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St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering

Chunkankadai, Nagercoil – 629 003

Question Bank
Subject:ME22501 - Heat Transfer
Course Outcomes (COs)
CO 1 Apply the fundamental equations of heat transfer by conduction for plane and composite systems.
Apply the fundamental equations of heat transfer by conduction for extended surfaces, semi and
CO 2
infinite solids under steady state and transient conditions.
Apply the fundamental equations of heat transfer for free, forced and mixed convection over surfaces
CO 3
of different forms and orientation.
Apply the theoretical concepts of phase change during boiling and condensation, calculate the heat
CO 4
transfer of different types of heat exchangers and heat pipes.
Calculate the heat transfer by radiation from surfaces of different colours and orientation, show its
CO 5
electrical analogy and radiation shields
CL-Cognitive Level; Re-Remember;Un-Understand;Ap-Apply;An-Analyze;Ev-Evaluate;Cr-Create;
Question Marks CL CO
1. Define heat transfer. 2 Re CO1
2. What are the modes of heat transfer? 2 Re CO1
3. What is conduction? 2 Re CO1
4. Define Convection. 2 Re CO1
5. Define Radiation. 2 Re CO1
6. State Fourier's law conduction. 2 Re CO1
7. Define Thermal conductivity 2 Re CO1
8. Write down the three dimensional heat conduction equation in Cartesian co-ordinate
2 Re CO1
9. List down the three types of boundary conditions. 2 Re CO1
10. Write down the equation for conduction of heat through a slab or plane wall. 2 Re CO1
11. State Newton's law of cooling or convection law. 2 Re CO1
12. Define overall heat transfer co-efficient. 2 Re CO1
13. Write down the equation for heat transfer through composite pipes or cylinder 2 Re CO1
14. Write down the general equation for one-dimensional steady state heat transfer in
2 Re CO1
slab with heat generation.
15. What is critical radius of insulation or critical thickness. 2 Re CO1
1. Derive the general heat conduction equation in Cartesian Coordinates. 16 Ap CO1
2. Derive the general heat conduction equation in Cylindrical Coordinates. 16 Ap CO1
3. Derive the general heat conduction equation in Spherical Coordinates. 16 Ap CO1
4. A furnace wall is made up of three layers, inside layer with thermal conductivity
8.5W/mK, the middle layer with conductivity 0.25W/mK, the outer layer with
conductivity 0.08W/mK. The respective thickness of the inner, middle and outer
layers are 25cm, 5cm, and 3cm respectively. The inside and outside wall 16 Ap CO1
temperatures are 600°C and 50°C respectively. Draw the equivalent electrical circuit
for conduction of heat through the wall. Find thermal resistance, heat flow/m² and the
interface temperatures.
5. A steam boiler furnace is made of fire clay. The hot gas temperature inside the boiler 16 Ap CO1
furnace is 2100°C, room air temperature is 50°C, heat flow by radiation from gases
to inside surface of the wall is 25.2 kW/m², convection heat transfer co-efficient at
the interior surface is 12.2W/m²K, thermal conductance of the wall is 58W/mK, heat -- 2025&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=ME22501&… 1/7

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flow by radiation from external surface to surrounding is 8.2KW/m² and interior wall
surface temperature is 1080° C. Calculate the external surface

