Sun 1997
Sun 1997
Sun 1997
P I I : S0017-9310(96)00120-2
A. F. E M E R Y
916 Y. S, SUN and A. F. EMERY
Cp constant pressure specific heat [~' thermal expansion coefficient
g gravitational acceleration [ms -z] {K q
h dimensionless height Y diffusion coefficient
H dimensionless height of cavity K conductivity coefficient
k thermal conductivity [W mC -~] r/ heat transfer fraction ( = heat transfer
k* solid-fluid thermal conductivity ratio through hot wall/total heat
( = k,kr) transfer)
Nu Nusselt number v kinematic viscosity [m: s ~]
P dimensionless pressure 0 dimensionless temperature
Pr Prandtl number ( = v/~) r dimensionless time
RuE external Rayleigh number p density [kg m-~l
( :gfl A TL~o/a,') c~ void fraction (=hw/HW).
RaL internal Rayleigh number
Q uniform volumetric heat generation Subscripts
[W m-] b baffle
q dimensionless heat transfer rate C cold side
U, V dimensionless velocities f fluid
X, Y space coordinates H hot side
W dimensionless width of cavity. h heater
s solid
Greek symbols S sensor
thermal diffusivity [m: s- ~] oo external.
- W
! i
1 < --T
hb C
sensor H
Yh ,.,,
Xh eN e I
Fig. 1. Model of the experimental system Window Calorimeter.
Effects on natural convection heat transfer 917
the height of the baffle, hu a n d the void fraction, ~, 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1
which is defined as the ratio of the fluid area to the area void f r a c t i o n
of the entire cavity. Since so m a n y basic dimensionless
parameters are required to characterize the system, a
comprehensive analysis o f all c o m b i n a t i o n s of these
parameters is not practical. The numerical results will
be aimed at a small fraction of the possible situations,
and will explain the effect of several critical parameters
15 •
t7. - n"=:l'~/
,i.-,.< ........... ] k.:,o ................ .; 7" "
. ....
in the experimental calorimeter by simplifying the con-
ll,,-l.l~7 / . " "
figuration. Nu 10 ................. + ..;...= ~
. . -:" { ,,, - ''
E[lbct q[ conducth:e walls 5 - L , ": .................
In order to investigate the effect of the conductive
0 i i
walls (void fraction a n d conductivity ratio), the
internal baffle and heat source of Fig. I are neglected. 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1
Figure 2 shows the variation of the average Nusselt void f r a c t i o n
n u m b e r for different void fractions and conductivity
ratios. As the external Rayleigh n u m b e r increases,
the average Nusselt n u m b e r increases. F o r the larger
thermal conductivity ratios k*, the heat transfer rate
is higher t h r o u g h the wall t h a n the fluid, due to a larger
temperature gradient at the solid fluid interface. The 20 .........
fluid in the cavity behaves as a n insulator for a wall 15 ......... i
of such large thermal conductivity, but, for a small Nu k*=
thermal conductivity enclosure, the heat transfer 10 .............................. ~-
; , ~ z E _ ! . . ! :.... ! ! .: - : z-z.,,,,
1~,.. ' [llil 5 = 1.00E-01
. . . . . . . .. 11 6 = 0.00E+00
lll~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li 7 = 1.00E-01
8 = 2.00E-01
~'~'-Z''2"'" -" - 2 : ." 2 7. 2 " ";: I 9 = 3.00E-01
s = 4.00E-01
# = 5.00E-01
II!'-'!'!US~ ! . ! :: .
. . . . . . ~ ~ i il l' 1 = 0.00E+00
_.,#/Jill" " ": : . . . 2= 5.00E-01
..n#lllL" ....... - . . . . . . . t , ~ kll~' 3= 1.00E+00
.n/gill' .... .... i , , i~ i" 4 = 1.50E+00
ltllT#~, ... ] . ....... "' 5= 2.00E+O0
6 = ZSOE+00
7 = 3.00E+00
~,----~ . . . . . . . . _-.5 . . . . . . . . . 8= 5.00E+00
9 = 1.00E+01
s= 2.00E+01
# = 3.00E+01
Fig. 3. Velocity p a t t e r n s and i s o t h e r m s for Rm = 106 and (a) RaF = 106, (b) Ray = l0 t, (c) Rm- = 104
.,...-0 i .,p
Nul0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
o10 I
Fig. 4a. Average Nusselt number along the hot wall for cavity flow with an internal heat source,
[ i
l •" " ~ - - g a , ] [ = l e 4
/ i i,4
/ /
15 ~-......... l - lg" Ra,l--le 7 .....................................~ .................
