London Gatwick (EGKK) vMATS Part 2 - 2024 02

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London Gatwick vMATS Part 2


REVISION 2024/02 - Effective 22 February 2024

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 PRE
Effective 22 February 2024

Distribution and Scope

This manual is for controllers of Gatwick Aerodrome and TC Gatwick positions, containing specific and local
procedures relevant to these positions. Controllers must be familiar with controlling procedures in the UK;
this manual should be read in conjunction with CAP 493 (MATS Part 1) and guidance on standard UK
Radiotelephony phraseology, detailed in CAP 413.

Exclusion of Liability
This manual is for use on the VATSIM Network only and should never be adopted for real world use.
The information published by VATSIM UK within this document is made available without warranty of any
kind; the Organisation accepts no responsibility or liability whether direct or indirect, as to the currency,
accuracy or quality of the information, nor for any consequence of its use.
Several procedures have been adapted or created using content published in the AIS (published and
maintained by NATS). Any information in this document does not constitute as a real-world replacement for
any official procedure / documentation set out on the AIS website, and any similar procedures set out here
or influenced by NATS’ content is written under the Limited License provided by the AIS.

This document has been written and proofread by a huge wealth of people, without which the development
of this document would not have been possible. On behalf of all VATSIM UK’s members, this acts as an
acknowledgement and thanks for their work.
This document includes material from the – now defunct – Gatwick ADC vMATS Revision 1, published 20
August 2017, and the Gatwick vMATS Version 3.4.0 published 10 September 2012.

The key words “SHALL”, “IS TO”, “ARE TO”, “MUST”, “SHOULD”, “MAY” are to be interpreted as described in
MATS Part 1 (CAP 493).

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 PRE
Effective 22 February 2024

Marked Changes
Changes made since the last release are marked with a black bar, as indicated, in the left-hand margin. The
changes are also described briefly in the table below.

Amendment History
Revision Effective Date Notes
22 February
2024/02 Updated 25MHz frequencies to 8.33 spacing; Removal of HARDY 5M SID (ADC 1.2.1)
Removed contingencies for retired conventional SIDs FRANE1X and ADMA G2X (ADC
7 September 1.2.1); Updated Flight Level Capping table with NIRIF, removal of Scottish TMA via
2023/09 LIPGO and addition of EGTE and EGFF (ADC 1.2.2); Updated route strings to Bristol
and Cardiff (ADC 1.6.5); Removed Relief SID time restrictions (ADC 1.11); MAY hold
updated with VOR radial change (APC 3.3);
Removed procedures for 2.5 NM spacing on final approach (APC 4.3.4). BEDEK 1G
STAR removed and replaced with SIRIC 1G (APC 3.2). Harmonised Speed Table
2023/03 23 March 2023 wording updated to match remaining UK documents (ADC 3.9.1). MSL table corrected
at high pressure (GEN 1.1.5). Removal of SRA procedures (throughout). VRP update
(LOW 2.2.1). Clarification of delay absorption procedures, GMP pre-notes and
departure releases (ADC 1.6, ADC 3.6, ADC 3.16, APC 5.9).
Updated northern runway operations restrictions (GEN 5.3.1); Updated procedures
2022/06 25 June 2022 for the use of straight pushbacks (ADC 2.2); New speed table introduced (ADC 3.9.1);
Addition of descent profile restrictions when vectoring for approaches (APC 4.3.2)
Removal of KENET route restrictions (ADC 1.2.1); New section Use of Holding Points
(ADC 2.7.1) detailing restrictions on the use of Northern Runway holding points;
2022/04 21 April 2022
Updated wording in ADC 3.10.1 to align with ATM use policy; Minor formatting
Clarified Land After (GEN 5.6) and Special Landing Procedures (GEN 5.7); Updated
table of flight level capping (ADC 1.2.2); Clarified restrictions on flights to Jersey (ADC
1.2.3); PDC updated (ADC 1.3); Stand Allocation updated to specify UKCP allocations
as default (ADC 1.9); Split GMP Operations (Gatwick Planner) documented (ADC
2021/12 2 Dec 2021 1.12); Pushback no longer permitted onto Stands 150-152 and list updated (ADC 2.2);
Code F Procedures updated and permitted stands corrected (ADC 2.4.1); Preferred
Taxi Routings updated (ADC 2.6); Guidance to AIR for handling aircraft vacating the
runway updated (ADC 3.5); Circuit Procedures documented (ADC 3.17); Valance
noted as closed (LOW 1.2.2).
Amended Definitions section; GLL section abbreviation changed to LOW; Additional
altimeter setting region information added (GEN 1.1.6); Noise abatement procedures
amended (GEN 2), minor formatting of GEN 3; CAT II/III holding points amended (GEN
3.1.4); TC Gatwick SPT controller logon amended (GEN 4.2); Northern Runway
instrument approaches updated (GEN 5.3.3); ATM procedures amended (ADC 3.17);
multiple changes relating to Route 4 NPR changes and subsequent withdrawal of
2021/02 25 Feb 2021
LAM 1X/FRANE 1X/ADMAG 2X and introduction of FRANE 1M/MIMFO 1M; multiple
changes relating to withdrawal of BIG SIDs and new non-standard clearance to
Heathrow/Northolt; Phraseology amended for flights positioning to the Thames
Group (ADC 1.6.2); Departure Runway Hold Point restrictions clarified (ADC 2.6.3);
Runway 08R/26L Take-Off Clearance restrictions introduced (ADC 3.5.1); Departures
Subject to Radar Approval matched between ADC & APC (ADC 3.16, APC 5.2)
2020/13 3 Dec 2020 Added note about high pressure (GEN 1.1.5); Updated STAR tables to reflect new
RNAV5 STARs (APC 3.2).

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 PRE
Effective 22 February 2024

Added table of flight level capping (ADC 1.2.2); inverted route separation tables (ADC
3.9.2); added guidance on transfer of traffic from INT to FIN (APC 2.2.3); added
2020/12 5 Nov 2020 additional release conditions for WILLO inbounds (APC; RNAV approaches
renamed RNP, and improvements to this section (APC 4.6); various other minor
changes for clarity and to formatting.
2020/08 16 July 2020 First publication

Introduction and Structure

The Gatwick virtual Manual of Air Traffic Services (vMATS) Part 2 is complementary to the MATS Part 1 ( CAP
493). Together, these two documents provide comprehensive instructions and information for Gatwick ATS
staff within VATSIM UK.
This vMATS has been divided into separate sections for ease of reference, each with its own three letter
identification code.
This document is divided into sections as follows:
Page Abbreviation Section
PRE Preface
GEN Unit General Operating Procedures
ADC Aerodrome Control
APC Approach Control
LOW Low Level Procedures (VFR & SVFR including Helicopter Procedures)

Time References
All time references within this document are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or Zulu time, unless
otherwise specified.
The UK observes daylight saving time in the summer months (British Summer Time, or BST), so the clocks
shift forwards by one (1) hour. In summer therefore, UK local time is one hour ahead of UTC/Zulu time.

List of Figures
Figure 1 – Suggested Taxi Routings – Westerly Operations........................................................................ 30
Figure 2 – Suggested Taxi Routings – Easterly Operations ......................................................................... 30
Figure 3 – Illustration of SID Tracks – Westerly Operations........................................................................ 38
Figure 4 – Illustration of SID Tracks – Easterly Operations ......................................................................... 38
Figure 5 – Gatwick RMA (3000 ft) ............................................................................................................ 50
Figure 6 – Gatwick RMA – Westerly Operations........................................................................................ 51
Figure 7 – Gatwick RMA – Easterly Operations ......................................................................................... 52
Figure 8 – Redhill Local Flying Area (LFA) .................................................................................................. 64
Figure 9 – Gatwick Visual Reference Points (VRPs) .................................................................................... 66

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 PRE
Effective 22 February 2024

Distribution and Scope ............................................................................................................................. 2
Exclusion of Liability................................................................................................................................. 2
Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................................. 2
Definitions............................................................................................................................................... 2
Marked Changes ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Amendment History................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction and Structure ....................................................................................................................... 4
Time References ...................................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures........................................................................................................................................... 4
Contents.................................................................................................................................................. 5
GEN | General Operating Instructions....................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 1 Altimeter Setting Procedures .............................................................................................. 9
1.1 Altimeter Setting Procedures .................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2 Noise Abatement Procedures ............................................................................................ 10
Chapter 3 All Weather Operations .................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Low Visibility Procedures (LVP).............................................................................................. 10
3.2 Windshear Warnings ............................................................................................................ 11
3.3 Meteorological Information .................................................................................................. 11
Chapter 4 Description of Airfield ....................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Aerodrome Geographical Data .............................................................................................. 12
4.2 ATC Communication Facilities ............................................................................................... 12
4.3 Radio Navigation and Landing Aids ........................................................................................ 12
Chapter 5 Use of Runways................................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Preferential Runway ............................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Use of the Northern Runway ................................................................................................. 13
5.3 Northern Runway Operations (26R/08L) ................................................................................ 13
5.4 Opposite Direction Departures/Approaches........................................................................... 14
5.5 Rapid Exit Distances.............................................................................................................. 15
5.6 Land After Procedures .......................................................................................................... 15
5.7 Special Landing Procedures ................................................................................................... 15
ADC | Aerodrome Control ...................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 1 Ground Movement Planner (GMP) .................................................................................... 17
1.1 Area of Responsibility ........................................................................................................... 17
1.2 Issuing Clearances ................................................................................................................ 17

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 PRE
Effective 22 February 2024

1.3 Pre-Departure Clearance (PDC) ............................................................................................. 20

1.4 Transfer to GMC................................................................................................................... 20
1.5 Flow Restrictions.................................................................................................................. 21
1.6 Flights to Local Airfields ........................................................................................................ 21
1.7 VFR Clearances..................................................................................................................... 23
1.8 Runway Change Procedures .................................................................................................. 24
1.9 Stand Allocation ................................................................................................................... 24
1.10 Departure Restrictions.......................................................................................................... 24
1.11 Relief Departures (WIZAD/TIGER/DAGGA) ............................................................................. 25
1.12 Split GMP Operations (Gatwick Planner) ................................................................................ 25
Chapter 2 Ground Movement Controller (GMC)................................................................................. 27
2.1 Area of Responsibility ........................................................................................................... 27
2.2 Pushback Clearance.............................................................................................................. 27
2.3 Runway Crossings................................................................................................................. 27
2.4 Taxiway Restrictions ............................................................................................................. 28
2.5 Non-Direct Taxi Instructions to Stand .................................................................................... 28
2.6 Preferred Taxi Routings ........................................................................................................ 29
2.7 Departure Runway Holding Points ......................................................................................... 30
Chapter 3 Air Control (AIR) ............................................................................................................... 32
3.1 Area of Responsibility ........................................................................................................... 32
3.2 Runway Change Procedures .................................................................................................. 32
3.3 Line Up Procedures .............................................................................................................. 32
3.4 Conditional Clearances ......................................................................................................... 33
3.5 Runway Clearances............................................................................................................... 33
3.6 Flights to Local Airfields ........................................................................................................ 34
3.7 Wake Separation.................................................................................................................. 34
3.8 Speed Limitation on Departure ............................................................................................. 35
3.9 Departure Separation ........................................................................................................... 36
3.10 Transfer of Communication and Control ................................................................................ 39
3.11 Aircraft on Approach ............................................................................................................ 40
3.12 Landing Clearance ................................................................................................................ 40
3.13 Arrival Spacing ..................................................................................................................... 40
3.14 Minimum Radar Separation .................................................................................................. 40
3.15 Missed Approaches .............................................................................................................. 40
3.16 Departures Subject to Radar Approval (Departure Releases) ................................................... 41

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.17 Circuit Procedures ................................................................................................................ 42

3.18 Use of the Aerodrome Traffic Monitor................................................................................... 42
APC | Gatwick Approach Control (APC) ................................................................................................... 43
Chapter 1 Area of Responsibility and Sector Organisation................................................................... 43
1.1 General................................................................................................................................ 43
1.2 Function .............................................................................................................................. 43
Chapter 2 Radar Directors – Operational Procedures.......................................................................... 45
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 45
2.2 Procedures for INT ............................................................................................................... 45
2.3 Procedures for FIN................................................................................................................ 46
2.4 Terrain Clearance and Obstacle Clearance Limit ..................................................................... 46
Chapter 3 Inbound Procedures ......................................................................................................... 47
3.1 Information to Arriving Aircraft ............................................................................................. 47
3.2 Standard Arrival Routes ........................................................................................................ 47
3.3 Holding Procedures .............................................................................................................. 48
3.4 Level Allocation .................................................................................................................... 48
3.5 Release Points...................................................................................................................... 49
3.6 Transfer of Communication Procedures ................................................................................. 49
3.7 Expected Approach Times (EATs)........................................................................................... 49
Chapter 4 Procedures for Intermediate and Final Approach................................................................ 50
4.1 Radar Manoeuvring Area (RMA) ............................................................................................ 50
4.2 Procedures for Intermediate Approach.................................................................................. 53
4.3 Procedures for Aircraft on Final Approach ............................................................................. 55
4.4 Action in the Event of a Missed Approach .............................................................................. 56
4.5 RNP Approaches................................................................................................................... 57
Chapter 5 Procedures for Outbound Traffic ....................................................................................... 58
5.1 General................................................................................................................................ 58
5.2 Departures Subject to Radar Approval ................................................................................... 58
5.3 Responsibilities .................................................................................................................... 58
5.4 Identification of Departing Traffic and SSR Validation ............................................................. 59
5.5 Non-Airways Departures....................................................................................................... 59
5.6 Standard Instrument Departures ........................................................................................... 59
5.7 Noise Preferential Routings (NPR) and Avoidance of Noise Sensitive Areas .............................. 61
5.8 Silent Transfer Procedures KK FIN to TC South........................................................................ 61
5.9 LTMA Positioning Flights ....................................................................................................... 63

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Effective 22 February 2024

LOW | Low Level Procedures.................................................................................................................. 64

Chapter 1 Airspace ........................................................................................................................... 64
1.1 Classification ........................................................................................................................ 64
1.2 Local Flying Areas within the Vicinity ..................................................................................... 64
1.3 Provision of Air Traffic Services ............................................................................................. 65
Chapter 2 VFR Operations ................................................................................................................ 65
2.1 SSR Code Allocations ............................................................................................................ 65
2.2 Gatwick CTR Transits ............................................................................................................ 66
2.3 Helicopter Operations .......................................................................................................... 67
Glossary................................................................................................................................................. 70

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 GEN
Effective 22 February 2024

GEN | General Operating Instructions

Chapter 1 Altimeter Setting Procedures
1.1 Altimeter Setting Procedures
1.1.1 Departing Aircraft
Departing aircraft should state the QNH on first contact with GMP, otherwise it should be
issued by the GMP controller. Aircraft should be informed of any subsequent change to the
QNH at the earliest opportunity.

