Redhill (EGKR) ACB - 2024 05
Redhill (EGKR) ACB - 2024 05
Redhill (EGKR) ACB - 2024 05
Redhill (EGKR)
Revision 2024/05 - Effective 16 May 2024
This brief summarises Redhill (EGKR) ATS procedures in place of a vMATS Part 2.
Redhill is a licensed Aerodrome that only permits VFR traffic. Traffic on VATSIM that wishes to fly IFR may do
so after leaving the Redhill Local Flying Area, but shall operate in accordance with the VFR rules for class D
airspace when within the Redhill ATZ.
ATC Positions
Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency (MHz)
Redhill Information EGKR_ATIS ATIS 125.305
Redhill Tower EGKR_TWR ADC 119.605
No significant obstacles exist.
Redhill has 3 grass strips for fixed wing traffic (25L/07R, 25R/07L, 36/18), 2 grass heli-strips (H25/07 and
H18/36) and an unlicensed paved runway (24/06).
A single runway is designated for fixed wing traffic – fixed wing shall not occur simultaneously on parallel
runways. Runway 25L/07R is always preferred due to its runway lighting and the unlicensed paved runway is
typically not used. The runway direction will be selected to avoid a tailwind component, with 25L selected in
calm conditions. When 25L/07R is in use, 25R/07L is used as a taxiway.
Helicopter traffic shall typically utilise the grass Heli strip corresponding with the selected fixed wing runway.
Simultaneous helicopter and fixed wing movements may occur. Helicopters may also request to use the
paved runway (for example during wet conditions for helicopters with wheeled undercarriages).
Runway 24/06 is an unlicensed paved runway and should rarely be used on VATSIM. In real life it is used for
fixed wing traffic when the grass runways are unserviceable.
VFR Procedures
Controllers should note that Redhill operates differently from other controlled aerodromes. Redhill ADC only
provides an ‘Aerodrome Control – Visual’ service and is not equipped with an aerodrome traffic monitor.
There is also no Approach Control function at Redhill. The following differences should be noted:
▪ ADC will pass traffic information, and exceptionally give orbits inside the ATZ, but due to Redhill
AIR’s limited traffic awareness, traffic is generally sequenced/held via Visual Reference Points (VRPs)
instead of within the circuit.
▪ Under normal VFR conditions, helicopters are provided ‘passive control’, see Helicopter Procedures.
VFR circuits are decided by the following table, and operate at a maximum of 1200 ft:
Runway(s) Fixed-Wing Circuit Direction Helicopter Circuit Direction Maximum Aircraft in Circuit
07 Left Right 4
18 Left Right 4
25 Right Left 4
36 Right Left 3
Example: “GGCES, hold D1, after departure right hand circuit, altitude 1200 feet”
In the unlikely event that orbiting is required in the circuit, aircraft will be instructed to orbit in the same
direction as the circuit to avoid airspace infringements. Giving orbits while in the circuit should be
considered a last-resort, as there is a high risk of causing traffic to conflict within the ATZ.
Given the variable pilot awareness of the Redhill Local Flying zone on VATSIM, ADC is expected to monitor
traffic in the visual circuit and take action if they are infringing Gatwick airspace.
VFR Departures
All departures from Redhill route to the North and leave controlled airspace. Southbound departures into
Gatwick airspace are never granted.
VFR departures are via the following VRPs:
Note 1: ‘North of Reigate’ is not a defined VRP but is approximately located at the midpoint of the
Buckland and Junction VRPs.
Note 2: Locally used names vary slightly from those published in the AIP. Clarification is included in
Departures will route via the appropriate VRP, not above altitude 1400 ft, utilising the Redhill conspicuity
Example: “GBMIV, standard Buckland departure, not above altitude 1400 feet, squawk 3767.”
When transferring departures to another frequency or unicom, ADC must ensure the traffic changes their
squawk code and instruct them to remain outside of controlled airspace.
Example: “GBMIV, squawk conspicuity, remain outside of controlled airspace, monitor unicom
VFR Arrivals
Runway Direction VRP
07 East Godstone (Godstone Junction)
West & North Buckland (Buckland Lake)
18 East Godstone (Godstone Junction)
West & North North of Reigate
25 East Godstone Railway Station
West & North Junction (M25/M23 Junction)
36 East Godstone Railway Station
West & North Junction (M25/M23 Junction)
Arrivals should call Redhill approximately 5 minutes before reaching a published VRP with their position.
Aircraft will then be told to report the correct VRP and assigned the Redhill conspicuity code 3767. Where
there is insufficient space in the circuit, arrivals shall be instructed to hold at a VRP.
Example: “GXAVI, squawk 3767, basic service, Redhill QNH 1012, report Godstone Railway Station”
After reporting the relevant VRP traffic will either be given a straight-in approach or an overhead join,
depending which direction they are approaching from. Overhead joins will be at 1400 ft – aircraft should
route overhead the downwind on a tight circuit. Aircraft in the overhead should be instructed to ‘descend to
circuit altitude 1200 feet’ as soon as practically possible. Delaying descent to circuit altitude must not be
used as a means of delay – delay should be absorbed outside the ATZ by holding at a VRP. Overhead joins
are not available for runway 36, or on other runways when operating SVFR.
