Natural Convection in A Partially Divided Enclosure: Ireceited Nocetnber 1982 and Recised Fonn 14 April 1983)
Natural Convection in A Partially Divided Enclosure: Ireceited Nocetnber 1982 and Recised Fonn 14 April 1983)
Natural Convection in A Partially Divided Enclosure: Ireceited Nocetnber 1982 and Recised Fonn 14 April 1983)
Printed in Great Britain 1933 Pergamon Press LId.
NIE:-;CHUAN N. Ltx and ADRIA:-; BEJA:-;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Campus Box 427, University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO 80309, U.S.A.
Abstract-This paper describes an experimental and analytical study of the phenomenon of heat transfer by
natural convection in a rectangular enclosure fitted with an incomplete internal partition. The experiments
were carried out in a water-filled enclosure with adiabatie horizontal walls and vertical walls maintained at
different temperatures. Heat transfer measurements and flow visualization studies were conducted in the
Rayleigh number range 109_10 1 , for aperture ratios hjll '" 1, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, and 0, where h and II are the
height of the internal opening (above the partition) and the height of the enclosure, respectively, It is demon-
strated that the aperture ratio hfll has a strong effect on both the heat transfer rate and the flow pattern.
The second part of the study consists of an asymptotic analysis of the same phenomenon, valid in the
limit ofvanishing Rayleigh numbers. The flow and temperature fields in this limit are reported graphically
for IIIL'" 0.5, Pr", 0.71 and 0.3 < hll! < 0.7, where Land Pr are the enclosure length and the Prandtl
number, respectively.
'partially-divided enclosure' model is relatively reasons made clear later in the present study, can be
unknown, in fact, we are aware of only three described as 'more conducting' and 'less conducting'.
fundamental studies in which the phenomenon was The heat transfer measurements showed that the heat
investigated in the laboratory [5-7]. transfer reduction caused by decreasing Ap from 1 to
The object of the present study is to shed more light 1/4 is most pronounced in the case of the 'less
on the fluid mechanics and heat transfer characteristics conducting' partition.
of a partially divided enclosure heated from the side Most recently, Bajorek and Lloyd [7] described a
(Fig. 1). To understand the specific objectives of the series of experiments in a square enclosure with two
present study, it is worth reviewing the main partial dividers, one attached to the top wall and the
conclusions furnished by the preceding investigations other to the bottom. This arrangement amounts to two
[5-7]. Bejan and Rossie [5] described a water chambers communicating through a mid-height
experiment in which two differentially-heated cham- window, an arrangement similar to that of ref. [5].
bers exchanged heat through a short duct connecting However, unlike in refs [5,6] where the working fluid
the two chambers. The connecting duct was situated at was water and Ra = 0(10 1), Bajorek and Lloyd used
mid-height. Flow visualization experiments and air and CO 2 and their Rayleigh numbers were
velocity measurements showed that the fluid becomes considerably lower, 0(10 6) . Comparing the heat
'trapped' on both sides of the opening, cold fluid in the transfer measurements taken in the partitioned
lower half of the cold chamber and warm fluid in the enclosure with the corresponding measurements in the
upper half of the hot chamber. Heat transfer unpartitioned (single) enclosure, Bajorek and Lloyd
measurements and scaling analysis showed that the found that the partitions reduce the heat transfer rate
heat transfer rate isdictated by the height of the opening appreciably. Mach-Zehnder interferograms showed
relative to the differentially heated side walls; at the that the partitions have a noticeable impact on the
same time, it was argued that the heat transfer rate is isotherm pattern, however, ref. [7] does not contain
independent of the length of the connecting duct. flow visualization experiments or velocity measure-
Nansteel and Greif [6] studied an even more basic ments to complement the interferograms.
configuration, namely, the set-up of''Fig, 1 where the In view of what has already been contributed by refs.
