United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,626,614: Hart 45 Date of Patent: May 6, 1997
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,626,614: Hart 45 Date of Patent: May 6, 1997
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,626,614: Hart 45 Date of Patent: May 6, 1997
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U.S. Patent May 6, 1997 Sheet 1 of 4 5,626,614
U.S. Patent May 6, 1997 Sheet 2 of 4 5,626,614
U.S. Patent May 6, 1997 Sheet 3 of 4 5,626,614
U.S. Patent May 6, 1997 Sheet 4 of 4 5,626,614
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TANCHOR SUTURING DEVICE AND the needle or introducer. Since the suture is not positioned
METHOD FOR USING SAME within the lumen of the needle, the diameter of the needle
can be reduced accordingly.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In one embodiment, the anchor bar is positioned out
1. Field of the Invention wardly of the needle. Such an embodiment can be achieved
This invention relates generally to surgical attachment using either a solid or hollow needle having a significantly
devices and more specifically to T-anchors adapted for reduced outside diameter. In this case, the maximum diam
maintaining body walls in proximity. eter is dictated by the diameter of the anchor bar, not the
2. Discussion of the Prior Art 10
needle. This embodiment is further characterized by the
formation of a conical taper at the distal end of the anchor
AT-anchor is a surgical device used for moving two body bar. While this taper facilitates introduction of the assembly
walls into proximity and for maintaining those two walls in through the walls, it nevertheless retains a blunt distal end
proximity for an extended period of time. Such an apparatus when the anchor bar is deployed from the needle. In a
could be valuable for many surgical procedures such as the specific embodiment, the T-anchor is formed with the suture
installation of a feeding tube into the stomach of a patient as 15 embedded in the wall of the anchor bar. This even further
disclosed and claimed by applicant in U.S. Pat. No. 5,429, reduces the diametral requirements of the assembly.
598 issued on Jul. 4, 1995, and entitled Surgical Access In a further embodiment of the invention, the needle of the
Device and Procedure. In this procedure, a T-anchor could introducer is provided with an axial hole at its distal end and
be used to move the wall of the stomach into proximity with an radial slot extending proximally from the hole. This
the abdominal wall prior to installation of a feeding tube. slotted introducer is of advantage in an embodiment wherein
The T-anchor typically consists of an anchor bar having a the T-anchor is disposed interiorly of the needle lumen. In
longitudinal configuration and a suture attached to the bar this case the suture, which must extend from the lumen
and extending laterally from the bar. An introducer can be outwardly of the needle, can be threaded through the radial
used to pass the anchor bar through the two walls and to 25
slot and the axial opening. A pusher can then be used to
deploy the anchor bar on the far side of the second wall. The deploy the anchor bar from the lumen of the needle as the
suture is left to extend through the two walls, and is provided needle is withdrawn with the suture passing along the slot
with a bolster on the near side of the two walls which is and through the opening to clear the needle.
slidable along the suture. As the suture is pulled and the In one aspect of the invention, a surgical anchor device is
bolster is pushed, the anchor bar seats against the second 30 adapted for insertion through a body wall. The anchor device
wall which is drawn into proximity with the first wall. Aknot includes an anchor bar extending longitudinally along an
tied in the suture on the proximal side of the bolster axis between a proximal end and a distal end. A suture
maintains the anchor in this operative position with the two having a first end and a second end is disposed with its first
walls in close proximity. end in a fixed relationship with the anchor bar between the
In the past, the T-anchor has been loaded into the proximal 35 distal end and the proximal end of the anchor bar. Portions
end of a hollow needle which has been inserted through the of the anchor bar disposed at the distal end define an outer
two walls. The anchor bar was then expelled using a surface having an inclined relationship with the axis of the
guidewire, from the lumen of the needle on the far side of anchor bar. The inclined outer surface at the distal end of the
the second wall. In this system the suture attached to the anchor bar facilitates axial insertion of the anchor device
anchor bar, extends proximally through the entire lumen of 40 through the body wall. In a preferred embodiment, the
the needle. After the anchor bar has been deployed, the inclined outer surface has the configuration of a cone.
