EDU723 PerformanceTask

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PHINMA University of Pangasinan

College of Education and Liberal Arts

Education Department
A.Y. 2024 - 2025

EDU 723 – Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

P3 Performance Task

1. Create one (1) strategy for any part of the lesson (i.e. review, motivation, lesson proper,
practice exercise, application, evaluation)
2. Include the learning competency, objectives, topic, references, technology integration,
general procedure of the activity, and remarks.
3. Use the template attached to this document in order to complete this performance task.

Criteria for Evaluation:

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs

Lesson objectives

The lesson objectives are clear, specific,

achievable, relevant, time-bound
(SMART) and specifies the audience,
degree, behavior and condition
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
They cover cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor domains.

One of the objectives is directly taken

from the K-12 curriculum with its
corresponding code.

(10 points)

Teaching Strategy

Teaching strategy title is creative and is

related to the lesson.

The activity is designed to involve

students and promote communication, 15 points 12 points 9 points 6 points
collaboration, creativity and critical

(15 points)


The lesson is supported with

technologies that enhance the teaching-
learning process.
20 points 16 points 12 points 8 points
The technology effectively supports the
learners’ achievement of the learning

The technology is carefully selected

with consideration to various
technology integration models,
principles and frameworks.
PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Education and Liberal Arts
Education Department
A.Y. 2024 - 2025

(20 points)


The instructional outline adheres to the

standard format Plan provided by the
teacher, complete with details including 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
from objectives to remarks.

(5 Points)

TOTAL 50 Points
PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Education and Liberal Arts
Education Department
A.Y. 2024 - 2025

EDU 723 – Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

P3 Performance Task

Grade/Subject English for Grade 9

Topic Creative Writing in Short Story
Learning The student should be able to show originality in creating their own story
Competency and to enhance their imaginative and creativity in their output.
Objectives • At the end of the lesson learners should be able to create their
own story.
• At the end of the lesson learners should be able to enjoy the
process of drawing and writing while using their imagination.
• At the end of the lesson learners should be able to present their
story and explain it confidently in front of their classmate.

Technology Canva- It has a different features that will help student make their output
Integration more presentable. You can make video presentation, Edit pictures, and it
also already have a ready to use good and catching aesthetic template. It
will utilized the strategy in a way of the teacher will introduce to the
student the canva and it's featured also to guide the student on how to
use it and to explore different template. It also challenge the students to
be more creative in using this technology it also it enhance their editing
skills using technologies.
Strategy Explore My World!
In this activity, the learners will show their skills in imagination and
creativity through drawing and writing stories of their own world. The
student will also enhance their speaking skills by sharing their drawing
and explaining it to their classmate. The students should deliver the
message clear and understandable. This activity will be conducted in the
application part of the lesson.
Procedure • The teacher will give a twist to student to enhance their creativity which
is they were edit it using canva
• Teacher will provide a template and criteria for students to use.
• Students will share to their classmate the world that they created.
• The deadline of their output will be on the next day.

• My consideration in selecting technologies is to find a useful technology that will help the
student in their creativity. Like the canva, we all know that canva is such a helpful when it
comes to editing because it has a lot of catching template and elements that we can use in
editing our output.
• The advantage of using canva is
1. Time Friendly
2. Easy to use and it already have a provided template
3. It also have a collaboration features wherein we can work together as a team in
creating a design in a way of we can give access to the team.
• The disadvantage of canva is
1. The users need to have a strong internet connection.
2. Free version of canva might have a few option of font and design.
3. Users need to pay premium version of canva to have a free access in all template,
font, design etc.
PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Education and Liberal Arts
Education Department
A.Y. 2024 - 2025

Prepared by:
De Vera, Samantha Nicole F.

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