2023-24 HIIFP - Program Guide

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Ministry of Transportation (MTO)

Highway Infrastructure Innovations

Funding Program (HIIFP)

Program Guide
for Ontario Universities and Colleges

Deadline for Application Submissions:

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 5:00pm

Submit applications to: [email protected]

Posted: December 2022

2023-24 Fiscal
2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
Purpose of the Program .......................................................................................... 2
Scope of the Program .............................................................................................. 3
3.1 Eligible Institutions ........................................................................................... 3
3.2 Eligible Research Topics ................................................................................. 3
3.2.1 Specific Research Topics ................................................................ 3
3.2.2 Open Research Topics ................................................................... 4
3.3 MTO Technical Specialist Assignment ............................................................ 4
3.4 HIIFP Funding and Ineligible Expenditures ...................................................... 5
3.5 Multi-Year Projects .......................................................................................... 5
3.6 Fieldwork on MTO Highways and/or ROWs .................................................... 5
3.7 Information and Data Confidentiality ................................................................ 6
Application Package ................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Application Package Components ................................................................... 7
4.1.1 Curriculum Vitae (CV) Recommended Information ......................... 8
4.2 Application Deadlines & Submission Location ................................................. 9
Project Proposal Budget ....................................................................................... 10
5.1 General .......................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Budget Summary & Details ............................................................................ 10
5.2.1 Salaries and/or Benefits ................................................................ 10
5.2.2 Equipment and/or Facility .............................................................. 10
5.2.3 Materials and/or Supplies .............................................................. 11
5.2.4 Travel ............................................................................................ 11
5.2.5 Dissemination Costs ..................................................................... 11
5.2.6 Overhead ...................................................................................... 11
Evaluation Criteria ................................................................................................. 12
6.1 Application Package Content ......................................................................... 12
6.2 Other Considerations ..................................................................................... 12
6.3 Final Recommendation .................................................................................. 13
Notification of Award & Next Steps ...................................................................... 14
Financial Arrangements & Reporting Requirements .......................................... 15

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Amendments to a Research Project..................................................................... 17

Deliverables ............................................................................................................ 18
10.1 Written Technical Report ............................................................................... 18
10.2 Presentation of Findings ................................................................................ 20
Research Outcomes .............................................................................................. 21
External Communication of Research Outcomes ............................................... 22
12.1 External Communications .............................................................................. 22
12.1.1 Disclosure ..................................................................................... 22
12.1.2 Publications or Presentations ........................................................ 22
12.1.3 Publication Disclaimer ................................................................... 22
12.1.4 Reference Permission ................................................................... 23
12.1.5 Media Inquiries .............................................................................. 23
Occupational Health and Safety ........................................................................... 24
Appendix A. Specific Research Topics................................................................. A-1
Appendix B. Open Research Topic Form (23-B) .................................................. B-1
Appendix C. Project Progress Report (23-F) ........................................................ C-1
Appendix D. HIIFP Application Form (23-A) ......................................................... D-1
Appendix E. Research Proposal Summary (23-C) ................................................ E-1
Appendix F. Budget Summary Form (23-D) .......................................................... F-1
Appendix G. Budget Details Form (23-E) .............................................................. G-1
Appendix H. HIIFP Report Template...................................................................... H-1

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

The Highway Infrastructure Innovations Funding Program (HIIFP) was first introduced in
2003. The objective of this program is to encourage Ontario’s academic community to
research projects that contribute to generating solutions to current technical challenges
encountered by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) in the construction and
maintenance of the provincial highway infrastructure network. These research projects
are funded through HIIFP.

A diverse range of specific research topics have been developed by MTO that outline:
1.) the background of the research requirement, 2.) the challenge or problem to be
addressed, and 3.) the anticipated outcome and/or research deliverables.

An eligible institution may choose from one of the MTO provided specific research
topics or submit their own research topic (i.e., an open research topic).

Research projects awarded the HIIFP grant shall submit a written technical report to be
published in the MTO Library Catalog. The research team will also present their findings
to the HIIFP Steering Committee and/or an MTO Technical Committee interested in the
specific subject area.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Purpose of the Program

The objective of this program is to supplement the technical expertise at MTO by
providing HIIFP funding to eligible Ontario universities and colleges (institutions). This
funding encourages the academic community to conduct research that will contribute to
the generation of innovative solutions to current technical challenges experienced
during the construction and maintenance of the provincial highway infrastructure
network. This research aids MTO in achieving its strategic plan.

Research on innovative approaches and methodologies contribute to solutions in

several areas of transportation and infrastructure engineering which are included in this
program, such as:

• Traffic Operations • Environmental

• Intelligent Transportation Systems • Geomatics

• Engineering Materials • Bridges

• Highway Design • Construction

• Investment Planning • Maintenance

A majority of the research topics involve detailed technical issues identified by MTO that
will require an innovative solution to address the specified problem. MTO further
supports the research methodology and solution generation by assigning an MTO
Technical Specialist in the relevant subject area to liaise with the Principal Researcher
for all research projects awarded HIIFP funding.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Scope of the Program

3.1 Eligible Institutions

All of Ontario’s 23 public universities and 24 colleges are eligible for funding under the
HIIFP. The Principal Researcher must be a member of the faculty (full or part-time) at
the sponsoring institution.

3.2 Eligible Research Topics

A diverse range of specific research topics have been developed by MTO that outline:
1.) the background of the research requirement, 2.) the challenge or problem to be
addressed, and 3.) the anticipated outcome and/or research deliverables.

A majority of the research topics involve detailed technical issues identified by MTO that
will require an innovative solution to address the specified problem. To qualify for HIIFP
funding, an eligible institution’s HIIFP application package must cover one (or several)
of the specific research topics. An institution may also submit an HIIFP application
package with their own research topic (i.e., an open research topic).

3.2.1 Specific Research Topics

Specific research topics are provided based on MTO’s research needs in any given
fiscal year. Some research topics will be identified as priority research needs for a
particular MTO Office and/or subject area. Detailed descriptions of each specific
research topic are provided in Appendix A.

The specific research topics included in Appendix A are summarized with the following

• Subject Area: Description of the general subject area.

• Title: Briefly describes the challenge for the subject area.

• Background: Discussion of the subject area and the impact to MTO, any
previous work done to date, the current approach, thoughts on how to solve the
challenge, any applicable reference information and/or literature that currently
exists, etc.

• Challenge: A statement that outlines the challenge and why an improvement is


2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

• Anticipated Outcome(s) & Research Deliverables: A typical deliverable is a

technical report that demonstrates how the challenge was addressed and/or met
and shows how improvements may be made. A presentation to an MTO
technical committee is also expected.

• Benefits to MTO: A description or example of the expected result(s).

3.2.2 Open Research Topics

An open research topic describes a proposed research project that is not included in
Appendix A of this Program Guide, however the Principal Researcher considers it to be
relevant to the provincial highway infrastructure as well as to MTO’s business needs.

If the Principal Researcher chooses to submit an HIIFP application package for an open
research topic, they shall complete the Open Research Topic Form, 23-B (see
Appendix B) and include it with their HIIFP application package. See Section 4.1 for
details regarding the application package components. The Open Research Topic
Form, 23-B shall not exceed two (2) pages in length, and the research topic should
clearly identify how it will enhance MTO’s practices and business needs. Upon inclusion
of this form (23-B), MTO may accept and evaluate HIIFP application packages on open
research topics. In the case of an application package for an open research topic,
where a topic number is required, please insert the word “open” in the “Topic No.” field.

If a Principal Researcher proposes to include fieldwork on MTO highways and/or

right-of-ways (ROWs) for their open research topic, this fieldwork must be pre-approved
prior to submission of an HIIFP application package (see Section 3.6).

3.3 MTO Technical Specialist Assignment

For each approved research project, an MTO Technical Specialist, in the relevant
subject area will be assigned to liaise with the Principal Researcher. Timing of periodic
meetings and/or telephone conference calls will be negotiated at the commencement of
the research project.

Written Project Progress Reports, Form 23-F (see Appendix C) will be required a
minimum of every six (6) months. The project progress report shall be sent to the
assigned MTO Technical Specialist, with a copy to the HIIFP Coordinator.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

3.4 HIIFP Funding and Ineligible Expenditures

The total HIIFP funding amount for any fiscal year is subject to provincial budget
approval. MTO may be required to delay the award of HIIFP funds until the provincial
budget has been approved.

MTO reserves the right to restrict and/or terminate HIIFP funding at any time, at its sole
discretion and without any reasons.

The salary of the Principal Researcher is not eligible for funding under the HIIFP, nor is
the Principal Researcher eligible to charge any fees in this respect.

3.5 Multi-Year Projects

MTO will consider application packages for research project proposals that are multi-
year, meaning funding may be required for the current and future fiscal year(s). In such
cases, MTO will endeavour to provide funding beyond the first fiscal year, however,
MTO cannot guarantee funding in future years.

