Fiel-Study-1-Learning-Ep-4 Sample

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Observation of Teaching-
Learning Actual School
FS 1

This episode provides opportunities for you to have a more in-depth look into the factors that
affect the development of a learner. Focus will be on the early experiences and characteristic of
the learners as described by the family and other significant others. You will also focus on how
teacher links with the community to maximize the learning and development of students

1. Urie Brofenbrenner’s bio-ecological model presents the learner within the context of layers
of relationship systems that make up the learner’s environment. The layers are:
Microsystem- Mesosystem – Exosystem – Macrosystem Chronsystem
includes the the connection the bigger – outermost – the element
structure such between the social system layer which of time,
as one’s structures in which includes includes patterns of
family, school, the the city cultural values, stability and
and microsystem government, customs, and pacing of the
neighborhood the workplace, laws child’s
and the mass everyday life.

The model helps the teacher investigate every aspect in the learner’s environment to
understand his behavior. The teacher’s important role is not to replace what is missing at
home (if any), but to work so that the school becomes an environment that welcomes and
nurture’s families. The works to create a partnership with the family and the community to
bring out the best in every learner.

2. Baumrind’s Parenting Styles

Parents are very firm with their children and expect unwavering and unquestioning
obedience. Rules are set by parents and misbehavior is met with withdrawal of
affection, physical punishment, and threats.

Parents are not firm or controlling. They have few expectations. May be warm and
caring but appear to be uninvolved and uninterested.

Parents are disengaged from children. Neither demanding nor responsive to children.
Provide no structure, supervision, support or guidance.
Parents achieve a good blend. They are firm yet loving. Have clear and reasonable
expectations and limits for their children. Treat children with respect and warmth.
Make children understand consequences of their behavior.

Children of:
Authoritarian Parents: are often unhappy, fearful, withdrawn, inhibited, hostile and
aggressive. They have low self-esteem and difficulty with peers.

Permissive parents: believe that their parents do not care for them. They are often
impulsive, aggressive and lack self-control; may they have low levels of independence
and responsibility.

Rejecting-neglecting Parents are found to be the least competent in their overall

functioning and adjustment.

Authoritative Parents: are socially competent, self-reliant, and have greater ability to
show self-control. They have higher self-esteem and are better adjusted.

-Based on child development by Santrock, 2004.

My Intended Learning Outcome:

At the end of this episode, I must be able to manifest knowledge on the influencing factors in the
homes environment that affect the students’ learning, and on effective strategies that build
relationships with parents/guardian and the wider community.

Task 4.1: Observing the Learners Community and Learning Environment.

Resource teacher:_Joicy N. Bacali___________ Teacher's Signature: ____________________
School name: _Caba National High School________
Grade year level: ___9_________ Subject Area: ____English________ Date: ____________

To realize your Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:
1. Select a learner (maybe someone recommended by your resource teacher or someone within
your neighborhood).
2. Interview the teacher about the learner's characteristics and the community.
3. Conduct a home visit to your selected learner’s residence.
4. Interview the parents about
a. the rules they implement at home concerning their child’s schooling before the pandemic
and during the pandemic
b. the learner’s activities and behavior while at home.
5. Write the Learner's Profile.
6. Analyze your observation and interview data,
7. Reflect on your observation experience.

An Observation/Interview Guide for Home-school link

(Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.)
Read the following carefully before you begin to observe/interview. Then write your
observation report on the space provided.
The Learner:
l. Make a general observation of the learner. Describe in each of the domains of physical-
body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight), level of physical activity
(fast, slow, lethargic, active, etc.), social-interaction with teachers and classmates
(loner, shy, sociable, friendly, gets into fights, liked by others, etc.)
 emotional moods, temperament, cries easily, loses temper, happy, shows
enthusiasm, excited, indifferent, etc.)
 Social interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, sociable, friendly, gets
into fights, liked by others, etc.)
 Emotional moods, (temperaments, cries easily, loses temper, happy, shows
enthusiasm, excited, indifferent, etc.)
 cognitive (appears to understand lessons, copes with the lessons, excels, lags
behind, shows reasoning skills, turns in assignments and requirements, etc.)

Interview the Teacher:

l. What are the most noticeable characteristics Of the learner? (emotional disposition,
behavior and discipline, sense of responsibility, study habits, academic performance,
relationship with peers, relationship with adults, social adjustment)
2. How does the teacher communicate with the parents? How Often? What do they
discuss? How do they decide of the best course Of action to resolve issues or
3. How does the teacher utilize resources in the community to support the teaching-
learning process? How does the teacher work with the community to meet the needs of
the learners?
Interview with Parents:
l. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly, family
pictures in the living room, etc.)
2. Use the Interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which you
feel comfortable.

