2
5 6
defines an interior space 101 shown in subsequent FIGs, and first portion 130 threaded holes 270. The second glass reten
open side 102 also illustrated in FIGS. 5, 6, and 8. tion rail 410 formed into an L-shape 440 having the bottom of
In the illustrated embodiment in FIG. 1, the first portion the L-shape 440 parallel with the open side 102 shown in FIG.
130 constructed from one continuous sheet of metal having 6, also being parallel with the bottom exposed edge 350, of
two threaded holes 270 including a first tab 290 formed to the first portion 130. The second glass retention rail 410
match the angle of the right side 190 and a second tab 280 having the top of the general L-shape 440 matching the angle
formed to match the angle of the left side 180, each first tab of the first portion 130.
290 and second tab 280 having a threaded hole 270. The third glass retention rail 420 having a length matching
The center portion 120 constructed from a continuous the bottom exposed edge 350 of the right side 190, and formed
sheet of metal, forming the left side 180, right side 190, and 10 into an L-shape 440 having the bottom of the L parallel with
top side 200 of the housing 100, in connection with the first the open side 102 shown in FIG. 6, the bottom of the L-Shape
portion 130 forming the first end 320, and the second portion 440 also being parallel with the bottom exposed edge 350, of
140 forming the second end 330 (Not shown in FIG. 1, but the right side 190. The third glass retention rail 420 having the
shown in subsequent FIGS. 2-8), leaving the open side 102 at top of the general L-shape 440 matching the angle of the right
the bottom with the exposed edges 350 of the center portion 15 side 190.
120, first portion 130, and second portion 140 defining the The fourth glass retention rail 430 is not shown in FIG. 1,
sealing face 390 shown in FIG. 6. The fold line 500 is shown but is shown in Subsequent FIGS. having similar attachment to
along the left side 180 for the purpose of illustrating the the housing 100.
present invention, but is not required for the invention; FIG. 2 is a top side exploded view of the embodiment as
FIG. 1 illustrates a first glass retention rail 400, second shown in FIG. 1 illustrating how all of the glass retention rails
glass retention rail 410, and third glass retention rail 420, each 400, 410, 420, and 430 attach to the housing 100. The first
constructed having a general profile of an L-Shape 440. The portion 130 constructed from one continuous sheet of metal
first portion 130 constructed from one continuous sheet of having two threaded holes 270 including a first tab 280
metal having two threaded holes 270 including a first tab 290 formed to match the angle of the left side 180 and a second tab
formed to match the angle of the right side 190 and a second 25 290 formed to match the angle of the right side 190, each first
tab 280 formed to match the angle of the left side 180, each tab 280 and second tab 290 having a threaded hole 275. The
first tab 280 and second tab 290 having a threaded hole 275. second portion 140 constructed from one continuous sheet of
FIG. 1 shows the embodiment having a possible air duct metal having two threaded holes 270 including a third tab 300
location 170, wherein cooling atmosphere could be circulated and fourth tab 310, the third tab 300 formed to match the angle
through the fixture. This possible air duct location 170 is 30 of the right side 190 and the fourth tab 310 formed to match
shown here to demonstrate the diversity of different types of the angle of the left side 180, each third tab 300 and fourthtab
horticulture light fixtures that could benefit from this innova 310 having a threaded hole 270. The housing 100 constructed
tive glass retention structure. from the centerportion 120, the first portion 130, and a second
The connecting the glass retention rails is demonstrated in portion 140, the center portion 120 making up the top side
FIG. 1., the second glass retention rail 410, fixates to the 35 200, left side 180, and right side 190.
housing 100 shown using thumb fasteners 475 passing within The process of connecting the glass retention rails is dem
through holes 275 in second glass retention rail 410, securing onstrated in FIG. 2. from a top down perspective, specifically
by screwing into the threaded holes 270 located in the first the second glass retention rail 410, fixates to the housing 100
portion 130. The first glass retention rail 400 secures in a as shown using thumb fasteners 475 passing within through
similar manner but along the left side 180 by threaded fas 40 hole 275 in second glass retention rail 410, secured by screw
tener 470 wherein the threaded fastener 470 passes within the ing into the threaded holes 270 located in the first portion 130.
