Honda 50 65 Shop Manual
Honda 50 65 Shop Manual
Honda 50 65 Shop Manual
MODE S C65 C65 o 565
MODELS C65, C65M AND 565
. '
This is your ma·"·e-.::-:::= .::-:: serving ,guide fo r the Honda 50 series models C50 ,
C50M and S50, a c ·-e - ::-::.:: 6 - series models C65, C65M and S65.
By follow ing •re - ""-- :::=:::-·:Jed and illustra ted i struc ions contain herein, t he
proper servicing cc- ..-:::..- - : . - .•. re lative simplic i y . , o only wi ll it serve the
him with the ge e·::: :::--- ::· ::- : .: --e -::•orcycl e as well as the de oils o lhe various ·
The servic: f; : ·:: -:=::- --e a·agnosis of any trouble spot and
its re pair o -e -- - -- --= ·::.::;.-::- -; ::::-:: -·::-. a~d the periodic inspection and
This manual ·s c . oea r· e·g"· -:::- :;·::.::s ::-:: :=::-- g·oup b eing further divided
into sections . The respectiv e sections ore ::::-~:: - :::::: --- :: ·-e ::::-s-·uc'ion, d isassembly.
inspect ion, se rvicing and r ea ssemb ly . By folio ·."-g ··e :::·::::e::_·:=: :._- -e:: - - --i -::: ual.
In preparing this publication, t he theo ry and princip le of o p e ration have ee- :::mi t ed
so that more space co uld be ·a ll o tted t o the desc ripti o n of th e constructior- :::-:: confl g-
graphs and drawing to clearly illu str at e th e respectiv e comp onents withou res~ --ing to
3.1 Engine 9
1. Engine Desc-·::-·:- • • • • • 11
2. Powe r Trc-_-· --· :- ::: -:-=- 11
3. Eng ine 11
a . Rem _ .. .•••••••• 11
b. ln~c =-·=- -·-·······-- . 12
4. Lubric:r ·::- :: _ =- ....... -...... - 13
5. O il 3 - : : ::. · - . :: = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
b. 1-soec-·::- ................ . ... . . 14
c. easse-r--:; ' 14
a. Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
b. Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
c. Reassembly .......•... .... ....... .... .... ....... ... .... 27
3.3 Right Cra nkcase C er . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
a. Disosse-- 28
b. Reosse-- 28
1 . C lu·::::- ..................•.• _ •.•.... .... . . ... ..... . . .... ... 28
- s:::ec- -- . . .. . .... ... ....... - .......................... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .... . 29
eassembly 30
2. C rankcase . ... ... . ... ...... - - - -- 30
3 . Breather 30
3.4 Crankshaft 31
a. Disassembly ... . .. . . .... .••• ---- - 31
b. Inspection .. .. . ... ......•.• - • - 32
c. Reasse mbly .. .... ..... - • -.- - 33
3.5 Transm ission ...... . . ......•. ---- - 33
a. Disassemo : ... •.•• - 34
3.6 35
c. 36
3.7 Carbure tor (C- , 37
1. Ai r Sys"e 38
2. Fuel Te- . . . . . . . . . . 38
a. a - - - =- -. ---- 38
b. Slo " • _ =- .. . 39
3. Fl oat C c- :::=· 39
4. Choke IS!c-·-;; 39
5 . Function o' ; - :; ;:=--==- = 40
a. Main je' 40
b . A ir jet . ... .•• - - - - - . - • 0 •• ••••• •• 0 ••• • 0 0 ••• 0 •
c. Needle je· ..•• • - - ....... - •• - 0 •• • ••• • ••••• • • ••• 0 • 0
d . Jet needle .... - - - . ..... ·- • •• •• • •• • • ••••• ••• 0 • •
e . Throttl e c = .................. .. ... ... .... .. . . .. .... . . 41
f. Slow jet - - ---·- ····· ·· · ··· · · ·· ·· · · · ·· ·· .. 41
g. Ai r screw .. .. - ------·-·· ·· ·· · ·· ··· · · ····· ·· ·· ···· 42
6. Adjustin g the C::·::.·=-=· .................... ... . . .. . .. .. . . ....... . . . .... 42
a. High speeci ::::. .::--=-----. -. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
b. Adjusting ro --=-=::. ==-=- .=-:;:::::: •.. 0 •• • 0 • •••• • 0 • •• 0 • •• 0 0 • •• •
c. Adjusting ·re :::::-==-:: ............. . . ...... . .. . ... . ...... . . . 43
d. Adjusting .. -- • • 0 ••• • •• • • • •• • 0 • ••• • •• •• • • •• • ••
--- - -
- e 44
,_. _ -:::: .. s _e m 45
~- f ::;~c- c·.amber ............................................ 45
.! C nc e IS orting system) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Adjusting the Fuel Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6. Carburetor Setting Table .................. . .... .... . ...... . . 47
= E 49
4.1 Handle ...... . . . ... .. ..... . ............... . ... . ............ . . 49
1. Handle Construction . . .. .... .... ... ... .... .. .. ... ... ....... . 49
a. Disassembly ......... ... .. . . . .. . .. .. .. ..... . .. . ........ . 49
b . Inspection .... .. .. . ..... . ... .. ... ....... .. .. . .. .. . . .... . 49
c. Reassembly . .. ... . . ............... . ...... ... ........ .. . 50
2. Front Fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
a. Di sassembly ............................................ 50
b. Inspecti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
c. Reassembly ............................................ 50
4. 2 Front Cushion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
1 . Front Cushion Construction 51
a. Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
b. Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
c. Reassembly 52
4.3 Rear Cushion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1. Rear Cushio n Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
a . Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
b. Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
c. Reassemb ly ............................................ 53
4.4 Front Wheel ................................................ 54
a. Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
b. Inspecti o n • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
c. Re assembly ............................................ 55
4.5 Rear Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1. Rear Whe el C o nstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
a. Di sassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
b. Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
c. Reassembly ............................................ 58
4 .6 Braking System .............................................. 59
a . Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
b . Inspectio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
c. Reassembly ............................................ 60
4.7 Rear Fork Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
a. Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
b. Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
c. Reasse mbly ............................................ 62
--e lightweight a nd rugged ness of the new f rame is far superior t han
_ -::- • ement in driving performa nce a nd comfo r t is hard to exceL
CAMSHAFT (0. H. C. )
---= ::~:;; ion of the chain driven O .H .C. affords uniform out put ext ending f rom the low to the high speed
- _ ;e ••.--, oui effort.
--------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------~=- -
C50, C65, lncorpo·::-e: _- -:-::-: :: _-::- ,.,'Jicft operates in conjunction with the change pedal t o
C50M, C65M: simplify -::-::. -~
550, S65: The clu:c- e e· - ---= exceedingly light.
C50, C65, The centr ifugo. - _- =: e· ::::: :: _-:- s incorporated into t he gear change system to pr ovide
C50M, C65M: easy gear cho~g-- ; -- - --
... - ... ~ . .oin eno nce.
An oil pump is installed to press~·e ::-·-c . o ing components (crankshaft and re lated parts)
to give them added durability arc
is an orig 'nal Honda, un'que, not found in any moto rcycles or scooters the world over.
The cover !leg shield) incorpora ted ·--:: =--- --= • ogether with the deep w ell ed front and rebrfenders
make it p ossible to rid e in iricle e-· :-.=--:-· ::·:: :::- bod r o ad conditions.
3. 4.5 LITER (9.5 U.S. PT: 7.9 1•.•-:: _ ::- K (C65, C65M)
3.0 LITER (6.3 U.S. PT : 5.3 K (C50, C50M)
The large tank has made i oc~- :: :- - --= ··:: ·g distance, further, a reserve fuel cock is incorporated
to usj'l the final 1 lit. 12. 1 1... : ::• = - -:= C65M, S50, and S65, and 0.8 lit. ( 1.7 U .S. pi : 1.4 Imp. ptl
for C50 and C50M.
C65 ,C65 : •_:; 1 ( ~ _ ::_ .:.- .1.?: _
C50,C50, : . 1 o.3 S. ,5.
Both the front and rear .r== -- ·=e-ie • cush ions to soften the shocks even from the worst
roads to provide sta bling r::-:: :: :: -::-=::-::::' e ride. The rear wheel is specially equipped with a
two: stage spring in the cu:·::- · e smooth and bad road conditions to afford added
comfort over a broader rarJ;:.
5. Greeter Safety
In comparison to the earlier c· ;::: ::- rre urn signal lamp is 3.5 times larger, and the taillight
and stoplight 3 times larger. :::..- r obile. This greatly increases the safety for riding at
. dusk by making the motorcycle c- - :;-'- - - - :- =-:: - ::: greater distance.
The headlight has also bee n mace :::-;; -:: _-·-::"e o wider area for a greater distance, further, the width
of the steering handle has been · --=~= ::: - =-~ inl for improving stability and reducing fatigue when
riding over bad roads. Light co·-:: = · --::; ::-e ell located o n the steering handle to facilitate their use
such as for riding through t unnels.
ae c= a-essea s eet steel is used to maintain unif0rm qual ity. A ll of the equipment are
o give it a clean exter ior appearance.
Valve lifter
Valve guide installing tool
!Tappet adjus ting box Cl ch outer spanner (S65)
Tappe I
Cutter holder
o lve seat cu tters
Vo l e _· ce reo e r
70 3. ENGINE
Fi91re 3- -
= Gl -,.. 77
Figure 3- 6.
0 Remove the left cra nkcase cover and the electrical
Rotat e the rear wheel to position the chain joint
as shown in Fig. 3-6 and disconnect ihe drive
cha in.
When removing the chain jo i nt , the ic]sk can be
'acilitated and the chain prevented from coiling
in he chain case by attaching wires to both
·oining ends of the chain.
Jisconnect the high tension . terminal from the
soar plug.
emove the high tension cord clip installed on
- e right crankcase cover.
"erove the brake pedal sp ri ng, stop lamp spring,
--e -wo 8m m engine mount bo lt nuts and pull
- e two engine support bolts; t he engine
-- -. en b e detached from the frame. (Fig. 3-7)
Figure :S.- ti. Temporary installation -e- ::~--ecting the drive chain, make sur e that
::;·-- clip is installed with th e opening
:::::::·-e ' o the direction of the chain movement.
;:. 3-9)
-:. .s · 'le cha in te nsion after i nstallation to
- -- .40-- .80 inL
a. Disassembly
( 1) Remove the clutch assembly as described in
section 3. 14a.
(2) Remove the three 6mm bolts and remove the o il
pump as a unit. (Fig. 3- 12)
b. Inspection
( 1l Oil pump outer roto r to housing· clea rance
(Fig. 3-13)
Standard value 0.1 - 0. 15 !0 .004-0.006 in)
!21 Rotor to rotor clearance
Sta ndard va lue 0.02-0.07 (0.008-0.028 in)
31 Rot or tip clearance (Fig. 3- 14)
Standa rd value 0.1 5 max. (0.006 in)
Serviceable limit---+replace if over 0.2 (0.008 in)
e- Reassem bly
I) Fit t he inner rotor to t he outer rotor and
·• e install the pump assembly to the right
Figure 3-13.
::•a~ case. Install the oil pump assembly t o t he
-·;;"- crankcase. (Fig. 3-14)
-.-a he clutch assembly a nd the r ight crank-
-~-.. cover.
Figure 3- 18. Squish area r
-sse m b l y
:-:::- • e oil
;,..-::,e the flywheel and stato r assemblies.
;e-:J. e he 6mm hex and cap nuts holding the
:: - ::er head cover and th en remove the cover.
; ::·:::·e. 'he crankshaft so that th e piston is at top
::.e-::::: center, by alig ning the f.l.,,-key on
··e ::·onkshaft and the "0" mark o~· th~ 'sprocket
- -e with the cylind er axis and '•t·li:en ··"remove
·-e ·'lry 5mm hex bo lts. (Fig. 3- 19)
= --e right and ) eft cylinder head side cover can
-~ separated by removing the 6mm hex bo lt.
- ig. 3- 20) Figure 3- 19. Removing cam sprocke ·
Standard value
Height 15.66±0.05 [14.00±0.05 J
!0.620:::::: 0.002 in.l (0.552±0.002 in.l
13.1 :::: o.2cc [ 9.5±0.2cc
!.7994= .01 22 cu in.l !0.374±0.002 in.l
2 er head gasl::e' · hickness.
.... ecc
S-c-cc·o • o' e ___., 1.0- 1.1 10.039-0.043 in)
:,-,·:eo:: e l'r:lii--> eplace if under 0 .8 10.032 in)
C · - ;:;· eod orque
(g-em 16.5 -9.0 ft / lbsl
c. eossembly
all cylinder head together with cam sprocket.
(Fig . 3- 23)
hen installing the cylinde r head, do not forget
Figure 3- 23. Installing the cylinder head o install the " 0" rings and dowel pins.
2 hen torquing the cyl inder head, tighten the
nuts in· the diagonal sequence to prevent pres-
,ure · ,ak~ Refer to Fig. 3.24 for torquing
procedure. (f'ig. 3- ':14)
3 In he some procedure .JS in the disassembly,
position he woodruff keywc:., in the crankshaft,
a d the "0" mark on the c,.,- '!)rocket in line
i'h he piston and install.
1.!1 Assemble the right and left cylinder ;1ead side
cover .
fi9ure 3- 24. Torquing sequence of cylinder head
;~g c · :: _ -;; :: · ·e:: eaa evenly V/alve face contact ;:~~z
e .:: e =::::e -:: o 1he valve
0.020in ~
o lve seo· - - e ·:::·c· -~g the valve. 1
'1 HiC · ·ess of
--= :: e seoi ior a .__--=:::-- o-d a co ntinuous 1;: ~
valve head)
=- -.g. ~
combustion ~
- :: re seat is recut with three types of cutter;
-::= and 30° cutters.
