N. S. T. E. E. (2: (12) United States Patent

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,236,287 B1

Quan et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 22, 2001

(54) WIDEBAND SHIELDED COAXIAL TO (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Leonard A. Alkov; Glenn
(75) Inventors: Clifton Quan, Arcadia, CA (US); A coaxial-to-microStrip vertical transition includes a dielec
Edward L. Robertson, Atlanta, GA
(US); Rosie M. Jorgenson, Norwalk, tric Substrate having formed on a first Surface thereof a
CA (US); Mark Y. Hashimoto, primary microStrip conductor trace, and on a Second Surface
Torrance, CA (US); David E. Roberts, a Secondary microStrip conductor trace. A first conductive
San Pedro, CA (US) via extends through the dielectric Substrate and electrically
connects the primary conductor trace to the Secondary
(73) Assignee: Raytheon Company, Lexington, MA conductor trace. A Second conductive via is spaced from the
(US) first conductive via and extends through the dielectric Sub
Strate to electrically connect the Secondary conductor trace
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this to the coaxial center conductor. Abottom microStrip ground
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 plane layer is defined on the Second Substrate Surface. A
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. conductive base plate Structure has a cavity formed therein,
the Substrate positioned Such that the base plate Structure is
(21) Appl. No.: 09/310,525 in contact with the bottom ground plane layer, and the
(22) Filed: May 12, 1999 Secondary conductor trace is positioned over the cavity. The
Substrate is positioned between a cover Structure and the
(51) Int. Cl." .................................................... H01P1/04 base plate Structure, the cover Structure disposed in Spaced
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................... 333/33; 333/260 relation with respect to the first surface of the substrate. A
(58) Field of Search ........................................ 333/260, 33 coaxial transmission line Structure includes an outer shield
and a coaxial center conductor Structure disposed within the
(56) References Cited outer conductor and transverse to the Substrate, the center
conductor passed through an opening in the cover Structure
to contact the Second Via. A conductive plate Structure is
5,872,550 2/1999 Quan et al. ........................., 343/905 positioned between the plane of the cover structure and the
5,886,590 3/1999 Quan et al. .......................... 333/260 Substrate, providing Shielding Surrounding the center con
ductor between the cover and the Substrate.
* cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Justin P. Bettendorf 13 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets


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U.S. Patent May 22, 2001 Sheet 1 of 3 US 6,236,287 B1

U.S. Patent May 22, 2001 Sheet 2 of 3 US 6,236,287 B1

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U.S. Patent May 22, 2001 Sheet 3 of 3 US 6,236,287 B1

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US 6,236,287 B1
1 2
WIDEBAND SHIELDED COAXAL TO plate Structure is in contact with the bottom ground plane
MICROSTRIP ORTHOGONAL LAUNCHER layer, and the Secondary conductor trace is positioned over
USING DISTRIBUTED DISCONTINUITIES the cavity So that the Secondary conductor is not in electrical
contact with the base plate Structure. A conductive cover
TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION 5 Structure is disposed Such that the Substrate is positioned
This invention relates to RF devices, and more particu between the cover Structure and the base plate Structure, the
larly to a Shielded coaxial to microStrip orthogonal launcher cover Structure disposed in Spaced relation with respect to
the first Surface of the Substrate. The transition further
with multiple matching junctions for wideband microwave includes a coaxial transmission line Structure having an
frequency operation with improved Shielding and flexible outer Shield, a coaxial center conductor Structure disposed
routing of RF signals along the transmission line. within the outer conductor and transverse to the Substrate,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the center conductor passed through an opening in the cover
Structure to contact the Second Via. A conductive plate has an
There is a need in many RF systems to provide an opening formed therein, and is positioned between the cover
orthogonal transition from a microStrip transmission line to 15 Structure and the Substrate, the plate providing Shielding
a coaxial transmission line. A known technique of accom Surrounding the center conductor in a Space between the
plishing this is to end launch a right angle coax connector cover and the Substrate.