needle is withdrawn backwardly through the two walls and In another aspect of the invention, a Surgical apparatus is
along the suture. The bolster is then threaded onto the suture adapted to be inserted through a body wall and to form an
and the procedure completed as previously noted. anchor relative to the body wall. The apparatus includes a
In this embodiment of the T-anchor assembly, the lumen 45 needle having an outer surface, and an anchor bar having a
of the needle or introducer must be sufficiently large to longitudinal configuration and being adapted for slidable
accommodate not only the diameter of the anchor bar, but disposition relative to the needle. A suture is disposed with
also the diameter of the Suture. Both of these elements must its first end attached to the anchor bar and a second end
occupy space side-by-side within the lumen. This require extending laterally of the anchor bar and outwardly of the
ment for an increased inside diameter of the lumen has of 50 outer surface of the needle. A pusher is movable coaxially of
course demanded a larger outside diameter for the needle. the needle to engage the anchor bar and to separate the
It is always of interest to simplify apparatus and proce anchor bar from the needle to form the anchor relative to the
dures formedical application since this ultimately results in body wall. This anchor bar can be disposed either inside the
reduced time, trauma and cost. It is also of interest to reduce needle or outside the needle. In the former case, the needle
the size of incisions or punctures required by various pro 55 includes radial portions defining an axial opening at the
cedures in order to promote healing and reduce trauma for distal end of the needle and longitudinal portions defining a
the patient. radial slot extending from the axial opening proximally of
the needle.
In a method associated with the present invention, a
These and other deficiencies of the T-anchors and intro needle, anchor bar and suture are provided for engaging and
ducers of the prior art are overcome with the present holding a pair of body walls in close proximity. The first end
invention which provides for introduction of the anchor bar of the suture is attached to the anchor bar and the anchor bar
with the suture positioned exteriorly of the needle. This mounted relative to the needle with the suture extending
provides several advantages. First, the procedure can be outwardly of the outer surface of the needle. A bolster is
shortened by at least one step since the bolster can be 65 attached to the second end of the suture. Then the needle and
preattached to the suture by the manufacturer. Another anchor bar are inserted through the body walls, and the
advantage is achieved with the reduced size requirements for anchor bar separated from the needle with the anchor bar and
3 4
the first end of the suture disposed on one side of the body into proximity with the abdominal wall 21. This operation of
walls and the bolster and second end of the suture disposed the T-anchor is best illustrated in FIG. 3. Once the two walls
on the other side of the body walls. The needle is removed 21 and 23 have been brought into proximity, this relationship
and the bolster fixed along the suture to anchor the pair of can be maintained by sliding the bolster 16 along the suture
body walls in close proximity to each other. 14 until it abuts the abdominal wall 21. With the T-anchor
These and other features and advantages of the invention thus operatively disposed, the suture 14 can be knotted
will become more apparent with the description of preferred proximally of the bolster 16 to maintain the anchor bar 12
embodiments and reference to the associated drawings. and bolster 16 in a fixed relationship, with the walls 21 and
23 maintained in close proximity.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 10 AT-anchor 30 representative of the prior art is illustrated
FIG. 1-FIG. 4 illustrate steps in a method associated with in FIGS. 5 and 6. This T-anchor 30 of the prior art, which
the present invention; also includes an anchor bar 32 and suture 34, is operatively
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a T-anchor and introducer positioned using a needle 36 having an interior lumen38 and
extending through body walls including an abdominal wall 15
an axial opening 41 at its distal end. Using this apparatus of
and a stomach wall; the prior art, the T-anchor 30 is adapted for disposition
within the lumen 38 of the needle 36. When the anchor bar
FIG. 2 is a perspective view similar to FIG. 1 illustrating 32 is operatively positioned within the lumen 38, the suture
an anchor bar and suture of the T-anchor, being deployed 34 is threaded proximally through the lumen 38 to exit the
from the introducer; needle 36 at its proximal end. With this arrangement, the
FIG. 3 is a perspective view similar to FIG. 1 with the 20 anchor bar 32 must share the lumen 38 with the suture 34.
introducer removed and the suture pulled to draw the two Accordingly the lumen 38 and the needle 36 must be larger
body walls into proximity; than required by the anchor bar 32. This is particularly
FIG. 4 is a perspective view similar to FIG. 1 illustrating apparent in the cross-sectional view of FIG. 6. The suture is
the bolster operatively positioned against the first body wall 25
threaded through a hole in the anchor bar 32 and provided
and the anchor bar operatively positioned against the second with a knot 40 to fix the end of the suture 34.