enclosure is partially divided by a vertical incomplete [5-7], the present study focuseson the most elementary
wall. They used water in a briefcase-size apparatus and configuration of ref. [6], Fig. 1, and seeks to:
discovered a similar 'fluid trap' effectwhereby the fluid
stagnates on the upper-warm side of the partition (in ref. (1) visualize the flow fieldin a more quantitative way
[6], the partition was attached to the upper wall, which than the dye-injection method of ref. [6];
is the same as rotating Fig. 1 by 180). Heat transfer (2) measure the fluid velocity in important places
measurements showed conclusively that the heat (e.g. the opening above the partial divider), as such
transfer rate decreases as the opening 11 (or the aperture measurements are presently unavailable, yet they can
ratioAp = 1I/H) decreases. Nansteel and Greifused two serve to verify the validity of high-Ra numerical
different partition materials (aluminum and poly- simulations of the same flow [8];
styrene foam clad with stainless steel sheets) which, for (3) extend the heat transfer measurements to the
Insulated wall
-, I
/ - - - ..... - - -, I
~ t
y I I
___ - - - J I
insulated wall
I-:------------L-----------~ -1
FIG. I. Schematic of partially divided enclosure and flow pattern.
Natural convection in a partially divided enclosure 1869
oI Ip 20
--..........l...t::::::::=====:=~==:::::::i:f'- COOLANT
1[- " FLOW
A-I I-B I-c
, I
__ __ _e. e Q
._ _~
aperture range not examined in ref. [6], namely, 1/4 PLEXIGLAS -~;;;~~/L21
(4) measure the heat transfer impact of a 'non-
conducting' partition, bearing in mind that the two
partition designs in ref. [6] were partially conducting;
(5) correlate the old and the new heat transfer data in
a theoretically meaningful way;
(6) determine the temperature and flow fields in the
limit of vanishing Rayleigh number, as cornerstone
AIR ---t't;'~
solutions to test the validity of future numerical
simulations of the phenomenon.
Construction details of the apparatus are given in Temperature measurements were made to within
Fig. 2(a) and in ref. [9]. The four main components of O.soC, using type K (chrornel-alumel) thermo-
the apparatus are: the Plexiglas box, the partition, the couples. The end plate temperatures and the
fiberglass insulation, and around everything, the ambient temperature were monitored throughout each
wooden container. The Plexiglas box is made out of 1.9 experiment. In general, it took the apparatus about
cm thick Plexiglas sheet; its dimensions are H = 27.9 24 h to stabilize whenever the power and refrigerator
em, L = 91.4 em and, perpendicular to the plane of setting were changed. Arrival at steady-state was deter-
Figs. 1 and 2, TV = 54.6em. The box was insulated with mined by monitoring the end plate temperature. When
15 em thick fiberglass supported by the plywood steady-state was achieved, the experiment was run for
container. approximately S h with readings taken every 18 or 30
The difTerentially-heated vertical ends of the box are min. The power input was measured by monitoring
made out of 1.9em thick aluminum plate. The cold end heat voltage and current, and varied a maximum of2%.
was hollowed out to serve as a heat exchanger and To minimize the thermal interaction of the apparatus
connected to a constant-temperature-bath refrigerator with its surroundings, the hot wall temperature and
capable of controlling the coolant temperature to cold wall temperature were carefully adjusted so that
within 0.1C. The hot end plate contained two 500 W the mean operating temperature, (TH + Td/2, was
strip heaters, connected in parallel and recessed into the within SoC of ambient.
aluminum plate. All aluminum surfaces were coated
with a thin layer of lacquer to inhibit oxidation. A 3. VELOCITY l\IEASUREl\IEr>;TS
constant-voltage transformer was used to limit the The flow was made visible using the thymol blue pH-
efTects of diurnal variations in the building's electrical indicator technique originally described by Baker [10]
supply. Total power inputs varied from 10 to 400 W and used extensively in water natural convection
(66--2626W m- 2 ) . experiments (see,for example, refs. [11-14]). Two wire
Four partitions of difTerent heights were fabricated electrodes were inserted into the pH-neutral (tea
from Plexiglas and were mounted in the center of the colored) flow; with 6 V between the electrodes, the
enclosure on the floor. The partition heights were 20.9, cathode marked the flow by causing a local pH and
24.4, 26.2 and 27.9 cm. All the partitions were 1.3 em color change towards deep blue. As shown by the
thick and contained a 0.64 ern thick layer of air. sequence of photographs in Fig. 3, the time evolution of
FIG. 3. Flow visualization on the cold side of the partition, Ap = 1/4, RaJJ = 9.2 x 109 ; from left to right.
t = 36,54 and 75 s.