onto microStrip along the Substrate edge. Disadvantages of
this approach include the relatively large Space and Volume BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING
requirements, and the requirement that the transition be These and other features and advantages of the present
made at the edge of the Substrate. invention will become more apparent from the following
It would therefore be an advantage to provide a transition detailed description of an exemplary embodiment thereof, as
technique which required leSS space, and offered the flex illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which:
ibility to vertically launch anywhere along the microStrip FIG. 1 is a croSS-Sectional diagram illustrating a coaxial
circuit board. 25
to-microStrip transmission line transition in accordance with
Another problem not addressed by known transition tech the invention.
niques between coaxial and microStrip transmission lines FIG. 2A is a top view of the top microstrip conductive
involves the issue of complete ground shielding the coaxial layer pattern of the microStrip circuit board of the transition
launcher as it contacts the microStrip center conductor of FIG.1. FIG.2B is a bottom view of the bottom microstrip
Vertically from an air dielectric Side. In known techniques, conductive layer pattern of the circuit board.
the coaxial outer ground Shield is partially removed to
prevent that Shield from short circuiting the microStrip FIG. 3 is an end cross-section view showing how the
center conductor. Exposing the coaxial Section to air will microStrip transmission line is “quasi-channeled to control
result in RF leakage and the generation of the higher order RF leakage and prevent the generation of higher order
waveguide modes, and thus degrades the RF performance 35 modes.
when used at higher frequencies. Commercially available FIG. 4A is a top view of a portion of an alternate
coaxial launchers are thus limited at the high frequency end embodiment of a transition Substrate embodying the inven
to about 7 Ghz. Launchers for channelized microStrip trans tion; FIG. 4B is a bottom view of this Substrate.
mission line described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,416,453 are limited 40 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
at the high frequency end to about 14 Ghz. PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
A coaxial-to-microstrip vertical transition 50 is illustrated
A coaxial-to-microStrip vertical transition in accordance in cross-section in FIG. 1. The transition is capable of
with this invention can operate at higher frequencies with 45 operation from DC to 18 Ghz with low loss and excellent
better RF performance than what has been accomplished in match. The microstrip transmission line 60 is provided by a
the past. A coaxial-to-microStrip transition in accordance dielectric Substrate 62 having on an upper Surface thereof a
with an aspect of this invention is completely shielded with conductive layer pattern 64 defining a primary microStrip
little possibility of leakage or generation of higher order conductor 64A, and on a lower Surface thereof a bottom
waveguide modes at higher frequency. The transition incor 50 microstrip conductive layer pattern 66. The relative thick
porates matching junctions for improved performance, and nesses of the conductive layer patterns 64 and 66 in relation
a compressible center conductor to allow for blind mate to the Substrate thickness are exaggerated in the figures for
connections. illustrative purposes. In a typical implementation, the con
In an exemplary embodiment, the coaxial-to-microStrip ductive layer patterns will be relatively thin, the patterns
Vertical transition includes a dielectric Substrate having 55 being defined by photolithographic techniques as is well
formed on a first Surface thereof a primary microStrip known in the art.
conductor trace, and on a Second Surface a Secondary The coaxial transmission line 80 in this exemplary
microStrip conductor trace. A first conductive via extends embodiment includes a Solid metal center conductor 82
through the dielectric Substrate and electrically connects the disposed within an outer cylindrical conductor shield 84.
primary conductor trace to the Secondary conductor trace. A 60 The outer periphery of the shield 84 is threaded in this
Second conductive via is spaced from the first conductive via embodiment to form a coaxial connector, to which a match
and extends through the dielectric Substrate to electrically ing coaxial connector can be connected to make connection
connect the Secondary conductor trace to the coaxial center to a coaxial line.
conductor. Abottom microStrip ground plane layer is defined In this exemplary embodiment, the microStrip circuit
on the Second Substrate Surface. A conductive base plate 65 board comprising the Substrate 62, primary conductor 64
Structure has a cavity formed therein, the Substrate posi and ground plane 66 is installed in a metal housing 90
tioned relative to the base plate Structure Such that the base comprising a base plate 92 and a metal cover 94. The base
US 6,236,287 B1
3 4
plate 92 has an air dielectric cavity 92A formed therein in a ture 88B has formed therein a central bore which receives
region underlying the transition. The cover has a circular the tip 82A and the interconnect structure 86.