body wall to maintain the two walls in proximity; With this apparatus of the prior art, the anchor bar 32 is
FIG. 5 is an axial cross-section view of a needle and deployed by a guidewire 43 which is moved distally through
T-anchor of the prior art; the lumen 38 to move the anchor bar 32 through the opening
FIG. 6 is a cross-section view taken along lines 6-6 of 30
41. Unfortunately, this step still leaves the suture 34 within
FIG. 5; the lumen 38. In order to withdraw the needle 36 from the
FIG. 7 is an axial cross-section view of one embodiment operative site, it must be moved proximally until it clears the
of the T-anchor and introducer of the present invention with free end of the suture 34. Since this free end must pass
the anchor bar positioned outwardly of the needle; through the lumen 38, it is impossible to thread the bolster
16 over the suture 34 until the needle 36 has been with
FIG. 8 is a radial cross-section view taken along lines 35
drawn. These structural deficiencies of course adds several
88 of FIG. 7: steps to this process of the prior art.
FIG. 9 is an axial cross-section view similar to FIG. 7 Returning now to FIG. 1, a preferred embodiment of the
illustrating a pusher tube being operated to deploy the invention is illustrated to include the introducer 18 having a
anchor bar; distal end 50 and a proximal end 52. A needle 54, having an
FIG. 10 is an axial cross-section view of an anchor bar axis 55, is disposed at the distal end 50 and provided with
having a suture molded within the wall of the anchor bar; a sharped tip 56. A handle assembly 58 is disposed at the
FIG. 11 is an axial cross-section view of a further embodi proximal end 52 of the introducer 18. The assembly 58
ment of the invention wherein the anchor bar is disposed includes a handle 61, and a thumb tab 63 which is slidable
interiorly of the needle and the suture extends through a 45 longithdinally relative to the handle 61 to deploy the anchor
radial slot in the needle; and bar 12 as illustrated in FIG. 2. The introducer 18 also
FIG. 12 is a radial cross-section view taken along lines includes a pusher 65 which has a tubular configuration in
12-12 of FIG. 11. this embodiment. This push tube 65 is disposed over the
needle 54 and is axially movable relative to the needle 54.
DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED In this particular embodiment, the anchor bar 12 is
EMBODIMENTS AND BEST MODE OF THE disposed outwardly of the needle 54 as best illustrated in the
INVENTION enlarged view of FIG. 7. From this view it can be seen that
AT-anchor is illustrated in FIG. 1 and designated gener the needle 54 may have a tubular configuration with a wall
ally by the reference numeral 10. The T-anchor 10 includes 70 defined by an outer surface 72 and an inner surface 74
an anchor bar 12 and attached suture 14. A bolster 16 is 55 which forms a lumen 76. The wall 70 is provided with a
slidable along the suture 14. Also illustrated in FIG. 1 are an sharpened tip 78 at the distal end 50 of the introducer 18.
introducer 18, an abdominal wall 21, and a stomach wall 23 The anchor bar 12 has alongitudinal tubular configuration
which forms a stomach 25. in the embodiment of FIG. 7 and is characterized by an axis
It is the purpose of the introducer 18 to position the suture 81 which is disposed coaxially with the axis 55 of the needle
14 through the body walls 21, 23 with the anchor bar 12 54. A channel 83 is formed axially of the anchor bar 12 and
disposed on the far side of the wall 23 and the bolster 16 extends between a proximal end 85 and a distal end 87 of the
disposed on the near side of the wall 21.TheTanchor 10 can anchor bar 12. This channel 83 is defined by an inner surface
then be deployed from the introducer 18 as illustrated in 90 which slidably engages the outer surface 72 of the needle
FIG. 2. AFter the T-anchor 10 hs been deployed, the intro 78 in this embodiment.
ducer 18 is withdrawn and the suture 14 pulled taut. Ten 65 Aradial bore 92 is provided through the wall of the anchor
sioning the suture 14 tends to seat the anchor bar 12 against bar 12. The suture 14, having a first end 94 and a second end
the stomach wall 23 and also to draw the stomach wall 23 96, is threaded through the bore 92 where the first end 94 is
5 6
provided with a knot 98. The knot 98 is formed sufficiently A further embodiment of the T-anchor 10, best illustrated
large that it will not pass through the radial bore 92. With in FIG. 10, is of particular interest to this invention. In this
this particular embodiment, the anchor bar 12 is disposed case, the anchor bar 12 is injection molded over the first end
outwardly of the needle 54 and generally determines the 94 of the suture 14. In a preferred embodiment, this first end
maximum diameter for the introducer 18. 94 takes the form of a spiral 105 which can be fully and
During introduction of the anchor bar 12, the sharpened completely fixed within the molded walls of the T-anchor 12.