1. Surface Temperature

2. Convective conductance

6. A Wall is constructed of several layers. The first layer consists of masonary brick
20cm thick of thermal conductivity 0.66 W/mK, the second layer consists of 3cm
thick mortar of thermal conductivity 0.6W/mK the third layer consists of 8cm thick
lime stone of thermal conductivity 0.58W/mK and the outer layer consists of 1.2cm 16 Ap CO1
thick plaster of thermal conductivity 0.6W/mK. The heat transfer co-efficient on the
interior and exterior of the wall are 5.6W/m²K and 11W/m²K respectively. Interior
room temperature is 22°C and outside air temperature is - 5º C.
7. An insulated steel pipe carrying a hot liquid. Inner diameter of the pipe is 25cm, wall
thickness is 2cm, thickness of insulation is 5cm, temperature of hot liquid is 100° C,
temperature of surrounding is 20° C, inside heat transfer co-efficient is 730W/m²K 16 Ap CO1
and outside heat transfer co-efficient is 12W/m²K. Calculate the heat loss per metre
length of the pipe. Take ksteel=55W/mK, kinsulating material = 0.22 W/mK.
8. Hot air at 40° C flowing through a steel pipe of 10cm diameter. The pipe is covered
with two layer of insulating material of thickness 4cm and 3cm and their
corresponding thermal conductivities are 0.1 and 0.32 W/mK. The inside and outside 16 Ap CO1
convective heat transfer co-efficient are 50 W/m² K and 15W/m²K. The outer
temperature is 10º C. Find the heat loss per meter length of steam pipe.
9. A hollow sphere (k = 65W/mK) of 120mm inner diameter and 350mm outer diameter
is covered 10mm layer of insulation (k = 10W/mK). The inside and outside
16 Ap CO1
temperatures are 500° C and 50°C respectively. Calculate the rate of heat flow
througth this sphere.
10. A wire of 6mm diameter with 2 mm thick insulation (K = 0.11W/mK). If the
convective heat transfer co-efficient between the insulating surface and air is 25W/m²
16 Ap CO1
K, find the critical thickness of insulation and also find the percentage of change in
the heat transfer rate if the critical radius is used.
1. What is meant by steady state heat conduction? 2 Re CO2
2. What is meant by Transient heat conduction? 2 Re CO2
3. Mention the differences between the steady state and unsteady state heat conduction. 2 Re CO2
4. What is Periodic heat flow? 2 Re CO2
5. What is non periodic heat flow? 2 Re CO2
6. What is meant by Lumped heat analysis? 2 Re CO2
7. Define Biot Number. 2 Re CO2
8. Define fins or extended surface. 2 Re CO2
9. State the applications of fins. 2 Re CO2
10. What is the significance of Biot Number? 2 Re CO2
11. Define Fin efficiency 2 Re CO2
12. What are the different types of fins? 2 Re CO2
13. Define Fin effectiveness. 2 Re CO2
14. Write the expression for heat transfer through insulated fin. 2 Re CO2
15. Explain the significance of the thermal diffusivity. 2 Re CO2
1. A 12 cm diameter long bar initially at a uniform temperature of 40° C is placed in a
medium at 650° C with a convective co-efficient of 22 W/m² K. Determine the time
16 Ap CO2
required for the center to reach 255° C. For the material of the bar, k = 20 W/mK,
Density = 580 kg/m³, specific heat = 1050 J/kg K. -- 2025&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=ME22501&… 2/7

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2. An aluminium cube 6cm on a side is originally at a temperature of 500°C. It is

suddenly immersed in a liquid at 10°C for which h is 120 W/m² K. Estimate the time
16 Ap CO2
required for the cube to reach a temperature of 250°C. For aluminium p = 2700
kg/m³, C = 900 J/kg K, k= 204 W/mK.
3. A steel ball (specific heat = 0.46 kJ/kg K and thermal conductivity = 35 W/mK)
having 5 cm diameter and initially at a uniform temperature of 450° C is suddenly
placed in a control environment in which the temperature is maintained at 100° C. 16 Ap CO2
Calculate the time required for the ball to attained a temperature of 150° C. Take h =
10 W/m²K.
4. A copper plate 2 mm thick is heated upto 400° C and quenched into water at 30° C
and quenched into water at 30° C. Find the time required for the plate to reach the
16 Ap CO2
temperature of 50° C. Heat transfer co-efficient is 100 W/m² K. Density of copper is
8800 kg/m³. Specific heat of copper = 0.36 kJ/kg K. Plate dimensions = 30×30 cm
5. An aluminium plate (k = 160W/m° C, ρ = 2790 kg/m³, C = 0.88KJ/kg°C) of
thickness L = 3 cm and at a uniform temperature of 225°C is suddenly immersed at
time t = 0 in a well stirred fluid maintained at a constant temperature T∞ = 25°C. 16 Ap CO2
Take h = 320W/m² ºC. Determine the time required for the centre of the plate to
reach 50°C.
6. An aluminium rod 2.5 cm in diameter and 16 cm long protrudes from a wall which is
maintained at 260° C. The rod is exposed to an environment at 16°C. The convective
16 Ap CO2
heat transfer co-efficient is 15W/m² K. Calculate the heat lost by the rod. Take k =
7. A circumferential rectangular profile fin on a pipe of 50 mm outer diameter is 3 mm
thick and 20 mm long. Thermal conductivity is 45W/mK. Convection co-efficient is
16 Ap CO2
100W/m²K. Base temperature is 120° C and surrounding air temperature is 35° C.
Determine 1.Heat flow rate per fin, 2. Fin efficiency, 3. Fin effectiveness
8. A cylinder 1 m long and 5 cm in diameter is placed in an atmosphere at 45°C. It is
provided with 10 longitudinal straight fins of material having k = 120W/mK. The
height of 0.76 mm thick fins is 1.27 cm from the cylinder surface. The heat transfer
16 Ap CO2
co-efficient between cylinder and atmosphere air is 17W/m² K. Calculate the rate of
heat transfer and the temperature at the end of the fins if surface temperature of
cylinder is 150°C..
9. An aluminium rod (k = 204W/mK) 2 cm in diameter and 20cm long protrudes from a
wall which is maintained at 300° C. The end of the rod is insulated and the surface of
the rod is exposed to air at 30° C. The heat transfer co- efficient between the rod 16 Ap CO2
surface and air is 10W/m² K. Calculate the heat lost by the rod and the temperature of
the rod at a distance of 10 cm from the wall.
10. A rectangular aluminium fins of 0.5mm square and 12mm long are attached on a
plane plate which is maintained at 80°C. Surrounding air temperatureis 22° C.
16 Ap CO2
Calculate the number of fins required to generate 35×10-3 W of heat. Take k =
165W/mK and h = 10W/m² K. Assume no heat loss from the tip of the fin.
1. Define Reynolds number (Re). 2 Re CO3
2. Define Prandil number (Pr) 2 Re CO3
3. Define Nusselt Number (Nu). 2 Re CO3
4. Define Grashof number (Gr). 2 Re CO3
5. Define Stanton number (St). 2 Re CO3
6. What is meant by Newtonion and non-Newtonion fluids? 2 Re CO3
7. What is meant by laminar flow and turbulent flow? 2 Re CO3
8. What is hydrodynamic boundary layer? 2 Re CO3
9. What is thermal boundary layer? 2 Re CO3
10. What is meant by free or natural convection? 2 Re CO3
11. What is forced convection? 2 Re CO3
12. Define boundary layer thickness. 2 Re CO3
13. Indicate the concept or signification of boundary layer. 2 Re CO3 -- 2025&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=ME22501&… 3/7
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14. Sketch the boundary development of a flow. 2 Re CO3