Natural convection in a partially divided enclosure 1871
,'I ,'I
lIl'.o I " I
, I
" I , I
.~ I '0. I
~I " I
:;1 - - WARM STREAt/:
:4 :'
:1 ,'I !!
/" 4
, I
, I I
, I
" I
I, " I
I , I
I 'l
~:I I
I L.L.-J
0.1 o 0.1 em/s 0.1 0 em/I
the marked fluid was used in order to calculate the fluid into the warm chamber, while warm fluid takes its place
velocity [15]. by moving slowly from right to left. We were unable to
Velocity measurements were performed in two measure the cold jet peak velocity using the thymol blue
distinct cases, Ap = 1/4 and 1/8, as shown in Figs. 4(a) method. The counterflow of Fig. 4(a) was described
and (b).Drawn to scale on these figures is the geometry qualitatively in ref. [6], however, unlike in ref. [6] we
of the aperture region and the relative position of the find that the thicker branch of the counterflow has two
vertical wire (cathode) responsible for the horizontal velocity maxima. These two horizontal jets are
velocity profiles shown. Looking at the 'wide' aperture' visualized by the velocity profiles on both sides of the
case [Fig. 4(a)] and keeping in mind that heating is vertical plane of the aperture. The upper jet appears to
provided from the right (Fig. 1),above the divider we see be the continuation of the warm jet driven upwards
a counterflow in which cold fluid flows very fast (0.5cm along the heated wall of the box, while the lower jet is
S-I) as a thin jet and falls over the top of the partition induced by the fast cold jet, in the manner of a
, I
, 1
0.1 0.1 em/s 0.1 0 em/I
FIG.4(b). Horizontal velocity profile near the aperture (Ap = 1/8, Ra., = 1.05 x 1010, Nil = 18.5); the dashed
line represents the position of the electrode. The peak velocity of the cold jet falling over the partition is ofthe
order of 0.5 cm S-I.
horizontal jet in a thermally stratified pool [16]. The Ap = 1 (no partition) to Ap = 0 (complete partition):
lower section of the velocity profile on the cold (left)side over this range, the Nusselt number decreases by a factor
of the partition in Fig. 4(a)is very similar to the parallel of 15 which is approximately the ratio between the
opposing jets observed in shallow enclosures at high thermal conductivities of water and air (this particular
Rayleigh numbers [17]. measurement verifies the effectiveness of the 'air-gap'
Figure 4(b) shows that as the aperture shrinks to design as a 'non-conducting' partition, Fig, 2(b),stating
Ap = 1/8, the warm (upper) stream exhibits a single that in the full-partition case (Ap = 0) the thermal
velocity maximum, as if the two warm jets of Fig. 4(a) resistance is dominated by the air gap).
have been forced to merge. Figure 5 shows also the heat transfer data published
earlier by Nansteel and Greif [6] using a partition built
out of polystyrene sandwiched between stainless steel
sheets. Compared with the present measurements, the
The net heat transfer rate across the enclosure was Nansteel and Greif data document only the large
measured electrically, by monitoring the power aperture range, 1 ~ Ap ~ 1/4. However, two sets of
dissipated in the warm plate resistors [Fig. 2(a)]. The data reported by Nansteel and Greif (Ap = 1 and 1/4)
heat transfer measurements are presented in Fig. 5, can be compared directly with the corresponding data
where the Nusselt number and Rayleigh number are yielded by the present measurements: the heat transfer
defined as follows: rate reported by Nansteel and Greif is generally 50%
larger than the value yielded by the present ex-
(1) periments. In addition, the drop in Nu from Ap = 1 to
1/4 in the Nansteel and Greif data is less than the
corresponding drop exhibited by the present measure-
(2) ments: this apparent discrepancy can be attributed to
the fact that the present partition is a better insulator
The physical properties appearing in the above than the 'non-conducting' partition used in ref. [6].
definitions have been evaluated at the end-to-end To shed more light on the 50% discrepancy between
average temperature (TH + Td/2. Note also that, unlike the present Nu data and those of ref. [6], Fig. 6 shows a
in ref. [6] where the Rayleigh number is based on the compilation of all the high-Rayleigh number data
horizontal dimension of the enclosure, in equation (2) obtained in horizontal enclosures heated from the side
the Rayleigh number is based on height. (no partition, Ap = 1). Both ref. [6] and the present
Figure 5 shows that the heat transfer rate decreases measurements extend the Ran domain in which the
drastically as the aperture ratio Ap decreases from heat transfer rate has been known experimentally [17].