For awarded multi-year research projects, institutions will be required to provide written
Project Progress Reports, Form 23-F (see Appendix C) a minimum of every six (6)
months to be considered for funding in subsequent years. The project progress reports
shall be sent to the assigned MTO Technical Specialist, with a copy to the HIIFP
Coordinator. Failure to provide such project progress reports describing the percentage
completion of the tasks as set out in the original application package may result in the
institution being denied funding in subsequent fiscal years. Additionally, MTO reserves
the right to revoke the funding in future years, at its sole discretion, and can terminate
the research project upon written notice to the institution.

3.6 Fieldwork on MTO Highways and/or ROWs

If the Principal Researcher proposes to include fieldwork on MTO highways and/or
ROWs for the research project, this fieldwork must be pre-approved prior to
submission of an HIIFP application package.

Whether the institution is submitting an application package for a specific research topic
(Section 3.2.1) or an open research topic (Section 3.2.2), the Principal Researcher must
clearly define and describe the proposed fieldwork and seek pre-approval. Email the
HIIFP Coordinator with the Subject Line: HIIFP Fieldwork Approval to receive written
consent for proposed fieldwork. Be certain to include the written consent with the
application package.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

3.7 Information and Data Confidentiality

The Principal Researcher and the institution agree that all information and data that
MTO provides in respect of the research project shall be kept confidential. The
institution shall only use the provided information and data for purposes related to the
submission of a written technical report to MTO for the research project. The institution
shall ensure that reasonable methods are taken to secure the confidential information
and data of MTO.

Failing to comply with this provision may result in the termination of the research
project, where upon the institution shall return all information and data, return all monies
paid by MTO and may result in the institution being precluded from the award of future
HIIFP funds.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Application Package

4.1 Application Package Components

The HIIFP Steering Committee will deem the information contained in the submitted
application packages as confidential. Refer to Section 6 for the evaluation criteria
implemented by MTO for selecting research project proposals to be awarded HIIFP
funding. The application package for a research project proposal shall consist of the
following components:

1. HIIFP Application Form (see Appendix D, Form 23-A)

2. Research Proposal Summary (see Appendix E, Form 23-C)

• 300 words maximum, Arial 12-point font, 1.08 line spacing.
• Use plain language suitable for communicating with the public.
• Portions of this summary may be used in a media release, therefore the
language should be non-technical and free of acronyms or jargon.
3. Budget Summary (see Appendix F, Form 23-D)

4. Detailed Research Project Proposal

Ten (10) pages maximum, Arial 12-point font, minimum 1.08 line spacing, and
including the following information:
• Understanding of the need for this research and the objective.
• Proposed methodologies, innovative approaches, and potential outcomes.
• Details of the analysis process.
• Schedule of the activities to be undertaken during the research project,
identifying key milestones and associated dates and/or timelines.
• Qualifications of the Principal Researcher (applicant) in the subject area.
• Related work performed by the applicant and others on the research team.
5. Budget Details Form (see Appendix G, Form 23-E). See Section 5 for details.

6. Curriculum Vitae (CV) for:

• The Principal Researcher.
• The Co-Applicants (if any) listed in the HIIFP Application Form (23-A).
• See Section 4.1.1 for recommended information to include in the CVs.
7. Additional Approvals (where required). For example:
• Pre-approvals (use of MTO facilities, work conducted on MTO highways, etc.)
• Open Research Topic Form 23-B (if applicable, see Section 3.2.2 for details).

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

4.1.1 Curriculum Vitae (CV) Recommended Information

To encourage consistency across all submitted CVs when evaluating the HIIFP
application packages, the following information is recommended for the CV of the
Principal Researcher and any other Co-Applicants listed in the HIIFP Application Form.

CV Section Recommended Information (where applicable)

Personal Information • Name, Address, and Contact Information

Education • Degrees and Diplomas

Recognitions • Prizes, Awards, Distinctions and Honors – describe the

recognition received and its importance

Employment • Academic Work Experience – include the nature of your

research, teaching, training, and/or other activities
• Non-Academic Work Experience

Research Funding • List all sources of support (e.g., grants and research
History funding) held as an applicant or a co-applicant

Activities • Supervisory Activities – students (e.g., postdoctoral,

undergraduate, summer projects, etc.), research
associates and technicians
• Mentoring Activities – list all students you have
• Advisory Activities – for example, as an expert witness
in a legal proceeding
• Knowledge and Technology Translation Activities – list
activities related to a practical application such as:
community engagement and outreach, activities with
industry, activities with government, and innovations
• International Collaboration Activities – list all
collaborations outside of Canada that may be relevant
to the application

Memberships • Committees and other memberships

Contributions • Presentations (at conferences and events), Interviews

and Media Relations, Publications (as author or
co-author), Intellectual Property (patents, licenses,
disclosures, registered copyrights, trademarks)

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

4.2 Application Deadlines & Submission Location

The deadline date for the receipt of application packages is:

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 5:00pm.

Completed application packages (including all supporting documentation) must be

received by this stipulated deadline date.

An electronic PDF copy of the complete application package shall be submitted to the
HIIFP Coordinator ([email protected]) with the Subject Line: HIIFP Application

Subsequent to emailing the HIIFP application package to the HIIFP Coordinator, the
applicant (e.g., Principal Researcher) shall receive a return email confirming receipt of
the HIIFP application package.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Project Proposal Budget

5.1 General
The detailed budget must include a full account of purchases and activities to be
financed by the HIIFP grant. The level of budget breakdown and supporting information
provided should be sufficient to justify the items relative to the Detailed Research
Project Proposal (Item #4, Section 4.1).

Multi-year project proposals (see Section 3.5) may be considered and evaluated on the
condition that sufficient information is provided in the application package. A Budget
Summary Form (23-D) should be completed for each fiscal year in the multi-year project
proposal requiring funding.

The HIIFP Steering Committee reserves the right to disallow expenditures in the budget
that are not adequately justified.

5.2 Budget Summary & Details

A Budget Summary Form (23-D) and a Budget Details Form (23-E) shall be included in
the application package. It is important to consider the provisions outlined in Section 3.4
which describes available funding and ineligible expenditures.

The following types of expenditures are eligible for funding, unless specified otherwise:

5.2.1 Salaries and/or Benefits

Salaries, stipends and related federal, provincial and institutional non-discretionary

benefits for research work performed by research personnel (e.g., students, research
associates, and technicians) may be included in the budget.

The salary of the Principal Researcher is not eligible for funding under the HIIFP and
should not be included in the budget.

5.2.2 Equipment and/or Facility

Equipment and/or facility costs directly attributed to the research project may be funded.
The Principal Researcher may propose to use MTO equipment and/or laboratory
facilities as part of their application, where similar equipment and/or facilities are not
available at their institution.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

MTO will not normally fund the purchase of major equipment, or the rental of existing
equipment. However, in exceptional cases that satisfy MTO, major equipment
purchases, rental of large, shared equipment or the purchase of computer time will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.

5.2.3 Materials and/or Supplies

Materials may include the purchase of engineering materials directly attributable to the
research project proposal. Supplies may include expendable materials, printing,
photocopying, and other similar office supplies.

Materials that are to be supplied by MTO will be indicated in the “Background” section of
the Specific Research Topic included in Appendix A of this Program Guide.

5.2.4 Travel

A presentation of the research findings to the HIIFP Steering Committee and/or an MTO
Technical Committee may be a key deliverable for the research project proposal. Travel
and accommodation, if required, shall be in accordance with the institution’s internal
travel policy and all associated costs shall be included in the budget summary.

5.2.5 Dissemination Costs

Dissemination costs include costs associated with the preparation of the written
technical report. All written technical reports shall be in conformance with the Ontario
Government accessibility requirements in order to be accepted by MTO. See Section 10
for details related to the requirements for written technical reports.

5.2.6 Overhead

Overhead may be included in the budget for the research project proposal. The Budget
Summary Form (23-D) requires that the applicant identify the rate (as a percentage) of
overhead for the institution. Please note that HIIFP funding is considered a research
grant, therefore overhead rates should be calculated and presented accordingly.
Overhead rates shall not exceed 25%.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Evaluation Criteria
MTO will only accept, review and evaluate application packages (see Section 4.1 for
the required components of an application package) that are received by the deadline
date specified in Section 4.2.

To assist institutions and applicants in completing their application package, the

evaluation criteria implemented by MTO for awarding research project proposals HIIFP
funding is summarized in the following subsections.

6.1 Application Package Content

Each of the following four items are awarded a numerical score, a maximum of
20 points for each item:

• Demonstrates an understanding of the research need and the desired


• Exhibits a degree of innovativeness to address the problem described in the

research need.

• Feasibility of accomplishing the required deliverables within the proposed

timelines and budget.

• Experience and qualifications of the Principal Researcher (and Co-Applicants,

where applicable) in the subject area(s).

The maximum total for this section is equal to 80 points.

6.2 Other Considerations

Each of the following four questions are awarded a numerical score based on the
reviewer’s response (“yes” = 5 points, “no” = 0 points):

• Does the overall cost of the research project provide good Value-For-Money to

• Is the research project of great importance to MTO?

• Does the MTO Office have a Technical Specialist available to support the
research team for the duration of the project?

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

• Does the research project demonstrate the use of sustainable materials and

The maximum total for this section is equal to 20 points.