15. Define displacement thickness. 2 Re CO3
1. Air at 20°C at atmospheric pressure flows over a flat plate at a velocity of 3 m/s. If
the plate is 1 m wide and 80°C calculate the following at x = 300 mm. 1.
Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness, 2. Thermal boundary layer thickness, 3. 16 Ap CO3
Local friction coefficient, 4. Average friction coefficient, 5. Local heat transfer
coefficient, 6. Average heat transfer coefficient, 7. Heat transfer.
2. Air at 30°C, at a pressure of 1 bar is flowing over a flat plate at a velocity of 4 m/s. If
the plate is maintained at a uniform temperature of 130°C, calculate the average heat
16 Ap CO3
transfer coefficient over the 1.5 m length of the plate. Also calculate the rate of heat
transfer between the plate and the air per 1 m width of the plate.
3. Air at 15°C, 30 km/hr flows over a cylinder of 400 mm diameter and 1500 mm
16 Ap CO3
height with surface temperature of 45°C. Calculate the heat loss.
4. Air at 40°C flows over a tube with a velocity of 30 m/s. the tube surface temperature
is 120°C. Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for the following cases.
16 Ap CO3
1. Tube could be square with a side of 6 cm.

2. Tube is circuit cylinder of diameter 6 cm.

5. In a surface condenser, water flow through staggered tubes while the air is passed in
cross flow over the tubes. The temperature and velocity of air are 30°C and 8 m/s
respectively. The longitudinal and transverse pitches are 22 mm and 20 mm 16 Ap CO3
respectively. The tube outside diameter is 18 mm and tube surface temperature is
90°C. Calculate the heat transfer coefficient.
6. Water flows inside a tube of 20 mm diameter and 3 m long at a velocity of 0.03 m/s.
The water gets heated from 40°C to 120°C while passing through the tube. The tube 16 Ap CO3
wall is maintained at constant temperature of 160°C, Find heat transfer.
7. A vertical plate of 0.75 m height is at 170°C and is exposed to air at a temperature of
105°C and one atmosphere. Calculate: 1. Mean temperature coefficient, 2. Rate of 16 Ap CO3
heat transfer per unit width of the plate.
8. A horizontal plate of 800 mm long, 70 mm wide is maintained a temperature of
140°C in a large tank of full water at 60°C. Determine the total heat loss from the 16 Ap CO3
9. A steam pipe 80 mm in diameter is covered with 30 mm thick layer of insulation
which has a surface emissivity of 0.94. The insulation surface temperature is 85°C
and the pipe is placed in atmospheric air at 15°C. If the heat is lost both by radiation 16 Ap CO3
and free convection, find the following: 1. The heat loss from 5 m length of the pipe,
2. The overall heat transfer coefficient, 3. Heat transfer coefficient due to radiation.
10. A thin 80 cm long and 8 cm wide horizontal plate is maintained at temperature of
130°C in large tank full of water at 70°C. Estimate the rate of heat input into the plate 16 Ap CO3
necessary to maintain the temperature of 130°C.
1. Define boiling. 2 Re CO4
2. What is meant by condensation? 2 Re CO4
3. Give the application of boiling and condensation. 2 Re CO4
4. What are the modes of condensation? 2 Re CO4
5. What is meant by filmwise condensation? 2 Re CO4
6. What is meant by Dropwise condensation? 2 Re CO4
7. What is Nucleate boiling? 2 Re CO4
8. What is heat exchanger? 2 Re CO4
9. What are the types of heat exchangers? 2 Re CO4
10. What is meant by parallel and counter flow heat exchanger? 2 Re CO4
11. What is meant by counter flow heat exchanger? 2 Re CO4
12. What is meant by Shell and tube heat exchanger? 2 Re CO4 -- 2025&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=ME22501&… 4/7