--, oca ion a nd the width of the valve seat con-
==- ::-·eo is accomplished with the 60° and the 30°
·=- -e-s whil e the 45° cutter is used for the facing
Figure 3- 25. Valve seat contact area
::= ·-:e va lve contact area. (Fig. 3- 25, 3- 26)
=;nolly, the valve lopping operation is performed.
seat cutter
=a::e a liberal amount of lopping compound on the
::: e face and lop the valves, applying a slight
::·essure while rotating to the right and left, using a
=-..::-ion cup lopping too l. Wash off the compound
·•oroughly and inspect th e seati ng w ith the bluing .
Standard Va lue Serviceable Limit
- ---
- . --:-:-'.:=r- 27.4 I 1.080 in .I
Replace if under •
Free length 26.2 I 1.030 in.)
( 28. 1 11. 110 in.)
(26.9] I 1.060 in.)
_:__: :~ 5.4±0.30 kg / 24.9 mm
111.9±0.66 lbs/
Valve spring (outer) 0.980 in.)
Replace if under
=-=e -e::s_.. e::. -e- ~---::: ... ::c e~"" arm
~- · -e ::::- :::e - order to
--==- - . .
-.... e C ... 3- s· oe rotated
· ~ -g ~::- :::- ·-e · he el is in
-a·< - · -e e= • cron case cover,
·= -:::c<er or- ~c, c e on the lifting slope
Cjg. 3-34)
_:: :- ·g a nd closing of the va lve is deter.
·-e ois on stro e and is timed to the
=-· ·:: ·a· ion. During the inlet cycle, the inlet
: :::oened and closed at the end of the inl et
-··-g he e xha ust cycle, the some openi ng
::·:: .= :::-·-g sequence takes place with the exhaust Figure 3- 33. Camshaft construction (oil passage )
C65 (B.O.C) S50 (B.D. C)
Bottom dead center Bottom dead center
C65Yl S65
a. spec io n
Figure 3-36. Cc-~ ·::"· · e·,;-:
(Fig. 3- 36)
:ondord Value Serviceable limit ·
29c;m 11.140in.l
Rep lace if under
- 0.060 10.0020 in.)
- 0.073 10.0030 in.) I 28.8 I 1.135 in.t •
R'lg ht end
Shaft Replace if over
run out 0.05 10.0020 in.)
Cam Replace if under
5.076 10.200 in.)
height 4.9 10.190 in.l
29 mm 11.1 40 in.l
Left end Replace i f over
+0.021 10.0008 in.)
bearing die 29.06 11.145 in.)
+o.oo 10.000 in.>
Cam sprocket
Right end
Figure 3- 37. Com sprocket tee h bose contour bearing die
121 Cam sprocket root diameter
Standard va lue->53.41 ±0.025 12.104±0.001 in)
Serviceable limit->Replace if under 53.0 12.09 in)
The cylinder is mad e of specia l cast ir on. Th e
inside cyli nder wa ll is exposed to high ' temperatu re
and pressure togeth er w ith th e wearing action of the
reciprocating piston operating at high speed to pro- .
duce a great wearing effect. Added to this, th e dust
in t he air and the forei gn object and the metallic
dust co ntaminating the o il w ill hasten the rate of
wear, th erefore, adequate a ttentio n shou ld be given
Figure 3- 38. C ylinder to the cleaning of the air filter and the oil change.
A gasket is install ed between th e cylinder and th e
cylinder head to maintain a sea l. (Fig. 3- 37, 3- 38)
Cam chain guide roller
a. Disassembly
(1l Re move the cylinder head in accordance with
section 3.21 a.
121 Remove the 6mm cylinde r HS bolts.
eo ssem bly
.-61.65 +
_o0.1 ( 1.47 -0.
. ' :J e - '1a ·e · ne ois o n slop .
' , ·"'
Sealing func tion
D '~
Oil s rapili;
Figure 3- 46. Piston ring sea ling and oil scraping function
c DER EAD 23
~ ~.05 )
10.000 in.)
( 10.002 in.l
44 mm I 1.734 in.)
+ O
- 0.020 10.001 in.l
39 11.540 in.)
Figure 3- 48. Removing piston
Maximum -0.02 10.001 in .) Replace if under
dio. D=44 mm 11.734 in.) 43.9 11.730 in.)
-0.020 10.00 1 in.)
39 11.540 in.l
( +O ) IO.OOOl
, -0.02 10.001 in.l
-0.070 10.003 in .)
-0.090 10.004 in .)
( -0.075 )'0.0 030 in .)
-0.095 10.0037 in .)
-0.230 10.01 in.)
-0.250 10.01 !n") - - -44p+O - -
( -0.16) 10.006 in.)
-0. 18 10.007m.l
- ( 1.734 ~gOOI ;,)-
0.168- 0 .188
10.0066- 0.0074 in.) Figure 3- 49. ·Piston dimensions
( 0.150 - 0. 170]
10.0059 - 0.0067 inl
( ~~.1)
10.004 in.l
1.2 10.047 in.)
Thickness Rep lace if over
+0.020 10.0008 in.)
ltop, 2nd) 1.27 10.50 in.)
+0.005 10.0002 in.)
2.5 10.099 in.)
Replace if over
Oil ring +0.020 10.0008 in.)
2.51 10.989 in .)
-0 I 0 )
G ·•=<= A ISM
- e -::_5"' .o .es ore incorporated Figure 3- 55. Arrow marking on piston head
Tne exhaust valve is
--e ·- e• o lve to afford greater
-e exhous valve is constantly
- -:;;" ;emperoture, therefore, it
-·g~ heat resisti ng material to Exhaus i valve
- :;- ·s-:Je·a·ur e as w ell as th e wear.
--:: - ·e o l es at o very high speed
-- -- ::·- c' amber w hich is located ®n th e
Heat resisting s eel
-.s:se~b l y
ec i on
;:::cier arm
Standard Va lue Serviceable Limit
• • --;• S r .
Replace if over
f:,;;~.. eo; 0.3 10.012 in.)
10 mm 10.394 in.l
Replac e if over
:::.o e
+ 0.0 15 10.0006 in.)
10.1 10.398 in.)
- 0 1- 0 in.l
er arm shaft
Standard Value Serviceable Limit
10 mm 10.394 in.l
Replace if under
-0.013 10.0005 in.)
9.91 10.390 in.)
-0.022 10.0009 in.l
0.0 13-0.037 Replace if over
10.0005-0.0015 in.l 0.1 10.004 in.)
i sosse m bly
Inspectio n
Sta ndard Value Serviceable Li mit Load : 0.45 =0.04 ~
Replace i f under (0.99± 0.0881bs)
- r e e length 77.2 13.04 in.)
73.5 mm 12.89 i n.l
0.45 ± 0.04 kg / 22.2 mm Replace if under
Compres- ( 0.874in )
10.99±0.081b/ 0.874 in.) 0.36 kg / 22.2 mm
sia n fo rc e
10.79 lb/ 0 .87 in .)
Figure 3- 6 T. Cam chai n tensianer spring
Cam chain tensioner roll er diameter
'= 1
Standard value->35.3mm 10.39 1 inl Tension e r . pushrod
Servi ceable limit->Repla ce if under 34 .5mm
11.359 inl
,. p::
c. Reasse mbly Tensioner pushrod head Tensione r sp r i ng
a. Disassembly
11) Drain the o il from the crankcase.
12! Remove the kick starter arm.
13) Remove the 8mm locking nut f rom the clutch
adjusting bo lt. IC50, C50M, C65, C65M only)
14) Remove the right crankcase cover .
1I Reassemble in th e reverse order of d isassembly
:J. Excersize caution not to damage the right crank-
case cover gasket or to install it misaligned.
-s'all the kick starter arm by aligni ng the punch
-:::·<S on th e spindle a nd the arm.
L c
-;; =_ -::-·o of the cl utch is to temporarily dis ·
:-;::;: --;; ··c-~ i' ing of the rotary motion between
--;; :-;;--e :::-::: -..,e ransmission duri ng t he g,e ar change
:=:-::: ·-e- :::=-e- - ~e gear change, pe rmit a smooth
::: e· ··c-.··:::-. T' e condition of t he clutch w i ll
·::: e c .c i-g e"'e · on the dir ect transmissio n of
--e e-;·..,e ... o ·a ourpu .
--e c ·c mecha ism on the C50, C50M, C65 and
,.... • -odels are conventional wet type multiple disc,
·e·e::s ; e $50 and $65 models inc Aporates a new
: _--- " !.. mechanism of furt her improve the smooth-
Figure 3- 64. Gea r shift and clutch mechanism - e:::! :::= - .e c1 ch ope ration. (Fig. 3.64, 3.65A, 3.65B)
14fl)'mlock washer
t 4~m lock oot·
Clutch lifter
Ck!tch outer
Clutch outer cover
Figure 3-65A. Clutch assembly and oil passage diagram Figure 3-6~(!, IC50, CqQM. C65, C6SM)
S50, S95
20.6 10.812 in.)
+ O 10 in.l
Replace if under ( 0·812 : ~.004in )
20.4 10.8 in.l
-0.1 10.004 in .l
---011 0.03 max. 10.0012 in .)
Replace if o ver
0.15 10.006 in.l
21 ? - 0.09 + 0.006
179 -0
.0! 2
Primary dri ve gear (Fig. 3- 68) ( J for C50, - ·
C50M, S50
( 0.827 --0.0035
t0.670 =0.006
l__ I .l
Standard Value Serviceable Limit
2 1 mm 10.830 in.)
Rep lace i f over
'de dia . +0.02 1 10.0008 in .)
21. 15 10.833 in.)
-0.00 10.000 in.l
Figure 3- 67. Clutch cen ter guide
13.723 10.541 in.l
C-orda! Replace if under
+0.02 1 10.0008 in.)
~·:s·anc e 13.7 10.540 in .l
- 0.041 10.002 in.)
ct:ross teeth
3 eethl [. 14.001 -- 0.021
0.041 J
. -0.0008 in.
10 ·551 m. - 0.002 in.
c. Reassembly
( 1) Reassemble the c lutch in the reverse pr_ocedure
of disassembly.
The lock washer must be locked by bending the
tab after tightening the nut; if th!'l nut does not
align with th e tab, tighten the nut further t o permit
locki ng. (Fig. 3-70)
R. era kco se The cron case, which is an integral port of the
·ro smission, is on a luminum alloy die costi ng composed .
o' righ' and left halves. A breather comportment
a d a breather passage is incorporated in the upper
se ion of both crankcase halves to dissipate the
pressure built up in the crankcase. (Fig. 3-71)
The interior of the crankcase is continually under
varying pressure, built up by the reciprocating piston,
Figure 3-7 1. R & L crankcase in addit ion, the crankcase is fill ed with gases from
the blow-by of the pist on and the gases produced
by the heat of th e crankcase. For this reason, the
decomposition of the oil is hastened . In addition,
to gether with the rise in the crankcase internal pres-
sure, the possibil ity of oi l leaks at the case porting
area is increased.
The breather is designed and incorporated in the
case to exhaust the gases to the outside and also to
maintain a constant pressure within the crankcase .
- Crankcase gasket
a . Disassembly
( 1I Remove the clutch assembly as a unit.
(21 Draw out the gear shift spindle.
(31 Remove the kick · starter spring.
(41 Remove the flywheel and stator assembly.
(51 Disassemble the cylinder head and cylinder.
(61 Remove the o il pump and after separating the
right crankcase, the crankshaft assembly together
32 3. EN Gl N E
with the piston con b e r emoved as a unit from
the left crankcase.
b. Inspection
11 I Support the crankshaft on V blocks at both bear-
ings and measure the amount o f runout. (Fig. 3- 7 4)
- runout
Right bearing 0.015
web side 10.0006 in.l
Replace if over
0.05 10.0020 in.l
a xis
s orter
spind le
s haft
Servic eable Limit
Replace if over
0.10 10.004 in.)
Replace if over
0.1 5 10.006in.)
a. Disassembly
11 l Disassemble the rig ht crankcase in accordance
with section 3
121 Disengage the kick starter spindle
b. Inspection
(] l Primary driven gear backlash
Sta ndard value-->0. 047 ~0 . 094 10 . 00 1 9~0.0039 inl
Serviceable limit->Repla ce if over 0.12 10.0047 inl
2 C leara nce between main shaft and main shaft gear
S o ndord value-->0.022 ~0 .05 1 10.0009~0.0020 inl
Se•vic eable limits->Replace i f over 0.1 10.004 inl
Figure 3- 8 1. shaft (Fig. 3- 81, 3- 82)
17,/, + 0.043
Tap gear
inside dia
17 mm 10.670 in.)
+0.043 10.00 17 in.l
+0.016 10.0006 in.)
I Replace if aver
10.6740 in.l
'I'+ 0.016
+0.0017. ) 141 Clearance between main sha ft , to p gear and
( 0 .670 +0.0006 In
main shaft.