tip 78 of the needle 54 initially punctures the body walls 22, With this construction of the T-anchor 10, there is no
23. With the further distal movement of the introducer 18, requirement for space interiorly of the inner surface 90 in
the wall 21 contacts the distal end 87 of the anchor bar 12. order to accommodate the suture 14 or knot 98. Accordingly,
In order to minimize insertion forces, the distal end 87 of the 10 no slot 103 need be provided, and in fact, the needle 54 can
anchor bar 12 can be provided with an inclined surface have a solid rather than a hollow configuration. Even in this
which dilates the tissue defining the hole through the wall embodiment, it will be noted that the suture 14 is mounted
21. This tissue slides up on the inclined surface 101 until it on the introducer 18 with its second end 96 extending
reaches the outside diameter of the anchor bar 12. In a
preferred embodiment, the inclined surface 101 is formed in outwardly of the outer surface 72 of the needle 54.
15 This same valuable feature is found in a further embodi
the shape of a cone with an outer circumference which
decreases with progressive distal positions along the axis 81. ment of the invention illustrated in FIG. 11. In this case, the
The handle assembly 58 can be constructed in the manner anchor bar 12 is disposed interiorly of the lumen 76 of the
disclosed by applicant in U.S. Pat. No. 5,443.449 issued needle 54. As opposed to the constructions of the prior art,
Aug. 22, 1995 and entitled Cholangiography Catheter. In the outer surface of the anchor bar 12 is in full sliding
such a device operation of the thumb tab 63 relative to the 20 engagement with the inner surface 74 of the needle 54. No
handle 61 can be relied on to move the push element 65 extra space need be provided for the suture 14 which extends
relative to the needle 54. In one embodiment, the needle 54 outwardly from the tubular anchor bar 12 through the bore
is fixed to the handle 61 and operation of the thumb tab 63 92 and the slot 103. In this embodiment, the push element 65
moves the push element 65 relative to the stationary handle can be formed as a solid shaft sufficiently small to move
61 and needle 54. In another embodiment, the handle 61 and 25 axially through the lumen 76. As the anchor bar 12 is
push element 65 are disposed in a fixed relationship. In this expelled from the needle 54, the suture 14 moves along the
case, operation of the thumb tab 63 moves the needle slot 103 and into the opening 78 as the anchor bar 12 and
relative to the handle 61 and the push element 65. suture 14 are freed from the introducer 18. In this
With the inner surface 90 of the anchor bar 12 disposed in embodiment, the anchor bar 12 can be tubular to accommo
close proximity to the outer surface 72 of the needle 54, 30 date the knot 98, or alternatively, the anchor bar 12 can have
there is no room to accommodate the suture 14 or the knot a solid configuration where the first end 94 of the suture 14
98 between these two surfaces. In the embodiment illus is embedded as illustrated in the cross-sectional view of FIG.
trated in FIG. 7, the needle 54 has a hollow configuration 12.
making it possible for the lumen 76 to receive the suture 14. From the foregoing discussion of preferred embodiments,
Even in this embodiment, however the suture 14 must 35
extend not only through the bore 92 in the anchor bar 12, but it will be noted that many variations on the concept will now
also the wall 10 of the needle 54. be obvious to those skilled in the art. For example, the
Competing with this interest in providing space for the opening 78 at the distal end 50 of the needle 54 can be
suture 14 is the requirement that the anchor bar 12 be shaped in any configuration facilitating the piercing of the
slidable distally on the needle 54 to deploy the T-anchor10. walls 21, 23. Similarly, the inclined surface 101 can be
This requires that the opening 78 be extended longitudinally formed in other than a conical configuration to reduce
in order that the suture 14 within the lumen 76 can be passed frictionforces developed during introduction of the T-anchor
out of the opening 78. In the illustrated embodiment, the 10. Although the needle 54 will typically be constructed of
opening 78 includes not only an axial opening which faces stainless steel, both the anchor bar 12 and push element 65
distally of the needle 54, but also a lateral opening in the 45
can be formed from any body compatible plastic such as
form of a slot 103 Which extends along the wall 70 parallel polypropylene. In a particular embodiment, the anchor bar
to the axis 81. With the slot 103 extending distally to the may be formed from a resorbable material such as polyg
opening 78, the push element 65 can be activated to move lycolic acid. It will also be appreciated that in a particular
the anchor bar 12 distally of the needle 54. As this movement embodiment, the anchor bar 12 can be either hollow as
proceeds, the suture 14, interiorly of the inner surface of the 50
illustrated in FIG. 5, or solid as illustrated in FIG. 12. Also,
the needle 54 can be hollow as illustrated in FIG. 7 or solid
anchor bar 12, moves along the slot 101 and the opening 78 as illustrated in FIG. 10.