Example: “GASNE, make straight in approach Runway 25L, surface wind 250 degrees 4 knots, report
Example: “GOECO, join overhead at 1400 feet for Runway 25L right hand circuit”
Helicopter-only Example: “Helicopter GM, join approved”
Figure 1 – Redhill VRPs and Controlled Airspace
Redhill ATC may require an aircraft to hold (or orbit) overhead a VRP before entering the ATZ. When holding
outside the ATZ, Redhill ATC will provide information regarding known traffic in accordance with a basic
service. Aircraft should not be given a direction to hold, this should be decided by the pilot.
SVFR Procedures
SVFR Procedures are only available from Runway 07R/25L.
The minima for SVFR fixed-wing operations are:
▪ visibility 3 km
▪ cloud ceiling BKN 700 ft
And for helicopters the SVFR minima are:
▪ visibility 800 m
▪ cloud ceiling BKN 700 ft.
Note: Helimed and other emergency operations are exempt from the rule above.
When an aircraft is operating under SVFR procedures, ATC is required to provide standard separation
between aircraft. This will either be achieved by:
• maintaining visual contact with both aircraft (on VATSIM this may be achieved through the use of an
appropriate ‘towerview’ simulator set-up) OR
• visually monitoring both aircraft on Euroscope (controllers should not use the Euroscope display to
provide any functions of an aerodrome traffic monitor) OR
• holding aircraft on the ground or outside the ATZ until separation exists
Example: “GTCHI cleared to enter the Redhill ATZ, Special VFR, not above altitude 1400 feet”
Fixed-wing SVFR circuits are not permitted due to separation requirements.
Redhill ATC is also responsible for ensuring departing SVFR aircraft’s separation, and the exit instructions will
be similar to those for VFR departures.
Example: “GBGAB after departure leave via Godstone, Special VFR, not above altitude 1400 feet”
Helicopter Procedures
Under normal situations, Redhill ATC has ‘passive’ control over helicopters in the VFR circuit – helicopters
should make position reports, ATC should acknowledge them, and no further action should be taken unless
Redhill ATC determines an unsafe situation developing. Redhill ATC will only issue positive take-off
clearances, which must be given at the end of each circuit before re-entry into the circuit.
Positive control should be suspended when SVFR operations are taking place anywhere in the vicinity of the
aerodrome, during the night or when the meteorological visibility is 4000 m or less. During these periods,
phraseology and the expectations of pilots revert to those used for fixed-wing pilots.
After making first contact, helicopter callsigns may be abbreviated with the word “Helicopter” and the last
two letters of the callsign. For example, “GOLMC” could be referred to as “Helicopter MC”.
Helicopter Groups
Helicopters are divided into the following groups:
Group Max Overall Length Wake Turbulence Category
1 13m Light
2 17m Light
3 23m Small
Two helistrips are available at Redhill – 07H/25H and 18H/36H. These are primarily for use by Group 1
helicopters. Group 2 helicopters shall operate to any of the hover squares when Runway 07/25 is in use, and
to the central hover square or the 08L numbers when Runway 18/36 is in use. Group 3 helicopters will
always use the runway in use for arrival and departure; ATC shall provide wake turbulence separation.
Outbound helicopters should air taxi to the aiming point for departure, and arrivals should let down to the
H. Departures may be instructed to air-taxi directly to the aiming point even with an arrival on final approach
– the aiming point and the H are sufficiently separated.
There are several other areas that helicopters can operate from defined by the Redhill Aerodrome website.
VATSIM only simulates those published on the AIP chart.
Simulated Location
Eastern Hover Square Eastern-most Hover Square, south of taxiway C
Southern Hover Square Hover Square contained within HTA 2
Central Hover Square Hover Square between HTA 3 and 4
Western Hover Square Western-most Hover Square west of taxiway D
Not Used Location
Area West West of 18H/36H on both sides of taxiway Delta
Eastern Sloping Ground Southeast of the Eastern Hover square.
Eastern Confined Area South of the threshold of runway 25
Western Confined Area South of the Central Hover Square
Western Sloping Ground Southwest of the Western Hover Square.
Aerodrome Control
Apron/Taxiway Restrictions
Fixed-wing aircraft may by instructed to taxi on any paved taxiway, runway, or additionally any grass north
of runway 07R/25L and east of runway 18H/36H when surface conditions permit. Fixed-wing aircraft must
remain south of G3 at all times, so to transit from H to E fixed-wing aircraft should be instructed to cross
runway 18 via G3 – they should not taxi around the paved taxiway to the north of the aerodrome, unless
surface conditions dictate. This is to minimise helicopter/fixed-wing interaction.
Helicopters are usually instructed to air-taxi along runway 18/36 to reach their intended lift location.
Helicopters may be instructed to air-taxi anywhere across the aerodrome when necessary, but Redhill ATC
should be cautious to make sure that at least 3 times the diameter of the helicopter blades is left between a
helicopter and another aircraft.
Redhill ATC only needs to issue the instruction to ‘cross’ a runway if the aircraft crossing is doing so between
the marked thresholds.
IFR Departures
Any departures intending to either join the ATS route network or cross the Gatwick CTR/CTA under IFR shall
be coordinated with Gatwick FIN. Traffic is to depart visually under either VFR or SVFR and will convert to IFR
when clear of the Redhill ATZ.
IFR Arrivals
IFR arrivals are not permitted to Redhill. Traffic leaving the ATS route network is to make a visual approach
under either VFR or SVFR.