6.3 Final Recommendation

Evaluators will make a final recommendation for each application package by choosing
one of three potential outcomes:

• Yes, recommend for HIIFP funding.

• Yes, recommend for HIIFP funding with suggested changes and/or modifications.

• No, do not recommend for HIIFP funding.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Notification of Award & Next Steps

A letter announcing the award of HIIFP funds will be sent at the beginning of the award
period from MTO to the Principal Researcher. A copy of the award letter will also be
sent to the Authorized Signing Officer of the Sponsoring Institution as designated in the
HIIFP Application Form (23-A).

Upon receipt of the award letter, the institution accepts and agrees to: 1.) the provisions
in the award letter, 2.) the contents of the submitted application package for the
research project proposal, and 3.) the requirements set out in this Program Guide. The
award letter also provides authority for the institution to incur project expenses for items
and amounts specified in the approved Budget Summary Form (23-D). Note, expenses
incurred in excess of the approved budget are not the responsibility of MTO.

Following receipt of the award letter and prior to beginning the research project, the
Principal Researcher shall connect with the MTO Contact (MTO Technical Specialist)
listed in the award letter. This communication between the institution and MTO is
critically important to re-confirm all research project proposal items such as:

• The required resources.

• The project schedule.

• Any assistance requested of MTO.

• The specific project deliverables.

Recipients of HIIFP funding and their research team and/or associates are not
considered employees of the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) or the Ontario
Government. MTO reserves the right to terminate HIIFP funding without cause, at any
time, by providing written notice of termination to the institution.

Any public announcements about the award of funding for the Highway Infrastructure
Innovations Funding Program shall be made by MTO, unless the institution obtains the
prior written approval by MTO.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Financial Arrangements & Reporting Requirements

HIIFP funds shall be paid to the institution in one instalment. As outlined in the award
letter, the institution will be required to send an invoice to the HIIFP Coordinator for the
specified funding amount.

Recipients of HIIFP funding are required to maintain periodic contact with the
HIIFP Coordinator and/or the MTO Contact assigned to their research project.

A financial report must be submitted to MTO by the Authorized Signing Officer of the
Sponsoring Institution upon completion of the research project. This financial report
shall include a full account of purchases and activities financed by the HIIFP grant. The
financial report shall also include an itemized list of equipment that was purchased in
whole or part with the HIIFP funds.

The following items shall be included in the financial report:

• Salaries and/or Benefits

• Equipment and/or Facility Use

• Materials and/or Supplies

• Travel

• Dissemination Costs

• Other Costs

MTO reserves the right to audit any research project. The institution is required to keep
any records that may be required for a financial audit for a minimum of five (5) years.

For approved multi-year research projects, in order to be considered for funding in

subsequent years, institutions will be required to provide written Project Progress
Reports, Form 23-F (see Appendix C) a minimum of every six (6) months. The project
progress report shall be sent to the MTO Contact, with a copy to the HIIFP Coordinator.
Failure to provide such Project Progress Reports describing the percentage completion
of the tasks set out in the original application package may result in the institution being
denied funding in subsequent fiscal years. Additionally, MTO reserves the right to
revoke the funding in future years and can terminate the research project upon written
notice to the institution.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Any surplus or unspent funds must be returned to MTO by the institution. If the research
project is not started or is terminated part way through the proposed timeframe, any
unused portion(s) of the HIIFP funding must be returned to the HIIFP Coordinator within
thirty (30) calendar days.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Amendments to a Research Project

The Principal Researcher shall notify the HIIFP Coordinator, in writing, in advance of
any intention to:

• Alter the direction or intent of the research project.

• Terminate the research project.

• Reassign research responsibilities to other researchers, other than those named

in the original HIIFP application package.

• Modify the research project work schedule.

• Reallocate funding described in the Budget Summary Form (23-D) and/or Budget
Details Form (23-E) included in the original HIIFP application package.

• Alter the research project deliverables and/or timelines.

Written approval from the HIIFP Coordinator must be obtained before any alterations or
amendments to the research project are implemented. Extensions for research projects
may be granted if a valid reason for the research extension is provided in advance and
an interim Project Progress Report (23-F) is submitted.

If the Principal Researcher is uncertain as to what constitutes an alteration or

amendment to the research project, the Principal Researcher shall contact the
HIIFP Coordinator and/or the assigned MTO Contact to discuss further.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

For projects awarded HIIFP funding, the Principal Researcher, and their research team

• Submit a written technical report, published in the MTO Library Catalog,

demonstrating how the research need was addressed and/or met and
recommendations where improvements may be made.

• Present their findings to the HIIFP Steering Committee and/or an MTO Technical
Committee interested in the specific subject area.

10.1 Written Technical Report

The Principal Researcher shall submit a written technical report, no later than three (3)
months after the research completion date (as specified in the submitted HIIFP
Application Form, 23-A) or after termination of the funding by MTO.

The Principal Researcher shall use the HIIFP Report Template, an MS Word™ template
(see Appendix H) as a baseline when preparing the written technical report to maintain
consistency of all submitted HIIFP reports. The Technical Report Style Guide for the
Engineering Materials Office (EMO), EMO-208 may also be used as a resource to aid
the Principal Researcher in producing a written technical report that is well organized,
functional, and professional.

To be accepted by MTO, all HIIFP written technical reports require inclusion of a

Technical Report Documentation Page (see page ii of the HIIFP Report Template) and
shall be submitted in a PDF format. Prior to converting the MS Word™ document to
PDF, an accessibility check should be performed using the MS Word™ Accessibility
Checker to ensure the written technical report is in conformance with the Ontario
Government accessibility requirements. Some best practices for ensuring accessibility
requirements are met when preparing written technical reports include:

• Placing a focus on accessibility early in the process of preparing the written

technical report.

• Using the HIIFP Report Template, an MS Word™ template with accessibility

choices, e.g., font type and size, paragraph spacing, line spacing, etc.
pre-defined for the written technical report.

• Choosing font types that are sans serif, e.g., Arial, Calibri, Raleway, etc. and
12-point font size or larger.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

• Avoiding large sections of text set in all caps, bold and/or italic.

• Limiting the use of underlined text, except for hyperlinks.

• Using meaningful and descriptive hyperlink text. Avoiding words like “click here”
or “go here” for the hyperlink text.

• Avoiding the use of visual cues alone to convey important information, e.g., text
effects, highlighting text, low contrast colours, serif fonts, etc.

• Avoiding over use of the Enter key, space bar or Tab key to create white space
in the document. An individual who uses a screen reader will hear “blank”
repeated several times and this can be distracting or lead the person to believe
they have reached the end of the document.

• Performing an accessibility check using the MS Word™ Accessibility Checker

prior to converting the source document (e.g., HIIFP written technical report) to
PDF to ensure the written technical report meets digital accessibility

• Converting the source document in a way that ensures the accessibility

considerations and information, e.g. cues, tags, styles, etc., are not lost during
the conversion process.

MTO will retain the written technical report, generate an ISBN (International Standard
Book Number) and publish the final report in the MTO Library Catalog. It is important to
note that a copy of a student thesis or dissertation is not a substitute for an HIIFP
written technical report.

Members of the HIIFP Steering Committee that recommended support of the research
project may also review the written technical report.

The institution or Principal Researcher shall also provide MTO with a copy of any
follow-up publications which the Principal Researcher prepares following the research
project and which incorporates any portion of the research outcomes.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

10.2 Presentation of Findings

Upon submission of the written technical report, the Principal Researcher and their
research team shall prepare and present the findings of their research project to the
MTO Contact assigned to the research project and/or any other interested MTO staff
members. In coordination with Principal Researcher, the presentation will be scheduled
by the HIIFP Coordinator within two (2) months of the submission of the written
technical report.

The presentation shall be prepared using MS PowerPoint™, with consideration made

for the following best practices:

• Ensure each slide title is meaningful and unique.

• Choose font types that are sans serif, e.g., Arial, Calibri, Raleway, etc. and
18-point or larger for slide content.

• Avoid large amounts of text set in all capitals, bold, italics, and/or underlined.

• For colour, ensure text and background colours have a contrast ratio of at least
4.5:1, or 3:1 (for large text, 14-point bold and larger).

• Do no use colour alone to convey important information

• Ensure sufficient white space is provided between text and graphics.

• Abbreviations and acronyms shall be fully explained and/or spelled out in their
first instance in the presentation.

• Use the notes pane to provide supplementary information or longer descriptions,

if required.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Research Outcomes
When MTO elects to use the findings from research projects funded by HIIFP, as a
condition of the HIIFP funding, MTO shall be granted a non-exclusive, royalty-free
license, without charge to use the research outcomes, data, tools, and/or conclusions
for MTO’s own non-commercial internal purposes. This includes use on MTO highway
contracts and work conducted on behalf of MTO.

In the event the institution is able to obtain patent protection for any of the outcomes
and/or conclusions in the research project, MTO shall be granted a royalty-free,
non-exclusive license without charge to use the outcomes and/or conclusions in the
research outcomes with no right to sub-license to third parties. The institution shall
arrange for the execution of the appropriate documents to provide such licenses to

Should the research outcomes be further interpreted and/or refuted by MTO, then
MTO’s findings and/or conclusions shall become the responsibility of MTO.