through holes 275 of the first glass retention rail 400, securing The first glass retention rail 400 secures in a similar manner
by screwing into the threaded hole 270 located in the first tab but along the left side 180 by threaded fastener 470 wherein
280. The third glass retention rail 420 secures in a very similar the threaded fastener 470 passes within the through hole 275
manner but along the right side 190 by threaded fastener 470 45 of the first glass retention rail 400, securing by Screwing into
wherein the threaded fastener 470 passes within the through the threaded hole 270 located in the Second tab. 290. The third
hole 275 of the third glass retention rail 420, securing by glass retention rail 420 secures in a mirror manner but along
screwing into the threaded hole 270 located in the second tab the right side 190 by threaded fastener 470 wherein the
290. The opposing second portion 140 is not shown in FIG. 1, threaded fastener 470 passes within the through hole 275 of
but is illustrated in Subsequent FIGS having similar connec 50 the third glass retention rail 420, securing by Screwing into the
tion methods of the fourth glass retention rail 430 shown in threaded hole 270 located in the first tab 280. The fourth glass
FIG.2-8. retention rail 430 mirrors attachment to the second glass
The general L-Shape 440 of the end profiles of the glass retention rail 410, just on opposing second portion 140, spe
retention rails 400, 410, 420, 430 are constructed and cifically the fourth glass retention rail 430, fixates to the
arranged having the upper long vertical L-Shape 440 portion 55 housing 100 as shown using thumb fasteners 475 passing
matching the side on which the rail attaches, with the lower within through hole 275 in fourth glass retention rail 430,
L-Shape 440 portion being parallel to the exposed edges 350. securing by screwing into the threaded holes 270 located in
Specifically the first glass retention rail 400 having a length the second portion 140. The use of a threaded fastener 470 or
matching the bottom exposed edge 350 of the left side 180, a thumb fastener 475 is a distinction without difference, sim
and formed into an L-shape 440 having the bottom of the L 60 ply showed as two options for the currently displayed
parallel with the open side 102 shown in FIG. 6, the bottom of embodiment.
the L-Shape 440 also being parallel with the exposed edge FIG. 3 is a left side close up view of the embodiment
350, of the left side 180. The first glass retention rail 400 housing 100, as shown in FIG. 1. FIG.3 provides an up close
having the top of the general L-shape 440 matching the angle view of the first tab 280, as the first tab 280 is formed out of the
of the left side 180. The second glass retention rail 410 having 65 same continuous sheet of metal as the first portion 130. The
a length matching the exposed edge 350 of the first portion threaded hole 270 facilitates fixation of the first glass reten
130, having two through holes 275 matching position of the tion rail 400. This left side view further demonstrates the
US 8,209,912 B2
7 8
gasket 360 having a top gasket surface 370 and a bottom retention rail 400, second glass retention rail 410, third glass
gasket surface 380 said top gasket surface 370 being against retention rail 420 and fourth 430 glass retention rail to lay
the sealing face 230 which is parallel running with the along the perimeter as shown, compressively sealing the
exposed edge 350 of the right side 180. The bend line 500 inward glass surface 250 to the top gasket surface 370 as the
shown across the right side 180 is shown for this embodiment threaded fasters 470 and threaded thumb fastener 475 pass
where the angle of the right side 180 changes at the bendline through the through holes 275 rotationally attaching in the
500 for the fixture shape. This bend line 500 does not need to threaded holes 270.
be present and is included for the limited purpose to describe FIG. 7 is a close up perspective view of the first glass
the present embodiment style lines. The left side 180 and right retention rail 400 and second glass retention rail 410 secured
side 190 could continue at the upper angle 10 to the left side 180 and first portion 130 respectfully, with the
FIG. 4 illustrates the first end 320 of the housing 100. The threaded fastener 470 rotationally secured into the threaded
second end 330 is a mirror image of the first end 320 shown hole 270 in first tab 280. Threaded thumb fastener 475 further
here in this FIG. 4. The possible air duct location 170 is rotationally secures to the first portion 130 by the same
approximately centered which is the preferred location. The method.
first tab 280 protrudes out matching the angle of the left side 15 FIG. 8 is bottom view of the housing 100 with the gasket
180, and second tab 290 protrudes out matching the angle of 360 laying on the sealing face 230, with the bottom gasket
the right side 190. surface 380 contacting the sealing face 230, and the top gasket
Lip 510 is shown in FIG. 4 to demonstrate another possible surface 370 covered by the sheet of glass 240. The internal
embodiment wherein only two glass retention rails are used fold seams 600 attach the centerportion 120, first portion 130,
rather than four, having the lip 510 square the glass to the and second portion 140 to form the housing 100.