1.1.2 Arriving / Transiting Aircraft

At or below the Transition Altitude, an aircraft’s vertical position will be controlled by
reference to the Gatwick QNH. Aircraft will be issued the QNH once cleared to descend to an
altitude by TC Gatwick, or with clearance to enter the Gatwick Control Zone. Aircraft should
be informed of any subsequent change to the QNH at the earliest opportunity.
1.1.3 QFE Threshold
The QFE for all runway thresholds is 7 hPa less than the Gatwick QNH.

1.1.4 Transition Altitude

The Transition Altitude (in the London TMA) is 6000 feet AMSL.
Note: From here on, unless otherwise specified, vertical references measured in feet
(ft) are to be assumed as altitudes AMSL.
1.1.5 Transition Level and Minimum Stack Level
The Transition Level (TL) and Minimum Stack Level (MSL) for the London TMA are
determined by reference to the following table:
Heathrow QNH (hPa) Transition Level (TL) Minimum Stack Level (MSL)
1050 – 1060 FL60 FL70
1032 – 1049 FL65 FL70
1013 – 1031 FL70 FL70
995 – 1012 FL75 FL80
977 – 994 FL80 FL80
959 – 976 FL85 FL90
940 – 958 FL90 FL90

Note: The classification of 1013 hPa as ‘high pressure’ in the above table differs from
MATS Part 1.
1.1.6 Altimeter Setting Region (ASR)
London Gatwick is situated within the Chatham ASR. The Portland ASR is located between
Littlehampton and Goodwood (GWC), and to the west of Midhurst (MID). The LTMA overlies

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 GEN
Effective 22 February 2024

the majority of the Chatham ASR and those parts of the Portland ASR in the immediate
vicinity. Aircraft operating under the LTMA shall be passed the London (Heathrow) or
Gatwick QNH.

Chapter 2 Noise Abatement Procedures

Noise abatement procedures are detailed in AIP AD 2-EGKK Section 2.21 and are applicable
to all aircraft except propeller driven aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of less than
5700kg (or less than 17000kg and Dash 7 aircraft in the period 0600 – 2330 local).
Aircraft subject to noise abatement procedures must be passed an ATC clearance that allows
compliance with the procedures, this includes non-standard departures.

Chapter 3 All Weather Operations

3.1 Low Visibility Procedures (LVP)
3.1.1 Enforcement
Pilots shall be informed when these procedures are in operation by ATIS or by RTF. ATC Low
Visibility Procedures shall be applied when one of the following weather conditions are
▪ The Instrumented Runway Visual Range (IRVR) or Met Visibility is less than 600m
▪ The cloud ceiling is 200 ft or lower (‘ceiling’ defined as broken or more)

3.1.2 Safeguarding Procedures

Safeguarding procedures are to be initiated when either of the following conditions are met:
▪ The IRVR is 1000m or less and forecast to drop into LVP.
▪ The cloud ceiling is 300 ft or below and forecast to drop into LVP.

When Safeguarding Procedures are enforced, departing aircraft are required to hold at CAT
III holding points, and an increase in arrival spacing is required as described below.

3.1.3 Instrumented Runway Visual Range (IRVR)

The IRVR is measured at three points along each runway: at the touchdown zone, the mid -
point and the stop-end. The minimum IRVR that can be measured is 50m and the maximum
is 1500m.
Only the touchdown zone IRVR value is published in METARs, thus the remaining two IRVR
values are ‘unknown’ to VATSIM network controllers. When LVPs are in force, pilots should
be informed of the reported IRVR and any subsequent updates.

3.1.4 CAT II/III Holding Points

When the ILS signal is to be protected to safely permit CAT II/III approaches (in LVP), the use
of Category III holding points is required.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 GEN
Effective 22 February 2024

The holding points to be used during Category II/III operations are as follows:
Runway Holding Points
Runway 26L A3 / M3 / C3 / Y2
Runway 08R J3 / H3 / G3

Note: Holding points J4 and J7 are intermediate holding points and may continue to
be used during safeguarding and LVPs.
3.1.5 Arrival Spacing
During LVPs, the minimum spacing used must be 10 NM (6 NM can be used if a gap is not
required for a departure). This is to ensure that aircraft have received a landing clearance by
2 NM from touchdown, exceptionally 1 NM from touchdown. During LVPs, aircraft require to
establish on the localiser at an early stage, therefore, aircraft must be vectored to intercept
the localiser at a range of not less than 10 NM from touchdown.

3.2 Windshear Warnings

Once turbulence or windshear has been reported to Gatwick ATC, AIR (or FIN where
appropriate) should inform all subsequent landing aircraft that windshear conditions have
been reported until confirmation has been received that the conditions no longer exists. On
VATSIM, this may be considered accurate if reported by two separate pilots.

3.3 Meteorological Information

An ATIS will be available on frequency 136.525 MHz. The ATIS shall be maintained by the AIR
controller, though this can be delegated to another controller. Aircraft are expected to
confirm the current ATIS information on first contact with a Gatwick station. When LVP are
in force this should be included in the ATIS broadcast.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 GEN
Effective 22 February 2024

Chapter 4 Description of Airfield

4.1 Aerodrome Geographical Data
Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP) Lat: 510853N Long: 0001125W
Elevation 203 ft AMSL
Transition Altitude 6000 ft AMSL
Safety Altitude 2300 ft AMSL (NE)

4.2 ATC Communication Facilities

Aerodrome Control (ADC)
Callsign Logon Callsign Abbreviation Frequency (MHz)
Gatwick Information EGKK_ATIS ATIS 136.525
Gatwick Delivery EGKK_DEL GMP 121.955
Gatwick Ground EGKK_GND GMC 121.805
Gatwick Tower EGKK_TWR AIR 124.230

Approach Control (APC)

Callsign Logon Callsign Abbreviation Frequency (MHz)
Gatwick Director EGKK_F_APP FIN 118.950
Gatwick Director EGKK_APP INT 126.825
Gatwick Director EGKK-S_APP SPT 126.825

Note 1: The combined APC units may be referred to in coordination as ‘TC Gatwick’.
Note 2: SPT must log-on using a hyphen (-) instead of an underscore (_), this enables
the correct sector ownership within EuroScope.

4.3 Radio Navigation and Landing Aids

Type Identifier Frequency Remarks
ILS 08R I-GG 110.90 MHz LLZ/DME 3 GP
ILS 26L I-WW 110.90 MHz LLZ/DME 3 GP

Chapter 5 Use of Runways

5.1 Preferential Runway
The use of Runway 26L/08R is always preferential to Runway 26R/08L. The northern runway
is unable to be used simultaneously with the southern runway and should only be used at
times when 26L/08R is unserviceable.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 GEN
Effective 22 February 2024

Runway 26L is the preferential calm wind runway when the tail wind component is less than
5 knots and the runway surface is dry. In a situation with a strong crosswind then the tail
wind component should be calculated, and the general trend assessed.

5.2 Use of the Northern Runway

During very light traffic conditions, following a request to land on, or depart from, the non-
duty, same-direction runway, or when an aircraft indicates that it must use the non-duty
runway for departure, permission may be granted subject to the following conditions:
▪ It is not to be approved for landing when the cloud ceiling is less than 2000 ft or
reported visibility less than 10km (see note).
▪ Before approval for an inbound flight is given, coordination must be effected
between KK INT and AIR.
▪ Aircraft movements on the promulgated runway are not to be delayed as a result
(see note).

Note: Points 1 and 3 do not apply to aircraft in an emergency.

5.3 Northern Runway Operations (26R/08L)

5.3.1 General
Runway 26L/08R cannot be used simultaneously with Runway 26R/08L due to insufficient
separation between the two runways. Aircraft must not make parallel approaches to these
runways. The Airbus A380 cannot use Runway 26R/08L for arrival or departure.
Selecting Runway 26R/08L is not recommended, even if mirroring real world operations.
Runway 26L/08R must be utilised in moderate to high traffic situations to avoid unnecessary
delay. GMC is never permitted to select Runway 26R/08L without AIR (or top-down control)
Aircraft should be taxied to hold at J8, N1, P1, Q1 or R1 on westerly operations or G2, H2, J2,
J5 and J6 on easterly operations. Taxiways AN, AS, M and P/N south of J are not available for
use. Aircraft on Z west of Z1 are considered to be blocking the runway due to their proximity
to the northern runway, and therefore GMC must not taxi departing aircraft to Z1 without
first coordinating with AIR. AIR may route inbound aircraft Z to hold short of W without prior
coordination with GMC, however they are to be considered blocking the runway until east of
5.3.2 Taxi Restrictions
Taxiway Juliet, between J5 and taxiway Sierra, is limited to use by aircraft of wingspan of
50m or below during take-offs or landings on Runway 26R/08L.
Taxiway Juliet, between taxiway Sierra and J8, is limited to use by aircraft of wingspan of
36m or below during take-offs or landings on Runway 26R/08L.
Example: The B772 has a wingspan of 60.9m. Hence, if a B772 was on final approach
whilst another B772 was on taxiway Juliet between J5 and J8, the B772 on final
approach would have to go around.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 GEN
Effective 22 February 2024

Taxiway Alpha November is not available as an entry point to Runway 26R when it is the
active runway.
Extra care should be taken to ensure that pilots to not accidentally vacate onto the southern
5.3.3 Instrument Approaches
Runways 26R/08L have published RNP approaches and by default, arriving aircraft will be
offered the RNP approaches, via ARPIT (for 26R) or MEBIG (for 08L). Surveillance Radar
Approaches are also available.
Aircraft are not permitted to perform an ILS approach to Runways 26L/08R followed by a
visual sidestep.
Increased spacing on final approach may be necessary in order to accommodate the
aforementioned taxiway restrictions.

5.4 Opposite Direction Departures/Approaches

Gatwick AIR will contact KK FIN to request a release for an aircraft intending to depart from a
non-duty runway in the opposite direction to the runway in use. Ideally coordination should
commence prior to the aircraft being ready for departure.
KK FIN and Gatwick AIR will agree a course of action that will ensure that standard vertical
separation will be maintained between any departures and any other conflicting, or
potentially conflicting aircraft.
If the aircraft is an IFR airways departure, KK FIN will then notify the relevant TC sector,
stating the runway to be used together with the aircraft's callsign and clarifying whether a
release will be required.
The KK FIN controller must ensure that standard vertical separation will be maintained until
the departure is airborne, under positive radar control and lateral separation has been
established between the departure and all other aircraft.
Due to environmental concerns, except for reasons of safety and the vectoring restrictions,
no departing aircraft will be restricted to less than 3000 ft QNH.
KK FIN will contact KK AIR to request permission before positioning an aircraft to land on a
runway other than the designated runway in use.
KK FIN must ensure that in the event of a “go-around” of an opposite direction inbound
aircraft; standard vertical separation must be maintained until positive radar control and
lateral separation has been established between the “go-around” aircraft and any other
Additionally, KK FIN must ensure that in the event of a “go-around” of an inbound aircraft on
the promulgated runway that standard vertical separation must be maintained until positive
radar control and lateral separation has been established between the “go-around” aircraft
and an aircraft being vectored to land on the opposite direction runway.

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Effective 22 February 2024

5.5 Rapid Exit Distances

Distance from the Threshold (m) 1318 1739 2194

Radius (m) 300 500 500

Design Exit Speeds (Kts) 38 49 52

Distance from the Threshold (m) 1323 1773 2069

Radius (m) 300 550 500

Design Exit Speeds (Kts) 38 52 49

5.6 Land After Procedures

Normally only one aircraft is permitted to land or take-off on the runway in use at any one
time. When the traffic sequence is two successive landing aircraft, the second aircraft may
be allowed to land before the first one has cleared the runway, in accordance with the
requirements of CAP 493 that:
1. The runway is long enough to allow safe separation between the two aircraft and
there is no evidence to indicate that braking may be adversely affected,
2. It is during daylight hours,
3. The preceding landing aircraft is not required to backtrack in order to vacate the
4. The controller is satisfied that the landing aircraft will be able to see the preceding
aircraft which has landed, clearly and continuously, until it has vacated the runway,
5. The pilot of the following aircraft is warned - the AIR controller will provide said
warning by issuing the second aircraft with the following instruction:
“ABC123 Runway 26R, land after the A319, surface wind 270 degrees 9 knots”
Responsibility for ensuring adequate separation between the two aircraft rests with the pilot
of the second aircraft.

5.7 Special Landing Procedures

When the runway is temporarily occupied, a landing clearance may be issued to an arriving
aircraft provided that the controller is satisfied that at the time the landing aircraft crosses
the threshold, the following criteria will be met:
1. Landing following a landing – the preceding landing aircraft will have vacated the
runway or will be at least 2500m from the threshold.
2. Landing following a departure - the departing aircraft will be airborne and at least
2000m from the threshold or, if not airborne, at least 2500m from the threshold.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 GEN
Effective 22 February 2024

Note: When both aircraft are propeller driven with a MTOW not exceeding 5700kg
the distances above are reduced to 1500m.
The phraseology differs slightly from standard land after phraseology:
Example 1: “ABC123 after the departing Airbus A320, cleared to land runway 26L,
surface wind 270 degrees 9 knots”
Example 2: “ABC123 after the landed/vacating Airbus A320, cleared to land runway
26L, surface wind 270 degrees 9 knots”
Special landing procedures may only be used under the following conditions:
1. During daylight hours only and when LVP are not in force,
2. When Runway 26L/08R in use,
3. When the controller is satisfied that the pilot of the next arriving aircraft will be able
to observe the relevant traffic clearly and continuously,
4. When there is no evidence that the braking action may be adversely affected, and,
5. When the controller is able to assess separation visually or by radar derived

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 ADC
Effective 22 February 2024

ADC | Aerodrome Control

Chapter 1 Ground Movement Planner (GMP)
1.1 Area of Responsibility
Ground Movement Planner (GMP) (“Gatwick Delivery”) provides full departure clearance to
aircraft departing Gatwick and is responsible for passing the QNH and verifying the aircraft
type of departing aircraft. The flight strip will be amended to ensure the correct flight rules,
temporary altitude, squawk, and voice tag are shown.
GMP transfers aircraft to GMC once ready for pushback/start up. Transfer of aircraft to GMC
will take place to allow sensible movement and departure sequencing and therefore GMP
should retain aircraft on their frequency where necessary to absorb delay.
On specific routes, GMP is responsibility with coordination with London TC, or sending pre -
notes to TC Gatwick. For a pre-note required at startup, GMP will issued these pre-notes
when transferring to GMC.