Should MTO’s findings and/or conclusions differ from the findings and/or conclusions in
the research outcomes, the names of the Principal Researcher, original authors, and
institution shall not be associated with MTO’s findings and/or conclusions.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

External Communication of Research Outcomes

For the purpose of this section, the terms "disclosure", "publication" and "presentation"
include articles, seminars and any other oral or written presentations as deemed
appropriate by the institution to the public. This does not include a student thesis or
other communications submitted for the purpose of evaluating the student’s
performance. The institution retains the right to have a student’s thesis reviewed and
defended for the sole purpose of academic evaluation in accordance with the
institution's established procedures.

12.1 External Communications

The Principal Researcher and/or institution shall notify MTO of any external disclosure,
publication and/or presentation of the research project findings, outcomes and/or
conclusions by adhering to the information in the following sections, where applicable to
the particular situation.

12.1.1 Disclosure

Both MTO and the Principal Researcher/institution shall be sensitive to the need for
timely approval of a student’s thesis and/or essay.

12.1.2 Publications or Presentations

The Principal Researcher/institution, using their best efforts, shall notify MTO at least
sixty (60) calendar days in advance of any proposed external publication or
presentation. The associated outline or abstract shall be submitted to the
HIIFP Coordinator with the Subject Line: External Communication.

12.1.3 Publication Disclaimer

Any publication resulting from a research project funded through HIIFP shall
acknowledge the source of the funds and include a disclaimer indicating that the views
of the authors may not necessarily reflect the views and policies of MTO. Sample
wording of a disclaimer to be used is as follows:

“This research project was supported [whole or in part] by a grant from the Ontario Ministry
of Transportation (MTO). Opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and may
not necessarily reflect the views and policies of MTO.”

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

12.1.4 Reference Permission

Should the Principal Researcher/institution wish to make specific reference to MTO

and/or name an MTO staff member in the publication, permission by MTO shall be
obtained prior to publication. Permission requests shall be sent to the HIIFP Coordinator
with the Subject Line: Reference Permission.

12.1.5 Media Inquiries

The Principal Researcher/institution should not speak directly to the media regarding
the research project or any findings, outcomes and/or conclusions. Any Principal
Researchers/institutions contacted by the media shall communicate the following:

“The Highway Infrastructure Innovations Funding Program policy is to refer all media
inquiries to MTO’s Communications Branch”.

All media inquiries regarding awarded HIIFP research projects should be sent to the
HIIFP Coordinator with the Subject Line: Media Inquiry. Once the request is received by
the HIIFP Coordinator, they will refer the inquiry to the MTO Communications Branch
where an Issues Advisor will draft an appropriate response. The reporter/media outlet
that made the original inquiry will be sent an official response by an MTO Issues Advisor
from the Communications Branch.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Occupational Health and Safety

The institution and Principal Researcher shall be responsible for understanding and
complying with all legal obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act
(OHSA). Any procedures undertaken as a result of the awarded HIIFP research project
shall be carried out in accordance with the OHSA and all applicable regulations.

Principal Researchers intending to carry out fieldwork on MTO highways and

right-of-ways and/or proposing to make use of MTO laboratory facilities shall contact
MTO for additional information on operational constraints and occupational health and
safety requirements.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Appendix A. Specific Research Topics

Topic 1: Assessing Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Gaps and
Opportunities Across Ontario ...................................................................... A-2
Topic 2: Researching the Effectiveness of Species at Risk (SAR) Bat Habitat
Compensation Measures Implemented on Select Ministry of
Transportation Projects ............................................................................... A-5
Topic 3: Rheology Investigation of Hot Applied Rubberized Asphalt
Waterproofing Membranes for Concrete Structures .................................... A-8
Topic 4: Investigating the Pavement Impact in Spring to Support Spring Load
Restriction Impact in Asset Management .................................................. A-10
Topic 5: Incorporating Climate Change into Rainfall Prediction .............................. A-12
Topic 6: Safe Accommodation of Active Transportation Through Highway
Interchanges – Balancing the Needs of Cyclists, Pedestrians, and
Motorists ................................................................................................... A-13
Topic 7: Quantifying Greenhouse Gasses Emitted During Congestion,
Construction Staging, and Other Temporary Traffic Conditions ................ A-15
Topic 8: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Targets for Demonstrating
Sustainability and Climate Action Progress in Highway Design ................ A-17
Topic 9: Foundation Frost Penetration Depths for Northern & Southern Ontario .... A-19
Topic 10: Investigating Impacts of Construction Contaminants to Fibre
Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Internal Reinforcing Bars ................................ A-20
Topic 11: Development of Simplified Design Methodology for Specification of
Galvanic Anode Systems in Bridges ......................................................... A-23
Topic 12: Risk Based Analysis of Bridge Inspection Frequency Depending on
Type and Age of Bridge ............................................................................ A-25
Topic 13: Backfill Between Piling and CSP in Integral Abutment Bridges ................. A-26
Topic 14: A Project to Scope Pilot Implementation of Green Light Counters at
Standard Traffic Signals to Better Understand Their Impact on Vehicle
Collisions at Signalized Intersections in Ontario ....................................... A-28

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 1: Assessing Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure

Gaps and Opportunities Across Ontario

Subject Area Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Title Assessing Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Gaps And

Opportunities Across Ontario

Background • Ontario’s transportation system is transitioning to an electric

future. In order to help meet the federal target of 100% zero-
emission vehicle sales by 2035, many more EV charging
stations (EVCS) will need to be built across the province.
While most charging is anticipated to happen at home, public
charging plays an important role, particularly for (a) long-
distance travel and (b) those without access to home charging.

• In March 2022, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation

announced a $91.1M investment in public EV charging
infrastructure. This investment will make EVCS more
accessible to the public across the province, including at
highway rest stops, carpool parking lots, provincial parks, and
in community hubs like hockey arenas and municipal parks.

• MTO has developed preliminary estimates of public charging

needs across the province, using industry benchmarks for EV-
to-charger ratios and aligning with best practices across peer
jurisdictions. Relevant research includes the federal
government’s Projections of Canada’s Public Charging
Infrastructure Needs (Dunsky, 2022) and Quebec’s
Assessment of Charging Infrastructure Needs (International
Council on Clean Transportation, 2021). However, to date, no
Ontario-specific analysis of comparable scope has been
identified that quantifies provincial charging infrastructure

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Challenge • There is an opportunity for research to help inform the number

of public EVCS of each type (Level 2 and Level 3 of various
power outputs) needed across Ontario, and at which locations.

• Given the wide range of ideal EV-to-charger ratios cited across

the literature, research is needed to provide Ontario-specific
recommendations to (a) help guide future provincial
investment in public chargers, and (b) support partners
including municipalities, Indigenous communities, private
businesses and other organizations in identifying strategies to
appropriately deploy public EVCS.

• Beyond headline figures (e.g. Ontario needs X chargers by

year Y), more disaggregated research is needed to identify
specific categories of underserved areas, including both along
corridors and within communities across Ontario. The research
would identify types of sites that are (a) most likely to achieve
public benefit; and (b) least likely to be built in the absence of
public supports.

• Research needs to consider the various uncertainties facing

the sector in the coming years, including the pace of
technological advancement (e.g., EV battery range and
charging speed), level of future private investment and
attractiveness of EVCS business case, investment by other
levels of government, and changes to the regulatory landscape
(e.g., targets and mandates).

• While significant focus is placed on light-duty vehicles, the

research should also consider the types of public charging
infrastructure needed to support commercial traffic including
light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Anticipated 1) A report providing an assessment of charging needs across

Outcome(s) / Ontario (including the number and type of chargers needed
Research province-wide, by geographic region, and by community size)
Deliverable(s) from today to 2050.

2) An EVCS site selection tool to support MTO staff in identifying,

evaluating and prioritizing appropriate locations for public
EVCS, both on government lands and at third-party sites. This
GIS-based tool would consider both macro and micro site
attributes (macro considering the overall contribution to filling
gaps and bolstering Ontario’s network of EVCS, and micro
considering site-specific criteria like local amenities).

3) A presentation to MTO staff and handover of the EVCS site

selection tool.

Benefits to • This research would support Ontario’s transportation

MTO electrification efforts by providing an evidence-based
assessment of the magnitude and types of investments
needed to achieve Ontario’s electrification goals.

• Specifically, the research would help MTO target the

appropriate types and locations of EVCS to accelerate the
transition to EVs while minimizing the likelihood of
underutilized chargers.

MTO Contact: Adam Rosenfield

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 2: Researching the Effectiveness of Species at Risk (SAR) Bat

Habitat Compensation Measures Implemented on Select
Ministry of Transportation Projects

Subject Area Environmental

Title Researching the Effectiveness of Species at Risk (SAR) Bat Habitat

Compensation Measures Implemented on Select Ministry of
Transportation Projects

Background In North America, populations of bat species have recently been

declining due to a fungal disease called white-nose syndrome. The
species also face threats to their survival due to habitat destruction
and degradation.