(Suggested) Parent interview guide

Name of Learner: Khylene Faith Nalula

Date of Birth: ______June 22,2002____ Age: _______15_______________
Grade/year level: _______Grade 9__________ Gender: ___Female____________
Number of siblings: ___4______________
Birth order: 4th

Mother: _____Dolores Chorhang_________________ Age: 53

Occupation: Farmer Educational attainment: _1st Year high school

Father: ___Normando Nalula______________ Age: 64

Occupation: Farmer Educational attainment: Elementary level

Learner's Physical Aspect:

1. Mother's Health during pregnancy with the learner:
 Healthy, and no any other disease
2. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child:
 she is healthy and she has no any disease.
3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:
 1 year old.
4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:
 she likes rice and breads.
5. Who took care of him/her as a child?
 Her mother and father took care of her.
Learner's Social Aspect:
1. Describe your child's sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner).
 She is outgoing and friendly.
2. Who were the learner's playmates?
 Her playmates are also her classmates.
3. As a child then, was he/she allowed to play outside? Yes
4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?
 Yes, provided that she will report them where will they go.
5. Do you have rules for him/ her to follow regarding going out?
 No but she has to be at home before 7.
6. What are these rules?
1. What are your expectations of your child?
 No expectation from her, provided that she will do her best in school.
2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?
 They can have a group study on their house.
3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to
meet his/her emotional needs?
 Sometimes yes and sometimes no. They just give her a piece of advice.
4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?
 They support her of what she has achieved.
How do you discipline your children?
l. Do you have rules in the house? What are they?
 The only rule is to go home early when the the learner went out with her friends.
2. How do you impose the rules?
 They start chatting her when it is already 7pm.

3. What are the consequences of breaking the rules?

 She cannot go out with her friends.

Learner's Cognitive Aspect:

l. What are the child's interests?
 She was interested on playing guitar and volleyball.
2. What is he/she good at in school?
 She is good in filipino subject. She likes filipino because the teacher can explain the
lesson well.
3. In what subject's does he/she have difficulty?
 She has a difficulty in science because there are terminologies that she can hardly

4. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?
 They ask from her teacher and friends about the learner. They give her extra
allowance for every achievement that the learner shows them.
5. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?
 No using of phones while reviewing.
6. What are these rules? How are they implemented?
 There are no other rules aside from no using phones while reviewing.

The Learner’s Development Profile

(After you have gathered all the necessary data, write the learner’s development profile using the outline

The Learners Development Profile

Name of the learner: Khylene Faith Nalula

School: Caba National High School
Date of Home visit: September 24,2024
Date of Birth: June 22,2002 Age: 15
Grade/year level: grade 9 Gender: Female

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 4
Birth Order: 4th
Mother: Dolores Chorhang
Occupation:.Farmer Educational attainment: 1st year high school

Father: Normando Nalula

Age: 64
Occupation:Farmer Educational attainment: Elementary level

Physical Development (In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner.
Combine the teacher's, parents' responses, and your own observations.)

 As for the response of the parents through interviews and my observations, the learner
comes out to be healthy from the pregnancy of the mother until she was born. Based on
her physical appearance, she seems to be physically fit to any activities.
There are no factors that may affect the physical appearance of the learner.

Social Development (In paragraph form, describe the social development of the learner. Combine
the teacher's, parents' responses, and your own observations.)

 Based from the social development of the learner, she is outgoing and friendly. She
plays with her classmates outside their house with the supervision of her parents.
Therefor, her social life is healthy.

Emotional Moral Development (In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of
the learner. Combine the teacher's, parents' responses, and your own observations.)

 She was not been forced of any expectations. Her family accepted her despite of what
she can and cannot achieve. Her parents were not strict to her but they always give her
Cognitive Development (In paragraph form, describe the development Of the learner. Combine the
teacher's, parents' responses, and your own observations.)

 She likes music and outdoor activities. She also participates actively inside the
classroom. She was always motivated by her parents.

Findings (Write here your salient findings the learner.)

 As for my observations, the learner is actively participating in all activities inside the
class during discussions. But was, feels bored during their science class.