1.2 Issuing Clearances

It is the responsibility of GMP to issue clearances. Pilots should report the following
information when requesting clearance:
1. their stand number
2. their aircraft type
3. the ATIS information letter they are in receipt of
4. the current Gatwick QNH.

GMP should ensure that both the stand number and aircraft type are confirmed by the pilot
before issuing a clearance.
An IFR clearance should follow the format:
1. Callsign
2. Destination
3. Standard Instrument Departure
4. Squawk Code

Example: “ABC123, cleared to Manchester, Lambourne 6 Mike departure, squawk

GMP must obtain a full read back of the given clearance. If the QNH and/or ATIS Letter were
not correctly reported by the pilot, the GMP controller will pass this to the pilot.
Example: “ABC123, correct. Information Alpha, Gatwick QNH 1020”
On transfer to GMC, it is assumed that the aircraft has been informed of any changes to their
clearance and has been issued the latest QNH.

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Effective 22 February 2024

1.2.1 Standard Instrument Departures

Gatwick uses a combination of conventional and RNAV 1 SIDs.
RNAV 1 SIDs are clearly identifiable from conventional SIDs by their suffix: 'Z' for 08R
departures and 'X' for 26L departures. RNAV 1 SIDs are not available for use from Runway
26R/08L; conventional navigation SIDs will be issued by ATC for 26R/08L departures.
Pilots shall request an ATC clearance for conventional SID route if unable to comply with
( ) Conventional/non-RNAV SID
Alt: Alternate SID route
* Stepped climb

Route 26L SID 08R SID Remarks

BOGNA 1X (1M) - Available: 0600-2300 local only
5000 ft* Alt: SFD
CLN (FRANE 1M) FRANE 1Z Relief: DAGGA (CLN on request)
4000 ft* (CLN 5P)
5000 ft*
DVR (MIMFO 1M) ODVIK 2Z Relief: WIZAD (DVR on request)
4000 ft* (DVR 2P)
6000 ft
HARDY 1X - Available: 0600-2300 local only
5000 ft* Alt: SFD
KENET - (3P) RNAV 1 routes to KENET:
3000 ft* 08R: IMVUR 1Z N63 VOUGA N14
26L: NOVMA 1X L620 NIBDA N14
LAM (6M) 1Z (5P) Relief: TIGER
4000 ft* 5000 ft*
SAM NOVMA 1X IMVUR 1Z (SAM on request)
4000 ft 3000 ft*
SFD 1X (5M) 4Z (9P) 26L available 2300-0600 local
4000 ft* 6000 ft Alternative: HARDY, (U)M605, or

Note 1: There are only conventional (non-RNAV) SIDs available from Runways 08L
and 26R. The SID designators for these runways end in W and V, respectively.

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Effective 22 February 2024

1.2.2 Flight Level Capping

Flights to certain destinations are capped, generally due to operational reasons. Controllers
shall ensure adherence with this table, informing the pilot of necessary changes whilst being
careful to prevent the pilot from misinterpreting the change as an initial climb. Controllers
may inform pilots that, in some cases, it will be possible to obtain a higher climb from area
controllers – but this shall not be coordinated on the ground.
Destination Maximum FL
Belfast Group FL340 via LIPGO
Dublin Group FL340 via NIRIF/LIPGO/VATRY
except EHBK, Haamstede Group (incl. EHRD) FL210
and EHAM FL290 via REDFA
Brussels Group FL230
LSZH/MD, Lyon Group, Saint Yan Group, Strasbourg FL290 except via KONAN
Group, Chambery Group, Basel Group, LFLX
LFOB/OP, Roissy Group FL250
Lille Group, EBOS/FN/KT FL170

Group Includes (most popular destinations emboldened)

Dublin Group EIDW, EIME, EIWT

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Effective 22 February 2024

Roissy Group LFPB, LFPG, LFPT


1.2.3 Flights to Jersey

Controllers should note that, although the SRD indicates a maximum RFL of FL195 for flights
to Jersey, this is not an airport pair flight level cap. The following requirements exist for
traffic routing to Jersey:
▪ Airport pair level cap of FL295
▪ Even levels only between FL120 and FL200
▪ Odd levels only at FL210 and above
▪ Traffic routing via ORTAC or NEVIL is additionally restricted to FL180.
Note: During periods of heavy traffic in the London TMA flights to Jersey may not
achieve the requested RFL. Area Control will advise pilots once airborne.

1.3 Pre-Departure Clearance (PDC)

When both the controller and pilot are suitably equipped, a PDC may be offered in order to
clear pilots electronically. The operation of the controller PDC clients is explained in
operations guides for the separate options for hosting this facility – the TopSky plugin,
vStrips, vSMR and Hoppie’s ATC ACARS client host instructions as to how to use their
programs on their respective websites.
Alternative methods of PDC may be used unless otherwise notified.
1.3.1 Availability of PDC
PDC clearances will not be available (and should not be issued) in the following
▪ Up to half an hour before a runway change, to prevent the incorrect issuing of a SID.
The actual availability of PDC will be at the GMP controller’s discretion.
▪ When the route of an aircraft’s flight plan needs to be changed, or for expedition
due to a flow restriction on a certain routing.

Note: Should the GMP controller elect to continue issuing PDC clearances within the
30-minute period before a runway change they shall only issue manual PDC
clearances and deactivate auto-PDC. This is to prevent the inadvertent issue of an
auto-PDC clearance with an incorrect SID without the GMP controller noticing.
In all the above cases, the pilot should be advised by ACARS message to call the controller by
voice in order to obtain ATC clearance.

1.4 Transfer to GMC

GMP should use the following phraseology when transferring to GMC:
Example: “ABC123, hold position. Contact Gatwick Ground 121.805”

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Effective 22 February 2024

The phrase “start approved” should only be used when the pilot has requested to start an
engine on stand.

1.5 Flow Restrictions

1.5.1 Calculated Take-off Times (CTOT)
A Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT), sometimes referred to as a ‘slot’, is issued to a sequence
of departures as a long-term flow management system when there is a significant excess of
aircraft wishing to depart the aerodrome. CTOTs will usually only be employed as a method
of flow control on VATSIM during particularly busy events.
On VATSIM, the adherence to slot times is clearly not as important as the real world, and a
deviance of 5 minutes before or, 10 minutes after is typically required during events. Since
CTOTs are generally locally assigned, instead of being based on restrictions in Europe,
adherence rules as strict as this do not tend to be employed, although it may be deemed
acceptable to delay aircraft who have not met a reasonable CTOT.
GMP controllers should retain aircraft on stand until a reasonable time to facilitate the
meeting of a slot time in order to prevent both RTF congestion on ground frequencies and
the blocking of taxiways. The time for pushback and taxi distance should therefore be
considered when determining a suitable time to transfer the aircraft to GMC.
1.5.2 Minimum Departure Intervals (MDI)
During periods of congestion in the London TMA, TC may impose a Minimum Departure
Interval (MDI) between specified departures. The maximum validity of this MDI may be 30
minutes, at which point if further restrictions are required, TC will inform Gatwick A DC of a
new MDI. The MDI may of course be removed at any point.

1.5.3 Airfield Reasonable Departure Spacing (ARDS)

It is as much the responsibility of GMP to monitor the number of departures at the holding
point as it is the job of AIR. There is no formal flow restriction associated with the concept of
ARDS, but GMP must consider how factors such as the meteorological conditions will affect
AIR’s ability to maintain a reasonable departure rate.

1.6 Flights to Local Airfields

1.6.1 Delay Absorption
Whenever a clearance to an airport in the London TMA (including Southampton (EGHI) and
Bournemouth (EGHH)) is issued, then GMP shall initiate coordination with the receiving TC
departure sector to determine whether any delay on stand will be required. This
coordination shall include the callsign, destination, aircraft type and RFL. The TC sector
should respond with any delay (a response without specifying a delay may be interpreted as
no delay). Additional prenotes may be required (see the relevant section below).
GMP shall take the following actions depending upon the delay:
1. Less than 10 minutes: inform the pilot of the delay. No further coordination

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Effective 22 February 2024

2. 10 to 20 minutes: inform the pilot of the delay. Send a courtesy message to the
receiving TC sector when the delay is absorbed and the pilot is starting. (“GABCD
starting for EGLL”), no response is required from TC.
3. Greater than 20 minutes: TC to specify “greater than 20 minutes” or “delay not
determined”. GMP to inform pilot of “delay not determined, at least 20 minutes”
and ask whether they wish to proceed. GMP to re-coordinate at 20 minutes with TC.
In the event the relevant LTC sector is offline, the receiving APC unit shall receive this
In most situations, this coordination should ideally take place via text communication.
1.6.2 Flights to the Thames Group
Flights positioning to an airport within the Thames Group (London City, Biggin Hill and
Southend) shall be cleared on a FRANE departure (CLN if conventional SID required), which
shall terminate at DET and at 4000 ft.
Example: “ABC123 is cleared to London City on a FRANE 1M departure terminating
at DET then route direct GODLU, maintain altitude 4000 ft, squawk 1234.”
Departures positioning to an airport within the Thames Group shall be pre -noted to KK FIN
by GMP on startup and the delay absorption procedure followed with TC South East. In the
absence of TC SE, the delay absorption procedure shall be followed with Thames.
The requested flight level (RFL) shall be at least MSL.

1.6.3 Flights to London Heathrow/RAF Northolt

Flight Plan Routing: BIG
Flights positioning to London/Heathrow (EGLL) and RAF Northolt (EGWU) shall flight plan via
BIG but shall be passed the following non-standard clearance:
Runways 26L/R: Climb straight ahead to I-WW 2.3 DME, then turn right heading 075, climb
to altitude 4000 ft.
Note: Aircraft departing Runways 26L/R must be restricted to 220 knots or less to
ensure the initial right-hand turn remains within the noise preferential route.
Runways 08L/R: Climb straight ahead to I-GG 5 DME, then turn right heading 090, climb to
altitude 6000 ft.
Example: “Speedbird 9056, cleared to Heathrow via Biggin, after departure runway
26L climb straight ahead to I-WW 2.3 DME, then turn right heading 075, climb to
altitude 4000 ft, speed 220 knots or less, squawk 4624.”
Departures positioning to London/Heathrow and RAF Northolt shall be pre -noted to KK FIN
by GMP on startup and the delay absorption procedure followed with TC South East, the
non-standard clearance shall be passed without requiring additional coordination. In the
absence of TC South East, with the delay absorption procedure shall be followed with LL INT

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Effective 22 February 2024

The requested flight level (RFL) shall be at least MSL.

1.6.4 Flights to the Essex Group

Flight Plan Routing: DET
Flights positioning to an airport within the Essex Group (Stansted, Luton, Cambridge) shall be
cleared on a FRANE departure, which shall terminate at DET, to then join the DET 1A arrival.
Example: “ABC123 is cleared to Stansted on a FRANE 1M departure terminating at
DET, squawk 1234.”
The delay absorption procedure shall be followed with TC South East. In the absence of TC
South East (or top-down), coordination will take place with TC North East (or top-down). In
the absence of both controllers, coordination is not required with Stansted.
The requested flight level (RFL) shall be at least MSL.
1.6.5 Other Airfields
To Farnborough:
The delay absorption procedure shall be followed with TC SW.
To Southampton (EGHI) and Bournemouth (EGHH):
The delay absorption procedure shall be followed with TC SW.
To Cardiff (EGFF):
No coordination required.
To Bristol (EGGD):
No coordination required

1.7 VFR Clearances

When a VFR aircraft requests clearance from Gatwick to an airfield outside of the Gatwick
CTR or Redhill, GMP shall request clearance from KK FIN.
GMP should obtain the full clearance request which includes the aircraft’s type, destination
and intended routing. Once KK FIN has issued a full clearance, it is the responsibility of GMP
to pass this clearance (in full) to the pilot.
Example: “GVUKA cleared to leave the Gatwick Control Zone via the Dorking VRP,
not above altitude 1500 ft, VFR, squawk 3750”
Once clearance has been issued, the aircraft should be handed to GMC when the pilot
requests start.

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Effective 22 February 2024

1.8 Runway Change Procedures

When GMP is informed of a planned runway change by AIR, AIR and GMP should coordinate
to agree on the last departure from the current runway; AIR will need to inform TC Gatwick
of the last 3 departures (or fewer when there are less than 3 active departures). GMC should
be informed of the decision.
In the case that aircraft which have already been cleared will be departing from the new
duty runway, these aircraft will need to be re-cleared. If the aircraft is still on the GMP
controller’s frequency, then they may issue the new clearance. If the aircraft has already
moved to a GMC / AIR frequency, GMP must arrange the re-clearing of the aircraft. The
aircraft will need to either:
▪ re-contact GMP for an amended clearance; or
▪ get a clearance relayed by GMC or AIR which has been issued by GMP.

1.9 Stand Allocation

Stand allocation with normally be performed automatically by UKCP
In the event of a UKCP failure it is the responsibility of the GMP controller to assign stands to
aircraft based off the London Gatwick Stand Allocation Guide. It is imperative that aircraft
are assigned stands in a timely manner to allow appropriate coordination between AIR and
GMC to occur where there are several options for taxi instructions before transfer to GMC.

1.10 Departure Restrictions

GMP is required to be aware of departure restrictions on all Standard Instrument Departure
(SIDs) with regards to SID availability. These are as included in the section below.

