Think 4 SB WWWW -

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Discovering new species
Match the photos and the names.
Q ueen Alexandra's butterfly honeyeater
monitor lizard rainbow fish tree frog I river shark

2 Which of the creatures do you think are:

beautiful?, poisonous?, endangered?, dangerous?

3 c. Listen to someone giving a talk about

'discovering new species' in Papua New Guinea.
Which three creatures in the photos are

4 IT Listen again and answer the questions.

1 W h o does the speaker work for?

2 H ow many new species w ere found in Papua N ew
Guinea between 1998 and 2008?
3 W h y wasn't the honeyeater found earlier?
4 W h a t does the speaker say is the 'good news'?
5 She says: 'It's human beings who are doing it.1
Doing what?

Speaking persuasively
Human activity and the
1 C Listen again to the end of the talk. Complete
natural world
the text.
1 Read what the speaker says at the end of
'... and so these animals find it harder and harder to live. The
her talk. Then think about the questions.
1 ___ o f this will be more and more animals becoming
Make a note of your ideas.
extinct - and that’s a 2__________ thought. If w e 3___________
now, to stop habitats being destroyed, many animals will '... fo re sts a re b e in g tu r n e d in to fie ld s to g ro w
disappear and future generations will only see them in books. fo o d , a n d tre e s a re b e in g c u t d o w n to g e t w o o d ,
I think it's 4__________ for humans to find ways to live well and a n d riv e rs a re b e in g u s e d b y m o re a n d m o re
without harming other living creatures,5__________ ? b o a ts , a n d so these a n im a ls f in d it h a r d e r a n d
h a r d e r to liv e .'
2 In the extract from the text in Exercise 1, find:
1 Can you give any real life examples of what
1 adjectives and adverbs used to make a point strongly she's describing?
2 a question tag 2 W h a t other problems can human activity
3 a conditional clause to show urgency cause (not just problems for animals)?
3 Do you think there might be problems if
3 W rite two or three sentences from a speech where p eop le explore the d eep ocean? O r caves?
someone wants to persuade listeners that: W h a t kind of problems?
1 traffic has to be reduced in a town
2 SPEAKING W ork in pairs or small groups.
2 having a new supermarket in a town is a bad idea
3 a leisure centre is needed in a town 1 Use your notes from Exercise 1. Decide on
which question you are most interested in.
2 Together, prepare a two-minute presentation
Pronunciation entitled 'Human activity and the natural world'.

Linking: Intrusive /г/ 3 G ive your presentation to the class.

Go to page 121.


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