Standard value-->0.022~0.051
Figure 3- 82. Main shaft, top gear dimension
10.0009~0.0020 inl
Serviceable limits->Replace if ove r 0.1 10.0040 in)
15) Counter shaft o utside dia (Fig. 3- 83)
Standard va lu e->
-0.034 ·
. -0.0006 in)
tn -0.0013 in
Serviceable limit->Replace if under 16.93 10.66531
161 Clearance between countershaft and countershaft
low gear
Standard value--> 0.032~0.068 10 .0013~ 0.0027 inl
17"· - 0.0 16 ( 0 6690 - 0.0006.10 ) Serviceable l:mits->Repla ce if ove r 0.1 10.0040 in)
~ - 0.034 . - 0.0013
171 Clearance b,etween countershaft and countershaft
second gear
Standard va lu e-->0.030 ~0.096 10.00 1 2~0.0038 inl
Serviceable l imit~-Replace if over 0.15 10.0059 inl
Figure 3- 83. Counter sha ft dimension
181 Cl earance between countershaft and countershaft
third gear (Fig. 3- 84)
Standard va lu e-->0.032~0 .06 8 10.00 1 3~0 . 0027 inl
Serviceable limits->Replace if over 0.1 10.0040 in)
19) Shift drum
mrust washer
1t starter pinion
a. Disassembly
(ll Remove the clutch unit.
(2} Remove flywheel and stator assembly.
f ·igure 3-89.. Removing kick starter (3} Remove4'rhe primary driven gear.
(4} Remove t he gear shift spind le .
.Kick starter s indle (5} · Remove the 16mm ci rclip from the kick starter
spindl e and disassemble the kick spring · retainer
and the kick starter spring. (Fig. 3-89)
Kick spring (6 } Separate the ri g ht and left crankcase halve~ and
then lift out the spi ndle fr o m the left crankcase·.
0 25mb"'Po (J} Inspect the ratchet pawl and the kick starter
pinion teeth, if wo rn excessively, they should be
inco rporates
® Choke valve
CD Inlet
@ Jet needle
main bore
Z enturi { C65&CD65 :14mm( D. 55 lin)
@ Air jet
Valve seat
@ Air vent
·~ jot : ~J
'---'""'==~ver flow op€mng
~ ~ ilver-flow pipe
@ Jet area
7 ~
® Float chamber
a . Main system
enters :ro- ··e • e· ooe · g <D
: ~ ::: - ~ e ou side of · r-e • s:::-e jp wh ere
@ Spring
= :::: ::::-d then en ers ·-e ::: eeo hol e @ of
- ?' On he oi e· o"'d, the fuel f rom
:::- ::.-::~ her @ a fter being me ered by the pilot
::: ::::-o meter ed again at the iet area @ of
-= ~ =~· je @, mix es with the ai r from the bleed
-:: e g within the slow iet a nd is sprayed out at the
::::- om of the throttl e val v e @ from the pilot outlet
2 ·o mix with the main flow of air from the cor-
:;_·e·or air inlet <D and is then taken into the engine.
I is nec essary for the carburetor to supply the
::·oper fuel mixture for the respecti ve throttle opening
::-d engi ne speed; in order to do this, the fuel level
be maintained at a constant level. It is t he
: ction of the float chamber to perform this task.
The DP type carburetor incorporates o filter i n the
"'oo chamber to prevent entry o f dust. :§) eedle jet
The fuel from the tonk flows thro ugh the groove @ Pilot outlet
H in the fuel cock, enters the strai ne r co mpartment
~ wher e the dust and foreign matters i n th e f uel o r e
a lowed to settle, passes thro ugh th e filt er @ and then
e n'ers t he float chamber @. As the fuel lev el i n the
"'o o chamb er rises, t he fl o at @ becomes bouyant
Figure 3-95. Carburetor cross secti onal diagram
:: d applies pressur e against the v alve spring @ to
overri de it and then fo rces the fl o at valve @ against
· e valve seat @ to stop the flow of the fuel.
hen the fuel in the float chamber @ is consumed,
·. causes a lowering of the fuel level and a con.
seque nt lowering of the float @, this causes the float
·alve @ t o unseat and permits the fuel to enter the
"'oa t chamber. This process is repeated to maintain
a constant fuel level in the float chamber. A spring
:g is incorporated between the float and the top of
. e flo at valve to prevent the oscillation of the float
. alv e and reduce wear to the valve seat @. Further,
· o or event overflowing of the carburetor and causing
· ~e fl o o di ng of the cylinder due to tilting or the float
. ol e sticking open, an overflow pipe is incorporated
·o drain o ff any fuel which exceeds the critical fuel
e .. e l.
In additi o n a static air vent tube is located in the
:- a chamber and is vented at the front cover to
- o· ain the air pressure in the float chamber always
::o- .a nt with the outside atmosphere and whi ch is
- ~- a'fected by riding speed or outside wind condition.
ri ng cold weather starting, it may be necessary
_ ·~·tia lly use a rich fuel mixture. For this purpose,
:::: c o e val ve @ is incorporated. The choke valve
::: ·s cl o sed by raising the choke lever @, this
· e_ •· s the air a nd allows the fuel sprayed from the
· eeo e je ® to enter the engine as a rich fuel
- x · e.
40 3. ENGINE
However, depending upon its usage, 11 may result
in engine stalling or flo oding. To counter this situa -
tion, a relief val ve @ is incorporated i n the choke
valve @ to open or closes at a preset suction pr es-
sure, to produce a proper fuel air mixture for cold
w eather starting. It is therefo re possible to close the
choke valve completely during w arm-up driving and
en fully open the valve after warm-up. (Fig. 3- 95)
a. oi je
Main Jet
h e_ -·cs · ~e =uel flow duri ng f ull throttle con-
di"ion ·oo s:::eec ·o provide a pro per f uel mixt ure.
Not o ly does ·. =.;"cion a top speed but also is
effective o a ce · a·~ degree oi int ermediate speed.
The larger he ·e size mumber, g reater w i ll be
the fu el flow a ·o "cfng a rich er fuel mixture .
(Fig. 3-96)
b. Air j et
c. Needle jet
During full o r half thro ttle opening, the fuel which
hod been metered by th e mai n jet i s again ~tered
by the needl e jet. The adjustment is performed in
con junctio n with the jet need le which is explain i n the
fo ll owing section. The nee dle ho le is modA exce p-
tiona lly accurate. (Fig. 3- 98)
-=· -.=:--=.. =
-~ :· ·:eo e in conjuncrio· -· e ·eeo e jet
:::: - =~= e::- ·er, regula tes e .e -- -~"e at the
-,--:-::. ::-e - rottle ope ning p(·::· b eiween ~
- _ ---~ - e o peni ng!. The long ·ooered jet needle
- ·::::-eo centr ally w ithin he cen· er hol e o f the
--·::- e :alve and w ith the oper ed end i nserted into
··e ·eedle jet. The vertica l moveme nt o f the throttle
a .e o w hich the jet needle is attached contro ls the
"o" o f the fue l in respect to the throttle opening to
afford a co rrect fuel mixture ratio. There are five
ne edle clip grooves !which are counted from the to pl
to reg ulate the richness of the fuel mixture. The fuel
mixture becomes richer as the clip is moved progres- Figure 3-99. Jet needle
sively from the No. 1 groove to the No. 5 groove.
(Fig. 3- 99)
e. Throttle valve
The function of the throttle valve is to co ntr o l
the amount of air token into the engine which serv es
to increase the engine RPM and the pow er output,
a nd in addition, performs the important function of
controlling the fuel air mixture . (Fig. 3-1 00)
The thro ttle valve is cut-aw ay on the air inlet
side. By changing the size of the cut-aw ay (designate d
by cut-away No.l t he pressure actuating t he ne edle
va lve ca n be altered to change the amo unt of fu el
now and causes a change to the fue l mixture. The Figure 3-100. Throttl e valve
valve with a larger cut-away number w ill produce a
leaner fuel mixtu re. However, the range of its effec-
tiveness is mai nly at low speed from idling speed to
approximately ~ thro ttle openi ng. It has no effect
beyond ;% throttle opening.
The throttle valve is normally opera ted by the
throttle cable attached to the top of the carburetor.
A throttle stop screw keeps the throttle va lve in the
idle position.
Turni ng the stop screw in will cause the throttle
valve to rise, and backing off o n the stop screw w il l
lower the thro ttl e valve .
The throttle valve guide groove serves as a
junction for the throttle cable and the throttle
valve and also to maintain the throttle valve in the
correct relative position within the carburetor,
therefore , if it is reve rsed, the cut-away w ill be on
the wrong sid e and will resu lt in rich fu el mixture
as well as causing insuffici ent engine speed.
f. Slow jet
The slow jet regulates the fuel now during idling
and small throttle opening, a nd p ermits th e air t o ent er
th rough the air bleed to mix with the fuel for
atomizatio n.
The slow jet is similar to th e main jet i n that th e
larger the jet size number, the greater will be the
fue l now and consequently a richer fuel air mixtur e.
Fi gure 3-101. Slow jet
(Fig. 3-101)
42 3. ENGINE
g. Air screw
The ai r screw regula es he amount of ai r m1x1ng
with the f ue l in the slow speed system by contro lling
the a mo unt o f pilo t air mixing with the fuel whi ch had
entered f rom the slow jet. In his way, t he prope r
fue l air mixture is maintained (Fig. 3-1 02)
Turning the air scr ew in w ill produce a rich fuel
Air screw stop spring ai r mixture a nd backing off o n the screw wi ll result
in a lean mixture.
-...;;:!!!!!!!!"!!Jii ~~Xl!/!1/{
... ..
a. High speed a d j ustment
-e e"gine sputters, misses or does not respo nd,
--e ' e ne edle sho uld be raised o ne st ep.
---:::-le valve cut-aw ay . (Fig. 3- 104)
- e larger the number stamped on the cut-away, Jet need le
eaner w i ll be th e f uel mix ture. Whe n making
he adjustment o f th e th rottl e va lve, the slow
speed should also be co nsid ered together w ith
Figure. 3- 104. Jet needle and cu t-away o f th e throttle
th e i ntermediate speed si nce the effecti ve rang e
of the thro ttle is very broad.
@ Croke valve
Main bore
'!], Jet needl S65
'§ Throttle valve bottom Venturi sec tion ( l? mm: O.S7 inJ
~ P ilot outlet sso
___,4' ( 16~ \
' " ' "'
The air which passes t hrough the air cleaner enters
from inl et opening (!), passes under throttle va lve @
(mai n bor e @l a nd taken into the inlet side of t he
engine. The power output is determi ned by the volume
of air ta ken into the engi ne. This necessary air flow
is contro ll ed by th e vertical movement o f the throttle
valve which varies the a rea of the main bore @ .
(Fig. 3-1 07)
The air which flow through the mai n bore ®
creates a low pressure directly under the th-r ottle
valve. It is here that the fuel o utlets f o r both the
main and slow systems are located. (Fig. 3-1 07)
a. Main System
The fuel passes through main jet @ and enters the
needle jet holder @. The fuel mix es with the air.
taken in at air jet @ and b led through air bleed hole
@ . The fuel ai r mixture passes between needle jet
@ and jet needl e @, and dischargJs in a spray below
the throttle valve @. Th e fuel is atomi zed and mixed
with the main air stream ond is token i nto the enr;~ine.
(Fi~. 3-107).
For 550 and 565, the fuel from the tonk enters
fu el passage @, passes by valve seat @, float valve
~ and enters float chamber @. As the fuel fill the
float chamber, the float @ rises and forces the float
valve against the valve seat with the float arm @
o shut off the fuel flow into the float chamber. As
the fuel in the float chamber is consumed and the
fuel level drops, the float also lowers with the fuel
leve l and allows the float valve to unseat from the
valve seat, permitting the fuel to enter the float
chamber. This cycle is repeated to maintain a con-
stant fuel level.
A spring is incorporated in the float valve @)
wh ere the float arm @ make contact, for th e purpose
of absorbing the shock and preventing w ea r to the
valve and seat caused by the fluctuation of the flo at Figure 3- 108. Float IS65l
wh en driving over rough road and in addition, it
serves to maintain a constant full level in the float
Overflow pipe
If any foreign object shou ld get stuck in between
he float valve and seat and causes the fuel to over-
flo w out of the slow jet o r th e needle jet, th e fuel
will enter the engine and dilutes the oil. To prevent
such an occurance, an overflow pipe @ is incor-
po rated into the float chamber @. The outlet of the
overflow pipe @ is high er than the normal fuel level
and therefo r e, has no effect, but under overflow
condition, the fuel level rises and the overflow fuel
is drained o uiside. (Fig. 3- 108)
8 Float chamber
M odo I
- --- (;(il) (;(iGM (;I)() (;fi()M Hnr.
- ~-_,,c_ -
Carbur eto r 1000- 11 2 1000- 11 0 PW 161A6 IC.I I ,\01 ,
type 1000- 111 PW161'A10 IC YII I .Illl I W l foi A II
11000- 11 31 1000- 115 11000- 1451
Setting mark 65H IY65Hl 65MB C50C 50MB 17-B f
r-t--- AB 1 0.4¢ X 2 10.0157 in.l 0.5</J X 2 0.4¢X2 0.5¢X2 0.5mm 10.01 97in.l X 4 0.9mm 10 .035~ in.l X~
- Main oir
~~ f--1. 5
- 1.5 1 0.4¢X2 0.4¢X 2 0.4¢ X 2
- HI)-- 1--2
- ---$- f--3
2 I 0.4¢X 2 0.4¢X2 0.4¢X2 0.4¢X2 0.9mm 10.0354 in.) X 2 0.6mm IO.Oi>:lt. 111.1 ,
4 3 0.4¢X2 0.4¢ X 2 0.4¢X2 0.4¢ X 2 - 0.6mm 10.07:\(,ln .l 'J
- 1)--f-- 5
4 0.4¢X 2 0.4¢X2 0.4 ¢ X 2 0.4¢ X 2 0.5mm 10.0197in.l X2 0.6mm 10.0236 ln.l 'J w
0 5 0.4 ¢X2 0.4¢X2 0.5mm 10.0197 in.l X 2 0.6mm 10.0236111.1 X ')
u 6 0.4 ¢X 2 0.4¢X2 0.4¢ X 2 0.4¢ X 2
Q) 3.0 X2 .8mm 2.6 mm 10. 1023 in.) 2.6 mm 10.1023 in.)