to free the T-anchor 10.
When the push element 65 is operated to deploy the Given these wide variations, which are all within the
anchor bar 12, as illustrated in FIG. 9, the T-anchor 10 is scope of this concept, one is cautioned not to restrict the
completely freed of the introducer 18. Importantly, with this 55 invention to the embodiments which have been specifically
embodiment the suture 14 is no longer present within the disclosed and illustrated, but rather encouraged to determine
lumen 76 so withdrawal of the introducer 18 is not dictated the scope of the invention only with reference to the fol
by the configuration of the suture 14 at the second end 96. lowing claims.
I claim:
This enables the bolster 16 to be preattached to the suture 14 1. Surgical apparatus adapted to be inserted through a
thereby eliminating an attachment step which would other
wise be required during the surgical procedure. The needle body wall and to form an anchor relative to the body wall,
54 can be sufficiently small that the lumen 76 can be sized comprising:
to accommodate only the narrow suture 14. This will also a needle having an outer surface;
facilitate a reduction in the outside diameter of the anchor an anchor bar having a longitudinal configuration and
bar 12, resulting in a smaller hole through the walls 21, 23 65 being adapted for disposition relative to the needle in
with commensurate reduction in trauma and healing time for sliding engagement with the outer surface of the
the patient. needle;
7 8
a suture having a first end and a second end, the first end tudinal channel extending through the anchor bar
of the suture being attached to the anchor bar with the between a distal end and a proximal end of the anchor
second end of the suture extending laterally of the bar; and
anchor bar and outwardly of the outer surface of the the mounting step includes the step of mounting the
needle when the anchor bar is disposed relative to the 5 anchor bar on the needle with the inner surface of the
needle; and anchor bar in sliding relationship with the outer surface
a pusher movable coaxially of the needle to engage the of the neede.
anchor bar and to separate the anchor bar from the 8. The method recited in claim 7 wherein the step of
needle to form the anchor relative to the body wall. providing the anchor bar includes the step of shaping the
anchor bar to form a conical surface at the distal end of the
2. The surgical apparatus recited in claim 1 wherein: 10
anchor bar.
the anchor bar has the configuration of a tube with an 9. The method recited in claim 6 wherein:
inner surface defining a longitudinal channel through the first providing step includes the step of providing the
the anchor bar; and needle with an inner surface defining a longitudinal
the anchor bar is adapted for disposition outside the 15 channel extending through the needle between a distal
needle with the inner surface of the anchor bar in end and a proximal end of the needle; and
sliding engagement with the outer surface of the the mounting step includes the step of mounting the
needle. anchor bar in the longitudinal channel of the needle
3. The surgical apparatus recited in claim 1 wherein: with the outer surface of the anchor bar in sliding
the needle has the configuration of a tube with an inner 20
relationship with the inner surface of the needle.