In Ontario, there are four bat species at risk included on the Species
at Risk in Ontario list (O. Reg 230/08 made under the Endangered
Species Act, 2007)

1) Little Brown Myotis (Endangered)

2) Northern Myotis (Endangered)

3) Eastern Small-footed Myotis (Endangered)

4) Tri-colored Bat (Endangered)

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) prohibits killing, harming, or

harassing species listed as threatened, endangered or extirpated and
prohibits the damage or destruction of the habitat of threatened and
endangered species. The ESA applies to MTO highway planning,
design, construction, and maintenance activities that impact species
at risk or their habitat.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

If an MTO project is going to negatively impact SAR bat species or

their habitat, MTO will require an authorization (e.g. a permit or
registration) under the ESA. If it is determined a permit is required,
MTO will work with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and
Parks (MECP) to obtain a permit under the ESA. The permit will
contain conditions related to mitigation, compensation and/or overall
benefit measures that MTO must adhere to. The current approach
includes compensation, overall benefit measures such as tree
planting, installation of different style bat boxes, artificial bark, and
rock piles for hibernaculum. In addition, there are monitoring
requirements for the compensation and/or overall benefit activities
including, but not limited frequent site reconnaissance activities,
photographic records including evidence of bat usage, guano, etc.,
use of temperature loggers, and warranty for revegetation efforts to
ensure long-term protection of the habitat. Monitoring activities are
required to be documented in reports at frequencies determined by
the overall benefit permits, which are issued by the MECP.

Challenge MTO has received numerous ESA permits for SAR bats from MECP
that have included a range of compensation, overall benefit measures
and monitoring conditions. MTO is interested in exploring research
opportunities to provide additional effectiveness of these permit
conditions. Standardizing the types of compensation, overall benefit
measures and monitoring requirements will allow for greater success
in providing adequate information to facilitate in the recovery of SAR
bats listed under the Act. Specifically, the researchers should:

1) Evaluate the effectiveness of compensation, overall benefit

measures that have been included on MTO projects and
explore any additional recommendations for the species, and

2) Evaluate the effectiveness of the monitoring conditions that

have been included in the ESA permits and explore any
additional recommendations for the species.

The research initiative can focus on five (5) locations across Ontario
where ESA permits have been received, located within West, Central,
and East Region boundaries. MTO will provide further information on
the permits received.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Anticipated Draft progress reports every 6 months with a written technical report
Outcome(s) / and a presentation that should include the following information:
Deliverable(s) • Results of desktop research and field investigations outlining
most effective monitoring requirements and compensation

• Analysis and methodologies for testing, evaluating and/or

comparing all of bat compensation measures and monitoring
conditions imposed on MTO projects through ESA permits.

• Recommendations for the adoption of the most effective bat

compensation measures providing consistence in future ESA
permit conditions.

• Design Guidelines for effective compensation structures and


Benefits to Currently, there is insufficient research on the effectiveness of

MTO compensation, overall benefit measures, and monitoring. This
knowledge gap has resulted in an inconsistent approach to
compensation across MTO projects, and potentially not using the
most resource effective methods to mitigate impacts to bats and bat

The information received from this report will support in a more

streamlined selection of the most effective compensation measures
for projects.

MTO will use this information to continue discussions with the

Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) during the
development of future ESA permits for MTO projects that impact SAR

MTO Contact: Amanda Seaman

Email [email protected]
Phone Number
(519) 902-1326

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 3: Rheology Investigation of Hot Applied Rubberized Asphalt

Waterproofing Membranes for Concrete Structures

Subject Area Polymer chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering

Title Rheology Investigation of Hot Applied Rubberized Asphalt

Waterproofing Membranes for Concrete Structures

Background Bitumen-based coatings are melted and hot applied to concrete

bridge decks (and culverts) at a thickness of 5 mm to prevent water
ingress. A protection board and asphalt pavement are then applied to
complete the bridge deck. Over the past year, the waterproofing
coating exhibited bubbles and voids on cooling which can
compromise its waterproofing ability and lead to concrete

Initial laboratory investigations involved pouring the hot applied

membrane on dry and water immersed concrete slabs at different
temperatures ranging from 23˚C to 60˚C. The bubbling occurred
under all conditions but was less pronounced with water-soaked
concrete slabs. The water likely caused an evaporative cooling effect
at the concrete contact surface, preventing the propagation of air and
water vapour through the coating.

It is suspected that the present hot applied membrane is more elastic

than previous samples, which supports the bubble retention as the
material cools. A less elastic membrane would allow air voids to
dissipate before cooling and solidification.

The surface tension of the hot applied membrane may also play a
role in favouring smaller bubbles coalescing into larger ones.

Challenge The current quality assurance testing involves testing of the

waterproofing below the melt temperature. These include room
temperature toughness, indentation resistance, sag resistance, cold
bend and relative density.

The challenge is to determine which set of rheology testing would

identify a waterproofing material’s tendency to form bubbles or voids
on cooling.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Suggested tests include the following on a dynamic mechanical

analysis (DMA) rheometer with parallel plate or cone and plate

1) Strain sweeps at different temperatures and frequencies to

determine limits of linear viscoelastic region.

2) Frequency sweeps at different melt temperatures to determine

shear thinning behavior or power law vs. Newtonian flow

3) Dynamic temperature ramps (both heating and cooling) from

10˚C below softening point to 50˚C above softening point. This
would reveal any hysteresis behavior attributed to material
composition from the crossover temperatures.

4) Extensional or elongational viscosity near the softening

temperature to predict the tendency to form a stable bubble.

Any other suggestions for testing which can help to identify bubble –
forming tendency is welcome.

Outcome(s) / Written technical report and a presentation to a ministry technical
Research committee.

Benefits to Better understanding of the melt rheology of waterproofing materials

MTO and a test method to screen future materials. A simplified laboratory
quality assurance test may be developed to identify and screen
materials that tend to form stable bubbles.

MTO Contact: Winston Chand, P.Eng.

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 4: Investigating the Pavement Impact in Spring to Support

Spring Load Restriction Impact in Asset Management

Subject Area Pavement design and asset management

Title Investigating the Pavement Impact in Spring to Support Spring Load

Restriction Impact in Asset Management

Background Ontario applies reduced load period (RLP) to restrict load on truck on
provincial low-volume roads and municipal roads in order to protect
these roads from damage during spring-thaw pavement weakening

It is crucial to know the pavement strength during spring-thaw period,

so that the RLP can be set as accurate as possible. The most
effective method to determine pavement strength is based on the
road deflection measurements using static and dynamic non-
destruction methods.

However, most municipalities impose RLP using a fixed-date

approach. In 2021, concern has been raised from both municipalities
and the trucking industry that the fixed RLP does not reflect the actual
spring-thaw period accurately. MTO received a request from the
municipalities to assist understanding the RLP needs of their road

In an effort to reduce economic hardship from the trucking industry

and to support the municipalities to protect their road infrastructure,
MTO is proposing a scientific-based approach to determine RLP as
an interim-model for the entire province in 2022 by monitoring the
thawing condition and performed the pavement deflection using
falling weight deflection (FWD) to determine the pavement strength
on 15 Seasonal Load Adjustment (SLA) sites during 2022 spring-
thaw season.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Challenge Pavement strength impacts during the spring-thaw depends on

several factors, but not limited to, air temperature, pavement
thickness, subgrade type, drainage condition and frost depth. The
interim model was calibrated based on the pavement strength
changes on 15 SLA sites during spring thaw, which may not be
representing the pavement strength for all road infrastructure.

Therefore, measure the network level pavement strength (throughout

the province) during spring-thaw period using an effective and
efficient deflection measurement method is vital to understand the
pavement strength impact during spring-thaw, and improve the
accuracy and optimize the timing of RLP.

Anticipated Develop an effective and efficient network level measurement

Outcome(s) / framework and to test and determine the pavement strength impact
Research during the spring on varying pavement structure using multi-speed
Deliverable(s) deflectometer (MSD).

Classify the varying pavement structures that are already under

spring load restrictions to: very weak, weak, medium and strong

Perform pavement deflection analysis using MSD and validate the

measurement with other baseline deflection measurement method
(i.e., FWD).

The results collected on varying pavement structures in provincial

and municipal setting can also be used to supplement the Ontario
RLP model.

Benefits to The information can be used to validate the accuracy and feasibility
MTO of MSD for network level pavement deflection collection. In addition,
the data collected can supplement the pavement strength impact on
varying pavement structures during spring thaw period and to
improve the RLP model accuracy for the entire province.

MTO Contact: Stephen Lee

Name [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 5: Incorporating Climate Change into Rainfall Prediction

Subject Area Drainage and Hydrology

Title Incorporating Climate Change into Rainfall Prediction

Background Downscaling climate change models to rainfall intensities at a specific

location, duration and return period is a challenge.

MTO currently accounts for climate change in the design of drainage

infrastructure using a factor derived from statistical analysis of
historical data. Climate Change Canada has a model which is based
on temperature increase.

There is significant variability between the models and different RCP

level projections.

Challenge Drainage infrastructure must be designed to function within

performance standards to its end of service life. Selection of the
appropriate climate change multiplier has a significant impact on cost.

