Educ 511 Syllabus

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EDUC 511 Syllabus 2012 - 2013 Page 1

School of Education
Department of Advanced Studies

Masters of Arts in Education:
Digital Teaching And Learning

EDUC511: Foundations of Education Technology (1 unit)
Course Description
This course focuses on introducing and developing proficiency with the essential skills necessary for
the Master of Arts in Digital Teaching and Learning. Working in face-to-face, synchronous, and
asynchronous environments, students utilize a variety of applications and skills necessary for
competency in the program. The research process is introduced and begun in this class along with
each student's baseline assessment of his/her own technology skills and experiences. Students
explore philosophy of education foundations in order to articulate their own educational philosophy
and vision statements. This course must be taken in the first term of the program.

Credit Hour Policy
Following the APU Credit Hour policy, to meet the identified student learning outcomes of this
course, the expectations are that this one unit course, delivered over a nine-week term will
1 hours/week classroom or direct faculty instruction
0 hours/week laboratory work
0 hours/week internship
1 hours/week practica
0 hours/week studio work
1 hours/week online work
1 hours/week research
0 hours/week guided study
0 hours/week study abroad
0 hours/week other academic work
In addition, out of class student work will approximate a minimum of 0 hours each week.

Faculty Information
Jennifer Courduff, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Studies
Azusa West Campus, office 161
[email protected]
626.815.6000 ext. 5944

EDUC 511 Syllabus 2012 - 2013 Page 2
University Information
Azusa Pacific University is an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars
who seek to advance the work of God in the world through academic excellence in liberal
arts and professional programs of higher education that encourage students to develop a Christian
perspective on truth and life.

School of Education Learner Goals
1. Ethical professionals who are able to understand and articulate the integration of a Christian
worldview with their discipline in their communities of practice.
2. Responsive professionals who practice reflective critical thinking in their engagements
with diverse communities of learners.
3. Informed scholarly professionals who are dedicated to collaboration and lifelong learning.

Digital Teaching and Learning Program Mission Statement
The Master of Arts in Education: Digital Teaching and Learning program prepares teacher
candidates to effectively design and implement technology-embedded curriculum to meet the needs
of all K-20 digital learners.

Program Goals
Graduates of the Master of Arts in Education: Digital Teaching and Learning Program are more fully
competent users of technology in their own instructional practices as well as becoming leaders and
models for the use of technology impacting their school sites for effective uses of technology
throughout the school community.

Program Objectives
Students will have the opportunity to:
Demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.
Examine, explore, and articulate their role as a Christian educator.
Plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology
to maximize student learning.
Apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.
Understand the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology in
PreK-14 schools and apply that understanding in practice.
Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of
Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.

Vision Statement
To develop highly effective, innovative, visionary educators and scholarly practitioners of high
moral and ethical character based upon Christian values and principles. Our vision is grounded in
the four cornerstones that define the mission of Azusa Pacific University: Christ, Scholarship,
Community, and Service.

EDUC 511 Syllabus 2012 - 2013 Page 3
Student Outcomes and Expected Competencies:
Essential IDEA objective:
#1: Gaining factual knowledge terminology, classifications, methods, trends
Important IDEA objectives:
#2: Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories
#12: Acquiring an interest in learning more by asking questions and seeking answers

By the end of this course, students should be able to demonstrate mastery of the following learning
outcomes. The classroom assignments that the instructor will use to assess mastery are identified in
the table.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students
should be able to:
IDEA Objective Assignments Used to
Demonstrate a sound
understanding of technology
operations and concepts.

Gaining factual knowledge
terminology, classifications,
methods, trends
LiveBinder development
and maintenance

Academic Meeting with

Examine, explore, and articulate
their role as a Christian educator.

Acquiring an interest in learning
more by asking questions and
seeking answers

So What? Who Cares?
Education Technology
in the 21
Classroom paper

Plan and design effective learning
environments and experiences
supported by technology to
maximize student learning.

Acquiring an interest in learning
more by asking questions and
seeking answers
Final Digital

Academic Meeting with

Apply technology to facilitate a
variety of effective assessment
and evaluation strategies.