Q. Needle jet 10.118 X 0.110 in.) 3¢ X 2.8 3¢X2.5 3¢ X 2.5 (3.4 10.134 in.l (3.4 10.1 34 in.) OJ
3¢ X 28 recess recess] recess] c:
c Jet needl e 13243- 3 stag e 13243- 3 stage 13239- 3 stage 13239 - 3 stage 16305 3 stage 16232 3 stage rn
~ -1
(/) Cut-owoy
#2.0 ( 1.2X0. 15]
#1.5 ( 1.2 X 0.3] #1.5 ( 1.2 X 0.3J
10.047 X 0.006 in.) #2 .0 11.2X0.15l jf2.0 I 1.2¢ X 0.1 51 #2.0 11.2 X 0.15l ~
(throttle volvel 10.047 X 0.012 in .I 10.047 X 0.012 in.)
I 2.0 I 1.29'> X o. 151
Air screw 1 u~~1 /8 1 ,!1 ~ 1 /8 1,!1±Ys 1,!11. Ys U-2'~1/8 U-2' ~ 1 /8
.Lrf~ t~11iJ 3
0.8mm 10.3 15 in) X 2
0.8¢ X 2
0.8mm 10.3 15 in) X 2
0.9¢ X 2
0 .8¢ X 2
0.8¢ X 2
0 .9if, X 2
0.7mm 10.0276 in.) X2 0 .7 mm 10 .0276 in.l X 2
~ ·
an dle
· : =-eering handle unit is made of pr essed sheet /'
Handle cushi on /
-- a co ntinuous steel tube g rip welded for rubber A /
·: -:;;·::e e nt ; the handle on the 550 and 565 is Handle under
~ :e i-raised t y pe pipe handle.
Soft rubber cushions are installed at the mounting
he steering ha ndle to prevent the engine vibratio n
; om being transmitted to the rider's hand. A steering
o ndle lower cover is newly installed to provide a
pleasing overall design. Figure 4-1. Hand le rubb er mount 1(50, C50Ml
Hex bolt
Ha."llle coslion
~ Handle cush1on rubber Handle holder nmbe! A
setting washer
....--E~Ht'/± Handle pipe
\ lower holder
Ha e urder cover
Handle cushion r bber 8
Handle setting washer
Handle holder
Front fork top bridge setting collar
Mounting detail
i gure 4-2A. Handle rubber mount 1550. C65l Figure 4-28. Handle rubber mount IC65, C65Ml
( 1l Remove the front cover.
!21 Remove the headlight assemb ly and disconnect
all electrical leads. {Fig. 4- 3)
!31 Uncouple the speedometer cable and disconnect
the front brake cable.
!41 Disconnect the throttl e cable by removing the
carbureto r' cop and disengag e the cable end
from the throttle valve. {Fig. 4- 3)
!51 Loo sen the two 8mm hex nuts and remove the
hand le t ogether with the cables a nd electri cal
l eads.
For models 550 and 565, loose n the four hex Figure 4-3. Disconnect elect rica l lead
bolts, remove the uppe r holder , and then remove
the handle.
b. Inspection
(] l Inspect the throttle, clutch and front broke cables
fo r damage and breakage on both the inner
cable and outer casing, and also for p ro per
o peration ; apply grease before installation.
!21 Check the thro ttle grip pipe for proper operation.
!21 C heck the handle l evers for proper o pera ti o n.
(4) Inspect the hand le pipe for bend and twist.
!51 C heck all switches for prope r function and the
electrical leads for damage d covering.
Fi9ure 4-4.
50 4. FRAME
c. Reassembly
Steering head Ill Re-install the w ires, speedometer and leads on
stem nut
the specified locations a nd fix in place w ith handle
fixing bolts a nd nuts.
Fork top !21 Re-install the fr ont broke cable, speedometer
bridge plate
cable and throttle cable.
131 Reconnect all connectors from the electrical leads
and re-install the headlight.
When installing the steering handle, care shall be
........ taken not to pinch cables a nd leads.
Steering Frame head
stem pipe
b. Inspection
Figure 4- 6. Removing fr ont fork ( 11 Inspect t he #6 steel ba lls fo r cracks and wear.
121 Inspe ct th e steering stem for b end and twist .
!31 Inspect th e ste ering bo tto m and t o p cone races
#6 steel balls and ball races, fo r scratches, w ear and streaks.
c. Reassembly
I 1l W ash the cone rac es, ball races and the steel
ba lls, a nd pack with new grease. Use reco m-
mended fib er grease.
Care shall be taken not t o ove r-torqu e the
steering stem nut so as to cause heavy st eering.
Figure 4- 7.
o . Disassembly
11 I Remove the fr ont wheel in acco rdance w ith sec-
tion 4.4a.
121 Remove the 6 mm lock pin and 7 mm lock nut .
and then the front cushion ioint washer and the
ioint rubber A can both be removed. Next, by
removing the f ront arm pi vot bolt, and 8mm X 42,
hex bo ll the front cushion and the front suspension
ar m may be r emoved together from the front fork.
t31 Remo ve t he 8 mm hex nut a nd then by pulling
' o ut the 8 mm hex bo lt, the f ront arm r ebound pin
stoppe r may be removed from the front fork.
7mm lock nut
141 By removing the 8 mm hex nu t and the front
cushion lower bolt ; the front cushion and the
fron t suspension arm may be separated.
pre vent the front cushion lower dust seal cap,
dust seal and distance co llar from dropping.
b. Remove the pivot dust seal by unlocking the
staking and remove th e dust seal and pivot
D ust sea I cap
co llar. {Fig. 4-10)
The front c ushion disassembly can be performed
by removing t he f ront cushion lo ck nut and th en
r emovin g the front cushion spring.
(Cauti on) Fr o nt ar m
The fro nt damper bottom metal sho uld not b e
disassembled as it requires specia l tools and the
component parts a re not sold individually. Figure 4 - I U. ::. oking ue fJovof dust seal c ap
52 4. FRAME
b. Inspection
~ Locknut Stopper rubber
11 l Inspect for the damper as it
have an adverse errec' on the dampening cha -
B ttom metal
acteristics as well as producing undesireable
1--Spdng · complete
12) Front cushion spring (Fig. 4-1 2)
Spring seat
Standard Value Serviceable Limit
50 kg/1 09 mm
1110 lb/ 4.29 in.)
A d ju st or replace if
[k Load
100 kg / 92.1 mm
1220 lb/ 3.63 in.)
under 90 kg/ 92. 1 mm
Ou te r collar I 198 lb/ 3.35 in .)
Replace if under
Free length 130.7 mm 15.14 in.) 14.72 in.)
Figure 4-11. Component parts of f ront cushion 120 mm
Tilt Replace if over 4 °
Deformation c. Reassembly
cushion piston
Rear damper inner pipe damper valve stopper
damper rocl guide
Rear cushion collar
upper rubber bushing
cushiOn upper rubber
bushing collar
cushion upper metal
24mm washer
Rear damper piston ro.d
Figure 4-13A. Rear cushion cross sectional diagram IS65, S50, C65l
54 4. FR AME
Brake shoe
Front brake panel felt ring
The front wheel axle a nd the ax le nut assemble
th e cast aluminum alloy hub with the cast brake drum
and two 6 302R ball bearing with the f ront b rake panel
consisting of brake shoes and a speedometer gear.
When the brake is appl ie d, t he reaction is trans-
mi tted to the front fork by the bra ke panel stopper.
A labyri nth is inco rpo rated in the b rake pane l and
the wheel hub to prevent the entry of wate r a nd dust
into the hub interior. Ti re size 2.25-17-4PR is used.
a . Disassemb ly
Fi gure 4- 18. Removing front broke shoe
(]) Place an a dequat e stand under the engine to
ra1se the front w heel.
(21 Remove the front brake cab le and th e speedo -
br a ke
meter cable .
p anel
(31 Remove the axle nut and pull out the front w heel
axle, then the front whee l and the fro nt brake
panel can be remo ved as a unit.
(41 The b rake shoe is fixed in place with the brake
shoe spring; the refo r e spread the brake shoes
apa rt and r emove from the panel. (Fig. 4- 18)
b. Inspection
11 Inspect t he ri m for runo , a nd eccentricity.
(Fig. 4- 20)
c. Reassembly
( 1J Reinstall th e tire flap so that it is positioned
over the spoke nipples. (Fig. 4- 22)
Figure 4-24. l"s·a lled a ngle of valve stem 131 Wash the old grease from the wheel hub and
the bearing, and pack with new grease. Also
f111 the hub with grease and install the distance
col lar, followed by installati on o f the 6202R boll
bearings. (Fig. 4- 25)
!41 After installing the bearings, reassemble the front
wheel and the brake shoe in the reverse o rder
of disassembly.
!51 Install the brake cable and adjust the broke lever
ploy .
!Refer o the Periodic Inspection and the section
on adjustment)
Tire Air Pressure
ormal condition
Fron 1.6- 1.8 kg/ cm 2 !22.8-25.6 lb/in 21
Rear 2.0-2.2kg/ cm2 (28.4-31 .2 lb/in 21
63 0l R ball bearing
___.--- Rear wheel damper
: - · :::' ·o the front wheel, I e rear eel consist
::: ::as; alumi num alloy rear eel b incorporating
= oeorings, and a brake pa el. A tire size
.25- 17- 4 PR is used w ith the rim made of rolled steel
sheet. A specia lly designed tread pattern is used on
th e rear tire fo r better traction and to prevent side-
In addition, the rear wheel hub and the final driven
flange have been made into an integral component
for li ghtness.
a. Disassembly
Ill Remove t he muffler.
The muffler need not be removed fo r S50 and S65.
121 Re move t he d rive chai n case lower half and dis-
connect t he chain.
b . Inspection
11) The rim runout and eccentricity is checked in the
same manner as t he f ront whee l and to the same
121 C heck the rear axle diameter fo r wear and bend.
(Fig. 4- 28)
The spoke should be retightened to the same
te nsion as the othe r spokes.
Figure 4- 29. eosuring broke lining
60 4. FRAME
o. Disassembly
Ill Remove the exhaust pipe and the muffler.
(2) Remove the brake r od from the brake arm by
loosening the brake adjusting nut, then remo ve
the brake pedal spring and the mai n stand spring.
131 Place a suitable sta nd under the engine and
remove the rear brake pivot pipe by removing
the 8 mm hex. nut fixing the rear brake pivot
pipe, and the 3 mm cott er pin; a nd by pulling out
the rear brake pivot pipe, the stand and brake
pedal can be removed from t he f rame as a unit.
(Fig. 4-35)
141 Remove the step bar fro m the crankcase by re-
moving the 8 mm hex. bolts.
b. Inspection
Ill Inspect the brake pedal spring, main stand sp ring
and the rear brake rod spring for loss of tension
and corrosion. If loss of tension or cor rosion
is excessive, the spring should be replaced.
121 Inspect the brake pivot pipe and brake peda l
for looseness. If excessive ly loose, t he part
should be adjusted to conform wi t h the standard
or replaced. (Fig. 4-36)
131 Check t he rea r b rake pivot pipe outside diameter.:
16.8 mm -0.02 (0.662 + 0.0008 in )
-0.1 0 - 0.0040
141 Check the b rake pedal pivot inside diameter.
16.8 mm + 0.027 (0.662 + 0.001 06 in)
- 0 -0
Ve r nier ca l iper 151 Check the stand pivo t hole inside diameter.
16.9 mm + 0.2 ( 0.665 + 0.008 in )
-0 - 0
161 Check the main stand spri ng fre e length .
Standard value--> 80 mm 13.150 in)
Serviceable limit-->Replace if over 88 mm 13.465 i nl
(7) Check the cotter pin fo r damage.
181 Ch eck the b rake shoes fo r damages.
191 Adjust the b rake pedal play to 2-3 em
10.787 -1.181 in)
1101 Check the main sta nd, brake ·pedal a nd step bar
for deformiti es a nd r epai r as necessary · or
Figure 4- 36. M easuring brake pivot pipe diameter
replace wi th new parts.
c. Reassembly
Ill Clean the pads a nd lubri cate the shafts with
grease befo re reassemb ly.
Rei nstall the rea r brake pivot pipe into the brake
pedal a nd reinstall the sta nd on the frame and
flx th e sta nd in place w it h th e r ear brake pivo t
Lock the r ear b rake pivot pi pe i n place with
8 mm hex. nut and install a cotter pin at the
left-hand end .
121 Rei nstall the step bar on the c rankcase w ith
Figure 4- 37. Install ing step bar four 8 mm hex. bo lts. (Fi9. 4-37)
3 T-ha ndl e
scre wdriver
o e)
er connecting the rear brake, adjust the brake
pedal p loy to 2-3cm 10.787-1.181 inl.
(Fig. 4-39)
Figure 4- 39. Ploy in the brok e pedal
The rear fo rk is of a swing arm type which pivots
on th e rear fork pivot bolt. The rear end of the fork
is supported by the frame through th e rear cushions.
a. Disassembly"'
11 )Remove th e rear wh eel in accordance with
section 4.5 1a.