Conclusions (Write your conclusions after you have analyzed the impact of the school and the home
on the learner's development. The questions in Your Analysis portion of this learning Episode can help

 The parent of the learner plays a role on managing the behavior of the learner while the
school serves the place the learner executes or withdraw those behaviors.

Recommendations (Write your recommendations.)

 For me, the learners’ parents should add more rules inside their house in order to
monitor her needs.

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer the
questions here.
1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by
the learner? Explain your answer.
I have learned that the parenting style experienced by the learner is not that strict but she was
guided by advices. As the result of the interview shows that she can go anywhere.
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do you
think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school?
For me, I think that the kind of family factors that can contribute to the development and over-
all adjustment of learner in school is the kind of family who has good relationship and supports
the needs of the learner emotionally and physically.
3. Does the communication between the home based have an effect on the learner? If yes, what
are these effects?
No, there is no effect because maybe of the peer factor or other that can influence the learner.

4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the development and learning
of the students? Who are the people or which institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice
regarding the development and learning of students?
The teacher can partner with the PTA so that they can talk together with other parents and
then they can address the issue. The teacher may also seek the advice of the PTA president or
any of the members during meeting.

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience? How
did it affect you?
The kind of parenting that I have experienced is very strict. I cannot play without finishing
my tasks or assignments. This type of parenting helped me to be serious
in life and my studies.
2. As a future teacher how would you establish a good home school
collaboration? How can you work well with the parents? How can you
help them? How can they help you?
As a future teacher, I would be getting in touch with them by contacting them to update
them about their child’s performance in school. They can help me on giving an information about
their child so that I will be able to identify what I can do to help her.

1.Make an artistic, colorful and creative visual expression of your

insights or feelings about the influence of the home and school and community to the learners.
Then write a few statements on the space below about your visual art.


The illustration shows the impact of home, school and community to the Childs’ learning
development. It first started at home then the community where he can meet new people which
may indirectly become a part of his learning and school where he will be thought.

1.Make a reflection acrostic about the home, school and community.

H- elping a child
O- f C-omposed L-eaving
M-aking good O-f people who helps and I- mportant and
M- ake learning happen and N-ew
M-utually helps in K-nowledge for the
U-nfolding the learners
S-eeking potential to
C-omprehension in N- ew oppurtunities that
I-gnite his passion
T-hrough his coming
Y-ears of success

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer

1. Which are most likely the kind of children raised by authoritarian parents?
I. Fearful
II. Inhibited
III. Hostile
IV. Withdrawn
A. I and II
B. I, II and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, III, and IV

2. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she behave in class?
A. Relates well to classmates.
B. Is suspicious of others.
C. Quarrels often with classmates
D. Has low level of independence?

3. Which parenting style/s contribute/s to the development of children who have low level of
A. Authoritarian
B. Authoritative
C. Permissive
D. Neglecting and permissive

Evaluation Tool for Episode 4 (Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment)
Intended Learning Outcome: At the end of this episode, I must be able to manifest knowledge
on the influencing factors in the homes environment that affect the students’ learning, and on
effective strategies that build relationships with parents/guardian and the wider community.

Name of FS Students _________________________________ Date Submitted: ____________

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were done One (1) or two (2) Three Four or more
Tasks/ with outstanding tasks not tasks/questions tasks/questions
Worksheets quality; work exceeds answered or were not were not
expectation accomplished accomplished/ accomplished/
answered answered
My Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered answered observation
answers are in depth completely; completely; questions were not
and are through answers are answers are not answered; answers
grounded on clearly connected clearly connected were not connected
theories; Fee from to theories; to theories; one (1) to theories; more
grammar and spelling grammar and to three (3) that four(4) errors in
errors spelling are free grammatical errors grammar and
from errors committed spelling.

My Reflection Reflection statements Reflection Reflection Reflection

are profound and statements are statements are statements are
clear, supported by clear, but not shallow; somewhat unclear and shallow
experiences during supported by supported by and are not
observation experiences from experiences from supported by
the episode and the observation experiences from
lacks depth the observation
My Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning context of the context of the context of the
outcomes; complete, learning learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
clear, well-organized, outcomes; complete, not not complete, not
highly relevant to the complete, clear, organized, relevant organized and not
learning outcome; all well-organized, to the learning relevant
supporting very relevant to outcome;
documentation are the learning supporting
located in sections outcome; most documentation are
clearly designated. supporting located in sections
documentation clearly designated.
are located in
sections clearly
Sub totals

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