housing 100 reducing the need for fourglass retention rails to The first glass retention rail 400 compressively seals the
two, one on the right side 190 and one on the left side 180. glass sheet 700 and secured to the left side 180 by threaded
Whether two rails are used or four depends on the size and fastener 470 rotationally secured into first tab 280 extending
weight of the glass sheet 700 shown in the other FIGs. The from first portion 130, and by threaded fastener 470 rotation
alternate two rail embodiment works best with rectangular 25 ally secured into third tab 300 extending from second portion
housings 100 when the first end 320 and second end 330 are 140. The third glass retention rail 420 compressively seals the
substantially narrower than the right side 190 and left side 180 glass sheet 700 and secured to the right side 190 by threaded
respectfully. For this example, the lip 510 extends from both fastener 470 rotationally secured into second tab 290 extend
the bottom edge 340 of the first portion 130 and second ing from first portion 130, and by threaded fastener 470
portion 140 on each first end 320 and second end 330. The lip 30 rotationally secured into fourth tab 310 extending from sec
510 extending perpendicular to the open side 102 a distance ond portion 140. The second glass retention rail 410 compres
equal to or greater than the thickness of the gasket 360 and sively seals the glass sheet 700 and secured to the first end 320
glass 700. by threaded fastener 470 rotationally secured into threaded
FIG. 5 is bottom view of the housing 100 with the gasket hole 270 located in first portion 130. The fourth glass reten
360 laying on the sealing face 230, with the top gasket surface 35 tion rail 430 compressively seals the glass sheet 700 and
370 contacting the sealing face 230, and the bottom gasket secured to the second end 330 by threaded fastener 470 rota
surface 380 being exposed and available for the sheet of glass tionally secured into threaded hole 270 located in second
240 (not shown here). The possible air duct location 170 is portion 140.
approximately centered which is the preferred location. The
first tab 280 protrudes out from the first portion 130 matching 40 We claim:
the angle of the left side 180, and second tab 290 protrudes out 1. A horticultural lighting fixture comprising:
from the first portion 130 matching the angle of the right side a housing, a gasket, a sheet of glass, four glass retention
190. Each tab having a threaded hole 270, as does the second rails, and eight threaded fasteners;
portion 140 and first portion 130. Internal fold seams 600 the housing constructed from a center portion, a first por
provide the connection between the first portion 130 to the 45 tion, and a second portion, the housing defining an inte
center portion 120 and second portion 140 to the center por rior space therein and having an open side, the open side
tion 120. including a sealing face;
The interior space 101 is defined by the center portion 120, the first portion constructed from one continuous sheet of
first portion 130, and second portion 140 connect via internal metal having two threaded holes including a first tab
fold seams 600. Internal fold seams 600 is one method of 50 formed to match the angle of the right side and a second
connection, other method may include pop rivets, welding the tab formed to match the angle of the left side, each tab
edges, or any other permanent fixation method. having a threaded hole;
In other embodiments, the first tab 280 protrudes out from the second portion constructed from one continuous sheet
the centerportion 120 rather than the first portion 130, match of metal having two threaded holes with a third tab
ing the angle of the left side 180, and second tab 290 protrudes 55 formed to match the angle of the right side and a fourth
out from the center portion 120 rather than the second portion tab formed to match the angle of the left sides, each tab
140, matching the angle of the right side 190. having a threaded hole;
In FIG. 6 is an exploded bottom view of the housing 100 the center portion constructed from a continuous sheet of
with the gasket 360 laying on the sealing face 230, with the metal, forming the left, right, and top sides of the hous
top gasket surface 370 contacting the sealing face 230, and the 60 ing, in connection with the first portion forming the first
bottom gasket surface 380 being exposed and available for the end, and the second portion forming the second end,
sheet of glass 240 to rest upon. The exploded perspective leaving the open side at the bottom with the exposed
provides a bottom view of how the components come edges of the center portion, first portion, and second
together. The glass 240 having two sides, the inward glass portion defining the sealing face;
surface 250 and the outward glass surface 260, the inward 65 the gasket having a top and bottom Surface, constructed in
glass surface 250 lays against the top gasket surface 370 shape and size matching the sealing face, the bottom
leaving the outward glass surface 260 available for first glass gasket Surface sealingly mates to the sealing face;
US 8,209,912 B2
9 10
the sheet of glass having an inward glass Surface and out the center portion constructed from a continuous sheet of