Learning fundamental principles,
generalizations, or theories
So What? Who Cares?
Education Technology
in the 21
Classroom paper

Understand the social, ethical,
legal and human issues
surrounding the use of
technology in PreK-14 schools
and apply that understanding in

Gaining factual knowledge
terminology, classifications,
methods, trends

Learning fundamental principles,
generalizations, or theories
Wordle Project
Use technology to support
learner-centered strategies that
address the diverse needs of
Acquiring an interest in learning
more by asking questions and
seeking answers
So What? Who Cares?
Education Technology
in the 21
Classroom paper

Final Digital
EDUC 511 Syllabus 2012 - 2013 Page 4
Course textbooks: none
Copyright Responsibilities:
Students and faculty are both authors and users of copyrighted materials. As a student you must
know the rights of both authors and users with respect to copyrighted works to ensure compliance. It
is equally important to be knowledgeable about legally permitted uses of copyrighted materials.
Information about copyright compliance, fair use and websites for downloading information legally
can be found at

Class participation:
Participation in course assignments will enable all students to benefit from knowledge, experiences,
and creative thought processes of each other. It is expected that all students read online articles and
explore online resources in preparation for successful completion of the Digital Teaching and
Learning program. Development of all assignments are expected to be thoughtful, academically and
spiritually sound, and constructive. It is also expected that students complete all projects and other
assignments before the end of the term.

This course focuses on the following ISTE National
Educational Technology Standards for Teachers: 1.a., 1.d., 3.a., 3.c., 4.a., 4.b., 4.c., 5.a., and 5.c. Go to for a detailed listing of these standards.

Course Activities:
To meet the goals and requirements of the course, students will have the opportunity to
establish and maintain a professional ePortfolio using LiveBinders

These activities / tasks are designed to be embedded in real, purposeful activities that can be
applied to professional work or goals. By sharing projects and ideas together, we benefit from
the unique perspectives and strengths of each other. Sharing our work in a professional
environment benefits our professional practice as well as personal insight and knowledge base.

Description of Projects
Projects are intended to provide opportunities for meaningful application of required text
reading, online articles, threaded discussion, and other daily professional experiences of class
participants. It is imperative that students make every attempt to develop projects with direct
relevance and application to current teaching/educational situations. If at any time you need
further clarification regarding any course project, or if you simply want to brainstorm a bit,
please feel free to contact me by e-mail or telephone. I welcome the opportunity to help you on
your journey!

All projects will be uploaded to your LiveBinders and emailed to your instructor.

EDUC 511 Syllabus 2012 - 2013 Page 5
LiveBinder creation
Sign up for LiveBinder
Click the Add button
Copy EDUC511 Binder to your shelf.
Click Edit Menu
Change the following: Title, Description, Binder Author Name, Access to Public Copy
Add pictures / graphics to your cover page - then click Update Binder Cover
Add the following tabs: EDUC511, EDUC512, EDUC514, EDUC515, EDUC522,
Add your So What? Who Cares? EdTech statement in the Descriptions box on the
cover page

Program Advisement
Contact your instructor to schedule an online Program Advisement session.
Add Program information to the EDUC511 tab in LiveBinder

Wordle assignment
Review the Cyber Safety and Professionalism tabs in Live Binder
Choose 15 key sentences that you believe are critical to technology-embedded
teaching and learning.
Go to and create a Wordle using all 15 sentences.
Paste your Wordle into a Word document. Include a 2-3 paragraph summary of key
points you discovered in that tab.
Send your completed document to your instructor via email. Remember to use the
following title protocol: EDUC511_Wordle_Lastname_Firstname
Add a link to the EDUC511 tab in LiveBinder

So what? Who cares? Education Technology in the 21st Century Classroom
In a Word document, please write a scholarly paper including the following
Describe your idea of an effective educator.
Describe a person who has inspired you. Why?
How do you measure student success?
How can faith impact your approach to working with students?
Why is technology important to teaching and learning?
What are YOUR learning goals for this degree?
What technology and/or apps do you want to learn more about?
What does this degree mean to you on a personal level?