1.10.1 Departures via SFD/BOGNA/HARDY

When Runway 26L is the active runway, BOGNA and HARDY departures are not to be issued
between 2300 local and 0559 local due to noise abatement. During these hours, aircraft
should be issued with the appropriate SFD SID.
SFD departures from Runway 26L are not to be issued between 0600 local and 2259 local
due to noise abatement. During these hours, aircraft should be issued with the appropriate
There are no restrictions on SFD departures during easterly operations. Traffic filing via
BOGNA/HARDY when 08R/08L is in use should be issued a SFD SID.
1.10.2 Departures via BIG VOR
Due to airspace design, aircraft are only permitted to file via Biggin (BIG) when performing
an intra-TMA positioning flight to London/Heathrow or RAF Northolt. Traffic should be re-
routed via LAM.

1.10.3 Departures via KENET

Due to flight planning restrictions, and unless notified otherwise by a temporary operating
notice, aircraft are only permitted to file via KENET (or NOVMA … KENET) when flying to the

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Effective 22 February 2024

South West of the United Kingdom or to the Irish Republic. Transatlantic flights should
typically route via LAM or SAM.

1.11 Relief Departures (WIZAD/TIGER/DAGGA)

During times of congestion in the London TMA, TC Gatwick or London may request
(following coordination with ADC and APC) for aircraft to be routed via relief departures
(WIZAD, TIGER, DAGGA). Relief departures can be used on westerly operations; however,
they are only to be assigned by ATC and may not be filed by pilots. Pilots may be offered the
alternative SID during the late stages of taxi and need to inform ATC if unable to accept the
revised clearance and remain with the original clearance.

1.12 Split GMP Operations (Gatwick Planner)

It is possible to split the operation of GMP into separate positions to enable departure flow
management to be planned and managed by a separate controller.
Callsign Logon Callsign Abbreviation Frequency (MHz)
Gatwick Planner EGKK_P_GND PLN 134.230

Note: Although a split of GMP, Planner shall connect with an _GND logon to prevent
pilots from inadvertently calling Planner instead of GMP for clearance.
Responsibilities for the Planner controller are to ensure that those of the delivery controller
can be fulfilled during busier periods of workload. Specifically, the Planner controller is to
▪ The forward planning of the departure flow to maintain airfield reasonable
departure spacing (ARDS) and to achieve all flow restrictions.
▪ The updating of slot sequence numbers and informing pilots of delays.
▪ The transfer of aircraft to GMC in accordance with assigned slots.
When Planner is split from GMP the following sequence of events will take place:
1. Aircraft calls GMP for clearance and is cleared.
2. Once the pilot has correctly read back the clearance they shall be instructed to
report ready.
3. When the pilot reports ready they shall be transferred to Planner.
4. Planner shall allocate the aircraft a slot sequence number and may inform the pilot
of the estimated delay/start time/position in the queue.
5. When the aircraft is the next aircraft that will push/start Planner shall instruct the
pilot to hold position and contact GMC - Planner will append /ST to the stand
number in the scratchpad, for example 132/ST - this indicates to GMC that the
aircraft has been appropriately transferred from Planner and hasn’t “skipped the
Note: If an aircraft is on a route that is not subject to delay they should still be
transferred to Planner however Planner will not allocate a slot number and transfer
the aircraft to GMC when appropriate considering overall flow and airfield
reasonable departure spacing (ARDS) requirements.
Planner may only be opened:

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 ADC
Effective 22 February 2024

▪ During periods of significant outbound delay, and

▪ Only once ADC has been split to the GMP/GMC/AIR level, and
▪ Only with the agreement of the GMP and GMC controllers.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 ADC
Effective 22 February 2024

Chapter 2 Ground Movement Controller (GMC)

2.1 Area of Responsibility
Ground Movement Controller (GMC) (“Gatwick Ground”) is responsible for the movement of
aircraft on the apron and taxiways except on taxiway Yankee between Y3 and W1. Aircraft
will be given pushback instructions when required. Departures will be taxied to the runway
holding point and handed to AIR as early as possible, clear of potential conflicts. Arrivals will
be taxied to stand. In the absence of GMP then GMC is responsible for the GMP functions.

2.1.1 Departure Handoffs

Aircraft should be handed to AIR with reasonable timing to prevent excessive delays and to
allow AIR to sequence aircraft effectively.

2.2 Pushback Clearance

Aircraft will request push when ready from GMP, who will instruct the aircraft to hold
position and contact GMC. Clearance to push must include the stand number of the aircraft
being given clearance. This improves situational awareness of nearby aircraft by notifying
them of the movement.
Example: “ABC123 stand 24, push and start approved face east”
Aircraft shall be given the direction of pushback as part of the clearance, which must be onto
an adjoining taxiway centreline except, if required, aircraft may be pushed onto Stands 41
and 43 and aircraft of size Code C or smaller may be given a straight-back push:
▪ South of Pier 2, Stands 18-28: push to face north
▪ Stands 554-560: push to face east
Example: “ABC123 stand 20, push and start approved straight back facing north”
Start clearance will be provided once the aircraft is ready for pushback. Turbine aircraft shall
be passed the outside air temperature. Single engine piston aircraft and smaller GA/business
aircraft may not need pushback as they can taxi straight off stand. Aircraft may be instructed
to push back onto another stand facing out if they have a slot to wait for so as not to
obstruct the taxiway.
To allow another aircraft to taxi out or into an adjacent stand, aircraft may be instructed to
carry out a ‘long push’ to abeam a specific stand.
Example: “ABC123 stand 18, push and start approved, long pushback abeam stand 12,
facing west”

2.3 Runway Crossings

When aircraft are required to hold short of a runway prior to crossing, GMC shall append
“hold short runway [runway]”, even though an instruction to hold at a holding point may
have already been issued.
Example: “GVUKA taxi to holding point Y1 via Y, hold short runway 26L.”

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Effective 22 February 2024

GMC may not cross traffic across an active runway. Crossing clearances must be issued by
AIR on an AIR frequency, following the hand off procedure detailed above.
AIR will agree a suitable taxi instruction and frequency for the traffic to be handed back to,
though in some cases (26R departures crossing to the north side) the traffic may be suitably
kept on the AIR frequency.

2.4 Taxiway Restrictions

2.4.1 Code F Ground Movements
The stands capable of handling Code F aircraft (Airbus A380 and Boeing 747-800):
▪ 172M (Taxiway Sierra)
▪ 234M and 235M (Uniform Apron)
▪ 558 (Pier 5 – Taxiway Quebec Alpha) – some sceneries may not reflect this.

For Code F compatible taxiways, see eAIP chart AD 2.EGKK-2-1.

2.4.2 General Restrictions

Restrictions are as stated in eAIP AD EGKK Section 2.20.2.
2.4.3 Taxiway Restrictions
The following taxiway restrictions apply:
Location Restriction
Taxiway L, between junctions with Sub-standard wingtip clearance for aircraft with
Taxiways R and S wingspans between 52 m and 65 m
Taxiway L beyond Stand 36 Stands 37 and 38 cannot be accessed by
aircraft with a wingspan in excess of 61 m
Taxiway J, East of Taxiway N and Code E aircraft not permitted
Taxiway Z

Taxiway Y abeam Pier 1 and Y4 to Y3 All large aircraft must be under tow
Taxiway Y from its junction with Maximum Code C
Taxiway M to abeam the windsleeve

2.5 Non-Direct Taxi Instructions to Stand

Where a clear route and taxi instruction cannot be issued to take an aircraft to its stand, the
phrase “expect stand” should be used to inform the aircraft of their parking position.
Example: “ABC123 taxi via J, hold short of P, expect stand 24”

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Effective 22 February 2024

2.6 Preferred Taxi Routings

The preferred exit points for Runway 26L are:
▪ Medium/Heavy aircraft: Rapid Exit Taxiway FR (Distance from threshold 1837 m)
▪ Light/Small aircraft: Rapid Exit Taxiway E (Distance from threshold 1321 m).

Aircraft do not require clearance to cross Runway 26R when exiting Runway 26L as the
runways cannot be used simultaneously.

When exiting the runway via Rapid Exit Taxiway FR the standard routing will be to cross the
Northern Runway without stopping on the rapid exit taxiway and turn right onto Taxiway J.
When exiting the runway via Rapid Exit Taxiway E the standard routing will be to turn right
on to the Northern Runway without stopping on the rapid exit taxiway.
The transfer of control to the GMC controller will occur once clear of the active runway. It is
imperative that aircraft do not stop on the rapid exit taxiway and to ensure this AIR may
retain an arriving aircraft on their frequency until it has vacated and cleared the rapid exit
taxiway. If deemed necessary, the AIR controller may issue an initial safe taxi clearance that
must not conflict with potential ground traffic under the control of GMC.
For example, vacating at FR a clearance of "taxi J, hold short U" would be appropriate but
"taxi J, hold short R" could potentially conflict with traffic at Taxiways U, T or S and therefore
should not be used unless coordinated with GMC. Similarly, traffic vacating at E should be
held short of Taxiway T unless coordinated.
The preferred exit points for Runway 08R are:
▪ Medium/Heavy aircraft: Rapid Exit Taxiway CR (Distance from threshold 1739 m)
▪ Light/Small aircraft: Rapid Exit Taxiway D (Distance from threshold 1318 m).

Aircraft vacating Runway 08R via C/CR/D should hold position on Runway 08L prior to
transfer to GMC as there is a high likelihood of conflict with traffic on Taxiway J.
Aircraft vacating Runway 08R via taxiways B/BR are to route onto Taxiway P and hold short
of Taxiway J, prior to transfer to the GMC controller.
The sections below depict suggested taxi routings:
Departing aircraft
Arriving aircraft

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Effective 22 February 2024

2.6.1 Westerly Operations

Figure 1 – Suggested Taxi Routings – Westerly Operations

2.6.2 Easterly Operations

Figure 2 – Suggested Taxi Routings – Easterly Operations

2.7 Departure Runway Holding Points

2.7.1 Use of Holding Points
The following holding points are established for Runway 08R/26L:
▪ A1/2/3
▪ B1
▪ C1/3
▪ D1, E1 and FR (but note restriction in AIR 2.7.2)
▪ G1/3
▪ H1/3
▪ J1/3/4/7
▪ M1/3

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Effective 22 February 2024

▪ W1
▪ Y1/2/3
The following holding points are for use during Northern Runway (08L/26R) operations only
and are not to be used as intermediate holding points during Southern Runway operations:
▪ G2, H2 and J2 located south of Runway 08L/26R
▪ J5/6/8
▪ N1
▪ P1
▪ Q1
▪ R1
▪ S1
▪ T1
▪ U1
▪ Z1
Example: During Southern Runway (08R/26L) operations traffic should not be instructed
to hold at P1 but should instead by instructed to “hold short of taxiway J”.
2.7.2 Runway 08R/26L Standard Holding Points
There are no restrictions based on routing from aircraft departing from B1, G1 or H1 though
consider the reduced TODA from these points. GMC should not assume that aircraft will
accept B1 (for performance reasons). AIR may coordinate with GMC to have certain aircraft
tactically routed to these holding points for the purposes of expedition again, performance
Taxiway M is available as an entry point to Runway 26L. Taxiway M cannot be used as an exit
point from Runway 08R.
In order to make most efficient use of the runway, GMC should taxi aircraft to the following
holding points depending on their initial departure routing:
Holding Point Departure Routings

Holds D1, E1 and FR for are not to be used as departure holding points as no declared
runway distances are published from these holding points.

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Effective 22 February 2024

Chapter 3 Air Control (AIR)

3.1 Area of Responsibility
Air Control (AIR) (“Gatwick Tower”) controls movement of aircraft on the runway and all
runway holding points. Additionally, AIR also has control of taxiway Yankee between Y3 and
W1 and responsibility for providing information to aircraft making an instrument approach
and VFR traffic both in the visual circuit and within the vicinity of the ATZ. KK AIR is
responsible for obtaining departure releases from TC controllers, where required.
AIR controllers should make themselves familiar with the use of WIZAD/TIGER/DAGGA relief
SIDs in APC 5.6.3.
3.1.1 Delegated Responsibilities
AIR is responsible for traffic operating under VFR within and in the vicinity of the ATZ. Traffic
in the vicinity of the ATZ should be coordinated with KK FIN and KK FIN will be informed of
the presence of aircraft within the visual circuit.

3.2 Runway Change Procedures

In case of a change to the active runway, AIR shall initiate coordination with INT to agree a
last arrival and time for the runway change. INT will coordinate with FIN.
Based on this time, AIR should then coordinate with GMC and GMP as to the last departure.
GMP will re-clear any previously cleared aircraft that will now depart on the new runway.
AIR must then inform FIN of the intended last 3 (if appropriate) departures before, and the
first departure after, the runway change (callsign and routing).
AIR must obtain a release from FIN before the first aircraft departs off the new runway.

3.3 Line Up Procedures

3.3.1 RT Phraseology
All instructions to enter a runway shall include:
1. The relevant runway designator
2. The holding point designator at which the aircraft is to enter the runway, including
from full length
3. For crossing traffic, the holding point designator at which the aircraft is to vacate the
3.3.2 Multiple Aircraft on the Runway
The AIR controller needs to be aware of the potential effects of jet blast when lining up
multiple aircraft on the runway. It is generally acceptable to line up two aircraft as long as
there is a gap of at least one holding point between them. For example:
▪ Runway 08R – J1 and H1/G1
▪ Runway 26L – M1/A1 and B1; B1 and C1/Y1

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.4 Conditional Clearances

3.4.1 RT Phraseology
To assist flight crew with situational awareness, when issuing conditional clearances, the
distance from touchdown of any relevant landing traffic should be included.
Example: “ABC123 behind the landing A320 at 4 miles, via A1 line-up runway 26L

3.4.2 Runway Safeguarding Phraseology

The word “follow” must not be used in conditionals in the runway holding area. Aircraft
should not be instructed to “follow” another one to prevent two aircraft lining up with only
one of them having clearance to do so.
Aircraft should not be told their number in the intended departure sequence. Instead, AIR
may issue approximate airborne times as either a time past the hour, or an approximate wait
in minutes.
3.4.3 Intersection Conditionals
Aircraft at an intersection may only be issued a conditional line up or crossing instruction
behind the next departing aircraft. I.e. The aircraft should be able to perform the intended
action behind the next aircraft that passes them.

