Gen. Physics 1 W1

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DAILY LESSON Teacher RENLIE JANE P. PEDRONAN Learning Area General Physics 1
LOG Teaching Dates and Time November 7-11, 2022 Quarter 2


A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of: The learners demonstrate
Standards  moment of inertia and understanding of torque.
 angular position, angular velocity, angular acceleration
B. Performance
C. Learning Calculate the moment of inertia about a given axis of single -object and multiple -object systems Calculate magnitude and direction
Competencies/Ob (STEM_GP12RED - IIa -1) of torque using the definition of
jectives (inc. LC torque as a cross product
Codes) SLO: (STEM_GP12RED - IIa -3)
1. Define and describe operationally moment of inertia; and
2. Calculate the magnitude of moment inertia in a given system.
II. CONTENT Moment of Inertia Torque
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide p. 643
2. Learner’s Material Self-Learning Module 1
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource Portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Review lesson on inertia through Review lesson on moment of Recall how to solve moment of Recall how to solve moment of
lesson or presenting oral recitation. inertia through oral recitation. inertia correctly. inertia correctly.
the new lesson
B. Establishing a Read the given situations and Ask learners what makes object
purpose for the identify what it is. move in circular motion in a
lesson semantic diagram.
C. Presenting examples/ Ask learners to observe what Presentation of outputs.
instances of the new happens to an electric fan after
lesson being turned off or if they stop
stirring a coffee or tea.
D. Discussing new Discuss moment of inertia. Discuss torque.
concepts and Solve sample problems involving
practicing new skills moment of inertia on the board.
E. Discussing new Think-pair-share: Each pair Solve sample problems involving
concepts and solve a sample problem on torque on the board.
practicing new skills moment of inertia.
F. Developing mastery Solve a sample problems on
moment of inertia.
G. Finding practical Cite application of moment of
applications of inertia in daily living.
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making Ask learners to summarize what
generalizations and they learned through oral
abstractions about the recitation.
I. Evaluating Learning Solve sample word problem on
moment of inertia.
J. Additional Activities Draw or sketch a diagram that will
for Application or describe the moment of inertia in
Remediation a multi-system.

A. No. of Learners who A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who
earned 80% on the earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who B. _____ No. of learners who B. _____ No. of learners who B. _____ No. of learners who B. _____ No. of learners who
require additional require additional activities for require additional activities for require additional activities for require additional activities for
activities for remediation remediation remediation remediation
C. Did the remedial C. Did the remedial lessons work? C. Did the remedial lessons work? C. Did the remedial lessons work? C. Did the remedial lessons work?
lessons work? No. of _____ No. of learners who have _____ No. of learners who have _____ No. of learners who have _____ No. of learners who have
learners who have caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who D. _____ No. of learners who D. _____ No. of learners who D. _____ No. of learners who D. _____ No. of learners who
continue to require continue to require remediation continue to require remediation continue to require remediation continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well: Strategies that work well:
strategies worked _____ Cooperative Learning _____ Cooperative Learning _____ Cooperative Learning _____ Cooperative Learning
well? Why did these _____ Games _____ Games _____ Games _____ Games
work? _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation
_____ Answering preliminary _____ Answering preliminary _____ Answering preliminary _____ Answering preliminary
activities/ exercises activities/ exercises activities/ exercises activities/ exercises
_____ Discussion Method _____ Discussion Method _____ Discussion Method _____ Discussion Method
_____ Case Method _____ Case Method _____ Case Method _____ Case Method
_____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) _____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) _____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) _____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
_____ Rereading of paragraphs/ _____ Rereading of paragraphs/ _____ Rereading of paragraphs/ _____ Rereading of paragraphs/
poems/ stories poems/ stories poems/ stories poems/ stories
_____ Differentiated instruction _____ Differentiated instruction _____ Differentiated instruction _____ Differentiated instruction
_____ Role Playing/ Drama _____ Role Playing/ Drama _____ Role Playing/ Drama _____ Role Playing/ Drama
_____ Discovery Method _____ Discovery Method _____ Discovery Method _____ Discovery Method
_____ Lecture Method _____ Lecture Method _____ Lecture Method _____ Lecture Method
_____ Inquiry-Based Method _____ Inquiry-Based Method _____ Inquiry-Based Method _____ Inquiry-Based Method
_____ 1 Minute Free Talk _____ 1 Minute Free Talk _____ 1 Minute Free Talk _____ 1 Minute Free Talk
Why? Why? Why? Why?
_____ Complete Items _____ Complete Items _____ Complete Items _____ Complete Items
_____ Availability of Materials _____ Availability of Materials _____ Availability of Materials _____ Availability of Materials
F. What difficulties did I _____ Bullying among learners _____ Bullying among learners _____ Bullying among learners _____ Bullying among learners
encounter which my _____ Learner’s Behavior/attitude _____ Learner’s Behavior/attitude _____ Learner’s Behavior/attitude _____ Learner’s Behavior/attitude
principal or supervisor _____ Colorful Instructional _____ Colorful Instructional _____ Colorful Instructional _____ Colorful Instructional
can help me solve? Materials Materials Materials Materials
_____ Unavailability of _____ Unavailability of _____ Unavailability of _____ Unavailability of
Technological Equipment Technological Equipment Technological Equipment Technological Equipment
_____ Unavailability of Scientific _____ Unavailability of Scientific _____ Unavailability of Scientific _____ Unavailability of Scientific
Apparatus/ equipment Apparatus/ equipment Apparatus/ equipment Apparatus/ equipment
_____ Science/Computer _____ Science/Computer _____ Science/Computer _____ Science/Computer
Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory
_____ Reading readiness _____ Reading readiness _____ Reading readiness _____ Reading readiness
G. What innovation or A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who A. _____ No. of learners who
localized materials did earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation earned 80% in the evaluation
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III

Approved: Noted:


School Principal I EPS/Monitoring Supervisor

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