to )(
0 i t
IE+3 IE+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+7 1E+8
Fig. 4b. Average Nusselt number along the cold wall for cavity flow with an internal heat source.
that of the pure conduction case. In the presence of influence of the internal heat source on Null also
internal heat sources, the value of Null is governed by becomes unremarkable.
the direction and strength of the flow adjacent to the Figure 4b shows the variation of the average heat
hot wall. At each Raj depending on RaE, part of the flux ratio (Nuc) along the cold wall. For all the values
interior hot fluid flows downward along the hot sur- of Ra~, the value of Nuc increases monotonically with
face forming a counter-direction eddy at the upper RaE because the convective motion always carries
corner near the hot wall (Fig. 3c). If RaE is increased heated fluid to the cold wall. For Ra~/Ra~:> 1, the
at each Ra, the flow pattern changes from one where interior temperature is generally smaller than the cor-
the flow adjacent to the hot surface is downward, to responding conduction temperature since the interior
one where the flow moves in an upward direction over fluid is cooled by the downward flow along the cold
the surface. In Fig. 4a, the influence of internal energy wall. Hence, the increase in heat transfer at the cold
sources becomes progressively smaller for increasing surface due to the convective motion is offset by the
RaE values. In particular, it may be seen that for lower interior temperature. Therefore, the cor-
Ra~/RaE < 0.1, the influence of the internal heat responding Nuc are lower than those for the case
source on Null is negligible. For Ra~/RaE> 100, the without internal heaters. For RadRaE > 100, the
Effects on natural convection heat transfer 921
..Ra.=_l,g6 .........
height of baffle
Fig. 5. Influence of baffle height on average Nusselt number for various Ra and k*. Cavity flow with
conductive baffle, without internal heat source.
value of Nuc approaches a constant for each Ray center of the cavity has been destroyed. Figure 6 shows
For Ra~/Rac < 1, the external temperature difference the average Nusselt number variation on the cold
dorainates the fluid motion. The cold wall receives the wall. The influence of increasing baffle height is less
fluid directly from the hot wall, so the Nuc values important for higher RaE and smaller Raw. This is
approach those for the case without internal heat sour- shown in Fig. 6 by the relative insensitivity of Nu to
ces. baffle height, and by the similarity to Fig. 5. However,
when the internal heating increases and dominates the
E[[ect ~f conductive baJfles flow pattern (such as RaE = 105 and Ra~ = 10;), an
To understand the interactions among the solid increase in baffle height significantly affects the heat
baffle, fluid flow and internal heat sources, numerical transfer rate. Figure 7 illustrates that the baffle blocks
results have been given by assuming non-conductive the flow and forces strong secondary eddies in the
walls in Fig. 1. hot chamber in the case with higher internal heating.
Sun and Emery [2] examined the effect of a con- These eddies push warmer fluid through the gap and
ductive baffle in an enclosure without internal heat deliver more heat to the cold chamber (RaE = 105 and
sources (Fig. 5). With an increasing baffle height, the RaE/Ra~ = 100 in Fig. 6). The effect of the centrally-
driving force for the fluid remains while the resistance mounted baffle conductivity on heat transfer is very
to the flow keeps increasing. For a centrally-mounted marginal except for high baffles or a high level of
baffle, as the height of the baffle increases with fixed internal heating.
RaE and k*, the heat transfer decreases. The influence It is of interest to understand how the heating ratio
of the increasing baffle height is less important for affects the average heat transfer. Figure 8 shows the
higher RaE, except when the height is so large that the conjugate effect of the heat source ratio and the height
top and bottom ends interfere with the main velocity of the baffle on the average Nusselt number at a Ray-
stream. It also shows that the effect of baffle con- leigh number of 105. It shows that, for a small ratio
ductivity on overall heat transfer is very marginal. (Ra~/RaE = 10 or 15), the presence of a baffle is similar
However, it is noted that for significantly high baffles, to the case without internal heating--the external
the, effect of conductivity becomes more obvious and Rayleigh number still dominates the flow. Once the
the'. velocity vectors and isotherms are significantly ratio increases to Ra~/RaE= 30 (a critical value for
different for the different conductivities. RaE = 105), the Nu is almost a constant no matter
In the presence of internal heating (Ra~ > 0), the what the baffle height is. This critical value is the result
highest temperature occurs near the internal heater. of the interaction of the effect of internal heating,
This makes the fluid rise along the hot wall and then baffle height and baffle conductivity. Above the criti-
turn into the central region of the enclosure. This cal ratio, the baffle effect becomes more significant. In
phenomenon increases the interaction between the Fig. 6, at Ra~/RaE = 100 for RaE = 106, the trend is
baffle and fluid, since the wide stagnation zone in the still the same as the case without internal heating.