3.4.4 Maximum Runway Conditionals

It is recommended that a maximum of 2 conditionals shall be active at any one time. I.e. An
aircraft may be lining up behind a departure on the runway, and another aircraft may be
lining up behind them.

3.5 Runway Clearances

It is accepted that a degree of anticipation is permissible in the issuance of take -off and
landing clearances. In all cases, except where a land after clearance or conditional landing
clearance (see GEN 5.6 and GEN 5.7) is issued, take-off/landing clearances shall not be
passed until the preceding aircraft:
▪ Has passed the runway edge markings and
▪ Is in motion, continuing in the required direction.
Vacating aircraft must not be instructed to stop until they have passed entirely beyond the
runway holding point.
Pilots are reminded in the AIP not to stop on the rapid exit taxiways. AIR may retain an
arriving aircraft on their frequency until it has vacated and cleared the rapid exit taxiway. If
deemed necessary, the AIR controller may issue an initial safe taxi clearance that must not
conflict with potential ground traffic under the control of GMC (see ADC 2.6 for details).
When a clearance is issued in anticipation of meeting the vacated requirement, controllers
shall continuously monitor the situation using the SMR and take positive action if the
requirement may not be met.

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.5.1 Runway 08R/26L Take-Off Clearances

Controllers shall not issue a clearance to take-off from Runway 08R/26L until the aircraft is
south of the Northern Runway, this is to protect against the aircraft inadvertently lining up
and taking off from the Northern Runway.

3.6 Flights to Local Airfields

GMP will have coordinated initially with the relevant local controllers – see ADC 1.6. A
release shall be obtained from the receiving TC controller by AIR for flights to all London
TMA airfields and in certain circumstances a separate release from KK FIN shall be obtained
as detailed below:

• Flights to the Thames Group (EGLC/EGKB/EGMC) require a release from TC South

East and KK FIN. In the absence of TC South East (and top-down), release shall be
obtained from Thames.
• Flights to London Heathrow and RAF Northolt (EGLL/EGWU) require a release from
TC South East and KK FIN. In the absence of TC South East (and top-down), release
shall be obtained from LL INT South (covered by LL INT North if offline).
• Flights to the Essex Group (EGSS/EGGW/EGSC) require a release from TC South East
and KK FIN. In the absence of TC South East (and top-down), release shall be
obtained from TC North East (or top-down).
• Flights to Farnborough (EGLF) require a release from TC South West. In the absence
of TC South West (and top-down), release shall be obtained from Farnborough
• Flights to the Solent Group (EGHI/EGHH) require a release from TC South West. In
the absnce of TC South West (and top-down) release shall be obtained from Solent

Aircraft subject to a release must depart within + 5 minutes of the release time.

3.7 Wake Separation

3.7.1 Wake Turbulence Separation
Wake turbulence separation should be provided in accordance with MATS Part 1.

3.7.2 Holding Points

The following pairs of holding points for Runways 26L/08R are considered to be the same
point for the purposes of departure wake vortex separation:
Runway 26L Runway 08R
M1 and A1 J1 and H1
M1 and B1 J1 and G1
A1 and B1 H1 and G1
B1 and C1
B1 and Y1

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.8 Speed Limitation on Departure

A speed limit of 250kt IAS applies to all departures from Gatwick whilst flying below FL100.
This limitation will not normally be removed by the TC Sector controller.
If departing aircraft are unable to comply with the standard speed limit, this may impact on
the initial time separations applied by ATC. In all such cases, pilots will:
If before take-off -
▪ Inform GMP when requesting start-up clearance stating the minimum or maximum
speed acceptable. GMP is to inform the appropriate TC Sector controller who may
specify a high-speed limitation and/or additional take-off separation as necessary,
which shall be communicated to AIR. AIR is to advise the pilot, before take -off, of
any higher speed limitation imposed.

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Effective 22 February 2024

If after take-off –
▪ Inform ATC the minimum speed acceptable.

The onus for removing the speed limitation rests with the appropriate TC Sector controller
who will advise the aircraft as soon as the traffic situation permits. AIR controllers are not to
remove a speed limitation without first obtaining the approval of the appropriate TC Sector

3.9 Departure Separation

3.9.1 Speed Separation
When a faster aircraft follows a slower aircraft, the interval is to be increased by 1 minute
for each successive speed group.
▪ Subject to wake turbulence separation, the interval may be reduced to 1 minute
provided that the following aircraft is two groups slower than the preceding aircraft. Table of Aircraft Speed Groups

Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1
All jet aircraft except: BAe 146 / Avro RJ variants ATR variants BN2P/T
- Those in Group 3 CL35/CL60 DH8A/B/C C208
- Concorde CRJ1/2/7/9/X F50 DA62
- Military fast jets D328/J328 JS31/32/41 DHC6
DH8D King Air variants E110
E135/145 PC12
E50P/55P SF34
P180 SW3/4
SB20 TBM7/8/9
Citations except
Aircraft not included in Groups 1 to 4 are to be the subject of a separation to be agreed
between Gatwick and the appropriate TC Departure controller.

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.9.2 Route Separation


Runway 26L/R Route of leading aircraft

East West SFD Relief
Route of East 2 1 1 1 (Note 3)
following West 1 2 2 1
aircraft SFD 1 2 2 2
Relief 1 1 2 2

Runway 08L/R Route of leading aircraft

LAM East West SFD
Route of LAM 2 2 2 1
following East 2 2 1 1
West 2 1 2 1
SFD 1 1 1 2

Application of Separation
Note 1: When time-based separation is being used as the sole means of applying
departure separation, 1 minute shall be not less than 60 seconds and 2 minutes shall
be not less than 120 seconds. Separation between departing aircraft shall be applied
so that after one aircraft takes off the next succeeding aircraft does not take-off
within less than the number of minutes specified in the table.
Note 2: Subject to wake vortex and speed group, where 2 minutes separation is
specified, a departure interval of at least 5 NM may be used as an alternative
between aircraft on similar or diverging tracks. Gatwick AIR will ensure that 5 NM
separation between departing aircraft is constant or increasing prior to transfer to
Route Separation
Note 3: A minimum departure interval of 3 minutes is required between a WIZAD
departure and a subsequent MIMFO departure.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 ADC
Effective 22 February 2024 Westerly Operations

Figure 3 – Illustration of SID Tracks – Westerly Operations Easterly Operations

Figure 4 – Illustration of SID Tracks – Easterly Operations

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.10 Transfer of Communication and Control

3.10.1 Departures
Departures may only be transferred to the appropriate TC frequency once all aerodrome
conflictions have been resolved. Ideally transfer shall occur no later than 2000 ft or 2.5 NM
from the end of the runway, though if required to retain traffic to resolve a confliction, the
AIR controller shall look out for pilots climbing to above their initial (cleared) level and take
If the departure time separation applied does not achieve the expected airborne separation,
then the AIR controller should immediately coordinate with the appropriate TC departure
sector controller to establish positive track separation by the use of an early turn onto a
heading. Where the AIR controller is appropriate endorsed for advanced ATM use (see AIR
3.18) then the controller may initiate an appropriate turn and retrospectively coordinate
with the appropriate TC controller.
Non-Standard IFR, VFR and SVFR departures are transferred to KK FIN once clear of
aerodrome traffic.
3.10.2 Handoff Priority

Departure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
West and
SFD (26L/R)

FIN – Gatwick Final Director LD – AC Dover

INT – Gatwick Intermediate Director LS – AC South
TC SE – TC South East LSC – AC South Central
TC SW – TC South West L – AC Bandbox
TC S – TC South LL INT S –Heathrow INT South
TC – TC Bandbox LL INT N – ‘TC Heathrow’ / Heathrow INT North

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.11 Aircraft on Approach

The transfer of communications of an aircraft from FIN to AIR should occur ideally by 6 NM
from touchdown, but no later than 4 NM. This is prior to the transfer of control.
FIN remains responsible for radar separation and wake turbulence separation of aircraft until
touchdown and therefore no changes to speed may be given by AIR without agreement with
FIN remains responsible for radar separation and wake turbulence separation of aircraft until
touchdown and therefore no changes to speed may be given by AIR without agreement with

3.12 Landing Clearance

3.12.1 Runway Designator
The runway designator should be included in all landing clearances.
3.12.2 Cancelling Approach Clearance
It is the responsibility of the AIR controller to issue landing clearances to all aircraft. If they
are not satisfied that an approach can continue safely, they may issue instructions to re-
position a particular aircraft or instruct the aircraft to “go around”.

3.13 Arrival Spacing

All arrival wake turbulence separation is as per CAP 493 MATS Part 1.
In routine operations FIN shall ideally achieve spacing of 6 NM to allow 1 departure or 8 NM
to allow 2 departures.

3.14 Minimum Radar Separation

A minimum radar separation of 3 NM applies between IFR aircraft.

3.15 Missed Approaches

The standard missed approach procedures are as published on approach charts, and the
table below.
Runway Missed Approach Procedure
08R Climb straight ahead to altitude 3000 ft. Upon passing altitude 2000 ft or the
I-GG inbound DME 1, whichever is later, turn right heading 178 degrees,
continue as directed.
26L Climb straight ahead to altitude 3000 ft. Upon passing altitude 2000 ft or the
I-WW inbound DME 1, whichever is later, turn left heading 178 degrees,
continue as directed.

3.15.1 Go Around Procedure

On becoming aware of, or after initiating a ‘go around’, the AIR controller is to:

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Effective 22 February 2024

1. Establish separation between the ‘go-around’ and all departing traffic, issuing
tactical headings if necessary
a. Go-arounds should not be climbed above altitude 3000 ft.
b. Departing aircraft may be restricted to runway heading or given a heading in
the general direction of the SID. In any case, coordination with KK FIN is to
be effected as soon as practicable.
2. Ensure separation is maintained and monitor aircraft visually or with the ATM. After
separation is assured, co-ordinate with FIN and the appropriate TC Outbound Sector
3. Pass details of the callsign, heading and all action taken above to FIN. FIN will issue a
frequency for the aircraft to contact and any revised heading and/or altitude .

AIR may resume most departures once the initial departure track is clear. This relies on
prompt coordination between AIR and FIN in order to establish separation; if AIR remains in
doubt as to whether it would be safe to depart an aircraft, they should coordinate with FIN.
AIR must obtain (or re-obtain) a release from FIN if the next departure is:
▪ SFD departures on 08R/L
▪ Non-standard IFR departures
▪ SVFR/VFR departures to the south

3.16 Departures Subject to Radar Approval (Departure Releases)

AIR must obtain a departure release from KK FIN before clearing aircraft in any of the
following categories for take-off:
▪ Non-airways departures.
▪ Whenever AIR requires an aircraft to deviate from the NPR (APC 5.7).
▪ Any subsequent SID departure following any of the above categories.
▪ The first aircraft departing immediately after a change of runway direction (ADC 3.2).
▪ Whenever KK FIN implements a radar check.

AIR must obtain a departure release from the receiving TC controller before clearing aircraft
in any of the following categories for take-off:

▪ Whenever AIR intends to depart successive aircraft which would be separated by

less than the specified time interval.
▪ Aircraft types not included in the Speed Groups Table (ADC 3.9.1).
▪ Traffic to all LTMA destinations.

KK AIR will normally clear all other departures for take-off without prior reference to TC.
Such departures will be transferred direct to the appropriate TC Sector, unless otherwise
instructed by KK FIN. AIR will inform KK FIN if an aircraft is observed to deviate from the NPR
to the extent that departure separation may be eroded.

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.17 Circuit Procedures

To deconflict against Gatwick outbounds routing north of the field and the Redhill Local
Flying Area, all Gatwick visual circuits operate to the south of the airfield (ie. Runway 26L/R
left-hand, Runway 08R/L right-hand). The visual circuit operates to a maximum of altitude
1500 ft on the Gatwick QNH.
AIR shall notify FIN when the visual circuit is active and coordinate when they wish to extend
the downwind leg beyond 4 NM. SVFR circuits require the approval of FIN and shall be
coordinated to ensure standard separation is maintained against other IFR or SVFR traffic
unless AIR is able to provide reduced separation in the vicinity of the aerodrome (RSIVA).
Aircraft remaining within the visual circuit shall be instructed to squawk code 7010.

3.18 Use of the Aerodrome Traffic Monitor

An Aerodrome Traffic Monitor is available, and the information derived from the ATM may
be used by all AIR controllers to:
▪ Determine the landing order, spacing and distance from touchdown of arriving
▪ Assist in applying longitudinal separation for departing aircraft.
▪ Enable controllers to confirm that the initial track of departing aircraft conforms
with the clearance issued.
▪ Provide information to aircraft on the position of other aircraft in the circuit or
carrying out an instrument approach.

Separation can be established between departing aircraft by issuing an altitude restriction or

an early turn onto track, provided that is this co-ordinated with the relevant TC controller in
A two-minute departure separation may be reduced to 5 NM if the aircraft are on diverging
Additionally, radar validated controllers (S3+) may utilise the ATM for advanced uses:
▪ Following identification, validate SSR codes of departing aircraft and verify
associated mode C read-outs.
▪ Monitor the progress of overflying aircraft identified by Approach Radar Control to
ensure that they do not conflict with the tracks of arriving or departing aircraft.
▪ Establish separation between departing aircraft.
▪ Pass traffic information.
▪ Establish separation in the event of a missed approach.
▪ Assist in taking initial corrective action when the separation between arriving
aircraft becomes less than the prescribed minima.

Radar validated controllers may, where appropriate, utilise RSIVA to reduce departure
separation between aircraft on diverging tracks provided that 3 NM horizontal radar
separation is established before the aircraft are transferred to the next controller.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 APC
Effective 22 February 2024

APC | Gatwick Approach Control (APC)

Chapter 1 Area of Responsibility and Sector Organisation
1.1 General
In this section, the following conventions for the naming of the Gatwick Group sector
positions is adopted:
INT or INT DIR - Intermediate Director
FIN or FIN DIR - Final Director
SPT - Support
TC Gatwick - Collective INT, FIN and SPT

1.1.1 Area of Responsibility

The area of responsibility for Gatwick Director is the Gatwick CTA and CTR, the Gatwick RMA
and TC airspace as delegated to Gatwick within 40 NM of the Gatwick ATZ.
TC Gatwick shall provide approach control services to aircraft from the time and place at
▪ Arriving aircraft are released by London TC until control is transferred to Aerodrome
Control (ADC).
▪ Aircraft approaching from outside controlled airspace cross the airspace boundary
until control is transferred to ADC.
▪ Overflying aircraft within the relevant controlled airspace.
▪ Departing aircraft on specified routes are transferred from ADC until:
o They are transferred to the relevant TC sector; or
o They are clear of controlled airspace.