ward glass Surface, constructed in shape and size match metal, forming the left, right, and top sides of the hous
ing the gasket; ing, in connection with the first portion forming the first
the first glass retention rail having a length matching the end, and the second portion forming the second end,
bottom edge of the first portion, having two through leaving the open side at the bottom with the exposed
holes matching position of the first portion threaded edges of the center portion, first portion, and second
portion defining the sealing face;
holes, and formed into an L shape having the bottom of the center portion having a first tab formed to match the
the L parallel with the outward glass surface and the top angle of the right side and a second tab formed to match
of the L matching the angle of the first portion; 10 the angle of the left side, the first tab and second tab
the second glass retention rail having a length matching the extending from the first end;
bottom edge of the second portion, having two through the center portion further having a third tab formed to
holes matching position of the second portion threaded match the angle of the right side and a fourth tab formed
holes, and formed into an L shape having the bottom of to match the angle of the left side, the first tab and second
the L parallel with the outward glass surface and the top 15
tab extending from the second end;
of the L matching the angle of the second portion; each first, second, third, and fourth tabs having a threaded
the third glass retention rail having a length matching the hole;
the gasket having a top and bottom Surface, constructed in
distance between the first tab and third tab, having a first shape and size matching the sealing face, the bottom
through hole matching the position of the threaded hole gasket Surface sealingly mates to the sealing face;
of the first tab, and a second through hole matching the the sheet of glass having an inward glass Surface and out
location of the threaded hole of third tab, and formed ward glass Surface, constructed in shape and size match
into an L shape having the bottom of the L parallel with ing the gasket;
the outward glass Surface and the top of the L matching the first glass retention rail having a length matching the
the angle of the right side; bottom edge of the right side, having two through holes
the fourth glass retention rail having a length matching the 25 matching position of the threaded holes in the first tab
distance between the second tab and third tab, having a and third tab, and formed into an L shape having the
first through hole matching the position of the threaded bottom of the L parallel with the outward glass surface
hole of second tab, and a second through hole matching and the top of the L matching the angle of the right side;
the location of the threaded hole of fourth tab, and the second glass retention rail having a length matching the
formed into an L shape having the bottom of the L 30 bottom edge of the left side, having two through holes
parallel with the outwardglass surface and the top of the matching position of the threaded holes in the second tab
L matching the angle of the left side; and fourth tab, and formed into an L shape having the
the eight threaded fasteners of diameter and thread type bottom of the L parallel with the outward glass surface
matching the threaded holes, removably engage the first, and the top of the L matching the angle of the left side;
second, third, and fourth glass retention rails to the hous
35 the four threaded fasteners of diameter and thread type
ing, compressively securing the sheet of glass to the matching the threaded holes, removably engage the first
gasket, Sealingly mating the inward glass Surface to the and second glass retention rails to the housing, compres
top gasket Surface. sively securing the sheet of glass to the gasket, sealingly
2. A horticultural lighting fixture comprising: mating the inward glass Surface to the top gasket Surface.
a housing, a gasket, a sheet of glass, two glass retention 40 3. A horticultural lighting fixture as defined in claim 1 and
rails, and four threaded fasteners; 2, wherein the sealing face is square.
the housing constructed from a center portion, a first por 4. A horticultural lighting fixture as defined in claim 1 and
tion, and a second portion, the housing defining an inte 2, wherein the sealing face is rectangular.
rior space therein and having an open side, the open side 5. A horticultural lighting fixture as defined in claim 1 and
including a sealing face; 45 2, wherein the top gasket Surface sealing mates to the sealing
face with adhesive.
the sheet of glass having an inward glass Surface and out 6. A horticultural lighting fixture as defined in claim 2,
ward glass Surface and of shape and size matching the wherein the bottom edges of the first portion and second
Sealing face; portion, includes a lip, parallel to the glass Surface, protruding
the first portion constructed from one continuous sheet of 50 away from the housing, a distance equal to or greater than the
metal having; thickness of the gasket and glass.
the second portion constructed from one continuous sheet
of metal; k k k k k

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