US4055247 (Dragged)

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United States Patent (19) (11) 4,055,247

Benedick et al. (45) Oct. 25, 1977

(54) EXPLOSON CONTAINMENT DEVICE Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Dean E. Carlson; Dudley W.
King; Robert W. Weig
(75) Inventors: William B. Benedick; Charles J. 57 ABSTRACT
Daniel, both of Albuquerque, N.
Mex. The disclosure relates to an explosives storage container
(73) Assignee: The United States of Americass for absorbing and containing the blast, fragments and
represented by the United States detonation products from a possible detonation of a
Energy Research and Development contained explosive. The container comprises a layer of
Administration, Washington, D.C. distended material having sufficient thickness to con
vert a portion of the kinetic energy of the explosion into
21 Appl. No.: 734,834 thermal energy therein. A continuous wall of steel suffi
22 Filed: Oct. 22, 1976 ciently thick to absorb most of the remaining kinetic
energy by stretching and expanding, thereby reducing
(51) Int. Cl’.............................................. F42B37/02 the momentum of detonation products and high veloc
52 U.S. Cl. ........................................ 206/3; 206/591; ity fragments, surrounds the layer of distended material.
220/288 A crushable layer surrounds the continuous steel wall
(58) Field of Search .................. 89/34; 206/3; 220/15, and accommodates the stretching and expanding
220/288 thereof, transmitting a moderate load to the outer enclo
56) References Cited sure. These layers reduce the forces of the explosion
and the momentum of the products thereof to zero. The
outer enclosure comprises a continuous pressure wall
3,072,022 1/1963 Wood et al. ............................. 206/3 enclosing all of the layers. In one embodiment, detona
3,160,061 12/1964 Moy ......................................... 206/3 tion of the contained explosive causes the outer enclo
3,60,062 12/1964 Moy et al. ................................ 206/3 sure to expand which indicates to a visual observer that
3,603,07 9/1971 Elliott et al. ........................... 220/15 a detonation has occurred.
3,757,933 9/1973 Banta ....................................... 206/3
Primary Examiner-Stephen C. Bentley 6 Clains, 3 Drawing Figures

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