Plate No. 2

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CED 314 – HYDRAULICS | 1st Sem.

SY 2024-2025



1. A vertical rectangular plate 1m wide and 3m high is 8. To what depth will a 2.50 m – diameter log 5 m long and
submerged in water with its top edge at the water surface. specific gravity 0.425 sink in fresh water?
Find the total pressure acting on one side of the plate and its
location from the bottom.

2. The submerged vector gate AB shown in the figure is one-

sixth of a circle of radius 6 m. The length of the gate is 10 m.
Determine the magnitude and location of the horizontal and
vertical components of the total resultant force acting on the
gate. 9. A wooden pole (sg. = 0.55) has a concrete cylinder (sg. = 2.55)
attached to the end. Determine the minimum length of pole for
the system to float vertically in static equilibrium.

3. The isosceles triangle gate shown in the figure is hinge at A

and weights 1,500 N. What is total hydrostatic force acting on
one side of the gate in kN, determine its vertical distance from 10. The cross section of a concrete dam is as shown. For a 1-ft
point B. wide dam section, determine the (a) resultant of the reaction
forces exerted by on the base AB of the dam (b) the point of
application of the resultant of part and (c) the resultant of
pressure forces exerted by the water on the face BC of the dam.

4. A closed cylindrical tank 2 m in diameter and 8 m deep with

axis vertical contains 6 m deep of oil ( = 0.8). The air
above the liquid surface has a pressure of 0.8 kg/cm2.
Determine the total normal force in kg acting on the wall and 11. The cross section of a concrete dam is as shown. For a 1-m-
its location from the bottom of the tank. wide dam section, determine (a) the resultant of the reaction
forces exerted by the ground on the base AB of the dam, (b) the
5. A vertical 10 m. ∅ circular gate is submerged half in oil (sp. point of application of the resultant of part a, (c) the resultant
gr. 0.8) and half in water such that its top edge is flushed with of the pressure forces exerted by the water on the face BC of
the oil surface. What is the total force acting on the gate. the dam.
Determine the distance of the total hydrostatic force from the
oil surface.

12. A wooden cylinder of = 0.6 and circular in cross-

6. The figure below shows a vertical circular gate in a 3-m section is required to float in oil ( = 0.90). Find the L/D
diameter tunnel with water on one side and air on the other ratio for the cylinder to float with its longitudinal axis vertical
side. a. Find the horizontal reaction at the hinge. b. How far in oil, where L is the height of cylinder and D is its diameter.
from the invert of the tunnel is the hydrostatic force acting on
the gate? c. Where will the hinge support be located
(measured from the invert) to hold the gate in position?

13. The cylindrical tank with a spherical endcap has an outer

radius of 2 m and a wall thickness of 25 mm. If the tank is
pressurized to 1.5 MPa, determine the longitudinal and
circumferential stresses in the cylinder, and the stress in the
7. A piece of wood 305 mm (1 ft) square and 3 m (10 ft) long,
weighing 6,288.46 N/m3 (40 lb/ft3), is submerged vertically
in a body of water, its upper end being flush with the water
surface. What vertical force is required to hold it in position?


CED 314 – HYDRAULICS | 1st Sem. SY 2024-2025


1. An open rectangular tank 3m long and 2m wide is filled with 6. A 375 mm high open cylinder, 150 mm in diameter, is filled
water to a depth of 1.5m. Find the slope of the water surface with water and rotated about its vertical axis at an angular speed
when the tank moves with an acceleration of 5m/s2 up a 30- of 33.5 rad/s. Determine (a) the depth of water in the cylinder
degree inclined plane. Also calculate the pressure on the bottom when it is brought to rest, and (b) the volume of water that
at both ends. remains in the cylinder if the speed is doubled.

2. An oil tanker 3 m wide, 2 m deep and 10 m long contains oil

of density 900 kg/m3 to a depth of 1 m. Determine the maximum
horizontal acceleration that can be given to the tanker such that
the oil just reaches its top end. If this tanker is closed and filled
with the oil and accelerated horizontally at 3 m/s2 determine 7. An open vessel in the form of a paraboloid having its vertex at
that total liquid thrust (a) on the front end, (b) on the rear end, the bottom is rotated at a speed of 85 rpm. At this speed the
and (c) on one of its longitudinal vertical sides. vertex of the paraboloid formed by the water surface was found
to be 1m above the vertex of the containing vessel. When at rest
the container contains 254 liters of water when full.
a.) Find the height of the open vessel.
b.) Find the radius of the open vessel.
c.) How many liters of water will remain in the vessel when
rotated at the above-mentioned speed?

3. When the U-tube is not rotated, the water stands in the tube
as shown. If the tube is rotated about the eccentric axis at a rate
of 8 rad/s, what are the new levels of water in the tube?

8. An open circular cylinder of 1m diameter and 2m depth is

filled with water and rotated about its axis of about 45 rpm.
4. A closed cylindrical vessel 3 m. in diameter and 6 m high is Determine the depth at the axis and amount of water spilled.
filled with water to a height of 4.5 m. The rest is filled with air, Also find the speed of rotation at which the central axial depth is
the pressure of which is 105 kPa. If the vessel is rotated at 191 zero.
rpm about its axis, determine the maximum and minimum
inside pressure at the base.

5. A cylindrical vessel, 0.30 m deep, is half filled with water.

When it is rotated about its vertical axis with a speed of 150 rpm,
the water just rises to the rim of the vessel. Find the diameter of
the vessel.


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