Gen Phy 1 Quarter 1 Week 4
Gen Phy 1 Quarter 1 Week 4
Gen Phy 1 Quarter 1 Week 4
Grade Level
Learning Area
General Physics 1
Department of Education Teaching Dates and
WEEK 4 Quarter 1st/3rd
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learner demonstrates understanding of …
1. Newton’s Law’s of Motion
2. Inertial Reference Frames
3. Action at a distance forces
4. Types of contact forces:
a. tension, normal force,
A. Content Standards b. kinetic and static friction,
c. fluid resistance
5. Action-Reaction Pairs
6. Free-Body Diagrams
7. Applications of Newton’s
8. Laws to single-body and multibody dynamics
9. Problem solving using Newton’s Laws
The learner should be able to…
B. Performance Standards Solve, using experimental and theoretical approaches, multiconcept, rich-content problems involving measurement, vectors, motion in 1D
and 2D, Newton’s Laws, Work, Energy, Center of Mass, momentum, impulse and collisions
a. Define inertial frame of reference (STEM_GP12N-Id-28).
C. Learning
b. Identify action-reaction pairs (STEM_GP12N-Id31).
c. Draw free-body diagrams (STEM_GP12N-Id32).
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
1. Reviewing previous lesson Begin the lesson by asking Ask the students if they Ask the students if they Ask the students if they
or presenting the new students to recall what they have remember Newton's Third Law of remember Newton's First Law remember Newton's Third Law of
lesson learned about reference frames Motion and its definition. of Motion and its definition. Motion and its definition.
in previous lessons, specifically Introduce the topic of action- Introduce the topic of free-body Introduce the topic of action-
in the context of Newtonian reaction pairs and explain how it diagrams and explain how it reaction pairs and explain how it
physics. relates to Newton's Third Law. relates to Newton's First Law. relates to real-life settings.
Introduce the concept of an
inertial frame of reference,
explaining that it is a coordinate
system with a consistent method
of measuring time in which
Newton's laws of motion hold
Provide a brief overview of the
topics that will be covered in the
Explain to students that the
purpose of the lesson is to define
and understand the concept of Explain that the purpose of the
Explain that the purpose of the Explain that the purpose of the
an inertial frame of reference. lesson is to help students
2. Establishing the purpose of lesson is to help students identify lesson is to help students draw
Emphasize the importance of appreciate the application of
the lesson action-reaction pairs in different free-body diagrams for
identifying and working within an action-reaction pairs to real-life
scenarios. different scenarios.
inertial frame of reference when settings.
analyzing motion and applying
Newton's laws.
Show a video or a series of
pictures that demonstrate action- Show a video or a series of
reaction pairs, such as a rocket pictures that demonstrate
launching or a person jumping off different scenarios, such as a
a diving board. person pushing a box or a car
moving down a hill.
Show examples of objects in
motion and discuss how their
motion can be described
Show a video or a series of
differently depending on the
pictures that demonstrate
chosen frame of reference.
different real-life scenarios, such
Illustrate the concept of an
3. Presenting as a person jumping off a diving
inertial frame of reference using
examples/instances of the board or a rocket launching into
diagrams and visual aids.
new lesson space.
Provide real-life examples, such
Ask the students to identify the
as a person walking inside a
action and reaction forces in
moving train or a car moving on
each scenario.
a straight road, to help students
grasp the idea of an inertial
Discuss how the laws of motion Give the students a worksheet Give the students a worksheet
Give the students a worksheet
may not hold true in non-inertial with different scenarios and ask with different real-life scenarios
with different scenarios and ask
frames and how they can them to draw the and ask them to identify the
5. Discussing new concepts them to identify the action and
corresponding free-body action and reaction forces in
and practicing new skills introduce additional forces, such reaction forces in each one.
diagrams. each one.