A methodology needs to be developed to identify the appropriate cost

to risk associated with the climate change unknown.

Anticipated A Risk Matrix to guide designers in selecting the appropriate change

Outcome(s) / in precipitation for the design life of drainage infrastructure.
Deliverable(s) Presentation of research and matrix.

A policy document to support the implementation of the risk matrix in


Benefits to Updated guidance to designers on the application of climate change

MTO forecasts to rainfall.

Increased confidence in adaptability of drainage infrastructure to

climate change.

MTO Contact: Sharon Berg

Name [email protected]
Phone Number 905-980-1489

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 6: Safe Accommodation of Active Transportation Through

Highway Interchanges – Balancing the Needs of Cyclists,
Pedestrians, and Motorists

Subject Area Cycling and Active Transportation

Title Safe Accommodation of Active Transportation Through Highway

Interchanges – Balancing the Needs of Cyclists, Pedestrians, and

Background Cycling is an integral part of Ontario’s transportation system and an

important alternative mode of transportation, having both health and
environmental benefits.

Interchange on and off ramps are high-risk locations for cyclists to

cross due to the high-speed free-flowing environment.

Cyclists and pedestrians are considered one of the most vulnerable

road user groups as such careful consideration must be made.

Stakeholders and experts expect the number of people choosing

cycling as their mode of transportation to increase in the future.

Challenge There is an increasing amount of pressure to modernize and provide

enhanced guidance for safer crossing for cyclists at ramps and
interchange crossings. Interchange ramps are dangerous for cyclists
as they are typically at higher speeds and have multiple uncontrolled
conflict points.

The integration of cyclists at interchanges is often more complex than

that for straight roadway segments. Interchanges possess unique
characteristics and functions that present challenges when designing
for the integration of cyclists especially when retrofitting cycling
facilities on existing interchange structures. Cycling facilities may be
able to be implemented for an existing interchange during an
upgrade, as a retrofitting project, or as part of a new interchange

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Balancing the needs of traffic volumes and cyclists is difficult, a

change that could make a crossing easier for cyclists could cause
widespread gridlock.

Transitioning cycling facilities through interchanges is difficult and

takes room that is not always available.

Anticipated • Jurisdictional Scan

Outcome(s) /
Research • Decision Matrix
• Technical Report

• Presentation to Technical Committee

Benefits to • Safety
• Balance needs of cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists

• Enhanced guidance

• Congestion reduction

• Greenhouse gas reductions

MTO Contact: Kyle Perdue

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 7: Quantifying Greenhouse Gasses Emitted During

Congestion, Construction Staging, and Other Temporary
Traffic Conditions

Subject Area Climate Change

Title Quantifying Greenhouse Gasses Emitted During Congestion,

Construction Staging, and Other Temporary Traffic Conditions

Background The effects of climate change and extreme weather pose a serious
threat to infrastructure, health, and standard of living, and can result
in significant financial consequences unless immediate action is
taken. Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions is required to avoid
the worst impacts of climate change.

The Ontario government has committed through their Made-In-

Ontario plan to take meaningful action to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions to meet 2030 targets while helping communities prepare
for the impacts of climate change.

For the MTO to evolve its efforts against climate change, it is crucial
to further investigate greenhouse gas emissions associated with
congestion, construction staging, and other temporary traffic

Challenge There is currently no standardized greenhouse gas tracking and

mitigation method that can track emissions resulting from road
closures and their subsequent backups on provincial highways.

With a tool that could predict and model traffic backups, designers
could better minimize related greenhouse gas emissions. Variable
factors such as the number of lanes, number of interchanges in a
work zone, length of a road closure, percent of electric vehicles, and
emerging fuel efficiencies would all need to be considered.

A challenge will be creating a tool that can be applied using minimal

internal resources and be user-friendly for project managers and
designers. Any tool developed cannot be labor-intensive, require
specialized training, and must be intuitive to account for high staff
turnover rates.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Anticipated • Jurisdictional Scan

Outcome(s) /
Research • Decision Matrix
• Technical Report

• Presentation to Technical Committee

• Tracking Tool / App

Benefits to • An intuitive tracking tool that can aid in the minimization of

MTO greenhouse gas emissions resulting from road closures and
associated backups.

• Fostering innovation by embracing emerging technologies in

transportation and applying them to mitigate the effects of
climate change on infrastructure and the environment.

MTO Contact: Kyle Perdue

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 8: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Targets for

Demonstrating Sustainability and Climate Action Progress
in Highway Design

Subject Area Climate Change

Title Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Targets for Demonstrating

Sustainability and Climate Action Progress in Highway Design

Background The effects of climate change and extreme weather pose a serious
threat to infrastructure, health, and standard of living, and can result
in significant financial consequences unless immediate action is
taken. Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions is required to avoid
the worst impacts of climate change.

The Ontario government has committed through their Made-In-

Ontario plan to take meaningful action to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions to meet 2030 targets while helping communities prepare
for the impacts of climate change.

The MTO has identified a number of potential approaches to include

climate change mitigation and adaptation opportunities in MTO
provincial highway design, construction, and maintenance. Many of
these mitigation and adaptation opportunities are currently in use and
are continually being refined for improved and expanded use in

Although greenhouse gas emissions can be estimated for some

initiatives, there are many initiatives that cannot be measured or
calculated. It is therefore important to develop key performance
Indicators (KPIs) and targets to demonstrate sustainability and
climate action progress in highway management.

Challenge • The biggest challenge associated with key performance

indicators is capturing the diversity of all activities in design,
construction, and maintenance. Any targets and indicators
must be robust to capture new and emerging practices as
policies and innovations evolve.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

• A baseline for each KPI as well as a methodology to measure

changes and trends must be established. KPIs must show how
the province will measure the progress over time. Criteria need
to be demonstratable, objective, and repeatable.

• A further challenge is creating a process that can be applied

using minimal internal resources. Any process developed
cannot be labor-intensive, require specialized training, and
must be intuitive to account for high staff turnover rates.

Anticipated • Jurisdictional Scan

Outcome(s) /
Research • Decision Matrix
• Technical Report

• Presentation to Technical Committee

Benefits to • Develop ways to deal with the effects of climate change on

MTO infrastructure and take a leadership role in reducing
transportation’s environmental footprint.

• Identify the transportation requirements of future generations

so that Ontario can begin building for tomorrow.

• Create an environment that fosters innovation within and

beyond the organization through partnering, collaboration, and
data sharing to enable new approaches and emerging
technologies in transportation, and greater economic value for

MTO Contact: Kyle Perdue

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 9: Foundation Frost Penetration Depths for Northern &

Southern Ontario

Subject Area Geotechnical & Foundations Engineering

Title Foundation Frost Penetration Depths for Northern & Southern Ontario

Background OPSD 3090.100 and OPSD 3090.101 provide contour lines that
estimate the depth of frost penetration that should be accounted for
by pavement & structural designers when direct geotechnical
information is not provided.

Reference: Aspects of Prolonged Exposure of Pavements to Sub-

Zero Temperatures, Research Report RR225, MTC, 1981.

Challenge The data shown in these two OPSD documents is based on a 1981
publication, “Aspects of Prolonged Exposure of Pavements to
Sub-Zero Temperatures” and while the drawings were last
reaffirmed in 2010, and there does not appear to be any additional
technical updates to these standards using current meteorological
data. Research is proposed to utilize updated meteorological data
and geotechnical information to better estimate the depth of frost
penetration using data that has been collected within the last five

Anticipated The final output will consist of a written technical report, a

Outcome(s) / presentation to MTO and OPS staff and committee members and
Research updated revisions to the OPSD 3019.100 and OPSD 309.101
Deliverable(s) documents.

Benefits to Allow pavement designers, municipalities and contractors the ability

MTO to quickly evaluate if the proposed frost penetration depths that were
used in the pavement and structure designs conform to anticipated
penetration depths without the need for a detailed geotechnical study.

MTO Contact: Erum Mohsin

Name [email protected]
Phone Number 905-321-4190

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 10: Investigating Impacts of Construction Contaminants to Fibre

Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Internal Reinforcing Bars

Subject Area Bridge Engineering

Title Investigating Impacts of Construction Contaminants to Fibre

Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Internal Reinforcing Bars

Background MTO has been constructing bridges with Glass Fibre Reinforced
Polymer (GFRP) internal reinforcing bars since 2005, however it is
still a relatively new material with less research and history of use
than reinforcing steel.

Construction practices impact the reinforcing bars on site but there is

no known research on some of these impacts to GFRP bars. Two
impacts are abrasive blasting of concrete adjacent to installed GFRP,
and spatter contamination from adjacent concrete placement
operations. It is currently conservatively assumed in MTO
specifications that concrete spatter and abrasive blasting of bars is
detrimental to the mechanical properties of the GFRP bars. The bars
are required to be protected, and if they are contaminated with
spatter, GFRP bars shall be replaced.
• SSP 999S02, October 2021, Requirements for Glass Fibre
Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Reinforcing Bar
• OPSS 904, November 2019, Concrete Structures
• OPSS 929, November 2017, Abrasive Blast Cleaning –
Concrete Construction
• Guidelines for Inspection and Field Acceptance of Glass Fibre
Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Reinforcing Bars, September
• CSA S6:19, Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code
• CSA S807:19, Specification for fibre-reinforced polymers
• CSA S806:12 (R2021), Design and construction of building
structures with fibre-reinforced polymers

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Challenge According to OPSS 904 and OPSS 928, all surfaces of structural
steel or concrete, against which new concrete shall be placed, shall
be abrasive blasted cleaned according to OPSS 929. This includes
construction joints which can have protruding GFRP reinforcement.