-- -
---_.-- -.-'----- _.-
'V 'V 'V
I- 0 00
0 0
0 0
0 0
66 66 6
Nu o o:::fb dlP 0 ciJP
[: Present
I- Ap"h/H Ref.(el reltU,
I- I ----- 'V
-0 _0_.
I- 3/4
0 0 0 0
00000 1/2 ------
1/4 --- 0
118 C>
1/16 0
,0 I I I I I
10 10
10 II
FIG. 5. The effect of aperture ratio (Ap = hilI) on the net heat transfer (see also Table I).
Natural convection in a partially divided enclosure 1873
~ 1mberger [13] H/LO.02
... ..
<J <J
7 8 9 10
\0 10 10 10
FIG. 6. Summary of high Rail heat transfer measurement in a shallow enclosure heated in the end-to-end
However, as the enclosure aspect ratio HIL does not In an order of magnitude sense, the net heat transfer
seem to have a significant effect on the Nil-Rail rate Q is
relationship, the Ap = I data of Nansteel and Greif[6]
fall above what seems to be a general Nil-Rail curve in Q~ , (5)
the high Rail limit. A possible explanation for the 50% Rl/+R c
discrepancy between the Ap = I sets of data is that, in other words, using equations (3) and (4)
with an aspect ratio HIL = 0.5, the enclosure of ref. [6]
departs sufficiently from the behavior of 'shallow' Ra]j4
Nil = B 1 3/4 ' (6)
enclosures (HIL ~ 1). Another explanation is that in Ap +B 2
ref. [6] the heat transfer rate was measured via the where B t and B 2 are numerical constants of order one.
enthalpy drop experienced by the stream that heated Figure 7 shows that the data of Fig. 5 are correlated
the warm end of the enclosure, whereas in the present reasonably well by taking B 2 = 0.5; the projection of
experiment the heat input was measured directly these data on Fig. 7 suggests that the value ofthe leading
(electrically). Furthermore, the insulation heat leak coefficient B 1 is approximatelyO.336. In conclusion, the
evaluated in ref. [6] appears to account for a higher expression
percentage of the end-to-end heat transfer rate than in
the present experiment, where it was less than 10%(see Ra]j4
Nil = 0.336 3/4 05' (7)
also ref. [9]). Ap +.
correlates the present data for a non-conducting
5. HEAT TRA/Io;SFER CORRELATION partition in the range 1 < Ap < 1/16. The standard
deviation of the experimental data from curve (7) is
The strong heat transfer effeet of opening the
7.2%. The Nansteel and Greif data of Fig. 5 are
aperture Ap, documented here and in ref. [6], can be
correlated by an expression similar to equation (7)
predicted based on scale analysis. Focusing on the basic
where the coefficient 0.336 is replaced by 0.56 with the
heat transfer geometry shown in Fig. I, the convective
standard deviation of 5.8%.
heat transfer from Til to Tc overcomes two thermal
resistances in series. The first resistance is the thermal
boundary layer lining the entire hot wall 6. THE LOW RAYLEIGH /Io;UMBER LIMIT
H Ra- I / 4
R ~ II (3) The object oftheexperimentalstudydescribed above
11 k(HJV)' has been the high Rayleigh number regime in which the
where H Rail 1/4 is the scale of the thermal boundary enclosure heat transfer is dominated by convective
layer thickness and HlV the area of the hot wall covered effects. More insight into the phenomenon is gained by
by the thermal boundary layer. The second resistance is invoking the low Rayleigh number or conduction-
the thermal boundary layer along the top portion of the dominated limit. An analytical understanding of this
cold wall, where the strong convective cell makes limit is very useful in assessing the validity of numerical
contact with the heat sink simulations of finite-Rail situations [8]. Furthermore,
many spacecraft applications of the geometry of Fig. I
lz Raht/4 operate under 'near g = 0' conditions, hence in the
Rc~ . (4)
k(lz IV) Rail ..... 0 limit. The purpose of this last section is to re-
1874 NI ES CII UAS N. LI:-l and ADRIA N B r:JAN
I- 1/4
o 0.
