EC311: Fluid Mechanics Tutorial Sheet 01

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EC311: Fluid mechanics

Tutorial sheet 01

1. What is the position of the centre of pressure of a vertical semi-circular plane

submerged in a homogeneous liquid with its diameter d at the free surface?

2. A rectangular gate which is 2m wide and 3m high hangs vertically with its top edge 1m

below the water surface. (Ans: 39.24kNm2, 147.15kN, 2.8m)

a. Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the gate

b. Calculate the resultant hydrostatic force on the gate

c. Determine the depth at which the resultant force acts.

3. One end of a rectangular tank is 1.5m wide and 2m deep. The tank is completely filled

with oil of specific weight of 9kNm2. Find the resultant pressure on the vertical end and

the depth of the centre of pressure from the top. ( Ans: 27kN, 1.33m)

4. A sewer discharges to a river. At the end of the sewer is a circular gate with a diameter
of 0.6m as shown in the diagram. Calculate, (a) the resultant force on the gate caused

by the water in the river, (b) the vertical depth from the water surface to the centre of

pressure. (Ans: 3.365 kN, 1.221 m).

5. A radial gate, 3.5m long, whose face is part of a circle of radius 5.0m holds back water

as shown in the diagram below. Water stands to a depth of 2.0m above the top of the

upstream face of the gate. The other side of the gate is open to the atmosphere.

Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant hydrostatic force. (Ans

291.59kN, 16.90).

6. A manometer is used to measure the difference in pressure between two points in

each pipe, carrying water. Above the water in the manometer is pressurised air. The

manometer readings are z1 = 100 mm, z2 = 250 mm and h = 90 mm. What is the value

of ( p1 − p2 ) in each case, in Nm-2?


7. An unloaded pontoon being used in an estuary to transport construction equipment

has a mass of 15 x 103 kg. In plan the pontoon is 8m long and 5 m wide. It is rectangular

in section and has sides 1.5 m high. The water is salty with a density of 1025 kgm-3.

(Ans: 0.37 m, 255.06 kN).

a. Determine the depth of immersion of the unloaded pontoon.

b. Determine the weight that can be carried by the pontoon while still maintaining

a freeboard on 0.5 m.

8. A pontoon 15 m long, 7 m wide and 3 m high weighs 700 kN unloaded and carries a load

of 1600 kN. The load is placed symmetrically on the pontoon so that its centre of gravity

is on the lengthwise centre line at a height of 0.5 m above the deck. The centre of gravity

of the pontoon is assumed to be at 1,5 m above its base and on the lengthwise centre

line. Determine the metacentric height of the pontoon. (Ans: 0.07 m).

9. A rectangular pontoon 10 m by 4 m in plan weighs 280 kN. A steel section weighing 34

kN is placed longitudinally on the deck. When the steel section is in a central position, the

centre of gravity for the combined weight lies on the vertical axis of the symmetry 250 mm

above the water surface. Determine, (a) The metacentric height, (b) the maximum

distance the tube may be rolled laterally across the deck if the angle of heel in not to

exceed 50. (Ans: 1.02 m, 0.82 m)

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