12) Remove the drive chain upper half, lower half Rear fork
and final drive flange in accordance with secti on
(3) Remove th e 1Omm nut fixing the rear cushion at
the lower end.
141 Remove the rear fo rk pivot bolt by loosening
the rear fork pivot nut, then the rear fork con
be removed from the frame. (Fig. 4-40) Figure 4- 40. Removing rear fork
b. Inspection
Rear fork pivot rubber bushing
{1) Dama ged o r worn drive chain case gasket should
be replaced. Rear for k
12) Check the rear fo rk pivot rubber bushing .
(Fig. 4- 41)
Standard va lu e-+
C65, C65M O.D 23 mm +0.05 10.0020 in)
C50, C50M 10.90551 + 0.03 10.0012 in)
S50 O .D 25 mm + 0.05 10.0020 in)
(0.9842) + 0.03 10.0012 in)
S65 I.D 12. 1mm +0.2 10.0079 in)
10.4764) - 0 (0 in)
Figure 4- 41 . Measuring pivot rubb<;lr bush in9
62 4. FRAME
Check the pivo rubber bushing for damage or
V block
aging and also fo r looseness in the fork. Replace
defective bushings.
131 Check the rear fork for twist and deformation.
If twist is over 1 mm (0.040 in) or the part is
defective, replace w ith o new part. (Fig. 4-42)
c. Reassembly
( ll Reassemble the rear fork in the reverse order ~
Figure 4- 42. M easuring twist in rear ~a rk of the disassembly.
a. Care should be taken when installing the
chain case gasket. (Fig. 4-431
b. Check the pivot for looseness.
c. Check the axle nut for tightness.
d. Check L and R chain tension adjuster, they
should both be set t o the same alignment
marks. Imprope r adjustment will affect the
steerabi lity.
a. Disassembly
Ill Remove the chang e pedal.
121 Remove the left crankcase cover.
131 Remove the chain case lower half.
141 Rotate the rear wheel so that the drive chain
jo int is positioned at the specified locatio n shown
in Fig. 4.44 and then disconnect the drive chain
by removing· the joint clip. (Fig. 4- 44)
b. Inspection
I ll Inspect the drive chain for wear and damages.
/ I
Air cleaner inlet pipe
( Carburetor )
' ' ..........___ ,.; '
b. Disassembly
Ill The air cleaner of models C50, C50M, C65 and
C65M can be removed by loosening t he cap nut
at the top of the air c leaner cover. (Fig. 4-48)
Figure 4- 48.
c. Inspe c tion
Ill Ai r clea ner case which is deformed shou ld be
replaced as it w ill restrict t he air flow.
5. Reassembly
Winker Horn
ear winker
Fi9ure 4- 51. Muffler cross section ond gas flow diagram IC50, C50M, C65, C65MI
66 4. FRAME
Figure 4- 52. Muffler cross section and gas now diagram 1550 , 5651
' · : - -= of electrical equipment used on motor-
= - _ =-:: i. eir method of installation will, depending
--==- --e .:,rpe of wiring syst em, vary w i th the electri-
-= ·e-=·rements.
e ignition system used on the C50, C65
·e ignition coi l and contact breaker with the
electricity generated by a special A.C. generator to
produce the sta rting ignition. Further, together w ith
"h e use of the selenium rectifier a nd battery, charging.
transmission o f po w er to the various connected loads
(horn, winker, neutral lamp), discharging ar e p erformed .
The C50M, C65M are equip ped with a n electrical
sta rting motor to facilitate th e starting fun cti o n. In the
fo llowing secti o ns the elect rical equipment are divid ed
into the starting , ignition, generating systems and
descri b ed separately.
C50M, C65M
W hen the mai n swi tc h is turned on a nd the start er
button d epr essed, th e electric current flows through
the coil in the magnetic switch, energizing the coi l
and causing th e plu ng er co r e to be d rawn in t o
c lose the main contact .
This p ermits ove r 1OOA of current to fl ow f rom
the battery di rect to th e starter to produce t he
necessa ry torqu e to t urn over th e engine fo r
sta rti ng.
Th e sta rt er arma tur e speed is reduced by th e
p la ne ta ry g ea r enclosed wi thin the sta rter. The chain
further reduces the sp eed and transmits th e powe r t o
dri ve th e cranksha ft. In this w ay, th e starter to rqu e
is mad e to ro tate th e cra nksha ft. To prevent th e
start er f r om b eing motoriz ed after the engin e starts,
an over running c lutc h is incorpora te d i nto th e A.C.
generato r ro to r.
Starter Specifications
I 1I O pera ting vo ltage 6V L
Fi gure 5- l . Starting motor
121 Rate d o utput 1.5 Kw
131 Re ducti on ra tio 5.45
141 Di recti o n of ro tation L.H ro tation (vi ewing th e
sprocket )
151 Weight 1.7 kg 13.74 lbl
Starter Characteristics
I ~
At the 1.8
Without load W ith load Stalling 0
sprocket shaft I E
I ""
Voltage 5 .5V 4.5V 3 .3V I .£
I ~
Cu rrent 28A max. BOA 220A max. _j "'
Figure 5- 4. Dressing the commutator l . Fi rst, check to assure that the switch is on and
then perform the inspectio·n by the following pro-
(a) Connect one lead of t he starter magnetic switch
to th e EB
termina l of the battery and t he other
Starting motor lead to the ground and if an energizing click
sound is not heard :
(l I The p lunger coil is defective due to a broken
wire, therefore, replace the coil.
However, if an energizing click is heard in the
starter relay, the defect is a poor contact in the
starter switch button or the contact plate w it hin
Magnetizing the magnetic switch, therefore, disassemble the
Plunger coil part and clean the contact areas. (Fig. 5-5)
A.C. Generator
-~e charging characteristics o= ·-e ; .C. generator
useo in he C50, C65, S50 o~a 565 ren under a
spec""ed load are shown in t e o~ agro"1s at the rig ht.
However, wh en additiona l loaos ore conn ected to
the system such as, fog lamps, and other accessori es,
th ere w ill be an i ncrease in current draw by t hat
amount and t herefore, the charge cut- in speed of
the gen e rator w ill be a t a higher speed a nd the
charging ampera ge will be lower. (Fig. 5- 6) Flywheel Stator asse mbly
(41 Load
4,000 rpm 2AH =~:;
night headlight 25 X 2 +
1.5+ignition coil
3· =- '----------
2·1 1
0 J .~I
--- 1gn.primary
current (A)-
.OO:!jJ: ~)j; r ~
-Revolution(r. o. - )
I s 65 I c 65
Direction of ro tation Left hand ro tation viewed from rotor end
Charging perfo rmance Charging cut-in speed under 2000 rpm (battery voltage 6 .5-7Vl
Day operat ion Charging rate at 8,000 rpm, 2 .2±0.5A (battery voltage 8V min)
Night operatio n Cha rging cut-in speed under 2000 rpm (battery vo ltage 6.5- 7Vl
Charging rate 8,000 rpm, 0.4 ± 0.2A (battery vol tage 7V mi n)
Breaker Contact pressure 7 50± 1OOg, point gap 0.35 ±0.05 mm !0 .020 ±0.0020 in.)
- -
Gover nor Advance 15° ± 1.5°
Advancer ope rating speed 2500 ± 150 rpm
I Loca;·or Probable cause Corrective action
Inspection Procedure
(ll Hard starting
First conduct the spark performance test in section 4 (1 I and check to see that the condition of the spark
plug is satisfactory; perform the starting operation and if a good spark is produced at the plug gap, it indicates
that the ignition coil, magnet and breaker are all in satisfactory condition. The fault can be assumed to be in
the timing. When no spark is produced, check the breaker, ignition coil and flywheel A.C. generator.
(21 W henever there is any malfunction of the lamps or the battery system, first check for poor wiring connection
or grounding. Next, start the engine and measure the voltage at the output terminals. If the output vo ltage
are normal, check the battery and the lighting system for troub le.
g "t--~~-t------------
~ 20+--f--+----A
i !Sj------1----+--1 '-f -- -- --
14 - - f-------1
12i-- f - - -
Eniine revolution (r.p. m)
Type MBC 1- 6
Voltage 6V
Capacity 2AH (10 hour rate)
Normal charging rote 0.2A
e electrode plate
Specific gravity of 1,260- 1,280
el ectro lyte at 20°CI68°Fl
!when fully charged!
- -- ~
-~-;; --e turn signal lamps beyond necessity.
turn signal lamps w ill discharg e a fully charged bQttery within 40 - - ·=
e-· ==..;
' -e-e e· ·-e vent pipe is removed during recharging, it must be reconnected w hen the bo-e-
Co:e s-:J Ia be excersized not to restrict the opening (Fig. 5.19).
0 0 f------- Charger Some as left
\ 8<B
~ Battery
Connect the charger EB to th e battery 8
" ore more batteries" atea
" charging two
t ime, perf orm th e charging in series.
Checking for (1) Specific gravity : 1.260-1.280 Ill Specific gravity: 1.260-1 .280
full charg e (20°C : 68 ° Fl maintained constant maintained !20 ° C: 68°Fl
(2) Voltage: Battery attains and maintain (2) Vo ltage: When Iorge volume
a voltage over 7.5V when of gas is emitted f rom the bot-
charged at 0.2A tery (in about 2-3 hours for
The battery is ful ly charged when the fully discharged battery!, reduce
above condition is obtained. During the charging rote to 0.2A.
final phose of cha rging, Iorge volume of Battery is fully charged w hen a
gas will be emitted. vo ltage of 7.5V is maintained
Charging duration By this method, a fully discharged battery By thiS method, 0 fully discharged
will be fully charged in approximately battery will be full y charg ed in
12-13 hours. approximately 3-4 hours.
Remarks (1) When the charging is urgent, quick charging method may be used, however,
the recommended charging cu rr ent rote should be under 2A.
!21 If the charger is equipped with a timer, the specified method shou ld be followed.
(3) The rapid charge method above refers to battery charging with a o Pdard
B. Self discharge 1. Dirty contact areas and case. 1. A lw ays maintai n the exterior clean.
Battery discharges in addi - 2. Contaminated electrolyte or elec- 2. Handl e th e r epl enishi ng fluid w ith
tion to that caused by the tr o ly te excessively concentrat ed. ca re.
connected load.
C. Discharge rate large 1. The fuse and the wiring is satis- 1. W hen the specific g ravity falls
Specific gravity, gradually factory; the loads such as turn signal below 1,200 120°C : 68°FI, the bat -
lowers and aro und 1.1, the lamp and horn does not function. tery shou ld be r echarged imm e-
turn signal lamp and hor n In this condit ion the motor cycle w i ll diately.
no long er functi o n. operate but w ith pro long use, both 2 . When th e ba tt ery fr eque nt ly be-
the EB and 8 plates wi ll react comes discharged whil e operat ing
with the sulfuric acid and form lead at normal speed, check the gener-
su lfide deposits, lsulfationl making a tor f or proper output.
it impossible t o recharge . 3. If the battery discharges under
normal charge o utput, it is a n indi-
cation of over loading, remove som e
o f the excess load.
D. High charging rate 1. The deposit will heavi ly accumulate 1. Check t o assure proper charging
The electrolyte level dro ps a t t he bottom and wi ll cause inter- rate.
rapidl y but the char g e is na l shorting , causi ng damage to th e 2. W hen overcharg e condition exist
always maintained at 100 % ba tt ery. with the pr oper char ging rate, place
and the condition appears an appropriate resistor in t he charg-
satisfactory. A condition ing ci r cuit.
which is overlooked. (spe-
cific gravity over 1.2601
a hot type spark plug is used. (Fig. 5- 22, 5- 23) Cold type
Hot type
( low te~era ra se ( high temperature use)
:: ... g electrodes Mis:ire caused by the insulation of 1. Adjust the spar< go::; ::::: ::::·ou-
the electro des due to carbon deposits retor.
2. " ug w et with fuel o r fo uling w ith oil. 2. Dry the spark plugs, c-a-ge ·-e
3 . Flushed over 1. Too ri ch a f uel mi xtur e. procedu re on the use o· :::~::: e.
2. Excessive i ntake of fu el during 3 . C lean a nd properly ad·u>. ·~e
starting. gap .
3. Dirty insu lator and excessive spark
l. Electrodes not noti ce- l. Insufficient torquing of the spark l. Replace plug gasket o r r eto rque
able dirty. plug causing exhaust gas lea k. the plug.
2. El ec t rodes excessi ve ly 2. Too lean a fuel mixture . 2. Ad just the carburetor.
er roded. 3. Ignition timing too far adva nced. 3. Ad jus ig ni ion iming.
3. Small deposi ts o n the 4. Improper plug, heat range too 4. Replac e · h spar p lug of higher
insulato r. low. he a ra nge. !higher numbered p lug]
4. Indi ca tion of burni ng.
(Fig. 5- 26, 5-27)
Turn signal
I~ lamps, 6V8W
11 Burned out
Cause : May be due to defective bu lb, how-
Headlight bulb ever, the main causes are due to high
voltage genera ted du ring riding, ex-
cessive vibration when riding at high
speed over bad roads. (Fig. 5- 31)
Cor rective act ion : Replace w ith new bulb
121 Poor socket contact
131 When poor contact is caused by corrosion,
polish the contacts w ith a file or sand paper.
Soldered terminals (Fig. 5- 32)
141 Broken wi ring
Figure 5- 32. Soldered terminals Cause : Wi re br eaking loose at the solde red
end due to vibration f rom riding over
bad roads.
Corrective action : Resolder the wire to the
Diaphragm Resonator
p roper contacts.