'" 118
+ o 1116
Cl4 1- 0. o '---
Q 0.
O Q O QQ 0 0
Q ", & OQ~ QOfSlfJ Q? 'OC'D:J
FIG. 7. Heat transfer correlation for natural convect ion in an enclosure with parti al non-conducting vert ical
partition (see also Table I) .
port a pert urbation solution for the flow and tempera- are then
a2z a2z ao
ture field in the low Ra yleigh number regime. In view of
the small Rayleigh number, the perturbation solution RaL(iJ' az o' az )
is not rele vant to the high-Rau picture revealed by the
Pr ay ax - ax ay aX 2 + ay2 + ax' =
Table 1. Heat transfer measurements subject to boundary conditions oftype(18). Thi s system
was solved numerically, as discussed later in this
Ap Nil
section. With 00 and 'II 0 calculated numerically, the
1.74 51.17 0.376 first-order fields (0 1 , 'II I) are obtained next by solving
2.24 53.51 0.369 the system
3.38 50.71 0.315
3.74 56.72 0.344 8'0 eo; 8'0 eo; 8 20 1 02 0 1
3.92 61.11 0.366 oy ax - ax oy = oX2 + oy2' (22)
4.50 58.54 0.339
4.56 62.36 0.360 1 (81Po ez; 8'0 OZo) 8 Z1
2 2
8 Z1 COl
4.82 63.68 0.363 Pr oy ax - ax oy = ox2 + oy2 + 8X'
5.24 60.65 0.338
5.73 64.41 0.351 ZI = -V 2 ' 1' (23)
6.01 62.43 0.336
6.72 65.93 0.345 6.3. Results
7.03 65.21 0.338 The asymptotic solution (00' 'II 0) and its first
7.68 66.05 0.335
correction (010 'II I) were obtained based on a finite-
7.90 66.51 0.335
9.03 68.85 0.335 dilTerence approximation of the governing equations.
The computer program used in this part of the study is
1.50 23.15 0.391
1.92 0.364
listed in a thesis by Lin [18]. Initial guesses for
2.59 23.61 0.348 temperature, vorticity and stream function were up-
1/4 3.48 24.86 0.341 dated (improved) using the successive overrelaxation
4.48 26.07 0.335 scheme until the following convergence criterion was
5.58 26.80 0.326 satisfied
6.90 27.62 0.319
8.52 27.60 0.302
9.63 23.03 0.298
3.14 14.95 0.332
3.26 15.10 0.332
3.93 16.10 0.338 In the above criterion stands for 0, 'II or Z, and 111, II
4.26 15.21 0.313 and k for node coordinates and order of iteration. All
5.19 15.74 0.308
6.31 16.16 0.301 calculations displayed here were made using 111 = 22,
6.46 16.67 0.309 II = 11, H/L = 1/2 and Pr = 0.71 (permanent gases).
7.09 16.73 0.303 Figures 8(a) and (b) and Table 2 show the results of
7.60 16.52 0.294 solving problems (20), (21) and (22), (23) numerically.
8.05 16.85 0.296
The isotherms and streamlines of Fig. 8(a)demonstrate
8.915 16.99 0.291
that In the RaL -+ 0 limit the pure conduction
4.04 11.47 0.387 temperature distribution drives a counterclockwise
4.66 11.04 0.359
5.03 10.63 0.339
symmetric circul ation in which the fluid rises along the
5.30 11.48 0.362 heated wall. When the aperture is relatively open
5.55 10.99 0.342 (Ap = 0.7) the flow consists of a single cell, as the two
6.26 11.12 0.336 sides of the cavity exchange fluid very elTectively
6.59 11.59 0.346 through the aperture. As the aperture ratio Ap
1/16 7.01 11.29 0.332
7.26 12.26 0.357 decreases, the flow is reduced and severed into two
8.39 12.58 0.353
9.19 11.89 0.326 Table 2. Principal numerical values of the zero and first-
9.86 12.09 0.326 order solutions in the Ra L --. 0 limit (Pr = 0.71, lI/L = 1/2)
9.96 12.42 0.334
10.40 12.16 0.324 Function Ap = 0.7 .tip = 0.5 Ap = 0.3
10.96 12.35 0.324
max I 1
Substituting these expressions into equations (14) and mm o o o
(15), collecting the terms containing the same power of max o o o
RaL and setting such groups equal to zero, yields a '1'0 .
