Travelling PDF
Travelling PDF
Travelling PDF
Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1 Where are the places in the photos?
2 Which would you most like to explore? Why?
2.1 The jungle bu g 1
Grammar Present Perfect Simple and Continuous
Can do talk in detail about your experiences
Work in pairs and discuss the
1 Look at the photos and
read the title of the article.
Where is this place and
what do you think it’s like?
2 Which things do you think
you would find difficult in
the jungle?
3 Which things would you
most like to do when you
return to ‘civilisation’ after a
jungle expedition?
1 I went/have been to the Brazilian rainforest b 1.11 Listen and check the
in 2009. pronunciation. Then repeat the sentences/
2 She bought/has bought her plane tickets already. exchanges in pairs.
I saw them on her desk.
3 I have visited/have been visiting friends in Italy Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer
three times this year. the questions from exercise 7. Ask each
4 What did you do/have you been doing since other questions to find out more information.
I last spoke to you? A: Have you ever been to a jungle?
5 Did you see/Have you seen Jack this morning? B: Yes, I have, actually.
6 I’m learning Spanish at the moment. I A: Oh really? Where did you go?
have started/started classes three months ago.
B: I went to an amazing jungle area in the
7 I have been going/went to the same holiday
north-east part of Australia.
resort every year since 2005.
8 I played games on my phone while
I have been waiting/was waiting for the plane.
Vocabulary d e scrib in g situ a tio n s and
m Read the Lifelong learning box. Then look at the
pairs of w ords/phrases below. From each pair, say
fe e lin g s
how you might decide which word/phrase in each
GO a Find the adjectives from the box below in the pair to use.
article on page 22. Work in pairs and discuss what
you think they mean. Use the sentences around interesting/fascinating difficult/daunting
the word to help you. to fall/to plummet
get used to/become accustomed to
f fascinating daunting challenging petrifying
annoying disgusting inspiring worrying
Choosing vocabulary
b All the adjectives from the box describe
Some w ords/phrases have very sim ilar CD5
situations. How can you change the endings to make
meanings to each other. When we choose O
adjectives to describe feelings? Give examples.
which word to use, we need to think about
why we are choosing that particular
a Complete the dialogue with the most
word/phrase, depending o n ... CD
appropriate adjective from exercises 10a and 10b. P
1 general or precise meaning.
A: Have you ever been camping? U
2 strength of meaning. H1
B: Yes, and I hated it! I spent a week camping once
and every night I was (1)_______ because it was 3 exact context and connotation.
so dark and I kept hearing animals. I even found 4 more formal or informal situations.
putting up my tent quite (2)_______ . It’s quite While I was running for the bus, I fe ll and hurt
old and some of the bits were missing. my knee, {plummeted isn’t usually used from
A: Are you scared of heights? such a low height.)
B: No, I’m not. I like being high up. I went up in a Profits plummeted last year from £50 million
small aeroplane a few years ago. I was a little to £10 million, {fall isn’t strong/dramatic
(3)_______ , but I found it really (4)________ . enough here.)
might even go parachuting one day.
A: How do you feel about eating food you’ve never
tried before?
B: I’m not keen on eating meat I’ve never tried
before. A friend of mine made me try snails EE) a 1.1a Listen to part of a radio interview with
recently. I was (5)_______ with him because he Oliver, who has been w orking/studying abroad.
said they were bits of chicken. When I found out, Which situation (1-5) is he talking about?
was nearly sick! They were really (6)________! 1 working in a monkey sanctuary for three months
A: How would you feel about a job that involved 2 studying English for six months
working with animals?
3 helping in a school in a village for six weeks
B: I’ve just spent the summer working at a monkey
4 learning how to cook with a family for eight weeks
sanctuary. You might not think monkeys are very
5 researching climate change for two months
interesting but they’re (7)_______ when you get
to know them. Some things were difficult - like b Listen again and answer the questions (1-5).
catching them to give them medicine was pretty 1 Where has he been living?
(8)_______ , but it was all very rewarding. 2 What has he been doing?
3 How does he feel about leaving?
4 What is he most looking forward to about going
5 What does he think he’ll miss about the place?
eastern H im a la y a s. V isito rs m ay
Reading' be surprised how m uch culture,
tradition and nature are all
a Work in pairs. Look at the photo. Where do you think this place is?
flo u rish in g in this very private
What do you think it’s like? Do you think a lot of tourists go there?
country. T h e Bhutanese believe that
W hy/W hy not?
all form s o f life, h u m an and non
b Read the website extract quickly and check your ideas.
hu m an , are precious and sacred.