1.2 Function
TC Gatwick shall provide services appropriate for the Approach and Approach Radar control
functions, as specified in CAP 493 MATS Part 1.

1.2.1 Intermediate Director (INT)

▪ The acceptance of releases and control of aircraft inbound to Gatwick from the
release point until control is transferred to either KK FIN or Gatwick ADC.
▪ The control of overflying aircraft within the Gatwick RMA including transit flights
within Gatwick CAS.
▪ Initial radar vectoring and sequencing for ILS, RNP, and/or visual approaches.
▪ Liaison with the AIR controller on pertinent issues excepting range checks, final
approach spacing and landing and go-around clearances/instructions.
▪ Executive co-ordination with other units, unless delegated to FIN.

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Effective 22 February 2024

▪ Provision of UK Flight Information Services (subject to workload) within the vicinity

of Gatwick CAS.
▪ Coordination with KK FIN to provide service and clearance to traffic entering the
Gatwick CTR/CTA.

1.2.2 Final Director (FIN)

▪ The control of aircraft landing at Gatwick from the time they are transferred by KK
INT until they are transferred to Gatwick ADC.
▪ The control of 26L/R DAGGA/WIZAD/TIGER departures until transferred to TC South
▪ The control of 08L/R SFD departures until transferred to TC South West.
▪ Provision of final radar vectoring and sequencing for ILS and/or visual approaches.
▪ Provision of surveillance radar approaches.
▪ Provision of a Radar Service to non-airways departures and arrivals.
▪ Issues clearances to VFR/SVFR traffic leaving the Gatwick CTR/CTA.
▪ Coordinating planned and unplanned missed approaches and retaining control of
such traffic when delegated by INT.
▪ Liaison with the AIR controller as required for range checks, final approach spacing
and landing or go-around clearances.
▪ Ensuring that traffic transferred from INT is not vectored outside of the Gatwick

1.2.3 Support Controller (SPT)

The relationship between INT and SPT controller is best described as Executive (INT) and
Support (SPT). Whenever the SPT position is manned, SPT will operate on the same
frequency as INT and following functions of the INT controller are delegated to SPT:
▪ Acceptance of inbound releases and details of overflights.
▪ Telephone coordination and liaison.
▪ The issuing of descent instructions to holding aircraft as the lower stack levels
become vacant, down to the lowest level available to TC Gatwick.
▪ The general monitoring of the radar situation as other responsibilities allow.
▪ The marking of flight progress strips.

Note: INT retains ultimate responsibility for tag updates and the issuing of descent
instructions to holding aircraft – SPT is there to assist.
For the remainder of this document, SPT functions are listed as responsibilities of INT. The
SPT Controller position shall only be opened with permission from the INT controller or by
event rota.

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Effective 22 February 2024

Chapter 2 Radar Directors – Operational Procedures

2.1 Introduction
INT will control inbound traffic from the two Gatwick holding stacks – WILLO and TIMBA.
FIN will control inbound traffic from after transfer of control from INT.
All Directors will coordinate with adjacent sectors or other agencies as required and manage
their own flight progress strip display.

2.2 Procedures for INT

INT will pass instructions to inbound traffic until transfer of control to FIN. INT will integrate
traffic from the holding stacks and pass initial descent instructions.
The arrival order is derived from the stack arrival time subject to tactical considerations.

2.2.1 Inbound Releases

INT will control all inbounds via WILLO and TIMBA.
Aircraft will be released to TC Gatwick in level order. Abbreviated releases are to be passed
where possible in level order, in the following format (this procedure also applies to
alternate holds):
▪ Holding Name
▪ Callsign
▪ Acceptance Level

Example: “WILLO release, BAW123 at 9”

Note: The Acceptance Level may be abbreviated to either one or two digits – for
example, FL90 may be passed as ‘9’, FL100 as ‘10’ (‘ten’).
The transfer of ‘track’ from TC to INT on a routing towards the TIMBA/WILLO hold shall be
considered the same as an abbreviated release at the level indicated on the electronic
display. The INT controller must ensure the cleared level reported by the pilot matches that
displayed in the tag (see also APC 3.1).

2.2.2 Overflights
On occasions overflying aircraft will be routed through the holding stacks. Inbound aircraft
may be released at levels above the overflying traffic by means of a Radar Release in
accordance with the procedures detailed in CAP493. KK SPT is to receive sufficient
information in respect of the overflying traffic to ensure radar identification. Having
identified the overflying traffic, KK INT may issue descent instructions to inbound aircraft.

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Effective 22 February 2024

2.2.3 Data Transfer to FIN Director

Transfer of data to FIN will be by transferring the ownership of the aircraft tag label co-
incidental with the transfer of communication. Transfer should typically be initiated once the
aircraft is cleared below MSL, clean of conflict from traffic unknown to FIN. Where a conflict
unknown to FIN shall delay transfer, INT should consider whether resolving the conflict
themselves or coordinating with FIN will be most expeditious.
Speed control shall be appropriate for the phase of flight and traffic situation. FIN may
expect transfer at 220 knots in busy traffic situations. Speed control shall be recorded on the
electronic datablock before transfer.
Where FIN is working traffic ahead in sequence, INT shall not clear traffic to below 4000 ft.
Cleared level shall be recorded on the electronic datablock before transfer.
To reduce RT congestion on the FIN frequency, the following phrase shall typically be used
for transfer from INT to FIN:
Example: “ABC123 report your callsign only to Gatwick Director 118.950”

2.3 Procedures for FIN

2.3.1 Outbound Traffic
FIN shall separate outbound traffic via SFD, non-standard departures and relief SIDs from all
traffic known to TC Gatwick.

2.3.2 Inbound Traffic

All traffic will normally be received from INT. Transfer of communication will be co-incident
with the transfer of an aircraft’s tag label and transfer of control.
FIN shall pass the track miles until touchdown on first contact.

2.4 Terrain Clearance and Obstacle Clearance Limit

The lowest level within the Surveillance Minimum Altitude Area (SMAA) that can be assigned
to aircraft which is terrain safe is 2000 ft except for within the defined area around Biggin
The Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA) within 25 NM of the airfield is:
2200 ft 2300 ft 2000 ft 2000 ft

Gatwick ATC Surveillance Minimum Altitude chart: AD 2.EGKK-5-1.

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Effective 22 February 2024

Chapter 3 Inbound Procedures

3.1 Information to Arriving Aircraft
After an arriving aircraft has made its initial call to Approach Control, the following
information shall be passed as soon as practicable:
▪ Runway in Use and the type of approach, if not already received from the ATIS
▪ Current ATIS weather code
▪ LVP in operation, if not already received from the ATIS
▪ Any delay to be expected.
All TC controllers are to confirm the cleared level of an aircraft coming under their control on
first RT contact. If it is not volunteered by the pilot it is to be requested and verified by the
receiving controller before giving any executive instruction. In addition, Gatwick INT Director
is to confirm aircraft type, including type variants.
Subsequent Changes
Aircraft that have received the information above must be kept informed of the following
until they have landed:
▪ Significant changes in the meteorological and runway conditions
▪ Further reports from other pilots
▪ Implementation or cancellation of LVP.

3.2 Standard Arrival Routes

Designator Arrival Via Route
M189, G27,
Y4, Q63,

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.2.1 Stack Switching STARs

STAR Routing Stack Switching
MID 1X From MID/WILLO to TIMBA stack

3.3 Holding Procedures

The table below indicates the holding areas available for Gatwick traffic:
Hold Direction Holding Levels Holding Speed
TIMBA 309° Right MSL – FL150 220 knots up to FL140
WILLO 284° Left MSL – FL150 220 knots up to FL140
MAY 087° Left 3000 ft – 6000 ft QNH 220 knots

3.3.1 Holding Pattern Separation

Separation exists between aircraft established in TIMBA/WILLO holds up to and including
FL150. The MAY hold is not separated from the TIMBA/WILLO holds.

3.3.2 Holding at Flight Levels

The lowest flight level available for holding at TIMBA and WILLO is MSL. Subject to prior
coordination between the appropriate TC Sector Controller and KK INT, aircraft inbound to
Gatwick via the Airways system may be routed direct to the MAY VOR. Aircraft will not
normally hold at MAY above the Transition Altitude, but the facility exists to enable holding
to be carried out at Minimum Stack Level. If holding is anticipated inbound aircraft are to be
routed to WILLO or TIMBA.

3.3.3 Holding at Altitudes

Aircraft may be held at MAY from 3000 ft to 6000 ft inclusive on the Gatwick QNH.
SFD and TIGER/DAGGA/WIZAD SIDs are not separated from traffic holding at MAY.

3.4 Level Allocation

3.4.1 TC Gatwick
MSL is allocated to INT at WILLO and TIMBA.

3.4.2 TC South
TC Controllers will transfer KK inbounds at MSL+1, or the minimum level available.
Traffic at and above FL120 will be retained by TC.

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Effective 22 February 2024

3.5 Release Points

The standard Release Points for Gatwick are as follows:
▪ WILLO from TC South West
▪ TIMBA from TC South East

3.6 Transfer of Communication Procedures

Transfer of communication should be effected in the correct level order for each holding
Aircraft will be transferred to INT in sufficient time for contact to be established before
reaching the facility so that heading or holding instructions may be passed. If this is not
possible, the aircraft will be instructed to hold on reaching the facility.
INT is to ensure that the pilots of inbound aircraft are in receipt of the current ATIS/METAR
report and are to verify the aircraft type.
Any aircraft type which is not as filed must be changed as soon as possible and advised to
any controller who may be reliant on up to date information, say for the provision of wake
vortex separation.

3.7 Expected Approach Times (EATs)

EATs are not issued. The arrival order is derived from the stack arrival time subject to tactical
Where traffic is holding, INT shall provide an expected delay in increments of 5 minutes up
to 20 minutes, after which traffic may be informed “delay not determined”.

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Effective 22 February 2024

Chapter 4 Procedures for Intermediate and Final Approach

4.1 Radar Manoeuvring Area (RMA)
INT/FIN Directors will be responsible for providing separation within this area for arrivals and
all conflicting aircraft departing on SID routes. When communication of departing traffic
from Gatwick has already been transferred to TC, it will be the responsibility of FIN to
coordinate with the appropriate TC South Controller to resolve any confliction.
Figure 5 – Gatwick RMA (3000 ft)

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Effective 22 February 2024

4.1.1 Westerly RMA

Figure 6 – Gatwick RMA – Westerly Operations

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Effective 22 February 2024

4.1.2 Easterly RMA

Figure 7 – Gatwick RMA – Easterly Operations

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Effective 22 February 2024

4.1.3 Restrictions within the Gatwick RMAs Main Vectoring Area (MVA)
Aircraft following inbound STARs to the Release Point enter the MVA where vectoring and
descent below MSL may commence without reference to TC. Area 6
Aircraft vectored into this area must be at or below 6000 ft. Area 5
Aircraft vectored into this area must be at or below 5000 ft. Area 4
Aircraft vectored into this area must be below 4000 ft. Aircraft may not be vectored north of
this area. This restriction ensures separation from LL DET SIDs. X – Y – Z Line
Once aircraft have descended below MSL the X – Y – Z line must not be crossed from within
the Gatwick vectoring area. A – B Line
Aircraft may only be vectored across the A – B line at or below MSL or, alternatively, up to
the highest level they are in control of in the opposite hold (i.e. TIMBA if crossing to the east,
WILLO if crossing to the west). MAY 060 Radial

Traffic via TIMBA via ARNUN-LARCK may be vectored into Area 6 from the east at MSL so
long as they descend to 6000 ft or below before the MAY 060 radial.

4.2 Procedures for Intermediate Approach

4.2.1 Inbound Traffic to TIMBA Descent before release point
Released for descent to MSL.
No traffic may be descended below MSL until it is west of the X – Y – Z line. Once descent
below MSL has commenced, aircraft must not be vectored east of the X – Y – Z line unless
coordination has been effected with TC SE. Vectoring before release point
Inbounds via TIMBA that are at and above MSL may be vectored within the confines of the
MVA and extended area bounded by the 30 NM range ring.

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Effective 22 February 2024

4.2.2 Inbound Traffic via WILLO Descent before release point
Released for descend to MSL.
No traffic may be descended below MSL until within the Gatwick RMA. Vectoring before release point

Runway Conditions
May be vectored once east of the OCK – SHM line, and south of the 26L/R
26L/R extended centreline. Once descent has commenced, traffic must remain east
of the OCK-SHM line.
May be vectored once east of a line 5 NM east of the OCK – MID – BOGNA
08R/L track, and south of the 08L/R extended centreline. Once descent has
commenced traffic must remain east of this line until it is below 5000 ft. Abbreviated release at GWC/TELTU

Where traffic conditions allow, TC SW may issue an abbreviated release at TELTU/GWC. This
abbreviated release may not be issued electronically, with traffic transferred with an
electronic release prior to GWC/TELTU assumed to be released at WILLO. The release shall
typically be communicated as:
Example: “TELTU release, BAW123 at 9”
When issued, traffic may be vectored after GWC/TELTU, but must remain east of the GWC-
MID or TELTU-MID track. Descent is permitted to the base of CAS and traffic may enter Area
5 above 5000 ft; however, it shall not enter Area 4 above 4000 ft. Once the traffic has
entered the RMA, it must be vectored according to normal restrictions; this includes meeting
the vertical restrictions of Area 5 if the traffic is vectored first into the MVA.
KK INT is reminded of the need to vector aircraft before giving descent below holding levels.
4.2.3 Continuous Descent Approach Procedure (CDA)
The aim of the CDA procedure is to provide pilots with the ATC assistance necessary for
them to achieve a continuous descent during intermediate and final approach, at speeds
which require minimum use of flap etc.
The procedure requires ATC to pass adequate “range from touchdown” information. Except
in exceptional circumstances, the CDA procedure shall be employed at all times for aircraft
inbound to Gatwick. Range from touchdown shall typically be provided on first descent
below MSL and again on first contact with FIN. Should the range become inaccurate, a new
range shall be issued.
4.2.4 Avoidance of Noise Sensitive Areas
Between 2330 and 0600 local, irrespective or weight or type of approach, aircraft shall not
join the centreline:
▪ Below 3000 ft or
▪ Closer than 10 NM from touchdown.