bore 94A formed therein to receive the coaxial transition The transition structure 50 operates in the following
elements. A second air dielectric cavity 92B is formed in the manner. The coaxial center conductor 82 through the inter
region between the Substrate and the cover. A metal plate connect structure 86 contacts the pad 64A5 (FIG. 2A) on the
portion 94B is disposed between the plate 92 and cover 94. circuit board which is connected to the Secondary or “tran
The metal plate portion 94B has formed therein the cavity or sition' microstrip center conductor 66A1 with a plated
bore 94A, to form a shielded coaxial outer conductor in the through hole formed in the Substrate, defining the connect
region between the circuit board Substrate and the plane of ing via 72. This transition or secondary microstrip line 66A1
the cover plate. In this exemplary embodiment, the metal is located on the one (bottom) side of the circuit board while
the main or primary microStrip line comprising primary
plate portion 94B is formed as an integral structure with the conductor 64A is located on the opposite (top) Side. The
cover 94, although in another embodiment, the metal plate Secondary microStrip line is then connected to the main
portion can be fabricated as a separate Structure from the microStrip by another plated through hole extending through
the substrate defining the connecting via 70. The corre
The top microStrip conductive layer pattern 64 is illus 15 sponding groundplane for the primary and Secondary
trated in FIG. 2A, and the bottom layer pattern 66 is microStrip lines are also connected by a Series of plated
illustrated in FIG. 2B. The top layer pattern 64 defines the through holes (ground vias 68).
primary microStrip conductor line 64A, which ends in a At the connecting vias 70, 72, the diameter of the micros
widened region 64A1 and a microstrip pad 64A2 for imped trip pads 64A2, 64A5 is designed to cancel out parasitic
ance matching. Region 64A3 is a clearout area in which the inductance contributed by the respective plated through Vias.
conductive layer is removed from the top Surface of the Also, the traces of both the primary and Secondary microS
substrate. The top layer pattern 64 further defines a top trip conductor lines are intentionally widened at respective
ground plane 64B which extends about the primary conduc regions 64A1, 66A3 to assure continuous 50 ohm charac
tor line 64A and the clearout region 64A3. Another clearout teristic impedance when the two lines enter the region where
region 64A4 surrounds a connecting via 64A5. Ground vias 25 their respective air cavities 92B, 92A overlap.
68 extend through the substrate between the top layer pattern The microStrip transmission line used in this invention is
and bottom layer pattern. “quasi-channeled as illustrated in the end cross-section
As shown in FIG. 2B, the bottom layer pattern 66 defines view of FIG. 3 to control RF leakage and prevent the
the microStrip ground plane, provides a termination for the generation of higher order modes. Thus, the cover 94 has a
ground Vias 68, and defines a Secondary microStrip trans channel 94C which defines the air channel 92B, and side
mission line 66A1. A clearout region 66A2 surrounds the regions 94.D., 94E which contact the upper ground plane
secondary line 66A1. The secondary line 66A1 is widened regions 64B. The circuit board 62 remains continuous at the
at region 66A3 where the top and bottom cavities 92A and sides beyond the air channel 92B to preserve the board's
92B (FIG. 1) overlap, to provide impedance matching. A Stiffness and avoid the cost of board cutting along the
connecting via 70 runs through the substrate between pad 35
channel route. Ground connection between the top cover 94,
66A4 and pad 66A2 (FIG. 2A), to electrically connect the the base plate 90 and the ground planes 64B and 66 is
primary and Secondary microStrip conductors. A conductive accomplished through the use of ground vias 68 when the
via 72 runs through the substrate, from pad 66A5 to pad assembly is clamped together with Screws (not shown).
