Sci 8. DLL. Q1. W1 2
Sci 8. DLL. Q1. W1 2
Sci 8. DLL. Q1. W1 2
II. CONTENT Circular Motion (HOLIDAY) “Wall of Death” Round and Around We Go Independent Cooperative
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Pages: Pages: Pages: Pages:
2. Learner’s Material pages Pages: 17-18 Pages: Pages: Pages:
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from RTOT SCI 8 ppt, marble or RTOT SCI 8 ppt, nylon thread,
Learning Resources coin, ballon, glass. weight, rubber, stopper, ball pen
B. Other Learning Resources Stone, String ppt, video clip
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Present new lesson about Present previous lesson about Review previous lesson about
presenting the new lesson circular motion. the whirling object. the free diagram of circular
B. Establishing a purpose for the Describe the motion of an object Learners will able to illustrate a Learners will be able to
lesson in the activity. free body diagram of an object determine factors affecting the
in circular motion. speed of an object moving in
circular motion.
C. Presenting examples/ instances Try to whirl an object tied to Students will perform the Are you familiar with the
of the new lesson a string horizontally above marble lift challenge. Hammer Throw?
your head.
D. Discussing new concepts and Students will observe what The task of the group is to lift Learners will follow the
practicing new skills #1 happens if they release the the marble with an inverted procedure of the activity.
E. Discussing new concepts and object. How does it travel after wine glass or a wide-mouthed Consider the length of the string
practicing new skills #2 release? jar. and the time to complete the
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to If you remove this force by Learners will then answer the As the centripetal force is
Formative Assessment) either cutting or releasing the guide questions after increased, the speed/velocity of
string, you will observe that performing the activity. the moving body also increases
the object will continue to (becomes faster)
move straight and fly off.
G. Finding practical application of Entertainment show Wall of Wall of death stunt video clip.
concepts and skills in daily living Death ride.
H. Making generalizations and The whirling object accelerates The object is accelerating The velocity vector of a body
abstractions about the lesson not due to the change in its because it is changing its moving in circular motion is
speed but to the change in the direction of motion in every directed TANGENT to the
direction of its velocity. point in the circular path while circular path.
maintaining its constant speed.
I. Evaluating learning If you draw the lines of action of What will happen to the motion
all the forces acting on the board of an object moving in
and extend the lines, what will circular motion when the
you get? centripetal force “suddenly
J. Additional activities for Write the algebraic equation of Students may also apply the
application or remediation the net force. concept using balloon & coin.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on this formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor help me solve?
F. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?