The current approach is to assume that any abrasive blasting of FRP

bars will cause detrimental damage to the mechanical and durability
properties of the bars. Bars must be individually wrapped/protected or
the concrete must not be abrasive blasted next to embedded GFRP
reinforcing bars; these approaches are costly and/or detrimental to
the properties of the concrete construction joint.

The first challenge is to evaluate the impact of abrasive blasting on

GFRP internal reinforcing bars. This might involve mechanical and
durability properties of bars, various blast media and blasting
distances, various impact areas/depths of GFRP bars and
quantification of how much damage (if any) is too much i.e., material
rejection criteria.

Embedded internal reinforcing bars are at risk of contamination by

concrete spatter during staged concrete placement operations. The
most common operation is placement of a concrete deck which
involves a construction joint at the base of concrete barrier wall and
projecting reinforcing bars. Methods to protect or clean projecting
bars of concrete spatter contamination have had varying

The second challenge is to evaluate the impact of concrete

contamination on GFRP internal reinforcing bars. How does concrete
spatter on GFRP bars affect their bond, strength, and durability?
Variables that could be investigated include surface area of
contamination, thickness of contamination, and consistency.
Potentially, also the effectiveness of cleaning concrete contaminant
from bars, for example wiping the surface with a cloth when the
spatter is wet, or cleaning spatter with a wire brush after it has dried.
Designated Sources of Materials (DSM) listed GFRP products have
different surface profiles and it is desirable to test all listed suppliers’

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Anticipated Anticipated outcomes:

Outcome(s) /
Research • How does abrasive blasting impact performance of GFRP
Deliverable(s) internal reinforcing bars (mechanical and durability

• If abrasive blasting negatively impacts bars, what is the point

where the product would be considered deficient within a
construction contract?

• How does concrete spatter contamination affect the

performance of the internal GFRP reinforcement?

• If concrete spatter contamination negatively impacts the

reinforcement, what is the point where the product would be
considered deficient within a construction contract?


• Written technical report

• Photographs quantifying level of damage/contamination due to

abrasive blasting / concrete spatter for the GFRP visual
guidelines. Potentially like TC-54 quality illustration in OTM
Book 7 (Figure 16).

Benefits to • More certainty in the use of GFRP internal reinforcing bar.

• Potential for reduced construction cost, and faster

• Reduced conflict during construction.

• Maintain position at the forefront of GFRP research /


MTO Contact: James Combe, P.Eng.

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 11: Development of Simplified Design Methodology for

Specification of Galvanic Anode Systems in Bridges

Subject Area Bridge Rehabilitation

Title Development of Simplified Design Methodology for Specification of

Galvanic Anode Systems in Bridges

Background The Ministry uses galvanic corrosion protection (GCP) as an

important strategy in the ongoing defence against corrosion in
bridges. The Ministry has spent over $6M on GCP systems in bridges
over the last 10 years and this technology will continue to be more
prevalent in rehabilitation design. The electrochemical process for
corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete has become better
understood and GCP products to combat corrosion have been proven
to be effective in various academic and practical studies. However,
the design of GCP systems is specialized and not part of the training
of bridge and structural engineers. Specialists are currently relied
upon to design anode quantities and spacing as part of bridge design
work. A simplified design procedure to determine GCP requirements
for various bridge components and reinforcement densities is

Challenge Currently, the design of GCP systems is conducted by third party

specialists with a NACE (National Association of Corrosion
Engineers)/ AMPP (Association of Materials Protection and
Performance) certification. Specialists with these certifications are
limited in the industry and often the supplier is directly relied upon to
design the quantity of product to be used in the GCP design. With
limited knowledge in the industry, these designs are typically not
independently verified. The Ministry and its designers are in need of a
practical design tool to assist with the specification of GCP anode

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Anticipated A technical report outlining the designs steps and key parameters/
Outcome(s) / inputs that are required. The report should contain a detailed
Research explanation of the background of the electrochemical process,
Deliverable(s) variability in predicted results, and impacts of concrete parameters
(E.g. resistivity). The design procedure should relate directly to
exposure conditions and service life required.

Benefits to The impact of reinforced concrete corrosion costs the Ministry

MTO significant dollars with over $500M spent on bridge rehabilitation
annually, a large portion of which is dedicated to fighting corrosion
deterioration. The introduction of a GCP design procedure will help
promote the use and understanding of GCP systems on a more
consistent basis and expand GCP as an effective rehabilitation
strategy to increase the service life and reliability of various bridge

MTO Contact: Craig McLeod

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 12: Risk Based Analysis of Bridge Inspection Frequency

Depending on Type and Age of Bridge
Subject Area Bridge Engineering

Title Risk Based Analysis of Bridge Inspection Frequency Depending on

Type and Age of Bridge

Background Ontario formally adopted a bridge inspection frequency of 2 years in

1997 with the enactment of O. Reg. 104/97, made under the Public
Transportation and Highway Improvement Act (PTHIA). Since that
time the inspection frequency for major culverts (≥3m span) was
increased to 4 years if they were in good condition as outlined in the
Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM). The frequency of
inspection can be shortened if the bridge is in poor condition, but the
frequency cannot be extended regardless of the condition or structure

Challenge Complete a jurisdictional scan of various jurisdiction on bridge

inspection frequencies and practices. Complete a risk based analysis
for bridges to determine a rational approach to extend the inspection
frequency, either across the board for all bridges of a certain age or
condition or based on structure type.

Anticipated The final output will consist of a presentation of results to the MTO
Outcome(s) / and a written technical report. Multiple recommendations can be
Research explored for a refined inspection frequency based on several
Deliverable(s) variables, or a simple bridge inspection frequency strategy that could
be put into Legislation (Regulations).

Benefits to If the bridge (structure) inspection frequency can be safely reduced, it

MTO would reduce inspection costs and associated disruption to traffic. It
would also allow the MTO to focus on the truly needy bridges to
ensure they have adequate levels of safety. It will ensure that bridges
receive the optimal inspection, either reduced or increased depending
on the structure type and condition, so that MTO may manage the
bridges efficiently and cost-effectively.

MTO Contact: Walter Kenedi / Joey Chirico

Name [email protected] / [email protected]
Phone Number 905-246-8711 / 519-494-9742

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 13: Backfill Between Piling and CSP in Integral Abutment


Subject Area Bridges

Title Backfill Between Piling and CSP in Integral Abutment Bridges

Background CSPs (Corrugated Steel Pipes) of 600 mm or 800 mm diameter are

used as part of Integral Abutment design to permit movement of piles
installed within a typical 5 metre depth beneath the abutment. The
annular space between the installed pile is backfilled using a sand of
a specified gradation.

Challenge The performance of the CSP sand backfill with alternating

movements due to expansion and contraction is unknown and has
never been monitored on MTO projects. Bridge Engineers are
concerned that the current state of practice does not provide the
flexibility (equivalent free cantilever) of the piles in the sand stating
that the sand backfill may not be loose enough to allow pile
movement. This could potentially cause a real problem in
construction if pile movement is not achieved at the expected jacking
loads. Uncertainty also exists regarding whether the connection is
hinged or fixed.

Research and analysis is required to investigate other methods and

materials. FEM analysis is required to assess soil-structure
interaction and p-y relationships. A parametric analysis comparing
CSP inclusion/exclusion different CSP sizes and properties, different
backfill materials and different installation sequences (e.g. placement
of backfill prior or after pile installation) is required.

A load test program, complete with an instrumentation monitoring

program to measure displacements and forces, is to be developed for
application on MTO projects to calibrate the FEM model.

Anticipated • Guideline to assist MTO Designers to validate the performance

Outcome(s) / of integral abutment piles. Revise drawings and specifications
Research for construction and construction management.
• Presentations to be included.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Benefits to • Upgrade Technical Standard

• Improve Integral Abutment Performance

• Improve Constructability

• Improve Consistency and Reproducibility

MTO Contact: Tony Sangiuliano

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Topic 14: A Project to Scope Pilot Implementation of Green Light

Counters at Standard Traffic Signals to Better Understand
Their Impact on Vehicle Collisions at Signalized
Intersections in Ontario

Subject Area Implementing a Pilot Project to Research the Impact of Traffic Signal
System with Greenlight Countdown Timers in Ontario by the Ministry
of Transportation (MTO), Research and Evaluation Office (REO).