mm - 1.018 X 10- 3 -6.51 x 10- 4 -4.31 x 10- 4
sequence of problems, one for each power of RaL'
max 6.55 X 10- 3 3.27 X 10- 3 1.76 X 10- 3
The zero-order flow and temperature field (00' 'II 0)' 01
which is valid strictly in the limit RaL -+ 0 obeys the mm -1.25 x 10- 4
-5.22 X 10- 3 -1.87 X 10- 3
following system max 3.05 X 10- 8 3.02 X 10- 8 2.66 X 10- 8
'l'1 .
mm -3.05 X 10- 8
-3.02 X 10- 8 -2.66 X 10- 8
[LHS of each '1'1 plot in Fig. 8(b)]
H.'!T 26 :12-J
- --
l lli-
-- --
counterclockwise cells. The first-order correction to closes, the warm stream attains a single velocity
the temperature field, Fig. 8(b), amounts to a vertical maximum [Fig. 4(b)].
thermal stratification of the fluid. The first-order (2) Heat transfer measurements in the 'small'
correction to the streamline pattern has the effect of aperture range not studied previously (Ap < 1/4)
pushing the streamlines closer to the vertical demonstrate that the partial wall reduces significantly
differentially-heated walls, suggesting a gradual the net heat transfer between the ends ofthe cavity (Fig.
approach to the boundary layer regime as Ra L 5).The present 'air-gap' design ofthe partition has been
increases. proved effective in avoiding the heat transfer directly
through the partition.
(3) The present heat transfer measurements are
generally 50% lower than earlier results published for
This paper described an experimental and numerical Ap = 1, 1/4 [6], Figs. 5 and 6. The discrepancy may be
study of the phenomenon of natural convection in a attributed to three-dimensional effects, or to different
partially divided enclosure heated from the side. The degrees of heat leakage through all lateral walls.
experimental part of the study led to the following (4) The heat transfer data are correlated satisfac-
conclusions: torily by equation (7), Fig. 7, which is based On
recognizing the proper thermal resistance scales of the
(1) The flow field in the high Rayleigh number
regime ischaracterized by boundary layer upflow along
the heated wall, horizontal counterflow through the The numerical part of the study focused on the
aperture and trapped fluid on the lower cold side of the RaL -> 0 limit, in which it is possible to determine the
partition (Fig. 1). These features confirm those flow as an asymptotic expansion in 'Ra L small'.
described in earlier studies [5-7]. An additional The temperature and flow fields are displayed in Figs.
characteristic of the flow is the presence of two velocity 8(a) and (b), and their numerical characteristics are
maxima in the warm stream ofthe aperture counterflow summarized in Table 2. In the conduction-dominated
when the aperture is 'large' [Fig. 4(a)]. As the aperture limit the flow is symmetric with counterflow exchange
- -
. -
Ap=O.7 Ap=O.5 Ap=O.3
FIG.8(b). The first-order corrections to the temperature and flow fields, 0" '" ,.
Natural convection in a partially divided enclosure 1877
irough the aperture [Fig. 8(a)]. As RaL increases, the of natural convection in partitioned enclosures, J. lletu
nd boundary layers become thinner, while the fluid Transfer 10~, 527-532 (1982).
aroughout the cavity becomes thermally stratified 8. A. Gadgil, Comments during the Natural Conrection
Fig.8(b)]. Workshop (see ref. [4]).