922 Y.S. SUN and A. F. EMERY
0 i i
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
height of baffle
Fig. 6. Influence of baffle height on average Nusselt number for various Ra~, Raf and k*. where the ratio
is Ral/RaE.
Obviously, the higher the external Rayleigh number, window on which the measurements are to be made.
the higher the value of the critical ratio will be. A schematic diagram of the mimic box is shown in
It is also of interest to observe the effect of baffle Fig. 10. The test section is a rectangular box of 57, 20
when it is located in different locations inside the and 57 cm length, width and height, respectively. The
cavity. For a cavity with a fixed length of baffle walls are made of 2.54 cm thick styrene foam (k = 0.32
(h~ = 0.9) and no internal heat source, Fig. 9a W mC ') on five sides, with the glass window (k = 1.4
(RaE = 105) shows that a conductive baffle increases W mC ~) on the sixth side. There is a baffle located
the overall heat transfer of the enclosure when the 8.26 cm from the rear, with a 5.08 cm air space at the
baffle is located close to either of the vertical walls, top and bottom to create a natural convection flow of
while an adiabatic baffle decreases the heat transfer. air washing down over the cold window and up over
For a high Rayleigh number (Ra~ = 10°), the con- the heater coil. The baffle is made of 1.27 cm thick
vection totally dominates the fluid flow and a large styrene foam.
stagnation zone occurs in the cavity. The effect of A resistance wire heater heats the box when the
baffle location and conductivity is significant only in inside temperature of the box is lower than the room
the boundary layers. In the presence of an internal air temperature outside the mimic box. Since the
heat source at the left lower corner of the cavity, the difference between the temperature inside the mimic
heat source increases the flow strength and almost all box and room temperature is kept small and the styr-
the heat transfer is by convection in the fluid instead ene foam construction is assumed to be a good thermal
of conduction through the baffle. Figures 9c and 10b resistance, little heat is expected to be lost from the
show that the effect of baffle conductivity is negligible box to the room. Most of the heat lost from the box
in the presence of internal heaters. must then be lost through the window. The mimic
boxes measure only the heat lost to the outside, but
do not measure any heat gained from the outside.
Only night time data are used for this study, so that
heat gain from the outside or solar heat gain are not
Experiments a problem. The heating coil corresponds to a line
The experimental apparatus used is part of the source of length 2.74 m. Alternating current was sup-
H O U S E project at the University of Washington [15]. plied to the line source. The voltage rating was mea-
The special apparatus used, called mimic boxes, are sured for each individual mimic box: nominal value
controlled heating calorimeters and are used to mea- was 50 W.
sure the window heat flux. Since glazing materials The temperature distributions in the mimic boxes
transmit solar radiation and their thermal resistance were measured using the two terminal integrated cir-
is small, the technique employed tbr these measure- cuit temperature transducers manufactured by Anal-
ments is to utilize a calorimeter within a closed box- ogy Devices, Inc. and designated as AD590s. The
like construction, one side of which is formed by the locations of the AD590s are provided in Fig. l la.
Effects on natural convection heat transfer 923
, i [] =
- o - ratio=50 ~
•~ e - ratie=30
-.. ~ . ratio=15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
height of baffle
Fig. 8. Effect of heating ratio on the average Nusselt number (cold wall) at RaE = I(F.
ence from l0 to 25'C causes the external driving force void fraction increases the heat transfer. For high
equivalent to RaE from 5 x 107 to 5 × 108 and the ratio conductivity walls, the average Nusselt number
of internal-external heating (Ral/RaE) from 5.5 to 7.5. decreases with an increase in void fraction.