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13. What is meant by LMTD? 2 Re CO4

14. What is meant by Fouling factor? 2 Re CO4
15. What is meant by Effectiveness? 2 Re CO4
1. Water is to be boiled at atmospheric pressure in a polished copper pan by means of an
electric heater. The diameter of the pan is 0.38 m and is kept at 115°C. Calculate the
16 Ap CO4
following: 1. Power required to boil the water, 2. Rate of evaporation, 3. Critical heat
2. It is desired to boil water at atmospheric pressure on a copper surface which is
electrically heated. Estimate the heat flux from the surface to the water, if the surface 16 Ap CO4
is maintained at 110°C and also the peak heat flux.
3. A vertical tube of 65 mm outside diameter and 1.5m long is exposed to steam at
atmospheric pressure. The outer surface of the tube is maintained at a temperature of
16 Ap CO4
60°C by circulating cold water through the tube. Calculate the following:1. The rate
of heat transfer to the coolant, 2. The rate of condensation of steam.
4. A tube of 2m length and 25mm outer diameter is to be condense saturated steam at
100°C while the tube surface is maintained at 92°C. Estimate the average heat
16 Ap CO4
transfer co-efficient and the rate of condensation of steam if the tube is kept
horizontal. The steam condenses on the outsides of the tube.
5. In a counter flow double pipe heat exchanger, oil is cooled from 85°C to 55°C by
water entering at 25°C. The mass flow rate of oil is 9800 kg/h and specific heat of oil
is 2000 J/kgK. The mass flow rate of water is 8000 kg/h and specific heat of water is 16 Ap CO4
4180 J/kgK. Determine the heat exchanger area and heat transfer rate for an overall
heat transfer co efficient of 280 W/m²K.
6. In a counter flow single pass heat exchanger is used to cool the engine oil from
150°C to 55°C with water, available at 23°C as the cooling medium. The specific
heat of oil is 2125 J/kg K. The flow rate of cooling water through the inner tube of
16 Ap CO4
0.4m diameter is 2.2 kg/s. The flow rate of oil through the outer tube of 0.75m
diameter is 2.4 kg/s. If the value of the overall heat transfer co-efficient is 240
W/m²K, how long must the heat exchanger be to meet its cooling requirement?
7. In a counter flow double pipe heat exchanger, water is heated from 25°C to 65°C by
an oil with a specific heat of 1.45 kJ/kgK and mass flow rate is 0.9 Kg/s. The oil is
cooled from 230°C to 160°C. If the overall heat transfer co- efficient is 420W/m² °C, 16 Ap CO4
calculate the following. 1. The rate of heat transfer, 2. The mass flow rate of water, 3.
The surface area of the heat exchanger.
8. In a counter flow heat exchanger, water is heated from 20°C to 80°C by an oil with a
specific heat of 2.5 kJ/kg - K and mass flow rate of 0.5 kg/s. The oil is cooled from
110°C to 40°C. If the overall heat transfer co-efficient is 1400 W/m²K, find the 16 Ap CO4
following by using NTU method 1. Mass flow rate of water, 2. Effectiveness of heat
exchanger, 3. Surface area.
9. It is desired to use double pipe counter flow heat exchanger to cool 3kg/s of oil (Cp =
2.1 kJ/kg K) From 120°C. Cooling water at 20°C enters the heat exchanger at a rate
16 Ap CO4
of 10kg/s. The overall heat transfer co-efficient of the heat exchanger is 600 W/m² K
and the heat transfer area is 6m². Calculate the exit temperatures of oil and water.
10. A parallel flow heat exhanger has hot and cold water stream running through it, the
flow rates are 10 and 25 kg/min respectively. Inlet temperatures are 75°C and 25°C
on hot and cold sides. The exit temperature on the hot side should not exceed 50°C. 16 Ap CO4
Assume h₁ = h = 600 W/m²K. Calculate the area of heat exchanger using ∈ - NTU
1. Define Radiation. 2 Re CO5
2. Define emissive power [Eb]. 2 Re CO5
3. Define monochromatic emissive power [Ebλ]. 2 Re CO5
4. What is meant by absorptivity? 2 Re CO5
5. What is meant by reflectivity? 2 Re CO5 -- 2025&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=ME22501&… 5/7
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6. What is meant by transmissivity? 2 Re CO5