Because o f this attitude, they live
Read the website extract again. Then summarise the ...
in harm o ny w ith nature and their
• important beliefs of the Bhutanese people
environm ent rem ains pristine, w ith
• nature in Bhutan
an astonishing variety o f anim als,
• tourism in Bhutan.
birds and plants. T h e people live in
harm o ny w ith each other too, w ith
Vocabulary I w eather no d iscrim in a tio n o f any k in d .
1.13 Listen and decide which of these questions each of the three
In order to safeguard this rich
people are talking about.
natural environm ent and peaceful
1 What’s the weather like in your country?
culture, B hutan has adopted a
2 What’s your favourite type of weather?
cautious and controlled approach
to tourism . In 2008, there were
a Look at audioscript 1.13 on page 163. Write the underlined words in
the correct category in the list below. fewer than 21,000 tourists and this
cold cool sky clear • windy num ber is not expected to increase
rain pours warm/hot • weather in general greatly. N o independent travellers
are perm itted in B hutan; all tourists
b Work in pairs. Check you know the meanings of the words. Decide
m ust go on a pre-planned, prepaid,
if each word is a noun, adjective or verb, e.g. breeze = noun. Find out
what other forms there are, e.g. breeze (n), breezy (adj). guided, package tour. H ow ever, if
you m ake the effort and m anage to
Work in pairs and discuss the questions. get a visa and arrange a trip, you
1 How would you describe the weather in your area/country? w ill certainly have a life -ch a n g in g
2 How would you like the weather where you live to be different? experience in this ma k in g d om.
3 How do you think this would improve your life?
4 Does the weather affect your mood? In what ways?
Listen again and complete the notes.
Pronunciation connected
sp e e ch : lin k in g so u n d s
a We sometimes add sounds to link
words that end in a vowel sound with WHEN T o Go
words that begin with a vowel sound. Spring <?vve fUe b e sf S€<*SOV\S fo go.
Listen to the sentences (1-3). Which Dov\'V go iv\ w iv \fe v b ecause ( 1 ) _____________ .
sound can you hear between each pair of go iv\ suvnwvev b e c a u s e (2)__________ .
words which are linked: /w /, / j / or / r / ?
1 The summens generally hot. *TVeVVlv\g is -P^vvf^sHc - <?U*\<?\.Z.iv\g views o\ lof o-P
2 Youare often quite uncomfortable. <^i-P-Pevev\f (3)___________ .
3 The skyTs clear.
b 1-14 Listen and check. Then repeat Dov/f -Povgef fo HnUe: v<tuv\ ge<?\v goo<A (4)___________•
in pairs. ^ISO, -Pov H \e SUV\: c\ <a\\A (5)__________ .
D<3V\'f bving (6)__________ Ov (7)__________ -Per fveW mg flf^S
Listening <?01 pvovi<Ae<A).
a If you went on holiday to Bhutan,
Ov\e O-P VUe uW iv\ iv\gve<Aiev\fs is (8)___________ .
what would you like to know about in
advance, e.g. the weather? FESTIVALS
TWe m<?viv\ ve<?\SOV\ -Pov -PesHv^ls is -Pov people fo (9)
b 1-15
Listen to a question-and-
answer session with an expert on FLAGS
Bhutan and some people who are T k e ve^sov\ -Pov fU e -Pl<*gs is -Pov people fo (10 )__
considering a trip there. Number the
topics (a-f) in the order you hear them.
a special events/festivals □
b the ideal time of year to visit □ Work in sm all groups and discuss the questions.
c food □ 1 Would you like to go to a remote place like Bhutan?
d what to do there □ Why/Why not?
e what to take □ 2 Would you like to go on the organised trekking trips
f organised trips □ described in the listening? Why/Why not?
3 Have you been to any festivals or celebrations in your
country or abroad which you particularly enjoyed? Give
Grammar I q u e stio n s Speaking
CD Complete the questions (1-9) in the Active m Complete the How to... box with the headings
grammar box and then check your answers with below.
audioscript 1.15 on page 163. • Give details of personal experience
• Add extra information to illustrate further what
you mean
Active grammar
• Use different words to make your description
Direct questions more precise
There are two main types of direct questions:
A Yes/No questions
(1) to carry all our equipment?
(2) ______ provide a guide? You can make your speaking more specific and
sophisticated by adding details in different
B Wh- questions ways.
(3) What activities ? A
(4) When the best time to go? There is a lot of snow in winter, which can make
travelling difficult.
Subject questions are used when the
You will need an assortment of clothes,
question word (e.g. who) refers to the
including good walking boots.
subject of the sentence.
When a wh- word replaces the subject in a B
question, we do not use the auxiliary verb. It’s hot in the summer, sometimes really
(5) Who with the trekking group? scorching.
It can get cool, actually pretty chilly.
Indirect questions
Use indirect questions when you want to be
polite (e.g. when you don’t know someone). In my experience, the best seasons to visit are
Use the word order of positive statements. spring and autumn.