#2 as centrifugal or Coriolis forces. Have the students work in pairs or
Have the students work in pairs Have the students work in pairs
small groups to discuss their
or small groups to discuss their or small groups to discuss their
Provide examples and scenarios answers.
answers. answers.
involving non-inertial frames to
help students differentiate
between inertial and non-inertial
6. Developing Mastery Engage students in an Divide the class into two teams Divide the class into two teams Divide the class into two teams
interactive activity to reinforce and play a game of "Action- and play a game of "Free-Body and play a game of "Real-Life
their understanding of inertial Reaction Pairs Jeopardy". Create Diagrams Pictionary". One Action-Reaction Pairs". Create
frames of reference. student from each team will categories such as "Sports",
categories such as "Everyday
Divide the class into groups and come up to the board and draw "Transportation", and "Everyday
provide each group with a set of Scenarios", "Sports", and a free-body diagram for a given Scenarios" and assign point
scenarios involving objects in "Transportation" and assign point scenario while their team tries values to each question. The first
motion. values to each question. The first to guess what scenario it team to buzz in and correctly
Instruct the groups to identify team to buzz in and correctly represents. The first team to identify the action and reaction
the inertial frame of reference identify the action and reaction guess correctly earns the forces earns the points.
for each scenario and explain forces earns the points. points.
their reasoning.
Have the groups present their
solutions and discuss their Mechanics for "Free-Body Mechanics of "Real-Life
reasoning with the class. Action-Reaction Pairs Diagrams Pictionary": Action-Reaction Pairs":
Provide feedback and a. Divide the class into two a. Divide the class into two
clarification as needed. Jeopardy: teams. teams.
b. Prepare a set of index cards b. Create categories such as
a. Divide the class into two or small pieces of paper "Everyday Scenarios",
teams. with different scenarios that "Sports", and
b. Create categories such as require drawing free-body "Transportation".
diagrams. Examples can c. Assign point values to each
"Everyday Scenarios",
include a person pushing a question.
"Sports", and box, a car on an inclined d. Ask a question from a
"Transportation". plane, or an object hanging category and the first team
c. Assign point values to from a string. to buzz in and correctly
each question. c. Each team takes turns identify the action and
d. Ask a question from a selecting a card and has a reaction forces earns the
category and the first limited amount of time points.
(e.g., 1 minute) to draw the e. If the team answers
team to buzz in and
corresponding free-body correctly, they get to choose
correctly identify the diagram on a whiteboard or the next question from the
action and reaction forces large sheet of paper. same category or a different
earns the points. d. The team must work category.
e. If the team answers together to accurately f. If the team answers
correctly, they get to represent all the forces incorrectly, the other team
choose the next question acting on the object in the gets a chance to answer the
scenario. question.
from the same category or
e. Once the time is up, the g. Play until all questions have
a different category. team presents their been answered or until time
f. If the team answers drawing to the class, runs out.
incorrectly, the other team explaining the forces they h. The team with the most
gets a chance to answer included and their points at the end of the game
the question. directions. wins.
g. Play until all questions f. The opposing team has an
opportunity to guess the Example questions for "Real-Life
have been answered or
scenario based on the free- Action-Reaction Pairs"
until time runs out. body diagram. 1. Identify the action-
h. The team with the most g. If the guessing team reaction pair when a
points at the end of the correctly identifies the person takes a step.
game wins. scenario, they earn points. 2. Identify the action-
If not, the drawing team reaction pair when a
Example questions for Action- keeps the points. snowball hits someone in
Reaction Pairs Jeopardy: h. Repeat the process with the the back.
other team selecting a card 3. Identify the action-
Identify the action-reaction and drawing a free-body reaction pair when a
pair when a person takes a diagram. baseball player catches a
i. Continue playing until all ball.
the cards have been used 4. Which of the following is
Identify the action-reaction or until the time allocated an action-reaction pair:
pair when a snowball hits for the activity is over. the normal force exerted
someone in the back. j. The team with the most on the car by the road
Identify the action-reaction
pair when a baseball
player catches a ball.
Which of the following is
an action-reaction pair: the and the downward force
normal force exerted on exerted on the car by
the car by the road and gravity?
the downward force 5. Identify the action-
exerted on the car by reaction pair when a
person jumps off a diving
Identify the action-reaction points at the end of the 6. Identify the action-
pair when a person jumps game wins. reaction pair when a
off a diving board. rocket launches into
Identify the action-reaction space.
pair when a rocket
launches into space. Note: The questions can be
adjusted based on the level of
Note: The questions can be difficulty and the topics covered
in the lesson.
adjusted based on the level of
difficulty and the topics covered
in the lesson.