64A5 (FIG. 2A) in the top conductive layer pattern 64, for The center conductor contact of the coaxial line onto the
connection between the Secondary microStrip conductor and microStrip pad can use either a “hard’ contact (Such as a
the interconnect structure 86 (FIG. 1) for the coaxial center 40 Solder or conductive epoxy) or use a compressible center
conductor. Such as densely packed wire bundles (fuZZ buttons), bellows
The space between the center conductor 82 and the outer or pogo pins. The use of the compressible center allows for
shield 84 is filled by a dielectric spacer 88A, which is a re-usable blindmate connections.
material such as TEFLON(TM), for example. The outer conductor ground shield formed by the metal
The diameter of the center conductor 82 is stepped down 45 plate portion 94B is fabricated as an integral structure with
from its diameter in the coaxial shield 84 to a smaller the top cover 94. The outer conductor of the coaxial tran
diameter at the plane of the top surface of the cover 94, to Sition is continuous with no cutouts or opening when it
improve the impedance match to the pad. The Smaller contacts the top ground plane of the Secondary microStrip
diameter portion 82A has a length equal to the thickness of transition line. This metal ground contact can be accom
the cover 94 in this exemplary embodiment. A compressible 50 plished by either pressure with or without the addition of RF
conductive interconnect structure 86 extends between the tip gaskets to prevent RF leakage. Another method to realize a
82B of the conductor 82 and the conductive pad 64A5 continuous metal ground contact between the coaX and
formed by the top conductor layer pattern 64. The com microStrip is with either conductive epoxy or Solders.
pressible interconnect Structure 86 in this exemplary Two connecting vias 70, 72 transition the coaxial line to
embodiment is a bundle of thin, densely-packed gold-plated 55 the primary microStrip without the need to open the outer
wire. Other interconnect Structures can alternatively be conductor of the coaxial line, which would result in RF
employed, e.g. a conductive bellows structure which is leakage into the air dielectric of the primary microStrip
compressible, or a Solid conductor which has a Spring transmission line. These connecting Vias are separated by the
loaded telescoping conductor pin extending from one end. Secondary microStrip line 66A1 at a distance designed to
Alternatively the coaxial center conductor tip can simply 60
assure negligible mismatch interactions. The two connecting
extend to the Substrate pad, instead of using a compressible Vias utilized in this invention allows additional degrees of
interconnect. This will result in more risk in creating a gap freedom for routing Since the primary and Secondary microS
between the tip and the pad, due to manufacturing toler trip lines do not necessarily have to be connected in a
CCS. Straight line but can run at varying angles with respect to
A dielectric spacer structure 88B fills the cavity space each other along the circuit board as illustrated in FIGS. 4A
between tip region 82/interconnect 86 and the walls 94A1 of 65 and 4.B. FIG. 4A illustrates the top surface of an alternate
the plate 94. This structure can also be fabricated of embodiment of a circuit board 60' comprising a transition in
TEFLON(TM) or other suitable dielectric material. The struc accordance with the invention, and FIG. 4B the bottom
US 6,236,287 B1
S 6
Surface of the circuit board. Here, the primary microStrip 6. The transition of claim 1, further comprising a contact
conductor 64A extends along a linear axis 641, and the pad formed on the first Surface of the Substrate in electrical
Secondary microStrip conductor 66A1 extends along an axis contact with the Second via, the center conductor Structure in
661. In this exemplary embodiment, the primary line axis electrical contact with the first contact pad.
641 extends at a 90 degree angle with respect to the 7. The transition of claim 1, wherein a portion of the outer
Secondary line axis 661, although the angle need not be a Shield of the coaxial transmission line Structure extending
right angle. from the cover structure is threaded.
It is understood that the above-described embodiments are 8. The transition of claim 1 wherein the coaxial transmis
merely illustrative of the possible specific embodiments Sion line Structure further includes a dielectric sleeve dis
which may represent principles of the present invention. posed in a Space between the cover Structure and the
Other arrangements may readily be devised in accordance Substrate, the sleeve Surrounding the tip region of the center
with these principles by those skilled in the art without conductor.
departing from the Scope and Spirit of the invention. 9. The transition of claim 8 wherein the coaxial center
What is claimed is: conductor includes a compressible conductive contact Struc
1. A coaxial-to-microStrip vertical transition, comprising: ture disposed within the sleeve Structure and positioned
a dielectric Substrate having formed on a first Surface 15 between the tip region and the Second Via.