7. What is black body? 2 Re CO5
8. State Planck's distribution law. 2 Re CO5
9. State Wien's displacement law. 2 Re CO5
10. State Stefan - Boltzmann law. 2 Re CO5
11. Define Emissivity. 2 Re CO5
12. What is meant by gray body? 2 Re CO5
13. State Kirchoff's law of radiation. 2 Re CO5
14. What is the purpose of radiation shield? 2 Re CO5
15. Define irradiation (G). 2 Re CO5
1. A black body at 3000 K emits radiation. Calculate the following:

1. Monochromatic emissive power at 1 um wave length,

2. Wave length at which emission is maximum.

3. Maximum emissive power. 16 Ap CO5

4. Total emissive power.

5. Calculate the total emissive of the furnace if it is assumed as a real surface having
emissivity equal to 0.85.
2. A furnace wall emits radiation at 2000 K. Treating it as black body radiation,

1. Monochromatic radiant flux density at 1 µm wave length.

16 Ap CO5
2. Wave length at which emission is maximum and the corresponding emissive

3. Total emissive power.

3. Two large parallel plates are maintained at a temperature of 900 K and 500K
respectively. Each plate has an area of 6 m². Compare the net heat exchange between
16 Ap CO5
the plates for the following cases. 1. Both plates are black, 2. Plates have an
emissivity of 0.5
4. Emissivities of two large parallel plates maintained at 800°C and 300°C are 0.3 and
0.5 respectively. Find net radiant heat exchange per square metre for these plates.
Find the percentage reduction in heat transfer when a polished aluminium radiation 16 Ap CO5
shield of emissivity 0.06 is placed between them. Also find the temperature of the
5. A pipe of diameter 30 cm, carrying steam runs in a large room and is exposed to air at
a temperature of 25°C. The surface temperature of the pipe is 300°C. Calculate the
loss of heat to surrounding per meter length of pipe due to thermal radiation. The 16 Ap CO5
emissivity of the pipe surface is 0.8. What would be the loss of heat due to radiation
of the pipe which is enclosed in a 55 cm diameter brick of emissivity 0.91?
6. Find the shape factor F1-2 for the figure shown below. In the Figure the areas A1, and
A₂ are perpendicular but do not share the common edge.

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7. Two black square plates of size 2 by 2 m are placed parallel to each other ata distance
of 0.5 m. One plate is maintained at a temperature of 1000°C and the other at 500°C. 16 Ap CO5
Find the heat exchange between the plates.
8. Two black discs of diameter 62 cm are arranged directly opposite to each other and
separated by a distance of 125 cm. The temperature of the discs are 1150 K and 620
K. Calculate the heat flow by radiation between the discs for the following cases.
16 Ap CO5
1. When no other surfaces are present,

2. When the discs are connected by non - conducting surface.

9. Two parallel plates of size 3 m × 2 m are placed parallel to each other at a distance of
1 m. One plate is maintained at a temperature of 550°C and the other at 250°C and
the emissivities are 0.35 and 0.55 respectively. The plates are located in a large room 16 Ap CO5
whose walls are at 35°C. If the plates exchange heat with each other and with the
room, calculate 1. Heat lost by the plates, 2. Heat received by the room.
10. Two circular discs of diameter 20 cm each are placed 2 m apart. Calculate the radiant
heat exchange for these discs if there are maintained at 800°C and 300°C respectively 16 Ap CO5
and the corresponding emissivities are 0.3 and 0.5 -- 2025&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=ME22501&… 7/7

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