9. R. Anderson and A. Bejan, Heat transfer through single
and double vertical wal1s in natural convection: theory
and experiments, Int. J. Ileat Mass Transfer 24, 1611-
Icknowledgements-N. N. Lin wishes to acknowledge the 1620 (1981).
nancial support received from Taiwan, China, in the form ofa 10. D. J. Baker, A technique for the precise measurement of
Iraduate Fellowship. The apparatus was designed by Mr Ren small fluid velocities, J. Fluid M echo26(3),573-575 (1966).
mderson for an earlier research project [9). The apparatus 1I. E. M. Sparrow, R. B. Husar and R. J. Goldstein,
{as constructed by Mr Karl Rupp and Mr Michael Hacker Observations and other characteristics of thermals, J.
nd the instrumentation by Mr Richard Cowgill. Fluid Mech. 41, 793-800 (1970).
12. R. Eichhorn, J. H. Lienhard and C. C. Chen, Natural
convection from isothermal spheres and cylinders, Proc.
5th lnt.Lleat Transfer Conf.; Paper NCI .3. Tokyo (1974).
REFEREl'\CES 13. J. Imberger, Natural convection in a shallow cavity with
differentially heated end walls. Part 3. Experimental
\. I. Calion, Natural convection in enclosures, Proc, bth 111/. results, J. Fluid Mech . 65(2), 247-260 (1974).
lleat Transfer Corf.; Vol. 6, pp. 13-43. Toronto (1979). 14. A. Bejan and R. B. Yewell,The effectof hydrogen bubbles
2. Y. Jaluria, Natural ConrectionIleat and Mass Transfer, on the thymol blue velocity measurement technique, lilt.
pp. 209-235. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1980). J.Ileat Fluid Flow 2(4), 201-20~ (1980).
3. S. Ostrach, Natural convection in enclosures, Adv. Heat 15. A. Bejan and S. Kimura, Penetration of free convection
Transfer 8, 161-227 (1972). into a lateral cavity, J. Fluid Mech. 103,465-478 (1981).
4. K. T. Yang and J. R. Lloyd, Proc. Workshop on Natural 16. J. Imberger, R. Thompson and C. Fandry, Selective
Conrection. Breckenridge, Colorado, 18-21 July (1982); withdrawal from a finite rectangular tank, J. Fluid Mech.
sponsored by National Science Foundation and 78,489-512 (1976).
University of Notre Dame. 17. A. Bejan,A.A.AI-HomoudandJ.Imberger,Experimental
5. A. Bejan and A. N. Rossie, Natural convection in study of high-Rayleigh-number convection in a horizon-
horizontal duct connecting two fluid reservoirs , J . Heat tal cavity with different end temperatures, J. Fluid M echo
Transfer 103, 108-113 (1981). 109,283-299 (1981).
6. "'1.W. Nansteel and R. Greif, Natural convection in 18. N . N. Lin, Natural convection in partially divided
undivided and partially divided rectangular enclosures,J. enclosures, M.S. Thesis, Department of Mechanical
Heat Transfer 103,623-629 (1981). Engineering; University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado,
7. S. M. Bajorek and J. R. Lloyd, Experimental investigation December (1982).
Resume-On decrit une etude cxperirnentale et analytique du phenornene de transfert thermique par
convection naturelle dans uneenceinte rectangulaire munie d'une cloison interne incomplete. Les experiences
sent conduites avec une enceinte remplie d'eau avec des parois horizontales adiabatiques et des parois
verticales maintenues ades temperatures differentes, Les mesures de transfert thermique et les visualisations
d'ecoulement correspondent aun domaine de nombre de Rayleigh 109_10 1,ades rapports d'ouverture hjl]
= 1,1/4,1/8,1/16etOouhet II sont la hautcurdel'ouvcrtureinterne(au-dessus de la partition)et lahauteurde
l'cnceinte. On montre que Ierapport d'ouverture hll! a un effetimportant ala foissur Ietransfert dechaleuret la
configuration de l'ecoulement. Le secondc partie de l'etude consiste en une analyse asymptotique du merne
phenomene, valable dans la limite des tres faibles nombres de Rayleigh. Les champs de vitesse et de
temperaturesontdanscecasdonnesgraphiquementpour lI/L = O,5,Pr = 0,71 etO,3<h/1I <O,7,avecLetPr
respectivernent la longueur de l'enceinte et Ie nombre de Prandt\.