Title A Project to Scope Pilot Implementation of Green Light Counters at

Standard Traffic Signals to Better Understand Their Impact on
Vehicle Collisions at Signalized Intersections in Ontario

Background In Ontario, many pedestrian crossings are equipped with countdown

timers, to assist pedestrians in assessing the time remaining for
crossing. South Korea has implemented traffic lights with countdown
timers for green lights in recent years. These countdown timers are
attached to traffic signals to assist drivers much in the same way
pedestrian countdown timers are designed to assist pedestrians.
According to a paper by Chang and Jung (2017) in the Journal of the
Ergonomics Society of Korea, a simulation study has shown that
traffic signals equipped with countdown timers for the green light
improves drivers’ reaction time (and satisfaction score) compared to
the standard traffic signal system. The paper found that traffic signals
with countdown timers reduce the zone at intersections known as the
“driver’s dilemma zone.”

In a standard theoretical economic sense, agents make better, more

informed choice(s) when more information is available, whether it
involves making choices to maximize one’s utility/welfare or when
making a decision to slow down/stop/proceed at intersections.
However, it is worth noting that some international studies found
some mixed results of the traffic signal countdown timers. For
example, Krukowicz et al. (2021) found it has increased the red-light
violations while lowering the number of amber light crossings in
Poland. In a related study, Richmond et al. (2013) found mixed
results of the pedestrian countdown signals in Toronto, Canada.

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Overall, the studies provide mixed results of the issue, and that the
overall net benefit of countdown timers may depend on unobservable
factors such as changes to driver behavior, which may vary from
region to region. In this study, we will scope the implementation of a
pilot project for the installation of green light countdown timers at
busy signalized intersections so that data can be collected to better
understand whether traffic signal countdown timers reduce collisions
and address both theoretical and empirical questions related to
countdown timers.

Challenge In Ontario, there are no traffic signals with green light countdown
timers. As a result, no comparable studies can be utilized/adopted.
The implementation of a pilot study (described below) along with a
qualitative survey would be essential to inferring the potential benefits
of installing green light countdown timers at traffic signals in Ontario.

Anticipated Phase 1) Qualitative study within OPS

Outcome(s) /
• Create questionnaires, receive/incorporate feedbacks. Survey
questions should include, whether one uses pedestrian
countdown timers (whenever available) while driving, whether
one feels greenlight countdown timers would help them make
better choices as a driver etc.
• Implement the survey questionnaires in platforms like
Qualtrics. Consult with IT department for additional support.
• Rollout of the survey for 7-8 weeks. Work with IT and
Marketing teams for survey participation support including
emails and newsletters.
• Final report of the completed qualitative study (final week of
the anticipated time frame for Phase 1).

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Phase 2) Identify Pilot Project areas

• Determine intersections/regions based on the methodology
used in Safety Analyst, available in TES, to identify sites with
potential safety improvements.
• Additionally, several characteristics could be considered as a
basis for choosing pilot project locations, including
intersections with different speed limits (high vs. low-speed
• Final report of the completed analysis done for pilot project
location selection (final week of the anticipated time frame
for Phase 2).
Phase 3) Technology selection and its costs
• Consult with other offices within OPS for recommendations on
the types of technology available for greenlight countdown
timers, purchase and installation costs, installation times,
compatibility with existing signal equipment etc. Additionally,
reach out to other jurisdictions that have adopted greenlight
countdown timers for possible consultation (e.g., research
authors of relevant papers, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and
Transport of Korea (MOLIT) regarding the technology used in
South Korea for greenlight countdown timers, its costs,
installation time etc.
• A summary report that outlines the types of available
technology and expected costs of the device(s) and installation
costs (final week of the anticipated time frame for Phase 3).
Phase 4) Pilot Project Scoping Document
• Develop of scoping document for the implementation of a pilot
project for the use of greenlight countdown timers in Ontario
• Scoping document shall include but is not limited to:
- Feasibility including challenges and how to mitigate
- Technology
- Operating recommendations (i.e., pedestrian
countdown timers are based on intersection width,
walking speeds, etc. and must also take into
consideration situations where green signal is
- Costs to implement, maintain and remove at end of pilot
- Pilot project sites

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

- Evaluation methodology
- Recommended duration of pilot
- Present pilot scoping to MTO

Benefits to Traffic signals with green light countdown timers may reduce vehicle
MTO collisions that result in PDO, minor/major injuries and fatalities at
signalized intersections in Ontario. According to ORSAR (2019),
there were 79 fatal, 9,756 personal injury and 35,515 property
damage collisions occurring at intersections. A report by MADD
(2013) showed that the average social cost for per fatal, average
injury and PDO were $13,600,000, $44,000 and $8,000, respectively.
Therefore, better understanding of the impacts of green light
countdown timers may greatly benefit road-users in Ontario.

MTO Contact: Jamie Lee

Email [email protected]
Phone Number

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Appendix B. Open Research Topic Form (23-B)

Open Research Topic Form
Notes: Form shall not exceed two (2) pages in length. Include a detailed description of
the open research topic and clearly identify how it will enhance MTO’s practices and
business needs (i.e., benefits to MTO).

Subject Area




Form 23-B (revised: Nov 2022)

Page 1

Benefits to MTO

(name, email,
phone number)

Form 23-B (revised: Nov 2022)

Page 2
2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Appendix C. Project Progress Report (23-F)

Project Progress Report
For Ministry Use Only
Project Number
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) HIIFP Funding Year
Principal Researcher (print name) Email Address

Institution Name Institution Address

Telephone No. (of Applicant)

Topic No. Title of Research Topic

Start Date Completion Date (estimated)

Brief Description of Progress Completed to Date.
Include information about: (1.) the status of major tasks (2.) the status of
outcomes and/or the final report (3.) changes and/or issues (if applicable)

…..continue on Page 2 (if necessary)

Authorized Signing
Principal Researcher Head of Department
Officer of Institution
Print Name

Form 23-F (revised: Nov 2022)

Page 1
For Ministry Use Only
Project Number
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) HIIFP Funding Year
Principal Researcher (print name) Email Address

Institution Name Institution Address

Telephone No. (of Applicant)

Topic No. Title of Research Topic

Start Date Completion Date (estimated)

Brief Description of Progress Completed to Date. (continued)
Include information about: (1.) the status of major tasks (2.) the status of
outcomes and/or the final report (3.) changes and/or issues (if applicable)
…..continued from Page 1.

Form 23-F (revised: Nov 2022)

Page 2
2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Appendix D. HIIFP Application Form (23-A)

HIIFP Application Form
For Ministry Use Only
Application Number
Principal Researcher (print name) Email Address

Institution Name Institution Address

Telephone No. (of Applicant)

Co-Applicants (Name, Email Address, Institutional Affiliation)

Topic No. Title of Research Topic

Brief Purpose of Research

Start Date Completion Date (estimated)

Financial Summary
Total Funds Requested Total Funds Requested Total Funds Requested
from MTO from Other Sources (MTO + Other Sources)
Have you applied to any other funding agencies in support of this research?
YES (provide details) NO
It is understood that the provisions outlined in the MTO HIIFP Program Guide AND the details contained
in the Research Project Proposal submitted by the Institution are hereby accepted and agreed to.
Authorized Signing
Principal Researcher Head of Department
Officer of Institution
Print Name

Form 23-A (revised: Nov 2022)

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Appendix E. Research Proposal Summary (23-C)

Research Proposal Summary
Topic No. Title of Research Topic

Principal Researcher (print name) Email Address


(Non-technical language, 300 words maximum, Arial (12-point) font, 1.08 Spacing)

Form 23-C (revised: Nov 2022)

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Appendix F. Budget Summary Form (23-D)

The attached MS Excel™ file (Form 23D_Budget Summary.xls) may also be used to
complete this form.

Budget Summary
Note: For multi-year proposals, complete one form for each fiscal year requiring funds.
Principal Researcher (print name) Fiscal Year Ending
March 31, __________ (insert year)
Topic No. Title of Research Topic

Overhead Funds Requested from:

Direct Costs Costs [%]
Research Items MTO Other Sources
[$] not to exceed 25%
of Direct Cost
[$] [$]
Salaries and/or Benefits
a) Students
b) Post-doctoral fellows
c) Technical/Professional Assistants
Subtotal: 0 0 0
Equipment and/or Facility
a) Purchase or Rental
b) Operation & Maintenance costs
c) User fees / Other fees
Subtotal: 0 0 0
Materials and/or Supplies
Subtotal: 0 0 0
a) Technical presentation
b) Field work
Subtotal: 0 0 0
Dissemination Costs
a) Publication costs
Subtotal: 0 0 0
Other Costs (specify)
Subtotal: 0 0 0 0
Column Total: $0 $0 $0
Total Budget (MTO Portion): $0

Form 23-D (revised: Nov 2022)

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Appendix G. Budget Details Form (23-E)

Budget Details
Principal Researcher (print name) Total Funds Requested from MTO

Topic No. Title of Research Topic

Research Item
Cost [$]

Salaries and/or Benefits

Equipment and/or Facility

Materials and/or Supplies


Dissemination Costs

Other Costs (specify)

Overhead Cost (_____ % overhead on all Direct Costs) = $0

Form 23-E (revised: Nov 2022)

2023-24 HIIFP Program Guide

Appendix H. HIIFP Report Template

See attached MS Word™ template (HIIFP_Report Template.docx).

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