Use if or whether for indirect Yes/No questions. I'd also recommend warm clothes for the
(6) Can you tell me what_______ ? evenings.
5 Do you know _
6 I’d like to know
K> On the move
Grammar modifying comparatives
Can do express opinions about places and make comparisons
G r a m m a r I m o d ifyin g co m p aratives
Active grammar
A _______________________
1 far, much, a lot + comparative adjective/
2 by far, easily + superlative adjective/
adverb Speaking
3 not nearly as + adjective/adverb + as
( j | a 1 1»« Listen to the dialogue and decide which
B _______________________
topics (1-7) the people are discussing.
4 a little, a bit, slightly + comparative
adjective/adverb 1 Your hometown is by far the best place to live.
5 not quite as + adjective/adverb + as 2 Being near your family is much more important
6 nearly as + adjective/adverb + as than living in a warmer climate.
C _______________________ 3 When it comes to the weather - the warmer, the
7 (Just) as + adjective/adverb + as better.
4 Living abroad is much more interesting than
staying in your own country.
see Reference page 33 5 Integrating into a new culture is a lot easier than
most people think.
Complete the second sentence so that it means 6 Living abroad wouldn’t be nearly as good as
the same as the first. Use three or four words being on holiday there.
(including the word in brackets). 7 It’s far better to go on holiday to a place where
they speak your language.
Spain is much sunnier than Britain.
Britain isn't nearly as sunny as Spain, (nearly) b Listen again. Which phrases from the How to...
box do you hear?
1 I find learning foreign languages far more difficult
than my sister.
My sister learns foreign languages_______ than I
do. (much) How to... describe two things
2 I’d prefer to live somewhere that is a bit drier which change together
than this. When it comes to language, the more practice,
I’d prefer to live somewhere that isn’t _______ the better.
this, (quite) The more time you spend abroad, the easier
3 I certainly haven’t lived in a more expensive you’ 11 find integrating...
country than this. The more you explore a country, the more you
This country is _______ place I’ve lived in. (easily) find out about it ...
4 I’m a bit more adventurous now than I was ten The less you know about a country, the less
years ago.
prepared you are.
Ten years ago I w as_______ I am now. (slightly)
The more you practise the language, the less
worried you’ ll be about integrating...
5 I’ve never lived in a place nearly as good as this.
This is _______ place I’ve ever lived, (far)
6 My lifestyle in Canada now is no better or worse
than it was in England.
ED Work in sm all groups and discuss one of the
statements from exercise 9a.
My lifestyle here in Canada i s _______ it was in
England, (as)
I Vocabulary I Expressions with go
Match the underlined expressions with go with KM Choose the correct word in italics.
the definitions (a—j) . 1 When I’m abroad I always make/have a go at
1 They went to great lengths to make the party a speaking the language.
success. 2 We’re going awayI oat for the weekend. Could
2 We’re going away for two weeks to stay with my you look after our cat?
cousin. 3 Don’t worry. It goes without saying/talking that
3 There’s a lot of shouting next door. I wonder I’ll meet you at the airport.
what’s going on. 4 There’s something going down/on in the city
4 Which course have you decided to go for? centre. It’s full of people.
5 I totally trust Danielle. She would never 5 Although they argue a lot, they want to make/
go back on her word. have a go of their marriage.
6 He went down with terrible flu the day before his 6 I promise I won’t go back with/on what I’ve said.
interview. 7 Can you help with dinner please? I’ve been on/off
7 He’s decided to make a go of the new business the go all day.
for at least a year. 8 Your teacher can’t be here today. She’s gone off/
8 I’ve been on the go all day and I’m exhausted. down with a bad cold.
9 It goes without saving that we’ll support you. 9 I couldn’t decide which kitten to go away/for.
10 I’ve never been skiing before, but I want to They were all gorgeous.
have a go. 10 He went to great/long lengths to make sure he
was totally prepared for the interview.
a to happen
b to catch an illness
a Prepare to describe an experience using five of
c to take a lot of time and effort
the expressions from exercise l. Your experience
d to choose a particular thing could be true or you could make it up (you can
e to attempt to do something use the photos below to help you). You should
f to be clear without being said include one of the sentences below.
g to be very busy or working all the time I ’ve decided that I want a bit more adventure in
h to not do what you’ve promised or agreed my life.
i to make something (e.g. a business or a I ’ve always been fascinated by the idea.
marriage) successful
I've never considered m yself much of an explorer.
j to leave your home and go to another place for a
few days or weeks b Work in pairs and take turns to tell each other
about your experiences.
Work in pairs. Student A: don’t say if your experience is true
Student A: say one of the definitions in exercise l. or not.
A: attempt to do something
B: have a go