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Effective 22 February 2024

Except for propeller driven aircraft, whose MTWA does not exceed 5700kg, controllers may
only authorise visual approaches if the aircraft concerned is either:
▪ established inbound on the centreline of the landing runway; or
▪ on a closing heading, of less than 90°, which will position the aircraft on the
centreline no closer than 6 NM from touchdown.

Note: These instructions are in addition to the Visual Approach procedures detailed
in CAP 493 MATS Part 1, Section 3.
4.2.5 Use of ILS
Aircraft are not to be cleared to descend on the ILS unless they are at, or below, 3000 ft on
the Gatwick QNH and established on the Localiser. For terrain safety, aircraft using the ILS
are not to be cleared to descend below 2000 ft before intercepting the glide path.

4.3 Procedures for Aircraft on Final Approach

4.3.1 Responsibility
FIN is to ensure that inbound aircraft are at or below 4000 ft when on the extended
centreline of the landing runway and below 4000 ft if north of the extended centreline,
unless coordination has been effected with the appropriate TC South Controller.
FIN will normally retain control of inbound aircraft until such time as the pilot reports
established on the ILS or that the approach may be continued visually.

4.3.2 Descent Profile

Traffic being vectored to perform a CDA for an ILS approach shall establish the localiser at or
before the Final Approach Point.
Traffic shall not be cleared below 3000 ft until within 10 NM from touchdown.
Traffic flying a non-precision approach, or not issued a CDA shall establish the final approach
track with 2 NM of level flight prior to the Final Approach Fix, as detailed in MATS Part 1.
4.3.3 Final Approach Spacing
FIN is responsible for applying final approach spacing until 4 NM from touchdown,
accounting for any ‘catch-up’ due to speed/performance differences.
The requirement to apply radar and wake turbulence separation until touchdown (see
below) overrides any spacing guidance or agreement.
The minimum spacing between aircraft on final approach is 3 NM. Unless otherwise agreed
between FIN and AIR, to enable one departure between successive inbounds (the ‘single
gaps’ strategy), FIN shall provide 6 NM spacing.
It is the responsibility of AIR to monitor runway arrival spacing and to notify any required
increases in minimum separation to FIN. Commonly it may be expected that deteriorating
weather conditions such as poor visibility, wet runway and/or cross-wind, will give rise to
requests for increased spacing. This is due to the longer runway occupancy time of landing

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Effective 22 February 2024

During the night, different spacing requirements are used. These are:
▪ Between 2230 local and 2330 local = 6 NM (or wake turbulence separation if greater)
▪ Between 2330 local and 0600 local = 12 NM

A minimum of 15 NM must be used between a known emergency aircraft and any traffic
following it on final approach. The tower will be responsible for determining the required
Controllers should note that a reduced landing rate and therefore increased spacing is
required during LVP – see guidance in GEN 3.1.5.
4.3.4 Final Approach Separation
FIN is responsible for applying both radar and wake turbulence separation on final approach
until touchdown.
The radar separation minima are described in APC 2.5 and wake turbulence separation
between aircraft on final approach shall be applied in accordance with MATS Part 1 (CAP
The 'catch-up' or compression that occurs after the leading aircraft passes 4 NM from
touchdown must be factored into the spacing provided to ensure that radar and wake
turbulence separation are provided until touchdown. In most cases, adding 1 NM to the
required separation between aircraft and maintaining this until 4 NM from touchdown will
act as a sufficient buffer.
Note 1: FIN shall not assume Reduced Separation in the Vicinity of an Aerodrome is
being applied without coordination.
Note 2: Aircraft performing a visual approach are responsible for their own wake
turbulence separation.
If either radar or wake turbulence separation are eroded below the required minima, the
approach must be discontinued and the aircraft taken off the approach.

4.3.5 Transfer of Communication

Unless otherwise required, on transfer of communication from FIN to AIR, controllers should
use the phrase:
“Contact Gatwick Tower, callsign only, 124.230”

4.4 Action in the Event of a Missed Approach

The missed approach procedures are defined on the relevant approach plates and are also
detailed in ADC 3.13 for ILS approaches.
4.4.1 Procedure
▪ In the event of a go around, AIR is responsible for ensuring that separation between
aircraft under his control is maintained or restored.

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Effective 22 February 2024

▪ AIR will coordinate all traffic affected by the go around with FIN as soon as possible.
The aircraft will be transferred to FIN for radar vectoring when separation has been
restored, unless prior coordination has been effected.
▪ The aircraft going-around should, where possible, carry out the standard Missed
Approach Procedure.
▪ The maximum altitude issued by AIR for the aircraft going-around should be 3000 ft.
▪ Departing aircraft may be restricted to runway heading or given a heading in the
general direction of the SID. In any case, coordination with KK FIN is to be effected
as soon as practicable.

4.5 RNP Approaches

Pilots will “request RNP approach” on first contact with Gatwick Director. The Intermediate
Fix (IF) for the RNP approach for all runways is at a range of 10.6 NM on the extended
centreline for the runway. All procedures commence at an initial altitude of 3000 ft with a fly
level segment of 2 NM and a 3° glidepath descent from 8.6 NM.
Runway Intermediate Fix (IF) Final Approach Fix (FAF)



Aircraft requesting an RNP approach will be radar vectored towards the IF, before being
instructed to resume own navigation and “cleared RNP approach runway (designator), QNH
Note: When instructed to resume own navigation, the aircraft’s current track must
be within 45 degrees of the IAF.
Note: The Gatwick QNH must be included in the RNP approach clearance.
When clearing an aircraft for an RNP approach, the instruction clears the aircraft on both the
lateral and vertical profile of the procedure. As such, controllers may use the following
phraseology to emphasise that an aircraft is not cleared on the vertical profile.

Example: “EZY12AB, resume own navigation direct OLEVI, maintain altitude 4000 ft”
then later “EZY12AB, cleared RNP approach runway 26L QNH (hPa)”

4.5.1 Coordination of RNP Approaches

KK AIR must be informed whenever an aircraft is conducting an RNP approach. KK FIN shall
inform KK AIR no later than 10 NM from touchdown.

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Effective 22 February 2024

Chapter 5 Procedures for Outbound Traffic

5.1 General
The separation between departing aircraft is the responsibility of KK AIR and is normally
achieved by the application of timed intervals between successive departures, as derived
from the Departure Speed Group Table.
KK FIN may be requested to approve a more expeditious departure if the application of the
Speed Group Table would cause an excessive delay.

5.2 Departures Subject to Radar Approval

AIR must obtain a departure release from KK FIN before clearing aircraft in any of the
following categories for take-off:
▪ Non-airways departures.
▪ Whenever AIR requires an aircraft to deviate from the NPR (APC 5.7).
▪ Any subsequent SID departure following any of the above categories.
▪ Aircraft departing immediately prior to and following a change of runway direction
(ADC 3.2).
▪ Whenever KK FIN implements a radar check.

AIR must obtain a departure release from the receiving TC controller before clearing aircraft
in any of the following categories for take-off:

▪ Whenever AIR intends to depart successive aircraft which would be separated by

less than the specified time interval.
▪ Aircraft types not included in the Speed Groups Table (ADC 3.9.1).
▪ Traffic to all LTMA destinations including Southampton and Bournemouth.

KK AIR will normally clear all other departures for take-off without prior reference to TC.
Such departures will be transferred direct to the appropriate TC Sector, unless otherwise
instructed by KK FIN. AIR will inform KK FIN if an aircraft is observed to deviate from the NPR
to the extent that departure separation may be eroded.

5.3 Responsibilities
5.3.1 Final Director (FIN)
KK FIN is responsible for monitoring Gatwick departures and providing radar and/or vertical
separation between:
▪ departures on the same or conflicting routes, when requested by KK AIR
▪ westerly departures on WIZAD/TIGER/DAGGA or SFD SIDs and Gatwick inbound
▪ easterly departures on the SFD SID and Gatwick inbound aircraft

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Effective 22 February 2024

▪ departures and inbounds in the TIMBA, WILLO or MAY holding stacks

▪ departures and any other known inbounds.

5.3.2 Intermediate Director (INT)

KK INT is to inform KK FIN of the following:
▪ inbound aircraft routing north of the airfield which are the subject of a release from
▪ Heathrow to Gatwick positioning flights routing via MAXIT/MODMI
▪ inbounds and CTR transit flights (when relevant)
▪ aircraft in emergency
▪ any other information which may affect Gatwick outbound operations.

5.4 Identification of Departing Traffic and SSR Validation

The observation of the expected code/callsign displayed constitutes identification and
validation of Mode A. In the case of a DUPE squawk, a controller may request an IDENT to
avoid requiring a pilot to set a new squawk during the workload intensive departure phase.
If there is any uncertainty over the identity of an aircraft, the TC (Gatwick) controller should
take positive steps to ascertain their identity, which may be through the use of squawk
The first TC controller (which may be TC Gatwick) is responsible for verifying Mode C.

5.5 Non-Airways Departures

KK FIN is responsible for providing a radar service to non-airways departures until they are
clear of controlled airspace and no longer wish to receive a service.
TC Gatwick is responsible for the issuing of departure clearances for all departures which are
not filed to fly a SID. The clearances given by TC Gatwick must not modify any instructions
given by TC London and must consider NPRs and terrain clearance where applicable.
▪ KK GMP will request clearance from FIN for any non-standard IFR, VFR or SVFR
departure. It is the responsibility of GMP to pass the instructions to the pilot and
obtain a suitable readback.
▪ KK AIR will request release from KK FIN when the departure is ready to depart, and
will also request release for any subsequent SID departure.

5.6 Standard Instrument Departures

5.6.1 Allocation of SFD, BOGNA and HARDY SID Restrictions
SID Restrictions
BOGNA (26L/R) Not available between 2300 – 0600 local.
HARDY (26L/R) Not available between 2300 – 0600 local.

Alternate routing: SFD departure runway 26L/R.

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Effective 22 February 2024

5.6.2 SFD Departures from Runway 08L/R

SID Transfer sequence Release
SFD (08L/R) KK AIR to KK FIN Not required

The removal of the speed restriction by KK FIN is subject to the following conditions:
▪ the speed restriction is not to be removed until the aircraft has completed its right
▪ KK FIN is to ensure that each departure is separated by a minimum of 10 NM in trail
from the preceding aircraft before transfer to TC SW. This separation may be
reduced to 5 NM provided the succeeding aircraft is slower by at least 40 kts (TAS).

5.6.3 Relief SIDs

When on westerly operations, the WIZAD SID is an alternative routing for aircraft which
would otherwise be allocated a MIMFO (DVR) departure.
When on westerly operations, the TIGER SID is an alternative routing for aircraft which
would otherwise be allocated a LAM departure.
When on westerly operations, the DAGGA SID is an alternative routing for aircraft which
would otherwise be allocated a FRANE (CLN) departure. Release Procedure
The procedure to be followed for all relief SID departures – regardless of which controller
initiated the re-routing – is as follows:
▪ Prior to departure, KK ADC will request a release for all WIZAD/TIGER/DAGGA
departures from KK FIN. KK FIN will issue an initial climb level and contact frequency.
▪ KK ADC will transfer the aircraft to KK FIN when all local conflictions have been
▪ KK FIN is to inform TC SE of the new SID routing.

When clear of all conflictions with Gatwick traffic, the aircraft is to be transferred to TC SE. Initiation by TC SE
TC SE and KK FIN Director may initiate use of TIGER/DAGGA SIDS for a specified period of
time by informing KK AIR. If use of relief SIDs is required, but a pilot elects not to accept the
rerouting, KK AIR will advise TC SE and TC KK FIN.
To provide an orderly departure sequence for TC SE, a maximum number of relief SID
departures per hour may be specified. Initiation by Gatwick ADC

The Gatwick AIR Controller may initiate the use of relief SIDs for a specified period of time,
but only after consultation with TC SE and KK FIN.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 APC
Effective 22 February 2024 Hours of Operation

WIZAD, TIGER and DAGGA SIDs are available only between:
▪ Summer period 0600 and 2200 UTC;
▪ Winter period 0700 and 2300 UTC. Vectoring
Departures following the WIZAD, TIGER and DAGGA SIDs are to depart using the existing
NPR. Although the NPR ends at 3000 ft, WIZAD, TIGER and DAGGA departures must not be
vectored from the SID track until they have passed 3000 ft and reached MAY DME 13.0.

5.6.4 Climb Above SID Altitudes

KK FIN is not to climb traffic departing on a SFD SID from 08R/L until clear of all conflictions
with Gatwick inbound traffic. SFD departures should be climbed to MSL prior to transfer to

5.6.5 Gatwick Departure Noise Vectoring Restrictions

This section details restrictions for vectoring aircraft off Noise Preferential Routings (NPRs)
which apply to all aircraft except propeller driven aircraft of 5700 kg or less. Day
Between 0600 and 2330 local, aircraft which have taken off from Runway 26L/R on a
NOVMA, IMVUR, KENET or Southampton (SAM) SID, or from Runway 08L/R (other than
those cleared on a Seaford SID) which have reached 3000 ft may be vectored off the
All other aircraft may only be vectored off the departure once they have reached an altitude
of 4000 ft. Night
Between 2330 and 0600 local, the minimum altitude at which all departures can be vectored
off the Noise Preferential Routes (NPRs) is 4000 ft.

5.7 Noise Preferential Routings (NPR) and Avoidance of Noise Sensitive Areas
See eAIP AD EGKK Section 2.21.

5.8 Silent Transfer Procedures KK FIN to TC South

These silent handover procedures only apply if there is no confliction with other departures.
Any subsequent departures that may conflict with the initial non-NPR departure must be
separated by KK FIN. Any action taken by KK FIN to provide separation betwe en the
subsequent conflicting departure and the non-NPR departure is to be coordinated with
appropriate TC South controller, prior to transfer of communication.
TC Gatwick controllers are to ensure that these departures remain within the confines of the
Gatwick RMA and should endeavour to transfer communications to TC as soon as possible.