5.9 HORN
The construction of the rectifier is sho wn in Fig. 5.36 r
w ith a mo isture-proof paint applied. (Fig. 5- 36)
ormal lira: ·:·: : ea:~ ·c resistivity
The electro d e a lloy side, co mpar ed to the op- Re ;rsairc:: • · : - ='" ·c resistivity
posit e side havi ng a st ee l pla t e, is rai sed appro-
ximately 1 mm 10.040 in ch) making it easy t o r ecogni zed
even w ith the surface paint ed. The C50M, C65M are
equipped with a f ull wave rectifier, whereas, th e C50,
C 65, S50, S65 ore eq uipped wit h half wove recti fi ers. Figure 5- 36. Selenium rectifier construc ti on diagram
A low compression pressure will result in a cor-
responding drop in the engine power output. Pressure
leak f rom any cause may effect the engine speed
adiustment at low speed and cause engine stal l.
a . Remove the spark plug.
b. Insert the end of the compression gauge into the
spark plug hole and hold fir mly to prevent pre-
ssure from leaking. (Fig. 6-1}
c. Operate the kick starter rep eatedly severa l times
with both the choke and throttle in the fu ll o pen
Compression gauge
CD Make sure that the throttle and choke ar e
f ully opened, or else, a lower pressure indi-
cation will be registered on th e compression Figure 6- 1. Measuring co mpression pressu re
® The cylinder compression pressur e indication k Stanaarcr•q;,r.:r.
w ill gradua lly in crease w ith each kick, there-
fo re, continue kicking until the pressure
stabilizes at the highest point.
® To obtain a true cylinder pressure indication .
the measurem ent should be made after th e
engine attains ope rating temperature.
@ Check for the proper operati on of t he va lves.
@ Make sure that the co mpression gauge is firmly
fi tted in the spark plug ho le.
d. The standard spe cified cylinder compr essio n pressure
is 12kg/cm2 1172 lb/ in 2). (Fig . 6-2}
e. In case the compression pressure exceeds 14kg/ cm2
1200 lb/in 2 ), it is an indication of heavy carbon
deposit accumulation on the cylind er head or the
piston. The deposits shou ld be removed by disa -
ssemblying the cylin der head from th e cylinder.
f. When the compressio n pressure r egist er s less than
9kg/cm 2 1128 lb/ in 2 ) , it is an indicatio n of pr essur e
leak. First, che ck th e tappet adiustment and see ifj ~
the condition can be co rrect ed, disassemble th e
engine and in spect the condition o f the va lves, the
head gasket and piston rings.
V alve clearance
2. Adjustment
Loosen t he adjusting scr ew locking nut end make the
adjustment with th e adjusting screw t o obtain the
stan dard c learance of 0.05 mm 10.002 in) for both
the inl et and exhaust valves.
Figure 6- 4. Adjusting tappet cleara nce Turn screw c lockwise for closer clearance.
Turn scr ew counter clockwise for wider clearance.
The tappet c learance ad ju siment for the C50, C50M,
C65, C65M, S50, S6 5 are identica l.
1I I The adjustment must be made with a cold engine
a nd t he c learance measured wit h a t hickness
121 When locking the adjus\ing scr ew, hold t he screw
to prevent its turning. (Fig. 6- 5)
3 . Inspection
a. Check to make sure that t he tappet c lear ance
is w ithin sta ndard t o lerance. Too sma ll o clear-
ance wi ll cause t he va lve t o stay open with
Figure 6- 5. Locking the adjusting nut
a consequent pr e ssure leakage and r esulting
in hard st arling or no starting a t a ll.
b. Check for improper valve t iming.
c. Check for stret ch in the cam chain.
d. Check for any slippage o f the timing sprocket .
2. Adjustment Screwdriver
Make the adjustment by loosening the contact point
breaker lock screw.
0 When the ignition timing is retarded, move
the contact breaker toward the right. Figure 6-7. Adjusting the ·ignition timing
0 When the ignition timing is advanced, move
th e contact breaker t oward the left.
Inspect the surfaces o f he contact points; if they
Normal Worn contact point are burnt or pitted, dress the surface with an oilstone
or a point dressing file so that the center of the
points are making contact. (Fig. 6-10, 6-11)
After the points have been dressed, wash i n
Side contacting gasoline or trichloroethylene to remove all trace of
Cause due to :
1. Low supply voltage
2. Defective ignition coil
3. Defective spark plug
4. No sparking may also be due to compressio n
(1) Do not remove the deposii s by burning
(2) When installing the spark p lugs, clean the seating
area free of oil or for eign matter and i nstall
finger t ight before torquing with a plug wrench.
(3) The spark p lugs con be tested after adjustment,
with the p lug tester. With the high tension vo ltage
maintained constant, vary the test chamber pres-
sure and inspect the condition of the spark.
CD Th e insufficient fu el flow may be caused by th e
plugged vent ho le in th e filler cap as we ll as
Figure 6- 16. Fuel tonk cop c -:::.; 65MJ
the restriction in th e fue l line. (Fig. 6-16, 6-17)
® The fue l cock is switched to RE S (r eserve)
from the ON position when the fuel tank
becomes empty. Th e reserve fuel supply
contains approximately 0 · 8 g (1. 7 u.s. pt ) for t he
1.4 Imp pt
C 50, C50M, C65, C65M and appr oximate ly 1 &
2 · 1 u.s. pt) for the S50 and S65 ' suffici ent t o
( 1.6 Imp pt
trave l approximately 50 km 131 mil and 60 km
137 mil respectively .
d. Fuel strainer cleaning
Th e accumulatio n o f dirt and water in the fuel
cock strainer cup will cause a restrictio n in fue l
flow, resulting in drop in engine sp eed and mol-
function of the carburetor. C lean the cock,
strai ne r and the fi lter screen at perio!ilic Int erval. Figure 6- 17. Fuel tonk cop cross sectio n (550, 565)
--= =::·: ;- s.::-::-ces contained in the fuel posses
Poe ---- -- --= --= e =-o~ · ne fuel tonk and enters
~ - - --e 'o,eign substances and water,
:::-e=-e:: ..• e.,· er the cylinder and causes
Fuel coc~·
OPEN position
Strainer cup -
Overflow Joint
To carburetor
(Co ion)
Ins all the oil fiter screen with the narrow
opered side toward the inside and the fin
on the filter screen toward the bottom.
2. Cleaning
c. Top the cleaner lightly to remove the dust and
then blow dry compressed air from the inside Air cleaner
or use a brush. (Fig. 6-22)
2. Adjustment
Locking nut Loosen the lock nut and turn the ad justing screw.
C50, C50M, C65, C65M :
Tur n to the right to increase the lever fr ee ploy .
Turn to the left to decrease the lever free ploy.
550, 565 .. .
Turn to the left to increase the lever free ploy .
Turn to the right to decr ease the lever free p loy .
11) For model C50, C50M, C65 a nd C65M check
for slippage of the clutch and the disengaging
!2 1 For adj usting the clutch on model S50, S65
remove the c lutch cover , loosen the locking
nut and adjust with the screw. (Fig. 6.24)
The ad justment of the clutch may a lso be
performed at the adjuster on t he clutch cable.
On C50, C50M, C65 and C65M modeL the
adj ustment con be made without remo ving the
c lutch cover. (Fig. 6-25)
1. Cleaning
a. Disassemble the ca rburetor and wash th e parts
in gasoline.
Figure 6- 26. Adjusting the carbu retor IC50, C50M, b. Blow out the nozzles with compressed air and
C65, C65Ml after cleaning and reassembly, make the ad just-
2. Idle adjustment
The idle adjustment is pe rformed with both the
thrott le stop screw and t he air screw by the
fo llowing procedure. (Fig. 6- 26, 6- 27)
(a) Set t he thrott le stop screw to t he specified
idling speed (1ooo~ 1200 rpm)
!bl Next, adjust the a ir screw by turning s low~
in bo th directio n to obtain the highest eng ir e
Turni ng the screw in will produce a rich fu e
Turning the scr ew o ut w ill produce a lean ' e
Figure 6- 27. Adjusting th e c;orbv reto r i$50, S65) mixture.
(c) ec_::e ·-e engine speed which has gone up
i- - · o 'he specified RPM by regulating the
'!-· - le stop screw.
ldl Ai his thrott le st op scr ew setti ng , r echeck t he
carburetor adiustment by manipulat ing the air
scr ew.
lei After the idling adiustment has been co mp let ed,
check th e carbur et o r by snapping th e thr o ttl e
and also c heck the thro tt le response. The ai r
scr ew shou ld be ,78 to 7( t ur n of t he specified
A ll ad iustment sho uld be ma de after th e engine
has attained operating t emperature .
The purpose of lubricat ion is to prevent dir ect
sur face to surface contact of the movi ng parts by
providing a film o f oi l between th e surfaces and t here-
by, red ucing friction and preventing wear. It also
serves to coo l t he parts from the heat pr oduced by
fr iction .
Furth er, t he lubr icant penetrat es between the piston
and cylinder to for m a n o il film which act as a seal
t o maintain t he cylinder pressure.
1. Oil Change
a . Remove t he oil cap and drain t he engine com-
plete ly o f o il by unscrewing t he p lug at the
bo tto m of t he engin e. (Fig. 6- 28, 6- 29)
·figure 6- 29. O il cap
The o il shou ld be drained whil e the engine is
still warm .
b. The proper o il leve l is indicated by the oil
between t he leve l markers o n t he gaug e when
checked without scr ewing t he cap down.
(Fig. 6- 30)
O i l capacity
Oil level sz..e
0.8 .e (1.7 U.S. pt, 1.4 Imp ptl
After overhau ling the engin e, fi ll crankcase wit h
0 · 8 .e (1.4
1.7 u.s. p t ) of o il
Imp pt '
how eve r ' during o il
changes r efill acco rding t o th e level gauge.
· 1. Lubrication
Apply grease to all grease nipples with grease
gun until the grease is forced out at the clearances.
(Fig. 6-32)
figure 6-32. G reasing
UsQ multi-purpose NLGI No. 2 grease .
(lJ Clean the dirt from the nipple befor e greasing .
(21 Fit the grease gun nozzl e securely to the
nipple when greasing.
131 Excersize ca re and do not permit the grease
to become contaminated with dirt, dust or mix
with air.
1. Clea ning
a. Remove the diffuser pipe locking bolt and pull
o ut the diffuser pipe (Fig. 6-39)
Figure 6- 39. Removing di';user pipe
b . Top t he pipe lightly to remove the carbon and
hen wash in so lvent or gasoline (Fig. 6-40)
The c logging of the diffuser pipe will cause a
Diffuser pipe drop in the engi ne power output. A loose
connection at t he gasket jo int will produce
und esi reab le noise fro m leaki ng exhaust gas.
Figure 6- 4 2. Battery
:: - ::·- a in the elec• -e ' e. e cbove
s· electrclyte le ·el ~:::- ·-g on the
- -~- • hen replenishi g coo cis-i led wa er
·: ·::·se ·he electrolyte (e.e 1 • 'he upper
-::- ·.,g. (Fig. 6-43)
;s::: e ish by removing the ba ery cap at the
·::o and odd the distilled wa er. Al l three
::oo ery cells should be filled to the some level.
::>omaged and Dirty Battery Ca b le Connector
lrspect the connectors fo r clean liness and damage.
Clean the dirty connectors or replace damaged con.
nectars b efore making connection and apply a coating
of grease or vase line on the connect ors to prevent
co rrosion.
3. Specinc Gravity
Check the specific gravity of all three ce lls of the
battery wit h a hy drometer, if it measures be low 1.200,
t he batt ery should be charged.
A fully charged battery should indicate a specific
gravity of 1.280 at electro lyte temp erature of 20 ° C
f68° Fl. The specific gravity w ill vary somewhat with
t he temperoture at the rate of 0.0007 specific gravity
variatio n for each 1 ° C (1.8° FI change in temperature.
A rise in t emp erature wi ll cause a decr ease in specific
g ravity and visa ve rsa . (Fig. 6- 44)
CD Do not add any sulfuric acid to the distilled water
when r epl enishing.
® When the drop in electrolyt e level is excessive,
check the discharge rate of the battery.
Figure 6- 44. Measuring specific gravity
@ Excersize co re not to pinch t he batte ry cable
when making the battery installation.
@ A lso, make sure that the vent tu be i s not pi nched
@ When the temperatu re drops, the capacity of the
batt ery will lowers and cause hard sta rting. In
such a case, sto re the motorcycle in a worm place.
(j) Front and' rear wheel spokes. @ Engine mounting bo lts and nuts.
® Rear cushion installation nuts. @ Rear brake pivot pipe and c lip.
® Rear brake pivot bo lt nut. @ Speedometer cable gearbox assembly nut.
@ Rear brake torque link latch clip and nut. @ Front and rear brake ad just nuts.
CD Steering stem nut and handl e installation nuts. @ Fro nt cushion upper bolts.
@ Front and rea r axle nuts. @ Fro nt cushio n lower bolts.
@ Front arm pivot bolts. @ Rear cushion in stallation nuts.
IJ) Rear fork pivot bolt nuts. @> Engine mounting bolts and nuts.
® Front brake torque link locking. nuts. @ Speedometer cable gearbox assembly nuts.
® Rear brake torque link latch clip and nut. @ Front and rear wheel spoke.
Figure 6 - 49. Daily inspec tion poin s c~ e'· s ce C50,
The following items of inspection should be per-
C50M, C65, C65Ml
formed as a matter of habit . (Fig. 5.50, 5.51)
CD Check for excessive loosenes or sway of the handle.
® Check for proper free play of the front brake
lever, 2-3cm {0.78-1 . 12 in) is normal.