surface defining a longitudinal channel extending 10. A surgical anchor device adapted for insertion-through
through the needle; and a body wall, comprising:
the anchor bar is adapted for disposition inside the lon an anchor bar extending longitudinally along an axis
gitudinal channel of the needle. between a proximal end and a distal end, the anchor bar
4. The surgical apparatus recited in claim 1 wherein: 25
having a longitudinal side surface and an end surface;
the end surface of the anchor bar having a conical
the anchor bar has an inner surface and with the inner configuration;
surface of the anchor bar in sliding engagement with a suture having a first end and a second end, the first end
the outer surface of the needle; and of the suture having a fixed relationship with the anchor
the pusher comprises a hollow tube disposed over the bar between the distal end and the proximal end of the
needle and slideable distally along the outer surface of 30
anchor bar;
the needle to engage the anchor bar and to separate the portions of the anchor bar disposed at the distal end of the
anchor bar from the needle. anchor bar and defining an outer surface having an
5. The surgical apparatus recited in claim 4 wherein the inclined relationship with the axis of the anchor bar;
anchor bar has a distalend and a proximal end and the device whereby
further comprises: 35
the inclined outer surface at the distal end of the anchor
portions of the anchor bar at the distal end of the anchor bar facilitates axial insertion of the anchor device
bar defining an outer surface with a conical configura through the body wall.
tion facilitating insertion of the anchor bar through the 11. The surgical anchor device recited in claim 10 wherein
body wall. the end surface defines at least a portion of a cone having an
6. A method for anchoring a pair of body walls in close apex.
proximity to each other, including the steps of: 12. The surgical anchor device recited in claim 11 wherein
providing a needle having an outer surface and an axis the apex of the cone is disposed along the axis of the anchor
extending between a proximal end and a distal end; bar.
providing an anchor bar having an outer surface; 45 13. The surgical apparatus adapted to be inserted through
providing a suture having a first end and a second end; a body wall to form an anchor relative to the body wall,
attaching the first end of the suture to the anchor bar; comprising:
positioning the anchor bar and the suture relative to the an introducer having an outer surface;
needle with the anchor bar in sliding engagement with an anchor bar having a longitudinal configuration and
the outer surface of the needle and with the second end 50 being adapted for disposition in contact with the outer
of the suture extending outwardly of the outer surface surface of the introducer;
of the needle; a suture having a first end and a second end, the first end
attaching a bolster to the second end of the suture; of the suture being attached to the anchor bar with a
inserting the needle and the anchor bar through the pair of second end to the suture extending laterally of the
body walls; 55 anchor bar and outwardly of the outer surface of the
introducer; and
separating the anchor bar from the needle with the anchor a pusher movable relative to the outer surface of the
bar and the first end of the suture disposed on one side introducer to engage the anchor bar and to separate the
of the pair of body walls and the bolster and second end anchor bar from the outer surface of the introducer.
of the suture disposed on the other side of the pair of 14. The surgical apparatus recited in claim 13 wherein the
body walls; anchor bar has a longitudinal side surface and an end
removing the needle from the body wall; and surface; and
fixing the bolster along the suture to anchor the pair of the end surface of the anchor bar defines at least a portion
body walls in close proximity to each other. of a cone.
7. The method recited in claim 6 wherein: 65 15. The surgical apparatus recited in claim 13 wherein the
the second providing step includes the step of providing anchor bar has an inner surface disposed in sliding engage
the anchor bar with an inner surface defining a longi ment with the outer surface of the introducer.
16. A surgical anchor device adapted for insertion through configured in the shape of a cone having an apex and a
a body wall, including: reduced circumference with progressive distal positions
an anchor bar extending longitudinally along an axis along the axis of the anchor bar.
between a proximal end and a distal end, the anchor bar 18.The surgical anchor device recited in claim 17 wherein
having a side surface extending generally between the the apex of the cone is disposed at other than the side surface
proximal end and the distal end of the anchor bar; a of the anchor bar.
suture having a first end and a second end, the first end
of the suture having a fixed relationship with the anchor 19. The surgical anchor device recited in claim 18 wherein
bar and extending from the anchor bar at the side the cone is a right cone and the apex is disposed along the
surface of the anchor barbetween the distal end and the 10 axis of the anchor bar.
proximal end; and 20. The surgical anchor device recited in claim 16 wherein
portions of the anchor bar disposed at the distal end of the the anchor bar is formed from a material which is molded
anchor bar and defining an outer Surface having an over the first end of the suture to fixedly capture the first end
inclined relationship with the axis of the anchor bar; 5 of the suture in the anchor bar.
the inclined outer surface at the distal end of the anchor 21. The surgical anchor device recited in claim 20 where
bar contacts the body wall and facilitates axial insertion in the material of the anchor bar has characteristics for being
of the anchor device through the body wall. resorbed.
17. The surgical anchor device recited in claim 16 wherein
the portions of the anchor bar define an outer surface