thereof a primary microStrip conductor, and on a Sec 10. A coaxial-to-microStrip vertical transition, compris
ond Surface a Secondary microStrip conductor, wherein ing:
the primary microStrip conductor extends along a first a dielectric Substrate having formed on a first Surface
linear axis, and the Secondary microStrip conductor thereof a primary microStrip conductor, and on a Sec
extends along a Second linear axis, and wherein the first ond Surface a Secondary microStrip conductor;
linear axis is not parallel to the Second linear axis, Such a first conductive via extending through the dielectric
that the Secondary microStrip conductor extends at an Substrate and electrically connecting the primary con
angle with respect to the primary microStrip conductor; ductor to the Secondary conductor;
a first conductive via extending through the dielectric a Second conductive via Spaced from the first conductive
Substrate and electrically connecting the primary con 25 via and extending through the dielectric Substrate to
ductor to the Secondary conductor; electrically connect the Secondary conductor to a
Second conductive via Spaced from the first conductive coaxial center conductor;
via and extending through the dielectric Substrate to a bottom microStrip ground plane layer defined on Said
electrically connect the Secondary conductor to a Second Substrate Surface;
coaxial center conductor; a conductive base plate Structure having a cavity formed
a bottom microStrip ground plane layer defined on Said therein, the Substrate positioned relative to the base
Second Substrate Surface; plate Structure Such that the base plate Structure is in
a conductive base plate Structure having a cavity formed contact with the bottom ground plane layer, and the
therein, the Substrate positioned relative to the base Secondary conductor is positioned over the cavity So
plate Structure Such that the base plate Structure is in 35
that the Secondary conductor is not in electrical contact
contact with the bottom ground plane layer, and the with the base plate Structure;
Secondary conductor is positioned over the cavity So a conductive cover Structure disposed Such that the Sub
that the Secondary conductor is not in electrical contact Strate is positioned between the cover Structure and the
with the base plate Structure, base plate Structure, the cover Structure disposed in
a conductive cover Structure disposed Such that the Sub Spaced relation with respect to the first Surface of the
Strate is positioned between the cover Structure and the 40 Substrate So that an air cavity is defined about the
base plate Structure, the cover Structure disposed in primary microStrip conductor;
Spaced relation with respect to the first Surface of the a coaxial transmission line Structure having an outer
Substrate; and conductor, Said coaxial center conductor disposed
a coaxial transmission line Structure having an outer within the outer conductor and transverse to the
shield, Said coaxial center conductor disposed within 45 Substrate, the center conductor Structure passing
the outer conductor and transverse to the Substrate, the through an opening in the cover Structure to contact the
coaxial center conductor passing through an opening in Second Via, the center conductor Structure including a
the cover Structure to contact the Second via. rigid Solid conductor portion and a compressible con
2. The transition of claim 1, further comprising a con tact Structure positioned between a tip of the rigid Solid
ductive plate Structure having an opening formed therein and 50 center conductor portion and the Second via; and
positioned next to the cover Structure, the plate providing a conductive plate Structure having an opening formed
Shielding Surrounding the coaxial center conductor in a therein and positioned next to the cover Structure, the
Space between the cover and the Substrate. plate providing shielding Surrounding the center con
3. The transition of claim 1 wherein the conductive cover ductor in a Space between the cover and the Substrate.
Structure has a channel defined therein, the channel defining 55 11. The transition of claim 10, further comprising a
a cavity through which the primary microStrip conductor plurality of conductive ground Vias extending through the
extends, with conductive Sidewalls providing Side Shielding Substrate between the first and Second Surfaces, the plurality
of a primary microStrip transmission line comprising the of conductive ground Vias positioned So as to contact the
primary microStrip conductor. base plate Structure and the cover Structure.
4. The transition of claim 1, wherein the coaxial center 60
12. The transition of claim 10, further comprising a
conductor includes a rigid Solid conductor portion and a contact pad formed on the first Surface of the Substrate in
compressible contact Structure positioned between a tip of electrical contact with the Second via, the center conductor
the rigid Solid center conductor portion and the Second Via. Structure in electrical contact with the first contact pad.
5. The transition of claim 1, further comprising a plurality 13. The transition of claim 10 wherein the primary
of conductive ground Vias extending through the Substrate microStrip conductor is parallel to the Secondary microStrip
between the first and Second Surfaces, the plurality of 65 conductor.
conductive ground Vias positioned So as to contact the base
plate Structure and the cover Structure.

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