@ Check for proper free play of the rear brake
pedal, 2-3cm {0.78-1.12 in) is normal.
@) Check clutch re lease operation.
@ Check for looseness and oil leaks in the front and
rear cushions.
@ Check the function of the headlamp, taillamp,
IJ) Check the horn for sound.
® Check operation of the turn in dicator.
Figure 6 - 50. ~o: • -s::ec ::- o c ··s o n right side !C50,
® Correct level and condition of the engine oi l cs:•.• Cc " C ' 5'.'
{Q 8t (1.7 u.s. pt) ).
• 1.4 Imp pt
@ Check for unusual e xha ust gas color.
@ Check fuel leve l.
C50, C50M : 3 .0 lit !6 .3 U.S. pt: 5.3 Imp ptl
C65. C65M : 4.5 lit !9.5 U.S. pt: 7 .5 Imp ptl
S50: 5.5 lit 111.6 U.S. pt: 9.7 Imp ptl
S65 : 6.5 lit I13.7 U.S. pt : 11.4 Imp ptl
:@ Fro nt tire air pressure.
No rmal. . .... 1.7kg/ cm 2 124.2 lb/ in 2l
For loaded condition or for high spe e d riding
. . . . .. 1.8kg/ cm 2 125.7 lb/ in2 l
~ Rear ti re ai r pressure.
orma l. . .... 2.1 kg/cm 2 130 lb/ in 2 l
For loaded co ndition or for high speed driving
. ... .. 2.3kg/ cm 2 132.8 lb/ in 2 l
--::e=-io - ::-:: :e- ·=· ;; ;.·::_- ::e performed in accordance with the = ::
DistanceM Km
~ es
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 I
(620) {1,240 )1(1 ,860) (2,480) (3, 100) {3,720) {4,340) {4,960
·· ~ ---.
. ..,. . . -.. •
... 1_.. ,. --·· ~
1 •
--· -- ~ ·· •
- -~-·
Adjust cam chain ·-··--·· ___ __ ........ , I .. 1 -
-~~;~~;--~-~-~-;~~-- .. r·------- ~------ . ·--·1··---·· ...1 ·--··--- ~·-··-·-·- - -l-·-· - - . ~ ---······~·······--- -·. I • I I I •
,-----·--·--- ~-- ..·--·-· ..··r·····-....... 1.. . . . .-.-· r ..------···-····-········---. --.. -·-······..·- ····------,----. .. · ,···---· ·----~ -··-··· ·--~·-······-·
.............. -
,.. . I I
I • ... J
l e
--~~r;;ci ..
C lean muffler
iight~-~~-~ - ~i ... ~u·i~--
.. I I .. r·.. I • I
a-;;d ·--- -..-... ..--..-----T.... ____...,_____....____
·-- ~ - r_ . _ _ I ... I .• I ·1 • I I I•
r ---·------·1-.... ...- .... -...-- __, ____ ... 1_.. ________ 1_______ ..____.. _.. ______ \..... ·-
lnsp-~~; -~~~~~~~;~~~ - r·. ·····r----··-- 1 - - --··r -• r ··---.. 1· T---. .... 1 .. ---- , -- - I• ~ -- - --- -· -··- -· ···-·
- ~~~:e~j~~~~i;:·-h·~;~- ~~d··· ··- . ··----···l...... ___.... r ·-·--· ·-·---~ -- - --····---· - ..-....... ----··---....-.. l-........ ...1....• .. -., I •
7.1 ENGINE 103
It is most important that the cause o any trouble be located as soon as pcSSI:::·e ~d ' he o·ooer corrective
action t aken so that the serviceable li'e of t he engine will be extended.
In the following table ore listed the troub les, probable causes and t he corredi e :::::-·:::-s..
Engine will not continue 1. Clogged fuel cock. Clean and inspect.
running. 2. Plugged vent hole in fuel tank cap.
3. Improper tappet clearance.
4. The carburetor to intake manifold con-
necting tube damaged or leaking air
at th e jo i nts.
5. Improper o il level
Excessive smoke at high 1. Oil being pumped into the combustion By diagnosing the noise, rebo re
engine speed. (oi l pump- chamber due to excessiv ely worn or a d, e>r replace the pa rts as requi red.
ing condition) damaged cyl inder, piston, rings a nd
burned during combustion .
Noise produced near the 1. Worn piston and cylinder I . Inspect and rebore cylinder and
top of t he engi ne The clearance between the piston and replace worn parts.
cylind er is increased ca using the pisto n 2 . Replace connecti ng rod, large
skirt to slap agai nst cylinder wall during end bearing and crank pin.
combustion. 3. Adj ust to proper specification.
2. Wo rn connecting rod large end pro -
duces knocking
3. Tapp et noise
Engine suddenly stalls 1. Clogg ed fuel coc 1. Disconnect the fuel line and
while running 2. Fuel passage · ~ ine carbureto r clogged check the fuel flow
3. Dirty spa r o'.:;s ~eavy carbon deposit 5. If the fu el is b lown, t he pi lots
or we pi g lamps will not light up
4. Ignitio n (-·-~ ~~' of adjustment
5. Blow- =~se
Oil becomes emulsified 1. 2 . Use genuine Honda Ult ra O il or
2. equivalent o ils
(especially during wi nter) 3. -·:::;;.ro--=
- ... --=
.............. . . l"' ........... !Caution)
The o il, even though cl ean in
a ppeara nce, may decompose due to
exte nded use and becom e thin, re-
su lting in loss of lub ri cating propert ies.
Shoul d be replaced.
lncreased f e l c - -p- I. Clogg ed a ir clea - e I. Cl ean ai r cleaner element
tio n. C " 0 ·on : 2 . Distributor point gap out of ad·us - 2. Adjust gap cl earance, rework or
~· G) Low exhaust noise, men!, dirty, burnt replace burnt po ints
low back pressure at 3. Excess accumulation of carbon in cylin- 4 . If ignition timing is reta rded, the
muffl er der exhaust po rt o r i nside muffler. distributor points w ill o pen after
® Low co mpressio n 4 . Ignitio n timing retarded the timing mark " F" has b een
noticeable when kick 5. Worn cyl inder, pist on, piston ring . passed.
·starting. Ad just to proper setting
Insuffici ent engine rpm . 1. Fu el passag e clogged 1. W hen the fuel passag e in clog-
2. Defective spark p lug (fo uled) ges, the spa rk p lugs wi ll b e dry.
3. Clogg ed muffler 4. If the a ir cleaner is clogg ed,
4 . Clo gged a ir cleaner engine wi ll not develo p high
l. 5. Ignitio n t iming o ut of adjustment . RPM a nd the exhaust smoke
beco mes dark. Clean the a ir
filter element periodical ly.
Dist ributo r po ints bu rnt I. Poi nts cover ed wi th oi l Test condenser by met hod d esc ribed
2 . Improp er i gnitio n timing below.
3 . Defective condense r
4. Cond enser i n poor conditio n
- ·:::~::: e
I :>:ocable cause C o rec--'le ac ion
L L Co~:crr.-~a:ed
• Poor idling
• Poor performance i n
a. ::e-:: ;;
se-::;; --e
= :: D and d"sas-
::-a-ber 15651.
~ -~-
all speed
valve sea- ·s-o.e a·
cy b low-
• Excessive fuel ing with cc:-oressed a·r or by
consumption unscr ewing e al ve sea, and
• Hard starting
c. Reassemble a fter cleaning in gas-
·L ow power output ·:
aline. ;
• Poor acceleration
2. Damaged valve or valve seat 2. Rep lace both the valve a nd valve
I seat with new parts.
Float valve
Throttle a e
Slow je
Float cna-.:e-
Pr obable cause
I Cor rective action
2. Poor idling (related 1. Air screw improper!-{ ad just ed 1. Turn the air screw lightly to full
symptom) close and check to see if the air
screw was properly adjusted.
• Poor performance at
Bock off 1 U ± Ys
turn from
slow speed full close. 11 Yz
turn f or S65l.
• Poor speed transition Start the engine and turn the air
screw in both d irecti on not more
• Poor response to
than X( t urn I Yz
turn for S65l
throttle snapping and set at the point where the
• Poor performance at engi ne rpm is highest (smooth)
intermediate speed
- ,... ........ - ~
~:::.:1 s= ... e ~ oo.J.· o< o dius1ment 2. Bock off the thrott le stop screw
a ll the way and check for proper
oper ation of the throttle, turn
th e stop screw in until the proper
rpm is obtained.
3. Clogged slow jet !including p;lot je l 3. Unscrew the plug, remov e the
p'lot jet !slow jet for S65l, check
for any dirt, blow out w ith com-
pressed air if dirty. Remove the
slow jet and clean in the some
·- I manner.
Fi gure 7 - 3.
Adjusting the idling IC50, C50M, C65, C65Ml Figure 7- 4. Adjusting the id ling 1550, 565)
Slow jet
Pilot jet
5. Ha rd starting 1. Excessive use of choke 1. Start engine ··~ . "" cho e valve
2. Fuel overflow fully open cleo" spar plug I
3. Fuel cock in closed position 2. So me co · rec· .e oc' ion as 1
abo e
3. Open ~ e c~-
4. Bent rear fork 5. Repair '
5. Bent front ax le 6. Repai r
6. Loose component in steering system
7. FRAME 109
2. Clutch w ill not 1. Excessively worn clutch fric tion disc 1. Repair or · e:: :::e
disengage 2. Improper adjustment I 2. Adj ust to prope speci 1ca ion
3. Clutch out of 1. Warped clutch plate or friction disc l. Repair
adjustment 2. Uneven tension of clutch spring 2. M easur e tensi on a nd r epair o r
(engine stalls) replace
3. Gear jumps out of 1. Worn lug on counter sha ft second gear 1. Repa ir or rep lace
· engagement 2. Worn lug on main shaft secon d and 2 . Repa ir o r replace
third gear 3 . Replace
3. Worn o r bent shift fork 4. Replace
4. Broken or loss of tension of shift drum
stopper spring.
3. Suspension noise 1. C ushio n case ru bbing 1. Inspect cushion spring and case
2. In erf er ence between cushion case and 2. Repair
spring 3. Replace
j 3. Damaged cushi o n stopper rubber 4. Replace
I 4. Insuffici ent spri ng damper oi l
- C50 C50M
I C65, C65M --
::::r.::::- = ::•::· cycl e Honda 50 H onda 50 Honda 65
Hondo 65
-- --
- -- :; ~
Dimension, mm
Overall length 1795 170.67 i n.) 1795 170.67 in.) 1795 170.67 in.) 1756 169.13 i n.) 1764 169 .45 in.)
---- - ----
Overa ll width 640 125.19 i n.) 640 125.19 in.) 640 125. 19 in.l 610 124.02 i n.) 6 15 124.21 in.)
- -- - -
Ove rall height 975 138.4 i n.) 975 138.4 in.) 975 138.4 in.) 9 10 135 .83 in.) 9 13 135 .95 in.)
- - -- - - - -- -- -
Wheelbase 1185 146.65 in.) 1185 146.65 i n.) 1185 146.65 in.) 1150 145.28 in.) 1150 145.28 in.l
--- - - - -- - - -
Min . ground
130 15.12 in.) 130 15.12 in.) 130 15. 12 in.) 125 14 .92 in .) 125 14 .92 in.)
clearance -
- - - - - - -
We ight, kg
Weight, empty 69 1152 lbl 75.5 1166.6 lbl 73 [ 80] 1161, 174 1bl 77.5 1170 lbl 76.5 ll 68 1bl
- -- -- -
Empty weight 31.5 [ 33.5]
30 166.2 lbl 33 172.8 1bl 34 .0 175 1bl 33.5 73.5 .::;
distribution, front 169 .3, 73.6 lbl
Empty weig ht
4 1.5 ( 45.5]
I - - - --
39 186.1 lbl 42.5 193.8 lbl 43.5 195 .5 lbl 43 9.!.5::
distribution, rear 191.3, 100 lbl
- - - --
Fu ll load weight 55.5 ( 55.8] -3 .... - "5 ::>l
50.5 I 111.5 lbl 54 I 119.1 lbl 55 1121 lbl
distribution, front 1122, 123 lbl --
- -
Full load weight
73.5 1162.2 lbl 76.5 1169 lbl
127 .5 135]
132.5 1291 lbl ic ·;2 al
distribution, rea r 1280, 297 lbl
Max. speed 7 5 km/ h 147 mil e/ hi 7 5 km/ h 147 mph) 85 km/ h 153 mph) 90 km/ h 156 mo- 3.5 ~-- h 53 mph)
- - --
Acceleration fr om · .:.3 Sec
12.7 Sec.
dead start: 0-200m
Accelera tion from
dead start: 0- 400m - -
-- --
Max. 5m I 16.5ftl from Max. 7 m 123 ftl from '.'nx. 5m I 16.4ftl I rom
Stopping distance
20 km / h I 13.9 mph)
Same as left
35 km/ h 121.8 mphl
Same as - 20 <m, h I 12.4 mph I
90 km / g 85 km / g o;;& -
Fuel consumption : (228 mi/ U.S. ga l) (215 mi / U.S. gal) \ 2 10 mi /U' S. gal)
lkmf & mi/ U.S.Gal.l 254 mi/ lmp gal
Same as left
240 mi / lmp ga l
Se-e ::s - 252 mi / lmp gal
@ 25 km/ h I 15.6 mph) @30 km/ h I 18.7 mob @2~m /11JJ 5.5 mph l
Climing ability :
14° 14° 17 °30' -- =-- , 14 °
grade "- - -
Noise output during 35 kph 121.8 rrD - 35 !l~ 2' . rrohJ 35 kph 12 1.8 mphI / 70
driving : phon 67 phon, A waoe o3 pnor., A grace phon , max. A grade
N ote : ( J 1s for C65M.