Send your completed document to your instructor via email. Remember to use the
following title protocol: EDUC511_EdTechStatement_Lastname_Firstname
Add a link to this document in the EDUC511 tab in LiveBinder

Presentation (PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, other)
EDUC 511 Syllabus 2012 - 2013 Page 6
Review the State of Technology, Innovative Tech Preview, and Learning Resources
tabs in the EDUC511 Live Binder
Based on what you learned in each tab, provide three statements that summarize your
views/beliefs/values in education.
Create a presentation that includes the following:
Three summary statements (above)
Inspirational quote from an education technologist, philosopher, or theologian
Your personal learning goal from the program
Concluding statement
Be sure to include powerful images to your presentation
Send your completed document to your instructor via email. Remember to use the
following title protocol: EDUC511_FinalPresentation_Lastname_Firstname
Add a link to this document in the EDUC511 tab in LiveBinder.

Information Literacy and the Use of the Library
Use of APU libraries is not required for this course.
Information literacy is defined as a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when
information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed
information (American Library Association, 1989). In this course, teaching and learning
processes will employ the following information literacy standards, as endorsed by the
American Association for Higher Education (1999), the Association of College and Research
Libraries (2000), and the Council of Independent Colleges (2004). The students in this course
Determine the nature and extent of the information needed.
Access needed information effectively and efficiently.
Evaluate information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information
into his or her knowledge base and value system.
Individually or as a member of a group, use information effectively to accomplish a
specific purpose.
Understand many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of
information and accesses and uses information ethically and legally.

Grade Evaluation:
The activities / tasks are designed to assist students in moving to a level of proficiency
necessary to complete the remainder of the Master of Arts in Digital Teaching and Learning
coursework. All work must be completed by the end of the course as specified in the course
syllabus. Any work that is submitted after the final week of the term will receive a 10%
grade deduction per assignment. Project grades will be determined by thoughtful, successful
completion of the work. This includes meeting all of the requirements, submission of the work
on time, quality, and relevance of the work to students professional practice.

LiveBinder development and maintenance...................................................... 10 points
Advising Meeting with Instructor ........................................................................ 10 points
Wordle Project .............................................................................................................. 20 points
So What, Who Cares? Ed Tech Paper ................................................................... 30 points
Final Digital Presentation.......................................................................................... 30 points
Total Points: ...................................................................................................... 100 points
EDUC 511 Syllabus 2012 - 2013 Page 7
Academic Integrity:
The practice of academic integrity to ensure the quality of education is the responsibility of each
member of the educational community at Azusa Pacific University. It is the policy of the university
that academic work should represent the independent thought and activity of the individual student,
and work that is borrowed from another source without attribution or used in an unauthorized way
in an academic exercise is considered to be academic dishonesty that defrauds the work of others and
the educational system. Engaging in academic dishonesty in serious offense for which a student may
be disciplined or dismissed from a program. The full academic integrity policy is available in the
graduate catalog.

Student Support Services:
There are many available support services for graduate students including the Graduate Center,
Regional Centers, Libraries, Computer Center, Media Center, Writing Center, Counseling Center, and
International Center. See the Graduate Catalog for more details.

In addition to these there is the Learning Enrichment Center. Students in this course who have a
disability that might prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should meet with an
advisor in the Learning Enrichment Center as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and
discuss accommodations that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the successful
completion of course requirements.

Helpful Web Resources:
1 LiveBinder:
2 This site from the U.S. Department of Commerce has several links to resources and
tutorials on digital literacy.
3 claims to be the portal to Digital Literacy
Resources. Has articles on topics such as Cloud Computing in Education:
4 K-12 Open Courseware Resources:
PBS Teachers website contains varies links and resources on the use of digital media within
the classroom. http://www.Information, communication, and technological (ICT) literacies
provide the foundation for effective classroom technology integration. The knowledge,
skills and applications explored in this course prepare students to access, organize, and
communicate beyond the traditional classroom practices through the use of Web 2.0
technologies for more engaging instructional experiences.

Contact information:
1 Email: [email protected]
2 Skype: gamine64
3 Phone: (cell) 909-702-6461
4 Facebook: Educ Learning,

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