It is noted that a large percentage of heat loss (q) is For an enclosure with a conductive baffle, results
contributed by the hot wall, not only from the heaters indicate that heat transfer is strongly influenced by
as assumed. This result indicates that the conduction the coupling effect among baffle conduction, fluid con-
of the cavity walls is not negligible. However, the vection and the strength of internal heating when the
percentage of heat loss through the hot wall is in the baffle is located near walls. The increasing resistance
range 3 3 4 0 % based on the range of temperature to the fluid due to the baffle decreases the overall heat
differences. This might be used to correct the present transfer. When the baffle is conductive, heat can still
calculation of window U-values by replacing Q with be transferred to the rest of the enclosure by conduc-
qc ( = Q / 1 - ~ / ) . tion. When the baffle is adiabatic or when the con-
vection dominates the flow due to a high level of
internal heating, heat is transferred by convection no
matter what the value of the baffle conductivity. The
The qualitative and quantitative understanding of influence of the baffle become marginal when it is
the influences of conjugate conduction-convection located centrally, since it then sits in a wide stagnation
heat exchange and internal-external heating are pre- zone in the center of the cavity for higher Ra flow.
sented in this study. When internal heating is used A practical window calorimeter is simulated as a
inside the cavity, variations of the numerical solution parametric study. Qualitative agreement has been
from the benchmark solution (without internal heat found between the simulations and measurements. In
sources) show up only when the heating ratio (Ra,/ quantitative comparison, deviations were generated
RaE) is in the range of 1 10. For a ratio less than 1, due to uncontrollable and dynamic boundary
internal heating does not affect the flow pattern and conditions. By modifying the simulation of the
heat transfer, and the external temperature difference exterior air film and glass pane, better boundary con-
is still dominant. For a ratio greater than 10, the ditions (temperature profiles) have been derived, and
average Nusselt number tends to reach a constant the deviations have been reduced to less than 25%.
value. The 25% maximum relative error is quite good con-
When using conductive walls, the average Nusselt sidering the many factors which affect the accuracy of
number is found to increase when the conductivity the experiment. Calculation of the window U-value
ratio (solid-fluid) increases. The effects of the void should be corrected by considering the heat loss
fraction depend on the conductivity of the wall through the walls, but it is not practical to actually
material. For low conductivity walls, an increase in calculate the amount of heat loss for each case. The
Effects on natural convection heat transfer ~25
A ""~"" k*=0.1
. . . . . . . . . . . . ~........... ---~-.- k*=O.l ...................................
• k*=10
0 i
Nu Nu 4
....... ii ...... 1 k--lO t il
-1 i i _
................~ ..~. f.._ .e.=:=}
_ 7~_ _......a.........~=.:..:.~.:.:
~ ! ........
Nu 0.5 'iii ii!' Nu4
0.25 t . k*=10
--~--- k,=0.1
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
location of baffle location of baffle
(c) high level of internal heating, Ra E= 106, Rar/Ra~=100, left(hot wall), right (cold wall)
F i g . 9. E f f e c t o f baffle l o c a t i o n s o n t h e a v e r a g e N u s s e l t n u m b e r , w i t h h~ = 0.9.
926 Y.S. SUN and A. F. E M E R Y
front view
spacing blocks i
h, _ng ~'\
w: baffl
heating wire
-F7 / FT
2.5 Ic]
J >
window surface
/ 20.0cm
top v i e w
Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of mimic box.
Effects on natural convection heat transfer 927
-~ 53.34cm
I + 49.s~
~- 44.45cm
, ~- ] 38. l O c m
+ 3 .7sc.,
"4- 25.40cm
~- 19.05cm
•4- 12.70cm
~ -- - - 6.99cm
4. 1 3 c m
Fig. 11. Locations of temperature sensors (a), sample of el velocity pattern (b) and (c) isotherms of mimic
box (window' calorimeter).
1 2 3 4 5
predicted ~,.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.4 ~'"'--2~
o .................. iI .. " ../
.................... . ~, " ~ ......................i. . . . . predicted(2)
. . . . i. " measured
Fig. 12. Comparison of predicted and measured data with TH = 20C, 7"(-- 2C and A T = 18c. (a) Tem-
perature profile on a glass surface, (b) temperature profile inside the cavity: predicted data (l) without, (2)
with air layer simulation.
range o f h e a t loss p e r c e n t a g e (t/) given by the p r e s e n t natural convection in enclosures with a conductive baffle,
investigation m i g h t be valuable for p r e s e n t p a r a m e t r i c Numer. Heat Transfer 25, 575-592 (1994).
3. G. de Vahl Davis, Natural convection of air in a square
cavity : a bench mark numerical solution, Int. J. Numer.
Meth. Fluid 3, 249-264 (1983).
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