__________, C50 C50M C65, C65M S65 S50
Noise output at
5400 rpm / 50 phon, 6000 rpm/ 60 phon,
rear of exhaust
A grade A grade
pipe: phon
Min. turning radius 1.80 m 170.8 in.) 1.80 m 170.8 in.) 1.80 m 170.8 in.) 1.96 m 177.17 in.J 1.7 4 m 168.50 in.)
Name and model C50E C50E C65E IC65El S65E S50E
I-:-H:-o-n-: - r----:;C:;-o-. -. - - - - - - - --
d_a_ :M-:-o-to l - - - - - ----1-- - - -- - - - Sa_m_e_ a_ s- le_f_t - - -
Manufacturer Ltd., Suzuka Fac'o-y Some as l eft Sa me as left Same as left
rng / cm 2 @1000 rpm 12kg / cm3 @1 OOOrpm 12kg/ cm 2 @1 OOOrpm 12kg/ cm 2 @ 1000rpm 12kg/cm2 @1 OOOrpm
Compression 2 2
( 170 lb/ in. ( 170 lb/ in. 2 ( 170 lb/ in. ( 170 l b/in. 2 I 170 lb/ in. 2
P_r_es_s_u r_e_'_ _ _ _ _,@1000 rpm) @1000 rpm) @1000 rpm! _ __ @ 1000 rpm) @ 1000 rpm)
Max. output 4.8 PS/ 10000 rpm 4.8 PS/ 10000 rpm 5.5P.S/9000 rpm 6.22 P.S/ 10000 rpm 5.2 P.S/ 10250 rpm
- - - --- ---- 1 ----~---
0.37 kg-m/ 8200 rpm 0.37 kg- m/ 8200 rpm 0.46 kg-m / 7000 rpm 0.485 kg-m/ 8500 rpm 0.38 kg-m / 9000 rpm
Max. torque 12.7 ft-lb/ 8200 rpm) 12.7 ft-lb/ 8200 rpm) 13.32ft-lb / 7000 rpm) 13.47 ft-lb/8500 rpm) 12.75ft-lb/9000 rpm)
M in. fuel consu,;;p:-1 250 / PS-h/ 8200 r m 250 g/ PS-h/ 8200 rpm 250g/ P.S-h/ 7000 rpm 250g/ P.S-h/ 7 500 rpm 250g/ P.S-h / 8000 rpm
t1on at max. load g p
451 £ X371wX288h
13551 432£ X 348w X 331h 432£ X 348w X 366h
Dimension mm 451 £ X 355w X 291h 451£ X 371wX29 1h
I 17.8 X 14.6 X 11 .31 I 17.0 X 13.7 X 13.01 I 17.0 X 13.7 X 14.4)
T a tal weight 18 kg 139 .61bl
18 kg (39.6 161 21.2 kg 1251bl_ _ l3..!.2_1_46.61bl) 17.9 kg 139 .41b) 18 kg 139 .61bl
- --------- - ------1
Installation and On frame cente r
Same as left Same as l eft Same as left Same as left
method bolted from bottom
- - - - - ---------
Kick starter, Kick starter
Starting method Ki ck starter Kick starter Kick starter
_ __ starting motor . J clso starting motor)
Fuel system
Carburetor No.
DP13N13 X 1 DP13N13 X 1 DP13N14 X 1 PW18 X 1 PW17X1
and type
Keihin Seiki, Keihin Seiki Keihin Seiki,
Manufacturer Keihin Seiki Same as l eft
Mikuni Kogyo __ __ _ Mikuni Kogyo
Air filter type Dry filter element Same as left Dry filt er element Same as left Some as left
- -- - - - ------ - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-.,--,-----=--,----
Manufacturer Tokyo Rok i Tokyo Roki To kyo Roki,
Tokyo Roki Tokyo Roki '
_ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ Tsuch-'- iy_a_ Se_i_sa_k_u_sh_o_ _T_s_u_c h_i.:..
ya_ S_e_is_a_ku_s-'-h_o
Fu el pump type
- ------;
~ (..,..
6.-=-3 u. s pt)- - - - (6.3 u. s pt) (9.5 u. s~ ) - -(13.7 u .s pt) ·
Fuel tank capacity 3 0" 30g 4 5g 65g 55 "11 ( 11.6 u .s pt\I
_ _ _____ ~ 5.3 Imp pt ~ ~ 3 Imp pt _ .:____ 7.9 Imp p t · _11.4 Imp pt · 9.7 Imp pt
Lubrication system
Lubricati ng method Pressure and splash Sa me as l eft Same as left Same as left Same as l eft
-- -- - ---------
Type pump Gear pump Gear pump Gear pump Gear pump Gear pump
- - - - - - - , - - - - --- - - -- -- --- --- - :- - - -
Screen and centri-
Type oi l fi lter Sa me as left Some as left Some a s left Some as left
fuga l filt er
Lubrication sy~e-;;;- ~ g- (1.7 U.S pt-) Same l eft_ _ _ ~ -8 g ( 1·7 U.S pt) Some as left Some as left
capaci ty 1.4 Imp pi as 1.4 Imp pt
8. S?EC/FICAT/0 S 713
:: ecr•ical system
3o•tery No. and G2H, MBC1-6, 1 each G 2H or M BC G 2H or MBC
,pe MBC1-6, 1 each MBQB- 6 , 1 each (MBQB- 6, 1 each ] 1-6, 1 each 1-6, 1 each
Type rectifier Selenium Same as left Selenium Same as left Same as left
--- --- - - --
M anufacturer Shin Denge n Kogyo Same as left Same as left
- - - - - -· - -
Power transmission
Primary reduction
method Gear Gear Gear Gea r Gear
Reduction ratio 3,722 3.722 3,300 3,300 3 ,300
- --;-- --,---- - - - - - - - -- --
Automatic wet A utomatic wet
Wet multiple disc Wet m<JI --p'e disc
Clutch type multiple disc Same as left multiple disc
type type
__ ___ _ _ _ _cen trifugal type _______ _ ce ntrifugal t~
C o nstant meshed Constant meshed
Type tran smission Same as l eft Same as left
_ g eo rs _____ ___ g eo rs;---,------,-..,-
Gear change . Left foot ope rated Same as left Left foo t operated Left foot operated . e- =::o· operated
method fore and aft for e and aft _: otary typ_e_______
---- ----- - - - -- - -
Oil capacity
- -- - - - --- -- 1------ -------- - - ---- --------
G ear ratio, 1st
3.364 3.364 3.364 30.00 :::.:::o
G ear ratio, 2~ _ . 1.65
1 722 1.722 1.722 17.65
Gear ratio, 3rd
1.190 1.190 1.190 13.00 13.00
_JJ_ear __
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gear rati o, 4th
C ha in and sprocket Same as l eft Chai n a nd sprocket Some as left
reduction method
Total gear ratio 12.4 112.41 ii ..! , ..• 12.2 112 .21
Steering system
Steering handle
turning rad ius
Steering hand le
2.! .~ ·- .
Coo, C65:ll
-- -- --·= -
--- - ---- 23.79~1
t::.J .....
I 850
605 mm 123.79 i n)
- - I- - - -
Caster 63° 63° - ~:: ~,J:-= 63°
Trail 75 mm 12.95 in .) 75-- - -- --- - -s ....., 2.95 in! 75 mm 12.95 i n)
Method of I
insto :lation I I I
8. PE qJRMANCE CU V E 11 5
E g i e Performa nce (C -
t/ I
I -
----- ~
0 f.- torque
<t - fil
~ I
7 0.3
I 400
I consump -
v ---
t--... lion
300 (gr I P.S.Hr )
- ( b)
X 103
4 6 8 9 10
Engine speed ( r.p.m)
0 20 40
Driving speed ( km/ Hr
I (T) _l
!.--- -; --- -
v """ 0 4
3 "' - torque
( Kg- m)
I -- - 1-- 0.3
I 400
I i
I - 300 Fue\
"-1--- ~
b consumption
- (gr/ P.S . H r )
2 I 1- 200
I 9 lO X 10 3
3 4 5 6 7 8
Engine speed( r.p.m)
8 40
ci. 6 30 ---------
Q) 5 Q)
4 20 - 0
Total gear reduction
Low : 35.00
s:::: 3 :~
._ 2 nd : 18. 95
l.J..J 0 To p : 12. 40
2 10 Effective tire redius
0.274 m ( 107.87in )
20 40 60 80 100
Driving speed (Km/ Hr)
B. = G =-:Jf ,...0 c:= 117
~ g- -e erformance (C 6 - '·
C/) I (T ) 0.5
...........-l----- 7 ~ :.t
"' I
1 ....
I .3
7 I ! I
1/ I
I t---
1--- I (b)
-- l..---'
JOX \03
200 (gr/ P.S.Hr)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Engine speed( r.p.m)
Running Performance (C 65 M)
lO X 10 3 I 2/d
'Y 7 /y
I /\ I /
7 17 1/ v 40
~ 6 I
) I
I 2nd /
7 Driving
30 force( k<;)
5 I VI
I I /
"""Top' To al ear r~ ·io
~ 4 20
I / Low : 35. 00
-~ 3 I I / 1-- 2nd : l . 95
c I / /-- r--... Top: l . .w
2 I I u V'
II/~~\\i\\\~ \,a\\ce o\\ a ~
I0 E' ec·i e ire radius
0.274 m ( 107.87in)
If' I ~es\~
20 40 60 80 100
Driving speed( km/Hr)
L ~
1- ---;:::::.-::- I J
v (T )
0. 4
I o. 3Shaft
~ torque
(Kg- m)
I' I 0. 2
I 400
1r ~
- ( b)
v 300 Fuel
(gr/ P .S.Hr)
I '
4 7 8 9 10 II X iQl
Engine speed( r.p. m)
8 40 ""'
7 t:
a> .E
6 30
a> ,__
s:::: 5
Total gear reduction
4 20
3rd Low 35. 48
3 2nd 20.87
3rd 15. 37
2 Top 12. 34
Effec tive tire
radius 0. 274 m 107.87in
~--~~==~40~--~G~'0-----8~0-----Iolo_j 0
Driving speed( km/ Hr)
8. E Gl E ERFORMA CE C , VE 779
E gi e Perfo rm a nce (S 65
I I I '/
I ( T)
0. 5
-- -- I
l,l..-- -......
............ I
I 0.3
- I
-- --- _..--
300 Fuel
(gr / P.S .Hr)
2 I
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II XJ 0 3
Engine speed( r.p.m)
2nd 3 rd Top
II X l0 3
I v
I / 50
Low / ; / /
/ I v
I v / 40
.....: 7
I I I /
Q) 6 I I / 30 Driving
/i-v- -
3 3rd : l·t 1
I1 / 10
Top :::.~
v v
//; ~ Effec i e •i e ra .
0 ~
0 I0 20
- -- 40
Driving speed( km/ Hr)
60 70 80 90 I :lO
0.27 • : 7.87in )
( U!S'6
~----- ---
-z~ L!')
ct E r--
~ 0
Q cY) <.0 c:::
...ct "<:!-
"--..-/ ----
z L!')
oo en
0 ..-!
..-! -
U!t' Z1) 1--- -- - ( u!V' 8 t ) ww SL6- - ---1
( U!Z'SZ )wwQv9
2 0
<1:: 0
z 2
~ ~~
.£ .~
<C 00 (Y)
""'" <.D
..1 E
z -
Q _........
- ~
g ~
= =
~ ~I - ~ ------1
~ tdt ·rlll11ll ; cctifier
Rear winker
s- lomp 6V8W
Speedome ter lamp I .5W
I f' )
~ I co
' en
( 1110 ) r:=l {ii .. )
I I•
I I@
I nl & stop lornp
oV I P/3W
( 11110 ) I I{ II~>• ).! :!!
V\' 111~nr 11•l11y ( ~
~lri1J ~,II)
~v<~r \\Iuker
'""h @
, !') lump (.\I,'W
Front winker lamp
1 0
W inker switch IR handle! tN ~All ~
Fuse 7A ~
Bk . ... Black l Gn .• . . light green lBu .••. l ight blue D/Br . . . . Dark brown
Bu . • •• Bule 0 • •.. Orange IBu • . . tube! Covered with blue empire tube
Bn. , . . Brown R ••.. Red 10 . .. tube I Covered w ith o range empire tube
Gr .... G ray W . . .. W hi te IR . . . line) W ith Red line
Gn . .Green Y . Ye llow IGn .. . line) W ith g ree n li ne
IR . . . Yl Red spiral on yellow IV . . tubel Wi th va rnish tube
IR . LGI Red spiral on ligh t green R Rear
R Fron t winker lamp
LG & R ~
LG n
I loud hgl't
I>V 2~,?SW
IY . .. tubal
Combi na tion switc h L _ __:======~ wllt~H I
0Jil ~
l IH1111 \\Ill~! q
/.VII ,y
..--- - ·--
: l ig htinq d 111111lt!l •,wd• II ollf•ltll)f l!l l(ll11
WIRING DIAGRAM (550 · 565)
~ ~~III II WlllkO r
. Yl ~
IIIII hllrlfl '-'W
4AD..L ~
switch IR handle) L Rea r w inker lamp 8W z
rron l Swil ching arrangement
Bu W I Go Bo
;z SE c, c, Hl
December, 1966
Copyright reserved
• . '