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Effective 22 February 2024

5.8.1 Gatwick on Westerly Operations

MIMFO (DVR), LAM and FRANE (CLN) departures from Runway 26L/R that have been
deviated from the published NPR may be transferred to TC SE by silent handover provided
▪ the departure is on a heading that is parallel to the Runway 26L extended centreline;
▪ the aircraft is climbing to 4000 ft;
▪ when transferred to TC SE, the departure is released for further climb and is free
from confliction with any aircraft under the control of TC Gatwick or KK ADC.

NOVMA departures from Runway 26L/R that have been deviated from the published NPR
may be transferred to TC SW by silent handover provided that:
▪ the departure is on a heading that parallels to runway 08R/26L extended centreline;
▪ SAM departures may be positioned either to the North or to the South of runway
08R/26L extended centreline. KENET departures are to be positioned to the North of
the extended centreline;
▪ the aircraft is climbing to 4000 ft;
▪ when transferred to TC SW the departure is released for further climb and is free
from confliction with any other aircraft under the control of TC Gatwick or KK ADC.

5.8.2 Gatwick on Easterly Operations

ODVIK (DVR), LAM and FRANE (CLN) departures from Runway 08R/L that have been
deviated from the published NPR may be transferred to TC SE by silent handover provided
▪ the departure is on a heading that parallels runway 08R/26L extended centreline;
▪ it may be positioned either north or south of runway 08R/26L extended centreline;
▪ the aircraft is climbing to 5000 ft;
▪ when transferred to TC South East, the departure is released for further climb and is
free from confliction with any other aircraft under the control of TC Gatwick or KK

IMVUR (SAM) and KENET departures from Runway 08R/L that have been deviated from the
published NPR may be transferred to TC SW by silent handover provided that:
▪ the departure is on a heading that parallels runway 08R/26L extended centreline;
▪ it is positioned to the north of the runway 08R/26L extended centreline;
▪ all departures that are turned south are to be coordinated with TC SW;
▪ the aircraft is climbing to 4000 ft;
▪ when transferred to TC SW the departure is released for further climb and is free
from confliction with any aircraft under the control of TC Gatwick or KK ADC.

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Effective 22 February 2024

5.9 LTMA Positioning Flights

5.9.1 Heathrow to Gatwick Procedures
LL ADC will issue a MAXIT/MODMI SID to the aircraft and coordinate the departure release
with TC South West (TC SW) who will notify Gatwick of the inbound traffic
TC SW will coordinate the arrival with KK INT in the same way as standard inbounds via MID.

5.9.2 Gatwick to Thames Group (EGLC/EGKB/EGMC)

Prior to the aircraft entering the runway, AIR shall obtain a release from KK FIN in addition to
TC SE. Traffic shall be transferred to TC SE unless KK FIN has coordinated otherwise.
5.9.3 Gatwick to London Heathrow (EGLL) and RAF Northolt (EGWU)
If there is an airborne inbounds delay for Heathrow, TC South East (TC SE) will liaise with LL
INT South to obtain an EAT and calculate an ADT based on that time, such that GMP can
absorb the delay on the ground (see ADC 1.6.3).
Prior to the aircraft entering the runway, AIR shall obtain a release from KK FIN and TC South
KK FIN shall specify a minimum of 3-minutes separation between a departure to
Heathrow/Northolt and a following DVR, CLN or LAM SID in the release to KK AIR.

5.9.4 Other Airfields

KK INT/FIN shall not ordinarily be required to work other IFR flights to airfields in the LTMA.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 LOW
Effective 22 February 2024

LOW | Low Level Procedures

Chapter 1 Airspace
1.1 Classification
The Gatwick Control Zone (CTR) is classified as Class D airspace from the surface up to 2500
ft. Aircraft are permitted to operate in VMC and IMC conditions under either VFR or SVFR as

1.2 Local Flying Areas within the Vicinity

Local Flying Areas (LFAs) are established around airfields surrounding Gatwick as follows:
Airfield Circle of Radius Maximum Altitude Minimum Visibility

Redhill 2 NM 1500 ft 3KM

1.2.1 Redhill Aerodrome

Redhill is a general aviation airfield situated 4 miles to the northeast of London Gatwick. The
southern half of the Redhill ATZ lies within the Gatwick CTR and the northern half
underneath the Gatwick CTA. During normal hours of Redhill ATC flights may be made in the
Redhill local flying area without reference to Gatwick ATC.
Aircraft in communication with Redhill ATC will be instructed to squawk
unvalidated/unverified SSR code 3767. The Redhill local flying area is shown below. Aircraft
in area A are to remain clear of cloud, in sight of the surface with a minimum visibility of 3km
and a maximum altitude of 1500 ft QNH. Aircraft in area B are restricted to a maximum
altitude of 1500 ft QNH.
All Gatwick SIDs are deemed separated from the Redhill local flying area. If an aircraft
advises ATC that it cannot comply with the climb rate associated with the SID, the aircraft
should be placed on an alternative route.
Figure 8 – Redhill Local Flying Area (LFA)

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Effective 22 February 2024

1.2.2 Other Aerodromes in the Vicinity

Vallance is a closed airstrip located within a field immediately to the northwest of London
Gatwick at the Gatwick Aviation Museum. It is situated wholly within Class D airspace and
approaches may be made simultaneously to standard Gatwick traffic, with the permission of
KK AIR. Although it is closed, traffic is permitted on VATSIM (but is extremely limited).
Kenley (EGKN) is a gliding site situated 10 miles to the northeast of London Gatwick. Intense
gliding activity is to be expected within 2 NM up to 2300 ft. Kenley is considered active seven
days a week during daylight hours.
Jackrells Farm is an unlicensed airfield 8.5 miles SSW of London Gatwick situated beneath
the CTA. Circuits are performed to the east of the 03/21 runway.
Slinfold is an unlicensed airfield 10 miles SW of London Gatwick situated beneath the CTA.
Circuits are variable below 1500 ft.
Dunsfold (EGTD) is an unlicensed airfield on the western boundary of the CTA. Circuits are
variable below 1000 ft.

1.3 Provision of Air Traffic Services

Responsibility for low level traffic within the Gatwick CTR falls under Gatwick FIN on VATSIM.
If FIN is unable to accept the traffic due to high workload, then it is acceptable for INT to
take responsibility for operation of VFR traffic providing it is coordinated with Gatwick ADC.

Chapter 2 VFR Operations

2.1 SSR Code Allocations
The allocation of SSR codes to Gatwick ATC are A3750 – A3766.
Codes A3750 – A3763 are reserved for TC Gatwick (INT/FIN)
Codes A3764 - A3766 are reserved for Gatwick ADC (AIR)
Listening Squawk
Aircraft within 10 NM of the Gatwick CTR or operating underneath the Gatwick CTA may
select the code 7012. This indicates that the aircraft is maintaining a listening watch on KK
INT (126.825), however the Mode A and C readout displayed must be considered
unvalidated and unverified, respectively.

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Effective 22 February 2024

2.2 Gatwick CTR Transits

2.2.1 Visual Reference Points (VRPs)
The following VRPs are for use by aircraft operating to and from Gatwick Airport.
VRP Location on Figure 9
510054N 0002700W
511337N 0002006W
Guildford Railway Station
511414N 0003453W
510310N 0001208W
Haywards Heath
510027N 0000546W
North Terminal
510940.00N 0001043.28W
Southern Hangar
510847.83N 0001022.28W
Tunbridge Wells
510800N 0001554E
Figure 9 – Gatwick Visual Reference Points (VRPs)

Aircraft shall normally enter and exit the Gatwick CTR “not above altitude 1500 ft” on the
Gatwick QNH via either general “compass-point” directions or a published VRP. Up to “not
above altitude 2400 ft” may be used depending upon the traffic situation.
Details of inbound VFR traffic must be passed to AIR and transfer of control and
communication shall take place when the pilot reports visual with the airfield.

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Effective 22 February 2024

SVFR inbounds will be retained by APC until such time as APC can safely integrate the
aircraft into the inbound stream maintaining standard separation, and the aircraft has
become number one to land; in order to ensure that it cannot execute any manoeuvre
which will erode the separation against the aircraft ahead. This is unless aerodrome control
is able to provide reduced separation in the vicinity of the airfield (RSIVA):
▪ AND has co-ordinated with Radar
▪ AND has agreed to provide reduced separation
Subject to the above, the responsibility for separating the aircraft from IFR and/or other
SVFR flights will still remain with TC Gatwick.
2.2.2 VFR Fixed-Wing Aircraft
VFR fixed-wing aircraft may only penetrate the Gatwick ATZ with the prior approval of
Gatwick AIR. TC Gatwick shall coordinate a course of action with Gatwick AIR that will
facilitate the safe passage of the aircraft through the ATZ. Any crossing overhead the airfield
should be made at the landing threshold of the runway in use. KK FIN shall pass traffic
information as necessary.
Controllers must not issue clearances that are likely to compromise the pilot’s ability to
remain clear of the built-up area of Crawley.
In the case of inbound aircraft, KK FIN shall provide a gap in the arrival sequence taking into
account the applicable wake turbulence separation as well as the current spacing
requirement. KK FIN shall advise Gatwick AIR of where in the arrival sequence that the gap
for the aircraft will be provided.
2.2.3 Re-join Procedures
No overhead or dead-side joins are allowed.
During easterly operations, traffic from the South should be instructed to join Right Base
avoiding the towns of Horsham and Crawley. Traffic from the North should be instructed to
join Left Base and traffic from the East instructed to join Downwind Left-hand.
During westerly operations, traffic from the South should be instructed to join Left Base
avoiding the towns of East Grinstead and Crawley. Traffic from the North should be
instructed to join Right Base and traffic from the West instructed to join Downwind Right-

2.2.4 Engine Failure Simulation

The deliberate simulation of engine failure is not permitted whilst on approach to or
departure from the airport.

2.3 Helicopter Operations

2.3.1 Overflight Procedures
For helicopters wishing to transit over the airfield two VRPs are established:
▪ North Terminal, and
▪ Southern Hangar.

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Effective 22 February 2024

As set out in APC 1.2.1 and 1.2.2, KK INT is generally responsible for the issuing of clearances
in/out/transiting the Gatwick CTR, but this must be coordinated with KK FIN. In some cases,
it may be sensible to transfer control of the helicopter to KK FIN.
VFR helicopters may only be routed overhead with the prior approval of the AIR controller.
Once this approval has been received, are to be cleared from the controlled airspace
boundary to the nearest helicopter VRP and asked to report Gatwick in sight. VFR helicopters
from Redhill are to be routed initially towards Buckland to await joining instructions.
Before the helicopter reaches the ATZ, APC is to coordinate the flight with the AIR controller
and confirm its direction of flight and contact frequency after crossing the airfield.
APC is responsible for giving necessary traffic information on aircraft making IFR approaches
to transit helicopter traffic until such crossing traffic is transferred to ADC.
When visual with Gatwick the helicopter is to be instructed to hold at the VRP and
transferred to the KK AIR frequency for crossing clearance.
The KK AIR controller will retain control of the transiting traffic until it is clear of aerodrome
traffic. If the transiting helicopter is inbound to Redhill, KK AIR is to issue a clearance limit of
Buckland, instruct it to squawk 3767, and transfer it to ATC Redhill for joining instructions.

2.3.2 Inbounds and Outbounds Manoeuvring
While helicopters are operating on the manoeuvring area extreme caution must be
exercised regarding wingtip/rotor blade clearance and turbulence. Use of Runways

All helicopters must use the runways for take-offs and landings. Helicopters may not carry
out direct approaches to or take-off from apron areas or taxiways.
Standard wake turbulence separation requirements must be applied between a helicopter
movement and the traffic which precedes it. Inbound Procedures

VFR helicopters inbound to Gatwick are to be treated initially as in the previous section, until
transfer to Gatwick AIR at the established helicopter VRPs for landing.
In the event that a helicopter loses visual contact with the surface or is unable to acquire
visual contact with the runway, the AIR Controller will instruct the helicopter to route
north/south (directed away from the final approach/departure track), co-ordinate with
Gatwick FIN and transfer the traffic back to Gatwick FIN for onward routing. After Landing

After landing, helicopters will ground taxi or air taxi to an allocated parking area (usually an
adjacent stand).

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02 LOW
Effective 22 February 2024 Outbound Procedures

When a helicopter requests clearance from Gatwick to Redhill or an airport outside the
Gatwick CTR, GMP shall request clearance from KK FIN.
GMP should obtain the full clearance request which includes the aircraft’s type, destination
and intended routing. Once KK FIN has issued a full clearance, it is the responsibility of GMP
to pass this clearance (in full) to the pilot.
Example: “GVUKA cleared to leave the Gatwick CTR via the Dorking VRP, not above
altitude 1500 ft, VFR, squawk 3750”
Once clearance has been issued, the helicopter should be handed to GMC when ready for
start/taxi to the active runway. GMP should inform AIR of the clearance the helicopter has
been given so they can plan the departure and its direction accordingly.
2.3.3 Radio Failure Procedures
As detailed in eAIP AD 2-EGKK-16 Section 2.20.

London Gatwick vMATS Part 2 – Revision 2024/02
Effective 22 February 2024

Abbreviation Section
AC Area Control
ADC Aerodrome Control
AIR Air Controller (i.e. Tower Controller)
APC Approach Control
CTA Control Area
CTR Control Zone
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
EAT Estimated Approach Time
FIN Final Director
FIS Flight Information Service
FL Flight Level
Ft Foot (feet)
GMC Ground Movement Control
GMP Ground Movement Planner
GS Groundspeed
hPa Hectopascal
IAS Indicated Airspeed
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ILS Instrument Landing System
INT Intermediate Director
Kts Knots
LL Heathrow (EGLL), as in “LL INT North”
MDI Minimum Departure Interval
MHz Megahertz
MSL Minimum Stack Level
NM Nautical Mile
RFC * Released for Climb
RFD * Released for Descent
RFT * Released for Turn
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
TC Terminal Control

* Although these acronyms are not used in this document, they may be useful for controllers to be aware of
as common notation in text coordination.


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